Anthony Aguirre and Matthew C. Johnson- Dynamics and instability of false vacuum bubbles

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  • 8/3/2019 Anthony Aguirre and Matthew C. Johnson- Dynamics and instability of false vacuum bubbles




    Dynamics and instability of false vacuum bubbles

    Anthony Aguirre & Matthew C. JohnsonDepartment of Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064, USA; February 7, 2008)

    This paper examines the classical dynamics of false vacuum regions embedded in surroundingregions of true vacuum, in the thin-wall limit. The dynamics of all generally relativistically allowed

    solutions most but not all of which have b een previously studied are derived, enumerated,and interpreted. We comment on the relation of these solutions to possible mechanisms wherebyinflating regions may be spawned from non-inflating ones. We then calculate the dynamics offirst order deviations from spherical symmetry, finding that many solutions are unstable to suchaspherical perturbations. The parameter space in which the perturbations on bound solutionsinevitably become nonlinear is mapped. This instability has consequences for the Farhi-Guth-Guvenmechanism for baby universe production via quantum tunneling.

    PACS numbers: 98.80.Hw, 98.80.Cq


    Nearly two decades ago, a series of papers [1, 2, 3]

    began to investigate the possibility of creating an in-flationary universe in a laboratory that is, inside asurrounding region of much lower vacuum energy. Thespacetime of such a bubble universe was modeled as aspherically symmetric de Sitter region (the false vacuum)

    joined to a surrounding Schwarzschild geometry (the truevacuum) by an infinitesimally thin domain wall.

    These studies found that the inflating (false vacuum)region could not avoid collapse unless either the nullenergy condition or cosmic censorship were violated inthe full spacetime [1], but that the creation of an en-during inflating region might be possible via quantumtunneling [2, 3]. In this picture, henceforth denoted

    the Farhi-Guth-Guven (FGG) mechanism, a classicallyconstructable expanding bubble, which would classicallyre-collapse (both from the inside and outside perspec-tive [4]), instead tunnels to a new solution in which theinflating interior expands forever, while an outside ob-server sees a black hole [35]. The probability of this oc-curring can be calculated using the techniques of semi-classical quantum gravity, and is extraordinarily small.

    Though nearly-miraculous, this process has garnerednew interest recently, primarily because of evidence thatour universe may have a fundamental positive cosmolog-ical constant. If so, it will asymptotically approach ev-erlasting equilibrium as de Sitter spacetime. Given eter-nity, even the most unlikely process such as the creationof inflating bubble universes will eventually occur. Tak-ing this one step further, our observable universe could infact be such a bubble universe, which arose from equilib-rium de Sitter space and is currently returning to it. Thiswould realize the old idea of Boltzmann that the universeis fundamentally in equilibrium, but that extremely raredownward fluctuations in entropy periodically occur andallow the transitory existence of non-equilibrium regionsthat see entropy steadily increasing.

    The classic problem with this idea was pointed out in

    its new context by Dyson, Susskind, & Kleban [5]: if ourobservable universe resulted from a downward entropyfluctuation that evolved with increasing entropy to the

    present time, then it is vastly more likely for this to haveoccurred by a fluctuation to our observable universe tenminutes ago (replete with incoming photons and mem-ories in our brains to convince us that it is older) thanby a fluctuation all the way to the much lower entropycorresponding to inflation [36]. Albrecht and Sorbo [6],however, argue that inflation might avoid this problem byturning a tiny region of low entropy density into a verylarge one. Their calculation shows that the FGG mech-anism requires a much smaller entropy fluctuation thandirectly creating the large post-reheating region that willresult from it, thus resolving the paradox.

    There may, however, be reasons to doubt that the cre-

    ation of small regions of false vacuum and subsequenttunneling are plausible events. First, there is no regularinstanton describing either the nucleation of small regionsof false vacuum or the gravitational tunneling event;there is such an instanton describing tunneling to false-vacuum, but over a huge region, larger than the true-vacuum horizon (see, e.g., [10, 11]). Second, Banks [12]has pointed out that it is hard to understand the tunnel-ing process holographically it appears that the inflatingregion inside the bubble has many more states than theblack hole it is contained in (see also [13]). Third,Dutta & Vachaspati [14] have recently (and previouslyin [15]) argued that general causality considerations pre-clude the formation of a small false-vacuum region inside

    a large true-vacuum one.

    Both in terms of the initial conditions for inflation, andalso the more general issue of what processes can lead totransitions between vacuum states (as is important inunderstanding the string theory landscape), it is cru-cial to understand bubble universes, whether they canform, and with what probabilities. To this question thepresent paper makes the following contributions: first,we organize and interpret all of the thin-walled, spheri-cally symmetric one bubble spacetimes. We then show
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    that expanding false vacuum bubbles are unstable to non-spherical perturbations; if these bubbles start at a suffi-ciently small initial radius, then they inevitably becomenonlinearly aspherical before tunneling might occur inthe FGG mechanism. It is unclear in this case whethertunneling to an inflationary universe inside the bubblecan occur at all, or with what probability.

    The plan of the paper is as follows. In Sec. II, the

    allowed solutions to the junction conditions are enumer-ated, putting the previous work into context. We pro-vide a concise reference for all of the possible spacetimeswith one false-vacuum bubble and arbitrary positive cos-mological constant, then discuss the existing, and somenew, interpretations of these solutions. In Sec. III we de-rive the first order perturbation equations, and demon-strate the existence of an instability in bound solutions.In Sec. IV we integrate the equations to investigate theparameter space for which non-linear perturbations areunavoidable, and we conclude in Sec. V.


    The dynamics of inflating regions has been discussedby a number of authors [4, 16, 17, 18][37] using the junc-tion condition formalism. These works study a spheri-cally symmetric region of false vacuum (high energy den-sity) in a surrounding region of true vacuum (lower en-ergy density). The wall separating the regions is assumedto be very thin compared to the radius of the region offalse vacuum. One can obtain the dynamics of the wallby requiring metric continuity across the wall and thensolving Einsteins equations. Under spherical symmetry,the dynamics of the problem then reduce to those of thebubble walls radius. This radius is a gauge invariant

    quantity because it simply quantifies the curvature of thebubble wall worldsheet, and any observer can measureit by comparing the normal to the wall at two nearbypoints.

    A. Interior and Exterior Spacetimes

    Let + be the cosmological constant in the true vac-uum region. Then if + > 0, the region is Schwarzschildde Sitter spacetime with metric

    ds2+ =


    2 + a1sdsdr2 + r2d2, (1)

    asds = 1 2Mr +

    3r2 (2)

    in the static foliation. Fixing +, there are then threequalitatively different casual structures characterized bythe value of M (see [19]), due to the nature of the threeroots of asds(r).

