Post on 01-Oct-2021

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Greek Orthodox Church
Paul Bilson, Psaltis
We are an intentional Orthodox Christian Community for North Georgia!
Festal Eothinon/Tone - Plagal Fourth
We are so very glad you have joined us today, and we pray you will be inspired
and encouraged by your time with us.
The Orthodox worship service is an ancient and timeless expression of how
people have loved, served and worshipped God for many centuries, but it may be a bit of
a different experience for you. Please feel free to use a service book or not and simply
allow the words of the service to wash over you.
The central act of our worship culminates in people receiving communion.
This is a very special time for us all and we have some specific beliefs about our com-
munion together. This is why we never impose this service on those who are not pre-
pared or are not baptized Orthodox. This service may raise questions in your mind.
Please feel free to ask Fr. Barnabas anything you wish after the service.
At the end of the service EVERYONE is invited to come forward and receive a
portion of the “blessed bread” from Fr. Barnabas. No one should leave church
Know you are welcome and we are glad you are here.
May God bless you and your family.
Apolytikion in honor of Sts. Raphael, Nicholas & Irene
Having contended on Lesvos for the sake of Christ God, you have sanctified the island
since the discovery of your sacred relics, O blessed ones; wherefore we honor you, O
Godbearing Raphael, together with Nicholas and virgin Irene, as our divine protectors
and intercessors with the Lord.
40-Day Blessing - Nicholas Alexander Levantis is presented today for his 40-day
blessing by his parents Melpo & Alex Levantis.
Prosforo: Is lovingly offered by the Prosforo Ministry Team
Please pray for those faithful who are currently in need of our most fervent intercessions:
Albie, Andrew, Archie, Bill, Bill, Carrie, Demetra, Dina, Donna, Efthymios, Elaine,
Elizabeth, Christina, Heidi, Igli, James, Jerry, Joe, John, Maria, Michael, Nomiki,
Oni, Paul, Peter, Sarah, Taki, Tara and Violeta
Schedule for the Week
Wednesday, March 28th, 6:30 p.m. - Pre-sanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten
Teaching of book DEFEATING SIN
Friday, March 30th, 6:30 p.m. - Akathist Hymn
Saturday, March 24th , Noon - Baptism of Ryan and Clay Foxhall,
children of Chris & Liz Foxhall
James Blane, Nathan Frazier, Spiros Kefalas, Dean Pryles, Nicholas Pryles, Mike Manos,
Giovanni Ray, Tommy Roberts, Mike Trainor, Connor Walters, Roney Walters, Thomas
Miller and Christos Zourzoukis
Annunciation of the Theotokos Reading: Six months after John the Forerunner's conception, the Archangel Ga-
briel was sent by God to Nazareth, a town of Galilee, unto Mary the Virgin, who
had come forth from the Temple a mature maiden (see Nov. 21). According to the
tradition handed down by the Fathers, she had been betrothed to Joseph four
months. On coming to Joseph's house, the Archangel declared: "Rejoice, thou Full
of Grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women." After some con-
sideration, and turmoil of soul, and fear because of this greeting, the Virgin, when
she had finally obtained full assurance concerning God's unsearchable condescen-
sion and the ineffable dispensation that was to take place through her, and believ-
ing that all things are possible to the Most High, answered in humility: "Behold
the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." And at this, the
Holy Spirit came upon her, and the power of the Most High overshadowed her all -
blameless womb, and the Son and Word of God, Who existed before the ages, was
conceived past speech and understanding, and became flesh in her immaculate
body (Luke 1:26-38).
