Anti-Aging Tips - How to Stay Young Forever

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Anti-Aging Tips - How to Stay Young Forever



Getting older can release a lot of stress in some ways. I have discovered that as I age, I just don't sweat the small stuff the way that I used to. I am a bit of a perfectionist in everything I do, and that certainly caused me some anxiety throughout the years. Both in my career and in my home, I would find myself redoing tasks over and over until I got it right. The jobs I did couldn't just be very good, they had to be least in my opinion.

"You never seem to age, and so what is your secret?" I don't have deep dark secrets, but there are definite reasons why I have been fortunate to be considered very youthful looking, as I grow older.

You need to constantly add moisture your skin, and you should start using moisturizer in your 20's and 30's, and even more so, as you get older. Twice a day I apply moisturizer to my entire face, neck and chest, in the morning and at bed time.

I have seen so many people who look much older than their years because of sun bathing. It causes the skin to look leathery and dried out. There are beautiful natural, instant sun tanning creams on the market now that blend beautifully and give your skin that healthy look and glow. The sun-kissed look adds a youthful vitality to your appearance.

I am one of those people who love makeup, but as I grow older, I know what works best for me. When I was younger, I used every kind of makeup product that you can imagine! I look at older pictures of myself and think, "Wow, what was I thinking?"

Most importantly, I only use mineral and natural based makeup for my skin, and the same goes for blush. I never use liquid foundation and haven't for years. Once I discovered natural skin products I never looked back, and have been using them for years.

Well now you know my secrets and anti aging tips, and I hope they have helped you in some way. If you begin incorporating the use of these tips, I guarantee you will appear much younger than you are. Try using these anti aging tips and drink in all the compliments that will come your way.