Annual Report 2014 - Anti-Corruption Commission...

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Transcript of Annual Report 2014 - Anti-Corruption Commission...

` ` `y K

An n u a l Rep o rt

2 0 1 4

`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkbevsjv‡`k

Anti Corruption CommissionBangladesh

2014evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b

`yb©xwZi weiæ‡× jovB Fighting Corrupt Practices : Preceding and Following

`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb evsjv‡`k

Anti Corruption Commission Bangladesh


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014


` ` `y K


†gv. mwn`y¾vgvbgnvcwiPvjK`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkbevsjv‡`k1, †m¸b evwMPv, XvKv 1000|

†Uwj: +88 02-934 9013d¨v·: +88 02-831 3884B‡gBj:


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b m¤úv`bv KwgwU:

†gv. mwn`y¾vgvb, gnvcwiPvjK, `y`K

†gv. RyjwdKvi Avjx, DccwiPvjK, `y`K

cÖbe Kzgvi fÆvPvh©¨, DccwiPvjK, `y`K

†gvnv¤§` dqmvj, mnKvix cwiPvjK, `y`K


`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkbevsjv‡`k


AvBwmwU †mj`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb


` ` `y K

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


Md. ShahiduzzamanDirector GeneralAnti Corruption Commission Bangladesh1, Segun BagichaDhaka 1000.

Tel: +88 02-934 9013Fax: +88 02-831 3884Email: zaman.shahid@ymail.comWeb:


Md. Shahiduzzaman, Director General, ACC

Md. Zulfikar Ali, Deputy Director, ACC

Pranab Kumar Bhattacharjee, Deputy Director, ACC

Mohammad Faisal, Assistant Director, ACC


Anti Corruption Commission BangladeshMarch 2014


ICT CellAnti Corruption Commission


` ` `y K


` ` `y K

`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb evsjv‡`k

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b2014

`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014 `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb AvBb 2004 Gi 29(1) aviv Abyhvqx MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`‡ki gnvgvb¨ ivóªcwZi Kv‡Q †ck Kiv nq|

K…ZÁZv ^xKvi:

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`bwUi Bs‡iRx Abyev` Ki‡Y mnvqZv Kivq Kwgkb evsjv GKv‡Wwgi wbKU AvšÍwiKfv‡e K…ZÁ|


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Anti Corruption Commission Bangladesh


The Anti Corruption Commission's Annual Report 2014 is submitted to the Honourable President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh in accordance with the Section 29(1) of the Anti Corruption Commission Act 2004.


The Commission gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the Bangla Academy in translating this Annual Report in English.



` ` `y K


†Pqvig¨vb†gv. ew`D¾vgvb

The ChairmanMd. Badiuzzaman

KwgkbviW. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g`

CommissionerDr. Nasiruddin Ahmed

Kwgkbvi†gv. mvnveywÏb

CommissionerMd. Shahabuddin

KwgkbThe Commission

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


MÖæc Qwe: mvg‡b Wvb w`K †_‡K: †gv. gvKmy`yj nvmvb Lvb, mwPe; W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g`, Kwgkbvi; †gv. ew`D¾vgvb, †Pqvig¨vb; †gv.

mvnveywÏb, Kwgkbvi; †gv. Kvgiæj †nv‡mb †gvjøv, gnvcwiPvjK; Ges W. †gv: kvgmyj Av‡iwdb, gnvcwiPvjK|

†cQ‡b Wvb †_‡K †gv. mwn`y¾vgvb, gnvcwiPvjK; weª‡MwWqvi †R. (Ae.) Gg. GBP. mvjvn&DwÏb, gnvcwiPvjK; wRqvDwÏb Avn‡g`,

gnvcwiPvjK; Ges Avey †gv. †gv¯Ídv Kvgvj, gnvcwiPvjK|

Commissioners with the senior officialsDaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©vM‡Yi m‡½ KwgkbviMY

Group Photo: from right: Md. Maksudul Hasan Khan, Secretary; Dr. Nasiruddin Ahmed, Commissioner; Md. Badiuzzaman, Chairman; Md. Shahabuddin, Commissioner; Md. Kamrul Hossain Molla, Director General; and Dr. Md. Shamsul Arefin, Director General.

Behind, from right: Md. Shahiduzzaman, Director General; Brigadier General (Rtd.) M. H. Salahuddin, Director General; Md. Ziauddin Ahmed, Director General; and Abu Md. Mostafa Kamal, Director General.


` ` `y K

n¯ÍvšÍi cÎ

11 Ryb

Rbve †gv. Avãyj nvwg`, GW‡fv‡KUgnvgvb¨ ivóªcwZMYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`ke½febXvKv 1000

gnvgvb¨ ivóªcwZ,

`yb©xwZ gb Kwgkb AvBb 2004 Gi 29 (1) aviv †gvZv‡eK 31 wW‡m¤^i 2014 mv‡j mgvßK…Z eQ‡ii Rb¨ yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b Avcbvi Kv‡Q Dc¯’vcb Ki‡Z †c‡i Avwg Avbw›`Z| DwjøwLZ AvBb Abymv‡i cÖwZ‡e`bwU msm‡` †ck Ki‡Z Avcwb cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖnY K‡i evwaZ Ki‡eb|

cÖwZ‡e`bwU‡Z 2014 mv‡j m¤úvw`Z `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb AvBb 2004-G cÖ`Ë wb‡`©k Abyhvqx Kwgk‡bi Kvh©-m¤úv`b, m¤úvw`Z Kv‡Ri Af¨šÍixY I evwn¨K Revew`wnZv, Ges miKvi-cÖ`Ë m¤ú‡`i e¨e¯’vcbvi we¯ÍvwiZ Z_¨ AšÍf©z³ i‡q‡Q|

Avwg g‡nv`q‡K Avk¦¯Í KiwQ †h, †`‡k `yb©xwZi weiæ‡× jovB I `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iv‡a Kwgkb µgvš^‡q me ai‡bi c`‡¶cB MÖnY Ki‡Q|

Avcbvi GKvšÍ,

(†gv. ew`D¾vgvb)†Pqvig¨vb

, 2015

†gvt ew`D¾vgvb†Pqvig¨vb`by x© wZ `gb Kwgkbevsjv‡`k|

`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb, 1, †m¸b evwMPv, XvKv-1000, †dvb : +88 02 8333350, d¨v· : +88 02 8333354B-‡gBj :

` ` `y K

Letter of transmittal

June 11

Mr. Md. Abdul Hamid, Advocate

Honourable President

The People's Republic of Bangladesh

The Bangabhaban

Dhaka 1000

Dear Mr. President,

I have pleasure in presenting the annual report of the Anti Corruption Commission for the year ended on

December 31, 2014, in accordance with Section 29(1) of the Anti Corruption Commission Act 2004,

which also requires that you take necessary steps to table the report in the Parliament.

This report includes the Commission's performance in 2014 as per its mandates derived from the Anti

Corruption Commission Act 2004, internal and external accountability for its performance, and

management of resources which were granted by the Government.

I assure you that the Commission is progressively undertaking all initiatives to fight and prevent

corruption in the country.

Yours sincerely,

(Md. Badiuzzaman)


, 2015

`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb, 1, †m¸b evwMPv, XvKv-1000, †dvb : +88 02 8333350, d¨v· : +88 02 8333354B-‡gBj :

ChairmanMd. Badiuzzaman

Anti Corruption CommissionBangladesh.` ` `y K



n¯ÍvšÍi cÎ

Av`¨¶i I kã-ms‡¶c 12

gyLeÜ 14

Aa¨vq GK `y`K : †cÖÿvcU I cwiwPwZ 17

1.1. ybx©wZ gb Kwgkb : †cÖÿvcU 18

1.2. ybx©wZ gb Kwgkb cwiwPwZ 18

Aa¨vq yB Kvh© m¤úv`b cÖwZ‡e`b 31

2.1. ybx©wZi Awf‡hvM MÖnY 32

2.2. AbymÜvb 38

2.3. Z`šÍ 46

2.4. cÖvwZôvwbK ybx©wZi AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ 52

2.5. Kwgkb KZ…©K cwiPvwjZ D‡jøL‡hvM¨ yb©xwZi AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ Kvh©µgmg~n 58

2.6. cÖwmwKDkb 70

2.7. cÖwZ‡iva, MYm‡PZbZv, M‡elYv I cixÿY 74

2.8. y`K I evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki g‡a¨ vÿwiZ cvi¯úwiK mnvqZv welqK mg‡SvZv §viK 84

2.9. AvšÍR©vwZK Dbœqb ms¯’vmg~‡ni mv‡_ Kwgk‡bi m¤ú„³Zv 84

2.10. Kwgkb KZ©„K M„nxZ M‡elYvg~jK Kvh©µg 84

Aa¨vq wZb m¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv 89

3.1. gvbe m¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv 90

3.2. ev‡RU e¨e¯’vcbv 98

3.3. y`‡Ki Af¨šÍixY ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva Kvh©µg 102

3.4. Kwgk‡bi mvwe©K Kvh©µ‡gi ch©‡eÿY I g~j¨vqb 102

Aa¨vq Pvi Kwgk‡bi Z_¨ e¨e¯’vcbv 107

4.1. y`K I Z_¨ AwaKvi 108

4.2. y`K I MYgva¨g 108

Aa¨vq cuvP Kwgk‡bi Kg©cwiKíbv 111

Aa¨vq Qq Qwe M¨vjvwi 115

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


Letter of Transmittal

Acronyms & Abbreviation 13

Preface 15


1.1. Anti Corruption Commission: Background 19

1.2. About Anti Corruption Commission 19


2.1. Receiving Allegations of Corruption 33

2.2. Enquiries 39

2.3. Investigations 47

2.4. Enquiries & Investigations on Institutional Corruption 53

2.5. Remarkable Enquiries & Investigations on Corruption Undertaken by ACC 59

2.6. Prosecution 71

2.7. Prevention, Mass Awareness, Research & Experiment 75

2.8. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signed between the ACC & 85 Bangladesh Bank on Mutual Assistance

2.9. Commission's Liaison with International Development Organizations 85

2.10. Empirical Research Undertaken by Commission 85


3.1. Human Resources Management 91

3.2. Budget Management 99

3.3. ACC's Initiatives to Prevent Internal Corruption 103

3.4. ACC's Performance in Monitoring & Evaluation 103


4.1. ACC & Right to Information 109

4.2. ACC & Media 109

Chapter Five LOOKING AHEAD 111

Chapter Six PHOTO GALLERY 115



` ` `y K

Av`¨¶i I kã-ms‡¶c

AvBwmwU Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³

AviwUAvB Z_¨ AwaKvi

BDGb RvwZmsN

BDGbwWwc RvwZmsN Dbœqb Kg©m~wP

BDGbwmGwm `ybx©wZ we‡ivax RvwZmsN mb`

GGmAvB mnKvwi Dc-cwi`k©K

GRvnvi cÖv_wgK Z_¨ weeiYx (GdAvBAvi)

GwcwRGgGj Gkxq-cÖkvšÍ gnvmvMixq A_© cvPvi we‡ivax †RvU

Gd Avi P‚ovšÍ cÖwZ‡e`b

GdGwUGd dvBb¨vwÝqvj G¨vKkb Uv¯‹ †dvm©

GgGjwcG gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb

GgwW e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK

GgIBD mg‡SvZv ¯§viK

Gjwm FYcÎ

RvBKv Rvcvb AvšÍR©vwZK mnvqZv ms¯’v

wRAvB‡RW Rvg©vb AvšÍR©vwZK Dbœqb mnvqZv ms¯’v

wRGmG mvaviY weµq G‡R›U

wUIAvi Kvh©cwiwa

wW2‡K †WmwUwb 2000 wjwg‡UW

wWGgwmGmGj †WmwUwb gvwëcvicvm †Kv-Acv‡iwUf †mvmvBwU wjwg‡UW

`y`K `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb

`y`K AvBb `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb AvBb, 2004

wcwcG miKvwi µq AvBb, 2006

wcwcAvi miKvwi µq wewagvjv, 2008

weGdAvBBD evsjv‡`k dvBb¨vwÝqvj Bw›Uwj‡RÝ BDwbU

weweGwm evsjv‡`k `ybx©wZ `gb ey¨‡iv

m‡RKv mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vjq


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


ICT Information and Communication Technology

RTI Right to Information

UN United Nations

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

UNCAC United Nations Convention Against Corruption

ASI Assistant Sub-Inspector

FIR First Information Report

APGML Asia Pacific Group of Money Laundering

FR Final Report

FATF Financial Action Task Force

MLPA Money Laundering Prevention Act

MD Managing Director

MoU Memorandum of Understanding

LC Letter of Credit

JICA Japan International Co-operation Agency

GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

(German Development Cooperation)

GSA General Sales Agent

ToR Terms of Reference

D2K Destiny 2000 Limited

DMCSL Destiny Multipurpose Co-operative Society Limited

ACC Anti Corruption Commission

ACC Act Anti Corruption Commission Act, 2004

PPA Public Procurement Act, 2006

PPR Public Procurement Rules, 2008

BFIU Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit

BBAC Bangladesh Bureau of Anti Corruption

IDO Integrated District Office



` ` `y K


`ybx©wZ mviv we‡k¦ Av‡jvwPZ welq| c„w_exi mKj †`‡kB Kg-‡ewk `ybx©wZi cÖ‡Kvc i‡q‡Q| Avgv‡`i †`‡kI Gi

e¨vcKZv i‡q‡Q| wewfbœ mvgvwRK m~P‡K evsjv‡`k hLb GwM‡q hv‡”Q; ZLb mvaviY gvbyl †_‡K ïiæ K‡i

we`»R‡bivI g‡b K‡ib, `ybx©wZ AwgZ m¤¢vebvi evsjv‡`‡ki AMÖhvÎv‡K evavMÖ¯Í Ki‡Q| G‡`‡ki A_©‰bwZK

Dbœqb, vwi`ª¨ we‡gvPb, AeKvVv‡gv Dbœqb I Kg©ms¯'vb weKv‡ki cÖwZeÜKZv m„wó Ki‡Q ybx©wZ| G f~L‡Ði ybx©wZi

BwZnvm AwZ cÖvPxb| ybx©wZ Aciva wn‡m‡e wPwýZ nIqvi ci †_‡KB Zv cÖwZ‡iva ev g‡bi Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvI

Ae¨vnZ wQj| H Ae¯'vq GKwesk kZvãxi cÖvi‡¤¢B evwj©bwfwËK cÖwZôvb UªvÝcv‡iwÝ B›Uvib¨vkbv‡ji Rwi‡c

GKvwaKevi me‡P‡q ybx©wZMÖ¯Í †`‡ki ZvwjKvq 'vb cvq evsjv‡`k| ewnwe©‡k¦ evsjv‡`‡ki fveg~wZ© f~jywÉZ nq| G

†cÖÿvc‡U †`‡ki mvaviY gvbyl, mykxj mgvR, ivRbxwZwe`, we‡`wk vZv ms¯’v, MYgva¨gmn mswkøó mK‡ji D‡ØM I

`vwei cwi†cÖwÿ‡Z `ybx©wZ `g‡b wb‡qvwRZ ivóªxq cÖwZôvb Ôevsjv‡`k ey¨‡iv Ae Gw›UKivckbÕ wejyß K‡i Ô`ybx©wZ

`gb Kwgkb AvBb-2004Õ cÖYqb Kiv nq| 2004 m‡bi 21 ‡k b‡f¤^i GB AvB‡bi Av‡jv‡K cÖwZôv Kiv nq ^vaxb

`ybx©wZ gb Kwgkb| eZ©gvb Kwgkb Zvi vwqZ¡ cvj‡b „p cÖwZÁ|

`ybx©wZi †h †Kv‡bv Z_¨ ev Awf‡hvM Kwgk‡bi †MvPixf~Z nIqv gvÎB Kwgkb AvBbvbyM e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Y b~¨bZg AbyK¤úv cÖ`k©b K‡i bv| AvR‡Ki ev¯ÍeZv n‡jv †`‡ki A‡bK miKvwi Kg©KZ©v, †ckvRxex, ivRbxwZwe`, weËevb e¨emvqxmn mgv‡Ri †h †Kv‡bv ¯Í‡ii e¨w³i weiæ‡× `ybx©wZi mywbw`©ó Awf‡hv‡M eû gvgjv `v‡qi Kiv n‡q‡Q| wePvwiK Av`vj‡Z A‡b‡Ki kvw¯Í n‡q‡Q| ybx©wZi weiæ‡× Kwgk‡bi GB Awfhvb AZ¨šÍ „pZvi mv‡_ cwiPvjbv Kiv n‡”Q| mKj‡K Abyaveb Ki‡Z n‡e †h, `ybx©wZ AZxe ¯úk©KvZi Aciva| G RvZxq Aciva `g‡bi g~j Dcv`vb n‡”Q vwjwjK cÖgvYvw` I Dchy³ mvÿ¨-cÖgvY| Kwgkb cÖwZwU AbymÜvb ev Z`šÍ‡K mg¸iæZ¡ w`‡q ch©vß vwjwjK cÖgv‡Yi wfwˇZ gvgjv `v‡qi ev bw_fzw³i wm×všÍ MÖnY K‡i _v‡K| G‡ÿ‡Î e¨w³i mvgvwRK, ivR‰bwZK ev †ckvMZ cwiPq Kwgk‡bi wbKU b~¨bZg ¸iæZ¡ enb K‡i bv| ZviciI Kwgk‡bi wewfbœ AbymÜvb ev Z`šÍKvh© mgv‡jvwPZ nq| Avgiv G RvZxq mgv‡jvPbv‡K ^vMZ RvbvB, Z‡e mgv‡jvPbv Aek¨B MVbg~jK I Z_¨wbf©i n‡Z n‡e|

`ybx©wZ gb Kwgkb D¤§y³ Z_¨ cÖev‡n wek¦vmx| Kwgk‡bi mKj Kvh©µ‡gi ^”QZv I Revew`wnZv wbwðZK‡í Z‡_¨i cÖevn Ae¨vnZ ivLv n‡e| `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb AvBb, 2004Gi 29(1) aviv Abyhvqx 2013 mv‡ji b¨vq 2014 mv‡ji Ôevwl©K cÖwZ‡e`bÕ cÖYqb K‡i gnvgvb¨ ivóªcwZi Kv‡Q †ck Ki‡Q| G cÖwZ‡e`‡b 2014 mv‡ji wekvj Kg©h‡Ái wPÎ Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

`ybx©wZ gb Kwgkb Avcbv‡`i mK‡ji mn‡hvwMZvq †`‡ki ybx©wZ‡K mnbxq ch©v‡q bvwg‡q Avbvi j‡ÿ¨ mKj cÖKvi Kvh©µg Ae¨vnZ †i‡L‡Q| Pjgvb ybx©wZwe‡ivax Awfhv‡bi aviv‡K µgvMZ MwZkxj I Kvh©Ki Kivi mKj cÖ‡Póv Ae¨vnZ _vK‡e|

†gvt ew`D¾vgvb †Pqvig¨vb

`ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


Corruption is an issue of discussion all over the world. There are corruption incidences in all countries of the world. Corruption also has purview in our country. While Bangladesh is going forward in different social indicators; the common people to many experts feel that corruption, in many ways, is disrupting the advancement of Bangladesh's immense possibilities. It is hindering the country's economic development, poverty alleviation initiatives, infrastructural development, and employment growth. This land has a long history of corruption. Different measures were taken to combat and prevent corruption since it was first identified as a crime. On the eve of the 21st century, Bangladesh was listed as one of the most corrupt countries of the world for more than once in the survey of Berlin based organization Transparency International. It tarnished the image of Bangladesh abroad. In this context, Anti Corruption Commission Act, 2004 was enacted by abolishing the previous anti corruption watchdog of the country 'Bangladesh Bureau of Anti Corruption' on the basis of the concerns and demands of everyone along with the common people, civil society, politicians, international donor organizations and mass media. The independent Anti Corruption Commission was established on 21 November 2004 in the light of this Act. The incumbent Commission is uncompromisingly determined to discharge its duties properly.

The Commission does not hesitate to take necessary legal actions after receiving any information or allegations of corruption. Today's reality is that several cases are lodged against many of the government officials, professionals, politicians, opulent businessmen and other persons of the society on specific corruption allegations. Many of them have already faced penalties in the trial courts. The operation of the Commission against corruption is being conducted strongly. Everyone has to realize that the crime of corruption is very sensitive one. Documentary evidences and genuine witness-proofs are the key elements to combat such crime. The Commission equipoise each enquiry or investigation and on the basis of sufficient documentary evidences and witnesses, it takes decision to lodge cases or otherwise. The social, political or professional identity of the person hardly bears any importance to the Commission in this regard. However, the ACC is criticized for its different enquiry or investigative initiative. We appreciate such types of criticisms, but, the criticisms should be constructive and information based.

Anti Corruption Commission believes in free flow of information. The information flow will be continued to ensure the transparency and accountability of the actions of the Commission. According to the Section 29(1) of Anti Corruption Commission Act, 2004, the Commission is submitting Annual Report of 2014 like last year to the Honourable President. This report envisaged the massive initiative of the Commission in 2014.

The Anti Corruption Commission is working in full swing to minimize corruption to a moderate level in the country in collaboration with all of you. The ongoing anti-corruption drives will be continued in full efforts to be constantly dynamic and effective.

Md. Badiuzzaman


Anti Corruption Commission



` ` `y K

`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi cÖavb Kvh©vjqHead Office of Anti Corruption Commission


`by x© wZ `gb Kwgkb: †cÿÖ vcU I cwiwPwZ


Chapter 1

Anti Corruption CommissionBackground and About

`ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb : †cÖÿvcU

`ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb cwiwPwZ

Anti Corruption Commission: Background

About Anti Corruption Commission

`yb©xwZ wbqš¿‡Yi KvVv‡gvPvi-¯Í¤¢ wewkó











ivR‰bwZK mw`”Qv











`yb©xwZ wbqš¿Y


1.1. yb©xwZ gb Kwgkb: †cÖÿvcU

`ybx©wZ evsjv‡`‡ki RvZxq AMÖMwZi Ab¨Zg AšÍivq| †`‡ki A_©‰bwZK Dbœqb, AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb, `vwi`ª¨

we‡gvPb, wewb‡qvM I Kg©ms¯’v‡bi weKvk‡K evavMÖ¯Í Ki‡Q ybx©wZ| cÖwZwU ag©MÖš’B ybx©wZi weiæ‡× K‡Vvi Ae¯’vb

e¨³ K‡i‡Q| cÖvPxb fvi‡Zi BwZnvm ch©v‡jvPbv Ki‡j ybx©wZi Aw¯ÍZ¡ Lyu‡R cvIqv hv‡e| Pvb‡K¨i A_©kv‡¯¿ wewfbœ

cÖKv‡ii `ybx©wZi wek` weeiY i‡q‡Q| `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iv‡ai †PóvI cÖvPxb| 1860 m‡b cÖYxZ `Ðwewa‡Z KwZcq

Acivag~jK Kvh©‡K `ybx©wZg~jK Kvh©Kjvc wn‡m‡e msÁvwqZ K‡i `‡Ði weavb Av‡ivc Kiv nq| Z‡e G `Ðwewa

cÖPwjZ nIqvi c~‡e©I G †`‡k G RvZxq Aciv‡ai `‡Ði weavb wQj| G †ÿ‡Î ejv hvq, `Ðwewa 1860 cÖYq‡bi

gva¨‡g ybx©wZmsµvšÍ Aciva wePvi cÖwµqvi AvBbMZ KvVv‡gv m„wó nq |

cÖvwZôvwbKfv‡e 1944 m‡b ZrKvjxb weªwUk miKvi GKwU Aa¨v‡`k Rvwii gva¨‡g MYKg©Pvix‡`i `ybx©wZ `g‡bi

D‡`¨vM MÖnY K‡i| cieZx©Kv‡j 1947 m‡b ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva AvBb, 1947 ejer Kiv nq| ybx©wZ g‡b RvwiK…Z G

AvBb ev¯Íevq‡bi `vwqZ¡ †`Iqv n‡qwQj cywjk wefv‡Mi Ici| G‡Z Kvw•ÿZ dj AwR©Z bv nIqvq `ybx©wZ

`gbmsµvšÍ Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi R‡b¨ GKwU c„_K miKvwi ßi Z_v ybx©wZ gb ey¨‡iv MVbmn Ab¨vb¨ jÿ¨ wb‡q

`ybx©wZ `gb AvBb, 1957 ejer Kiv nq| cÖv_wgKfv‡e A¯’vqx `ßi wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡jI 1967 mb †_‡K GKwU

¯’vqx ßi wn‡m‡e ybx©wZ gb ey¨‡ivi Kvh©µg ïiæ nq| ZrKvjxb ybx©wZ gb ey¨‡ivi ^vaxbfv‡e ybx©wZi Awf‡hvM

AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ cwiPvjbv Kivi AvBwb my‡hvM wQj bv| GKwesk kZvãxi cÖvi‡¤¢ UªvÝcv‡iwÝ B›Uvib¨vkbvjGi

Rwi‡c evsjv‡`k GKvwaKevi kxl© `ybx©wZMÖ¯Í †`k wn‡m‡e wPwýZ nq| G †cÖÿvc‡U †`‡ki mvaviY gvbyl, Dbœqb

mn‡hvMx, mykxj mgvR, ivRbxwZwe`, MYgva¨gmn mswkøó‡`i `vwei cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z 2004 m‡bi 21 ‡k b‡f¤^i

Òevsjv‡`k ey¨‡iv Ae Gw›UKivckbÓ wejyß K‡i ybx©wZ gb Kwgkb (`y`K) cÖwZôv Kiv nq|

1.2. `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb cwiwPwZ

1.2.1. Kwgk‡bi iƒcKí

Òmgv‡Ri me©¯Í‡i cÖengvb GKwU kw³kvjx ybx©wZwe‡ivax ms¯‹…wZ Pvjy Kiv|Ó

1.2.2. Kwgk‡bi jÿ¨

ÒAe¨vnZfv‡e ybx©wZi gb I cÖwZ‡iva Kiv|Ó

1.2.3. Kwgk‡bi cwiPvjbv KvVv‡gv

`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb : †cÖÿvcU I cwiwPwZ

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Anti Corruption Commission: Background & About

1.1. Anti Corruption Commission: Background

Corruption is one of the obstacles to national progress. It is putting a barrier to economic development, poverty alleviation, infrastructural development, employment growth of the country. Each scripture has expressed strict stance against corruption. The existence of corruption can be found in the history of ancient India. There are details of the different types of corruption in Chanakya's 'Arthashastra' . Initiatives to prevent corruption are also ancient. The Penal Code, 1860 defined some criminal activities as corrupt practices by articulating provisions of conviction against them. However, before the introduction of the Penal Code, there were provisions for conviction against such crimes in this country. In this case, it can be said that the enactment of the Penal Code, 1860 created a legal framework for corruption related crime in the criminal justice system.

In 1944, the then British Government had taken official measures to curb corruption of public officials by issuing an ordinance. Later, the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 was enforced in 1947. The Police Department was entrusted to implement the law on combating corruption. As the desired result was not achieved, in 1957 a separate government department such as Bangladesh Bureau of Anti-Corruption was established by enacting Anti Corruption Act, 1957 to conduct anti corruption activities. Though initially it started as temporary office, the Bureau of Anti-Corruption started its operation as permanent office in 1967. The then BAC did not have legal scope to enquire and investigate into allegations of corruption independently. On the eve of the 21st century, Bangladesh was identified as one of the most corrupt countries of the world in the survey of Transparency International. In this regard, in view of the demand of the common people, development partners, civil society, politicians, and mass media, the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) was established by abolishing "Bangladesh Bureau of Anti-Corruption " on November 21, 2004.

1.2. About Anti-Corruption Commission

1.2.1. ACC's Vision

"To create a strong anti-corruption culture that permeates throughout the whole society."

1.2.2. ACC's Mission

"To relentlessly combat and prevent corruption."

1.2.3. ACC's Operational Framework



` ` `y K

The four-legged table of corruption control

Corruption Control



e A







e A






e A






e A






Political Will

1.2.4. Kwgk‡bi wZbwU †KŠkjMZ jÿ¨

kvw¯Íg~jK c`‡ÿc MÖn‡Yi gva¨‡g ybx©wZi gb;

c×wZ ch©v‡jvPbvi gva¨‡g ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva Kiv; Ges

wkÿv I m‡PZbvZvg~jK cÖPv‡ii gva¨‡g ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva Kiv|

DcwiD³ †KŠkjMZ jÿ¨¸‡jv PviwU mnvqK jÿ¨ Øviv mgw_©Z :

cÖvwZôvwbK KvVv‡gv cÖYqb Kiv;

cwiPvjbvc×wZ cÖYqb;

gvbem¤ú` mnvqZv I DbœZ Af¨šÍixY kvmbc×wZ cÖ`vb Kiv; Ges

DbœZ Avw_©K I KvwiMwi (jwRw÷K) mnvqZv cÖ`vb|

1.2.5. Kwgk‡bi cÖavb Kvh©m¤úv`b m~PKmg~n

eQ‡ii v‡qK…Z gvgjvi wecix‡Z wb®úwËK…Z gvgjvi kZvsk ev nvi;

†Kv‡bv Awf‡hvM wb®úwËi R‡b¨ †bIqv AbymÜvb I Z`‡šÍ e¨wqZ mgq;

wePv‡ii (cÖwmwKDkb) nvi A_ev eQ‡i wb®úwËK…Z gvgjvi wecix‡Z wePv‡ii nvi; Ges

†`vlx mve¨¯ÍKi‡Yi nvi ev eQ‡i wePv‡ii nv‡ii wecix‡Z †`vlx mve¨¯ÍKi‡Yi nvi|

1.2.6. Kwgk‡bi wbe©vnx KvVv‡gv `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgk‡bi Kwgkbvi c‡` wb‡qv‡Mi R‡b¨ `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb AvBb Abyhvqx mycÖxg †Kv‡U©i Avwcj

wefv‡Mi GKRb wePvicwZi †bZ„‡Z¦ cuvP m`‡m¨i GKwU evQvB KwgwU i‡q‡Q| evQvB KwgwUi mycvwikµ‡g gnvgvb¨

ivóªcwZ KZ©„K KwgkbviMY c~Y©Kvjxb mg‡qi R‡b¨ ¯^-¯^ c‡` cuvP erm‡ii R‡b¨ wb‡qvMcÖvß nb| wZbRb

Kwgkbv‡ii ga¨ n‡Z gnvgvb¨ ivóªcwZ GKRb‡K †Pqvig¨vb c‡` wb‡qvM K‡i _v‡Kb| †Pqvig¨vb Kwgk‡bi cÖavb

wbe©vnx wn‡m‡e `vwqZ¡ cvjb K‡ib| Kg©vemv‡bi ci KwgkbviMY cÖRvZ‡š¿i †Kv‡bv jvfRbK c‡` wb‡qvM jv‡fi

†hvM¨ we‡ewPZ nb bv| mycÖxg †Kv‡U©i GKRb wePviK‡K †h mKj KviY I c×wZ‡Z AcmviY Kiv hvq, wVK GKB

KviY I c×wZ e¨ZxZ ‡Kv‡bv Kwgkbvi‡K AcmviY Kiv hvq bv|













evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

mnvqK D‡Ïk¨vejx mnvqK D‡Ïk¨vejx

gvbe m¤ú` mnvqZv I DbœZ Af¨šÍixYkvmb c×wZ

cÖ‡qvRbxq A_©vqb GesKvwiMix mnvqZv

kvw¯Íg~jK c`‡ÿ‡cigva¨‡g `yb©xwZ `gb

c×wZMZ ch©v‡jvPbvigva¨‡g `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva

wkÿv I m‡PZbZvcÖmv‡ii gva¨‡g

`yb©xwZ †iva

cÖvwZôvwbK KvVv‡gvcÖ¯‘ZKiY

cwiPvjb c×wZcÖYqb

†KŠkjMZ D‡Ïk¨vejx

1.2.4. ACC's Three Strategic Objectives

! Combating corruption through punitive actions;

! Pre-empting corruption through system review; and

! Preventing corruption through education and advocacy.