    For 3M < 1/2+ , there are three distinct real roots of




    rBH rBH



    rBH rBH











    . . . . . . . . . .III



    J r=0


    FIG. 1: Conformal diagram of the Schwarzschild de Sittergeometry for 3M < +.


    rn = 2(+)1/2 cos




    , (3a)


    cos = 3M(+)1/2, (3b)and < < 3/2. We can label them as

    rBH r0, rneg = r1, rc = r2,And the range of means that they lie in the rangesrneg < 0 < 2M < rBH < 3M < rc.

    The two positive roots correspond to the black holeand cosmological horizons. The conformal diagram forthis spacetime is shown in Fig. 1. (See [20] for a demon-stration of the explicit form of the metric in global coordi-nates). Surfaces of constant coordinate time t are drawn,with the circulating arrows denoting the direction of in-creasing t. We will consider region I to be the causalpatch of a hypothetical observer (i.e., the region lying inboth the causal past and causal future of the observersworld line) in what follows.

    For 3M = 1/2+ , there are also three real roots: adouble positive root rh and a negative rneg, given by:

    rh = 1/2+ , rneg = 21/2+ . (4)

    This mass is known as the Nariai mass, and in this space-time there is only one horizon at the positive root. Theconformal diagram for this spacetime is shown in Fig. 2[19]. There is also a time-reverse solution, starting at

    past null infinity and ending at r = 0. For 3M > 1/2+ ,

    there is one real negative root, and therefore no horizonsin the spacetime. The conformal diagram for this case islike figure 2, but with the horizon lines excised.

    Inside the false-vacuum region the spacetime is de Sit-ter space, with metric

    ds2 = adsdt2 + a1ds dr2 + r2d2, (5)

    ads = 1 3

    r2 (6)

    in the static foliation. Fig. 3 shows the conformal dia-gram for the de Sitter region. Again, surfaces of constant

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    . . . . . .


    rC rC


    FIG. 2: Conformal diagram for the Schwarzschild de Sittergeometry when 3M = +.

    r=0 r













    FIG. 3: Conformal diagram for the de Sitter geometry.

    coordinate time t are shown, with the arrows denotingthe direction of increasing t. We consider region III tobe the causal patch in which our hypothetical false vac-uum observer resides.

    B. Equation of Motion

    The bubble wall worldsheet has metric:

    ds2 = d2 + r()2d2, (7)where is the proper time in the frame of the wall, and(, ) are the usual angular variables.

    The coordinates in the full 4D spacetime are chosen tobe Gaussian normal coordinates constructed in the neigh-borhood of the bubble wall worldsheet. Three of the co-ordinates are (, , ) on the worldsheet, and the fourth,, is defined as the proper distance along a geodesic nor-mal to the bubble worldsheet, with increasing in thedirection of SdS (true vacuum).

    The transformation from the static coordinate systemsof SdS and dS to the Gaussian normal system can beconstructed in closed form using the methods of [2], andthe full metric takes the form:

    ds2 = g(, )d2 + d2 + R(, )2d2, (8)

    where = 0 defines the wall and therefore g(, 0) = 1and R(, 0) = r().

    The energy momentum tensor on the wall is:

    Twall = () (9)where is the metric on the worldsheet of the wall for = = , , and zero otherwise, and is the energydensity of the wall.

    Using the metric 8 and the energy-momentum tensor 9together with the contributions from the dS interior and

    SdS exterior in Einsteins equations yields an equation ofmotion for the bubble wall of [2, 4] :

    Kij(+)Kij() = 4rij , (10)where Kij() is the extrinsic curvature tensor in SdS anddS respectively. In the Gaussian normal coordinates, thistakes the form:

    Kij = 12


    gij (11)

    Evaluating this in metric 8, the and componentsof Eq. 10 reduce to:

    ds sds = 4r, (12)with the definitions

    ds ads dtd

    , sds asds dtd

    . (13)

    Here, a is the metric coefficient in dS or SdS. The sign of is fixed by the trajectory because dt/d could potentially

    be positive or negative (motion can be with or against thedirection of increasing coordinate time indicated in Fig.1and 3).

    A set of dimensionless coordinates can be defined, inwhich Eq. 12 can be written as the equation of motion ofa particle of unit mass in a one dimensional potential [18].Let:

    z =




    r, T =L2

    2k, (14)

    where M is the mass appearing in the SdS metric coeffi-cient, and

    k = 4, (15)

    L2 =1


    + + + 3k22 4+ 12 . (16)

    With these definitions, Eq. 12 becomes



    2= Q V(z), (17)

    where the potential V(z) and energy Q are

    V(z) = z2 + 2Yz + 1z4 , (18)with

    Y =1


    + + 3k2L2

    , (19)


    Q = 4k2


    3 L8


    . (20)

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    FIG. 4: The potential for various Y.

    Note that a small negative Q corresponds to a large mass,so that even between 1 < Q < 0 the mass will vary bymany orders of magnitude.

    The parameter space allowed by the junction condi-tions is characterized by the value of the cosmologicalconstant inside and outside the wall. For 0 + < ,we have 1 Y 1. The maximum Vmax of the poten-tial V(z) then satisfies 25/3 24/3 Vmax 0. Thepotential curves over the entire range of Y are shown inFig.4.

    The interior and exterior cosmological constants canbe expressed in terms of k2 as + = Ak2 and = Bk

    2.With these choices, the dynamics of the bubble wall areentirely determined by A, B, and Q.

    Let us now discuss some realistic values for the pa-rameters in this theory. The interior cosmological con-

    stant ( = M4


    pl) and the bubble wall surface en-ergy density (k = 4M3I/M

    3pl) will be set by the scale

    of inflation (MI). The exterior cosmological constant(+ = M4/M

    4pl) will be set by a scale M. These yield

    A =M4M


    (4)2M6I, B =


    . (21)

    We will consider three representative energy scales,covering the interesting range of energy scales for infla-tion. For weak scale inflation (100 GeV), k 41051,A

    0, and B

    1032. For an inflation scale near theGUT scale (1014 GeV M), we have k 4 1015,A 0, and B 107. Near-Planck scale inflation (1017GeV) yields k 4 106, A 0, and B 63. Themost massive bound solution (that which just reachesthe top of the potential) is given by converting from Qto M using Eq. 20. This maximal mass is very differ-ent in each case, ranging from an ant-mass of Mmax 103Mpl 102 grams for MI = 1017 GeV to an Earth-mass of Mmax 1033Mpl 1028 grams, for MI = 100GeV.

    C. Allowed Solutions

    A bubble wall trajectory is characterized by Q =const.,and there are three general types:

    Bound solutions with Q < Vmax. These solutionsstart at z = 0, bounce off the potential wall andreturn to z = 0.

    Unbound solutions with Q < Vmax. These solutionsstart at z = , bounce off the potential wall andreturn to z = .

    Monotonic solutions with Q > Vmax. These solu-tions start out at z = 0 and go to z = , or executethe time-reversed motion.

