Anti Nyeri

Post on 10-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Anti Nyeri

  • 7/22/2019 Anti Nyeri



  • 7/22/2019 Anti Nyeri



    Analgesik: senyawa yang pada dosis

    terapetik meringankan atau menekan rasa

    nyeri tanpa memiliki kerja anastesi umum.analgesik berasal dari kata Yunani an-

    (tanpa) dan -algia (nyeri).

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    Nyeri adalah suatu gejala yang berfungsi

    untuk melindungi dan memberikan tanda

    bahaya tentang adanya gangguan-gangguanpada tubuh; seperti peradangan, infeksi-

    infeksi kuman, dan kejang otot.


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    Penyebab Nyeri

    Adanya rangsangan-rangsangan

    mekanis/kimiawi ( kalor/listrik )

    mediator-mediator nyeri.

    Mediator nyeri antara lain : histamin,

    serotonin, plasmakinin-

    plasmakinin, prostaglandin-prostaglandin,ion-ion kalium.

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    Mediator-mediator tersebut merangsang

    reseptor- reseptor nyeri pada ujung sarafbebas di kulit, selaput lendir,dan jaringan,

    lalu dialirkan melalui saraf sensoris ke

    susunan syaraf pusat ( SSP ) melaluisumsum tulang belakang ke talamus dan

    ke pusat nyeri di otak besar ( rangsangan

    sebagai nyeri ).

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    Pain sensation can be influenced

    or modified as follows:

    elimination of the cause of pain

    lowering of the sensitivity of nociceptors

    (antipyretic analgesics, local anesthetics)

    interrupting nociceptive conduction in sensorynerves (local anesthetics)

    suppression of transmission of nociceptive

    impulses in the spinal medulla (opioids)

    inhibition of pain perception(opioids,general


    altering emotional responses topain

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    Penggolongan Nyeri

    1. Nyeri akut : nyeri yang tidak berlangsunglama. Berdasarkan sumber nyeri , dibagi :

    Nyeri permukaan: luka luar, iritasi bahan

    kimia, dan rangsangan termal di permukaan Nyeri somatis dalam: dari luka/iritasi dari

    dalam tubuh, seperti karena injeksi atau dari

    ischemia Nyeri viseral: nyeri ini berasal dari organ-

    organ besar dalam tubuh, seperti hati, paru-

    paru, usus, dll

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    Acute pain of visceral origin ismost often associated with


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    2. Nyeri kronis: nyeri ini berlangsung sangat

    lama, bisa menahun, yang kadang

    sumbernya tidak diketahui. Nyeri kronis

    sering diasosiasikan dengan penyakit

    kanker dan arthritis. Ex : neuropathic pain

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    Berdasarkan aksinya, obat-abat analgetik dibagi

    menjadi 2 golongan :

    1. Analgesik nonopioid / perifer

    2. Analgesik opioid.

    Kedua jenis analgetik ini berbeda dalam hal

    mekanisme dan target aksinya.

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    target aksi pada enzim, yaitu enzimsiklooksigenase (COX). COX berperan dalam

    sintesis mediator nyeri, salah satunya adalah


    Mekanisme umum : mengeblok pembentukan

    prostaglandin dengan jalan menginhibisi enzim

    COX pada daerah yang terlukamengurangi

    pembentukan mediator nyeri .

    Mekanismenya tidak berbeda dengan NSAID dan

    COX-2 inhibitors.

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    Efek samping yang paling umum darigolongan obat ini adalah gangguan lambung

    usus, kerusakan darah, kerusakan hati dan

    ginjal serta reaksi alergi di kulit. Efek samping biasanya disebabkan oleh

    penggunaan dalam jangka waktu lama dan

    dosis besar.