These three strategic objectives are supported by four supporting objectives:

! Designing the organizational structure;

! Designing operating mechanism;

! Providing human resource support and good internal governance; and

! Providing sound financial and logistical support.

1.2.5. ACC's Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

! Completion rate or the percentage of cases resolved against the number lodged in the year;

! Cycle time or time taken for an enquiry and investigation into a complaint to be resolved;

! Prosecution rate or the percentage of cases prosecuted against the number completed in a

year; and

! Conviction rate or the percentage of cases convicted in court against the number disposed

of in a year.

1.2.6. Executive Arrangements of ACC

According to ACC Act, 2004 for the appointment as the Commissioner, there is a five-member selection

committee headed by a Justice of Appellate Division of Bangladesh Supreme Court. As per the

recommendation of the Selection Committee, the Commissioners are appointed by the Honourable

President for the respective full- time positions for five years. From among three Commissioners, one is

appointed as Chairman by the Honourable President. The Chairman serves as the chief executive of the

Commission. The Commissioners are not eligible for appointment in any profitable post of the republic

after completion of the tenure. No Commissioner shall be removed from office except on similar causes

and manners as apply to the removal of a judge of the Supreme Court.



Providing HR Supportand Good Internal


Providing SoundFinancial and

Logistical Support


Combating Corruptionthrough Punitive


Pre-emptingCorruption throughSystems Review

Preventing Corruptionthrough Education






` ` `y K

wPÎ-1: `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi mvsMVwbK KvVv‡gv





(AvBb IwePvi)

(cÖkvmb,ms¯’vcb I A_©)

(AbymÜvb IZ`šÍ )

(we‡klAbymÜvb I



cÖwZ‡iva IMYm‡PZbZv)

(Awb¯úbœwelqvw` Icwi`k©b)

cwiPvjK(cwiex¶Y I g~j¨vqb)


gnvcwiPvjK gnvcwiPvjK gnvcwiPvjK gnvcwiPvjK gnvcwiPvjK


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Figure-1: Organisational Structure of Anti Corruption Commission

Commissioner Commissioner



(Monitoring & Evaluation)


(Legal &Prosecution)


& Finance)

(Enquiry &Investigation)

(SpecialEnquiry &



Prevention &Mass


(PendingMatters &






` ` `y K

wPÎ-2: `y`‡Ki gvV Kvh©vjq¸‡jvi mvsMVwbK KvVv‡gv

*m‡RKv: mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vjq

m‡RKv-G †`‡ki †h †Rjv¸‡jv AšÍ©fz³:

XvKv -1 : XvKv gnvbMi GjvKv I XvKv †Rjv

XvKv-2 : MvRxcyi, bvivqYMÄ, biwms`x, gvwbKMÄ I gywÝMÄ †Rjv

gqgbwmsn : gqgbwmsn, †b·Kvbv I wK‡kviMÄ †Rjv

UvsMvBj : UvsMvBj, Rvgvjcyi I †kicyi †Rjv

dwi`cyi : dwi`cyi, ivRevox, †MvcvjMÄ, kwiqZcyi I gv`vixcyi †Rjv

PÆMÖvg-1 : PÆMÖvg gnvbMi GjvKv

PÆMÖvg-2 : PÆMÖvg gnvbMi GjvKv-ewnf‚©Z _vbvmg~n, K·evRvi I ev›`ievb cve©Z¨ †Rjv

†bvqvLvjx : †bvqvLvjx, †dbx, I j²xcyi †Rjv

Kzwgjøv : Kzwgjøv, eªvþYevwoqv I Puv`cyi †Rjv

ivOvgvwU : ivOvgvwU I LvMovQwo cve©Z¨ †Rjv

ivRkvnx : ivRkvnx, bIMuv I PvcvBbeveMÄ †Rjv

e¸ov : e¸ov I RqcyinvU †Rjv

cvebv : cvebv I wmivRMÄ †Rjv

iscyi : iscyi, MvBevÜv, KzwoMÖvg I jvjgwbinvU †Rjv

w`bvRcyi : w`bvRcyi, VvKziMuvI, bxjdvgvix I cÂMo †Rjv

Lyjbv : Lyjbv, mvZ¶xiv I ev‡MinvU †Rjv

h‡kvi : h‡kvi, bovBj, wSbvB`n I gv¸iv †Rjv

Kzwóqv : Kzwóqv, †g‡nicyi I PzqvWv½v †Rjv

ewikvj : ewikvj, SvjKvwV, wc‡ivRcyi I †fvjv †Rjv

cUzqvLvjx : cUzqvLvjx I ei¸bv †Rjv

wm‡jU : wm‡jU I mybvgMÄ †Rjv

nweMÄ : nweMÄ I †gŠjfxevRvi †Rjv


XvKv ivRkvnx Lyjbv ewikvj wm‡jU







wm‡jU nweMÄ

m‡RKv m‡RKv m‡RKv m‡RKv m‡RKv








evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Figure-2: Organisational Structure of ACC's Field Offices

*IDOs : Integrated District Offices

IDOs include respective Districts of the country:

Dhaka-1 : Dhaka Metropolitan Area and Dhaka District

Dhaka-2 : Gazipur, Narayanganj, Narsingdi, Manikganj and Munshiganj District

Mymensingh : Mymensingh, Netrokona and Kishoreganj District

Tangail : Tangail, Jamalpur and Sherpur District

Faridpur : Faridpur, Rajbari, Gopalganj, Shariatpur and Madaripur District

Chittagong-1 : Chittagong Metropolitan Area

Chittagong-2 : Thanas other than Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Cox's Bazar and Bandarban Hill District

Noakhali : Noakhali, Feni and Laksmipur District

Comilla : Comilla, Brahminbaria and Chandpur District

Rangamati : Rangamati and Khagrachari Hill District

Rajshahi : Rajshahi, Naogaon and Chapainawabganj District

Bogra : Bogra and Jaipurhat District

Pabna : Pabna and Sirajganj District

Rangpur : Rangpur, Gaibanda, Kurigram and Lalmonirhat District

Dinajpur : Dinajpur, Thakurgaon, Nilphamari and Panchagar District

Khulna : Khulna, Satkhira and Bagerhat District

Jessore : Jessore, Narail, Jhinaidah and Magura District

Kustia : Kushtia, Meherpur and Chuadanga District

Barisal : Barisal, Pirojpur, Jhalokathi and Bhola District

Patuakhali : Patuakhali and Barguna District

Sylhet : Sylhet and Sunamganj District

Hobiganj : Hobiganj and Moulavibazaar District







Dhaka Chittagong Rajshahi Khulna Barisal Sylhet










` ` `y K

1.2.7. Kwgk‡bi Kvh©vewj

`y`K AvBb, 2004 Abyhvqx y`K GKwU ^vaxb I mswewae× ms¯’v| G AvBb Abyhvqx Kwgk‡bi KwZcq iæZ¡c~Y©

Kvh©vewj n‡”Q-

1. cÖvß Awf‡hvM ev ^-D‡`¨v‡M cÖvß Z‡_¨i wfwˇZ y`K AvB‡bi Zdwm‡j DwjøwLZ Acivamg~‡ni AbymÜvb

I Z`šÍ cwiPvjbv Kiv;

2. AbymÜvb cwiPvjbvi wfwˇZ gvgjv `v‡q‡ii Aby‡gv`b Ges Z`‡šÍi wfwˇZ PvR©kxU/P~ovšÍ wi‡cvU©

`vwL‡ji Aby‡gv`b cÖ`vb;

3. gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb, 2012 Abyhvqx gvwbjÛvwis wel‡q AbymÜvb/Z`šÍ I gvgjv cwiPvjbv Kiv;

4. ivóªcwZi wbKU wbgœwjwLZ wel‡q mycvwik †ck Kiv :

+ `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iv‡ai R‡b¨ †Kv‡bv AvB‡bi Aaxb ^xK…Z e¨e¯’vw` ch©v‡jvPbv;

+ Kvh©Ki ev¯Íevq‡bi R‡b¨ yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iv‡ai wel‡q M‡elYv cwiKíbv Zwi;

+ M‡elYvjä djvd‡ji wfwˇZ KiYxq wba©viY;

+ Av_©mvgvwRK Ae¯’vi cwi‡cÖw¶‡Z evsjv‡`‡k we`¨gvb wewfbœ cÖKvi `ybx©wZi Drm wPwý‎ Z Kiv Ges

Z`bymv‡i cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v m¤úwK©Z welqvw`|

5. `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iv‡ai j‡¶¨ mZZv I wbôv‡eva m„wó Kiv Ges ybx©wZi weiæ‡× MYm‡PZbZv M‡o †Zvjvi e¨e¯’v

Kiv Ges Kwgk‡bi Kvh©vewj I `vwq‡Z¡i g‡a¨ c‡o Ggb mKj wel‡qi Ici †mwgbvi, wm‡¤úvwRqvg,

Kg©kvjv BZ¨vw` Abyôv‡bi e¨e¯’v Kiv; Ges

6. `ybx©wZ gb wel‡q AvBb Øviv Kwgkb‡K Awc©Z †h †Kv‡bv vwqZ¡ cvjb Kiv|

1.2.8. AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ cwiPvjbvq Kwgk‡bi we‡kl ÿgZv

1. mvÿx Zje, Dcw¯’wZ wbwðZKiY Ges wRÁvmvev`;

2. †h †Kv‡bv bw_ Lyu‡R †ei Kiv I Dc¯’vcb Kiv ;

3. mvÿ¨ MÖnY;

4. †h †Kv‡bv Av`vjZ ev Awdm n‡Z miKvwi bw_ ev Gi mZ¨vwqZ Abywjwc Zje;

5. mvÿx‡`i wRÁvmvev‡`i R‡b¨ †bvwUm Bmy¨ I bw_cÎ hvPvB; Ges

6. GB AvB‡bi D‡Ïk¨ c~iYK‡í wba©vwiZ cÖ‡qvRbxq Ab¨ †h †Kv‡bv welq|

`y`K AvBb, 2004Gi aviv 19 Abyhvqx, Ò†Kvb Kwgkbvi ev Kwgkb nB‡Z ˆea ÿgZvcÖvß †Kvb Kg©KZ©v‡K Dc-

aviv (1)Gi Aaxb ÿgZv cÖ‡qv‡M †Kvb e¨w³ evav cÖ`vb Kwi‡j ev D³ Dc-avivi Aaxb cÖ`Ë †Kvb wb‡`©k

B”QvK…Zfv‡e †Kvb e¨w³ Agvb¨ Kwi‡j Dnv `Ðbxq Aciva nB‡e Ges D³ Aciv‡ai Rb¨ mswkøó e¨w³ Ab~aŸ© 3

(wZb) ermi ch©šÍ †h †Kvb †gqv‡`i Kviv`‡Ð ev A_©`‡Ð ev Dfq cÖKvi ‡Ð Ðbxq nB‡ebÓ|

1.2.9. Kwgk‡bi †gŠwjK Kg©cÖqvm

`y`‡Ki †gŠwjK AwfcÖvq `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva I `gb Ki‡Z Avcmnxb Awfhvb cwiPvjbv Kiv| G j¶¨ AR©‡b `y`K

wbgœiƒc vwqZ¡ I Kvh©c×wZ AbymiY K‡i GwM‡q hv‡”Q:

+ wbijmfv‡e I „pZvi mv‡_ AbymÜvb, Z`šÍ I Ab¨vb¨ AvBwb Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv Kiv hv‡Z ybx©wZcivqYiv

†Kv‡bv iKg cÖkÖq bv cvq;


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

1.2.7. Functions of the Commission:

The ACC is a statutory independent corruption prevention and corruption detective body of the state,

operating under the ACC Act, 2004. According to the Act, the Commission is responsible for several

important functions such as:

1. Conducting enquiry and investigation into the scheduled offences of the ACC Act on any

allegations of corruption on own initiative or upon an aggrieved person;

2. Approval to lodge cases (FIR) and sanction to submit Charge Sheets/ Final Report on the

basis of enquiry and investigation;

3. Conducting enquiry/ investigation and cases according to the Money Laundering Prevention

Act (MLPA), 2012 on money laundering issues;

4. Recommending to the Honourable President about the following topics:

+ reviewing recognized systems under any Act for prevention of corruption;

+ preparing research plan for effective implementation of corruption prevention;

+ determine a 'to do list' on the basis of research findings; and

+ identifying the sources of corruption existing in Bangladesh in the context of socio

economic conditions and taking necessary measures accordingly.

5. Creating honesty and integrity to prevent corruption, building mass awareness against

corruption and organizing seminars, symposium, workshops etc. on issues within the

jurisdiction of Commission's functions; and

6. Performing any other duties imposed upon Commission under the law to combat corruption.

1.2.8. Special Power of ACC in Enquiry and Investigation

1. Issue notices to witness, ensure their appearance and interrogate them;

2. Discover and present any document;

3. Take testimonies;

4. Call for public records or its certified copies from any court;

5. Issue notices for the interrogation of witness and examination of documents; and

6. Require any other matters to realize and fulfill the aims and objectives of this law.

According to the Section 19 of the ACC Act, 2004, “Any person obstructing an official legally empowered

by the Commission in the exercise of his powers under this sub-section (1) or any person deliberately

violating any order given under that sub-section commits a punishable offence is liable to a term of

imprisonment of not more than three (3) years or a fine or both.”

1.2.9. ACC's Basic Efforts:

The basic intent of the ACC is uncompromisingly conducting drives to prevent and combat corruption.

To achieve the goal, the ACC is going ahead in compliance with the following mandate and procedures:

+ Conducting enquiry and investigation relentlessly and resolutely and other legal operations so that the corrupt can hardly get any indulgence;



` ` `y K

+ we‡kl `ybx©wZ-cÖeY †¶Î¸‡jv wPwýZ K‡i †m¸‡jvi `yb©xwZi Kvh©Ki AbymÜvb I AvBwb cÖwZKv‡ii

cvkvcvwk GBme Aciva wbivgq I cÖwZ‡ivag~jK wk¶v I m‡PZbg~jK Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv; Ges

+ GB mKj Kvh©Ki I mgwš^Z cÖwZKvi I cÖwZ‡ivag~jK Kg©cÖqv‡mi ga¨ w`‡q yb©xwZ gb Kiv m¤¢e n‡e e‡j

`y`K wek¦vm K‡i|

`ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva I cÖwZKv‡i mgvb iæZ¡ w`‡”Q Kwgkb| Kwgk‡bi Dcjwä‡Z i‡q‡Q †h, gb Qvov †hgb cÖwZ‡iva

m¤¢e bq †Zgwb cÖwZ‡iva Awfhvb QvovI ybx©wZ gb m¤¢e bq| welq¸‡jv ci¯ú‡ii cwic~iK|


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

+ Carrying out educational and awareness programs for preventing and combating corruption along with initiating enquiry and other legal measures for identifying the corruption-prone sectors; and

+ ACC believes that it is possible to combat corruption by implementing effective, and comprehensive punitive and preventive operations.

The Commission puts equal emphasis on punitive and preventive measures for corruption. The Commission believes that prevention is not possible without combating corruption; similarly combating corruption is not possible without preventive campaign. These matters are complementary to each other.



` ` `y K

` ` `y K


Kvh© m¤úv`b cÖwZ‡e`b


Chapter 2

Report on Performance

`ybx©wZi Awf‡hvM MÖnYAbymÜvb Z`šÍ cÖvwZôvwbK `ybx©wZi AbymÜvb I Z`šÍKwgkb KZ…©K cwiPvwjZ D‡jøL‡hvM¨ `yb©xwZi AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ Kvh©µgmg~n cÖwmwKDkb cÖwZ‡iva, MYm‡PZbZv, M‡elYv I cixÿY `y`K I evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki g‡a¨ ¯^vÿwiZ cvi¯úwiK mnvqZv welqK mg‡SvZv ¯§viK AvšÍR©vwZK Dbœqb ms¯’vmg~‡ni mv‡_ Kwgk‡bi m¤ú„³Zv Kwgkb KZ©„K M„nxZ M‡elYvg~jK Kvh©µg

Receiving Allegations of Corruption



Enquiries & Investigations on Institutional Corruption

Remarkable Enquiries & Investigations on Corruption Undertaken by ACC


Prevention, Mass Awareness, Research & Experiment

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signed between the ACC &Bangladesh Bank on Mutual Assistance

Commission's Liaison with International Development Organizations

Empirical Research Undertaken by Commission

2.1. yb©xwZi Awf‡hvM MÖnY`y`K AvBb, 2004 -Gi Zdwmjfy³ AcivamsµvšÍ mywbw`©ó Awf‡hv‡Mi wel‡q Kwgkb AvBbvbyM e¨e¯’v MªnY K‡i| Kwgk‡bi Zdwmj ewnf~©Z AcivamsµvšÍ Awf‡hv‡Mi †ÿ‡Î Kwgk‡bi c‡ÿ AvBwb e¨e¯’v Mªn‡Yi †Kv‡bv my‡hvM †bB|

2.1.1. Awf‡hvM cÖvwßi ci Kwgkb KZ…©K we‡eP¨ welqmg~n

†Kv‡bv e¨w³ A‰ea A_© I m¤ú` AR©b K‡i _vK‡j Zvi bvg, c`we/†ckv I c~Y©v½ wVKvbv D‡jøLc~e©K wbgœwjwLZ Z_¨mn Awf‡hvM Kiv n‡j y`K AvBbvbyM e¨e¯’v MªnY K‡iÑ

¯’vei m¤ú‡`i (evwo, d¬vU, cøU, Rwg BZ¨vw`) Ae¯nvb, cwigvY, AvbygvwbK g~j¨mn c~Y©v½ wVKvbv;

e¨vsK wnmve, †kqvi, GdwWAvi, mÂqcÎmg~‡ni mywbw`©ó Z_¨;

Mvwoi †iwR‡÷ªkb b¤¦i/cÖKvi;

e¨emv cÖwZôv‡bi Ae¯’vb, aib I mywbw`©ó wVKvbv; Ges

ˆea Av‡qi mv‡_ AmvgÄm¨c~Y© Rxeb hvcbmsµvšÍ weeiY|

miKvwi A_©/m¤ú` AvZ¥mvr I ÿwZ mva‡bi Awf‡hv‡Mi †ÿ‡Î wbgœwjwLZ Z_¨ _vKv cÖ‡qvRb Ñ

+ AvZ¥mvrK…Z A_©/m¤ú‡`i cwigvY I mgqKvj;

+ †Kvb vwqZ¡ †_‡K, KLb, wKfv‡e AvZ¥mvr K‡i‡Qb; Ges

+ AvZ¥mv‡Zi mv‡_ Avi Kviv RwoZ †_‡K wKfv‡e AvZ¥mv‡Zi mn‡hvwMZv K‡i‡Qb Zvi weeiY|

ÿgZvi Ace¨envimsµvšÍ I Ab¨vb¨ Awf‡hv‡Mi †ÿ‡Î Awfhy³ e¨w³ KLb wKfv‡e ÿgZvi Ace¨envi K‡i jvfevb n‡q‡Q ev Ab¨‡K jvfevb ev ÿwZMª¯Í K‡i‡Q ev ivóªxq A_©-m¤ú‡`i ÿwZ K‡i‡Q Zv mywbw`©ófv‡e D‡jøLc~e©K Awf‡hvM `vwLj Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e Awf‡hvM mywbw`©ó n‡Z n‡e Ges Zvi mg_©‡b Z_¨ I DcvË _vK‡Z n‡e| b~b¨Zg c‡ÿ wb‡gœi Z_¨¸‡jv _vKv Avek¨K :

+ Awf‡hv‡Mi weiiY I msNwUZ nIqvi mgqKvj;

+ Awf‡hv‡Mi mg_©‡b Z_¨ DcvË; Ges

+ Awfhy³ e¨w³i bvg (c`we hw` _v‡K) I c~Y© wVKvbv|

Awf‡hvM cÖvwßi ci Kwgkb wb‡gœi welqmg~n we‡ePbvq wb‡q _v‡K :

+ Awf‡hvMwU Kwgk‡bi Zdwmjfy³ Aciva wK-bv;

+ Awf‡hvMwU mywbw`©ó I Z_¨wfwËK wK-bv;

+ Aciva msNU‡bi mgqKvj D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q wK-bv;

+ Awfhy³ e¨w³i Awf‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ mswkøóZv;

+ Awfhy³ e¨w³/e¨w³e‡M©i c~Y©v½ wVKvbv D‡jøL Av‡Q wK-bv; Ges

+ Awf‡hv‡Mi iæZ¡ I e¨vcKZv|







Kvh© m¤úv`b cÖwZ‡e`b

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

2.1. Receiving Corruption Allegation/s:

The Commission takes legal measures against specific allegations under the scheduled offences of ACC

Act, 2004. The Commission is unable to take any lawful actions when the allegations do not include the

scheduled one.

2.1.1. ACC's Considerations after Receiving Allegations:

The ACC takes legal actions if anyone lodges a complaint against anybody acquiring illegal wealth and

money mentioning his name, designation/profession and detailed address with the following

information -

+ Immovable property (house, flat, plot, land, etc) along with location, amount,

approximate price, detailed address.;

+ Specific information about bank account, share, FDR, savings-certificates;

+ Registration number/ type of vehicle/s;

+ Location, type and full address of business organisation; and

+ Description of incompatible lifestyle with known sources of income.

The following information is needed if the allegation is for the embezzlement and damage of public

money/assets -

+ Amount and time of embezzled money/ assets;

+ When and how the valuables were embezzled; by belonging to which capacity.

+ The details of the accomplices of the embezzlement and how it took place.

The corruption allegations also can be submitted if the alleged one becomes beneficiary or makes

others beneficiary or incurs loss to anybody else or damages the state's assets by misusing power.

However, the allegations should be specific with supporting information and documents. At least the

following information must be available -

+ Description and time of allegations;

+ Supporting information and documents of allegations; and

+ Name of the alleged person (designation, if available) and detailed address.

After receiving the allegations, the Commission considers the following issues:

+ Whether the allegation is a scheduled offence of the Commission or not;

+ Whether the allegation is specific and informative or not;

+ Whether the period of the offence is mentioned or not;

+ Involvement of the alleged person with the allegation;

+ The detailed address of the alleged person/s mentioned or not; and

+ Importance and purview of the allegation.


Report on Performance


` ` `y K

`ybx©wZ gb Kwgk‡bi Zdwmjfy³ D‡jøL‡hvM¨ Acivamg~n wbgœiƒc :

+ miKvwi KZ©e¨ cvj‡bi mgq miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix/wbe©vwPZ ev g‡bvbxZ RbcÖwZwbwa KZ©„K

Dr‡KvP (Nyl)/Dc‡XŠKb MªnY;

+ miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix/wbe©vwPZ ev g‡bvbxZ RbcÖwZwbwa A_ev Ab¨ †Kv‡bv e¨w³i A‰eafv‡e

m¦bv‡g/†ebv‡g m¤ú` AR©b;

+ miKvwi A_©/m¤úwË AvZ¥mvr ev ÿwZmvab;

+ miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix Dchy³ KZ…©c‡ÿi AbygwZ e¨wZ‡i‡K e¨emv/evwYR¨ cwiPvjbv;

+ miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix KZ©„K ÁvZmv‡i †Kv‡bv Acivax‡K kvw¯Í †_‡K iÿvi cÖ‡Póv;

+ gvwb jÛvwis (A‰eafv‡e A_© n¯ÍvšÍi, iƒcvšÍi, †Mvcb Kiv I D³ Kv‡R mnvqZv cÖ`vb);

+ †emiKvwi ch©v‡q Awab¯Í PvKz‡i KZ©„K A_©/m¤ú` AvZ¥mvrmsµvšÍ Awf‡hvM; Ges

+ Rvj-RvwjqvwZ Ges cÖZviYv|

miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix A_ev wbe©vwPZ A_ev g‡bvbxZ RbcÖwZwbwa †Kv‡bv Kv‡Ri R‡b¨ Nyl vwe Ki‡j Nyl cÖ`v‡bi

c~‡e©B Z_¨wU `y`‡Ki cÖavb Kvh©vjq A_ev wbKU¯n `y`K Kvh©vj‡qi `vwqZ¡cÖvß Kg©KZ©v‡K AewnZ Ki‡j Nyl ev

Dr‡KvP MªnYKvix‡K duv` †c‡Z nv‡Z-bv‡Z aivi e¨e¯’v MªnY Kiv nq|

`y`‡Ki †h mKj Kvh©vj‡q Awf‡hvM MÖnY Kiv n‡q _v‡K :

K) †Pqvig¨vb/Kwgkbvi, ybx©wZ gb Kwgkb, cÖavb Kvh©vjq, †m¸b evwMPv, XvKv|

L) wefvMxq cwiPvjK (AcivawU †h wefv‡Mi Aaxb msNwUZ), `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb, wefvMxq Kvh©vjq


M) DccwiPvjK (AcivawU †h mgwb¦Z †Rjv Kvh©vj‡qi Aaxb msNwUZ), `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb, mgwb¦Z †Rjv

Kvh©vjq, XvKv-1/ XvKv-2/ Uv½vBj/ dwi`cyi/ gqgbwmsn/ PÆMªvg-1/ PÆMªvg-2/ iv½vgvwU/ Kzwgjøv/

†bvqvLvjx/ ivRkvnx/ e¸ov/ cvebv/ iscyi/ w`bvRcyi/ Lyjbv/ Kzwóqv/ h‡kvi/ ewikvj/ cUyqvLvjx/ wm‡jU/


2.1.2. Awf‡hvM Ges Zvi hvPvB -evQvB cie©Zx Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

`y`‡K Awf‡hvM MÖnY I hvPvB-evQvBmsµvšÍ wel‡q vwqZ¡ cvj‡bi wbwgË ÔAwf‡hvM hvPvB-evQvB †mjÕ i‡q‡Q| GB

†mj wewfbœ †÷K‡nvìvi I Drm †_‡K Kwgk‡b Avmv Awf‡hvM¸‡jv hvPvB-evQvB K‡i _v‡K| 2014 mv‡j `y`‡K

mvgv‡Ri wewfbœ ‡kÖYxi gvbyl Ges cÖwZôv‡bi KvQ †_‡K 12500wU Gi AwaK Awf‡hvM Av‡m, hvi g‡a¨ 1689wU

AbymÜv‡bi R‡b¨ M„nxZ nq Ges 237wU cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖn‡Yi R‡b¨ mswkøó wefv‡M †cÖiY Kiv nq| mviwY- 1 G

2014 m‡b cÖvß Awf‡hvM Ges Gi hvPvB-evQvB cie©Zx Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb †`qv n‡q‡Q|


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

The significant scheduled offences of the ACC are:

+ Taking bribe by government officials/ employees/ elected or nominated public

representatives while discharging their duties;

+ Accumulating wealth illegally by any government officials/ employees/ elected or

nominated public representatives or even by any other person by own or anonymously;

+ Embezzling or damaging public money/ assets;

+ Conducting business/ commerce by government officials/ employees without permission

from the proper authority;

+ Trying to save any convicted criminal intentionally from punishment by government

officials/ employees;

+ Money laundering (illegal financial transaction, transformation, hiding and helping to do

such work);

+ Allegation of embezzlement of money/ assets by the employees in private sector; and

+ Fraud, forgery and deception.

If anybody informs the concerned officer of the ACC Head Office or any nearest ACC Office about any

government officials/ employees or elected or nominated public representatives claiming bribe for any

work, the Commission will arrange to trap the bribe-taker red handed.

ACC Offices where the Allegations are Received:

a) Chairman/ Commissioner, Anti Corruption Commission, Head Office, Segun Bagicha, Dhaka.

b) Divisional Director (the division under which the offence takes place), ACC, Divisional Office

Dhaka/ Chittagong/ Rajshahi/ Khulna/ Barisal/ Sylhet.

c) Deputy Director (the Integrated District Offices under which the offence takes place), ACC,

Integrated District Office, Dhaka-1/ Dhaka-2/ Tangail/ Faridpur/ Mymensingh/ Chittagong-1/

Chittagong-2/ Rangamati/ Comilla/ Noakhali/ Rajshahi/ Bogra/ Pabna/ Rangpur/ Dinajpur/

Khulna/ Kushtia/ Jessore/ Barisal/ Patuakhali/ Sylhet/ Habiganj.

2.1.2. Statistics of Complaints and Action Taken after Scrutinizing:

There is a 'Complaint Scrutiny Cell' at the ACC to examine the complaints. This Cell scrutinizes the

complaints which come from several stakeholders and sources. More than 12,500 complaints were

submitted to the ACC by the people of different classes and organizations in 2014. A total of 1,689

complaints were received by the ACC for enquiry while 237 allegations were directed to the authorities

concerned to take necessary actions. Table-1 describes the statistics of actions taken after scrutinizing.