    The qualitative features of a generic potential can beshown by considering the four illustrative (but unrealis-tic; see above) cases of (A = 9, B = 15) shown in Fig. 5,(A = 1, B = 6) shown in Fig. 6, (A = 1, B = 2) shownin Fig. 7, and (A = 2.9, B = 3) shown in Fig. 8. The

    important features are:

    As one follows a line of constant Q in Fig. 5, 6, 7,and 8 every intersection with the dashed line Qsds(which is obtained by solving asds = 0 for Q) repre-sents a horizon crossing in the SdS spacetime (thiscould either represent the black hole or cosmologi-cal horizons).

    Intersections with the dashed line Qds (which isobtained by solving ads = 0 for Q) as one movesalong a line of constant Q represent the crossing ofthe interior dS horizon.

    The vertical line on the right denotes the position atwhich ds changes sign. ds > 0 if tds is decreasingalong the bubble wall trajectory and is negative iftds is increasing. For there to be a ds sign change,Y in Eq. 19 must be in the range 1 Y < 0 [18],which yields the condition that B > A + 3 for asign change to occur.

    The vertical dotted line on the left denotes theradius at which sds changes sign. Recall thatsds > 0 if tsds is increasing along the bubble walltrajectory, and sds < 0 if it is decreasing. For theparameters in Fig. 5 and 8, or (one can show) when-ever B < 3(A

    1), the sign change occurs to the

    right of the maximum of V. When B > 3(A 1)it occurs to the left [38], as shown in Fig. 6 (notethat this is the interesting case where + )and 7.

    The potential diagram contains all of the informationneeded to determine the conformal structure of the al-lowed one-bubble spacetimes. A complete set of the qual-itatively different trajectories for arbitrary interior andexterior positive definite cosmological constants (with

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    FIG. 5: Potential for A = 9 and B = 15. The two dashed lineslabeled Qsds and Qs represent the exterior and interior hori-zon crossings respectively. The vertical dotted lines denotethe regions in which sds and ds are positive and negative.Various trajectories are noted.

    FIG. 6: Potential for A = 1 and B = 6. For this choice ofparameters, the sign change in sds occurs to the left of themaximum in the potential. Various trajectories are noted.

    FIG. 7: Potential for A = 1 and B = 2. For this choice ofparameters, the sign change in sds occurs to the left of themaximum in the potential and there is no ds sign change.Various trajectories are noted.

    FIG. 8: Potential for A = 2.9 and B = 3. For this choice ofparameters, the sign change in sds occurs to the right of themaximum in the potential and there is no ds sign change.Various trajectories are noted.

    + < ) and M 0 are denoted in Fig. 5, 6, 7, and8. Figures 9 and 10 display the conformal structure ofthese solutions [39]. The conformal diagrams in each roware matched along the bubble wall (solid line with an ar-row) and the physical regions are shaded. For solutionswith qualitatively similar SdS diagrams, the various op-tions for the dS interior are listed. The naming schemein Fig. 5, 6, 7, and 8 is chosen to reflect the structure ofthe conformal diagrams. The first numbers are the re-gions of the SdS conformal diagram that the bubble wallpasses through. The numbers following the backslash arethe regions of the dS conformal diagram that the bubblewall passes through.

    For example, consider the IV-I-II/III solution (solution

    1 of Fig. 9). These start at at r = z = 0, corresponding tothe singularity in region IV of the SdS conformal diagramand the r = 0 surface in region III of the dS conformaldiagram. sds and ds are both greater than zero overthe entire trajectory. Therefore, the wall on the SdSside must follow a path of increasing tsds, pushing it intoregion I (crossing the black hole horizon). The wall on thedS half must follow a path of decreasing coordinate time,and thus remain in region III. The wall then reaches aturning point, falls through the black hole event horizon,and ends up back at r = z = 0 (the singularity in regionII of the SdS diagram, and the r = 0 surface in regionIII of the dS diagram). The construction of the otherdiagrams in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 proceeds similarly.

    Based on the inward pressure gradient, the IV-I-II/IIIsolution is what one might expect the junction conditionsto yield: a sphere of false vacuum which expands andthen contracts. Relativistic effects, however, lead to thequalitatively different behavior exhibited by the other so-lutions in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. For instance, the evolutionof the IV-III-II/III (solution 2) solution is qualitativelysimilar to the IV-I-II/III solution, but is so massive thatits evolution is always hidden behind the black hole eventhorizon. The IV-I-II/III-II (solutions 3 and 4) solution

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    FIG. 9: Conformal diagrams for the allowed one-bubble spacetimes. The dS and SdS diagrams are matched across the bubblewall (line with arrow), and the physical regions shaded. Solutions 3 and 4 share the same SdS diagram. Regions which do notcontain anti-trapped surfaces are shaded green (light), regions which do are shaded blue (dark).

    is a bubble which has enough kinetic energy to escape

    collapse by expanding through the cosmological horizon;observers inside (or who travel inside from region I) thefalse vacuum region will find themselves in an inflation-ary universe at late times. In the time-reverse of thissolution, a bubble implodes from infinity into the blackhole horizon, and the interior undergoes collapse.

    Note that there are two options for the IV-I-II/III-II solution. Solution 3 corresponds to the situationA + 3 < B < 3(A 1), which contains both sds andds sign changes (see Fig. 5). This causes the bubblewall to accelerate in the direction of the true vacuumfrom both the interior and exterior perspectives. Solu-tion 4 corresponds to the situation B < A +3, which does

    not contain a ds sign change (see Fig. 8). This causesthe bubble wall to accelerate in the direction of the falsevacuum from the interior perspective. The reason for thedisparity is that solution 4 exists only when the interiorand exterior cosmological constants are similar in magni-tude, and so the wall tension can have greater influenceon the dynamics.

    The remaining solutions, shown in Fig. 10, have in-teriors which approach an inflationary universe at latetimes, but lie on the opposite side of the wormhole in

    the exterior SdS spacetime. To an observer in region

    III of the SdS diagram, the IV-III-II/IV-I-II (solutions5) and IV-III-II/IV-III-II solutions (solutions 6 and 7)would appear as a sky of false vacuum that encroachesfrom infinity, reaches a minimum radius and then ex-pands back out. It has been pointed out by Bousso [13]that at late times (in an asymptotically flat spacetime)the wall trajectory according to the observer in regionIII of the S(dS) diagram approaches that of a true vac-uum bubble [21, 22, 23]. Amusingly, the SdS observerwill think he is in a true vacuum bubble surrounded bya large region of false vacuum, while the dS observer willthink she is in a false vacuum bubble surrounded by alarge region of true vacuum.

