“Telematics for the Property Insurance Market · Global Leader in Telematics for the Property...

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“Telematics for the Property Insurance Market”

Smart Home Sensors Enabling Customer Engagement and Reducing Property Claims & Losses

Global Leader in Telematics for the Property Insurance Market

Launched in Silicon Valley in

2014 by successful tech


Currently partnered with 30+

insurance companies around

the globe

300K+ Sensors in market in all

50 US states, Canada, Europe,

and Australia

Billions of new data points

provided to insurance

companies and their


Go-to-Market Strategy Home & Commercial Property Insurance Carriers

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Who we are#1 provider of home telematics solutions to the insurance industry…

Early Stage Investment Partners

Insurance carrier partners30+ P&C property carriers across all tiers….

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Key Insights• Roost solutions are compelling and work for carriers of all sizes

• This is as much about digital customer engagement as it is about loss mitigation for carriers

Where the industry has been

• Reactionary indemnification

• Communicate once or twice a year

• High loss costs 40-60% of premium

• Historic static data gathered outside the


How Roost is driving digital transformation for property insurance carriersThe shift has started…

Where the industry is going

• Proactive prevention

• Communicate often with policyholder

• Reduce loss costs

• Capture real-time data within the property to

support better risk selection & pricing

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Key Insights• The insurance industry is embracing sensor technology to help drive transformation

• Numerous new insurance carriers are bundling insurance policies with sensors

• Distribution of sensors to policyholders is becoming table-stakes in P&C insurance

Core value propositions:

• Customer engagement• Sensors enable a positive tangible experience• Compelling reason to download a mobile app• Verified email and mobile phone number• Transition from a paper to a digital relationship• Increased NPS, retention and brand affinity

• Claims cost mitigation• Reduce the cost of fire claims by faster

response to smoke alarm alerts & 911 action.• Eliminate the filing of water claims by early detection of

slow leaks • Helps transition to “prevention and protection”

• Data• Sensor and application data

Solution components:

• Cloud connected smart sensors

• White-label mobile app & services

• Data capture

• Turn-key deployment

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The Roost property telematics solutionSensors + branded mobile app + data + deployment program…

Key Insights• Policyholders 77% more likely to recommend their insurance company after receiving a Roost sensor

• Non-alerted water leak claims result in 3-4x higher loss cost than Roost alerted claim












The Roost Smart

Battery delivers

smoke alarm

notifications to your


Smart 9V battery – mitigating fire perilsFire loss mitigation and peace of mind…

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~ 40% of home fires occur when no one is home according to the National Fire Protection Association

Mitigation of preventable leaks

• Most water leaks originate in specific locations- Under sink, dishwasher, toilet, hot water heater, washer

• Freeze prevention – temperature sensor used to warn of freezing



• Wi-Fi device with easy set-up

• Audible as well as smart-phone notification

• Includes temperature and humidity sensors

- Measurements every 30 minutes

- Sensor data uploaded to Cloud every 24 hours at random time

• Leverages Roost app and notification service

• Cost-effective

• Powered by two AA batteries with battery lifespan of 3-5 years

Smart water leak & freeze sensorWater leak claim prevention/mitigation + proxy for occupancy…

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• 82 Million garages in the US

• Primary entrance to home for over 60%

• Puts your brand and logo in front of policyholders every day

• Customize notification frequency

• Schedule preset alerts

• Before bedtime

• Morning drive away

• Kids home from school

• Wi-Fi connected

• Leverages Roost’s mobile app

• “Branded” alerts to smart phone

• 2 years life with replaceable battery

• 5 minutes to install

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Smart garage door sensorPeace of mind & digital engagement with carrier brand…

Key Features:Large & relevant market opportunity

Always know if it’s open or closed

How it worksInstalls with existing homeowner Wi-Fi in minutes…

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“We would have lost everything if it weren’t for the Roost Smart


- Homeowner, Donna S.