` ` `y K



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evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K











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` ` `y K

2.2. AbymÜvb

2.2.1. AbymÜv‡bi AvBbMZ wfwË

Zdwmjfy³ AcivamsµvšÍ mywbw`©ó Awf‡hv‡Mi AbymÜvb cwiPvjbv Kwgk‡bi cÖavb vwqZ¡ (`y`K AvBb, 2004 Gi

17(K) aviv)| AbymÜv‡bi djvdjB yb©xwZi Acivamg~n wePv‡ii cÖv_wgK aviYv| y`K AvB‡bi 19 I 20 avivq

AbymÜvb Kvh©µ‡g `y`K‡K we‡kl ¶gZv Ac©Y K‡i‡Q| †mj‡ÿ¨ `y`K wZbwU AbywefvM (AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ

AbywefvM, we‡kl AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ AbywefvM Ges Awb®úbœ welqvw` I cwi`k©b AbywefvM) - Gi gva¨‡g AbymÜvb

mswkøó Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv Ki‡Q|

`y`K AvBb, 2004 Gi 35(1) aviv Abyhvqx Kwgkb MV‡bi

ZvwiL n‡Z `yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡iv wejyß nq| ey¨‡iv wejywßi mv‡_

mv‡_ `y`K AvB‡bi 38(3) aviv Abyhvqx ey¨‡ivi AbymÜvb,

Z`šÍ ev Awb®úbœ welqvw`i Aby‡gv`b¸‡jv Kwgk‡bi

GLwZqv‡i P‡j Av‡m, hv Awb®úbœ welqvw` AbywefvM Gi

gva¨‡g m¤úvw`Z n‡”Q|

AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ AbywefvM Ges Awb®úbœ welqvw`

Abywefv‡Mi kvLv I cÖkvLvmg~n 6 (Qq) wU wefvMxq Kvh©vjq I

22 (evBk) wU mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vjq-KZ…©K cwiPvwjZ gvV

ch©v‡qi AbymÜvb KvR ZË¡veavb K‡i|

AbymÜv‡bi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ welq¸‡jvi g‡a¨ we‡klvwqZ

†¶Î¸‡jv †`‡L Kwgk‡bi we‡kl AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ AbywefvM|

AbywefvMwUi AvIZvaxb welq n‡”Q A_© cvPvi I Ab¨vb¨

Avw_©K I evwYwR¨K wel‡q AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ cwiPvjbv,

cÖvwZôvwbK `yb©xwZi AbymÜvb, duv` †c‡Z `yb©xwZcivqY

e¨w³‡K aiv Ges Ab¨vb¨ we‡klvwqZ Kvh©µg|

2.2.2.Kwgkb KZ©„K M„nxZ AbymÜvb Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

Kwgkb c~e©eZx© eQ‡ii wecyj msL¨K Awb®úbœ AbymÜvb cwiPvjbvq wngwkg †L‡q‡Q| 2013 mv‡ji Awb®úbœ

AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v wQj 3121| Gme Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡bi g‡a¨I Kwgkb 2014 mv‡j 4654wU bZzb AbymÜvb KvR

nv‡Z wb‡q‡Q| Kwgkb 2014 mv‡j me©‡gvU 7775wU AbymÜvb Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ 3775wU wb®úwË K‡i‡Q| m¤úbœ Gme

AbymÜv‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i Kwgkb 333wU GRvnviI `v‡qi K‡i‡Q| evKx m¤úbœ AbymÜvb¸‡jvi djvdj

Kwgk‡bi †iK‡W©i Rb¨ bw_fy³ Kiv n‡q‡Q| wPÎ 3 -G 2014 mv‡j Kwgk‡bi AbymÜvb m¤úv`b I GRvnvi

`v‡q‡ii Zzjbv g~jK wPÎ †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q |


AbymÜvb Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ AMÖvwaKvicÖvß welqvewj

1. A_© I gy`ªv cvPvi;

2. f‚wg, f‚wg ivR¯^ I BRviv;

3. Nyl (A_©, m¤ú` ev †mev);

4. A‰ea Dcv‡q ¯’vei ev A¯’vei m¤ú` AR©b;

5. wbg©vY KvR I †hvMv‡hvM Lv‡Z yb©xwZ;

6. Dbœqb cÖKí ev¯Íevq‡b I †emiKvwi ms¯’vmg~‡n yb©xwZ;

7. ïé I Ki, ivR¯^, e¨emvqx/e¨emv cÖwZôvbmg~n;

8. miKvwi µq-weµq, jvB‡mÝ Bmy¨ Kiv;

9. A½xKv‡ii kc_ f½ I ¶gZvi Ace¨envi; Ges

10. `y`K AvBb 2004-Gi Zdwm‡j DwjøwLZ Acivamg~nmn Ab¨vb¨|

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

2.2 Enquiries

2.2.1. Legal Basis of Enquiries:

Conducting enquiries into the specific complaints of scheduled offences are the principal statutory

functions of the Commission (Section 17(a) of the ACC Act, 2004). Outputs of enquiries are the primary

elements of prosecuting corruption related offences. Sections 19 and 20 of the ACC Act, 2004 confer

special powers to the Commission to conduct enquiries. For this end in view, the ACC is conducting

enquiry related activities through three Wings (Enquiry & Investigation Wing, Special Enquiry &

Investigation Wing, and Pending Matters & Inspection Wing).

Section 35(1) of the ACC Act, 2004, stipulates that the

Bureau of Anti Corruption was dissolved from the date

of setting up of the Commission. Along with the

provision to repeal the Bureau, the enquiries,

investigations or pending approvals of the Bureau came

under the Commission's purview which are executed by

Pending Matters & Inspections Wing under section

38(3) of the ACC Act, 2004.

The branches of Enquiries & Investigations Wing, and

Pending Matters & Inspection Wing supervise field-

level enquiries related activities of the six divisional and

22 integrated district offices.

The Special Enquiries & Investigation Wing of the

Commission looks after the specialized assignments for

enquiry. The functions of the Wing include conducting

enquiries into money laundering and other financial

and commercial matters, holding enquiry into

institutional corruption, trapping the corrupt and other

specialized operations.

2.2.2. Statistics on ACC's Enquiry Operations

The Commission struggles with a huge number of unresolved enquiries from the previous year. There

were 3,121 pending enquiries in 2013. In spite of having those pending enquiries, the ACC took 4,654

fresh enquiries in 2014. The Commission has successfully resolved 3,775 enquiries from a total of 7,775.

Based on these completed enquiries the Commission has lodged 333 cases (FIR). The remaining

completed enquiries have been filed for record. Figure-3 shows Comparison of enquiry completion and

lodging of case (FIR) in 2014.


The Prioritized Issues for Conducting Enquiry:

1. Money laundering;

2. Land, land revenue and lease;

3. Bribes (finance, assets and services);

4. Illegal attainment of movable or immovable assets;

5. Corruption in construction works and communication sector;

6. Implementation of development projects and corruption in private sector;

7. Duty and tax, revenue, businessmen/ business organizations;

8. Public procurement, issuance of licence;

9. Criminal breach of trust and misuse of power;

10. Other offences mentioned in the schedule of the ACC Act, 2004.


` ` `y K


wPÎ-3: 2014 m‡b AbymÜvb m¤úv`b I GRvnvi v‡q‡ii ZzjbvgyjK wPÎ

wefvM-wfwËK AbymÜvb

2014 m‡b Kwgkb weMZ eQ‡ii 1454wU Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡bi mv‡_ AviI 902wU AbymÜvb Kvh©µg nv‡Z †bq| me©‡gvU 2356wU AbymÜv‡bi g‡a¨ Kwgkb 644wU AbymÜvb m¤úbœ K‡i‡Q, hvi d‡j Kwgkb GKB mg‡q 221wU GRvnvi `v‡qi K‡i‡Q| mviwY-2 G 2014 m‡b `y`‡Ki wefvM-wfwËK Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-2: 2014 mv‡j wefvM-wfwËK AbymÜvb Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

we‡kl AbymÜvb

2014 m‡b Kwgkb weMZ eQ‡ii 387wU Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡bi mv‡_ AviI 146wU we‡kl AbymÜvb Kvh©µg nv‡Z †bq| me©‡gvU 533wU we‡kl AbymÜv‡bi g‡a¨ Kwgkb 168wU AbymÜvb m¤úbœ K‡i‡Q, hvi d‡j Kwgkb GKB mg‡q 31wU GRvnvi v‡qi K‡i‡Q| mviwY 3-G 2014 mv‡j we‡kl AbymÜv‡b y`‡Ki Kvh©µg Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

Awb®úbœ AbymÜvb

m¤ú` AbymÜvb

gvwb jÛvwis (A_© cvPvi)

we‡kl AbymÜvb

wefvM-wfwËK AbymÜvb

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000











AbymÜv‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i `v‡qiK…Z GRvnvi msL¨v wb®úwËK…Z AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v †gvU AbymÜvb

weeiY XvKv PÆMÖvg ivRkvnx Lyjbv wm‡jU ewikvj †gvU

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 492 298 254 179 69 162 1454

eQ‡i M„nxZ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 390 165 151 74 39 83 902

†gvU AbymÜvb 882 463 405 253 108 245 2356

wb®úwËK…Z AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 206 124 145 71 29 69 644

AbmÜy v‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i `v‡qiKZ… GRvnvi msL¨v 68 63 48 16 03 23 221

†iK‡W©i Rb¨ bw_fz³ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 138 61 97 55 26 46 423

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


Figure-1: Comparison of enquiry completion and lodging of cases (FIR) in 2014.

Division-based Enquiries

The Commission undertook 902 enquiries in 2014 along with 1,454 unresolved enquiries from the

previous year. Out of total 2,356 enquiries, the Commission resolved 644 enquiries, which led the

Commission to lodge 221 cases (FIR) in the same time. Table-2 details the statistics relating to the ACC's

division-wise performance with regard to enquiries in 2014.

Table-2: Division-wise performance of enquiries in 2014

Special Enquiries

The Commission undertook 146 special enquiries in 2014 along with 387 unresolved enquiries from the

previous year. Out of total 533 special enquiries, the Commission resolved 168 enquiries, which led the

Commission to lodge 31 cases (FIR) in the same time. Table-3 details the statistics of ACC's performance

in special enquiries in 2014.

Description Dhaka Chittagong Rajshahi Khulna Sylhet Barisal Total

Unresolved enquiries from the previous year 492 298 254 179 69 162 1,454

No. of enquiries undertaken in the year 390 165 151 74 39 83 902

Total no. of enquiries 882 463 405 253 108 245 2,356

No. of enquiries resolved 206 124 145 71 29 69 644

No. of cases (FIR) lodged based on enquiries 68 63 48 16 03 23 221

No. of enquiries filed for record 138 61 97 55 26 46 423

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000











Pending Matter Enquiries

Asset Enquiries

Money Laundering Enquiries

Special Enquiries

Division-based Enquiries

No. of cases (FIR) lodged based on enquiries No. of enquiries resolved Total no. of enquiries


` ` `y K

mviwY 3 : 2014 mv‡j y`‡Ki we‡kl AbymÜvb Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

A_© cvPvi AbymÜvb

2014 m‡b Kwgkb A_©cvPvi (gvwb jÛvwis) AbmyÜv‡b iæZv¡‡ivc K‡i‡Q| GB eQi 226 wU AbymÜvb Pvjv‡bv nq hv 2012 I 2013 mv‡ji †P‡q h_vµ‡g Qq ¸Y Ges †`o ¸Y †ewk (2012 mv‡j 39wU I 2013 mv‡j 180wU)| mviwY 4-G A_©cvPvi AbymÜvb cwiPvjbv I Gme AbymÜv‡bi djvdj wel‡q y`‡Ki Kvh©µg m¤ú‡K© GKwU aviYv cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-4: 2014 m‡b y`‡Ki gvwb jÛvwis (A_© cvPvi) AbymÜvb Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

m¤ú` AbymÜvb

me©‡gvU 798wU m¤ú` AbymÜv‡bi g‡a¨ 2014 mv‡j 255 wU AbymÜvb (32%) nv‡Z †bIqv nq Ges evwK 543wU AbymÜvb (68%) weMZ eQ‡ii| Gme AbymÜv‡bi g‡a¨ Kwgkb 297 wU AbymÜvb KvR m¤úbœ K‡i Ges m¤úvw`Z AbymÜv‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i 33 wU GRvnvi v‡qi K‡i| wPÎ 4 Ges mviwY 5 G 2014 m‡b m¤ú` AbymÜvb m¤úbœ I GRvnvi v‡q‡ii †¶‡Î y`‡Ki Kvh©µg Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-5: 2014 m‡b m¤ú` AbymÜvb Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb


weeiY msL¨v

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 387

eQ‡i M„nxZ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 146

†gvU AbymÜvb 533

wb®úwËK…Z AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 168

AbmyÜv‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i `v‡qiK…Z GRvnvi msL¨v 31

†iK‡W©i Rb¨ bw_fz³ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v I Ab¨vb¨ 137

weeiY msL¨v

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 137

eQ‡i M„nxZ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 89

†gvU AbymÜvb 226

wb®úwËK…Z AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 60

AbmyÜv‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i `v‡qiK…Z GRvnvi msL¨v 20

†iK‡W©i Rb¨ bw_fz³ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v I Ab¨vb¨ 40

weeiY Ab:y I Z`šÍ we: Ab:y I Z`šÍ Awb®úb œ welqv`x †gvU

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 255 135 153 543

eQ‡i M„nxZ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 154 58 43 255

†gvU AbymÜvb 409 193 196 798

wb®úwËK…Z AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 119 56 122 297

AbmÜy v‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i `v‡qiKZ… GRvnvi msL¨v 14 13 06 33

†iK‡W©i Rb¨ bw_fz³ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 105 43 128 276

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Table-3: ACC's performance in special enquiries in 2014.

Money Laundering Enquiries

In 2014, the Commission gave emphasis on money laundering enquiries. A total of 226 enquires were

undertaken in the year which was almost 6 and 1.5 times respectively more than those of 2012 (39

enquiries) and 2013 (180 enquiries). Table-4 gives an idea about ACC's performance in case of resolving

money laundering enquiries and outcomes of these enquiries.

Table-4: ACC's performance of money laundering enquiries in 2014

Asset Enquiries

ACC conducted 798 wealth enquiries out of which 255 enquiries (32%) were undertaken in 2014 and

the remaining 543 enquiries (68%) were left from the previous year. Among these enquiries, the

Commission completed 297 enquiries and lodged 33 cases (FIR) on the basis of these finished

enquiries. Table-5 and Figure-4 illustrates ACC's performance in completion of wealth enquiries and

filing of cases (FIR) in 2014.

Table-5: ACC's Wealth enquiries statistics in 2014


Description Number

Unresolved enquiries from the previous year 387

No. of enquiries undertaken in the year 146

Total no. of enquiries 533

No. of enquiries resolved 168

No. of cases (FIR) lodged based on enquiries 31

No. of enquiries filed for record 137

Description Number

Unresolved enquiries from the previous year 137

No. of enquiries undertaken in the year 89

Total no. of enquiries 226

No. of enquiries resolved 60

No. of cases (FIR) lodged based on enquiries 20

No. of enquiries filed for record 40

Description Enquiry & Special Enquiry & Pending TotalInvestigation Investigation Matters

Wing Wing Wing

Unresolved enquiries from the previous year 255 135 153 543

No. of enquiries undertaken in the year 154 58 43 255

Total no. of enquiries 409 193 196 798

No. of enquiries resolved 119 56 122 297

No. of cases (FIR) lodged based on enquiries 14 13 06 33

No. of enquiries filed for record 105 43 128 276


` ` `y K


wPÎ -4: 2014 m‡b m¤ú` AbymÜvb m¤úv`b I GRvnvi v‡q‡ii †¶‡Î y`‡Ki Kvh©µg

Awb®úbœ AbymÜvb

Kwgkb MV‡bi ci AbywefvMwU wejyß ey¨‡ivi Awb®úbœ welq¸‡jvi GKwU ZvwjKv Zwi K‡i| †m Abyhvqx, Awb®úbœ Awf‡hv‡Mi msL¨v wQj 7,389wU Ges Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v wQj 2,694wU| me wgwj‡q ey¨‡ivi Awb®úbœ welq wQj 10,083wU| 2014 m‡b Kwgkb weMZ eQ‡ii 600wU Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡bi mv‡_ AviI 3262 wU Awb®úbœ AbymÜvb Kvh©µg nv‡Z †bq| me©‡gvU 3862wU Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡bi g‡a¨ Kwgkb 2606wU AbymÜvb m¤úbœ K‡i‡Q, hvi d‡j Kwgkb GB mg‡q 28wU GRvnvi `v‡qi K‡i‡Q| mviwY 6 G 2014 m‡b Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡b `y`‡Ki Kvh©µg Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-6: 2014 mv‡j Awb®úbœ Awf‡hvMmg~n wb®úwˇZ `y`‡Ki Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

mviwY 6-G †`Lv hv‡”Q, m¤úbœ nIqv AbymÜv‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i gvgjv v‡q‡ii msL¨v †ek Kg| Gi KviY¸‡jvi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q - gvgjv v‡q‡i mnvqK bw_c‡Îi AcÖvc¨Zv, Awf‡hv‡Mi mZ¨Zv I A‡bK †¶‡Î mv¶x Luy‡R bv cvIqv, AbymÜvb cÖwµqvq Awf‡hvMKvixi mnvqZv bv Ki‡Z PvIqv, Awf‡hvM A_ev Awf‡hvM mswkøó‡`i g„Zz¨ cÖf…wZ| †`Lv †M‡Q †h, mswkøó A‡bK cÖkvmwbK Kvh©vjq `vßwiK cÖwµqvi Ask wn‡m‡e bw_cÎ aŸsm K‡i †d‡j‡Q, hv eZ©gv‡b Gme AbymÜvb cÖgv‡Y Avek¨K n‡q uvwo‡q‡Q|

weeiY msL¨v

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 600

eQ‡i M„nxZ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 3262

†gvU AbymÜvb 3862

wb®úwËK…Z AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 2606

AbmyÜv‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i `v‡qiK…Z GRvnvi msL¨v 28

†iK‡W©i Rb¨ bw_fz³ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 2578











Aby: I Z`šÍ we: Aby: I Z`šÍ Awb®úbœ welqv`x










†gvU cwiPvwjZ AbymÜvb wb®úwËK…Z AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v AbymÜv‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i `v‡qiK…Z GRvnvi msL¨v

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Figure-4: ACC's Performance in completion of wealth enquiries and filing cases (FIR) in 2014.

Pending Matters Enquiries

The Pending Matters & Inspection Wing of ACC made a list of pending matters of the defunct BAC after it

was abolished. Accordingly, the number of pending complaints and pending enquiries were 7,398 and

2,694 respectively. Altogether, the number of pending matters was 10,083. The Commission undertook

3,262 pending enquiries in 2014 along with 600 pending matters of the previous year. Among these

enquiries, the Commission completed 2,606 enquiries and lodged 28 cases (FIR) on the basis of these

enquiries. Table-6 gives a clear idea about this matter.

Table-6: ACC's performance in completion of pending enquires in 2014

The Table 6 shows that the number of lodged cases (FIR) based on completed enquiries is few. The main

reasons behind it are unavailability of supporting documents to lodge cases, authenticity of allegations,

lack of witness, insufficient support from the plaintiff, death of alleged or related persons, etc. Many of

the evidences were destroyed due to official process but those evidences have been necessary to prove

the allegations.


Description Number

Unresolved enquiries from the previous year 600

No. of enquiries undertaken in the year 3262

Total no. of enquiries 3862

No. of enquiries resolved 2606

No. of cases (FIR) lodged based on enquiries 28

No. of enquiries filed for record 2578




















Total no. of enquiries conducted No. of enquiries resolved No. of cases (FIR) lodged based on enquiries


` ` `y K


2.3. Z`šÍ

2.3.1. Z`‡šÍi AvBbMZ wfwË

`yb©xwZi Acivamg~‡ni Z`šÍ cwiPvjbv Kwgk‡bi cÖavb mswewae× `vwqZ¡ (`y`K AvBb 2004 Gi 17(K) aviv)|

Z`‡šÍi djvdjB yb©xwZi Acivamg~n wePv‡ii wfwË| y`K AvB‡bi 19 I 20 avivq Z`šÍ Kvh©µ‡g y`K‡K we‡kl

¶gZv Ac©Y K‡i‡Q| †m j‡ÿ¨, y`K wZbwU Abywefv‡Mi gva¨‡g Z`šÍ Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv Ki‡Q| AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ

AbywefvM, we‡kl AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ AbywefvM Ges Awb®úbœ welqvw` I cwi`k©b AbywefvM‡K Kwgk‡bi Z`šÍ

mswkøó welq †`Lfv‡ji vwqZ¡ Ac©Y Kiv n‡q‡Q|

AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ AbywefvM Ges Awb®úbœ welqvw` I cwi`k©b Abywefv‡Mi kvLv I cÖkvLvmg~n QqwU wefvMxq

Kvh©vjq I 22wU mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vjq-KZ…©K cwiPvwjZ gvV ch©v‡qi Z`šÍ KvR ZË¡veavb K‡i| GQvovI GB

AbywefvM wewfbœ †÷K‡nvìvi I Drm †_‡K Kwgk‡b Avmv gvgjvi Z`šÍ K‡i _v‡K| Z`‡šÍi R‡b¨ wba©vwiZ

welq¸‡jvi g‡a¨ we‡klvwqZ †¶Î¸‡jv †`‡L Kwgk‡bi we‡kl AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ AbywefvM|

2.3.2. Kwgkb KZ©„K M„nxZ Z`šÍ Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

2013 m‡b †gvU †cwÛs Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 1836wU| Gi m‡½ 2014 m‡b bZzb hy³ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 1461wU| Kwgkb

2014 m‡b 1067wU Z`šÍKvh© m¤úbœ K‡i‡Q, hv †_‡K Kwgkb 484wU Awf‡hvMcÎ vwLj K‡i‡Q| wPÎ 5 -G 2014

mv‡ji Z`šÍ m¤úv`‡bi msL¨v I Awf‡hvMcÎ vwL‡ji msL¨v †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q| mviwY 7 G 2014 mv‡j wefvMIqvix

Z`šÍ Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

wPÎ-5: 2014 m‡bi Z`šÍ m¤úv`‡bi msL¨v I Awf‡hvMcÎ vwL‡ji msL¨v

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

duv‡`i NUbvmg~n Z`šÍ

Awb®úbœ Z`šÍ

m¤ú` Z`šÍ

gvwb jÛvwis (A_© cvPvi) msµvšÍ Z`šÍ

we‡kl Z`šÍ

wefvM-wfwËK Z`šÍ

Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwL‡ji msL¨v m¤úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v †gvU cwiPvwjZ Z`šÍ












evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

2.3. Investigation

2.3.1. Legal Basis of Investigation

Conducting the investigation of the corruption related offences is the principal statutory function of the Commission (Section 17(a) of the ACC Act, 2004). The outputs of the investigation are the basic ingredients of prosecuting the corruption related offences. Sections 19 and 20 of the ACC Act, 2004 confers special power to the Commission in respect of investigation. In that regard, the Commission is conducting the investigative operations under three wings. They are Enquiry & Investigation Wing, Special Enquiry & Investigation Wing, and Pending Matters & Inspection Wing which are assigned to look after the investigation related matters of the Commission.

The branches and the sections of Enquiry & Investigation Wing, and Pending Matters & Inspection Wing supervise field-level investigation related activities conducted by 6 Divisional Offices and 22 Integrated District Offices. Besides, these wings investigate the cases lodged by different stakeholders and numerous sources. The specialized assignments for investigation are looked after by Special Enquiry & Investigation Wing of the Commission.

2.3.2. Statistics of Investigations Undertaken by the Commission

The number of total unresolved investigations was 1,836 in 2013. With those, the ACC undertook 1,461 fresh investigations in 2014. The Commission successfully resolved 1,067 investigations from which 484 charge-sheets were submitted. Figure-5 shows the number of investigations completed and charge-sheets submitted and Table-7 provides the statistics of the Division-wise investigations.

Figure-5: The number of completed investigations and charge-sheets submitted in 2014


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500












Investigation on Trap Related Issue

Investigation on Pending Matters

Asset Investigation

Money Laundering Investigation

Special Investigation

Division-wise Investigation

No. of Charge-sheets submitted No. of Investigation Resolved Total No. of Investigation


` ` `y K


wefvMwfwËK Z`šÍ

`y`K 2014 m‡b weMZ eQ‡ii 1104wU Awb®úbœ Z`‡šÍi mv‡_ AviI 983wU bZzb Z`šÍ Kvh©µg nv‡Z †bq| 2014

m‡bi †gvU 2087wU Z`‡šÍi g‡a¨ Kwgkb 488wU Z`šÍ Kvh©µg m¤úbœ K‡i‡Q| m¤úbœ nIqv Gme Z`‡šÍi Dci

wfwË K‡i Kwgkb 2014 m‡b 215wU Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwLj K‡i‡Q| mviwY 7-G 2014 m‡b wefvMwfwËK Z`šÍ

m¤úv`b I Awf‡hvMcÎ vwLj msµvšÍ y`‡Ki cvidi‡gÝ Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-7: 2014 m‡b wefvMwfwËK Z`šÍ Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

we‡kl Z`šÍ cwiPvjbv

2014 m‡b Kwgk‡b weMZ eQ‡ii 164 wU Z`šÍ Awb®úbœ wQj| Gi mv‡_ Kwgkb 2014 m‡b AviI 30wU we‡kl

Z`šÍ Kvh©µg nv‡Z †bq| 2014 m‡bi †gvU 194wU Z`‡šÍi g‡a¨ Kwgkb 70wU Z`šÍ Kvh©µg m¤úbœ K‡i‡Q| m¤úbœ

nIqv Gme Z`‡šÍi Dci wfwË K‡i, Kwgkb 2014 m‡b 39wU Awf‡hvMcÎ vwLj K‡i‡Q| mviwY 8-G 2014 m‡b

we‡kl Z`šÍ m¤úv`b I Awf‡hvMcÎ vwLj msµvšÍ y`‡Ki cvidi‡gÝ Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-8: 2014 m‡b we‡kl Z`šÍ Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

A_© cvPvi Z`šÍ

2014 m‡b cwiPvwjZ †gvU Z`‡šÍi msL¨v wQj 171wU; hvi g‡a¨ 37wU bZzb Ges evKx 134wU weMZ eQ‡ii| 2014

m‡b Kwgkb 63wU A_© cvPv‡ii Awf‡hvM Z`šÍ K‡i Ges m¤úvw`Z Gme Z`‡šÍi Dci wfwË K‡i 50wU Awf‡hvMcÎ

`vwLj K‡i| mviwb 9-G 2014 m‡b A_© cvPvimsµvšÍ Z`šÍ m¤úv`b Ges Gi djvd‡ji wPÎ Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

weeiY XvKv PÆMÖvg ivRkvnx Lyjbv wm‡jU ewikvj †gvU

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 318 244 271 124 54 93 1104

eQ‡i M„nxZ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 309 160 197 121 107 89 983

†gvU cwiPvwjZ Z`šÍ 627 404 468 245 161 182 2087

m¤úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 159 71 114 53 40 51 488

Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwL‡ji msL¨v 71 39 45 23 03 34 215

P‚ovšÍ cÖwZ‡e`b `vwL‡ji msL¨v 88 32 69 30 37 17 273

weeiY msL¨v

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 164

eQ‡i M„nxZ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 30

†gvU cwiPvwjZ Z`šÍ 194

m¤úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 70

Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwL‡ji msL¨v 39

P‚ovšÍ cÖwZ‡e`b `vwL‡ji msL¨v 31

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Division-wise Investigation

The ACC undertook 983 fresh cases for investigation in 2014 along with 1104 investigations

unresolved in 2013. The Commission completed 488 investigations out of 2087 in 2014. Based on

these completed investigations, the Commission submitted 215 charge-sheets in 2014. Table-7

provides the statistics of the division-wise performance of the investigations and charge-sheets

submitted in 2014.

Table-7: ACC's division-based investigation operations in 2014

Special Investigation

There were 164 investigations unresolved in 2013. Along with that the Commission undertook 30

more special investigations in 2014. Out of total 194 investigations, the Commission completed

70. Based on these investigations, the Commission submitted 39 charge-sheets in the same year.

Table-8 provides the statistics of the completed special investigations and charge-sheets

submitted in 2014.

Table-8: Statistics of special investigation of the ACC in 2014

Money Laundering Investigation

There were 171 investigations in 2014 of which 37 were newly undertaken and the remaining 134 from the previous year. The Commission completed investigations in 63 money laundering cases and submitted 50 charge-sheets on the basis of these investigations in 2014. Table-9 gives an idea about ACC's performance in case of resolving money laundering investigations and outcomes of these investigations.


Description Number

Unresolved investigations from the previous year 164

No. of investigations undertaken in the year 30

Total no. of investigations 194

No. of investigations resolved 70

No. of charge-sheets submitted 39

No. of final reports submitted 31

Description Dhaka Chittagong Rajshahi Khulna Sylhet Barisal Total

Unresolved investigations from the previous year 318 244 271 124 54 93 1,104

No. of investigations undertaken in the year 309 160 197 121 107 89 983

Total no. of investigations 627 404 468 245 161 182 2,087

No. of investigations resolved 159 71 114 53 40 51 488

No. of charge-sheets submitted 71 39 45 23 03 34 215

No. of final reports submitted 88 32 69 30 37 17 273


` ` `y K

mviwY-9: 2014 m‡b A_© cvPvi Z`šÍ Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

m¤ú` Z`šÍ

2014 m‡b gvÎ 33wU bZzb Z`šÍ KvR nv‡Z †bIqv nq Ges evwK 89wU wQj weMZ eQ‡ii| Kwgkb 2014 m‡b 122wU m¤ú` msµvšÍ gvgjvi g‡a¨ 46 wUi Z`šÍ KvR †kl K‡i Ges m¤úbœ Gme Z`‡šÍi Dci wfwË K‡i 23wU Awf‡hvMcÎ vwLj K‡i| mviwY 10 Ges wPÎ 6-G y`‡Ki m¤ú`msµvšÍ Z`šÍ Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb I wPÎ Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-10: 2014 m‡b m¤ú` Z`šÍ Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

wPÎ-6: 2014 m‡b m¤ú` Z`šÍ AbywefvMwfwËK Kvh©µ‡gi wPÎ


weeiY msL¨v

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 134

eQ‡i M„nxZ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 37

†gvU cwiPvwjZ Z`šÍ 171

m¤úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 63

Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwL‡ji msL¨v 50

P‚ovšÍ cÖwZ‡e`b `vwL‡ji msL¨v 13

weeiY Aby: I Z`šÍ we: Aby: I Z`šÍ Awb®úbœ welqv`x †gvU

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 38 47 04 89

eQ‡i M„nxZ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 13 14 06 33

†gvU cwiPvwjZ Z`šÍ 51 61 10 122

m¤úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 26 17 03 46

Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwL‡ji msL¨v 14 09 - 23

P‚ovšÍ cÖwZ‡e`b `vwL‡ji msL¨v 12 08 03 23

†gvU cwiPvwjZ Z`šÍ m¤úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwL‡ji msL¨v








0Aby: I Z`šÍ we: Aby: I Z`šÍ Awb®úbœ welqv`x






9 10

3 0

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Table-9: Statistics of the investigations on money laundering in 2014.

Asset Investigation

There were 33 new investigations in 2014 and 89 investigations were from the previous year. The ACC

completed 46 wealth related investigations out of 122 and submitted 23 charge-sheets on the basis of

these investigations. Table-10 and Figure-6 illustrate statistics of Wing-wise ACC's performance on

wealth investigations in 2014.