Bearing in her womb the Uncontainable One, the blessed Virgin went with haste
from Nazareth to the hill country of Judea, where Zacharias had his dwelling; for
she desired to find Elizabeth her kinswoman and rejoice together with her, be-
cause, as she had learned from the Archangel, Elizabeth had conceived in her old
age. Furthermore, she wished to tell her of the great things that the Mighty One
had been well-pleased to bring to pass in her, and she greeted Elizabeth and drew
nigh to her. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, she felt her six -month-old
babe, Saint John the Baptist, prophesied of the dawning of the spiritual Sun. Im-
mediately, the aged Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and recognized her
as the Mother of her Lord, and with a great voice blessed her and the Fruit that
she held within herself. The Virgin also, moved by a supernatural rejoicing in the
spirit, glorified her God and Savior, saying: "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and
my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour," and the rest, as the divine Luke hath
recorded (1:39-55)
Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone: Today is the fountainhead of our salvation and
the manifestation of the mystery which was from eternity. The Son of God be-
cometh the Virgin's Son, and Gabriel announceth the good tidings of grace; for
this cause, let us cry to the Mother of God with him: Rejoice, thou who art full of
grace, the Lord is with thee.
Kontakion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone: To you, Theotokos, invincible
Defender, having been delivered from peril, I, your city, dedicate the victory fes-
tival as a thank offering. In your irresistible might, keep me safe from all trials,
that I may call out to you: "Hail, unwedded bride!"
Parish Council On Duty - John Patrick & Paul Ray Welcoming Ministry - Margaret Manos
Epistle Reading
Second Letter to Timothy 3:10-15
The Reading is from St. Paul's First Letter
To the Hebrews 2:11-18
BRETHREN, he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified have all
one origin. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brethren, say-
ing, "I will proclaim thy name to my brethren, in the midst of the con-
gregation I will praise thee." And again, "I will put my trust in him."
And again, "Here am I, and the children God has given me. Since
therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise
partook of the same nature, that through death he might destroy him
who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who
through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage. For surely it is
not with angels that he is concerned but with the descendants of Abra-
ham. Therefore he had to be made like his brethren in every respect,
so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the ser-
vice of God, to make expiation for the sins of the people. For because
he himself has suffered and been tempted, he is able to help those who
are tempted.
δελφο, γιζων κα ο γιαζμενοι, ξ νς πντες· δι ν αταν οκ
παισχνεται δελφος ατος καλεν, λγων, παγγελ τ νομ σου
τος δελφος μου, ν μσ κκλησας μνσω σε. Κα πλιν, γ σομαι
πεποιθς π ατ. Κα πλιν, δο γ κα τ παιδα μοι δωκεν
θες. πε ον τ παιδα κεκοιννηκεν σαρκς κα αματος, κα ατς
παραπλησως μετσχεν τν ατν, να δι το θαντου καταργσ τν
τ κρτος χοντα το θαντου, τοτ στιν τν διβολον, κα παλλξ
τοτους, σοι φβ θαντου δι παντς το ζν νοχοι σαν δουλεας.
Ο γρ δπου γγλων πιλαμβνεται, λλ σπρματος βραμ
πιλαμβνεται. θεν φειλεν κατ πντα τος δελφος μοιωθναι, να
λεμων γνηται κα πιστς ρχιερες τ πρς τν θεν, ες τ
λσκεσθαι τς μαρτας το λαο. ν γρ ππονθεν ατς πειρασθες,
δναται τος πειραζομνοις βοηθσαι.
Gospel Reading
The Reading is from Luke 1:24-38 In those days, Elizabeth the wife of Zacharias conceived and for five
months she hid herself, saying, "Thus the Lord had done to me in the
days when he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men." In
the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Gali-
lee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was
Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. And he
came to her and said, "Hail, O favored one, the Lord is with you! But she was
greatly troubled at the saying, and considered in her mind what sort of greeting
this might be. And the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have
found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a
son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the
Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father
David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom
there will be no end." And Mary said to the angel, "How shall this be, since I
have no husband?" And the angel said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon
you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to
be born will be called holy, the Son of God.
And behold, your kinswoman Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son;
and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For with God noth-
ing will be impossible." And Mary said, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the
Lord; let it be to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her.