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    Penghambatan oleh obat-obat Analgesik Nonopioid

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    Arachidonic acid

    Cyclooxygenase Lipoxygenases


    NSAIDs -----



    pyrexia vasodilationalgesic



    -----Lipoxygenase inhititors

    The events of the inflammtory response and mechanisms of anti-flammatory

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    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

    drugs (NSAIDs)NSAIDs have three major actions, all of

    which are due mainly to the inhibition of

    arachidonic acid cyclo-oxygenase ininflammatory cells (the COX-2 isoenzyme),

    and the resultant decrease in prostanoid


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    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

    drugs (NSAIDs)

    An anti-inflammatory action:

    (1) The decrease in vasodilator prostaglandins(PGE2, PGI2) means less vasodilatationand, indirectly, less oedema.

    (2) The inhibition of activity of adhesion


    (3) Accumulation of inflammatory cells isalso reduced.

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    COX: COX-1:constitutive enzyme: is involved in

    tissue homeostasis.

    COX-2:inducible enzyme: is responsiblefor the production of the prostanoid

    mediators of inflammation.


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    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

    drugs (NSAIDs) An analgesic effect:decreased

    prostaglandin generation means less

    sensitisation of nociceptive nerve endings toinflammatory mediators such as bradykinin

    and 5-hydroxytryptamine.

    Relief of headache is probably due todecreased prostaglandin-mediated


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    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

    drugs (NSAIDs)

    An antipyretic effect:this is partly due to a

    decrease in the mediator prostaglandin that is

    responsible for elevating the hypothalamic set-point for temperature control in fever.

    Endogenous pyogen(IL-1,TNF,IFN, IL-6)

    BBB CNS(PEG, Na+/Ca2+, cAMP,CRH)


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    Non-selective COX inhibitor

    Selective COX inhibitor




    et al



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    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

    drugs (NSAIDs) Some important examples are aspirin,

    ibuprofen, naproxen, indomethacin,

    paracetamol. (The last agent has analgesicand antipyretic effects but little anti-

    inflammatory action).

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    1. The Salicylates: Aspirin

    Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) was first isolated in1829 by Leroux from willow bark.

    It can cause irreversible inactivation of cyclo-oxygenase, acting on both COX-1 and COX-2.

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    Salicylates are given orally and are rapidlyabsorbed; 75% metabolized in the liver.

    Excretion:85% in alkaline urine

    5% in acid urine

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    Pharmacologic effects

    (1) Antipyretic action: is rapidly effective in

    febrile patients, yet has little effect on

    normal body temperature.(2) Anti-inflammatory effects: the primary

    clinical application is in the treatment of

    musculoskeletal disorders, such asrheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and

    ankylosing spondylitis.

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    Pharmacologic effects

    (3) Analgesic effects:

    (a) is usually effective for low- to moderate-intensity pain. Integumental pain is relieved betterthan the pain from hollow visceral areas.

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    Pharmacologic effects

    (b) relief of pain occurs through both peripheraland central mechanisms.

    ----Peripherally, it inhibits the synthesis of PGs in

    inflamed tissues, thus preventing the sensitizationof pain receptors to both mechanical and chemicalstimuli.

    ----Centrally, the analgesic site exists in close

    proximity to the antipyretic region in thehypothalamus. Its analgesia action is notassociated with mental altertions, such as hypnosisor changes in sensation other than pain.

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    Pharmacologic effects

    (4) Respiratory effects:

    (a) High doses result in medullary stimulation,leading to hyperventilation and a respiratoryalkalosis. Compensation rapidly occurs becausethe kidney is able to increase the excretion of

    bicarbonate, producing a compensated respiratoryalkalosis.

    (b) Toxic doses or very prolonged administrationcan depress the medullary resulting in anuncompensated respiratory acidosis.

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    Pharmacologic effects

    (5) Cardiovascular effects:

    (a)Therapeutic doses have no significant

    cardiovascular effect. However, the prophylacticuse of aspirin to reduce thromboembolic events in

    coronary and cerebral circulation has increased.

    Studies have demonstrated that such use results in

    long-term survival and reduced frequency ofsecond myocardial infarctions.