Table-10: Statistics of wealth investigations in 2014

Figure-6: Illustrations of Wing-wise Wealth Investigations in 2014


Description Number

Unresolved investigations from the previous year 134

No. of investigations undertaken in the year 37

Total no. of investigations 171

No. of investigations resolved 63

No. of charge-sheets submitted 50

No. of final reports submitted 13

Description Enquiry & Special Enquiry & Pending TotalInvestigation Investigation Matters

Wing Wing Wing

Unresolved investigations from the previous year 38 47 04 89

No. of investigations undertaken in the year 13 14 06 33

Total no. of investigations 51 61 10 122

No. of investigations resolved 26 17 03 46

No. of charge-sheets submitted 14 09 - 23

No. of final reports submitted 12 08 03 23














9 10

3 0

Total No. of Investigation No. of Investigation resolved No. of charge-sheets submitted

Enquiry & Investigation Wing Special Enquiry & Investigation Wing Pending Matters Wing


` ` `y K

Awb®úbœ I cwi`k©b Abywefv‡Mi Z`šÍ

Kwgkb 2014 m‡b 716wU Awb®úbœ Z`‡šÍi g‡a¨ 397wU m¤úbœ K‡i‡Q Ges Gi Dci wfwË K‡i 154wU Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwLj K‡i‡Q| mviwY 11-G 2014 m‡b Awb®úbœ gvgjvmg~n Z`‡šÍ `y`‡Ki Kvh©µg Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-11: 2014 m‡b Awb®úbœ Abywefv‡Mi Z`šÍ Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

duv` msµvšÍ welqvw`

Kwgk‡bi Zdwmjfz³ `yb©xwZ‡Z m¤ú„³ e¨w³‡`i nv‡Zbv‡Z ai‡Z Kwgkb cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖnY K‡i| miKvwi Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvix A_ev wbe©vwPZ A_ev g‡bvbxZ RbcÖwZwbwa †Kv‡bv Kv‡Ri Rb¨ Nyl vex Ki‡j Nyl cÖ`v‡bi c~‡e©B Z_¨wU `y`‡Ki cÖavb Kvh©vjq A_ev wbKU¯’ `y`K Kvh©vj‡qi `vwqZ¡cÖvß Kg©KZ©v‡K AewnZ Ki‡j Nyl ev Dr‡KvP MªnYKvix‡K duv` †c‡Z nv‡Z-bv‡Z aivi e¨e¯’v MªnY Kiv nq| Gme Awfhv‡bi D‡Ïk¨ n‡”Q †`‡k yb©xwZi Drm¯’‡j `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva Kiv| mviwY 12-G 2014 m‡b duv‡`i NUbvmg~n Z`‡šÍ y`‡Ki Kvh©µg Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-12: 2014 m‡b duv‡`i NUbvmg~n Z`‡šÍ y`‡Ki Kvh©µg

2.4. cÖvwZôvwbK `yb©xwZi AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ

2.4.1. cÖvwZôvwbK yb©xwZi AbymÜvb I Z`‡šÍi †cÖÿvcU

evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii †mevg~jK cÖwZôvbmg~n‡K MwZkxj Ki‡Z n‡j Gme cÖwZôv‡b we`¨gvb bvbv Awbqg I Nyl-

`ybx©wZ `gb I cÖwZ‡iva Ki‡Z n‡e| miKv‡ii wewfbœ `߇i `ybx©wZi cÖmvi N‡U mvaviYZ Kv‡Ri wej¤^ NwU‡q|

RbMY miKvwi cÖwZôvb †_‡K bvbv ai‡Yi †mev MÖnY K‡i _v‡Kb|

`y`K g‡b K‡i, ¯^vaxbZvi ci n‡Z RbcÖkvmb †_‡K `ybx©wZ `~i Kivi †¶‡Î mvgvb¨ cwieZ©b m~wPZ n‡q‡Q| Z‡e

miKv‡ii wewfbœ gš¿bvjq I wefv‡Mi DaŸ©Zb Kg©KZv©iv Zv‡`i Aaxb Kg©KZv©-Kg©Pvwi‡`i weiæ‡× ybx©wZi Awf‡hvM

ev †Kv‡bv cÖkvmwbK Awbqg LwZ‡q †`L‡Z Av‡Mi Ae¯’vi †P‡q K‡Vvi bxwZ AbymiY Ki‡Qb|


weeiY msL¨v

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 343

eQ‡i M„nxZ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 373

†gvU cwiPvwjZ Z`šÍ 716

m¤úbœZ`‡šÍi msL¨v 397

Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwL‡ji msL¨v 154

P‚ovšÍ cÖwZ‡e`b `vwL‡ji msL¨v 243

weeiY msL¨v

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 02

eQ‡i M„nxZ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 05

†gvU cwiPvwjZ Z`šÍ 07

m¤úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 03

Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwL‡ji msL¨v 03

P‚ovšÍ cÖwZ‡e`b `vwL‡ji msL¨v -

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Investigations of Pending Matters & Inspection Wing

The Commission completed 397 pending investigations out of 716 and submitted 154 charge-sheets in 2014. Table-11 shows the performance in resolving pending investigations in 2014.

Table-11: Statistics of investigations on pending cases in 2014

Trap Related Issues:

The Commission takes necessary steps to trap people red-handed who are involved in the corruption related offences set out in the schedule. Before paying bribe, if anybody informs the concerned officer of the ACC Head Office or nearest ACC office about any government official/ employee or elected or nominated public representative claiming bribe for any work, the Commission arranges to trap the bribe-taker red-handed. The aim of these drives is to prevent corruption from its source in the country. Table-12 highlights the Commission's performance in dealing with investigations of trap cases in 2014.

Table-12: ACC's performance in dealing with investigations of trap cases in 2014

2.4. Enquiries and Investigations on Institutional Corruption

2.4.1. Background of Enquiries and Investigations on Institutional Corruption

In order to make the public service providing organisations dynamic, the government has to combat and prevent different irregularities, practices of taking bribes and corruption within these organisations. Corruption usually spreads in different public offices due to delay in discharging duties. People receive various services from public organisations.

The ACC believes that in order to eliminate corruption from the public administration, there were little changes since independence of the country. The high officials of different ministries and divisions are taking stricter measures than before against their subordinate officials and employees to examine the complaints of corruption or administrative irregularities.


Description Number

Unresolved investigations from the previous year 343

No. of investigations undertaken in the year 373

Total no. of investigations 716

No. of investigations resolved 397

No. of charge-sheets submitted 154

No. of final reports submitted 243

Description Number

Unresolved investigations from the previous year 02

No. of investigations undertaken in the year 05

Total no. of investigations 07

No. of investigations resolved 03

No. of charge-sheets submitted 03

No. of final reports submitted -


` ` `y K


Kwgkb Dc‡Rjv, †Rjv, gnvbMi ch©v‡q †h mKj `yb©xwZ we‡ivax gZwewbgq mfv K‡i‡Q Zv †_‡K cÖvß mycvwi‡ki

wfwˇZB †ek wKQz Kg©m~wP nv‡Z wb‡q‡Q| cÖvwZôvwbK ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva Kvh©µg †Zgwb GKwU Kg©m~wP, †hLv‡b wewfbœ

cwi`ßi, Awa`ßi, gš¿Yvjq Ges wefvMmg~‡n `yb©xwZ eÜ Kivi Rb¨ wewfbœ Kvh©µg MÖnY Kiv nq| cÖ_g ch©v‡q

wewfbœ gš¿Yvjq I Zv‡`i Aaxb¯’ `ßi I wefvMmg~‡n Avjv`v Avjv`v `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva msµvšÍ gZwewbgq mfvi

Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡”Q| gš¿Yvj‡qi EaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©vmn Ges Awaßi I wefvMmg~‡n GKBfv‡e `ßi ev wefvMxq

cÖavb‡`i gZvgZ cÖ`v‡bi my‡hvM _v‡K|

`ybx©wZ gb Kwgkb AvBb, 2004 Abyhvqx ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iv‡ai R‡b¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq we‡ewPZ †h †Kv‡bv Kvh© m¤úv`‡bi

ÿgZv ybx©wZ gb Kwgk‡bi i‡q‡Q| 2008 mvj †_‡K y`K †`‡k cÖvwZôvwbK yb©xwZi AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ ïiæ K‡i|

†`‡ki wewfbœ †mev`vbKvix cÖwZôvbmg~‡ni †mevMÖnxZv‡`i bvbv Awf‡hv‡Mi cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z †mevcÖ`vbKvix cÖwZôv‡bi

`ybx©wZ gb I cÖwZ‡iv‡a Kwgk‡bi †PŠKm Kg©KZ©v‡`i mgš^‡q GKvwaK cÖvwZôvwbK Uxg MVb Kiv n‡q‡Q| mywbw`©ó

Kvh© cwiwai g‡a¨ Kg©KZ©v‡`i Kvh© m¤úv`‡bi wb‡`©kbv †`Iqv n‡q‡Q| g~jZ cÖwµqvMZ †h mKj Kvi‡Y `ybx©wZi

D™¢e nq Dnv wPwýZ K‡i mswkøó KZ©„cÿ‡K AewnZ K‡i †mev cÖ`v‡bi cÖwµqv mnRZi Kiv, `ybx©wZi †Kvb NUbv

†MvPixf~Z n‡j AvBbvbyM e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kiv cÖvwZôvwbK wU‡gi g~j KvR| eZ©gv‡b 11 wU cÖwZôv‡b Kwgk‡bi

cÖvwZôvwbK ybx©wZ gb I cÖwZ‡iv‡ai Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv Kiv n‡”Q| cÖwZwU wU‡g Kwgk‡bi 3-5 Rb Kg©KZ©v KvR


2.4.2. Kwgkb KZ©„K M„nxZ cÖvwZôvwbK yb©xwZi AbymÜvb Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

Kwgkb KZ©„K MwVZ Uxgmg~n 2014 m‡b 07wU bZzb `ybx©wZi NUbv D˜NvUb K‡i c~‡e©i 174wU mn †gvU 181wU

Awf‡hv‡Mi AbymÜvb Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv K‡i| Gig‡a¨ 18wU gvgjv v‡qi Ges 27wU Awf‡hvM bw_fzw³i gva¨‡g

wb®úwË Kiv nq| wPÎ-7 Ges mviwb 13-G 2014 m‡b cÖvwZôvwbK `yb©xwZ AbymÜv‡b `y`‡Ki Kvh©µg msµvšÍ

cwimsL¨vb cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

wPÎ-7: 2014 m‡b cÖvwZôvwbK yb©xwZ AbymÜv‡b cÖwZôvbwfwËK wUg¸‡jvi Kvh©µg

wcwWwe, †Wm‡Kv, wewcwWwm, Iqvmv

ivRavbx Dbœqb KZ…©cÿ

¯^v¯’¨ Awa`ßi

wkÿv cÖ‡KŠkj I wkÿv Awa`ßi

GbweAvi (Kv÷g) I †cvU© A_wiwU

moK I Rbc_ wefvM Ges weAviwUG

MYc~Z©, M„nvqb I Avevmb Awa`ßi

†c‡Uªv-evsjv I wewcwm

¯’vbxq miKvi I cÖ‡KŠkj Awa`ßi

miKvix Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix Kj¨vY †evW©

XvKv wmwU K‡c©v‡ikb (DËi I `wÿY)

0 10 20 30 40 50

AbymÜv‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i`v‡qiK…Z GRvnvi msL¨v

2014 mv‡j nv‡Z †bIqv AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ AbymÜvbmnme©‡gvU AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v

wb®úbœK…Z AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


The Commission has undertaken several programmes on the basis of the recommendations from

Exchange of Views on anti-corruption held at Upazila, District and Metropolitan levels. Institutional

corruption prevention initiatives are taken in different ministries and departments, directorates,

divisions to halt corruption. In the first phase, Exchange of Views on prevention of corruption is being

arranged in different ministries and offices and divisions under the ministries. High officials of the

ministries and of departments, and divisional heads of the concerned departments and division have

the opportunity to express their opinions.

According to the ACC Act, 2004, the Commission reserves any rights to take necessary actions to prevent

corruption. Since 2008, the ACC has been conducting its enquiries and investigations on institutional

corruption in the country. The Commission has formed several teams with skilled officials to combat and

prevent corruption on the basis of complaints lodged by service receivers of public bodies. The ACC

officials were directed to perform their duties within specific Terms of Reference (ToR). The main

responsibilities of the institutional teams are to identify the reasons behind corruption, to inform the

authority with a view to making service delivery better and to take legal actions of any corruption

related offences revealed during inspection. At this moment, the activities of the Commission to

combat and prevent institutional corruption are being operated in 11 organisations. Each team

comprises three to five members.

2.4.2. Statistics of Enquiries on Institutional Corruption Undertaken by the ACC

The teams formed by the ACC enquired into 181 complaints including previous 174 by unveiling 07

new corruption facts in 2014. Among these, 18 were resolved by lodging cases (FIR) and 27 by filing

for records. Figure-7 and Table-13 provide the statistics of enquiries on institutional corruption in


Figure-7: Performance of institution-wise teams' enquiries into complaints of institutional corruption in



Capital Development Authority

Health Directorate

Education Engineering and Education Directorate

NBR (Customs) & Port Authority

Roads & High ways and BRTA

Public Works, Housing & Govt Accommodation

Petro-bangla & BPC

Local Government & Engineering Department

Government Employee Welfare Board

Dhaka City Corporation (North & South)

0 10 20 30 40 50

No. of cases (FIR) LodgedBased on Enquires

No. of enquiries Undertakenin 2014

Total No. of Enquires IncludingPending from me Previous year

No. of Enquires Disposed


` ` `y K

mviwY-13: 2014 m‡b cÖvwZôvwbK yb©xwZ AbymÜv‡b cÖwZôvbwfwËK wUg¸‡jvi Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

2.4.3. Kwgkb KZ©„K M„nxZ cÖvwZôvwbK yb©xwZi Z`šÍ Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

2014 m‡b Kwgkb weMZ eQ‡ii 49wU Awb®úbœ cÖvwZôvwbK `yb©xwZ Z`‡šÍi mv‡_ AviI 14wU cÖvwZôvwbK `yb©xwZ Z`šÍ Kvh©µg nv‡Z †bq| me©‡gvU 63wU cÖvwZôvwbK `yb©xwZ Z`‡šÍi g‡a¨ Kwgkb 24wU cÖvwZôvwbK `yb©xwZ Z`šÍ m¤úbœ K‡i‡Q, hvi d‡j Kwgkb GKB mg‡q 13wU Awf‡hvMcÎ vwLj K‡i‡Q| mviwY 14-G 2014 m‡b cÖvwZôvwbK `yb©xwZ Z`‡šÍ y`‡Ki Kvh©µg msµvšÍ cwimsL¨vb cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-14: 2014 mv‡j cÖvwZôvwbK yb©xwZ Z`šÍ Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb


weeiY msL¨v

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 167

eQ‡i M„nxZ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 07

†gvU AbymÜvb 174

wb®úwËK…Z AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 27

AbmyÜv‡bi Dci wfwË K‡i `v‡qiK…Z GRvnvi msL¨v 18

†iK‡W©i Rb¨ bw_fz³ AbymÜv‡bi msL¨v 17

weeiY msL¨v

weMZ eQ‡ii Awb®úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 49

eQ‡i cwiPvwjZ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 14

†gvU Z`šÍ 63

m¤úbœ Z`‡šÍi msL¨v 24

Awf‡hvMcÎ `vwL‡ji msL¨v 13

P‚ovšÍ cÖwZ‡e`b `vwL‡ji msL¨v 11

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Table-13: Statistics of institution- wise teams' enquiries into complaints of institutional corruption in


2.4.3. Statistics of Investigations on Institutional Corruption Undertaken by the ACC

The Commission undertook 14 investigations on institutional corruption in 2014 along with 49 unresolved

investigations from the previous year. Out of total 63 investigations, the Commission finished 24

investigations, which led the Commission to submit 13 charge-sheets in the same year. Table-14 details the

statistics of investigations on institutional corruption undertaken by the ACC in 2014.

Table-14: Statistics of investigations on institutional corruption undertaken by the ACC in 2014


Description Number

Unresolved enquiries from the previous year 167

No. of enquiries undertaken in the year 07

Total no. of enquiries 174

No. of enquiries resolved 27

No. of cases (FIR) lodged 18

No. of enquiries filed for record 17

Description Number

Unresolved investigations from the previous year 49

No. of investigations undertaken in the year 14

Total no. of investigations 63

No. of investigations resolved 24

No. of charge-sheets submitted 13

No. of final reports submitted 11


` ` `y K


2.5. Kwgkb KZ…©K cwiPvwjZ D‡jøL‡hvM¨ yb©xwZ AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ Kvh©µgmgyn

2.5.1. †Km ÷¨vwW- 01

†mvbvjx e¨vsK wjt, †nv‡Uj †kivUb kvLvi MÖvnK nj-gvK© MÖæcmn †gvU 6wU cÖwZôvb KZ©„K cÖvq 3.5 nvRvi

†KvwU UvKv nvwZ‡q †bqvi Awf‡hvM

†mvbvjx e¨vsK wjt, †nv‡Uj †kivUb kvLv, XvKvi MÖvnK nj-gvK© MÖæcmn †gvU 6wU cÖwZôvb KZ©„K f~qv

Gjwm b¤^i e¨envi, FY RvwjqvwZ, Aw¯ÍZ¡nxb cÖwZôv‡bi bv‡g †jb‡`b I gvwbjÛvwis Gi gva¨‡g cÖvq

3.5 nvRvi †KvwU UvKv nvwZ‡q †bqvi Awf‡hvM AbymÜvb Kivi Rb¨ `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi DccwiPvjK

gxi †gvt Rqbyj Av‡e`xb wkejxi †bZ…‡Z¡ Qq m`‡m¨i GKwU AbymÜvbx wUg MVb K‡i| cieZ©x‡Z

evsjv‡`k e¨vsK †_‡K Av‡iKwU Awf‡hvM cvIqv hvq| GQvov AbymÜvb PjvKvjxb †mvbvjx e¨vsK wjt,

cÖavb Kvh©vjq, XvKvi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK I wmBI Gi `dZi †_‡K Aci GKwU Awf‡hvM cvIqv hvq|

AbymÜvbKv‡j 2wU ch©v‡q AbymÜvb KvR m¤úbœ Kiv nq| cÖ_g ch©v‡q ïay nj-gvK© MÖæ‡ci Ici I wØZxq

ch©v‡q nj-gvK© Qvov evwK 5wU cÖwZôv‡bi Ici AbymÜvb Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv Kiv nq|

cÖ_g ch©vq:

njgvK© MÖæ‡ci GgwW Zvbfxi gvngy`mn †gvU 27 Rb‡K Avmvgx K‡i †gvU 1568,49,34,877.00 UvKv

(dv‡ÛW) AvZ¥mv‡Zi Rb¨ `Ðwewa-i 406/409/420/109 aviv, 1947 mv‡ji `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva AvB‡bi

5(2)aviv Zrmn gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb,2012Gi 4(2) avivq MZ 04-10-2012 Zvwi‡L igbv g‡Wj

_vbv wW.Gg.wc. XvKvq 11wU gvgjv iæRy Kiv nq Ges Z`šÍ m¤úbœ K‡i weÁ Av`vj‡Z PvR©kxU vwLj Kiv nq|

gvgjvmg~n wePvivaxb i‡q‡Q|

wØZxq ch©vq:

(1) wU GÛ eªv`vm© bxU K‡¤úvwRU wjt Gi cwiPvjK †gvt ZvInx` †nv‡mbmn †gvU 18 Rb‡K Avmvgx K‡i

†gvU 322,04,90,667.00 UvKv (dv‡ÛW) AvZ¥mv‡Zi R‡b¨ `Ûwewa-i 406/409/420/ 109 aviv,

1947 mv‡ji yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva AvB‡bi 5(2) aviv Zrmn gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb, 2012 Gi 4 avivq

igbv g‡Wj _vbv (wW.Gg.wc.) XvKvq 14wU gvgjv v‡qi Kiv nq| gvgjv¸‡jvi Z`šÍ m¤úbœ K‡i MZ 30-

06-2014 Zvwi‡L 14 wU gvgjvq weÁ Av`vj‡Z PvR©kxU `vwLj Kiv nq| eZ©gv‡b gvgjv¸‡jv weÁ

Av`vj‡Z wePvivaxb Av‡Q|

(2) c¨vivMY bxU K‡¤úvwRU wjt Gi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK †gvt mvBdzj nvmvb ivRvmn 18 Rb‡K Avmvgx K‡i

†gvU 13,54,85,323.00 UvKv (dv‡ÛW) AvZ¥mv‡Zi R‡b¨ `Ûwewa-i 406/409/420/ 109 aviv, 1947

mv‡ji `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva AvB‡bi 5(2) aviv Zrmn gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb, 2012 Gi 4 avivq I

cieZ©x‡Z 2,22,78,610.00 UvKv (dv‡ÛW) AvZ¥mv‡Zi Rb¨ GKB avivq Aci GKwU gvgjvmn †gvU 6wU

gvgjv v‡qi Kiv nq| gvgjv¸‡jvi Z`šÍ m¤úbœ K‡i MZ 22-05-2014 Zvwi‡L 6 wU gvgjvq weÁ Av`vj‡Z

PvR©kxU vwLj Kiv nq| eZ©gv‡b gvgjv¸‡jv weÁ Av`vj‡Z wePvivaxb Av‡Q|

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


2.5. Remarkable Enquiries & Investigations on Corruption Undertaken by

the ACC

2.5.1. Case Study-01

The allegation of embezzlement of around Taka 35 billion by 6 companies including

Hallmark Group, a client of Sonali Bank Limited

The ACC formed a six-member investigation team led by Commission's Deputy Director Mir

Mohammad Joynul Abedin Shibli, to make enquiry into five companies including Hallmark

Group, a client of Sonali Bank Limited, Hotel Ruposhi Bangla Branch, Dhaka on allegation of

embezzlement of Taka 35 billion by using fake LC number, loan forgery, money transaction and

laundering in the name of illusory companies. Later, another allegation was reported by

Bangladesh Bank. Besides, another allegation was received from Managing Director and Chief

Executive Officer (CEO) of Sonali Bank Limited, Head Office, Dhaka, during the enquiry. The

enquiry was made in two stages. At the first step, the enquiry was held on only Hallmark Group

and then the probe was held on the rest of the 5 companies at the second stage.

First Stage:

The ACC lodged 11 cases (FIR) with Ramna Model Thana, DMP on 04 October, 2012 against 27

persons including Hall-Mark's Managing Director (MD) Tanvir Mahmud for embezzlement of

Taka 1568,49,34,877 (funded) under Section 406/409/420/109 of the Penal Code, Section 5 (2)

of Corruption Prevention Act, 1947 and Section 4 (2) of Money Laundering Prevention Act,

2012. Charge sheets were submitted to the court after the investigation. The cases are now

under trial.

Second Stage:

(1) The ACC lodged 14 cases with Ramna Model Thana DMP against 18 persons including T &

Brothers Knit Composite Limited's Director Mohammad Tawhid Hossain for embezzlement of BDT

322,04,90,667 (funded) under Section 406/409/420/109 of the Penal Code, Section 5 (2) of

Corruption Prevention Act, 1947 and Section 4 of MLPA, 2012. The charge sheets of the cases

were submitted to the court on 30-06-2014 after the completion of investigation. The cases are

now under trial.

(2) The ACC lodged 06 cases against 18 persons including Paragon Knit Composite Limited's

Director, Mohammad Saiful Hasan Raja for embezzlement of BDT 13,54,85,323 (funded) under

Section 406/409/420/109 of the Penal Code, Section 5 (2) of Corruption Prevention Act, 1947 and

Section 4 of MLPA, 2012 along with one case for embezzlement equivalent to BDT 2,22,78,610

under same sections of the mentioned acts. The charge sheets of the cases were submitted to the

court on 22-05-2014 after the completion of investigation. The cases are now under trial at the



` ` `y K


(3) bKkx bxU K‡¤úvwRU wjt Gi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK †gvt Avãyj gv‡jKmn 16 Rb‡K Avmvgx K‡i †gvU

10,81,85,231.00 UvKv (dv‡ÛW) AvZ¥mv‡Zi R‡b¨ Ûwewa-i 406/409/420/ 109 aviv, 1947 mv‡ji

`yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva AvB‡bi 5(2)aviv Zrmn gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb, 2012 Gi 4 avivq 03wU gvgjv v‡qi

K‡i| MÖvnK KZ©„K 2,52,07,730.00 UvKv my`mn me©‡gvU 13,33,92,961.00 UvKv e¨vs‡K Rgv cÖ`vb

Kivq Kwgkb KZ©„K P~ovšÍ cÖwZ‡e`b mZ¨ (Gd.Avi.wU.) vwL‡ji wm×všÍ nq Ges weÁ Av`vjZ KZ©„K PzovšÍ

cÖwZ‡e`b (Gd.Avi.wU) M„nxZ n‡q‡Q;

(4) wW Gb †¯úvU©m wjt Gi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK †gvt kwdKzi ingvb Rb mn 16 Rb‡K Avmvgx K‡i †gvU

2,81,45,426.00 UvKv (dv‡ÛW) AvZ¥mv‡Zi R‡b¨ `Ûwewa-i 406/409/420/ 109 aviv, 1947 mv‡ji

`yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva AvB‡bi 5(2) aviv Zrmn gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb, 2012 Gi 4 avivq 3wU gvgjv v‡qi

Kiv nq| gvgjv¸‡jvi Z`šÍ m¤úbœ K‡i MZ 22-05-2014 Zvwi‡L 3 wU gvgjvq weÁ Av`vj‡Z PvR©kxU

`vwLj Kiv nq| eZ©gv‡b gvgjv¸‡jv weÁ Av`vj‡Z wePvivaxb Av‡Q;

(5) Lvb Rvnvb Avjx †mv‡qUvi wjt Gi e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK †gvt Avt Rwjj †kLmn †gvU 16Rb‡K Avmvgx

K‡i †gvU 1,14,75,668.00 UvKv (dv‡ÛW) AvZ¥mv‡Zi v‡q Ûwewa-i 406/409/420/109 aviv, 1947

mv‡ji yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva AvB‡bi 5(2) aviv Zrmn gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb, 2012 Gi 4 avivq 1wU gvgjv

`v‡qi Kiv nq| gvgjvwUi Z`šÍ m¤úbœ K‡i MZ 22-05-2014 Zvwi‡L weÁ Av`vj‡Z PvR©kxU `vwLj Kiv

nq| eZ©gv‡b gvgjvwU weÁ Av`vj‡Z wePvivaxb Av‡Q|

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


(3) The ACC lodged 03 corruption cases (FIR) against 16 persons including Nakshee Knit

Composite Limited's Managing Director (MD) Mohammad Abdul Malek for embezzlement of BDT

10,81,85,231 (funded) under Section 406/409/420/109 of the Penal Code, Section 5 (2) of

Corruption Prevention Act, 1947 and Section 4 of MLPA, 2012. Since the accused deposited total

BDT 13,33,92,961 including interests equivalent to BDT 2,52,07,730 to the bank, the Commission

decided to submit Final Report True (FRT) and it was accepted by the court.

(4) The Commission lodged 3 cases against 16 persons including DN Sports Limited's Managing

Director (MD) Mohammad Shafiqur Rahman for embezzlement of BDT 2,81,45,426 (funded)

under Section 406/409/420/109 of the Penal Code, Section 5 (2) of Corruption Prevention Act,

1947 and Section 4 of MLPA, 2012. The charge sheets of the cases were submitted to the court on

22-05-2014 after the completion of investigation. The cases are now under trial at the court.

(5) Another case was lodged by the ACC against 16 persons including Khan Jahan Ali Sweater

Limited's Managing Director (MD) Mohammad Abdul Jalil Sheikh for embezzlement of BDT

1,14,75,668 (funded) under Section 406/409/420/109 of the Penal Code, Section 5 (2) of

Corruption Prevention Act, 1947 and Section 4 of MLPA, 2012. The charge sheet of the case was

submitted to the court on 22-05-2014 after the completion of investigation. The case is now

under trial at the court.


` ` `y K


2.5.2. †Km ÷¨vwW- 02

†WmwUwb 2000 wj: Ges †WmwUwb wUª cøv‡›Ukb wj: Gi weiæ‡× GgGjGg cÖwµqvq cÖZviYvi gva¨‡g mvaviY RbM‡Yi wbKU †_‡K UvKv msMÖn K‡i AvZ¥mvZ

`yÕwU RvZxq cwÎKvq †WmwUwbi weiæ‡× GgGjGg cÖwµqvq cÖZviYvi gva¨‡g mvaviY RbM‡Yi wbKU †_‡K †KvwU †KvwU UvKv msMÖn K‡i AvZ¥mvZ Kiv n‡q‡Q g‡g© msev` cÖKvwkZ nq| cÖKvwkZ cÖwZ‡e`bmg~‡n †WmwUwb 2000 wj. Gi weiæ‡× cÖKvwkZ Awf‡hvM AbymÜv‡bi R‡b¨ Kwgkb †_‡K mnKvix cwiPvjK †gvt ‡ZŠwdKzj Bmjvg Ges Dc cwiPvjK †gv: †gvRvnvi Avjx mi`vi‡K †hŠ_fv‡e AbymÜv‡bi vwqZ¡ cÖ`vb Kiv nq| †hŠ_ AbymÜvb †k‡l 2wU c„_K NUbvq A‡_©i ¯’vbvšÍi/ iƒcvšÍic~e©K wb‡R‡`i †fvM`L‡j †bqvi cÖv_wgK cÖgvY cvIqvq KjvevMvb _vbvq †WmwUwb 2000 wj. Gi GgwW iwdKzj Avwgb mn Ab¨vb¨‡`i weiæ‡× 2wU gvgjv `v‡qi Kiv nq|

1g gvgjvi welqe¯‘ :

†gvnv¤§` iwdKjz Avgxbmn wW2‡K Gi Ab¨ 11 Rb cwiPvjK cZÖ viYvi ce~ © cwiKíbvq †Kv¤úvbxi msN-¯§viK I gnvgvb¨ nvB‡Kv‡Ui© Av‡`k jsNbce~ K© mvaviY RbMY/ wewb‡qvMKvix‡`i‡K AwaK jv‡fi c‡Ö jvf‡b cjÖ äy K‡i GgGjGg c×wZ‡Z wW2‡K Gi gva¨‡g A‰eafv‡e 21/03/2006 ZvwiL †_‡K GwcjÖ /2012 chš© Í †WmwUwb wU ªcvø b‡Ukb wjt Gi †gvU 6,18,48,630wU MvQ I cvI‡jvwbqv wU ª ÷¨v¤ú wewµ K‡i me‡© gvU 2335,74,85,500/- UvKv msMnÖ K‡i 2106,64,65,500/- UvKv v’ bvšiÍ / iƒcvšiÍ ce~ K© mvaviY wewb‡qvMKvix‡`i v‡_i© AeÁv K‡i wb‡R‡`i †fvM-`L‡j wb‡q gvwbjÛvwis cwÖ Z‡iva AvB‡b Aciva K‡i‡Qb| gvgjvwUi Z`‡š Í †`Lv hvq †h, †gvnv¤§` iwdKjz Avgxb mn ewYZ© 11 Rb cwiPvjK wb‡R‡`i nxb¯v_ © PwiZv_ © Kivi cvi¯úvwiK †hvMmvR‡m wb‡R‡`i cwÖ Zôvb‡K †WmwUwb wUcª vø b‡Ukb wj: Gi gv‡Kw© Us G‡R›U wb‡qvM K‡i Avw_K© fv‡e jvfevb nq| ¯í wewb‡qv‡M AwaK jv‡fi c‡Ö jvfb †`wL‡q gnvgvb¨ nvB‡Kv‡Ui© Av‡`k jsNbce~ K© wewfb œ c¨v‡K‡R †gvU 6,18,48,630wU MvQ wecYb K‡i 17.50 jÿvwaK wewb‡qvMKvixi wbKU †_‡K msMnÖ ce~ K© †WmwUwb 2000 wj: Gi bv‡g wewfb œ e¨vs‡K cwiPvwjZ e¨vsK wnmv‡e †gvU 2433,19,19,147.00 UvKv Rgv K‡i| cieZxK© v‡j Zviv H A_ © Kwgkb, †¯úkvj Kwgkb, Bb‡÷w›Uf, wWwf‡W›U, Abvwiqvg, bvgme© AeKvVv‡gvnxb †Kv¤úvbx‡Z wewb‡qvM, Avmvgx iwdKjz Avgx‡bi gvwjKvbvaxb wmsMvciy ¯ ’ †Kv¤úvbx n‡Z GgGjGg cY¨ Avg`vbxi QÙvei‡Y cvPvimn bvbvwea cwÖ µqvq wb‡R‡`i e¨w³MZ wnmve Ges Zv‡`i v_ © mswkóø †Kv¤úvbxi wnmv‡e †gvU 2257,78,77,227.00 UvKv v’ bvšiÍ / iƒcvšiÍ I n¯vÍ šiÍ ce~ K© wb‡R‡`i †fvM`L‡j wb‡q ev †bqvi c‡Ö Póvq m¤ú³„ _v‡K| gvgjvwU Z`š Í m¤úb œ K‡i †gv: iwdKjz Avwgb mn 19 R‡bi weiæ‡× weÁ Av`vj‡Z PvRk© xU vwLj Kiv n‡q‡Q| eZg© v‡b gvgjvwU weÁ Av`vj‡Z wePvivaxb Av‡Q|

2q gvgjvi welqe¯‘:

Avmvgx †gvnv¤§` iwdKzj Avgxb Ges †WmwUwb 2000 wjt Gi D‡`¨v³v Ab¨ cwiPvjKiv `ªæZ A_© msMÖ‡ni wbwg‡Ë mgevq mwgwZ AvBb, 2001 I mgevq mwgwZ wewagvjv, 2004 jsNbc~e©K GgGjGg c×wZ‡Z 8.5 jÿvwaK m`‡m¨i wbKU †WmwUwb gvwëcvicvm †Kv-Acv‡iwUf †mvmvBwU wjt-Gi †mvmvBwUi †kqvi c¨v‡KR, wWAvBwewm c¨v‡KR Ges AvBGbwWwc c¨v‡KR wewµ K‡i me©‡gvU 1935,53,20,000/- UvKv msMÖn K‡i| Gici Zviv wbR ¯^v‡_© †mvmvBwUi e¨e¯’vcbv KwgwUi mnvqZvq cÖZviYvc~e©K Kwgkb eve` me©‡gvU 733,31,29,643/- UvKv †WmwUwb 2000 wjt Gi wn‡m‡e ¯'vbvšÍi K‡i mwgwZi g~ja‡bi Aeÿq NwU‡q wb‡R‡`i e¨vsK wnmv‡e Acivajä Avq †gvU 1178,61,23,024/- (GMvik AvUvËi †KvwU GKlwÆ jÿ †ZBk nvRvi PweŸk) UvKv FY, wWwf‡WÛ Ges Kwgkb AvKv‡i ¯’vbvšÍi/ iƒcvšÍi K‡i †fvM`L‡j wb‡q gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvB‡b Aciva K‡i‡Qb|

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


2.5.2 Case Study- 02

Allegations against Destiny 2000 Ltd & Destiny Tree Plantation Ltd for fraudulent embezzlement of money of common people through MLM system

Two national dailies of the country published news against D2K that it embezzled billions of taka from common people through Multi Level Marketing (MLM) system in a fraudulent way. The Commission assigned Mr. Mozahar Ali Sardar, Deputy Director and Mr. Md. Toufiqul Islam, Deputy Director jointly to enquire into the allegation brought against them published in the aforesaid Daily Newspaper. Two money laundering cases (FIR) lodged with Kalabagan Police Station, DMP, against Mr. Rafiqul Amin, MD of D2K with others having got primary evidence of misappropriating of investors' money through transfer/transformation.

