“Constitution Man” -...

Post on 20-Oct-2019

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Transcript of “Constitution Man” -...

Constitution SuperheroesYour Job

Work alone or with a partner You will be assigned one of the following “superheroes”:

Federal Gov’t Man/Woman Executive Man- The President Judicial Man- Federal Courts

State Gov’t Man/Woman Executive Man- The Vice President Judicial Man- State Courts

Legislative Man- The Senate Executive Man- The Cabinet Judicial Process Man

Legislative Man- The House of Representatives (Each of these represents a part of our gov’t that has certain powers)

I will give you suggested websites for researching some questions about your part of the gov’t

o Use the computers to research the questions and neatly write your answers on the sheet I give you. You have my permission to copy word-for-word.

I will give you the 6-3 notes while you’re working so you can fill out your section

o When you’re done with your neatly-written research questions and your part of the 6-3 notes, show me that both are done and I’ll give you your Creating Your Superhero sheet

o Use your Creating Your Superhero checklist to sketch out your guy/girl on scrap paper. Then show me.

o Take poster paper and start working!

o Plan your brief presentation You will simply explain your poster (what does each feature on your superhero represent?)

o and help the class fill in your part of the 6-3 notes

On the due date you will hand in your completed research sheet(s), your poster, and your “Creating Your Superhero” sheet. On that sheet I need you to write where on your poster I can find each of the required items.

Your grade (same grade if partners, so choose wisely) Questions answered correctly & sources cited 10 points Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info 10 points Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand 8 points Use of class time 3 points Creativity in Superhero poster 3 points Overall effort 3 points Presentation 3

(know what you’re talking about; speak loudly & clearly; partners divide presentation evenly- don’t have 1 person hold poster & the other do all the talking)

Potential bonus points (up to 3)- Present your part of the 6-3 notes in a special way!

o Total points- 40

Creating Your Superhero-Federal Gov’t Man/Woman

Did you finish your research questions?

Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (not including the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right

knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

1. Title (“Federal Government Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.”)

The five Delegated Powers:

2. Coin money (make/print/create money)

3. Regulate commerce (control trade)

4. Declare War

5. Raise & maintain armed forces

6. Establish a post office

The three Shared Powers (for creativity &/or effort points, show that each of these powers is shared with the states)

7. Levy taxes (make people pay taxes)

8. Make & enforce laws

9. Borrow money

Your grade Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10 Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info _____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand _____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3

Name(s): ___________________________________

Overall effort _____/3 Presentation _____/3

Total _______/40 = _________%

Creating Your Superhero-State Gov’t Man/Woman

Did you finish your research questions?

Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (besides the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

1. Title (“State Government Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.”)

The 6 Powers:

2. Education of inhabitants

3. Implementation of Welfare (benefits programs)

4. Protecting people from local threats

5. Maintaining a justice system

6. Setting up local gov’ts

7. Maintaining state highways/administering local roads

The 3 Shared Powers (for creativity &/or effort points, show that each of these powers is shared with the federal gov’t )

8. Levy taxes (make people pay taxes)

9. Make & enforce laws

10. Borrow money

Your grade

Name(s): ___________________________________

Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10 Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info _____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand _____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3 Overall effort _____/3 Presentation


Total _______/40 = _________%

Creating Your Superhero-Legislative Man/Woman- The Senate

*Did you finish your research questions?

*Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (besides the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

1. Title (“Legislative Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.- The Senate”)


2. Enact legislation (pass laws) 9. Declare war

3. Investigate wrong-doing of other gov’t members 10. Regulate commerce (control trade) w/ foreign nations

4. Establish annual budget for the gov’t 11. Regulate commerce (control trade) among states

5. Set money’s value 12. Punish counterfeiting

6. Issue patents to inventors 13. Coin money (make/print/create money)

7. Issue copyrights to authors

8. Approve or reject people the President chooses for certain positions

14. There are 100 members

15. Choose 1 of the 3 qualifications (30 years old, U.S. citizen for 9 years, live in state where elected)

Name(s): ___________________________________

16. Vice President = President of the Senate

Your grade Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10

Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info _____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand

_____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3

Overall effort _____/3 Presentation _____/3

Total _______/40 = _________%

Creating Your Superhero-Legislative Man/Woman- The House of Representatives

*Did you finish your research questions?

*Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (besides the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

1. Title (“Legislative Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.- The House of Representatives”)


2. Enact legislation (pass laws) 10. Declare war

3. Establish annual budget for the gov’t 11. Impeach federal officials

4. Issue patents to inventors 12. Set money’s value

5. Issue copyrights to authors 13. Coin money

(make/print/create money)

6. Impeach federal officials 14. Punish


7. Regulate commerce (control trade) among states 15. Elect President if

Electoral College tie

Name(s): ___________________________________

8. Regulate commerce (control trade) w/ foreign nations 16. Initiate revenue bills

9. Approve or reject people the President chooses for certain positions

17. There are 435 members

18. Choose 1 of the 3 qualifications (25 years old, U.S. citizen for at least 7 years, resident of state where elected)

Your grade Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info _____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand _____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3

Overall effort _____/3 Presentation _____/3

Total _______/40 = _________%

Creating Your Superhero-Executive Man/Woman- The President

Did you finish your research questions?

Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (besides the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

1. Title (“Executive Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.- The President”)

2. Choose 1 of the 3 qualifications (35, natural born citizen, lived in U.S. 14



3. Sign laws

4. Veto laws

5. Grant pardons (ending a person’s sentence or conviction)

Name(s): ___________________________________


6. Serve as Head of Gov’t

7. Serve as Commander-In-Chief of Armed Forces

8. Enforce laws (make sure laws are followed)

9. Give Congress an annual State of the Union address (speech about how the US is doing, what needs to be


10.Conduct diplomacy with other nations (negotiating & handling issues without hostility)

Your grade Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10 Superhero

poster- shows all required powers/info _____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand _____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3

Overall effort _____/3 Presentation _____/3

Total _______/40 = _________%

Creating Your Superhero-Executive Man/Woman- The Vice President

Did you finish your research questions?

Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (besides the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

1. Title (“Executive Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.- The Vice President”)

2. Offices in West Wing of White House & Eisenhower Executive Office Building

Name(s): ___________________________________

3. Lives in mansion at U.S. Naval Observatory

4. He/she must be ready to take over the Presidency at any minute

5. President of the Senate

6. Votes in Senate if there’s a tie

7. Has a Secret Service Limo

8. Flies in same plane & helicopter as President, but they’re called “Air Force 2” and “Marine 2” when he is aboard (you can look up pictures of Air Force 1 and Marine 1 to see what they look like)

Your grade Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info

_____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand _____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3 Overall effort _____/3 Presentation _____/3 Total _______/40 = _________%

Creating Your Superhero-Executive Man/Woman- The Cabinet

Did you finish your research questions?

Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (besides the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

Name(s): ___________________________________

1. Title (“Executive Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.- The Cabinet”)

2. They advise the President

Includes Departments of:

3. Agriculture 11. Veterans’ Affairs

4. Commerce 12. Defense

5. Education 13.

6. Treasury 14. Health & Human Services

7. Justice 15. Housing & Urban Development

8. Labor 16. State

9. Transportation 17. Interior (conservation of land & resources)

10. Homeland Security (anti-terrorism, border security, cybersecurity, disaster prevention)

18. Includes the Vice President

Your grade Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10 Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info _____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand _____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3 Overall effort _____/3 Presentation _____/3

Total _______/40 = _________%

Creating Your Superhero-Judicial Man/Woman- Federal Courts

Did you finish your research questions?

Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (besides the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

1. Title (“Judicial Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.- Federal Courts”)

Name(s): ___________________________________

2. Includes Supreme Court & other federal courts

3. Supreme Court is highest court in the U.S.

4. Supreme Court has 9 justices

5. Supreme Court is a Court of Appeals

6. Members of federal courts are appointed by the President

Federal courts hear cases involving:

8. Constitutionality (determining if cases violate the Constitution)

9. Laws & treaties

10. Ambassadors & public ministers

11. Disputes between states

12. Admiralty Law (issues taking place on navigable waters)

Your grade Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10 Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info _____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand _____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3 Overall effort _____/3 Presentation _____/3

Total _______/40 = _________%

Creating Your Superhero-Judicial Man/Woman- State Courts

Did you finish your research questions?

Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (besides the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

1. Title (“Judicial Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.- State Courts”)

Name(s): ___________________________________

2. They interpret meaning of laws & apply laws to individual cases

Types of cases handled by state courts:

3. Probate (wills & estates)

4. Juvenile

5. Personal injuries

6. Marriage

7. Divorce

8. Adoptions

Your grade Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10 Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info _____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand _____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3 Overall effort _____/3 Presentation _____/3

Total _______/40 = _________%

Creating Your Superhero-Judicial Process Man/Woman

Did you finish your research questions?

Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (besides the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

1. Title (“Judicial Process Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.”)

2. Judicial process begins with an arrest

Name(s): ___________________________________

Protections people are guaranteed:

3. Life, liberty, & property

4. Can’t be tried for same crime twice

5. Trial by impartial jury

6. Can call witnesses in their defense

7. Entitled to a lawyer

8. Right to avoid self-incrimination

9. No cruel or unusual punishment

People found guilty can be sentenced to:

10. Prison time

11. A fine

12. Execution (in some states)

Your grade Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10 Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info _____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand _____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3 Overall effort _____/3 Presentation _____/3

Total _______/40 = _________%

Creating Your Superhero-State & Local Gov’t Man/Woman (SM)

Did you finish your research questions?

Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (besides the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

1. Title (“State & Local Government Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.”)

State & local gov’ts have to:

Name(s): ___________________________________

2. Set up schools

3. Make sure people are safe & healthy

4. Protect people from danger

5. Have courts

6. Take care of roads

7. Make people pay taxes

8. Make people follow the law

9. Borrow money

Your grade Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10 Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info _____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand _____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3 Overall effort _____/3

Presentation _____/3

Total _______/40 = _________%

Creating Your Superhero-Legislative Man/Woman (SM)

*Did you finish your research questions?

*Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (besides the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

1. Title (“Legislative Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.- The Senate”)

The legislative branch has the powers to:

Name(s): ___________________________________

2. Pass laws

3. Declare war

4. Print money & make coins

5. Punish people who try to use fake money

6. Control trade with other countries

7. Control trade between states

Your grade Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10

Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info _____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand _____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3Overall effort _____/3 Presentation _____/3

Total _______/40 = _________%

Creating Your Superhero-Executive Man/Woman (SM)

Did you finish your research questions?

Did you fill out your part of the 6-3 notes?

Use the list below as a checklist while you make your sketch of your superhero.

When you’re done with your final poster, make a note next to each item (besides the title) re: where I can find that power on your poster. (ie: “In her left hand,” “Top right corner of poster,” “Next to his right knee,” etc.)

What your Superhero Poster Needs to Include/Show:

1. Title (“Executive Man/Woman/Horse/Baby/etc.- The President”)

Name(s): ___________________________________

2. The Executive Branch includes the President, the Vice President, and their advisors

3. The President is the Head of our Government

The President has the powers to:

4. Sign laws

5. Veto laws (reject them)

6. Forgive people of their crimes

7. The President has to talk with other countries

8. The President is the leader of the Armed Forces

Your grade Questions answered correctly & sources cited _____/10 Superhero poster- shows all required powers/info _____/10 Superhero poster- neat, attractive, easy to see & understand _____/8 Use of class time _____/3 Creativity (poster) _____/3 Overall effort _____/3

Presentation _____/3

Total _______/40 = _________%