    This symmetry between true and false vacuum bubblesis made manifest in the analysis of the Coleman-De Luc-cia [23] instanton, which describes the production of bothtrue and false vacuum bubbles [10]. These are zero energysolutions, and so we should look for an M = 0 unboundsolution; this corresponds (via Eq. 20) to Q , andwe see from Fig. 5, 6, 7, and 8 that the IV-III-II/IV-I-IIsolution (solution 5) or the IV-III-II/IV-III-II solution(solution 6), depending on the values of + and , canbe identified as the analytically continued false vacuum

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    FIG. 10: Conformal diagrams for the allowed one-bubble spacetimes. The dS and SdS diagrams are matched across the bubblewall (line with arrow), and the physical regions shaded. For solutions with qualitatively similar SdS diagrams, the variousoptions for the dS interior are listed.

    instanton. The radius of the bubble wall at the turningpoint is found by considering the limit as the potential

    (Eq. 18) goes to , where on the right (unbound) sideof the potential hump the z2 term dominates. Solvingfor r using Eq. 14, we find the radius at turnaround tobe

    r = 6k+ + + 3k22 4+

    1/2 , (22)which agrees with the previous literature [16] (see also[11]). Since the Schwarzschild mass is zero, we are nowmatching two pure de Sitter spacetimes across the bub-ble wall. The conformal diagram for the exterior dS re-gion (right) only contains the area between the verticaldashed lines (which are now identified as r = 0 surfaces)in solution 5 and 6 of Fig. 10. The interior half (left)of the diagram remains unchanged. It can be seen thatat turnaround, the bubble will be larger than both theinterior horizon size and the (exterior) horizon size of theregion it has replaced.

    In the IV-III-II/III-II solution (solutions 12 and 13),the region of false vacuum surrounding the observer inregion III of the SdS diagram would begin very smalland then expand out of the cosmological horizon. Thissolution will also have a time-reversed version in which

    the surrounding region of false vacuum implodes. Forthe IV-III-II/IV-III-II solution (solutions 8 and 9),

    the sky of false vacuum would forever reside outside ofthe horizon of a region III observer. Finally, the N/III-IIsolution (solutions 10 and 11), which we will define assolutions with mass greater than or equal to the Nariaimass, will be an exploding (or imploding in the time-reversed solution) bubble of false vacuum centered onr = 0.

    In a series of papers, Farhi et. al. [1, 2] discussed theapplication of the Penrose theorem [24] to the one-bubblespacetimes discussed above. If the null energy condition(NEC) holds (as it does for the postulated energy mo-mentum tensor) and there exists a non-compact Cauchysurface (as in the full SdS spacetime), then the existenceof a closed anti-trapped surface in the spacetime impliesthe presence of an initial singularity. Since each pointon the conformal diagrams in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 rep-resents a two-sphere, such an anti-trapped surface ex-ists if the ingoing and outgoing future-directed null raysboth diverge. For example, the 2-sphere represented bypoint P1 shown in Fig. 9, solution 1, is a closed anti-trapped surface. This can be seen by following the nullray (null rays are denoted by the dashed lines in Fig. 9)from r = 0 in region III of the dS diagram to P1 and not-

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    ing that r increases monotonically as P1 is approached(the null rays are diverging). But following the future-directed null rays in the opposite direction from r = 0in region IV of the SdS diagram, across the bubble wall,and into the false vacuum region, shows that they alsodiverge. Thus, an initial singularity is necessary for thissolution to exist at and near P1. This spacetime also,however, contains regions without anti-trapped surfaces.

    Following the future-directed null rays to point P2, forexample, we see that the ingoing rays diverge, but theoutgoing rays converge. For examples, see solutions 1-4in Fig. 9, where regions which contain anti-trapped sur-faces are shaded blue (dark) and the regions which donot are shaded green (light).

    If we cut the IV-I-II/III solution (solution 1) in theexpanding phase on a spacelike hypersurface at a timewhere the radius of the bubble wall satisfies r > rBH,then the spacetime would not necessarily contain an ini-tial singularity [40]. We can remove the initial singularityfrom the IV-I-II/III-II (solution 3 and 4) solution as wellby cutting on the same surface. Both the IV-I-II/III (so-

    lution 1) and IV-I-II/III-II (solution 3 and 4) solutionsare therefore classically buildable. The IV-I-II/III-II so-lution (solutions 3 and 4) is the only example where it ispossible to form an inflationary universe from classicallybuildable initial conditions, but only exists when the inte-rior and exterior cosmological constant are almost equal(B < 3(A1)). This solution might be of interest in un-derstanding transitions between nearly degenerate vacua,for example in the context of eternal inflation.

    Given the existence of a classically forbidden region inFig. 5, 6, 7, and 8, one might ask if tunneling is allowedfrom one of the recollapsing solutions (solutions 1 and2) to one of the expanding solutions (solutions 5-9 ) onthe other side of the potential hump. This event, shownin Fig. 11, would constitute a violation of the NEC, andso the Penrose theorem would no longer apply to theantitrapped surfaces that exist after the tunneling event.Such a process is indeed apparently allowed [2, 3], andwould describe the quantum creation of an inflationaryuniverse from classically buildable initial conditions (ifthe initial condition is the IV-I-II/III solution in solution1).

    This is a rather strange transition, however, as theunbound solution is behind the wormhole in SdS (seeFig. 11). An observer in region I would see the bubbleexpand, reach its turning point, and then disappear, onlyto be replaced by a black hole. An observer inside the

    bubble would see the wall expanding away and justas it is about to turn around and start collapsing in-stead disappear behind the cosmological horizon. Thisobserver will be inside an inflationary universe, but for-ever disconnected from region I. If the black hole in theSdS spacetime then evaporates, the baby universe willbecome completely topologically disconnected.

    Having considered one circumstance in which an NECviolation precipitates the creation of an inflationary uni-verse, one might ask if there are others. Quantum fluc-











    r C











    FIG. 11: Tunneling spacetime

    tuations of a scalar field in de Sitter space can violatethe NEC, and so one might imagine that any of the solu-tions that we have discussed which allow inflation insidethe bubble could be spontaneously created somewherealong their trajectories. One example of this direct pro-duction of baby universes is a fluctuation into one of theunbound solutions (solutions 5-9). Such scenarios havebeen considered in the context of the stochastic approachto baby universe production by Linde [25] and in refer-ence to eternal inflation by Carroll and Chen [7].

    Another example of the direct fluctuation into an infla-tionary universe is the thermal decay of de Sitter vacua

    discussed by Garriga and Megevand [26] (Ref. [27] dis-cusses a related mechanism). This process consists ofthe fluctuation from empty de Sitter of a bubble in un-stable equilibrium between expansion and collapse. Thisstatic solution is identified as the set of spacetimes whichsit on top of the potentials in Fig. 5, 6, 7, and 8. Thetwo possible configurations are shown in Fig. 12, whereit can be seen that the bubble wall can lie on either sideof the worm hole depending on the sign ofsds at the topof the potential. It can be shown that the Nariai limitin Ref. [26] corresponds to B = 3(A 1), where the sdssign change occurs at the max of the potential.

    FIG. 12: Conformal diagrams for the thermal decay of deSitter vacua. The upper diagram corresponds to B < 3(A1),the lower diagram corresponds to B > 3(A 1).