Content of 1st Case:

Mohammad Rafiqul Amin and 11 other directors with pre-motive abusing Honourable High

Court's Order and Company's Memorandum of Articles, illegally earned/collected amounting

BDT 2335,74,85,500 from the common people/investors by selling 6,18,48,630 trees and

Paulownias tree stamps of Destiny Tree Plantation Ltd. from 21/03/2006 to April 2012 committing

offence under section 4(2) of MLPA, 2012 by transferring/converting BDT 2106,64,65,500 to their

personal possession. It is found in the investigation that Mohammed Rafiqul Amin and aforesaid

11 directors, in collusion with each other and ill motive, appointed their own company D2K as

marketing agent of Destiny Tree Plantation Ltd to realize their vested interest leaving behind the

interest of the common investors. By doing aforesaid act or tempting common people with

promise to give them huge profit against small amount of investment, they collected BDT

2433,19,19,147 from 17.50 lac investors by selling 6,18,48,630 pieces of trees in different

packages and deposited aforesaid amount to different bank accounts of Destiny 2000 Ltd. by

abusing the order of the Honourable High Court. It is found that, they also transferred/converted

proceeds of crime of predicate offence (Fraud) amounting BDT 2257,78,77,227 to their personal

accounts and to their vested companies in the name of commission. special commission,

incentive, dividend, honorarium and in the form investment to their nameless/structureless

companies, and also laundered money by importing MLM goods from Singapore which belongs to

FIR named Mohammad Rafiqul Amin. The charge sheet of the case was submitted to the court

after comprehensive investigation accusing 19 persons including Mohammad Rafiqul Amin. The

case is now under trial at the court.

Content of 2nd Case:

Alleged Mohammad Rafiqul Amin along with other entrepreneur-directors of Destiny 2000 Ltd.

by violating Cooperative Societies Act, 2001 and Cooperative Societies Rules, 2004, and selling

Destiny Multi Purpose Co-operative Society Ltd's (DMCSL) share package, DIBC package and

INDP package to more than 8.5 lac people made quick illegal money amounting to BDT

1935,53,20,000 through MLM process. There after they with the help of managing committee

of Destiny Multipurpose Co-operative Society Ltd transferred Taka 733,31,29,643 to Destiny

2000 Limited (D2K) which incurred loss to DMPCSL for their personal interest. They

transferred/converted BDT 1178,61,23,024 to their personal accounts in the name of loan,

dividend and commission which is an offence under MLPA, 2012.


` ` `y K


GRvnvifz³ 22 Ges Z`‡šÍ AvMZ 24Rb †gvU 46Rb Avmvgx c~e© cwiKíbvq wb‡R‡`i nxb ^v_© PwiZv_© Kivi D‡Ï‡k¨ cÖZviYvg~jK †WmwUwb 2000 wjtÕ†K wWGgwmGmGj-Gi Kw_Z †kqvi c¨v‡KR, wWAvBwewm I AvBGbwWwc KwíZ c¨v‡KR †K wW2‡K-Gi cY¨ wn‡m‡e wecYb KiYv‡_© wb‡R‡`i B”QvgvwdK Af¨šÍixY A‰ea Pzw³ m¤úv`b K‡i ^í wewb‡qv‡M AwaK jv‡fi cÖ‡jvfb †`wL‡q Zv‡`i ^v_© mswkøó AjvfRbK/ bvg ^e©¯^/ †jvKmvbx/ APj †Kv¤úvbx‡Z wewb‡qvM ev FY cÖ`v‡bi QÙvei‡Y bZzb bZzb †Kv¤úvbx m„Rb Ges f~qv jvf cÖ`k©‡bi gva¨‡g AbvwR©Z jvf †`wL‡q †mvmvBwUi g~jab †_‡K wWwf‡W›U cÖ`vb K‡i mvaviY wewb‡qvMKvix‡`i‡K wewb‡qv‡M AvK…ó ev cÖ‡ivwPZ K‡i| Gfv‡e 8.50 jÿvwaK wewb‡qvMKvix‡`i wbKU †_‡K 1901,26,25,000 UvKv msMÖn/ AR©bc~e©K cvi¯úvwiK mnvqZvq wewb‡qvMKvix‡`i ¯^v_© msiÿY bv K‡i wegvb jxR, BKzBc‡g›Umn exR Avg`vbxi Ges wRGmG jvB‡mÝ Gi wmwKDwiwU eve` me©‡gvU 43,87,34,855 we‡`‡k cvPvimn Kwgkb, wWwf‡W›U, †eZb- fvZv, mg¥vbx, Bb‡mbwUf, µq, AwMÖg, LiP BZ¨vw`i QÙvei‡Y e¨w³MZ wnmvemn Zv‡`i ¯^v_© mswkøó AjvfRbK/ ‡jvKmvbx/ APj/ AeKvVv‡gvnxb †Kv¤úvbx‡Z wewb‡qvM I FY cÖ`vb, wewfbœ cÖKvi µq ev AMÖxg Li‡Pi bvbvwea cÖwµqvi QÙvei‡Y Acivajä Avq me©‡gvU 1861,45,23,155/- UvKv ¯’vbvšÍi/ iæcvšÍic~e©K †mvmvBwUi Znwej Aeÿq NUvq| gvgjvwUi Z`‡šÍi †k‡l gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb, 2009 Gi 4(2) aviv Zrmn gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb, 2012 Gi 4(2)(3) avivi weÁ Av`vj‡Z Awf‡hvMcÎ vwLj Kiv n‡q‡Q| eZ©gv‡b gvgjvwU weÁ Av`vj‡Z wePvivaxb Av‡Q|

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

46 alleged persons, 22 as per FIR and 24 included after investigation, committed an

intentional, internal and illegal agreements with Destiny 2000 Ltd in order to promote

DMCSL's share, DIBC and INDP package as Destiny 2000 Ltd's product fraudulently with ill

motive for their self interest. They tempted investors to invest little amount for huge profit in

their interested concerned non-profitable/ nominal/losing/ structureless companies, by

creating new entities to provide false loans, and by showing false reports of profit against

unearned profit to issue dividend to them. After collecting BDT 1901,26,25,000 from 8.5 lac

investors, they collusively laundered BDT 43,87,34,855 to foreign countries in the name of

leasing airplane, importing seeds and equipment and providing security money for GSA

license by neglecting the interest of the investors. Public oriented DMCSL incurred loss

amounting to BDT 1861,45,23,155 due to transfer/conversion of the society's fund by the FIR

named accused to their vested losing concerned. By doing the aforesaid act Mohammad

Rafiqul Amin and co-other accused committed laundering money abroad in the name of

commission, dividend, salary, honorarium, incentives, purchase, advance, expenditure and

loans. The charge sheet of the case was submitted to the court after comprehensive

investigation on the basis of Sections 2 (Ta) and 4(2) of MLPA, 2009 and on the basis of

Sections 2 (Fa) and 4 (2) (3) of MLPA, 2012. The case is now under trial at the court.



` ` `y K


2.5.3. †Km ÷¨vwW- 03

wemwgjøvn MÖæ‡ci ybx©wZ

Awf‡hv‡Mi wfwˇZ wemwgjøvn MÖæ‡ci `ybx©wZi welqwU Kwgkb AbymÜv‡bi Rb¨ wm×všÍ MÖnY K‡i| AbymÜvb PjvKv‡j wewfbœ RvZxq ˆ`wbK cwÎKvq Gi wel‡q msev` cÖKvwkZ n‡j cieZ©x‡Z `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi DccwiPvjK ˆmq` BKevj ‡nv‡mb‡K wUg wjWvi K‡i 5(cuvP) m`‡m¨i GKwU wUg MVb K‡i wUg‡K AbymÜv‡bi `vwqZ¡ †`qv nq| Awf‡hvM ch©v‡jvPbvi ci Awfhy³ cÖwZôvb wemwgjøvn MÖæc I Gi mn‡hvMx cÖwZôvbmgy‡ni gva¨‡g †gvU 5 (cuvP) wU e¨vsK h_v: RbZv e¨vsK wj: feb K‡c©v‡iU kvLv, gMevRvi kvLv I Gwj‡d›U †ivW kvLv, hgybv e¨vsK wj: Gi w`jKzkv kvLv, wcÖwgqvi e¨vsK wj: Gi gwZwSj kvLv, kvnRvjvj Bmjvgx e¨vsK wj: Gi B¯‹vUb kvLv Ges cÖvBg e¨vsK wj: Gi gwZwSj kvLv †_‡K wemwgjøvn MÖæ‡ci ewY©Z AvmvgxMY Amr D‡Ï‡k¨ `ybx©wZ, cÖZviYv I RvjRvwjqvwZ AvkÖ‡q m„wRZ fzqv ißvbx Pyw³/ Rvj`wjj vwLj K‡i e¨vs‡Ki g¨v‡bRvimn mswkøó Kg©KZ©vMY MvBWjvBb di d‡ib G·‡PÄ Uªvb‡RKkb 2009 Gi e¨Z¨q NwU‡q wb‡Riv jvfevb n‡q ev nIqvi Avkvq D³ †Kv¤úvbx KZ©„K gvjvgvj ißvwb bv Kiv m‡Ë¡I ißvbx n‡q‡Q g‡g© fzqv/ Rvj G¨v‡Kvg‡Wkb wej µq/ mgš^q †`Lvq| cieZx©Kv‡j wemwgjøvn Mªæ‡ci e¨vK Uz e¨vK GjwmÕi weiæ‡× †Kvbiƒc AvcwË DÌvcb bv K‡i Avmvgx LvRv †mvjvqgvb Av‡bvqvi †PŠayixmn Ab¨vb¨‡`i `ybx©wZ, cÖZviYv RvjRvwjqvwZi gva¨‡g Acivajä Avq AR©‡b

cÖZ¨¶fv‡e mnvqZv K‡i| e¨vsK Kg©KZ©vMY fzqv ißvwb we‡ji wecix‡Z GdwWwewc, Sales Contract Gi wecix‡Z e¨vK Uz e¨vK Gjwm Ly‡j I cieZx©‡Z e¨vsK kvLv KZ…©K (†dvm©W †jvb) cÖ`vb Kivi gva¨‡g FY MÖnxZv cÖwZôvb‡K cÖ`vb K‡i gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb, 2012 Gi avivq Aciva K‡i‡Qb| AbymÜvb cÖwZ‡e`‡bi wfwˇZ Kwgk‡bi Aby‡gv`‡bi Av‡jv‡K AvmvgxM‡Yi weiy‡× gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb, 2012-Gi 4(2)(3) avivq wewfbœ _vbvq 12wU gvgjv v‡qi Kiv nq|

AvZœmvZ I gvwbjÛvwisK…Z A‡_©i cwigvY:

GB 12wU gvgjvq †gvU Avmvgxi msL¨v 53 Rb Ges ¯’vbvšÍi/ iƒcvšÍ‡ii gva¨‡g AvZ¥mvZK…Z †gvU A‡_©i cwigvY 1174.46 †KvwU UvKv| eZ©gv‡b PviRb Z`šÍKvix Kg©KZ©v cÖ‡Z¨‡K wZbwU K‡i gvgjvi Z`šÍ K‡i B‡Zvg‡a¨ Z`šÍ cÖwZ‡e`b Kwgk‡b Rgv w`‡q‡Qb| Kwgk‡bi wm×všÍ mv‡c‡ÿ cieZ©x AvBbvbyM e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kiv n‡e|

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

µ: bs e¨vs‡Ki bvg kvLvi bvg dv‡ÛWUvKv (†KvwU) bbdv‡ÛWUvKv (†KvwU)

feb K‡c©v‡iU kvLv 307.38 25.53

1. RbZv e¨vsK wj: gMevRvi kvLv 177.10 1.60

Gwjd¨v›U †ivW kvLv 15.34 0.00

2. cÖvBg e¨vsK wj: gwZwSj kvLv 265.20 61.08

3. wcÖwgqvi e¨vsK wj: gwZwSj kvLv 23.22 39.31

4. hgybv e¨vsK wj: w`jKzkv kvLv 108.64 46.02

5. kvnRvjvj Bmjvgx e¨vsK wj: B¯‹vUb kvLv 93.15 10.89

†gvU 990.03 184.43


2.5.3. Case Study- 03

Corruption of the Bismillah Group

The Commission took decision to enquire into the matter of corruption of Bismillah Group on

the basis of allegation. During the enquiry, the ACC formed a five-member team led by

Commission's Deputy Director, Syed Iqbal Hossain to enquire into the matter on the basis of

news published in several national dailies in this regard. After analysis of the allegation, it is

found that the alleged persons submitted forged export contract/documents for

embezzlement of huge amount of money from Bhaban Corporate Branch, Moghbazar

Branch and Elephant Road Branch of Janata Bank Limited, Dilkusha Branch of Jamuna Bank

Ltd., Motijheel Branch of Premier Bank Ltd., Motijheel Branch of Prime Bank Ltd. and from

Eskaton Branch of Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd., through Bismillah Group and its associated

companies. The concerned bank managers including officials by violating Guidelines for

Foreign Exchange Transaction 2009, being profited or hoping to be profited, adjusted the

fake/forged accommodation bills to the effect that goods had been exported by the

companies though it was not done. Later on, without showing any objection against 'Back to

Back Letter of Credit (LC)' of Bismillah Group, they assisted directly the alleged Khaza

Solaiman Anwar Chowdhury with others to misappropriate money through corruption,

fraud and forgery. The bank officials committed offences under MLPA, 2012 by issuing FDBP

against fake export bill, opening 'Back to Back LC' against Sales Contract and disbursing

'Forced Loans' from the banks. Twelve cases (FIR) were lodged against the alleged persons

under Section 4 (2), (3) of MLPA, 2012 with several police stations after the approval of the

Commission on the basis of the enquiry report.

Amount of Money Embezzled and Laundered:

In the 12 cases, total alleged persons are 53 and amount of embezzled and laundered money

is BDT 1174.46 crore. Four investigation officers of the Commission already submitted

investigation reports of the cases. Further lawful measures will be taken according to the

decision of the Commission.


` ` `y K

Serial no. Bank's name Branch name Funded Taka (Crore) Non-funded taka (Crore)

Bhaban Corporate Branch 307.38 25.53

1. Janata Bank Ltd. Moghbazar Branch 177.10 1.60

Elephant Road Branch 15.34 0.00

2. Prime Bank Ltd. Motijheel Branch 265.20 61.08

3. Premier Bank Ltd. Motijheel Branch 23.22 39.31

4. Jamuna Bank Ltd. Dilkusha Branch 108.64 46.02

5. Shahjalal Islami Bank Eskaton Branch 93.15 10.89

Total 990.03 184.43


2.5.4. †Km ÷¨vwW- 04

moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii ZË¡veavqK cÖ‡KŠkjx †gvt Avãyj gv‡jK Gi ÁvZ Avq ewnf©~Z m¤ú` AR©‡bi

Awf‡hv‡M kvw¯Í

†Mvcb msev‡`i wfwˇZ Kwgkb ¯-D‡`¨v‡M moK I Rbc_ Awa`߇ii ZËv¡ eavqK c‡Ö KŠkjx †gvt Avãjy

gv‡j‡Ki ÁvZ Avq ewnfZ~© m¤ú` AR‡© bi Awf‡hvM Abmy Üv‡bi Rb¨ MnÖ Y K‡i| Awf‡hvMwU Abmy Üvb K‡i

Awfh³y †gvt Avãjy gv‡jK, ZËv¡ eavqK c‡Ö KŠkjx, moK I Rbc_ wefvM, moK feb, XvKv Ges Zvi x¿ wg‡mm

Avw¤qv LvZ‡z bi weiæ‡× ÁvZ Avq ewnfZ~© 3,01,00,000/- UvKv (wZb †KvwU GK j¶) UvKvi wd·W wW‡cvwRU,

40 (Pwjkø ) j¶ UvKvi mÂqcÎ, XvKv kn‡i 5 (cvu P) wU miy g¨ d¬ v‡Ui gvwjKvbv ARb© Ges GKwU 5 (cvu P) Zjv

evox wbgv© Ymn Ab¨vb¨ v’ ei/ A¯v’ ei m¤úwË ARb© Kivi v‡q 1947 m‡bi by xw© Z cwÖ Z‡iva AvB‡bi 5(2) aviv I

`Ðwewai 109 avivq avbgwÛ _vbvq GKwU gvgjv iæR y Kiv nq |

D‡jøL¨, ÁvZ Avq ewnf©~Z 4,41,36,995/- UvKvi m¤ú` Avmvgx Avãyj gv‡jK Zvi AvqKi bw_‡ZI

cÖ`k©b bv K‡i †Mvcb K‡i‡Qb| GKBfv‡e Avmvgx Avw¤^qv LvZzb GKRb M„wnbx wn‡m‡e Zvi †gvU AwR©Z

¯’vei I A¯’vei m¤ú‡`i cwigvY 2,19,81,504/- UvKv| Z`‡šÍ my¯úófv‡e cÖwZwôZ nq †h, Avmvgx

Avw¤^qv LvZy‡bi bv‡g AwR©Z m¤úwË Zvi ¯^vgxi A‰ea UvKv ØvivB Kiv n‡q‡Q hv Zv‡`i Df‡qiB ÁvZ

Avq ewnf©~Z m¤ú` hvi cwigvY †gvU 6,61,18,499/- UvKv| D‡jøL¨, ÁvZ Avq ewnf©~Z 6,61,18,499/-

UvKvi m¤ú‡`i †ewki fvM AskB AvmvgxØq Zv†`i AvqKi bw_‡ZI cÖ`k©b bv K‡i †Mvcb K‡i‡Qb| G

mKj m¤ú` AR©‡b miKvwi Kg©Pvix AvPiY wewa-1979 Abymv‡i Rbve Avãyj gv‡jK miKv‡ii wbKU

†_‡K †Kv‡bv cÖKvi AbygwZI MÖnY K‡ib wb|

Gfv‡e Avmvgx Rbve †gvt Avãyj gv‡jK, mv‡eK ZË¡veavqK cÖ‡KŠkjx, moK I Rbc_ wefvM GKRb cvewjK

mv‡f©›U wn‡m‡e 1947 mv‡ji `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva AvB‡bi 5(1)(O) aviv Abyhvqx wbR bv‡g Ges Zvi †cvl¨ ¯¿x

wg‡mm Avw¤^qv LvZz‡bi bv‡g ÁvZ Avq ewnf©~Z †gvU 6,61,18,499/- (Qq †KvwU GKlwÆ jÿ AvVvi nvRvi

PvikZ wbivbœeŸB) UvKvi m¤úwË AR©b K‡i ewY©Z avivq AvmvgxMY kvw¯Í‡hvM¨ Aciva K‡i‡Qb weavq Zv‡`i

weiæ‡× DwjøwLZ avivq PvR©kxU weÁ Av`vj‡Z wePviv‡_© vwLj Kiv nq|

weÁ gnvbMi vqiv I wmwbqi †¯úkvj RR Av`vjZ, XvKvi gvgjv bs †g‡Uªv †¯úkvj gvgjv bs- 289/11 Gi

wePvi †k‡l MZ 02/04/2014 Zvwi‡L Avmvgx †gvt Avãyj gv‡jK, mv‡eK ZË¡veavqK cÖ‡KŠkjx, moK I

Rbc_ wefvMÕ†K 7 (mvZ) eQ‡ii mkªg Kviv`Û I 1 jÿ UvKv Rwigvbv Abv`v‡q Av‡iv 1 (GK) eQ‡ii

Kviv`Ð cÖ`vb K‡i| GQvov Avmvgxi 3 †KvwU 1 jÿ UvKvi GdwWAvi, ¯¿xi bvgxq 30 jÿ UvKvi mÂqcÎ,

cjøex‡Z 5Zjv 1wU evwo Ges avbgwÛ I jkv‡b 4wU d¬¨vU ev‡Rqvß †NvlYv K‡i|

Kwgk‡bi ZrKvjxb cwi`k©K (eZ©gv‡b Dc-cwiPvjK) GmGgGg AvLZvi nvwg` fzTv Awf‡hvMwUi

AbymÜvb Ges gvgjvwUi Z`šÍ Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv K‡ib|

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


2.5.4. Case Study- 04

Punishment against the allegation of accumulating wealth beyond known sources of income

Engineer Mohammad Abdul Malek, Former Superintendent Engineer, Roads and Highway

Department (RHD)

Acting on a tip-off, the ACC itself initiated an enquiry against Md Abdul Malek, Former

Superintendent Engineer, Roads and Highway Department (RHD) against the allegation of

accumulating wealth beyond known sources of income. After the completion of the enquiry, the

Commission lodged a case (FIR) with Dhanmondi Police Station against Md. Abdul Malek and his

wife Ambia Khatun for possessing a fixed deposit of Taka 3,01,00,000, savings of Taka 40,00,000,

five luxurious flats in the capital and several other movable and immovable properties beyond

known sources of income, under Section 5 (2) of Corruption Prevention Act, 1947 and Section

109 of the Penal Code.

It is to be noted that the alleged, Abdul Malek, hid wealth equivalent to BDT 4,41,36,995 earned

from beyond known sources from his income tax return too. Similarly, the total amount of

movable and immovable assets of his wife, Ambia Khatun, a housewife, is equivalent to BDT

2,19,81,504. It is established in investigation that the asset possessed by the alleged Ambia

Khatun came from her husband's illicit income – the assets of both earned from beyond known

sources, which was equivalent to BDT 6,61,18,499. It is mentioned that, most part of the assets

earned from beyond known sources was not shown in their income tax returns. Even, according to

the Government Servants (Conduct) Rules, 1979, Abdul Malek did not take any permission from

the government with a view to accumulating the wealth.

As Md Abdul Malek, Former Superintendent Engineer of Roads and Highway Department (RHD),

committed an offence for accumulating wealth in his own name as a public servant under Sections

5 (1) (e) of Corruption Prevention Act, 1947 and in the name of his wife, Mrs. Ambia Khatun for

accumulating wealth equivalent to BDT 6,61,18,499 earned from beyond known sources under 5

(2) of Corruption Prevention Act, 1947 and Section 109 of Penal Code, A charge sheet was

submitted to the court for trial against the accused under the sections mentioned.

The court sentenced a seven-year imprisonment with a fine of Taka one lac, in case of default, one

year more imprisonment on 02/04/2014 to accused Md Abdul Malek, former Superintendent

Engineer of Roads and Highway Department (RHD), for amassing wealth through illegal means in

case no. 289/11 of Metropolitan Sessions and Senior Special Judge Court, Dhaka. Besides, the

court forfeited the convict's FDR equivalent to BDT 3.1 crore, savings equivalent to BDT 30 lac in

the name of his wife, four flats in the capital's Dhanmondi area and one in Gulshan and a five-

storey building in Pallabi area.

The allegation enquired into and investigated by the then Inspector (Now- Deputy Director) S M M

Akhtar Hamid Bhuiyan.


` ` `y K

2.6. cÖwmwKDkb 2.6.1. gvgjv cwiPvjbvi AvBbMZ wfwË

`yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb AvBb 2004-Gi aviv 17(L) Abyhvqx Kwgkb Zdwmjfz³ Acivamg~‡ni AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ cwiPvjbvi Dci wfwË K‡i gvgjv `v‡qi I gvgjv cwiPvjbv Ki‡Z cv‡i| `yb©xwZi Aciva wn‡m‡e mve¨¯Í nIqvi Rb¨ Zdwm‡j 2004 mv‡ji yb©xwZ gb Kwgkb AvBb; 1947 mv‡ji yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva AvBb; gvwb jÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb, 2012; 1860 mv‡ji `Ûwewai (†cbvj †KvW) 161-169, 217, 218, 408, 409, 420, 462(K), 462(L), 467, 468, 469, 471 I 477K avivq ewY©Z Acivamg~n I 109 aviv (`y®‹‡g© mnvqZv), 120L aviv (`y®‹‡g©i lohš¿) Ges 511 aviv (`y®‹‡g©i cÖ‡Póv) Ges GB avivi (K), (L) ev (M) Dcaviv mswkøó msNwUZ †h‡Kv‡bv Aciva‡K wb‡`©k Kiv n‡q‡Q|

`y`K AvBb 2004 Gi 32 (K) aviv Abyhvqx Gme Aciv‡ai weiæ‡× gvgjv v‡q‡ii AbygwZ cÖ`v‡bi m¤ú~Y© KZ…©Z¡ Kwgk‡bi Dci b¨¯Í Kiv n‡q‡Q| `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb AvBb 2004 Gi 28(1) aviv †gvZv‡eK GKRb we‡kl wePviK `yb©xwZi Aciva¸‡jvi wePvi K‡i hv‡e| †dŠR`vwi wewa (ms‡kvab AvBb), 1958 Gi 28(2) avivq ejv Av‡Q, Dcaviv 6 (5) e¨wZ‡i‡K 6 bs avivwU `yb©xwZ gvgjvi Avcx‡ji †¶‡Î cÖ‡hvR¨ n‡e| wKš‘ †dŠR`vwi wewa ms‡kvab AvBb 1958 I `y`K AvBb, 2004-Gi g‡a¨ †Kv‡bv Ø›Ø †`Lv w`‡j, `yb©xwZ `gb AvB‡bi weavbvejx cÖ‡hvR¨ n‡e (`y`K AvB‡bi 28(3) aviv)|

AvBb kvLv AvBb msµvšÍ welqvejx ZË¡veav‡bi Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ Ges GwU `yb©xwZ-`gb gvgjvi nvjbvMv` Z_¨vw` Kwgk‡bi Kv‡Q Rgv †`q| GKRb gnvcwiPvj‡Ki Aax‡b cwiPvwjZ AbywefvMwU wjM¨vj I cÖwmwKDkb bv‡g `yÕwU Avjv`v kvLvi gva¨‡g yÕRb cwiPvjK ZË¡veavb K‡ib|

`y`K AvBb 2004 Abyhvqx, Kwgk‡bi ch©vß msL¨K cÖwmwKDUimn wbR¯^ cÖwmwKDkb BDwbU _vK‡Z cvi‡e, hviv we‡kl Av`vj‡Z gvgjv cwiPvjbv Ki‡eb (aviv 33(K))| eZ©gv‡b we‡kl RR Av`vj‡Z I evsjv‡`‡ki mycÖxg †Kv‡U© Kwgk‡bi c‡¶ yb©xwZi gvgjv jovi Rb¨ Kwgkb Avjv`v c¨v‡b‡j Pzw³wfwËK AvBbRxex wb‡qvM K‡i _v‡K| 13 m`‡m¨i c¨v‡b‡ji AvBbRxex‡`i ÔcvewjK cÖwmwKDUiÕ ejv nq, hviv XvKvi 13 wU we‡kl RR Av`vj‡Z vwqZ¡ cvjb Ki‡Qb| GQvov XvKv wefv‡M 59 Rb, PÆMÖv‡g 34 Rb, ivRkvnx‡Z 49 Rb, Lyjbvq 26 Rb, ewikv‡j 19 Rb, Ges wm‡j‡U 19 Rb AvBbRxex Kwgk‡bi n‡q KvR Ki‡Qb|

2.6.2. wePvwiK Av`vj‡Z gvgjv cwiPvjbv

2014 m‡bi wW‡m¤^i bvMv` we‡kl RR Av`vj‡Z 243 wU gvgjv wb®úwË n‡q‡Q; hvi g‡a¨ 159wU (65.43%) Kwgk‡bi `v‡qiK…Z gvgjv Ges evwK 84wU ( 34.57%) wejyß `yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡iv †_‡K Avmv gvgjv| `y`‡Ki `v‡qiK…Z gvgjv¸‡jv‡Z mvRvi nvi 46% (cÖvq) Ges wejyß `yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi gvgjv¸‡jv‡Z mvRvi nvi 33% (cÖvq)| mviwY 15 -†Z wW‡m¤^i 2014 ch©šÍ we‡kl RR Av`vj‡Z wePvh© `yb©xwZi gvgjvi GKwU cwimsL¨vb cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-15: 2014 m‡b we‡kl RR Av`vj‡Z wePvh© yb©xwZi gvgjvi cwimsL¨vb


weeiY `y`‡Ki gvgjv wejyß ey¨‡ivi gvgjv me©‡gvU

wePvivaxb gvgjvi msL¨v 2724 1223 3947

wePvi Pjgvb gvgjvi msL¨v 2310 821 3131

¯’wMZ gvgjvi msL¨v 414 402 816

wb®úwËK…Z gvgjvi msL¨v 159 84 243

kvw¯Í nIqv gvgjvi msL¨v 73 28 101

Lvjvm cvIqv gvgjvi msL¨v 86 56 142

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

2.6. Prosecution

2.6.1. Legal Basis of Prosecution Mandate

According to Section 17 (b) of the ACC Act, 2004, the Commission can lodge cases (FIR) and conduct

cases on the basis of enquiry and investigation into the offences set out in the schedule. For treating as

corruption offences, the schedule refers to the ACC Act, 2004; the Prevention of Corruption Act ,1947;

the MLPA , 2012; Sections 161-169, 217, 218, 408, 409, 420, 462A, 462B, 466, 468, 469, 471A and 477A

of the Penal Code, 1860; and Section 109 (abetment), Section 120B (conspiracy), and Section 511A

(attempt) of the Penal Code committed in the connection with any offence under sub-sections (a), (b),

(c), (d) of this Section.

