Any Type of Cancer Can Be Cured in Just 2-6 Weeks

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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8/18/2019 Any Type of Cancer Can Be Cured in Just 2-6 Weeks 1/17

11/26/2015 Any Type of Cancer Can be Cured in Just 2-6 Weeks


By Mr. X / 17/11/2015

Any Type of Cancer Can be Cured in Just 2-6 Weeks


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11/26/2015 Any Type of Cancer Can be Cured in Just 2-6 Weeks 2

“Cancer can be cured!” claims Dr. Leonard Coldwell. The video at the end of this article is very

important. Everybody should see it. Cancer can be cured! You can imagine the look of surprise o

my face when I first saw this. In fact, many of you out there must be feeling surprised right now.

My mother died of cancer just as I was finishing high school. That experience completely change

my life around. I got to know about it accidentally. Since that day, I had to literally watch my

mother draw closer and closer to her death. Quite frankly, the experience is not one I am willing

talk about.

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11/26/2015 Any Type of Cancer Can be Cured in Just 2-6 Weeks 3


But I can tell you this – it was very painful. I also know many of you out there have lost someone

from cancer – a friend, a family member, a child, a parent – the list just goes on and on. Cancer ca

attack anyone – you never know when you will be the next victim.

 Tumors can be treated. There’s a multi-trillion dollar industry for the Cance

 Treatment.I’ve heard this lot of times! But do you really trust that these medications will heal the tumor? My

father spent almost everything he had in order to pay for my mother’s medication. We did

everything we could possibly think of. Cancer is treated a long time. My mom was treated for an

extensive time too. But in the end, unfortunately, my mother succumbed to it.

A few days back I came acrossthis article

“Because of the terrible scheme, millio

of people died and thousands were onl

partly treated. Throughout our history

Food and Drug Administration have

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deliberately poisoned our people. Thos

companies will do anything to make

money. Please stand up.” – That’s what

the article claimed.

Imagine the thoughts that ranthrough my mind when I saw itSo I decided to have a look atthe article

One Dr.Leonard Coldwell has gone

through a lot more of the ‘cancer

experience’ that you or me. All seven

brothers and sisters of his mom suffere

from carcinoma. His father and grandm

died passed away due to cancer too. He

was there to witness how cancer slowl

drew his family members, son and even

grandson to their deaths. So I guess it’s

safe to say that he has gained experien

that a very few have had.

As it turns out, Dr.Leonard Coldwell has seen greater than thirty-five thousand patients, around

2.2 million partakers in his workshops who write to him sent life stories and have more than sev

million admirers who read his bulletins and news reports. According to world experts, Dr.Leona

Coldwell has the best rates of success in the curing of cancer globally. As it turns out, his website was blocked by the federal government. Why? Because of its enormous

success in cancer treatment.

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“With no chemotherapy, no contact with the radiation obviously cancer can be cured in most

patients. I know that I can heal a patient in a few weeks maybe in some months. But because of t

people who profit from cancer patients and the law legally I am not allowed to tell anyone what

do or what not to.”, describes the doctor.

The health profession and the pharmaceutical industry earn massive amounts of money through

the cancer industry. Yes, cancer has now become an industry for them. The current situation as

Dr.Coldwell underlines is that they “make legislators legislate laws that will kill us, or at the very

least make them fall sick and the laws that are supposed to ‘protect’ us do not permit the right

treatment of the disease. They make you sick as ever and finally you are drawn to your death

because of the poisonous, hazardous and harsh treatment.”

To be honest, I was stunned at these claims. The memories of my mother in pain and her eventua

death began haunting in my mind. I read on.

Here is Dr.Coldwell’s method

According to the doctor, any malignancy can be cured in two to sixteen weeks. There are kinds o

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cancers if treated correctly that can heal in minutes.

Any doctor with a minimum of 20 years’ experience in the field has witnessed much healing whic

is spontaneous. There’s actually a book called ‘Spontaneous Healing’. Since this method is very

possible, now it’s a matter of finding means of achieving this. Usually people who are religious

minded go to places of religious curing. But the religious place is not what cures. The positivity a

hopefulness actually do all the healing.

As the doctor reveals, first and foremost, tackling of acidity and the toxic elements need to be

done. We should eat vegetables; this gives the body lots of oxygen. With that and adequate

calcium and a proper diet, we alkalize our bodies. How is this related to cancer? Well, the progre

of cancer stops when the body is alkalized.

The body has to achieve what is called a ‘therapeutic pH level. pH has 14 levels from 0 to 14.The

lower values are the acidic region while the higher values are the alkaline region. PH 7 is the

median neutral level. As soon as the body reaches pH 7, it becomes alkaline. A level of seven poi

three six is good. But when it comes to treatment, a pH of around 7.5 or higher should be presen

So what else?