    With these considerations, there are at least three com-peting channels for the formation of baby universes: di-rect production, the FGG mechanism, and the zero-massfalse vacuum instanton. It would be desirable to developa scheme to directly compare the relative probabilitiesof each of these processes, and this is currently beingexplored.

    Our full catalog of solutions is also interesting in re-gards to a recent proposal [14, 15] that false vacuum re-

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    gions, assumed to be larger than the interior horizon,must at all times be larger than the exterior, true vac-uum, horizon. The basis of this conjecture is the condi-tion that the divergence of a congruence of future directednull geodesics (defined as ) must satisfy


    dT 0, (23)

    where T is an affine parameter, if the NEC holds for allT. Null rays in the dS and SdS spacetimes satisfy thisinequality (in dS, the inequality is exactly zero), but weshould check that the junction conditions do not violateit. One requirement imposed by Eq. 23 is that the diver-gence of the null rays does not increase at the position ofthe wall as they go from a true vacuum region into a falsevacuum one. Along any given null geodesic in the bub-ble interior or exterior, the value of r is either increasingor decreasing monotonically as a function of T. We cantherefore state the condition Eq. 23 as: one cannot havea null ray along which dr/dT 0 outside the bubble anddr/dT

    0 inside the bubble. Surveying the solutions in

    Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, we see that this is indeed always true.The authors of Ref. [14, 15] intended to demonstrate

    that if one requires the false vacuum region to be largerthan the interior horizon size at all times (so that in-flation is unstoppable), it is necessarily larger than theexterior horizon size. Although all of the allowed one-bubble spacetimes satisfy the condition Eq. 23, there areonly two examples in which all observers agree that thisrequirement is met: the false vacuum instanton (IV-III-II/IV-I-II solution (solution 5), with M = 0) andthe IV-I-II/III-II solution (solution 3 and 4, after turn-around). In every other case (including the FGG space-time in Fig. 11), the observers in region I of the SdS con-

    formal diagram will see only a black hole horizon sizedvolume replaced by the false vacuum bubble. We there-fore conjecture that if one requires the false vacuum re-gion to be larger than the interior horizon size at alltimes, then it will replace a volume larger than the exte-rior horizon size according to only some observers. If onerelaxes this requirement, then there are a diverse range ofsolutions which might describe the spawning of an infla-tionary universe. For example, the bubbles in solutions3, 4 and 10-13 of Fig. 9 and 10 grow from an arbitrarilysmall size.

    Having discussed the character of the various solutions,we turn now to a potentially dangerous detail, which isparticularly important for the FGG mechanism: there

    exists a classical instability against aspherical perturba-tions in the spherically symmetric solutions to the junc-tion conditions.


    The solutions described in Sec. II C assume that theregion of false vacuum is spherically symmetric. The sta-bility of these solutions against aspherical perturbations

    has important consequences, especially if one hopes tobuild plausible cosmologies. That there might be an in-stability in domain walls was first discussed by Adams,Freese and Widrow [28]. The bubble wall can trade vol-ume energy for surface energy and wall kinetic energylocally as well as globally, and so the bubble wall willbecome distorted if different sections of the wall havedifferent kinetic energies. As long as the local distor-

    tions of the wall remain small compared to the size ofthe background solutions radius, this process can be for-mulated quantitatively as perturbation theory around abackground spherically symmetric solution.

    Previous authors [28, 29, 30] have considered perturba-tions on expanding bubbles of true-vacuum [21, 22, 23],which have zero total energy (surface, volume, and ki-netic energies canceling), and so can expand asymp-totically. As was first pointed out by Garriga andVilenkin [29], even though local observers on the bub-ble wall see perturbations grow, external observers seethem freeze out because they do not grow faster thanbubble radius.

    The story is different for the bound (solutions 1 and2) and unbound (solutions 5-9) false vacuum bubbles:since they reach a turning point, the perturbations have achance to catch up to the bubbles expansion and becomenonlinear. This also presumably has implications for thethermal decay mechanism of Garriga and Megevand [26],depending on the duration of time the bubble wall sits inunstable equilibrium between expansion and collapse (seediscussion in Sec. II C). The remainder of this work willfocus on the instability of the bound IV-I-II/III solution(solution 1), since physically plausible initial conditionsmay be clearly formulated. There is no obvious set ofinitial conditions for the perturbations on the unboundsolutions, and so we simply observe that the results we

    will obtain for the bound solutions apply qualitativelyhere as well.

    To simplify the problem, we assume that the full grav-itational problem described in the previous sections canbe treated as motion of the bubble wall in a fixed SdSbackground. This assumption must be validated (as wedo below), but we are mainly interested in the low-massbound solutions for which we might expect the gravita-tional contributions to be small. Assuming that a thinspherically symmetric bubble wall separates an internaldS from an external SdS spacetime, we can employ theaction [28, 29, 30]:

    S =


    d4xg, (24)

    where is the surface energy density on the bubble wall,ab (a, b = 1, 2, 3) is the metric on the worldsheet of thebubble wall, is the difference in volume energy densityon either side of the bubble wall:


    8, (25)

    and g is the metric of the background spacetime.

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    A. Wall Equation of Motion

    The equation of motion resulting from Eq. 24 is [30]:

    gabKab =

    , (26)

    where Kab is the extrinsic curvature tensor of the world-sheet of the bubble wall,

    Kab = axbxDn, (27)

    and D is the covariant derivative and n is the unitnormal to the bubble wall worldsheet.

    We will use the static foliation of the SdS spacetime(see Eq. 1) as the coordinates x for the backgroundspacetime. The world sheet is given coordinates (, , )as in Eq. 7, and has metric:

    ab = gaxbx , (28)

    with the gauge freedom in choosing fixed by


    d t = a + r


    a, (29)

    so that = 1. Here and henceforth primes will de-note derivatives with respect to . The other non-zerocomponents of ab are = r

    2 and = r2 sin2 .

    The first task at hand is to find the worldsheets unitnormal, which by spherical symmetry has only r and tcomponents. Requiring orthogonality to the worldsheet(gnax = 0) and unit norm (gn

    n = 1) yields itscomponents:

    nt = r, nr = t. (30a)

    The components of Kab are given by

    K =

    r +





    (a + r2)1/2, (31a)

    K = rat sin2 = K sin2 . (31b)

    Substituting Eq. 31 into Eq. 26 gives the equation ofmotion for the bubble wall:

    r =

    a + r2 2

    r(a + r2) 1



    dr. (32)

    Eq. 18 supplies the velocity of the bubble at some po-sition along its trajectory

    z = [Q V(z0)]1/2. (33)

    Choosing this boundary condition is effectively restrict-ing ourselves to the IV-I-II/III (solution 1) or IV-III-II/III (solution 2) solutions. Since the solutions toEq. 32 approximate the dynamics of the junction con-dition problem, we should parametrize by A, B, and Q.