ν τας μραις κεναις συνλαβεν Ελισβετ γυν ατο, κα περικρυβεν
αυτν μνας πντε,λγουσα τι οτω μοι πεποηκεν Κριος ν μραις ας
πεδεν φελεν τ νειδς μου ν νθρποις. Εν δ τ μην τ κτ
πεστλη γγελος Γαβριλ π το Θεο ες πλιν τς Γαλιλαας, νομα
Ναζαρτ,πρς παρθνον μεμνηστευμνην νδρ, νομα Ιωσφ, ξ οκου
Δαυδ, κα τ νομα τς παρθνου Μαριμ.κα εσελθν γγελος πρς
ατν επε χαρε, κεχαριτωμνη Κριος μετ σο ελογημνη σ ν
γυναιξν. δ δοσα διεταρχθη π τ λγ ατο, κα διελογζετο ποταπς
εη σπασμς οτος.κα επεν γγελος ατ μ φοβο, Μαριμ ερες γρ
χριν παρ τ Θε.κα δο συλλψ ν γαστρ κα τξ υν, κα καλσεις
τ νομα ατο Ιησον.οτος σται μγας κα υς ψστου κληθσεται, κα
δσει ατ Κριος Θες τν θρνον Δαυδ το πατρς ατο,κα
βασιλεσει π τν οκον Ιακβ ες τος ανας, κα τς βασιλεας ατο οκ
σται τλος.επε δ Μαριμ πρς τν γγελον πς σται μοι τοτο, πε
νδρα ο γινσκω;κα ποκριθες γγελος επεν ατ Πνεμα Αγιον
πελεσεται π σ κα δναμις ψστου πισκισει σοι δι κα τ γεννμενον
γιον κληθσεται υς Θεο.κα δο Ελισβετ συγγενς σου κα ατ
συνειληφυα υν ν γρει ατς, κα οτος μν κτος στν ατ τ
καλουμν στερτι οκ δυνατσει παρ τ Θε πν μα.επε δ
Μαριμ δο δολη Κυρου γνοιτ μοι κατ τ μ σου. κα πλθεν
π ατς γγελος.
8:30 a.m. Orthros
followed by Lenten Teaching
30th Friday 6:30 p.m. Akathist to Theotokos
A pot luck Lenten Supper will be held in the Blue House on Friday,
March 30th, at 5:30 p.m. Please come & bring your favorite Lenten
dish & join in the fellowship of a meal before the Akathist Service.
Apr. 1st Sunday Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
8:30 a.m. Orthros
followed by Lenten Teaching
7th Saturday Lazarus Saturday
a play by the Sunday School, palm
folding and pot luck Lenten lunch.
5 p.m. Great Vespers
8th Sunday Palm Sunday
The Ladies Philoptochos are continuing to collect donations for the spe-
cific items needed for Lent and Holy Week and for the MANY flowers to
decorate icons and the kouvouklion Please contact Ginny Kostulakos at 678-807-7167 or to donate.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity.
pers, we will have a Book Study based on
Fr. Joseph Huneycutt’s book Defeating Sin.
The book will be available in the Gift Shop.
All are invited to attend.
Book Club
“When I arrived in America in the early sixties for my higher education, I brought with
me a naïve faith in the Christian religion, the Church, and the God of my forefathers and
grandmothers. It was a taken-for-granted faith based on an upbringing within the insu-
lated and homogeneous confines of Eastern Orthodoxy, the dominant religion of Cy-
prus.” These are the first two lines of Mountain of Silence by Kyriacos Markides.
Please join us for a discussion on this book and other topics each Saturday night after
Vespers (roughly 5:45). Bring some Lenten food to share (because eating Lenten food
is easier to eat when it’s shared). It is not necessary to read the book in order to join the
discussion but it is recommended. Perhaps we will discuss the second chapter this Sat-
urday...or we may just eat and talk about other things for a few hours.
Call Lisa Boston if you have any questions. 770-826-1212
Annual Palm Sunday Fish Plaki Luncheon
We will be hosting our annual Fish Plaki Luncheon after Palm Sunday Services.
The menu will include Fish Plaki (baked fish), Rice, Salad, Dessert and Beverage.