Section 32 (a) of the ACC Act ,2004 confers the sole authority of the Commission to approve lodging

cases (FIR) against these offences to be cognizable. Section 28 (1) of the ACC Act, 2004 stipulates that

the trial of corruption related offences will be done by a Special Judge. According to Section 28 (2), the

Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1958, with the exception of sub-sections 6 (5) and 6, shall be applicable

for prosecutions and appeals of corruption cases. However, in case of any conflict between the Criminal

Law Amendment Act, 1958 and the Anti Corruption Commission Act, 2004 the latter will prevail over the

former (Section 28 (3) of the ACC Act).

The Legal and Prosecution Wing is responsible for supervising the matters related to legal and prosecution

and submit the updates regarding the conduct of anti-corruption cases to the Commission. A Director

General leads this Wing and Legal and Prosecution are supervised separately by two Directors.

The ACC Act, 20004 allows the Commission to have its own prosecution unit consisting of the required

number of prosecutors in order to conduct the cases before the Special Judge (Section 33 (a)). At

present, the Commission appoints separate panel of lawyers on contractual basis to conduct corruption

cases on behalf of the Commission in the Special Judge Courts and the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.

Thirteen-member lawyers' panel who are called as 'Public Prosecutors', is working in the thirteen

Special Judge Courts of Dhaka. Besides, 59 lawyers are working in Dhaka Division, 34 lawyers in

Chittagong, 49 lawyers in Rajshahi, 26 lawyers in Khulna, 19 lawyers in Barisal, and 19 lawyers in Sylhet.

2.6.2. Conducting Cases at Judicial Courts

The Commission got 243 cases disposed of by the Special Judge Courts by December 2014, of which 159

(65.43%) cases were lodged by the Commission and the remaining 84 (34.57%) inherited from the

defunct Bureau of Anti Corruption (BAC). Rates of punishments are 46% in ACC's lodged cases and 33%

in the defunct BAC cases. Table-15 provides statistics of trials of corruption related cases in the Special

Judge Courts at the end of December, 2014.

Table-15: Statistics of trials of corruption related cases in Special Judge Courts at the end of December,



Description ACC cases Defunct BAC cases Total

No. of cases under trial 2724 1223 3947

No. of cases on-going trial 2310 821 3131

No. of cases stayed 414 402 816

No. of cases disposed 159 84 243

No. of cases convicted 73 28 101

No. of cases acquitted 86 56 142


` ` `y K

XvKvi we‡kl RR Av`vjZ 2014 m‡b 60wU yb©xwZi gvgjv wb®úwË K‡i‡Q| wb®úwËK…Z gvgjv¸‡jvi g‡a¨ y`‡Ki `v‡qiK…Z gvgjvi nvi 83.33% Ges evwK¸‡jv (16.66 %) wejyß yb©xwZ gb ey¨‡ivi gvgjv|

GKB mg‡q XvKvi evB‡ii we‡kl RR Av`vjZ¸‡jv 183wU gvgjv wb®úwË K‡i‡Q| †mLvbKvi wPÎI XvKvi Abyiƒc- wejyß ey¨‡ivi gvgjv wb®úwËi msL¨v 74wU ( 40.43%)| mviwY 16 -G XvKv I XvKvi evB‡ii we‡kl Av`vjZmg~n KZ…©K `yb©xwZi gvgjv¸‡jv wb®úwË I kvw¯Í cÖ`v‡bi cwimsL¨vb cÖ`vb Kiv n‡jv| wPÎ 8-G XvKv I XvKvi evB‡ii we‡kl RR Av`vjZ KZ…©K yb©xwZi gvgjvq kvw¯Í cÖ`v‡bi nv‡ii GKwU Zzjbvg~jK wPÎ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-16: 2014 mv‡j XvKv I XvKvi evB‡ii we‡kl Av`vjZmg~n KZ…©K `yb©xwZi gvgjv¸‡jv wb®úwË I kvw¯Í cÖ`v‡bi cwimsL¨vb

wPÎ-8: 2014 mv‡j XvKv I XvKvi evB‡ii we‡kl RR Av`vjZ KZ…©K yb©xwZi gvgjvq kvw¯Í cÖ`v‡bi Zzjbvg~jK wPÎ

2.6.3. D”PZi Av`vj‡Z gvgjv cwiPvjbv

evsjv‡`k mycÖxg †Kv‡U©i Avcxj wefvM I nvB‡KvU© wefv‡M `y`‡Ki c‡¶ gvgjv cwiPvjbvi R‡b¨ Kwgkb 39Rb AvBbRxex‡K wbhy³ K‡i‡Q| Zv‡`i g‡a¨ 06Rb bvix AvBbRxex| GQvov 04Rb AvBbRxex‡K Kwgkb Avcxj wefv‡M ÔGW‡fv‡KU Ab †iKW©Õ wn‡m‡e wbhy³ K‡i‡Q| Kwgkb I mycÖxg †Kv‡U©i g‡a¨ mgš^q iÿvi Rb¨ 02 Rb AvBbRxex mycÖxg †KvU© †mj-G KvR Ki‡Qb| mviwb 17-G mycÖxg †Kv‡U© cwiPvwjZ `y`‡Ki gvgjvmg~‡ni wewfbœ Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-17: mycÖxg †Kv‡U© †dŠR`vwi/ wiU/ Avcxj gvgjvi cwimsL¨vb


†dŠR`vix gvgjvi msL¨v 131 92 223 113 17 116

wiU Av‡e`‡bi msL¨v 77 48 125 87 87 16

†dŠR`vix Avcxj gvgjvi msL¨v 31 47 78 - - -

†dŠR`vix cby we‡© ePbv gvgjvi msL¨v 30 26 56 05 03 02





c~e©eZxeQ‡ii †Ri

2014 mv‡j`vwLjK…Z



XvKvi evB‡i

weeiY msL¨v

wb®úwËK…Z gvgjvi msL¨v 60

kvw¯Í cÖ`vbK…Z gvgjvi msL¨v 25

wb®úwËK…Z gvgjvi msL¨v 183

kvw¯Í cÖ`vbK…Z gvgjvi msL¨v 76

XvKvi evB‡i


kvw¯Í cÖ`vbK…Z gvgjvi msL¨v

wb¯úwËK…Z gvgjvi msL¨v

0 50 100 150 200

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Dhaka's Special Judge Courts disposed of 60 corruption cases by the end of December 2014. Among the disposed cases, ACC's lodged cases are 83.33% and remaining (16.66%) are of the defunct BAC's cases.

During the same period, the Special Judge Courts outside Dhaka disposed of 183 cases. The scenario is similar to Dhaka, disposal number of defunct BAC cases is 74 (40.43%). Table-16 provides statistics on the disposal and conviction rates of corruption cases by Special Judge Courts in Dhaka and outside Dhaka in 2014. Figure -8 demonstrates a comparison between Dhaka and outside Dhaka about conviction rates made in corruption related cases by Special Judge Courts.

Table-16: Disposal and conviction rates of corruption related cases by Special Judge Courts in Dhaka and outside Dhaka in 2014

Figure-8: Comparative scenario in the conviction of corruption related cases in Dhaka and outside Dhaka in 2014

2.6.3. Conducting Cases in Higher Court

The Commission has appointed 39 lawyers to plead for the ACC's cases in the High Court Division and Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. Among them, six are female lawyers. In addition, four lawyers have been appointed by the Commission as 'Advocate on Record' in the Appellate Division. Two advocates are working at the Supreme Court Cell to maintain coordination between the Supreme Court and the Commission. Table 17 provides statistics on initiatives for ACC cases with the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.

Table-17: Statistics of criminal/ writ/ appeal cases with the Supreme Court


No. of criminal cases 131 92 223 133 17 116

No. of writs 77 48 125 87 87 16

No. of criminal appeal cases 31 47 78 - - -

No. of criminal revision cases 30 26 56 05 03 02


DescriptionStay Order

IssuedStay Order


Stay OrderRemainsTotal

Carried Over fromPrevious year

Submittedin 2014

Outside Dhaka


No. of Cases Convicted

No. of Cases Disposed of

0 50 100 150 200

Description Number

No. of cases disposed of 60

No. of cases convicted 25

No. of cases disposed of 183

No. of cases convicted 76


Outside Dhaka


` ` `y K

2.7. M‡elYv, cixÿY, cÖwZ‡iva I MYm‡PZbZv

2.7.1. M‡elYv I cÖwZ‡iva Kvh©µ‡gi AvBbMZ wfwË

`yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iv‡a mZZv I b¨vqcivqYZv m¤úwK©Z g~j¨‡ev‡ai we¯Ívi Ges †`‡k yb©xwZi weiæ‡× MYm‡PZbZv M‡o

†Zvjvi j‡¶¨ c`‡¶c MÖnY Kiv Kwgk‡bi cÖavb `vwqZ¡| `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb AvBb, 2004 Gi 17 avivq ewY©Z

`y`‡Ki 11wU Kvh©µ‡gi g‡a¨ QqwU yb©xwZ cªwZ‡iv‡ai AvIZvfy³| Gme vwqZ¡ cwic~Y©fv‡e cvj‡bi j‡¶¨ Kwgkb

†`‡ki mKj Dc‡Rjv, †Rjv I gnvbMi ¸‡jv‡Z `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwU Ges wk¶v cªwZôvbmg~‡n ÔmZZv msNÕ

('integrity units') M‡o Zyj‡Q| Kwgkb `yb©xwZi weiæ‡× RbMY‡K m‡PZb K‡i †Zvjvi j‡¶¨ mviv‡`‡k wewfbœ

Kg©m~wPi Av‡qvRb Ges cvV mvgMªx cÖ¯‘Z I †cv÷vi cÖKvk K‡i _v‡K|

2.7.2. mgvR kw³i AskMÖnY wfwËK ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva Av‡›`vjb

`yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwU (`ycÖK)

`ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iv‡a mKj †ckvi gvby‡li ^ZtùzZ© AskMÖn‡Yi gva¨‡g GKwU RvZxq mvgvwRK Av‡›`vjb M‡o †Zvjvi

cÖqv‡m Kwgkb `ybxwZ cÖwZ‡iva Kg©m~wP MÖnY K‡i‡Q| †`‡ki cÖwZwU GjvKvq `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iv‡ai D‡Ï‡k¨

MYm‡PZbZv M‡‡o †Zvjvi j‡ÿ¨ Dc‡Rjv, †Rjv, I gnvbMi ch©v‡q MVb Kiv n‡q‡Q `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwU| G

ch©šÍ †`‡ki 427wU Dc‡Rjv, 62 wU †Rjv, 1wU gnvbMi I 8wU AvÂwjK gnvbMi KwgwU MVb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

bxwZgvjv Abyhvqx AbwaK 13 m`‡m¨i mgš^‡q †Rjv I gnvbMi `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwU Ges AbwaK 9 m`‡m¨i

mgš^‡q Dc‡Rjv `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwU MVb Kiv nq| †hLv‡b m¤¢e n‡q‡Q, Gi GK-Z…Zxqvsk m`m¨ bvix ivLv

n‡q‡Q| KwgwUi m`m¨‡`i ga¨ †_‡K GKRb mfvcwZ, yBRb mn-mfvcwZ Ges GKRb mvaviY m¤úv`K g‡bvbxZ

n‡eb| KwgwUi mKj m`m¨ Kwgkb KZ©„K g‡bvbxZ n‡eb Ges Kwgk‡bi wbKU mswkøó wefvMxq Kvh©vjq/ mgwš^Z

†Rjv Kvh©vj‡qi gva¨‡g `vqe× _vK‡eb| KwgwUi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ GjvKvq emevmKvix c~Y©eq¯‹ evsjv‡`‡ki

bvMwiKMYB †Kej KwgwUi m`m¨ g‡bvbxZ nIqvi †hvM¨ n‡eb| we‡`wk †Kv‡bv bvMwiK, wbe©vwPZ Rb cÖwZwbwa,

cÖRvZ‡š¿i †eZbfz³ Kg©Pvix, †Kv‡bv ivR‰bwZK ‡ji mwµq m`m¨, Av`vjZ KZ©„K AcÖK…wZ¯’ ev †`Iwjqv †NvwlZ,

FY †Ljvwc, †Kvb †dŠR`vwi Aciv‡a Awfhy³ A_ev Av`vjZ KZ©„K wÐZ e¨w³MY KwgwUi m`m¨ nIqvi †hvM¨ e‡j

we‡ewPZ n‡eb bv| g~jZ `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwU¸‡jv †¯^”QveªZx Ges wk¶K, ag©xq †bZv I mv‡eK miKvwi

Kg©KZ©vmn mgv‡Ri me©¯Í‡ii mr I mwµq e¨w³‡`i mgš^‡q MwVZ|

2014 m‡b `y`K 01wU gnvbMi, 08wU AvÂwjK gnvbMi, 62wU †Rjv I 422wU Dc‡Rjv `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwU

MVb Ges cybM©V‡b D‡jøL‡hvM¨ mgq e¨q K‡i| wefvM wfwËK Gme Dc‡Rjv, †Rjv I gnvbMi ch©v‡qi `yb©xwZ

cÖwZ‡iva KwgwUi msL¨v ZvwjKv mviwY 18 -G †`Iqv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-18: wefvM wfwËK Dc‡Rjv, †Rjv I gnvbMi ch©v‡qi yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwUi msL¨v



wefv‡Mi bvg Dc‡Rjv `ycÖK †Rjv `ycÖK gnvbMi `ycÖK †gvU `ycÖK

XvKv 106 16 08 130

PÆMÖvg 89 10 01 100

ivRkvnx 109 16 - 125

Lyjbv 50 10 - 60

ewikvj 34 06 - 40

wm‡jU 34 04 - 38

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

2.7. Research, Experiment, Prevention and Mass Awareness

2.7.1. Legal Basis of Research and Prevention Activities

Promotion of values of honesty and integrity to prevent corruption and taking measures to build mass-

awareness against corruption in the country are key mandates of the Commission. Six out of 11

functions of the ACC stipulated in Section 17 of the ACC Act, 2004 fall under the purview of corruption

prevention. To turn these mandates into concrete actions, the Commission has been constituting

Corruption Prevention Committees at the upazila, district and metropolitan levels as well as 'Integrity

Units' at educational institutions. The Commission organizes various events throughout the country and

produces reading materials and posters aiming to sensitize people against corruption.

2.7.2. Corruption Prevention Movement with the Participation of Social Power

Corruption Prevention Committee (CPC):

The ACC has adopted corruption prevention initiatives in order to expedite a national social movement

to prevent corruption with spontaneous participation of people from all walks of social life. Corruption

Prevention Committees have been formed at upazila, district and metropolitan levels in order to create

mass awareness about corruption prevention in every corner of the country. Committees were formed

in 427 upazilas, 62 districts, one metropolitan and 8 regional metropolitans of the country till now.

According to the policies, the District and Metropolitan Corruption Prevention Committees are formed

comprising not more than 13 members and Upazila Corruption Prevention Committees are formed

comprising not more than 9 members. One-third of the members are women, wherever possible. A

President, two Vice-Presidents and a General Secretary will be nominated from the members of the

committee. All the members of the committee are nominated by the Commission and they are

responsible to the Commission for maintaining liaison with Divisional Offices/ Integrated District

Offices. An adult Bangladeshi citizen will be qualified to be nominated as a member of the committee

for a specific jurisdiction. Any foreign national, elected public representative, public officials, activist of

any political party, any insane or bankrupt person declared by court, loan defaulters, persons accused of

any criminal offence or convicted by court will not be considered to be a member of the committee. In

fact, the Corruption Prevention Committees are voluntary, comprising honest and active people from a

cross section of the society including teachers, religious leaders and former government officials.

The ACC spent considerable time in constitution and reconstitution of Corruption Prevention

Committees in 9 metropolitan, 62 districts and 427 upazilas in 2014. Division-wise numbers of

Corruption Prevention Committee in upazila, district and metropolitan level are given in Table-18.

Table-18: Division-wise numbers of Corruption Prevention Committee in upazila, district and

metropolitan level


Name of Divisions Upazila CPC District CPC Metropolitan CPC Total CPC

Dhaka 106 16 08 130

Chittagong 89 10 01 100

Rajshahi 109 16 - 125

Khulna 50 10 - 60

Barisal 34 06 - 40

Sylhet 34 04 - 38


` ` `y K


ÔmZZv msNÕ - ZiæY‡`i yb©xwZ-we‡ivax gÂ

eZ©gvb I AvMvgx cÖR‡¤§i g‡a¨ ybx©wZ-we‡ivax g‡bvfve †cÖvw_Z Kivi ga¨ w`‡q AvMvgx w`‡bi ybx©wZgy³ evsjv‡`k Mov mnRZi| yb©xwZi we¯Ívi †iv‡ai cvkvcvwk AvMvgx w`‡bi yb©xwZgy³ mgvR MV‡bi j‡¶¨ wk¶v½‡b wk¶v_x©‡`i g‡a¨ bvbv iKg m‡PZbZvg~jK Kg©m~wP Pvjy K‡i‡Q Kwgkb| we‡k¦i `ybx©wZgy³ ivóªmg~n wk¶v½‡b wk¶v_x© m‡PZbZvg~jK Kg©m~wP‡Z we‡kl ¸iæZ¡ w`‡q _v‡K| `ybx©wZ gb Kwgkb †mB me †`‡ki AwfÁZvi Av‡jv‡K ZiæY cÖR‡b¥i g‡a¨ mZZv I wbôv‡eva m„wói j‡ÿ¨ Ges `yb©xwZi weiæ‡× ZiæY‡`i KɇK cªvwZôvwbK iƒc †`qvi j‡¶¨ yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwUi ZË¡veav‡b ‹yj, K‡jR I gv`&ivmvi wk¶v_©x‡`i wb‡q ÔmZZv msNÕ ('Integrity

Unit') MVb K‡i‡Q| cªwZwU mZZv ms‡N 11 m`m¨-wewkó GKwU wbe©vnx KwgwU i‡q‡Q|

Gme mZZv msN `by x© wZi weiæ‡× m‡PZbZv mw… ó Ges ZiæY cRª ‡b¥i g‡a¨ mZZv PPv© cmª v‡ii j‡¶¨ `by x© wZ cwÖ Z‡iva KwgwUmg‡~ ni mn‡hvMx msMVb wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| `by x© wZ cwÖ Z‡iva KwgwUi mnvqZvq mZZv msN¸‡jv †Rjv I kni¸‡jv‡Z wewfb œ †mwgbvi, Kgk© vjv, Av‡jvPbv, bvUK, weZK © I iPbv cwª Z‡hvwMZvi Av‡qvRb K‡i, hv‡Z ¯‹jy I K‡jRMvgx wk¶v_x© iv AskMnª Y K‡i| y K mZZv ms‡Ni m`m¨‡`i g‡a¨ ÔmZZvB m‡ev© rKó… cšv’ Õ Ges ÔAvgiv by x© wZ Ki‡ev bv, mB‡ev bv, gvb‡ev bvÕ †jLv nvRvi-nvRvi †cv÷vi weZiY K‡i| `by xw© Z cwÖ Z‡iva Kvhµ© ‡gi Ask wn‡m‡e cwÖ ZwU ÔmZZv msNÕ wkÿv_xi© bwZK PwiÎ MVb, wkÿv I v‡¯’ i Dbqœ b Ges Rjevq y I cwi‡ek msiÿYmn mKj cKÖ vi RbwnZKi Kvhµ© ‡g D‡`¨vMx n‡Z cvi‡e| G‡Z wk¶vax‡© `i g‡a¨ e¨vcK AvMnÖ DÏxcYv cwijw¶Z n‡”& Q|

`ybx©wZ `gb Kwgk‡bi c¶ †_‡K Gme cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq weRqx‡`i Kwgk‡bi †µ÷, cÖksmvcÎ, cyi®‹vi †`qv nq| cÖwZ‡iva I MYm‡PZbZv kvLv mviv‡`‡ki wk¶v½‡b ch©vqµ‡g wk¶v_x© m‡PZbZv Kg©m~wPi AvIZvq ybx©wZ we‡ivax wewfbœ cÖwZ‡hvwMZvi Av‡qvRb Ki‡Q| evsjv‡`‡ki AvMvgx w`‡bi KY©avi‡`i g‡a¨ ybx©wZ-we‡ivax bwZK g‡bvf½x M‡o Zzj‡Z Kwgkb GB Kg©m~wPi gva¨‡g m‡ev©”P cÖ‡Póv Ae¨vnZ ivL‡e|

2.7.3. Kwgkb KZ©„K ev¯ÍevwqZ cÖwZ‡iva Kvh©µ‡gi cwimsL¨vb

Kwgk‡bi cªwZ‡iva-Kg©KvÛ MªnY Ges ZË¡veav‡bi `vwqZ¡ Gi M‡elYv, ch©‡eÿY, cªwZ‡iva I MYm‡PZbZv Abywefv‡Mi Ici b¨¯Í| GQvov, mswkøó AvÂwjK GjvKv¸‡jv‡Z `yb©xwZ cªwZ‡iva-Kg©Kv‡Ð wefvMxq Ges mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vjqmg~n mwµqfv‡e RwoZ| gnvbMi, †Rjv I Dc‡Rjv GB wZb ¯Í‡i MwVZ `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwUi gva¨‡g `yb©xwZ-we‡ivax i¨vwj, gvbe eÜb, c`hvÎv, mfv- †mwgbvi, Kg©kvjv weZK© I iPbv cÖwZ‡hvwMZvmn wewfbœ Kg©m~wPi gva¨‡g `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iv‡a mvgvwRK m‡PZbZv e„w×i cÖqvm Pj‡Q| beMwVZ gnvbMi, †Rjv I Dc‡Rjv `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwU ¯’vbxq mykxj mgvR I mvgvwRK-mvs¯‹…wZK msMVb mv‡_ wb‡q †hme e„nËi `ybx©wZ-we‡ivax †kvfvhvÎvi Av‡qvRb K‡i †m me †kvfvhvÎvq mKj †ckvi m‡PZb gvbyl Ask wb‡q Pjgvb ybx©wZ-we‡ivax mvgvwRK Av‡›`vj‡bi mv‡_ GKvZœZv cÖKvk K‡i|

mviv‡`‡k `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva mßvn (cªwZ eQi 26 gvP© †_‡K 1 Gwcªj) Ges 9 wW‡m¤^i AvšÍR©vwZK `yb©xwZ- we‡ivax w`em cvj‡b Gme KwgwUi f~wgKv ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| G ai‡bi cªwZ‡iva Kg©Kv‡Û `y`‡Ki †Pqvig¨vb, Kwgkbvi Ges D”Pc`¯’ Kg©KZ©vMY AskMªnY K‡ib| Gme KwgwU wewfbœ Kg©m~wPi Av‡qvRb Ges RbM‡Yi g‡a¨ `y`‡Ki `yb©xwZ-we‡ivax †køvMvb †jLv Uywc I wU-kvU© weZi‡Yi Rb¨ mvgvb¨ wKQy A_© †c‡q _v‡K| wefvM-wfwËK †Rjv yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwUi Kg©KvÛ mviwY 20 I 21 -G Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q|

wefv‡Mi bvg mZZv ms‡Ni msL¨v

XvKv 5380

PÆMÖvg 3652

ivRkvnx 6875

Lyjbv 2977

ewikvj 1514

wm‡jU 1346

mviwY-19: QqwU wefv‡Mi mZZv ms‡Ni msL¨v

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

'Integrity Unit'- Anti Corruption Platform for the Youth

It is easier to build a corruption free Bangladesh by instilling attitude against corruption in the present and future generations. In addition to preventing the spread of corruption, the Commission has initiated different awareness raising programs among the students of educational institutions to build a corruption free society in future. The less corrupt countries of the world put a great emphasis on awareness raising programs in educational institutions. With a view to developing a sense of honesty and integrity in the youths in the light of the experiences of those countries and institutionalizing their voice against corruption, the Commission has formed 'Integrity Units' comprising the students of schools, colleges and madrasahs under the supervision of Corruption Prevention Committee. An executive committee of each 'integrity unit' comprises 11 members.

These units work as associate bodies of Corruption Prevention Committees to create awareness against corruption and promote integrity among the young generation. With the assistance of Corruption Prevention Committees, Integrity Units organize seminars, workshops, discussions, drama, debate and essay competition in different districts and towns, which are participated by school and college going students. The ACC distributed thousands of posters inscribed with “Honesty is the best policy” and “We shall not involve ourselves in corruption, nor tolerate it, nor accept it” among the members of Integrity Units. Every Integrity Unit helps students become more endeavoring to build moral character, develop education and health, and conserve climate and environment as part of anti corruption initiatives. A great eagerness and enthusiasm were observed among the students in this regard.

The ACC distributes crests, testimonials and awards among the winners of the aforesaid competitions. Prevention & Mass Awareness Cell is organising different anti corruption competitions in phases as part of student awareness programs in educational institutions across the country. These efforts of the ACC will continue to build moral attitude among the future generation of the country. The Commission will continue its untiring efforts to develop moral attitudes in the future leaders of the country through these programs.

2.7.3. Statistics on Prevention Activities Implemented by the ACC

The Research, Experiment, Prevention & Mass Awareness Wing of the Commission is responsible for undertaking and supervising prevention activities of the Commission. In addition, divisional and integrated district offices are actively engaged in corruption prevention programs in their respective geographical areas.

Efforts to raise awareness against corruption is going on through different programs like anti-corruption rallies, human chains, marches, meetings, seminars, workshops, drama, debate and essay competitions with the help of Corruption Prevention Committees constituted in metropolitan, districts and upazila level. Along with civil society and socio-cultural organizations, newly formed metropolitan, district and upazila Corruption Prevention Committees organize anti corruption rally where people of all walks show their solidarity against corruption.

The role of these committees is crucial in carrying out Corruption Prevention Week (26 March to 1 April of every year) and observing International Anti Corruption Day on 9 December across the country. The ACC Chairman, Commissioners and high officials participate in such corruption prevention activities. These committees receive a lump sum amount of money to organize the events and distribute anti-corruption slogans inscribed caps and T-shirts received from the ACC among the mass people. Division-wise activities of District Corruption Prevention Committees are provided in Tables 20 and 21.


Table-19: Numbers of Integrity Units of six divisions

Name of Divisions Numbers of Integrity Units

Dhaka 5380

Chittagong 3652

Rajshahi 6875

Khulna 2977

Barisal 1514

Sylhet 1346


` ` `y K

mviwY-20: 2014 m‡b Dc‡Rjv, †Rjv I gnvbMi yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwUmg~‡ni wefvMIqvix Kvh©µg

mviwY-21: 2014 m‡b mZZv msNmg~‡ni wefvMIqvix Kvh©µg

2.7.4. Kwgkb KZ©„K ev¯ÍevwqZ cÖwZ‡iva Kvh©µ‡gi weeiY

`yb©xwZ-cÖwZ‡iva mßvn cvjb

`y`K 2011 mb †_‡K cªwZ eQi 26 gvP© †_‡K 1 Gwcªj ch©šÍ `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva mßvn cvjb K‡i Avm‡Q| `yb©xwZ

cÖwZ‡iva mßvn - 2014 D`&hvcb Dcj‡ÿ †K›`ªxq I gvV ch©v‡qi Kg©m~wP cÖYqb I Kg©m~wP ev¯Íevq‡b h_vh_

c`‡ÿc MÖnY Kiv nq| 2014 m‡b `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva mßv‡ni cªwZcv`¨ wQj: ÔmevB wg‡j Mo‡ev †`k, `ybx©wZgy³

evsjv‡`kÕ| `y`K †Pqvig¨v‡bi †bZ…‡Z¡ mvfv‡i RvZxq ¯§…wZ‡mŠ‡a cy®ú¯ÍeK Ac©‡Yi ga¨ w`‡q w`emwU ïiæ nq|

mßv‡ni Kg©m~wP wQj: †gvevBj †dv‡b ÿz‡` evZ©v cvVv‡bvi gva¨‡g `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva evZ©v cªPvi, `y`K m`i`߇i

mßvne¨vcx e¨v½vZ¥K KvU©yb I †cv÷vi cª`k©bx, yb©xwZi weiæ‡× e¨vbvi I †cv÷vi wb‡q gvbe eÜb I mgv‡ek, yb©xwZ

cÖwZ‡iva msµvšÍ †cv÷vi A¼b cªwZ‡hvwMZv, Rygvi bvgv‡Ri mgq `yb©xwZ-we‡ivax a‡g©vc‡`k Ges XvKvq ÔmZZv

ms‡NiÕ m‡¤§jb Abyôvb| GQvov, `y`K m`i`߇i ÔivR‰bwZK HK¨ I Revew`wng~jK cÖkvmb `ybx©wZ `gb I

cÖwZ‡iv‡ai cÖavb wbqvgKÕ kxl©K GKwU †mwgbv‡ii Av‡qvRb Kiv nq| cªavb cªavb ivR‰bwZK jmg~‡ni †bZ…e…›`,

miKvwi Kg©KZ©v, mykxj mgv‡Ri m`m¨MY Ges MYgva¨g mswkøó e¨w³eM© GB eV‡K e³e¨ iv‡Lb|

AvšÍR©vwZK yb©xwZ we‡ivax w`em cvjb

`y`K cªwZ eQi 9 wW‡m¤^i AvšÍR©vwZK `yb©xwZ-we‡ivax w`em cvjb K‡i| AvšÍR©vwZK `yb©xwZ we‡ivax w`em- 2014

D`&hvcb Dcj‡ÿ †K›`ªxq I gvV ch©v‡qi Kg©m~wP cÖYqb I Kg©m~wP ev¯Íevq‡b h_vh_ c`‡ÿc MÖnY K‡i‡Q| yb©xwZ

cªwZ‡iva KwgwUi mnvqZvq ivRavbx Ges mviv‡`‡k 2014 m‡b w`emwU cvj‡bi j‡¶¨ gvbeeÜb, mfv-mgv‡ekmn

wewfbœ Abyôvb AbywôZ nq|


wefvM Av‡jvPbv weZK© iPbv gvbe- i¨vjx †mwgbvi bvUK wewkó Ab¨vb¨mfv cÖwZ‡hvwMZv eÜb e¨w³‡`i e³…Zv

XvKv 629 81 73 220 244 - 35 58 337

PÆMÖvg 135 113 48 122 153 05 36 32 34

ivRkvnx 192 107 167 168 205 22 59 91

Lyjbv 125 18 09 24 27 - - - 57

ewikvj 170 37 14 48 52 05 09 160 162

wm‡jU 127 42 36 62 63 10 20 104 -

wefvM Av‡jvPbv weZK© iPbv gvbe- i¨vjx †mwgbvi bvUK wewkó Ab¨vb¨mfv cÖwZ‡hvwMZv eÜb e¨w³‡`i e³…Zv

XvKv 670 82 82 213 247 18 38 213 718

PÆMÖvg 244 106 47 169 168 12 35 78 70

ivRkvnx 516 127 176 307 328 30 26 229 650

Lyjbv 343 78 33 91 105 - 29 100 152

ewikvj 266 67 57 100 100 13 39 293 207

wm‡jU 132 49 37 59 60 14 20 100 40

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Table-20: Division-wise activities of upazila, district and metropolitan Corruption Prevention Committees in 2014

Table-21: Division-wise activities of Integrity Units in 2014

2.7.4. Description of Prevention Activities Implemented by the ACC

Observing Corruption Prevention Week

Since 2011, ACC has been observing Corruption Prevention Week every year from March 26 to April 1. Necessary measures were taken to prepare and implement central and field level programs on the occasion of Corruption Prevention Week, 2014. The theme of the Corruption Prevention Week, 2014 was “We shall build our country together as corruption free Bangladesh.” The day started with placing floral wreaths by the ACC Chairman, Commissioners and officers at the National Memorial in Savar. Programs on the eve of the week were: anti-corruption message circulated through SMS over mobile phone, a week-long exhibition of satirical cartoons and posters at the ACC Head Office, forming human chain and rally with banners and posters against corruption, anti-corruption posters and art competition, anti-corruption sermons delivered during Jumma prayer, and conference of Integrity Units at Dhaka. Moreover, a seminar was organized titled “Political Consensus and Accountable Administration are the fundamental factors to curb and prevent corruption.” Leaders of major political parties, government officials, civil society members, and media personalities participated in the seminar.