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    Pharmacologic effects

    (5) Cardiovascular effects:

    (b) High doses may cause peripheral vasodilation

    by exerting a direct effect on smooth muscle.(c) Toxic doses depress circulation directly and by

    central vasomotor paralysis. Noncardiogenic

    pulmonary edema may occur in older patients on

    long-term salicylate therapy.

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    Pharmacologic effects

    (5) Gastrointestinal effects:

    (a) It can cause epigastric distress, nausea, and vomiting by

    irritating the gastric mucosal lining and stimulating thechemoreceptor trigger zone in the CNS.

    (b) It may cause a dose-related gastric ulceration, bleeding,

    and erosive gastritis because of inhibiting the formation ofPGE2, which inhibits gastric acid secretion and has acytoprotective effect. Salicylate-induced gastric bleeding is

    painless and may lead to an iron deficiency anemia.

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    Pharmacologic effects

    (6) Hepatic effects:

    (a) dose-dependent hepatic damage. Usually,asymptomatic, elevated plasma transaminaselevels are the key indication of hepatic insult.

    (b) more severe and associated with encephalopathy

    seen in Reyes syndrome.Use of salicylates in children with chickenpox or

    influenze is contraindicated.

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    Pharmacologic effects

    (7) Hematologic effects:

    (1) It inhibits the platelet aggregation by

    decreasing the production of TXA2.

    (2) In doses greater than 6g/d, aspirin may

    reduce plasma prothrombin levels.

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    Pharmacologic effects

    (8)Renal effects: It can result in salt and waterretention because of decreasing renal blood

    flow.(9) Metabolic effects: It can produce

    hyperglycemia and glycosuria in large doses.

    (10) Endocrine effects: In very large doses, itcan stimulate steroid secretion by theadrenal cortex.

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    Therapeutic uses

    (1) Aspirin is used in restricted situation for thesymptomatic relief of fever. Because of an increased

    incidence of Reyes syndrome in children who

    previously were given aspirin for the relief of viral

    fevers, it is now recommended that a child with anyfever be given paracetamol instead, if medication is


    (2) It is useful as analgesics for certain categories of

    pain, such as headache, arthritis, dysmenorrhea.

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    Therapeutic uses

    (3) It remains the standard, first-line drug in thetherapy of rheumatoid arthritis, and can

    provide relief of symptoms in acute rheumatic

    fever.(4) Some clinicians recommend small daily

    doses of aspirin for prophylaxis of

    thromboembolism, stroke, or myocardialinfarction because of its antiplatelet activity.

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    Adverse effects

    (1) Salicylism: usually occurs with repeated administration

    of large doses. Characteristic findings include:

    ----headache, mental confusion, lassitude, and drowsiness.

    ----tinnitus and difficulty in hearing.

    ----hyperthermia, sweating, thirst, hyperventilation,

    vomiting, and diarrhea.

    (2) Bronchospasm in aspirin-sensitive asthmatics.

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    Adverse effects

    (3) Gastrointestinal disturbances.

    (4) Prolongation of bleed time or reduce

    prothrombin level.

    (5) Other: skin eruption, hepatic effects, Reyes


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    Treatment of Aspirin poisoning

    (1) Inducing emesis or administering gastric


    (2) Appropriate infusion measures to correctabnormal electrolyte balance and


    (3) Alkalinization of the urine.

    (4) Dialysis as required.

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    2. p-Aminophenol Der ivatives :


    Pharmacologic effects:

    Paracetamol has analgesic and antipyretic actions butonly weak anti-inflammatory effects.

    It appears to be an inhibitor of PG synthesis in the brain,thus accounting for its analgesic and antipyretic activity.

    It is much less effective than aspirin as an inhibitor of

    the peripherally located PG biosynthetic enzyme systemthat plays such an important role in inflammation.

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    Pharmacologic effects:

    It exerts little or no pharmacologic effect on thecardiovascular, respiratory, or gastrointestinal systems,

    on acid-base regulation, or on platelet function.

