“I AM” Affirmations - Connect to Your Light · “I AM” Affirmations to empower you to Create...

Post on 29-May-2020

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Transcript of “I AM” Affirmations - Connect to Your Light · “I AM” Affirmations to empower you to Create...

“I AM” Affirmations

to empower you to

Create Your Fabulous Life©


I AM Affirmation - #1

I AM already perfect, whole and complete.


I AM Affirmation - #2

I AM always held in the arms of the Divine.


I AM Affirmation - #3

I AM creating my life, moment by moment.


I AM Affirmation - #4

I AM always free to choose.


I AM Affirmation - #5

I AM responsible for my own life.


I AM Affirmation - #6

I AM beautiful and powerful.


I AM Affirmation - #7

I AM abundant, prosperous and generous.


I AM Affirmation - #8 I AM seeing everyone through the lens of Love.


I AM Affirmation - #9

I AM grateful for everything & everyone in my life.


I AM Affirmation - #10

I AM rewriting the stories that have held me in place for too long.

I AM Affirmation - #11 I AM always willing to learn something new.

I AM Affirmation - #12

I AM compassionate with myself and others.

I AM Affirmation - #13

I AM willing, able and ready to serve.


I AM Affirmation - #14

I AM strong, capable and intelligent.

I AM Affirmation - #15

I AM speaking my truth without fear of consequences.

I AM Affirmation - #16

I AM in constant communication with Spirit.

I AM Affirmation - #17

I AM aware that life is always happening FOR me!

I AM Affirmation - #18

I AM reaching beyond my comfort zone.

I AM Affirmation - #19

I AM willing to be vulnerable.

I AM Affirmation - #20

I AM choosing to make healthy choices for my mind, body and spirit.

I AM Affirmation - #21

I AM sharing my creativity in my own unique voice.

I AM Affirmation - #22

I AM free of my past and future as I live in this moment.


I AM Affirmation - #23 I AM a radiant beam of infinite possibilities.

I AM Affirmation - #24

I AM taking care of me so I can better care for others.


I AM Affirmation - #25

I AM creating healthy boundaries and honoring them daily.

I AM Affirmation - #26

I AM breathing and relaxing into my inner knowing.


I AM Affirmation - #27

I AM trusting my inner wisdom.


I AM Affirmation - #28

I AM empowered to make positive changes in my life.


I AM Affirmation - #29

I AM taking steps in the direction of my dreams.


I AM Affirmation - #30

I AM creating space in my life for change to take place.


I’m excited to share these I AM Affirmations with you. I encourage you to use them every day to empower yourself to Create Your Fabulous Life©. If you’re ready to leave your old money (health, career, relationship) stories behind and begin to create the fabulous life you want to live, send me an email at Pam@connecttoyourlight.com and we’ll schedule a 30 minute call to see if we’re a good fit to work together. To learn more about Create Your Fabulous Life© coaching visit my website: www.connecttoyourlife.com/create-your-fabulous-life/

Abundant blessings, Pam