The next is to eliminate hypoxia. For this a friend of Dr.Coldwell, one doctor Martin, offers a

solution – an oxygen therapy which involves several steps. In this therapy, blood is taken out,

enriched with pure oxygen and then re-injected into the body twelve times. Blood, when taken o

of our body, has a shade of black. But with this therapy, the blood that is re-injected have a shad

of beautiful pink – like the blood of a newborn baby – it is completely fresh. This fills the body wi


The ‘intravenous’ injection of C vitamin is also helpful, the doctor claims.100 cc every day thrice

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week, or in certain cases, more than that has given amazing results. “Believe it, cancer disappear

in a few days after the administering of vitamin C in this manner.”, he says.

Food which has a high content of vitamin C includes chili peppers, cabbage, broccoli, papaya,

strawberries, cauliflower, pineapples, kiwi fruit, oranges and lemons.

Vitamin C – the miracle cure…

But wait! It’s not the only vitamin that has amazing healing powers…

Pages: 1 2

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11 Comments   Sort by 

Rossana Belvisi

I will post this everyday if I have to. Is just too important. I have lost my dearest grandma & my

sweetest cousin (that by coincidence was a doctor) & I will do everything possible for this cause

Pls divulge & educate! Education is our best weapon!

Like · Reply ·  13 · Nov 21, 2015 9:05pm

Car y Garbey · UNIBE, Dominican Republic

In desperation we are prone to believe anything. This science is so faulty that it is

obvious just from reading the article. I sincerely hope you find the answers you are

looking for, because they are not here at all.

Like · Reply · 2 · Nov 24, 2015 9:20pm

Rossana Belvisi

Cary Garbey, it's not desparation, is full blown experience & statistics, that show that

alternative remedies and diet are the way forward for true health. That's where the

answers are.

Like · Reply · 2 · Nov 24, 2015 10:48pm

Luciano Calderisi  · Enrolled nurse at TQEH

Cary Garbey you must work for a drug company lighten up

Like · Reply · Nov 25, 2015 5:29am


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11/26/2015 Any Type of Cancer Can be Cured in Just 2-6 Weeks 9

Rod Mccarty  · Carpenter at Self-Employed

My Wife has been battling ovarian since 2010 its sure is hard to see her in pain her second bo

lost her hair twice alot of chemo rounds still a small tumour there please if anything ,anything

would be a blessing so much chemo she finding it hard to walk and her hips a are always

hurting i give her gentle massages on her feet,

Like · Reply · 5 · Nov 19, 2015 9:52am

Cary Garbey  · UNIBE, Dominican Republic

In desperation we are prone to believe anything. This science is so faulty that it is

obvious just from reading the article. I sincerely hope you find the answers you are

looking for, because they are not here at all.

Like · Reply · 1 · Nov 24, 2015 9:22pm

Tan Chew Lian · SMJK (I) Bagan Serai

I suggest to you to try this product called Purtier. Please find out more infor from Product from New Zealand, markerted by Singapore Company.

If you need assistance, pls contact me at · Reply · 7 hrs

Rossana Belvisi

This is such a great, educating video. I will repost every time possible. We do need to

understand & learn. Thank you.

Like · Reply · 2 · Nov 21, 2015 9:03pm

Health & Love Page


Like · Reply · 1 · Nov 23, 2015 4:19pm

Allon Hein Sørensen  · Lobbyist at Dansk Cannabis Lobby

I agree with a lot of what is written, but that regular salt contains one third salt, one third glass

and one third sand...whatever you are smoking, I'll have some...

Like · Reply · 3 · Nov 22, 2015 10:33pm

Terry Worley  · Silver Lake, Indiana

I watched a great lady due of cancer I didn't really know her but I did home maintainceval ,

cleaning and painting and just watched it progress over the years and what it put the family

through it was one of the worste things I've seen and I've seen some pretty crazy crap this cur

would be a great thing for a lot of people

Like · Reply · 2 · Nov 18, 2015 4:28am

Cary Garbey  · UNIBE, Dominican Republic

In desperation we are prone to believe anything. This science is so faulty that it is

obvious just from reading the article. I sincerely hope you find the answers you are

looking for, because they are not here at all.

Like · Reply · Nov 24, 2015 9:23pm


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aren as

Cary Garbey believe what you like, but allow others their right to do same. people

suffering from cancer don't want to hear you putting down a chance for them. So I will

say this in simple terms you should understand. Shut the hell up and stop posting this

on everyones comments.

