Anti Aging Nutrition

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Anti Aging Nutrition

There isn't any single anti aging exercise or workout schedule that will keep you looking and feeling younger for longer. Rather, the message that most health professionals are trying to tell us all is that regular exercise of any kind is the key to feeling young, lowering the risk of many diseases, avoiding weight gain, and maintaining physical ability into the senior years.

you will lose muscle tone and strength, your cardiovascular fitness will suffer, and you will find yourself less able to participate in sports or do other things you used to enjoy. Your posture will likely suffer as muscles deteriorate, and you will begin to suffer from back pain. Your blood pressure may start to rise. A sedentary lifestyle can result in myriad different physical problems. Even people who are quite young can seem prematurely old if they suffer from these effects of inactivity - from this perspective, any activity is anti aging exercise.

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