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    Therapeutic uses

    Paracetamol provides an effective

    alternative when aspirin is contraindicated

    (e.g., in patients with peptic ulcer orhemophilia) and when the anti-inflammtory

    action of aspirin is not required.

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    Adverse effects

    At therapeutic doses, paracetamol is well

    tolerated; however, adverse effects include:

    -----Skin rash and drug fever.-----Rare instances of blood dyscrasias.

    -----Renal tubular necrosis and renal failure.

    -----Hypoglycemic coma At overdose, it can result in severe hepatotoxicity,

    resulting in centrilobular hepatic necrosis.

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    3. I ndoles and Related Compounds

    : Indomethacin Pharmacologic effects :

    (1) Inhibit COX nonselectively .

    (2) Inhibit phospholipase A and C.

    (3) Reduce PMN migration.

    (4) Decrease T cell and B cell proliferation.

    (10-40 time more potent anti-inflammatory

    than aspirin)

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    Therapeutic uses:

    Because of its toxicity and side effect, it is

    not routinely used for analgesia orantipyresis.

    The major uses of indomethacin are in thetreatment of rheumatoid arthritis,ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, andacute gout.

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    Adverse effect:

    (1) Gastrointestinal complaint:

    (2) CNS effects: 25%-50%

    (3) Hematologic reactions:

    (4) Hypersensitivity reactions: asthma

    (aspirin- sensitive patients may exhibit

    cross-reactions to indomethacin).

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    Arylpropionic Acid Derivatives

    : Naproxen and Ibuprofen They have prominent anti-inflammatory action.

    Therapeutic uses: rheumatoid arthritis,

    osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, acutetendinitis, dysmenorrhea, et al.

    Adverse effect: gastrointestinal effects,

    dermatologic problems, thrombocytopenia.

    apply to long-term treatment because they are


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    4. Fenamates

    Ex : Meclofenamate (Meclomen),merupakan turunan asam fenama

    waktu paruh pendek,efek samping yang

    serupa dengan obat-obat AINS baruyang lain dan tak ada keuntungan lain

    yang melebihinya.

    obat ini meningkatkan efek antikoagulanoral. dikontraindikasikan pada


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    5. Pyrazolone Der ivatives

    Contoh Obatnya : Phenylbutazone

    (Butazolidin)untuk pengobatan artristis

    rmatoid,dan berbagai kelainan otot rangka. obat ini mempunya efek anti-inflamasi yang

    kuat. tetapi memiliki efek samping yang

    serius seperti agranulositosis, anemiaaplastik,anemia hemolitik,dan nekrosis

    tubulus ginjal.

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    6. Oxicam Der ivatives

    Contoh Obatnya : Piroxicam (Feldene),

    obat AINS dengan struktur baru.

    waktu paruhnya panjang

    untuk pengobatan artristis rmatoid,dan

    berbagai kelainan otot rangka.

    efek sampingnya meliputi tinitus ,nyerikepala,dan rash.

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    7. Acetic Acid Der ivatives

    Contoh Obatnya : Diclofenac (Voltaren) obat ini adalah penghambat siklooksigenase yang

    kuat dengan efek antiinflamasi,analgetik, dan


    waktu parunya pendek.

    dianjurkanuntuk pengobatan artristis

    rematoid,dan berbagai kelainan otot rangka. efek sampingnya distres saluran cerna,

    perdarahan saluran cerna,dan tukak lambung.

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    8. M iscel laneous Agents

    Contoh Obatnya : Oxaprozin (Daypro),

    obat ini mempunyai waktu paruh yang

    panjang. obat ini memiliki beberapa keuntungan dan

    resiko yang berkaitan dengan obat AINS


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    Selective COX-2 inhibitor

    Celecoxib, Meloxicam and Rofenxib

    more selective for COX-2 than for COX-1.

    Adverse effects are slighter than other


    Long-term studies of the incidence of

    clinically significant gastrointestinal ulcersand bleeding are not yet completed.