Mac & Cheese will be available for the children.
Ticket prices are Adults $15 and
Children 10 to 17-$10; 4 to 9 $7; 3 and under - FREE
Advance ticket sales start this Sunday in the Blue House.
All proceeds will go towards the future expansion of our Parish.
For More information,
2012 Membership Drive Philoptochos is not just for ladies anymore — gentlemen are more than
welcome to join and take part in the philanthropic endeavors of the
Philoptochos organization.
So, ladies & gentlemen, please join (or renew your membership) for 2012.
See Barbara Alexiou, Membership Chair
or any of the Philoptochos Officers (Anne Trainor, Marie Chapman, Ginny
Kostulakos, Harriet Howell, Gigi Ray)
Pascha Bake Sale — Tsoureki, Baklava, Galatoboureko & Kou-
rambiedes are being sold for the Easter Holiday. Place your order with
Ginny Kostulakos (678-807-7167 or or Marie Chap-
man (770-205-7220 or
Sunday, April 22nd, 5-6:00 p.m.
@ home of Christina Pryles
Sts. RNI Blue House
Contact Marie Chapman
770-205-7220 or
A Pot Luck (covered dish) Lenten Supper will be held in the Blue
House prior to the Akathist Service on Friday, March 30th. Please
bring your favorite Lenten dish to share and join in the fellowship of
a Lenten meal.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS - April 7th is Lazarus Saturday which is
synonymous with "A Great Day at Church". This year that will include Liturgy
followed by a short skit and a pot-luck. We will also have palm folding, candle
making, and pysanky egg decorating. There will be something for everyone. If
your last name begins with A-M please bring a main dish. If your last name
begins with N-Z please bring bread, drinks, or dessert. Volunteers are sorely
This Sunday (TODAY) we will be having our first rehearsal for the Lazarus
Saturday skit. If your child would like to be a part of the skit, we will meet
in the church after Sunday school.
Fagan’s Biscuit Barn - 141 & Sharon Road
All men are invited.
Thanks to all who came out to clean and do yard work to ready our
church for the Pascha services and celebration.
John Patrick
The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta
$100 per Adult; $50 per Youth (7-18 yrs);
6 & Under are Free. ($300 max. per family)
(Scholarships are available; please contact
Paula Marchman at:
Adult & Youth Greek School is on hiatus during Great Lent. Please use this time
to bring your family to the weekday Lenten services of Pre-Sanctified liturgy on
Wednesdays and Salutations on Fridays. Both services begin at 6:30 p.m.
Thank you,
Elene Catrakilis
Sunday School Craft Supplies Needed
Sunday School is needing to replenish its' stock of craft necessities: Elmers glue,
glue sticks, markers, glitter glue, scotch tape, masking tape. Praise the
Lord! Thank you for your generosity
Our 2011-2012 Fellowship Hour Donation Campaign has begun. We hope you have
enjoyed the refreshments provided over the past year and will continue to support
the Fellowship Committee’s efforts to serve you each Sunday.
For the 2011-2012 year, donations have been made by the following families:
Harriet Howell, Florence Lytle and Mary Roberts
December 2011/January-February 2012 Income / Expense Summary
Month Income Expense Diff +/- December $25,090.97 $25,098.00 ( $ 7.03) January $30,495.37 $25,286.72 $ 5,208.65 February $25,525.29 $21,359.52 $ 4,165.77
Totals $81,111.63 $71,744.24 $ 9,367.39
Stewardship Commitment Cards for 2012.
Total Pledges to Date: $157,819.76 - Average Pledge: $1,901.44
Nicholas & Varvara Alexiou
Jim & Angie Andropoulos
Richard & Sophia Bethune
Paul & Elaine Bilson
Anthony & Mary Birozes
Pam Powers
Our Vision & Mission
Our vision as Saints Raphael, Nicholas & Irene Greek Orthodox Church is to grow as a family in Christ.
Our mission as a Greek Orthodox Church is to serve God and neighbor, strengthen the family and reach out
to the community.