Celebrating International Anti Corruption Day

The ACC observes International Anti Corruption Day on December 9 every year. Necessary measures were taken to prepare and implement central and field level programs on the occasion of International Anti Corruption Day. In 2014, human chain, meeting, rally and other functions were held to mark the day both in the capital and across the country with the help of Corruption Prevention Committees.


Dhaka 629 81 73 220 244 - 35 58 337

Chittagong 135 113 48 122 153 05 36 32 34

Rajshahi 192 107 167 168 205 - 22 59 91

Khulna 125 18 09 24 27 - - - 57

Barisal 170 37 14 48 52 05 09 160 162

Sylhet 127 42 36 62 63 10 20 104 -

Divisions OthersSpeech by




Dhaka 670 82 82 213 247 18 38 213 718

Chittagong 244 106 47 169 168 12 35 78 70

Rajshahi 516 127 176 307 328 30 26 229 650

Khulna 343 78 33 91 105 - 29 100 152

Barisal 266 67 57 100 100 13 39 293 207

Sylhet 132 49 37 59 60 14 20 100 40

Divisions OthersSpeech by





` ` `y K

Kwgk‡bi cÖwZôv evwl©Kx

2012 mb †_‡K 21‡k b‡f¤^i Kwgk‡bi cÖwZôv evwl©Kx D`&hvc‡bi ixwZ cÖPjb Kiv nq| 2004 m‡bi G w`‡bB AvbyôvwbKfv‡e Kwgk‡bi hvÎv ïiæ n‡qwQj| `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb cÖwZôv evwl©Kx D`&hvcb Dcj‡ÿ †K›`ªxq I gvV ch©v‡qi Kg©m~wP cÖYqb I Kg©m~wP ev¯Íevq‡b h_vh_ c`‡ÿc MÖnY Kiv nq| cÖwZôv evwl©Kx Dcj‡ÿ¨ mKv‡j RvZxq msMxZ cwi‡ek‡bi gva¨‡g RvZxq cZvKv I yb©xwZ gb Kwgk‡bi cZvKv D‡Ëvj‡bi gva¨‡g Kg©m~wPi D‡Øvab Kiv nq| cieZx©‡Z evsjv‡`k wkíKjv GKv‡Wwgi RvZxq m½xZ I b„Z¨Kjv wgjbvqZ‡b Kwgk‡bi Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i kc_ evK¨ cvV Kivb Kwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨vb|

cÖwZôv evwl©Kx Dcj‡ÿ¨ gvV ch©v‡qi Kg©m~wP‡Z `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi mKj wefvMxq Kvh©vjq I mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vj‡q RvZxq msMxZ cwi‡ek‡bi gva¨‡g RvZxq cZvKv I `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi cZvKv D‡Ëvjb Kiv nq| wefvMxq Kvh©vj‡qi †ÿ‡Î cwiPvjK Ges mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vj‡qi †ÿ‡Î DccwiPvjKMY mswkøó mKj Kg©KZ©v Kg©Pvix‡K kc_ evK¨ cvV Kivb|


wKQyUv wfbœ cÖwµqvq miKvwi, Avav miKvwi ßi¸‡jvq yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iv‡ai j‡¶¨ m‡PZbZv e„w×i wbwgË yb©xwZ gb Kwgkb ÔMYïbvbxiÕ gZ bZzb Kg©m~wP ev¯Íevq‡bi Kvh©µg cwiPvjbv ïiæ K‡i‡Q| Kwgkb g‡b K‡i †`‡ki mvaviY gvbyl‡K ÿgZvqb Kivi gva¨‡g `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iv‡ai Kvh©µg‡K AviI MwZkxj I Kvh©Ki Kivi †ÿ‡Î ÔMYïbvbxÕ Ab¨Zg GKwU c×wZ wn‡m‡e cwiMwYZ n‡e| GB eûc¶xq Av‡jvPbvq yb©xwZi Drm, gb cÖwµqvq mswkøó ߇ii m¤¢ve¨ KiYxq Kx, AvBb, c×wZ cwieZ©‡bi gva¨‡g `yb©xwZ msµvšÍ Aciva n«vm Kiv BZ¨vw` wel‡q e¨vL¨v I AbymÜvbg~jK Av‡jvPbv nq| e¯‘Z, c„w_exi A‡bK †`‡ki gZB MYïbvbxi gva¨‡g cvi®úwiK ms‡hvM ¯’vc‡bi gva¨‡g GKwU wbw`©ó ߇i msMwVZ yb©xwZi mvgwMÖK wPÎ Ges cÖwZ‡iva I g‡bi c`‡¶c¸‡jv AwaK „k¨gvb nq| Gi d‡j yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva cÖwµqvq MwZgqZv Avm‡e|

`ybx©wZ gb Kwgkb AvBb, 2004 Ges miKv‡ii gwš¿cwil` wefvM †_‡K Ryb, 2014 gv‡m RvwiK…Z Awdm §viK Abyhvqx Kwgkb MYïbvbx cwiPvjbv Ki‡Q| G MYïbvbxi D‡Ïk¨ wb¤œiƒc:

MYïbvbxi Ask wn‡m‡e 28 I 29 †k wW‡m¤^i 2014 ZvwiL gy³vMvQvq m‡PZb bvMwiK KwgwU (mbvK) Gi D‡`¨v‡M Ges Dc‡Rjv `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwU (`ycÖK) I Dc‡Rjv cwil` gy³vMvQvÕi mn‡hvwMZvq `yÕw`be¨vcx Z_¨ †gjv AbywôZ nq| Z_¨ AwaKvi m¤ú‡K© Rbm‡PZbZv m„wói cvkvcvwk miKvwi-†emiKvwi wewfbœ cÖwZôv‡bi †mev m¤ú‡K© mvaviY RbMY‡K AewnZ Kiv Ges Z_¨ cÖZ¨vwk I Z_¨ cÖ`vbKvixi g‡a¨ †mZzeÜb m„wóB wQj MYïbvbxi jÿ¨| Dc‡Rjv wbe©vnx Awdmv‡ii mÂvjbvq MYïbvbx‡Z AskMÖnY K‡ib mve-†iwR÷ªv‡ii Kvh©vjq, gqgbwmsn cjøx we`y¨r mwgwZ-1, Dc‡Rjv f~wg Awdm, Dc‡Rjv wk¶v Awdm, Dc‡Rjv gva¨wgK wk¶v Awdm Ges Dc‡Rjv ¯^v¯’¨ Kg‡cø·, gy³vMvQv Gi Kg©KZ©vMY| Dcw¯’Z mvaviY gvbyl wjwLZ I †gŠwLKfv‡e Zv‡`i gZvgZ/ cÖkœ/ mycvwik Zz‡j a‡ib Ges mswkøó ßi cÖavbMY mvaviY gvby‡li PvwnZ Z_¨‡mev cÖ`vb K‡ib Ges cÖ‡kœi DËi †`b| D³ Abyôv‡b cÖavb AwZw_ wn‡m‡e yb©xwZ gb Kwgk‡bi Kwgkbvi W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g` Ges we‡kl AwZw_ wn‡m‡e wUAvBweÕi wbe©vnx cwiPvjK W. Bd‡ZLviæ¾vgvb Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb|


K. `yb©xwZi wPÎ m¤ú‡K© mwVK aviYv cvIqv;

L. mswkøó `ßi¸‡jv‡K `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva m¤ú‡K© Zv‡`i †gŠwjK `vwqZ¡ m¤ú‡K© m‡PZbZv e„w× Ki‡Z mvnvh¨ Kiv Ges yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iv‡a mwµq f‚wgKv ivL‡Z mnvqZv cÖ`vb;

M. cÖvwZôvwbK ms¯‹vi cÖeZ©b K‡i cÖvwZôvwbK yb©xwZ †iva Kiv; Ges

N. RbM‡Yi wbKU miKvwi †mev cÖ`v‡b mykvmb wbwðZKiY|

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Commission's Foundation Anniversary

The ACC started observing its foundation anniversary from November 21, 2012. The Commission started its journey officially on that day in 2004. Necessary measures were taken to prepare and implement central and field level programs on the occasion of the ACC's foundation anniversary. On the occasion of the foundation anniversary, programs were inaugurated by hoisting national and ACC flags with national anthem sung in the morning. And later, officers and employees of the Commission were sworn in by the Chairman of the Commission at the National Music & Dance Auditorium of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.

It was also observed at the Commission's all Divisional Offices and Integrated district Offices by hoisting national and ACC flags with national anthem sung. The officers and employees of the Commission were sworn in by the Directors of the Divisional Offices and Deputy Directors of the Integrated District Offices at their respective offices.

Public Hearing

The ACC has initiated conducting new activities like public hearing in government and semi-government offices, with a view to raising awareness about preventing corruption. The Commission believes that public hearings will be considered as one of the tools to make corruption prevention activities more dynamic and effective through empowering common people of the country. In the multi-stakeholder discussion, the sources of corruption, possible actions to be taken to curb corruption by the concerned offices, laws, curbing corruption related offences through changing procedures, etc. are addressed with heuristic explanation and discussion. In fact, the whole scenario of corruption, and steps to be taken to prevent and curb corruption become more visible by setting mutual connection through 'public hearing' in a particular office like other countries of the world. As a result, corruption prevention process gets momentum.

The Commission is conducting public hearing on the basis of ACC Act, 2004 and office memorandum issued by Cabinet Division in June 2014. The objectives of the public hearing are:

As a part of public hearing, a two-day long Information Fair was organized in Muktagacha, Mymensingh from 28 to 29 December, 2014 by TIB in collaboration with Upazilla Corruption Prevention Committee and Upazila Parishad Muktagacha. The main goals of the public hearing were to awaken people about the right to information, to inform common people about the services of several public organizations, to create a bridge between information providers and information expectants. Officers of Sub-Registrar's Office, Mymensingh Palli Bidyut Samity – 1, Upazila Land Office, Upazila Education Office, Upazila Secondary Education Office, Upazila Health Complex, Muktagacha participated in the public hearing conducted by Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO). The common people present expressed their opinions/ questions/ recommendations in written and oral forms and the chiefs of the offices concerned provided them with their expected information service and answered to their questions. The ACC Commissioner Dr. Nasiruddin Ahmed was present as Chief Guest and Executive Director of TIB Dr. Iftekharuzzaman attended as special guest at the program.


a. To get the real scenario of corruption;

b. To increase awareness of concerned offices about their fundamental responsibility for preventing corruptions and to assist them to play active roles in preventing corruption;

c. To prevent institutional corruption by initiating institutional reforms; and

d To improve governance in the delivery of public service to the people.


` ` `y K

`yb©xwZ we‡ivax weZ©K cÖwZ‡hvwMZv , 2014

`yb©xwZ-we‡ivax MYRvMi‡Y RvwZi AvMvgx cÖRb¥‡K m¤ú„³ Ki‡Z Ges Av`k©, ˆbwZKZv I g~j¨‡ev‡ai wfwˇZ Zv‡`i‡K ybx©wZi weiæ‡× Ae¯’vb MÖn‡Y mnvqZv Kivi j‡ÿ¨ ÔmZZv msNÕ Gi MVb y`‡Ki Ab¨Zg cÖqvm| yb©xwZ-we‡ivax cÖPviYv I RbgZ m„wói j‡ÿ¨ `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb KZ…©K mZZv msN MwVZ n‡q‡Q Ggb ¯‹zj, gv`ªvmv I K‡j‡Ri QvÎQvÎx‡`i wb‡q cÖ_g ev‡ii g‡Zv 2014 m‡b †`ke¨vcx Ò`yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva welqK weZK© cÖwZ‡hvwMZvÓ Av‡qvRb K‡i| 2014 m‡b gva¨wgK I mggvb Ges D”Pgva¨wgK I mggvb †gvU 02 (`yB) wU ch©v‡qi wkÿv_©x‡`i R‡b¨ `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva welqK weZK© cÖwZ‡hvwMZv AbywôZ nq| GB cÖwZ‡hvwMZvq gva¨wgK I mgchv©‡q P¨vw¤úqvb nq MvBevÜv †Rjv `j (Avng` DwÏb kvn wkï wb‡KZb ¯‹zj I K‡jR) Ges ivbvi Avc Uªwd jvf K‡i wK‡kviMÄ †Rjv `j| D”Pgva¨wgK I mgchv©‡q P¨vw¤úqvb nq XvKv †Rjv `j Ges ivbvi Avc Uªwd jvf K‡i MvBevÜv †Rjv `j|

`yb©xwZ we‡ivax †¯øvMvb iPbv I †¯øvMvbmn †cv÷vi AsKb cÖwZ‡hvwMZv, 2014

`yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwUi m`m¨MY I mZZv ms‡Ni QvÎQvÎx‡`i m„RbkxjZv‡K `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iv‡ai Kv‡R jvMv‡bvi wbwgË Kwgk‡bi mvw©eK `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva Kvh©µg‡K †eMevb Kivi j‡ÿ¨ Dbœqb mn‡hvMx ms¯’v wR.AvB.‡RW Gi Avw©_K mnvqZvq `yb©xwZ we‡ivax †¯øvMvb iPbv I †¯øvMvbmn †cvóvi AsKb cÖwZ‡hvwMZv, 2014 Gi Av‡qvRb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

`y`K wgwWqv A¨vIqvW©, 2014

`y`K MYgva¨‡g ybx©wZ msµvšÍ AbymÜvbx I m„Rbkxj cÖwZ‡e`b‡K DrmvwnZ Kivi j‡ÿ¨ Ò`y`K wgwWqv A¨vIqvW©Ó cÖeZ©b K‡i| cÖwZeQi yÕwU K¨vUvMwi‡Z †gvU QqRb mvsevw`K‡K cyi¯‹…Z Kiv nq| †`‡ki L¨vwZgvb mvsevw`K‡`i mgš^‡q MwVZ Rywi †ev‡W©i mycvwi‡ki cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z Kwgkb G cyi¯‹vi w`‡q _v‡K| 2014 mv‡j B‡jKUªwbK I wcÖ›U wgwWqvi cuvP Rb mvsevw`K‡K y`K wgwWqv A¨vIqvW© cÖ`vb Kiv nq|

2.7.5. Kwgkb KZ©„K cÖKvwkZ cÖKvkbv

`yb©xwZ we‡ivax LyZev

`yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iv‡ai me‡P‡q Kvh©Ki Dcvq¸‡jvi Ab¨Zg n‡”Q RbM‡Yi g‡a¨ ˆbwZKZv †eva RvwM‡q †Zvjv| G e¨vcv‡i mgv‡Ri HwZn¨evnx ag©xq cªwZôvbmg~n ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f~wgKv cvjb Ki‡Z cv‡i| Bgvg Ges ag©xq †bZ…©e…‡›`i Rb¨ Kwgkb 2014 m‡b Ô`yb©xwZi Pig cwiYwZÕ kxl©K a‡g©vc‡`k m¤^wjZ GKwU cyw¯ÍKv cybtcªKvk K‡i| `yb©xwZi wb›`v Rvwb‡q cweÎ KyiAvb Ges `yb©xwZi weiæ‡× agx©q Ab¨vb¨ evYx-e³e¨ m¤^wjZ GB cyw¯ÍKv †_‡K ïµevi bvgv‡Ri mgq a‡g©vc‡`k eqvb Kiv nq| GB cyw¯ÍKvwU `y`‡Ki mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vjq Ges Bmjvgx dvD‡Ûkb, evsjv‡`k Gi gva¨‡g †`‡ki wewfbœ gmwR` Ges ag©xq cªwZôvbmg~‡n webvg~‡j¨ weZiY Kiv nq|

`y`K c©Y kxl©K ÎgvwmK cªKvkbv

2014 m‡b yb©xwZ gb Kwgkb KZ„©K y`K c©Y kxl©K ÎgvwmK cªKvkbv cÖKvwkZ n‡q‡Q Ges y`K c©Y Gi 03 wU msL¨v cÖKvwkZ nq|

2.7.6. Kwgkb KZ©„K M„nxZ cªPvig~jK Kg©KvÛ

RbMY‡K msMwVZ Kiv Ges wewfbœ DcKiY cªKvkbvi evB‡iI `y`K wKQy cÖPvig~jK Kg©KvÛI MªnY K‡i| Zviv kxl©¯’vbxq RvZxq ˆ`wbK¸‡jv‡Z `yb©xwZi weiæ‡× weÁvcb cªPvi K‡i| evsjv‡`k †Uwj‡hvMv‡hvM wbqš¿Y Kwgk‡bi (wewUAviwm) mnvqZvq †gvevBj †dvb e¨enviKvix‡`i‡K `yb©xwZ †_‡K weiZ _vKvi R‡b¨ ÿz‡` evZ©v cvVv‡bv nq|

ø`yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva mßvn Ges AvšÍR©vwZK `yb©xwZ-we‡ivax w`em Dcj‡¶ kªwgK‡`i g‡a¨ `yb©xwZi weiæ‡× †¯vMvb m¤^wjZ wU-kvU© weZiY Kiv nq| ivRavbxmn evsjv‡`‡ki wewfbœ ’v‡b nvRvi nvRvi †cv÷vi Qvwc‡q †m¸‡jv †`qv‡j jvMv‡bv nq|


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Anti-Corruption Debate Competition, 2014

In order to engage the future generation of the nation in creating mass awareness against corruption

and to help them to take stand against corruption on the basis of ideology, ethics and values, formation

of 'Integrity Unit' is one of the ACC's initiatives. The ACC arranged maiden Debate Competition on

Prevention of Corruption among the students of schools, madrasahs and colleges where integrity units

were formed in 2014. The anti-corruption debate competition was held in two categories--one was held

for the students of Secondary and equivalent level and the other was held among the students of Higher

Secondary and equivalent level. Gaibandha District Team (Ahmad Uddin Shah Niketan School and

College) won the competition while Kishoreganj District Team became runner up in the Secondary and

equivalent level. Dhaka District Team became champion and Gaibandha District Team became runner

up in the competition in Higher Secondary level.

Anti-Corruption Slogan Composition and Posters with Slogans/Drawing Competition, 2014

Anti-corruption slogan composition and posters with slogans/drawing competition, 2014, financed

by development partner, GIZ, was held to utilize the creativity of the members of corruption

prevention committees and the students of the integrity units to expedite corruption prevention

activities of the ACC.

ACC Media Award, 2014

In order to encourage mass media for investigative and creative reports on corruption, the ACC

introduces the ACC Media Award. Six journalists are awarded in two categories every year. The awards

are given by the Commission according to the recommendations of the Jury Board comprising

prominent journalists of the country. Anti-Corruption Commission awarded ACC Media Award, 2014 to

five journalists from print and electronic media.

2.7.5. Publications by the Commission

Anti -Corruption Sermon

One of the effective ways to prevent corruption is to develop a sense of ethics into people. The religious

institutions can play a vital role in this regard. The Commission republished a booklet of religious

sermons in 2014 titled “Dire Consequences of Corruption” for the Imams and religious leaders. The

booklet compiled statements from the Holy Quran and other religious words condemning corruption

was delivered during Friday prayers as religious sermons. The booklet was distributed in mosques and

other religious institutions countrywide through the Integrated District Offices of the ACC and Islamic

Foundation, Bangladesh at free of cost.

Quarterly titled ' Dudak Darpan' published by the ACC

The ACC published its quarterly titled Dudok Darpan in 2014 and three issues of Dudok Darpan were


2.7.6. Promotional Activities Undertaken by the ACC

Apart from mobilizing people and publication of materials, the ACC undertook some promotional

activities as well. It published advertisements against corruption in the leading national dailies. With the

help of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), the mobile phone users were

sent text messages to refrain from corruption. On the occasion of Corruption Prevention Week and

International Anti-Corruption Day, T-shirts inscribed with slogans against corruption were distributed

among workers. Thousands of posters were printed and put on the walls in different parts of Bangladesh

including the capital, Dhaka.



` ` `y K


2.8. evsjv‡`k e¨vsK Ges y`‡Ki g‡a¨ m¦vÿwiZ cvi¯úwiK mnvqZv welqK mg‡SvZv m¥viKMZ 4 Vv ‡g 2014 Zvwi‡L evsjv‡`k e¨vsK Ges `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi g‡a¨ cvi¯úwiK mnvqZv welqK GK mg‡SvZv m¥viK m¦vÿwiZ n‡q‡Q| mg‡SvZv m¥vi‡K yb©xwZ gb Kwgk‡bi c‡ÿ m¦vÿi K‡ib yb©xwZ gb Kwgk‡bi we‡kl AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ Abywefv‡Mi gnvcwiPvjK we‡MªwWqvi †Rbv‡ij (Ae:) Gg GBP mvjvn&DwÏb Ges evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki c‡ÿ m¦vÿi K‡ib BFIU Gi gnve¨e¯’vcK Rbve †`e cÖmv` †`ebv_| mg‡SvZv m¥viK m¦vÿi Abyôv‡b `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgk‡bi gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb I gvbbxq KwgkbviØq Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb| Aciw`‡K evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki c‡ÿ evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki Mfb©i Wt AvwZDi ingvbmn Ab¨vb¨ Kg©KZ©vMY Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb| mg‡SvZv m¥vi‡Ki m¦vÿ‡ii cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z yb©xwZ gb Kwgkb evsjv‡`k e¨vsK †_‡K cÖ_g wKw¯Í‡Z 10wU †W·Uc Kw¤cDUvi, 2wU j¨vcUc Kw¤cDUvi, 2wU †jRviwcÖ›Uvi, 1wU d‡UvKwcqvi, 1wU ¯‹¨vbvi Ges 1wU d¨v· †gwkb cvq| cÖvß gvjvgvjmg~n gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva kvLv we‡klZ National Risk Assessment Gi Kv‡R e¨eüZ n‡”Q|

2.9.Kwgk‡bi AvšÍR©vwZK Dbœqb ms¯’vmg~‡ni mv‡_ Kwgk‡bi m¤ú„³Zv

`y`‡Ki Kg©aviv wel‡q mnvqK g‡bvfw½ wb‡q wewfbœ AvšÍR©vwZK Dbœqb mn‡hvMx ms¯’v Kwgk‡bi mv‡_ m¤ú„³ i‡q‡Q| `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgk‡bi cÖwZ‡iva Kg©m~wP m¤ú©‡K wR.AvB.†RW AMÖvwaKvi wfwˇZ KvR Ki‡Q| wR.AvB.‡RW- Gi Avw_©K mn‡hvwMZvq Justice Reform & Corruption Prevention kxl©K cÖK‡íi AvIZvq iscyi, Kzwgjøv, †MvcvjMÄ, gqgbwmsn Ges gv`vixcyi- GB cuvP †Rjvq cvBjU cÖ‡R± Gi Kvh©µg Pjgvb| GB cÖKí Kwgk‡bi ybx©wZ-we‡ivax †KŠkjcÎ cÖYqbmn cÖwZ‡iva Kvh©µ‡g Kwgk‡bi Kg©cwiKíbv MÖnY I ev¯Íevq‡bi †¶‡Î we‡kl fzwgKv ivL‡e|

2.10. Kwgkb KZ©„K M„nxZ M‡elYvg~jK Kvh©µg

2.10.1. Kwgk‡bi †hvMv‡hvM †KŠkjcÎ

cÖwZôvb wn‡m‡e `y`K-Gi i‡q‡Q wbR¯^ †hvMv‡hvM cÖwµqv, hv g~jZ cÖwZôv‡bi g~j Kvh©µg Z_v AbymÜvb, Z`šÍ Ges wePvi Kvh©µ‡g cÖPwjZ Av‡Q| ybx©wZ gb Kvh©µ‡gi mv‡_ mv‡_ ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva Kvh©µg‡K cÖvavb¨ †`Iqvq `y`‡Ki mvwe©K Kvh©µg‡K myPviæiƒ‡c ev¯Íevq‡bi Rb¨ GKwU cwiKíbv cÖ‡qvRb| Avi G j‡ÿ¨ `y`K cÖwZôv jMœ †_‡K AvR ch©šÍ AwR©Z AwfÁZvi cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z cÖ_gev‡ii g‡Zv mywbw`©ó G‡RÛvi wfwˇZ †hvMv‡hvM †KŠkj cÖYq‡bi Kvh©µg ïiæ K‡i| 2014 m‡b wek¦e¨vsK, XvKv Awd‡mi Avw_©K Ges KvwiMix mnvqZvq 2015 n‡Z 2019 mb ch©šÍ cuvP eQi †gqv‡`i Rb¨ `y`K Zvi Ô`ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb †hvMv‡hvM †KŠkjcÎÕ Gi Lmov cÖ¯‘Z K‡i‡Q| g~jZ GwU n‡”Q `ybx©wZ-we‡ivax Awfhv‡b wewfbœ Askx`vi‡`i Rb¨ cÖwZkÖæwZ I cÖwZkÖæwZi ev¯Íevq‡b Kvh©m~wPi iƒc‡iLv|

`y`K Ges Gi Askx`viMY †hgb: MYgva¨g, RbmvaviY, †emiKvwi LvZ, mykxj mgvR Ges Ab¨vb¨‡`i cvi¯úwiK Ae¯’v‡bi wfwˇZ GB †hvMv‡hvM †KŠk‡ji Kg©cwiKíbv cÖYxZ n‡q‡Q| GB †hvMv‡hvM †KŠkj GKwU bvggvÎ wjj bq, eis GwU `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva, `ybx©wZ wPwýZKiY I `ybx©wZM͇֯`i kvw¯Í weav‡bi ev¯Íevqb‡hvM¨ c_‡iLv (Roadmap)| GB †hvMv‡hvM †KŠkj ev¯Íevqb‡K djcÖm~ Ges ev¯ÍewfwËK Kivi j‡ÿ¨ `y`K Dbœqb mn‡hvMx ms¯’vi cÖwZwbwaeM©mn Ab¨vb¨ Askx`viM‡Yi mv‡_ 2014 m‡bi Ryb gv‡m ivRavbxi GKwU †nv‡U‡j †hvMv‡hvM †KŠk‡ji Dci gZwewbgq mfvi cÖ‡qvRb K‡i| wewfbœ Askx`viM‡Yi wbKU †_‡K cÖvß gZvg‡Zi Dci wfwË K‡i eZ©gv‡b Lmov P~ovšÍ Kivi Kvh©µg cÖwµqvaxb i‡q‡Q|

2.10.2. Kwgk‡bi †KŠkjMZ cwiKíbv cÖYqb

Dbœqb mn‡hvMx ms¯’v GIZ Gi KvwiMix mnvqZvq y`‡Ki Ô`ybx©wZ we‡ivax †KŠkjMZ cwiKíbvÕ cÖYq‡bi Kvh©µg Pjgvb|

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

2.8. Memorandum of Understanding signed between the ACC and Bangladesh

Bank on Mutual Assistance

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ACC and Bangladesh Bank on mutual assistance was

signed on May 4, 2014. The MOU was signed by Director General of Special Enquiries & Investigation Wing,

ACC, Brigadier General (Rtd.) M H Salauddin and General Manager of BFIU, Bangladesh Bank, Mr. Dev

Prasad Devnath on behalf of their respective organizations. Honorable Chairman and Commissioners of

the ACC were present in the event. On the other hand, the Governor of the Bangladesh Bank Dr Atiur

Rahman along with other officials of the Bank were also present in the function. In the first phase, the

Bangladesh Bank provided 10 desktop computers, 2 laptops, 2 laser printers, one photocopier, one scanner

and a fax machine to the ACC. The equipment is being used in Money Laundering Prevention Section of

the Commission, particularly in National Risk Assessment activities.

2.9. Commission's Liaison with International Development OrganizationsVarious international development organizations have been involved with the Commission in supportive

manner by considering it policy. The GIZ is working on a priority basis to bring into focus the prevention

activities of the ACC. The implementation of a pilot project titled Justice Reform and Corruption Prevention,

financed by GIZ, is going on in five districts- Rangpur, Comilla, Gopalganj, Mymensingh and Madaripur. This

project will play a special role in adoption and implementation of an Action Plan for corruption prevention

activities along with formulation of Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Commission.

2.10. Empirical Research Undertaken by the Commission

2.10.1. Communication Strategy of the Commission

As an institution, the ACC has its own communication process which is, in fact, prevailing in its

main activities such as enquiries, investigations and judicial proceedings. A plan was needed to

implement all activities of the Commission efficiently as the Commission gives emphasis on

preventing corruption along with combating corruption. And with this end in view, the ACC has

started its activities in preparing communication strategies on certain agenda for the first time in

the light of experiences gathered. In 2014, the Commission prepared a draft Anti Corruption

Commission Communication Strategy for five years, from 2015 to 2019, with the financial and

technical help of the World Bank, Dhaka Office. In fact, it is an outline of activities of the

commitment made by various development partners and for implementing those in anti-

corruption campaigns.

The action plans of communication strategy were prepared from the perspectives of the ACC and its

partners such as media, common people, private sectors, civil society and others. This communication

strategy is not a nominal document, rather an implementable roadmap to prevent and identify

corruption and to make provisions of punishment for the corrupt. The ACC along with the

representatives of development organizations and other partners exchanged views in a discussion held

in a hotel in the capital in June, 2014 to make the implementation of the communication strategy

effective and realistic. Now, the activities are under process to finalize the draft on the basis of the

opinions of different partners of the Commission.

2.10.2. Preparing Strategic Plan of the Commission

Efforts are underway to prepare Anti-Corruption Strategic Plan of the ACC with the technical assistance

of the development partner, GIZ.



