Answer the following questions concerning the File Tab in...

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Transcript of Answer the following questions concerning the File Tab in...

Understanding Microsoft Word (25 Formative Points)

Objective:The student will:

Locate functions of MS Word Examine how the functions of MS Word work Evaluate the possible uses for MS Word

Directions:You will be assigned to a group of 3-4 students. Each group will be assigned a separate tab located on the ribbon of MS Word. Your task will be:

Create a document in MS Word that will contain the following: o Answers to the assigned questions, definitions, and instructions for the given

functions under the your assigned tab. (o Screen shots to provide a visual to explain a function and more fully answer the

assigned questions. (To create a screen shot, press the Print Screen button on your keyboard Click Paste under the Home Tab, Clipboard group in MS Word.)

(You can use the help function in MS Word or the internet to help you with this)

Each member of the group must then demonstrate at least one function for the class.

File Tab

Answer the following questions concerning the File Tab in Microsoft Word:

1. Provide a definition, instruction and visual for the following functions found under the File Tab in MS Word:a. Saveb. Save Asc. Opend. Closee. New

2. How can the information under “Recent” be helpful?3. What are the options available under “Print” 4. What would you use MS Word for?5. In your opinion, using a scale of 1-10, rate how user-friendly MS Word is. Why did you give the rating

you did?6. Who would use MS Word? Explain

Home Tab

Answer the following questions concerning the Home Tab in Microsoft Word: 1. Provide a definition, instruction and visual for the following functions found under the Home Tab in MS Word:

a. Pasteb. Cutc. Copyd. Format Paintere. Findf. Replace

2. What are your options in the “Font” group? Provide visual examples.3. What are your options in the “Paragraph” group? Provide visual examples.4. What the different “Styles” available?5. What would you use MS Word for?6. In your opinion, using a scale of 1-10, rate how user-friendly MS Word is. Why did you give the rating

you did?7. Who would use MS Word? Explain

Insert Tab

Answer the following questions concerning the Insert Tab in Microsoft Word: 1. Provide a definition, instruction and visual for the following functions found under the Insert Tab in MS Word:

a. Pictureb. Clip Artc. Shapesd. SmartArte. Hyperlinkf. Wordartg. Textboxh. Headeri. Footerj. Page Number

2. Why would you want to insert a table in a word document?3. What would you use MS Word for?4. In your opinion, using a scale of 1-10, rate how user-friendly MS Word is. Why did you give the rating

you did?5. Who would use MS Word? Explain

Page Layout Tab

1. Provide a definition, instruction and visual for the following functions found under the Page Layout Tab in MS:a. Marginsb. Orientationc. Columnsd. Watermarke. Page Colorf. Page Borderg. Themes

2. What would you use the “Hyphenation” function for in the Page Setup group.3. What would you use MS Word for?4. In your opinion, using a scale of 1-10, rate how user-friendly MS Word is. Why did you give the rating

you did?5. Who would use MS Word? Explain

Review/View Tabs

1. Provide a definition, instruction and visual for the following functions found under the Review Tab in MS Word:a. Spelling & Grammarb. Researchc. Thesaurusd. Word Counte. New Comment

2. Provide a definition, instruction and visual for the following functions found under the View Tab in MS Word:a. Print Layoutb. Zoomc. 100%

3. How can the functions in the “Show” group help you?4. What would you use MS Word for?5. In your opinion, using a scale of 1-10, rate how user-friendly MS Word is. Why did you give the rating

you did?6. Who would use MS Word? Explain