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es el antepenultimo

Transcript of antepenultimo


Date: 12th July Hour: 6:45 A.M Place: Gallery

Skills 3



Most people in the word don’t know anything about Pilates and its benefit for the body. There are a lot of men that think Pilates is an exercise only for women and there are other people that consider Pilates is not exercise, these ideas are not real. The true is Pilates is an exercise that can be practices for all children, teenagers, old persons anyway for all people.

Dhafnes Hernández Montenegro

Pilates is as good as other exercise. When you practice Pilates you can obtain a healthy body because you work all muscles of your body and strengthen them. If you practice Pilates two or three times per week you can improve your self-correction postural, your back problems and your bad postures will be good. Pilates was invented by Joseph Hubertus Pilates. He was born in

1880. He was a weak child and sick, when he was a child, he had asthma and rheumatic fever. He proposed to study the human body for got a strong physical and healthy mind. When he was 14 years old, he was achieving a muscular body. In the First World War he fell prisoner and here in the infirmary’s prison he invented a lot of types of exercises on beds with the help for springs and pulleys: This bed was called “The Cadillac”. Pilates developed the system that was called “Contrology”, which was later called “Pilates method”. The Pilates method seeks to increase the strength, flexibility and control of the body. This Pilates method had three types of exercises. “Pilates ball” is an exercise on plastic ball, “Pilates mat” is an exercise on mat and “Pilates Reformer” is an exercise on bed.

From the 20th century to his dead he invented more than 500 exercises. In New York in 1923 J.H.Pilates founded the first Pilates studio. This Pilates studio was recognized among dancers, actors and models and was popularized among athletes and people that could benefit from these exercises, independent from their age, sex and condition. Pilates discovered the importance of strengthening the muscles around the lower back and abdominal, he called “Powerhouse”. Pilates believed the center of body is the most important part of the human body and if it was strengthened, everyone could make any movement.

When we practice Pilates, we improve all movement of our bodies, we are aware of breathing also improves our postures which are daily bad postures when we are sleeping, walking, sitting which in ours daily activities. Another advantage is that we can practice these exercises at home or in the park. Pilates Method is beneficial for anybody independently of age, it will include in our life such as routine in order to obtain the effect of preventive medicine, reinforcing to any possible diseases, because with exercise we increase the immune system.

Dhafnes Hernández Montenegro



Obesity is a chronic, progressive disease with positive energy balance. The factor affecting this energy imbalance includes genetic, metabolic and hormonal, behavioral factors, such as increased portion size and decreased activity, are responsible for the increased prevalence of obesity.

Body mass index (BMI) is calculated with weight (kg) over height (m 2). Adults who are overweight BMI > 25 or obese BMI > 30 are at increased risk for early mortality, as well as for a variety of medical conditions that include type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, and sleep apnea. Recent data suggests that obesity accounts for 14% to 20% of all cancer deaths, making it second only to smoking in terms of modifiable risk factors for cancer mortality. Obesity has also significant economic costs, approaching $ 117 billion annually in the United States.


The psychosocial consequences of obesity include body image disparagement, impaired quality of life, and, among the severely obese, depression.


Small weight losses result in big improvements in the health profile, and that losing 5% to 10% of total body weight can result in clinically significant changes. Exercise is important during weight loss and imperative for weight loss maintenance. Physical activity needs to be initiated or increased and then maintained to help prevent the regain of weight that is so common among dieters.

Historically, behavioral treatment developed from the belief that obesity was the result of maladaptive eating and exercise habits. Behavioral treatments are based largely on principles of classical conditioning, also seeks to reinforce the adoption of positive behaviors. A perfect dietary prescription for weight loss would be one in which the diet is complete in all nutrients but calories. Carbohydrate restricted diets tend to be < 100 g of carbohydrates per day. Fat restricted diets 10% fewer calories from fat is a valid option for some patients who hope to reduce cardiovascular risk factors as well as weight.


In summary

Obesity is increasing prevalently, thus, a recent analysis From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDS) indicates that 34% of Americans are overweight and 31% are obese. Unfortunately, American children are following in the footsteps of American adults: obesity among US children is increasing at a rate from 20% to 30% per decade. With all this bad news, it’s important to realize small weight losses (5 to10%) in order to improve health outcomes such as glycemic control, dyslipidemia and hypertension among others.


The risks of cow´s milk

We have grown with the idea cow´s milk is the most complete beverage because it´s an excellent source of proteins and calcium for our body. And in our minds we have registered the Healthy Eating Pyramid where cow´s milk and dairy products are placed in a special level. But, is it really true? Is cow´s milk the most complete beverage for human beings or are we conditioned by dairy industries publicity and can´t we and don´t we want to listen to our bodies?


Let´s see some facts:

2. The human being is the only one who drinks milk from other species and the only one who drinks milk after their first months of life.

1. Everyone in Nature, especially during their infancy, needs milk and mother´s milk. In each species, it provides just the right balance of fats, proteins, vitamins, hormones and enzymes for their growth. So, dog´s milk is perfect for the puppies of course, as rat´s milk is for their little rats, and cow´s milk is perfect for the calves, and the calf has four stomachs for its digestion.

3. Pasteurization process kills viruses and bacteria but also destroys not only some proteins and vitamins, but also some beneficial antibodies, hormones and enzymes which are indispensable for the body. There are some studies on animals, especially with cats and rats that have shown us that if they are fed with their own pasteurized milk, they grow weak and ill and some of them die.

4. Cow´s milk has four times more proteins than human breast milk; this excess of proteins is accumulated as mucosity and phlegm. Then, our body tries to get rid of them through the skin and the respiratory system producing asthma, acne, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.