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    Clinical uses of the NSAIDs

    For analgesia in painful conditions (e.g. headache,

    dysmenorrhoea, backache, bony metastases of

    cancers, postoperative pain):

    The drugs of choice for short-term analgesia are aspirin,

    paracetamol and ibuprofen; more potent, longer-acting

    drugs (diflunisal, naproxen, piroxicam) are useful for

    chronic pain.

    The requirement for narcotic analgesics can be

    markedly reduced by NSAIDs in some patients with

    bony metastases or postoperative pain.

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    Clinical uses of the NSAIDs

    For anti-inflammatory effects in chronic or acuteinflammatory conditions (e.g. rheumatoid arthritisand related connective tissue disorders, gout and

    soft tissue diseases). With many NSAIDs, the dosage required forchronic inflammatory disorders is usually greaterthan for simple analgesia and treatment may need

    to be continued for long periods; Treatment couldbe initiated with an agent known to have a lowincidence of side-effects. If this provesunsatisfactory, more potent agents should be used.

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    Clinical uses of the NSAIDs

    To lower temperature. Paracetamol is preferred

    because it lacks gastrointestinal side-effects and,

    unlike aspirin, has not been associated with Reyes

    syndrome in children.

    There is substantial individual variation in clinical

    response to NSAIDs and considerable

    unpredictable patient preference for one drugrather than another.


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    Analgetik opioid merupakan golongan obat

    yang memiliki sifat seperti opium/morfin. Sifat

    dari analgesik opioid yaitu menimbulkan adiksi:

    habituasi dan ketergantungan fisik. Oleh karena

    itu, diperlukan usaha untuk mendapatkananalgesik ideal:

    - Potensi analgesik yg sama kuat dengan morfin

    - Tanpa bahaya adiksi

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    Obat yang berasal dari opium-morfin

    Senyawa semisintetik morfin

    Senyawa sintetik yang berefek seperti


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    Analgetik opiad mempunyai daya

    penghalang nyeri yang sangat kuat dengan

    titik kerja yang terletak di susunan syarafpusat (SSP).

    Umumnya dapat mengurangi kesadaran

    dan menimbulkan perasaan nyaman(euforia).

    Analgetik opioid ini merupakan pereda

    nyeri yang paling kuat dan sangat efektifuntuk mengatasi nyeri yang hebat.

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    Tubuh sebenarnya memiliki sistem

    penghambat nyeri tubuh sendiri (endogen),

    terutama dalam batang otak dan sumsumtulang belakang yang mempersulit penerusan

    impuls nyeri

    Beberapa senyawa yang termasuk dalampenghambat nyeri endogen antara lain:

    enkefalin, endorfin, dan dinorfin.

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    Opioid endogen ini berhubungan dengan

    beberapa fungsi penting tubuh seperti :

    - fluktuasi hormonal,- produksi analgesia,

    - termoregulasi,

    - mediasi stress dan kegelisahan, dan

    - pengembangan toleransi dan ketergantungan


    Baik opioid endogen dan analgesik opioid bekerja

    pada reseptor opioid, berbeda dengan analgesik

    nonopioid yang target aksinya pada enzim.

    Mekanisme m m

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    Mekanisme umum

    opioid terikat pada reseptor

    penguranganmasuknya ion Ca2+ke dalam sel, dan

    mengakibatkan pula hiperpolarisasi dengan

    meningkatkan masuknya ion K+ke dalam sel.

    terjadinya pengurangan terlepasnya dopamin,

    serotonin, dan peptida penghantar nyeri, seperti

    contohnya substansi P, dan mengakibatkan

    transmisi rangsang nyeri terhambat.

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    Penggolongan Opioid berdasar

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    gg g preseptor kerjanya

    1.Agonis opioid menyerupai morfin (pd reseptor

    , ). Contoh: Morfin, fentanil

    2. Antagonis opioid. Contoh: Nalokson

    3. Menurunkan ambang nyeri pd pasien yg

    ambang nyerinya tinggi

    4. Opioid dengan kerja campur. Contoh: Nalorfin,

    pentazosin, buprenorfin, malbufin, butorfanol

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    Penggolongan berdasarkan efek kerjanya :

    1.Agonis Kuata. Fenantren

    Morfin, Hidromorfin ,danoksimorfon

    merupakan agonis kuat yang bermanfaat dalampengobatan nyeri hebat. Heroinadalah agonis

    yang kuat dan bekerja cepat .