    This can be done by using the conversions defined inSec. II B, and gives:

    z = 3(B A)c

    a(Q) + z2 (34)


    (a(Q) + z2) (Q)2



    where a is written in terms of z as

    a = 1 12cz(Q)


    c2(Q) z2, (35)


    c |(A + B + 3)2 4AB| 12 . (36)To justify the use of the simplified dynamics described

    above, Eq. 34 was numerically integrated, and the po-sition of the turning point compared to the correspond-ing point on the full junction condition potential. Overthe range of Q corresponding to the bound solutions, we

    find excellent quantitative agreement (well within 1%)between the turning points of the solutions to Eq. 34and the junction condition potential. This was repeatedwith equally good results for the weak, GUT, and Planckscale potentials and also for various initial positions be-tween the black hole radius and the potential wall (turn-ing point). This shows that to zeroth order, dynamics asmotion in a background is valid, and strongly suggeststhat it will be at higher orders as well.

    B. Perturbations

    We are now in a position to discuss the first-order per-turbations on the spherically-symmetric background so-lutions discussed in Sec. IIIA. Physical perturbationsare normal to the worldsheet of the (background) bubblewall, and can be described by scalar field (x) by takingthe position of the perturbed worldsheet to be

    x = x + (x)n, (37)

    where x is the spherically symmetric solution, and n

    is the unit normal to the worldsheet. It is assumed that is much smaller than the bubble wall radius, so that aperturbative analysis can be made.

    The equation of motion for the perturbation field (x)

    in a curved spacetime background can be derived fromthe action Eq. 24 after expanding to second order in (x)[30]

    Rh + R(3)



    = 0, (38)


    = 1aabb , (39)

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    and h is

    h = g nn . (40)

    To solve the equation of motion, we can decompose(x) into spherical harmonics

    (x) =


    lm()Ylm(, ), (41)

    and separate variables to get an equation for lm(). Thegeometrical factors in Eq. 38 become dependent on or only at second order, so we will always be able to makethis decomposition. is then given by:

    lm =



    l(l + 1)


    lm. (42)

    The components of h are:

    htt =

    a + r2

    a2, hrr =

    r2, (43a)

    h = h sin2 =1

    r2. (43b)

    The components of the Ricci tensor are given by:

    Rtt =a

    22ra +


    rra = a2Rrr , (44a)

    R = R sin2 = (1


    rra). (44b)

    Contracting equations 43 and 44 gives:

    Rh =

    2(1 a)r2



    2= 3+. (45)

    The Ricci scalar on the world sheet is

    R(3) =2

    r2(1 + r2 + 2rr), (46)

    where r is given by Eq. 32.

    After substituting Eq. 42, Eq. 45, and Eq. 46 intoEq. 38, the equation of motion for lm() is

    lm =


    2 4


    a + r2

    1/2+ 3+ +






    r2 2(1 4a)

    r2 l(l + 1)


    lm 2r


    r. (47)

    In terms of the dimensionless variables of the junction condition problem this reads:

    lm = 2z

    zlm (48)



    + 9(AB)2

    c2+ 12(B A)


    a(Q) + z21/2 + 2(Q)

    z2(4a 1) + 6z


    z2+ 2(Q)

    zdadz l(l + 1)(Q)



    where is the dimensionless perturbation field definedsimilarly to z (see Eq. 14). The first term acts as a(anti)drag on (shrinking) growing perturbations. Thelast term in this equation is always negative, acting as arestoring force. Perturbations will grow when the otherterms (which are positive over most of the trajectory inthe expanding phase) in this equation dominate. Further,the last term indicates that lower l modes will experi-ence the largest growth. The full details of the solutions,however, require a numerical approach, to which we nowturn.



    The possibility of creating an inflating false-vacuum re-gion via quantum tunneling (described in Sec. II C) has

    been investigated only under the assumption of sphericalsymmetry, and this would be grossly violated if pertur-bations on the bubble wall become nonlinear. In this sec-tion, we investigate the circumstances under which thisis the case. The two basic questions at issue are: first,when do perturbations go nonlinear for some given set ofinitial perturbations, and second, what initial perturba-tions can be expected.

    A. Dynamics of the Perturbation Field

    Let us begin with the first issue. Since Eq. 48 is asecond order ODE, it can be decomposed into the sumof two linearly independent solutions

    lm(T) = lm(T = 0)f(l, z0, Q , T )

    +lm(T = 0)g(l, z0, Q , T ). (49)

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    The functions f(l, z0, Q , T ) and g(l, z0, Q , T ) can befound numerically by alternately setting lm(T = 0) andlm(T = 0) to zero, then evolving the coupled Eq. 48 andEq. 34 numerically for a time T with initial conditionsfor Q, z0, and l. If the bubble is to tunnel, it will do soat the time Tmax, when the bubble reaches its maximumradius and begins to re-collapse. Given f and g at timeTmax, the size of the perturbations at the turning point

    for any z0, Q, l, lm(T = 0), and lm(T = 0) can bedetermined. An RK4 algorithm with adaptive step size

    was used to solve for f and g, with numerical errors wellwithin the 1% level.

    The results of this analysis for l = 1 and for thelow (weak) and intermediate (GUT) inflation scales dis-cussed below Eq. 21 are shown in Fig. 13. The solidlines show contours of constant (log) amplification factorf (left) and g (right) versus the bubble starting radius z0and mass parameter Q, with bubble mass increasing to-ward the top. The shaded regions indicate regions whichwe have disallowed as bubble starting radii because thebubble would not be classically buildable for r < rBH(marked as Q > QBH), or the bubble is in the forbiddenregion Q < V(z) of the effective 1D equation of motionEq. 17, or the bubble would be too small to be treatedclassically. We choose the latter radius as fifty times theCompton wavelength zcompton of a piece of the bubblewall [41]. The choice of fifty Compton wavelengths israther arbitrary; the effect of a larger bound would beto exclude more of the parameter space in Fig. 13. This(unshaded) parameter space includes all classical initialconditions which could be set up by the observer in regionI of the SdS conformal diagram.

    It can be seen in Fig. 13 that the growth of the per-

    turbations is in general larger for higher-mass bubbles(smaller |Q|, larger log10(Q)). The lower the inflationscale, the closer to zero the peak in the potential functionbecomes, and the smaller |Q| (higher mass) bubbles areallowed, so at low inflation scales f and g can be verylarge. Growth for the Planck-scale inflation bubbles isvery small, with f of order 10 and g of order 1, and isnot plotted.

    The enhanced growth at small |Q| is due to the sup-pression of the term in Eq. 48 proportional to l(l +1)(Q), which always acts to stabilize the perturbations.Another consequence of this suppression is that the rangein l over which solutions are unstable depends on Q;as a general rule of thumb, approximately a few times(Q)1/2 l-modes are unstable (note that this is unlikethe case true vacuum bubbles, for which only the l = 0, 1modes are unstable). An example of the f function forQ = 104 with the intermediate (GUT) inflation scaleparameters is shown in Fig. 14. The f functions for verylarge l modes are stable and approach sinusoids with am-plitudes less than one (see the inset of Fig. 14), meaningthat the perturbations are never larger than their initialsize.