Roost smart 9V battery saves upstate NY homeUnsolicited email from Roost user…

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• Objective: • Provide carriers with a white-label turn-key solution to offer policyholders a free carrier-branded mobile app with

one Roost smart home sensor for < $50

• Carrier benefits:• Capture policyholder verified email and mobile phone number

• “Real Estate” on policyholder’s phone with a branded mobile app

• New positive engagement with policyholder – improved brand exposure, brand affinity, NPS and customer experience

• Opportunity to mitigate or reduce fire and water leak claim costs

• Access to new data from inside the home

• Policyholder benefits: • Increase peace-of-mind at home through new “safety solutions”

• New positive perception of their carrier

• Solution detail:• One Roost smart sensor + white-labeled app + mobile app services

Roost’s approachSeed One Strategy

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Key InsightMost policyholders will not purchase Smart Water Leak/Freeze or Smart Smoke Alarms/sensors

Customer journey outreachAdoption & Installation ratesAverages across all Roost insurance partners

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Key Insights• Carriers are inexperienced and reluctant to digitally communicate with their policyholders

• Plan and execute two to three customer journeys during the Pilot Program

• Installation rates rise over time with education…a 50% install rate will yield a surprising ROI

Journey Adoption Rates Installation Rates

Claims Adjuster Very High Very High

In-home inspection High High

Call center 40-60% 40-60%

Agent 20-50% 40-60%

Email 6-15% 40-60%

USPS mail 6-8% 40-60%

User and Account Data

• Name

• Mobile number

• Email

• Home address

• Geo location

• Monitors• Multiple people can

receive the same

property alerts at the

same time

Identification Data

• Sensor name/location (user)

• Firmware version

• MAC address

• Router SSID

• Sensor serial number

• Wi-Fi Strength (app only)

• Alarm Mfg (user)

• Alarm Model (user)

• Alarm date of mfg.(user)

Sensor Data Reporting

• Sensor connection & deletion

• Low battery levels

• Smoke alarm detected

• Smoke alarm snooze (Battery only)

• Water leak alarm sounded

• High & low temp alarm on

• High & low humidity alarm on

• Climate Data readings (temp & humidity)

• Garage Open / Close

Roost data elementsAll data from sensors available to the insurance carrier every day…

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Roost is ISO 27001CertifiedInformation Security Management Gold Standard

Custom dashboard & .csv file (updated daily)Data from policyholders provided to you…

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You have an existing mobile app

Roost programs drive significantly higher

policyholder downloads of your mobile app

Two choices:

• Use Roost white-label app (included in program)

that links to your consumer portal

• Integrate Roost functionality into your existing

app (requires Roost SDK & IT integration project)

Access to policyholder relevant and engaging high

value 3rd party services

Carriers will experience significant increase in

mobile app downloads with Roost

You don’t have a mobile app

The Roost white-label carrier branded mobile

app is the digital engagement platform that

connects you to policyholders and agents

• Roost white-label app becomes your de-facto

mobile app for policyholder engagement

• Looks, acts, and feels like carrier mobile app

• You now have verified email and mobile phone

numbers for all participating policyholders

• Manages and monitors Roost devices

• Provides policyholders with link to carrier

consumer portal and high-value 3rd party services

Put your brand in front of your policyholders multiple times each month

The Roost white-label mobile appThe digital engagement connection to your policyholders…

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Insurance carrier white-label appYour brand & functionality + homeowner focused engagement services…

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Mobile app – core Roost functionalityWhite label Roost multi-function app for policyholders…

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Mobile app services todayMuch more than management & monitoring of Roost sensors…

App home screen

• Management & monitoring of Roost sensors and data

• Links to carrier self-service portal for policyholder services

• ID Card

• Pay-My-Bill


• Policy service

• Claim status

• Roadside Assistance

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Severe weather alerts

Hyper local notifications drive action

• 500 m2 or zip code granularity

User enables up to 2 locations

Severe weather event warnings

• Precipitation

• Hail, heavy rain, flash flood, heavy snow accumulation

• Wind, storms & wildfire

• High wind, thunderstorms, tornado, hurricane, tropical storms, wildfire warning

• Temperatures

• Freezing temps & high temp warnings

Property Services

• Water leak notification... app button

triggers “local plumber call back in less

than 90 seconds“ feature

• Quick link to 250,000 local area home &

property service providers in the US

• Proactive property prevention services

communication platform

Key Insight73% of policyholders interact with the Roost mobile app monthly, 34% weekly, 13% daily

Turn-key custom programRapid custom program development & sensor deployment…

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• Kick off session with core team

• Customize by segmentation target and outreach method

• Build customer journeys to optimize impact

• Roost can drive the engagement execution

• Marketing automation to drive opt-in

• Surveys – qualification and post ship.