The risks of cow´s milk

5. Cow´s milk not only has bovine growing hormone produced by the cow´s pituitary gland, but also different synthetic hormones added to them in order to improve their weight to produce the great possible amount of milk. Those substances have been associated with humans´ hormonal alterations such as precocious puberty in girls, ovarian cysts, etc.

Let´s see some facts:

6. In human babies, the high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids provided in breast milk are responsible of a good growing of the brain. Cow´s milk contains a significantly lower amount of these fats and a higher level of saturated fats contributing to the rapid growth in body size rather than their brain development. 7. A balanced intake of all the bone minerals

(calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.) along with adecuate vitamine A, C and D is needed for building strong bones and preventing osteoporosis. But, cow´s milk has 97mg of phosphorus compared to human breast milk which only contains 18mg; these high levels of phosphorus don´t allow calcium absorption. 8. Dairy products produce blood acidification. Usually our blood has an alkaline ph (7.3 – 7.5), if we eat a lot of acidifier food (refined sugars and carbohydrates, dairy products, alcohol, tobacco, etc) our body in order to balance the ph, takes calcium from the bones and then they become demineralized. So, the more milk we drink, the worse bones´ quality we get. Countries like China with alkalinized diets (vegetarian diets, whole-grains foods, fruits, vegetable oils, etc) have less osteoporosis problems than countries with acidifier diets like in the USA and others.

In conclusion, the

excellence of cow´s milk is a myth. If you are looking for good sources of calcium and proteins for your health, it is advisable to look for different kinds of nutrients other than cow´s milk and dairy products. The following are excellent sources of calcium: broccoli, parsley, almonds, sardines, sesame seeds, coca leaves, and seaweeds.



Every year, immediately after Christmas, between December 25th and 30th, the city of Cali fills up with tourists from all over the country and abroad. They come to participate in this great fair which is famous for its horse riding parades, bullfights, the best salsa orchestras, concerts, dances, and delicious gastronomy. The fair starts on the streets with a parade of

the best horses in the country. It continues with a multitude of popular festivals and parties in various sections of the city. Cali is also called the world salsa capital, with the best national and international orchestras and bringing together different kinds of public in closed shows with performances, prize-winning dancers and concerts staged by the best interpreters of this musical genre.

In addition, another activity to do in Cali’s fair is go to The Tascas which are small, picturesque, temporary restaurants built from wood and located outdoors. Over the course of the years, they have moved from one place to another: from the banks of the Cali River, to the Park of Love, and to several other locations. They offer a wide range of Colombian and international food, and operate as a sort of gastronomical fair that offers attendees the best tastes of the world. Finally, each year thousands of caleños and foreigners allow themselves to be driven by music and rumba during the six days of the fair. And the best bullfighters from Spain and South America display their art in the Cañaveralejo bull ring during emotion-filled afternoons.





The history of football began in England in 1848. This sport is played between two teams of eleven players. The game is now played by over 250 million players in over 200 countries, making it the world's most popular sport. In this sport, there are 3 important tournaments; Football World Cup, UEFA Champions League and Libertadores Cup.

The FIFA World Cup is an international competition made up of national teams. The championship has been realized every four years since 1930. The tournament involves 32 teams, and this tournament has been won by eight different teams. Brazil has won five times, Italy with four titles; Germany with three titles; Argentina and Uruguay with two titles; and England, France, and Spain with one title each. The next three World Cups will be in Brazil in 2014, Russia in 2018, and Qatar in 2022. The UEFA Champions League is realized since 1955 by the best football clubs in Europe. It’s considered the most prestigious football club competition in the world. This tournament has been won by 21 different clubs; the winner teams that have most victories are, Real Madrid with 9, Milan with 7, Liverpool with 5, Barcelona with 4 and Manchester United with 3. Libertadores Cup is realized since 1965 for the best clubs in America, The tournament is named in honor of the Libertadores, the main leaders of the South American wars of independence, and the most successful club is independiente with 7 titles. In conclusion the football is the most popular sport around the world, it is not only seen as a form of entertainment but also as a way of life.

Leonardo Vega


Leonardo Vega


The Rock History in Colombia has a long trajectory, but at the beginning it wasn´t accepted like good music. This genre was underground and people didn´t understand the meaning of the message of the songs.

Rock Music in Colombia was known in the 50´s on radio stations and movies, and most people didn´t like this kind of music. In the 60´s the first rock music L.P was recorded. Along the 80´s finally Rock Music in Colombia gained great popularity and a lot of people started to like this music and young people conformed Rock Bands. In the 90´s Colombian Rock Music was recognized internationally, because National Bands like Aterciopelados, Ekhymosis, Compañía Limitada, Ex-3, 1280 almas, etc. appeared with their talent. International Rock Bands influenced the local scene, for example Argentina and Spain Rock Bands, like Hombres G, Toreros Muertos, Soda Estereo. In 1995 began the most important festival called Rock al Parque, In this festival national and international bands and artits were singing different rock genres. These Rock Festival is considered one of the most important Rock Festivals in Latin America.


On the last decade a lot of international Rock Bands visited the country like Aerosmith, Kiss, Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, Megadeath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Scorpions. They are some of the best Rock Bands in the world from the 70´s. New national Rock Bands appeared by the end of the 90´s and in the last 10 years like Superlitio, Doctor Krapula, Bomba Estereo, Tres de Corazon, The Mills, The Hall Efect, bands that have a international projection.

Definitely, Rock Music in Colombia is a strong tendency and each day more and more young people like and enjoy this kind of music, there are more and more bands to do this genre and there are a lot more listening to it abroad.