    B. Initial Conditions and Evolution to the Turning


    Having fully characterized the growth of the perturba-tions, we now require an estimate for their initial valueswhen the bubble is formed. There is no reason to expectthat a region of false vacuum will fluctuate into existencewith anything near spherical symmetry, nor is it likely

    to have thin walls (there is no instanton or other mecha-nism to enforce these symmetries). Since low-l (relativeto (Q)1/2) modes are unstable, an initially aspheri-cal bubble will only become more aspherical; this is inmarked contrast to true vacuum bubbles, which bothstart spherical, and tend to become more spherical asthey expand.

    Suppose, however, that we consider the best-case sce-nario in which a bubble is, by chance or design, spher-ically symmetric. It will nevertheless inevitably bedressed with zero-point quantum fluctuations of the per-turbation field. We may then check whether these fluctu-ations alone, considered as initial values for the perturba-

    tions of a bubble starting with a given Q and z0, suffice tomake the bubble nonlinearly aspherical by turnaround.We assume that the ensemble average of the quantum

    fluctuations at the time of nucleation is zero; but the en-semble average of the square of the field (the space-like

    two-point function (, )(, ) ) will not gen-erally vanish. We can write the mode functions (Eq. 41)in terms of it as:

    2lm = (50)ddYlm(, )Ylm(, ).

    By spherical symmetry, the two-point function can bewritten as a function of the angular separation be-tween (, ) and (, ), and decomposed into Legendrepolynomials:


    ClPl(cos). (51)

    Using the addition theorem for spherical harmonics, wecan write this as



    2l + 1ClY

    lm(, )Ylm(, ). (52)

    Substituting this into Eq. 50 and using the orthogonalityof the spherical harmonics yields the relation:

    2lm =4Cl

    2l + 1. (53)

    Given some space-like two point function at the timethe bubble is nucleated, we can obtain the Cl from

    Cl =2l + 1



    d(cos )Pl(cos ) (54)

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    FIG. 13: (Color online) Contour plot of Log10[f(l = 1, z0, Q , T max)] (left) and Log10[g(l = 1, z0, Q , T max)] (right) for MI = 1014

    GeV (top) and MI = 100 GeV (bottom).

    FIG. 14: f(l, z0 = .5, Q = 104, T) for various l. The inset

    shows the oscillatory behavior of f for large l.

    and therefore set the typical initial amplitudes of themode functions as the r.m.s. value 2lm1/2 from Eq. 53.The velocity field can be decomposed into spherical har-monics just as was, and the analysis performed above

    carries over exactly. The typical initial size of the velocitymode functions is then given by

    2lm =4Al2l + 1

    . (55)


    Al =2l + 1



    d(cos )Pl(cos ). (56)

    The initial amplitudes in Eq. 53 and Eq. 55 can now beevolved to the turning point, and the mode functions re-summed. The ensemble average of the r.m.s. fluctuationsin at any time at a given point will then be:

    (T)2 =l

    2l + 1

    4lm(T)2 (57)


    C1/2l f(l, z0, q , T ) + A

    1/2l g(l, z0, q , T )


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    which can be evaluated at T = Tmax.A full model of the two-point functions and

    would involve quantizing the mode functions onthe curved spacetime of the bubble wall worldsheet,which has a metric depending on z(T). Further, to treatlarge fluctuations, we would need to include non-linearterms in the equation of motion. The exact two-pointfunction is therefore a rather formidable object to com-

    pute. As a simplified model, we will employ the two-pointfunctions of a massless scalar field in flat spacetime, andreplace the spatial distance r with the distance along thebubble wall r0. This massless scalar corresponds to theperturbations on a flat wall separating domains of equalenergy density in Minkowski space [31]. Corrections tothis picture in the presence of curvature should be smallover small regions of the bubble wall. We are also ne-glecting the large difference in energy densities across thebubble wall, which will give the field a (negative) mass tofirst order. The apparent divergence of the correlator dueto this negative mass will be rendered finite by the non-linear terms which must be introduced to discuss large

    fluctuations. In light of all these difficulties, and severalmore approximations we will make below, this should beconsidered as a first, rough estimate of the amplitude ofthe quantum fluctuations on the bubble at the time ofnucleation.

    The space-like two-point function in Minkowski spaceat large separations is given by

    (x)(y) = 1

    4r, (58)

    where r |xy|. As in the work of Garriga and Vilenkin[31], we introduce a smeared field operator to obtain awell-defined answer at close separations

    s 1s2


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    that must be considered. However, we have been able todeduce sufficiently good approximate fits for Cl and Alas a function of both l and R. In both cases, the poweris dominated by a peak at l R.

    The Cl are nicely fit by the function

    Cl =(Q)



    2l + 1

    2R + 1(68)

    exp 1

    4R2 2

    (2l + 1)2 (2R + 1)2


    The proposed fit for the Al consists of two power lawsmatched at the R = l peak. For l R, the best fitis Al = (Q)l5/4/(10R9/4) and for l > R, the fit isAl = 3(Q)R1.8/(200l2.6). Because these power law in-dices are slightly uncertain, we only count the modes withl R in the Al. This is conservative, and also justifiedbecause these modes will not contribute significantly tothe sum in Eq. 57.

    With these initial conditions, we can now evolve eachmode function using Eq. 49 and then re-sum in Eq. 57

    to find the average size of the fluctuations at the turningpoint. We have calculated f and g up to the l correspond-ing to the last unstable mode of the smallest |Q|, for allthree inflation scales (MI = 100 GeV, MI = 10

    14 GeV,and MI = 10

    17 GeV). The results for weak- and GUT-scale inflation are shown in Fig. 13, where the dottedline indicates the boundary of the region over which theperturbations become non-linear (non-linear to the leftof the line). It can be seen that in this model, even justquantum perturbations of the bubble wall grow nonlinearin bubbles that start at radii less than about one-tenth ofthe turnaround radius; this grossly violates the assump-tion of spherical symmetry used in tunneling calculations.On the other hand, none of the parameter space in thehigh inflation scale case went non-linear, and at all scalesthere is always a region of initial bubble radii near theturnaround radius, for which nonlinearity never occurs.

    C. Thick Walls and Radiation

    Just as we have no reason to expect a fluctuated regionto be spherically symmetric, we have no reason to assumethat it will have thin walls. An analysis of thick-walledtrue vacuum bubbles was undertaken in Ref. [31, 32],where it was found that the instabilities found in thin-walled case are still present in the form of deformationsnormal to the bubble profile. In the case of small falsevacuum bubbles, there is no obvious consideration (suchas a corresponding instanton) to supply the profile of thebubble wall, and so we can merely conjecture by prece-dent that the instability would be retained in the thick-walled case as well.