• Direct shipment and fulfillment to policyholders

• Weekly meetings and Quarterly Business Reviews during initial 9-12 month program rollout period

• No IT resources required

90 day launch and deploymentProject task


(days) 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29

Kickoff 1 6/21/2018

Identify Customer Journeys (CJs) 7

Digital assets

Identify assets associated with CJ 5

Customize online CJ Assets 8

Edit and iterate for online assets 20

Implement & test marketing automation 20

Approval of marketting automation - 8/22

Marketing automation ready - 8/27

Print assets

Roost design custom package sleeve & QSG 7

Partner review of package sleeve & QSG 4

Approval of custom sleeve & QSG to print - 7/11

Partner design custom print welcome card 7

Roost review of welcome card & revisions 4

Printing of proof & delivery to partner - 7/11

Approval of welcome card to print - 7/18

Print assets are printed in China 21

Co-branded app

App customization 28

App testing & review 28

Approval of app - 9/12

App release to Apple / Google Play -


Pack and sea ship from China 42

Arrival of sea shipment - 9/17

Program launch - 9/24

September OctoberJune July August

Key Insights• Successful carriers iterate early and often to maximize success

• Plan 6 to 9 months to maximize customer journey effectiveness

Roost Homeowners Pilot ProgramWhat is included…

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Included in the Homeowners Pilot Program

• One Roost Water Leak/Freeze sensor

• Option for 2-pack with one Water Leak/Freeze sensor + one Smart Garage Door sensor or Smart 9V battery

• Carrier-branded mobile app customization and maintenance

• Carrier-branded packaging, quick start guide, and custom welcome card

• Data and data dashboard

• Development of customer journey

• Marketing automation tools

• Implementation management

• Manage inventory, pick, pack, ship, and track sensors to policyholders

• On-going customer support via text, e-mail, or telephone

Roost Homeowners Pilot Program PricingOne or Two sensors per property…

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$91,250(1,250 sensors)

$123,750(2,500 sensors)

$147,500(2,500 sensors)

$219,500(5,000 sensors)

Number of homes1 Water Leak/Freeze

sensor per home

1 Water Leak/Freeze

sensor + 1 Smart Garage

Door sensor or Smart 9V

battery per home


Roost US homeowner survey - February 2019Survey data & insights….

• Primary quantitative study of 1,252 Roost device customers that responded to survey▪ 10.4% response rate from 12,000 Roost users invited▪ Roost sensors installed – Water Leak/Freeze (857), Smart 9V Battery (632), Smart Garage Door/Other (159)▪ User activation period range

▪ (1) Water Leak/Freeze sensor – 1 year

▪ (1) Smart 9V Battery – 2 years

▪ Largest demographic – Male, 45 to 60 years old, $100K to $150K household income, 92% are homeowners

• Customer satisfaction & engagement insights▪ 77% more likely to recommend their insurance company after receiving Roost sensor▪ 86% believe that Roost is a valuable addition to their home▪ 85% believe that they have a greater sense of peace-of-mind▪ 52% have received a notification from Roost that helped them (avg. 2.5 alerts/user)▪ 73% interact with the mobile app at least monthly

▪ 34% at least weekly▪ 13% daily

▪ 87% were happy with installation of their Roost sensor▪ 84% were pleased with the Roost mobile app usage and functionality

▪ Loss mitigation insights▪ Compelling and eye-opening▪ 60% of homeowners that install a water leak sensor have had prior water leaks/claims in their home▪ One water leak and freeze sensor catches 50% of water leaks in a home▪ If a homeowner is alerted by their Roost sensor to a water leak they have a 90% lower claims frequency and 75% lower


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• Highest value/lowest cost, best ROI solution in market

- Program payback period typically under 12 months

- Increased policyholder peace-of-mind and satisfaction with their insurance carrier

- Real digital engagement that results in a much-improved customer experience for policyholders

• Solutions built exclusively for the P&C insurance industry and branded for the insurance carrier

• More than 25 insurance company partners around the globe, and growing

• Sustainable growth trajectory and R&D investment focus

• Over 100 years of combined insurance industry/insurtech experience on Roost team

• Single-minded focus on helping the insurance industry and their policyholders

Digital Transformation…Proactive Prevention…Value

Why Roost?Best combination of affordable loss mitigation & policyholder engagement…

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