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    b F ilh til i

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    b. Fenilheptilamin

    Metadonmempunyai profil sama dengan morfin

    tetapi masa kerjanya sedikit lebih panjang. Dalamkeadaan nyeri akut,potensi analgesik dan

    efikasinya paling tidak sebanding dengan morfin

    Levometadil asetat merupakan Turunan Metadonyang mempunyai waktu paruh lebih panjang

    daripada metadon

    F il i idi

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    c. Fenilpiperidin

    Meperidindan Fentanil adalah yang paling luas

    digunakan diantara opioid sintetik yang ada,mempunyai efek antimuskarinik.subgrup

    fentanil yang sekarang terdiri dari sufentanil dan

    alventanil.d. Morfinan

    Levorfanoladalah preparat analgesik opioid

    sintetik yang kerjanya mirip dengan morfinnamun manfaatnya tidak menguntungkan dari


    2 A i Ri i d

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    2. Agonis Ringan sampai sedang

    a. Fenantren

    Kodein,Oksikodoa,dihidrokodein, dan


    semuanya mem-punyai efikasi yang kurang


    Penggunaan dengan kombinasi dalam

    formulasi-formulasi yang mengandung

    aspirin atau asetaminofen dan obat-obat


    b. Fenilheptilamin

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    Propoksifen aktivitas analgesiknya

    rendah,misalnya 120 mg propoksifen = 60 mg


    c. Fenilpiperidin

    Difenoksilatdan metabolitnya,difenoksin

    digunakan sebagai obat diare dan tidak untuk

    analgesik,digunakan sebagai kombinasi dengan


    Loperamid adalah turunan fenilpiperidin yang

    digunakan untuk mengontrol diare.Potensi

    disalahgunakan rendah karena kemampuannya

    rendah untuk masuk ke dalam otak.

    3. Mixed Opioid Agonist


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    or Partial Agonists

    a. Fenantren

    b. Morfinan

    c. Benzomorfan

    4. Antagonis Opioid

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    g p

    Naloksondan Naltrekson

    Penggunan utama nalokson adalah untukpengobatan keracunan akut opioid,

    masa kerja nalokson relatif singkat, Sedangkan

    naltrekson masa kerjanya panjang, untuk program pengobatan penderita pecandu

    individu yang mengalami depresi akut akibat

    kelebihan dosis suatu opioid ,antagonis akanefektif menormalkan pernapasan,tingkat

    kesadaran, ukuran pupil aktivitas usus,dan lain-


    5 Drugs Used Predominantly as

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    5. Drugs Used Predominantly as


    Analgesic opioid adalah obat yang paling efektif

    dari semua analgesic yang ada untuk menekan


    Efek ini dicapai pada dosis dibawah dari dosis

    yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan efek


    Contoh obatnya adalah Dekstrometrofan,Kodein,Levopropoksifen.

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    Katzung, G.Bertram.,2007,Basic & Clinical Pharmacology10th

    Ed.,The McGraw-Hill Companies. Inc, New York.

    Craig, R.Craig and Robert E.Stitzel,2007,Modern Pharmacology With

    Clinical Application-6th Ed,, Lippncott Williams & Wilkin, Virginia.

    Neal,J.Michael, 2002,Medical Pharmacology at a glance-4th Ed.,

    Blackwell science Ltd,London

    Goodman and Gilman,2006,The Pharmacologic Basis of Therapeutics

    11th Ed.,McGraw-Hill Companies. Inc, New York.

    Lllmann, Heinz [et al.] ,2000,Color Atlas of Pharmacology 2nd

    Ed.,Thieme,New York

    Farmakologi dan terapeutik FK UI