    Another consideration, applying to bubbles smallerthan the false vacuum horizon size, is whether inflation isspoiled by non-vacuum contributions to the energy den-sity. The perturbations on the bubble wall translate into

    gravitational waves [33, 34], and since the bound bub-ble solutions remain relatively close to their gravitationalradius and become distorted over many different lengthscales on a relatively short time scale (see the quasi-exponential growth in Fig. 14), they will be emitters ofcopious gravitational radiation. Another problem arisesif the kinetic and gradient energy of the field becomes ap-preciable in the bubble interior, either from intrusion of

    the wall (for example, imagine a bubble being pinched inhalf by some non-linear perturbation), or from particleproduction or other scalar modes propagating in fromthe wall. If the emission of energy into the interior ofthe bubble from any combination of these modes makesa significant contribution to the equation of state, theninflation will not occur.


    In this paper we have examined the feasibility of pro-ducing inflationary universes from a spacetime with a

    small cosmological constant. Reviewing the solutions al-lowed by the junction conditions, there are several dis-tinct possibilities if one allows for violations of the nullenergy condition. The first is the Farhi, Guth & Gu-ven (FGG) mechanism, in which (referring to Fig. 9 andFig. 10) the IV-I-II/III (solution 1) or IV-III-II/III (solu-tion 2) solution is fluctuated in the expanding phase andthen tunnels to an unbound solution, as shown in Fig. 11.To the outside observer in region I of the SdS conformaldiagram it appears that the bubble has disappeared be-hind the horizon, but on the other side of the wormhole,both an inflationary universe and a non-inflating universe(an asymptotically true-vacuum de Sitter region) have

    come into existence. In one case, shown in solution 5 ofFig. 10, we can imagine an observer in region III, thentake the Schwarzschild mass m 0 limit (thus removingregions I, II and IV entirely) and interpret the space-time as that of the analytically continued Coleman-DeLuccia instanton. Since the very same spacetime takespart in both the FGG mechanism and the Coleman-DeLuccia false vacuum instanton, there may be some wayto smoothly interpolate between these two processes; weintend to explore this idea further in future work.

    In addition to the FGG and regular instanton mech-anisms, there are two more possibilities. First, an infla-tionary universe might be directly produced by some nullenergy condition (NEC) violating fluctuation into one ofthe unbound or monotonic solutions shown in Solutions5-13 of Fig. 10. To the outside observer in region I ofthe SdS conformal diagram, these solutions would be in-distinguishable from the fluctuation of a black hole, butthey would secretly entail the creation of everything onthe other side of the wormhole, as in the FGG tunneling.A second method of direct production is the fluctuation(which does not require an NEC violation) of the IV-I-II/III-II solution (solution 3 and 4). These solutionsonly exist in the case where the interior and exterior cos-

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    mological constants are comparable, and so would notcorrespond to the nucleation of inflation from a universelike ours, but they might be of interest in understandingtransitions between nearly degenerate vacua.

    Examining these classical solutions to first order, wehave shown that an instability to aspherical perturba-tions exists in those solutions which possess a turningpoint. This includes the bound (solutions 1 and 2) and

    unbound solutions (solutions 5-9). In the latter casethere is no clear way to set an initial radius or initialperturbation amplitude, so we can say only that collaps-ing bubbles are violently unstable. The bound solutionsare amenable to quantitative investigation, and we havefocused on the growth of perturbations in the expandingphase that precedes tunneling in the FGG mechanism.For bound expanding bubbles formed by the fluctuationsof a scalar field in de Sitter space, there is no instanton toenforce spherical symmetry, so we would expect initial as-pherical perturbations to be relatively large. Since thereis no detailed model for the fluctuating scalar field to seehow large, we have instead calculated an estimate of theminimal deviations from spherical symmetry in light ofquantum fluctuations, and present this as an extremelyrare, best case scenario for spherical symmetry. Theseminimal fluctuations were then evolved to the turningpoint of the bound solutions, which is the point in theFGG mechanism where there is a chance for tunnelingto an inflationary universe to occur. Of the three repre-sentative energy scales for inflation (false vacuum energydensities) we have studied, the evolved minimal pertur-bations on a Plank scale bubble remain small over mostof the allowed parameter space, while the perturbationson GUT and weak scale bubbles can grow nonlinear ifthey start at a sufficiently small ( 10%) fraction of theturnaround radius. Thus even in the best-case scenario

    some bubbles become nonlinear, but on the other hand

    there will always in principle be some that do not.

    The instability introduces complications into the useof the FGG mechanism as a means of baby universe pro-duction. The existing calculations of the tunneling raterely heavily on the assumption of spherical symmetry.It is unclear how to perform a similar calculation for a(possible non-linearly) perturbed bubble, as the numberof degrees of freedom has drastically increased and the

    assumption of a minisuperspace of spherically symmetricmetrics is no longer good. Further, the bubble interiorwill become filled with scalar gradient and kinetic energyand gravity waves, possibly upsetting the interior suffi-ciently to prevent inflation. One might argue that in aneternal universe there is plenty of time to wait around fora fluctuation which is sufficiently spherical. However, tofully understand the importance of the FGG mechanism,one must both have a model of the scalar field fluctu-ations, which would predict the distribution of bubbleshapes and masses, and also a model for tunneling inthe presence of asphericities. In addition, one must un-derstand the competition among the various processes

    which result in the formation of inflating false vacuumregions, and thus show that the FGG mechanism is not arelative rarity. These problems represent significant cal-culations in a theory of quantum gravity which we do notyet possess, but progress in these areas would undoubt-edly improve our understanding of the initial conditionsfor inflation.


    The authors wish to thank A. Albrecht, T. Banks, P.J.Fox, S. Gratton, and T. Mai for their assistance in the

    development of this work.

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    [35] We will include the means by which the constructableexpanding bubble is produced, be it in the lab or bysome quantum or thermal fluctuation, in the definitionof the Farhi-Guth-Guven mechanism

    [36] This, in fact, connects to a more general question ofwhether inflation can really be said to have generalinitial conditions, given that it must be low entropy; see,e.g., [7, 8, 9].

    [37] We follow the methods and notations of these works,

    though they are not the only on the subject.[38] Ref. [18] considered only the case where the sign change

    occurred to the left of the maximum.[39] Many, but not all, of these solutions have appeared pre-

    viously in the literature [1, 16, 18][40] There are anti-trapped surfaces in region II of the SdS

    diagram, and there is a noncompact Cauchy surface C forit, so the Penrose theorem applies, but only indicates thatgeodesics are incomplete in region II because they reachits edge (the past Cauchy horizon of C.) The region isthus extendible (into regions I, III and IV) rather thansingular. Full dS has only compact Cauchy surfaces sothe theorem does not apply.

    [41] The mass of a piece of wall of scale s is M s2,where is the wall surface energy density; the Comptonwavelength is then found by setting M = s1, yieldings = zcompton
