Anshul Note

Post on 14-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Anshul Note

Dear Uffe & Niels,

Thank you for an opportunity given to be able to represent Maersk at the conference as discussed. It went pretty well and generated a lot of Qs; but I kept it concise & confidential where required. Of course, everybody recognizes that we are in it big time and expect us to set the industry standards.

A couple of key points that Id like to share with you both as condensed from yesterdays conference.

1. All the perf. system service providers are now claiming to provide customized solns to the owners which all are based on the real-time data analysis; of course with an added cost. More so, Marorka even claims to have developed a tool that would autonomously control the power/speed of the vessel whilst a voyage at a constant avg. value just by a hit of button, taking into equation all the relevant parameters; in collaboration with Kongsberg. Eniram is working on a transponder (self-powered) to relay some of the critical parameters ashore, live via satellite.

2. Just got a heads-up; that a political agreement has been reached on a EU proposal for a regulation on MRV of CO2 emissions, with the regulation entering into force 01 July 2015 and the first monitoring period shall begin 01 Jan 2018. Each company will be required to produce a monitoring plan which will be used to monitor data on a per-voyage basis. I believe well have to collaborate/assist marine standards on this, as the requirement is also to provide the EEDI for each vessel.

3. Ive come across a couple of Masters pointing out the discrepancy they see btw SPOS predictions and actual weather conditions that exist at a couple of given positions on the globe; weve no feedback loop back to SPOS making them aware of this so as to improve the weather prediction models for an efficient voyage planning; also given that if we ever consider to use the hindcast weather data instead of the vessel reported weather data.

4. Came across an intriguing presentation; attached herewith FYRR. An uncertainty analysis in the actual performance measurement of a given vessel with an error in diff. data points. We currently have at least 1/3 of our fleet sailing with erroneous speed logs and as seen the HPME uncertainty goes up considerably using that data.

5. Nano-satelleites that has much wider and much accurate coverage; to not to lose the ship-shore connectivity relaying real-time data - (

6. Industry is also talking about the Fog computing as much as the cloud computing; the vision were aiming at. Its also called as cloud on board i.e. where the advanced analytics on majority of the raw data actually happens on board rather than to ship the data ashore for same.

On a side note; today had a whole day session with the TO here at NCL and also gave the team a heads up on the BOE2E program.

Have a great long weekend!

Best Regards,Anshul Tuteja