Like · Reply · 4 · Nov 25, 2015 12:42am

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rod mccarty - 19/11/2015


sure be awesome if there was cure wife has been battling since 2010 any help

would be appreciated she is a miracle

Aida - 22/11/2015


Thank you for the information. If all doctors been honest and help all of us maybe

our love ones still enjoying life withe us. This is a good video to watch it’s a helpful

for everyone. Thanks

Bobby - 22/11/2015


welcome Aida

ray - 23/11/2015

I’m not here to post negative comments about something I’ve never tried, just to

see my posts in reality which give some a horny feeling. This works!!!!!!!! end of


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11/26/2015 Any Type of Cancer Can be Cured in Just 2-6 Weeks type-of-cancer-can-be-cured- in-just-2-6- weeks-2/ 12


sentence and get the book you’ll have more info to not base your false posts on



11 Comments   Sort by 

Rossana Belvisi

I will post this everyday if I have to. Is just too important. I have lost my dearest grandma & my

sweetest cousin (that by coincidence was a doctor) & I will do everything possible for this cause. P

divulge & educate! Education is our best weapon!

Like · Reply · 13 · Nov 21, 2015 9:05pm

Cary Garbey  · UNIBE, Dominican Republic

In desperation we are prone to believe anything. This science is so faulty that it is obvious

from reading the article. I sincerely hope you find the answers you are looking for, becaus

they are not here at all.

Like · Reply · 2 · Nov 24, 2015 9:20pm

Rossana Belvisi

Cary Garbey, it's not desparation, is full blown experience & statistics, that show that

alternative remedies and diet are the way forward for true health. That's where the answe


Like · Reply · 2 · Nov 24, 2015 10:48pm

Luciano Calderisi  · Enrolled nurse at TQEH

Cary Garbey you must work for a drug company lighten up

Like · Reply · Nov 25, 2015 5:29am

Rod Mccarty  · Carpenter at Self-Employed

My Wife has been battling ovarian since 2010 its sure is hard to see her in pain her second bout lo

her hair twice alot of chemo rounds still a small tumour there please if anything ,anything would be

blessing so much chemo she finding it hard to walk and her hips a are always hurting i give her ge

massages on her feet,


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11/26/2015 Any Type of Cancer Can be Cured in Just 2-6 Weeks type-of-cancer-can-be-cured- in-just-2-6- weeks-2/ 13

Like · Reply · 5 · Nov 19, 2015 9:52am

Cary Garbey  · UNIBE, Dominican Republic

In desperation we are prone to believe anything. This science is so faulty that it is obvious

from reading the article. I sincerely hope you find the answers you are looking for, becaus

they are not here at all.

Like · Reply · 1 · Nov 24, 2015 9:22pm

Tan Chew Lian · SMJK (I) Bagan Serai

I suggest to you to try this product called Purtier. Please find out more infor from Product from New Zealand, markerted by Singapore Company.

If you need assistance, pls contact me at

Like · Reply · 7 hrs

Rossana Belvisi

This is such a great, educating video. I will repost every time possible. We do need to understand

learn. Thank you.

Like · Reply · 2 · Nov 21, 2015 9:03pm

Health & Love Page


Like · Reply · 1 · Nov 23, 2015 4:19pm

Allon Hein Sørensen  · Lobbyist at Dansk Cannabis Lobby

I agree with a lot of what is written, but that regular salt contains one third salt, one third glass and

third sand...whatever you are smoking, I'll have some...

Like · Reply · 3 · Nov 22, 2015 10:33pm

Terry Worley  · Silver Lake, Indiana

I watched a great lady due of cancer I didn't really know her but I did home maintainceval , cleanin

and painting and just watched it progress over the years and what it put the family through it was o

of the worste things I've seen and I've seen some pretty crazy crap this cure would be a great thin

a lot of people

Like · Reply · 2 · Nov 18, 2015 4:28am

Cary Garbey  · UNIBE, Dominican Republic

In desperation we are prone to believe anything. This science is so faulty that it is obviousfrom reading the article. I sincerely hope you find the answers you are looking for, becaus

they are not here at all.

Like · Reply · Nov 24, 2015 9:23pm

Karen Nash

Cary Garbey believe what you like, but allow others their right to do same. people sufferin

from cancer don't want to hear you putting down a chance for them. So I will say this in sim

terms you should understand. Shut the hell up and stop posting this on everyones comme

Like · Reply · 4 · Nov 25, 2015 12:42am

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11/26/2015 Any Type of Cancer Can be Cured in Just 2-6 Weeks type-of-cancer-can-be-cured- in-just-2-6- weeks-2/ 14

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