` ` `y K

2.10.3. gvwbjÛvwis GÛ †Uiwi÷ dvBb¨vwÝs wi¯‹ A¨v‡mm‡g›U

ˆewk¦K †cÖÿvc‡&U gvwbjÛvwis I mš¿v‡m A_©vqb cÖwZ‡iv‡a MwVZ Financial Action Task Force (FATF) -Gi

Av`‡j Gwkqv c¨vwmwdK A‡ji Rb¨ MwVZ Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APGML) -Gi cÖwZôvKvjxb m`m¨ evsjv‡`k| hvi djkÖæwZ‡Z 2002 m‡b `wÿY Gwkqvi cÖ_g †`k wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`k gvwbjÛvwis cÖwZ‡iva AvBb cvk K‡i|

gvwbjÛvwis I mš¿v‡m A_©vqb cÖwZ‡iv‡ai B›Uvib¨vkbvj ÷¨vÛvW©mg~‡ni AbymiY I ev¯Íevq‡bi AMÖMwZi Dci wfwË K‡i APGML Gi mKj m`m¨ iv‡óª Mutual Evaluation K‡i, Zvi cÖwZ‡e`b APGML-Gi †K›`ªxq m‡¤§j‡b

Dc¯’vwcZ nq| Mutual Evaluation Report-Gi mycvwik Abyhvqx evsjv‡`k miKvi 2010 m‡b gvwbjÛvwis I mš¿v‡m A_©vqb cÖwZ‡iv‡a wewfbœ w`Kwb‡`©kbv cÖ`vb I bxwZ ev¯Íevq‡bi wbwgË A_©gš¿xi †bZ„‡Z¡ RvZxq mgš^q KwgwU (National Coordination Committee) MVb K‡i| gvwbjÛvwis I mš¿v‡m A_©vqb cÖwZ‡iv‡ai SzuwKmg~n wPwýZKiY Ges SuzwK †gvKv‡ejvq mycvwik cÖ`v‡bi wbwgË `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb‡K g~j `vwqZ¡ cÖ`vb Kiv nq Ges evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki dvBb¨vwÝqvj Bw›Uwj‡RÝ BDwbU (weGdAvBBD) I evsjv‡`k cywj‡ki wµwgbvj Bb‡fw÷‡Mkb wWcvU©‡g›U (wmAvBwW)-‡K mnvqZvKvix ms¯’vi `vwqZ¡ cÖ`vb Kiv nq| `y`K I `yB mnvqZvKvix ms¯’v KZ©„K cÖYxZ cÖwZ‡e`b Ges International Cooperation Review Group (ICRG) KZ©„K On-Site Visit cieZx© cÖwZ‡e`‡bi Av‡jv‡K †deªæqvwi 2014-G c¨vwi‡m AbywôZ FATF ˆeV‡K me©m¤§Zfv‡e Compliance Country wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`k‡K ¯^xK…wZ cÖ`vb Kiv nq Ges Gi djkÖæwZ‡Z evsjv‡`k †MÖ (Grey) wj÷ n‡Z †ei n‡q Av‡m| gvwbjÛvwis I mš¿v‡m A_©vqb cÖwZ‡iv‡a cÖYxZ B›Uvib¨vkbvj ÷vÛvW©mg~n AbymiY Ges ev¯Íevq‡bi aviv Ae¨vnZ ivLvi cÖwµqv wn‡m‡e evsjv‡`‡ki cieZx© Mutual Evaluation AbywôZ n‡e 2015 mv‡ji A‡±vei gv‡m| D³

Mutual Evaluation -Gi wbwgË evsjv‡`‡ki Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk

Assessment cÖwZ‡e`b cÖYqb c~e©kZ© weavq D³ cÖwZ‡e`b cÖYq‡bi KvR NCC KZ©„K yb©xwZ gb Kwgkb‡K g~j `vwqZ¡ Ges weGdAvBBD I wmAvBwW †K mnvqZvKvix ms¯’vi vwqZ¡ cÖ`vb Kiv nq| G j‡ÿ¨, yb©xwZ gb Kwgk‡bi gnvcwiPvjK weª‡M. †Rbv‡ij (Aet) GgGBP mvjvn&Dwχbi †bZ…‡Z¡ GKwU IqvwK©s KwgwU MVb Kiv nq|

Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment m¤úv`‡bi wbwgË IqvwK©s KwgwU wewfbœ miKvwi, ¯^vqËkvwmZ ms¯’v I †i¸‡jUwi KZ©„cÿ, AvBb-k„sLjvevwnbx I †Mv‡q›`v ms¯’vi wbKU †_‡K weMZ cuvP eQ‡ii Aciva mswkøó Z_¨ DcvË msMÖn K‡i| G mKj Z_¨ MYgva¨g, wewfbœ cÖwZôv‡bi I‡qemvBU, M‡elYvcÎ I wewfbœ AvšÍR©vwZK ms¯’vi Z_¨-Dcv‡Ëi mv‡_ mgš^q mvab Kiv nq| D³ cÖwZ‡e`b cÖYq‡bi R‡b¨ mvBU wfwRU, MÖæc wWmKvkb Ges †÷K †nvìvi Kbmvj‡Ukb m¤úv`b Kiv nq, hv‡Z wewfbœ †kÖYx †ckvi gvbyl †hgb- cÖkvmb, AvBb-k„sLjviÿvKvix evwnbx, eW©viMvW©, †Kv÷ MvW©, RbcÖwZwbwa, mvsevw`K, mykxjmgvR, e¨emvqx m¤úª`vq‡K m¤ú„³ Kiv nq|

D‡jøL¨, 2015 mv‡ji A‡±ve‡i AbywôZe¨ Mutual Evaluation-Gi mKj kZ© c~iY Ki‡Z mÿg n‡j, evsjv‡`k‡K Avi FATF-Gi ch©‡eÿY e¨e¯’vi AvIZvaxb _vK‡Z n‡e bv, hw`I evsjv‡`k gvwbjÛvwis Ges †Uiwi÷ dvBbvwÝs cÖwZ‡iva m¤úwK©Z RvwZms‡Ni Kb‡fbkb Ges FATF-Gi gvb`Ð cvjbKvix †`‡ki gh©v`v AR©b K‡i‡Q|

Risk Assessment Report cÖ`vb K‡i Mutual Evaluation -Gi kZ© c~iY mv‡c‡ÿ FATF I APG -Gi mycvwik ev¯Íevqb Ki‡Z cvi‡j AvšÍR©vwZK evwY‡R¨ evsjv‡`k Avw_©Kfv‡e jvfevb n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î evsjv‡`k‡K ißvwbi wecix‡Z 1(GK) kZvsk nv‡i Gjwm Kbdv‡g©kb Pv‡R©i ’‡j 0.25-0.5 kZvsk nv‡i Gj wm Kbdv©‡gkb PvR© cÖ`vb Ki‡Z n‡e| d‡j evsjv‡`k e¨emv-evwY‡R¨i AMÖMwZi gva¨‡g Avw_©Kfv‡e jvfevb nIqvi mv‡_ mv‡_ we‡`wk wewb‡qv‡Mi c_ cÖk¯Í n‡e| 2014 mv‡j D³ Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk

Assessment-Gi Lmov cÖYqb Kiv n‡q‡Q| ch©v‡jvPbvc~e©K Kwgk‡bi Aby‡gv`b mv‡c‡ÿ Zv P~ovšÍ Kiv n‡e|


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

2.10.3. Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment

Bangladesh is a founding member of the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APGML) constituted

in the form of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) for the Asia Pacific region to prevent money

laundering and terrorist financing on a global perspective. As a result, MLPA, 2002 was enacted in

Bangladesh in 2002 as the first South Asian country.

A report prepared in compliance with international standards of preventing money laundering and

terrorist financing and on the progress of its implementation and evaluated mutually by member

countries of APGML was presented in the central conference of APGML. According to recommendations

of the mutual evaluation report, National Coordination Committee (NCC) led by Finance Minister, was

formed by the Government of Bangladesh in 2010 to provide instructions and policies on anti-money

laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures. The ACC was entrusted with the main

responsibility of identifying risks for anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures

and providing recommendations to combat risk. Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) of

Bangladesh Bank and Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of Bangladesh Police were assigned as its

assisting bodies. In the light of the report prepared by the ACC and its two assisting bodies and the

report made by International Cooperation Review Group (ICRG) after on-site-visit, Bangladesh was

recognized as Compliance Country unanimously in a FATF-meeting held in Paris in February 2014 and

Bangladesh was excluded from the Gray List. As a process of continuing the trend of following and

implementing international standards on anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing

measures, the next Mutual Evaluation will be held in October 2015. Since the report on Money

Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment is the pre-requisite of Mutual Evaluation, the ACC,

BFIU and CID as assisting bodies are entrusted with the main responsibilities by the NCC. A working

committee led by Director General of the ACC Brigadier General (Retd.) M H Salahuddin, was formed to

serve the purpose.

The working committee for conducting Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment

collects offence related data and information for last five years from various government offices,

autonomous organizations and regulatory authorities, law-enforcement agencies and intelligence

agencies. These databases are coordinated with the databases of international organizations, media,

research papers and websites of several organizations. Site visit, group discussion and stakeholder

consultation are held with the participation of people from different walks of life such as administration,

law-enforcement agencies, border guard, coast guard, public representatives, journalists, civil society,

and businessmen to prepare the report.

It is noted that Bangladesh will not remain under the observation of FATF if it becomes able to fulfil all

the conditions of the Mutual Evaluation to be held in October 2015, although Bangladesh has achieved

the status of United Nations Convention and FATF standard observing country in prevention of money

laundering and terrorist financing. Bangladesh will be financially benefited in international trade if it can

fulfill the conditions of Mutual Evaluation by providing a risk assessment report and implementing the

recommendations from FATF and APG. Then the LC confirmation charge for Bangladesh will be 0.25-

0.05 percent in place of 1 percent against export. It would be a great reduction in the costs and time line

of financial transactions and investments with the rest of the world. As a result, Bangladesh will be

benefited financially with the flourishing of trade and commerce side by side with this, the

opportunities for foreign investment will be widened. The draft Money Laundering and Terrorist

Financing Risk Assessment was prepared in 2014. It will be reviewed and finalized after the approval of

the Commission.



` ` `y K

` ` `y K

Aa¨vq 3

Chapter 3

Managing ACC's Resources

gvbe m¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbvev‡RU e¨e¯’vcbv`y`‡Ki Af¨šÍixY `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva Kvh©µgKwgk‡bi mvwe©K Kvh©µ‡gi ch©‡eÿY I g~j¨vqb

Kwgk‡bi m¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv

Human Resources ManagementBudget ManagementACC's Initiatives to Prevent Internal CorruptionACC's Performance in Monitoring & Evaluation

3.1. gvbe m¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv

Kwgk‡bi gvbe I Avw_©K m¤ú` I mieivn e¨e¯’vcbv wbwðZ K‡i cªkvmb, ms¯’vcb Ges A_© AbywefvM, hv `yÕwU

kvLvq wef³: cªkvmb I ms¯’vcb Ges A_© I wnmve| cªkvmb, ms¯’vcb Ges A_© Abywefv‡Mi AvIZvaxb welq mg~n


1. Kwgk‡bi Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix wb‡qvM, c‡`vbœwZ, c`vqb, †cÖlY I ågY e¨e¯’vcbv;

2. AvBb Abyhvqx `y`K Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©Pvixi weiæ‡× `v‡qiK…Z wefvMxq gvgjv wb®úwˇZ cª‡qvRbxq

c`‡¶c MÖnY Ges Zv‡`i PvKzwii Ae¯’v I Ab¨vb¨ welq;

3. we‡`‡k cªwk¶‡Yi R‡b¨ Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©Pvix g‡bvbqb cª¯Íve †ck;

4. Kwgk‡bi eV‡Ki cªv°v‡j Kwgk‡bi mwPe‡K cª‡qvRbxq mvwPweK mnvqZv cª`vb;

5. Aaxb Kvh©vjqmg~n eQ‡i Kgc‡¶ yÕevi cwi`k©b Kiv Ges Kwgkb mwP‡ei wbKU cwi`k©b cªwZ‡e`b


6. Kwgk‡bi mvwe©K wbivcËv ZË¡veavb Kiv, `vg, AvmevecÎ I AeKvVv‡gv i¶Yv‡e¶Y; Ges

7. Kwgk‡bi mKj kvLvi Rb¨ cª‡qvRbxq jwRw÷Km msM«n, i¶Yv‡e¶Y I mieivn|

3.1.1. y`K m`i ßi I gvV ch©v‡qi Kvh©vj‡q gvbem¤ú` eÈb

Kwgk‡bi 1264 Rb gvbem¤ú‡`i Rb¨ miKvi Aby‡gvw`Z GKwU mvsMVwbK KvVv‡gv i‡q‡Q| hvi g‡a¨ 191 wU

mycvi wbDgvwi c` i‡q‡Q| `y`‡Ki cªavb Kvh©vjq, wefvMxq I mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vj‡q gvbe m¤ú` eÈb ZvwjKv

mviwY 22 -G †`Lv‡bv n‡q‡Q|


Kwgk‡bi m¤ú` e¨e¯’vcbv

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


Managing ACC's Resources

3.1. Human Resources Management

The 'Administration, Establishment & Finance Wing' is responsible for managing ACC's human and financial resources and logistics. The Wing is divided into two branches namely- Administration & Establishment and Finance & Accounts. The 'Administration, Establishment and Finance Wing' is responsible for the following matters:

1. Managing recruitment, promotion, posting, deputation, travels of all officers and employees of the Commission;

2. Undertaking necessary steps as per rules regarding disposal of departmental cases initiated against the ACC personnel and maintenance of conditions and other matters of their services;

3. Submitting the proposals of nomination of officers/staff for foreign training;

4. Assisting the Secretary of the Commission in providing secretarial support towards the Commission's meetings;

5. Inspecting subordinate offices at least twice each year and submitting inspection report to the Commission's Secretary;

6. Supervising the overall security, maintenance of store, furniture, and infrastructure of the Commission; and

7. Collecting, maintaining and supplying necessary logistics for all wings of the Commission.

3.1.1. Distribution of Human Resources in ACC Headquarters and Field Offices

The Commission has a government approved organogram for 1264 human resources including 191 supernumerary posts. Table-22 provides distribution of the human resources in the ACC Head Office, Divisional and Integrated District Offices.


` ` `y K


c‡`i weeiY m`i `߇i msL¨vgvV Kvh©vj‡q msL¨v

me©‡gvUwefvMxq Kvh©vjq mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vjq

†Pqvig¨vb 01 - - 01

Kwgkbvi 02 - - 02

mwPe 01 - - 01

gnvcwiPvjK 06 - - 06

cwiPvjK 13 06 - 19

wm‡÷g Gbvwj÷/†cÖvMÖvgvi 02 - - 02

DccwiPvjK 59 - 22 81

cÖwmwKDUi 13 - - 13

mnKvwi cwiPvjK 65 - 65 130

GKvšÍ mwPe 04 - - 04

wcAviI 01 - - 01

Dc-mnKvwi cwiPvjK 52 - 72 124

mnKvwi cwi`k©K 42 - 88 130

Av`vjZ cwi`k©K/Av`vjZ 25 - 51 76


Ab¨vb¨ Kg©KZ©v I ÷vd 145 42 66 253

(KiwYK, UvBwc÷ cÖf…wZ)

Mvwo PvjK 21 06 22 49

Kb‡÷ej 116 - 65 181

me©‡gvU 568 54 451 1073

msL¨vwZwi³ Kg©x/AvDU‡mvm©

Kb‡÷ej 58 12 109 179

Mvwo PvjK 09 - - 09

Ab¨vb¨ 03 - - 03

me©‡gvU 70 12 109 191

3.1.2. 2014 m‡b Kwgkb KZ©„K wb‡qvM I c‡`vbœwZ

`y`K AvBb 2004 Abyhvqx ¶Zvi mv‡_ KvR cwiPvjbvi R‡b¨ Kwgkb cª‡qvRbxq msL¨K Kg©KZ©v I Kg©x wb‡qv‡Mi

¶gZvcªvß (aviv 16(3))| `ybx©wZ `gb Kwgkb (Kg©Pvix) PvKzix wewagvjv, 2008 Gi wewa 4 †gvZv‡eK mivmwi

wb‡qvM ev c‡`vbœwZi gva¨‡g wb‡qv‡Mi e¨vcv‡i civgk© cª`v‡b GKwU wb‡qvM I c‡`vbœwZ KwgwU MVb Kiv nq| 2014

mv‡j mivmwi I c‡`vbœwZi gva¨‡g k~b¨ c‡` wb‡qvMK…Z Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvixi msL¨vi ZvwjKv mviwY 23 I 24 -G

†`qv n‡jv|

mviwY-22: `y`‡Ki gvbe m¤ú` eÈb

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

3.1.2. ACC's Recruitment and Promotion in 2014

The Commission is empowered by the ACC Act, 2004 to appoint the required number of officers and

staff to carry out its assignments efficiently (Section 16 (3)). Rule 4 of Anti Corruption Commission

Service (Personnel) Rules, 2008 stipulates the Commission to form an Appointment and Promotion

Committee for making recommendations on direct recruitment or recruitment through promotion.

Table 23 and 24 give number of officers and staff recruited to the vacant posts through promotions and

directly in 2014.


Table-22: Distribution of Human Resources of ACC


` ` `y K

PositionNumber in

Head Office Divisional Office Integrated Dist. OfficeTotal

Number of field offices

Chairman 01 - - 01

Commissioner 02 - - 02

Secretary 01 - - 01

Director General 06 - - 06

Director 13 06 - 19

System Analyst/ Programmer 02 - - 02

Deputy Director 59 - 22 81

Prosecutor 13 - - 13

Assistant Director 65 - 65 130

Private Secretary 04 - - 04

PRO 01 - - 01

Deputy Assistant Director 52 - 72 124

Asst. Inspector 42 - 88 130

Court Inspector/ Court Asst/ ASI 25 - 51 76

Other officers & staff (clerk, typist, etc.) 145 42 66 253

Driver 21 06 22 49

Constable 116 - 65 181

Total 568 54 451 1073

Supernumerary/ Outsource

Constable 58 12 109 179

Driver 09 - - 09

Other 03 - - 03

Total 70 12 109 191


mviwY-23: 2014 m‡b c‡`vbœwZi gva¨‡g wb‡qvMK…Z Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvixi msL¨v

mviwY-24: 2014 m‡b mivmwi wb‡qvMK…Z Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvixi msL¨v

3.1.3. ybx©wZ gb Kwgk‡bi Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©Pvix‡`i mÿgZv e„w×K‡í M„nxZ c`‡ÿc

Kwgkb wbR¯^ Rbe‡ji Kvh©µ‡gi ^”QZv wbwðZ Ki‡Z m‡Pó| ybx©wZ gb Kwgk‡bi g~j kw³ n‡”Q y`K AvBb-

2004 I cÖwZôv‡bi Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©Pvix| cvkvcvwk Kwgkb Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix‡`i Kg©`ÿZv e„w×i welqwUi Dci

we‡kl ¸iæZ¡ w`‡”Q| 2014 m‡b Kg©cwi‡e‡ki AvaywbKvq‡bi cvkvcvwk Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©Pvix‡`i `ÿZv e„w×i R‡b¨

cÖ‡qvRbxq cÖwkÿY, †mwgbvi, wm‡¤úvwRqvg BZ¨vw` Av‡qvR‡bi †ÿ‡Î Kwgkb †ek wKQz c`‡¶c wb‡q‡Q| Dbœqb

mn‡hvMx‡`i mnvqZvq `ybx©wZ `gb I cÖwZ‡iva welqK wewfbœ †gqv‡`i cÖwk¶Y myweav cvIqvi R‡b¨ cÖvwZôvwbK

cÖ‡Póv Ae¨vnZ †i‡L‡Q| GiB avivevwnKZvq Kwgk‡bi †ek wKQz Kg©KZ©v - Kg©Pvix †`‡k we‡`‡k DbœZ cÖwk¶Y

Kg©m~wP MÖn‡Yi my‡hvM †c‡q‡Qb|

2014 m‡b `y`‡Ki wbR¯^ e¨e¯’vcbvq wcwcG 2006 Ges wcwcAvi 2008 Gi Dci we‡kl †Kvm©, mKj ch©v‡qi

Kg©KZ©vM‡Yi R‡b¨ wi‡d«mvm© †Kvm©, bewb‡qvMK…Z mnKvix cwiPvjK I DcmnKvix cwiPvjK‡`i R‡b¨ we‡kl

cªwk¶Y, m¤ú` cybiæ×vi, wRAvB‡RW-Gi †mŠR‡b¨ MYgva¨‡gi mv‡_ gZwewbgq, I‡qemvBU ˆZwi I Dbœqb,

RvZxq wbivcËv †Mv‡q›`v ms¯’v (GbGmAvB) KZ©„K wmwbqi wmwKDwiwU †Kvm©, RvZxq Dbœqb I cwiKíbv GKv‡Wgx

KZ©„K Kw¤úDUvi Uªvej ïwUs I Ab¨vb¨ Z_¨cÖhyw³ msµvšÍ cªwk¶Y, Bs‡iwR fvlv wkÿv †Kvm©mn wewfbœ cÖwkÿY

†Kv‡m© 439 Rb Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©Pvix‡K cÖwkÿY †`qv n‡q‡Q|

c‡`i bvg c‡`vbœwZK…Z Kg©KZ©v/Kg©xi msL¨v

gnvcwiPvjK 01

cwiPvjK 03

DccwiPvjK 08

mnKvwi cwiPvjK 11

†KvU© cwi`k©K 01

†KvU© mnKvwi (G.Gm.AvB) 05

D”Pgvb KiwYK/mnKvwi 01

me©‡gvU 30

c‡`i bvg mivmwi wb‡qvMK…Z Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvixi msL¨v

wm‡÷g Gbvwj÷ 01

mnKvwi cwiPvjK 33

Dc-mnKvwi cwiPvjK 28

‡Kv©U cwi`k©K 08

me©‡gvU 70

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Table-23: Number of officers and staff recruited by promotions in 2014

Table-24: Number of officers and staff recruited directly in 2014

3.1.3 Measures Undertaken for Capacity Enhancement of ACC personnel

The Commission is seeking to ensure transparency of its own manpower's activities. The main

strength of the Commission is the ACC Act, 2004 and its officials/employees. Alongside, the

Commission has put emphasis on the enhancement of competence of its officers and staff. Besides,

modernization of working conditions, the Commission has taken several measures to enhance the

efficiency of its officials and employees by arranging necessary training, seminar, symposium, etc. in

2014 The institutional efforts are underway for obtaining training on corruption prevention and

combating corruption of various duration with the assistance of the development partners.

Subsequently, several officials and staff have already got opportunities to receive training

programmes at home and abroad.

ACC provided training to 439 officials/ staff of ACC by its own management on 'Special Course on PPA,

2006 and PPR, 2008', 'Refreshers Course' for all level officials, 'Special Training for newly appointed

Assistant Directors and Deputy Assistant Directors', 'Asset Recovery', GIZ sponsored Exchange of View

program with Media, 'Website Design and Development'; 'Senior Security Course' by National Security

Intelligence (NSI); 'Computer Trouble Shooting' and other ICT related training by National Development

and Planning Academy, English language proficiency and other courses.


Name of the Post No. of promoted officers/ employees

Director General 01

Director 03

Deputy Director 08

Assistant Director 11

Court Inspector 01

Court Assistant (ASI) 05

Upper Division Clerk/ Assistant 01

Total 30

Name of the post No. of directly recruited officers/ employees

System Analyst 01

Assistant Director 33

Deputy Assistant Director 28

Court Inspector 08

Total 70


` ` `y K


2014 m‡b AvšÍR©vwZK wewfbœ cÖwkÿY, mfv, †mwgbvi I IqvK©m‡c AskMÖnY

2014 m‡b Kwgk‡bi gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb, gvbbxq Kwgkbvi †gvt mvnveywÏb I W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g`mn Kwgk‡bi Kg©KZ©ve„›` wewfbœ †gqv‡` wb‡¤œ ewY©Z AvšÍR©vwZK cÖwkÿY, mfv, †mwgbvi I IqvK©m‡c AskMÖnY K‡ib:

cÖwkÿY, mfv, †mwgbvi I IqvK©m‡ci bvg

Meeting with officials in connection with Stolen Asset Recovery.

7th INTERPOL Global Programme on Anti-Corruption, Financial Crime and Asset Recovery.

Corruption Prevention Exchange Visit to Indonesia.

Workshop on Pre-mutual Evaluation and National Risk Assessment.

UNDP Regional Dialogue on Accelerating Human Development in Asia Pacific “Transparency, Accountability and Voices against Corruption”.

Singapore Anti-Corruption Strategies Course.

Training on Cross Border Financial Investigations and Interdiction.

Fifth Annual Conference of the Global Focal Points Network.

Eighth Meeting of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Asset Recovery.

Participation in the IGC Growth Week 2014.


10-14 †deªæqvwi 2014

10-14 †deªæqvwi 2014

9-14 gvP© 2014

27-30 †g 2014

11-13 Ryb 2014

23-27 Ryb 2014

24-31 AvM÷ 2014

9-10 †m‡Þ¤^i 2014

11-12 †m‡Þ¤^i 2014

23-25 †m‡Þ¤^i 2014

AskMÖnYKvix/ cÖwkÿYv_©xi bvg

Rbve †gvt ew`D¾vgvb, gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb

Rbve †gvt mvnveywÏb, gvbbxq Kwgkbvi

Rbve †gvt b~i Avnv¤§`, cwiPvjK

gxi †gvt Rqbyj Av‡e`xb wkejx, DccwiPvjK

ˆmq` BKevj †nv‡mb, DccwiPvjK

W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g`, gvbbxq Kwgkbvi

W. †gvt kvgmyj Av‡iwdb, gnvcwiPvjK

†kL †gvt dvbvwdj¨v, DccwiPvjK

Rbve †gvt ew`D¾vgvb, gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb

KvRx Avey Zv‡ni, Kwgkbv‡ii GKvšÍ mwPe

Rbve G Gm Gg mv¾v` †nv‡mb, mnKvix cwiPvjK

W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g`, gvbbxq Kwgkbvi

W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g`, gvbbxq Kwgkbvi

mn‡hvMx cÖwZôv‡bi bvg






Singapore Government

Homeland Security



International Growth Centre

†`‡ki bvg

London, UK.

New Delhi, India


Seoul, Korea

Bangkok, Thailand


Male, Maldives

Vienna, Austria

London, UK.

µwgK bs










evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Participation in international training, meeting, seminar and workshops in 2014

The Honourable Chairman of the Commission Md. Badiuzzaman, Honourable Commissioners Md.

Shahabuddin and Dr. Nasiruddin Ahmed along with high officials of ACC attended the following

international training, meeting, seminar and workshops in 2014:


Name of Training/Meeting/ Seminar/Workshop

Meeting with officials in connection with Stolen Asset Recovery.

7th INTERPOL Global Program on Anti-Corruption, Financial Crime and Asset Recovery.

Corruption Prevention Exchange Visit to Indonesia.

Workshop on Pre-mutual Evaluation and National Risk Assessment.

UNDP Regional Dialogue on Accelerating Human Development in Asia Pacific “Transparency, Accountability and Voices against Corruption”.

Singapore Anti-Corruption Strategies Course.

Training on Cross Border Financial Investigations and Interdiction.

Fifth Annual Conference of the Global Focal Points Network.

Eighth Meeting of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Asset Recovery.

Participation in the IGC Growth Week 2014.


10-14 February, 2014

10-14 February, 2014

9-14 March, 2014

27-30 May, 2014

11-13 June, 2014

23-27 June, 2014

24-31 August, 2014

9-10 September, 2014

11-12 September, 2014

23-25 September, 2014

Name of the Participant/Trainee

Mr. Md Badiuzzaman, Honourable Chairman

Mr. Md. Shahabuddin, Honourable Commissioner

Mr. Md. Nur Ahammed, Director,

Mir Md. Joynul Abedin Shibli, Deputy Director

Syed Iqbal Hossain, Deputy Director

Dr. Nasiruddin Ahmed, Honourable Commissioner

Dr. Md. Shamsul Arefin, Director General

Sheikh Md. Fanafilya, Deputy Director

Mr. Md. Badiuzzaman, Honourable Chairman

Kazi Abu Taher, Private Secretary to Commissioner

Mr. A.S.M. Sajjad Hossain, Assistant Director

Dr. Nasiruddin Ahmed, Honourable Commissioner

Dr. Nasiruddin Ahmed, Honourable Commissioner

Name of Associate Organisation






Singapore Government

Homeland Security



International Growth Centre

Name of Country

London, UK.

New Delhi, India


Seoul, Korea

Bangkok, Thailand


Male, Maldives

Vienna, Austria

London, UK.

Serial no.











` ` `y K


cÖwkÿY, mfv, †mwgbvi I IqvK©m‡ci bvg

Meeting on “Asset Recovery Pending Issues”

Issue Focused Training Course on Criminal Justice Response to Corruption (J-1404005).

FATF/APG Joint Experts Meeting on Typologies and APG Technical Seminars.

Third Biennial Meeting of the World Bank Group's International Corruption Hunters Alliance (ICHA).

Second Meeting of the Expert Working Group on the Identification, Location and Seizure of Assets.


22-27 †m‡Þ¤^i 2014

05 A‡±vei 2014 - 12 b‡f¤^i 2014

24-28 b‡f¤^i 2014

8-10 wW‡m¤^i 2014

17-19 wW‡m¤^i 2014

AskMÖnYKvix/ cÖwkÿYv_©xi bvg

Rbve †gvt ew`D¾vgvb, gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb

ˆmq` BKevj †nv‡mb, DccwiPvjK

Rbve †gvt b~i Avnv¤§`, cwiPvjK

Rbve †gvt ew`D¾vgvb, gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb

W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g`, gvbbxq Kwgkbvi

mn‡hvMx cÖwZôv‡bi bvg




World Bank


†`‡ki bvg

Washington, USA.


Bangkok, Thailand

Washington, D.C, USA

Headquarters of the United

Nations in New York City, USA

µwgK bs






`y`K Kg©KZ©v‡`i we‡`‡k wewfbœ cªwk¶‡Y cvwV‡q m¶gZv e…w×i Dci †Rvi w`‡q _v‡K| GQvov, Kwgkb Gi

Kg©KZ©v‡`i wewfbœ miKvwi wefvM, †emiKvwi cªwZôvb Ges Dbœqb Askx`vi‡`i Av‡qvwRZ msw¶ß cªwk¶‡Y cvwV‡q


3.2. Kwgk‡bi ev‡RU e¨e¯’vcbv

miKv‡ii ev‡RU eiv‡Ïi gva¨‡g y`‡Ki A_©vqb n‡q _v‡K| miKvi GKwU wbw`©ó cwigvY A_© Kwgk‡bi e¨‡qi

R‡b¨ eivÏ K‡i| ev‡RU Aby‡gv`b n‡j eivÏK…Z A_© e¨‡qi †¶‡Î K‡›Uªvjvi I AwWUi †Rbv‡ij-KZ©…K `y`K

wnmve cªvK-wbix¶Y Qvov miKv‡ii KvQ †_‡K Kwgk‡bi †Kvb c~e©vbygwZi cª‡qvRb nq bv| cªkvmb, ms¯’vcb I

A_© wefv‡Mi A_© I wnmve kvLv A_©vqb I Af¨šÍixY wbix¶v-m¤úwK©Z KvR ZË¡veavb K‡i _v‡K Ges miKvwi

µq bxwZi AvIZvq µq cwiPvjbv K‡i| 2013-14 A_©-eQ‡ii eivÏ (Abybœqb I Dbœqb) mviwY 25 I 26 -G

†`Lv‡bv n‡jv:

mviwY-25: 2013 - 14 A_©eQ‡i `y`‡Ki R‡b¨ Kiv eivÏ

(AsKmg~n nvRvi UvKvq)

A_© eQi Abybœqb Dbœqb †gvU ivR¯^ g~jabx

2013-14 ev‡RU 471481 12000 483481 465881 17600

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

ACC put emphasis on sending officials in different training programs abroad to enhance their

competence. Besides, the officers are sent to short training courses sponsored by government

departments, non-government organisations and development partners.

3.2. Budget Management

The finance of the ACC is channeled through budgetary allocations determined by the government. The

Government allocates a certain sum in favour of the Commission for expenditure. Once the budget is

approved, the Commission does not need to obtain any permission in advance from the government in

order to spend the allocated money without prejudice to the rights of the Controller and Auditor

General to audit the accounts of the ACC. The 'Finance & Accounts' branch of the 'Administration,

Establishment and Finance Wing' supervises the functions relating to finance and internal audits; and

conduct purchase of the Commission as per public procurement regulations. Table 25 and 26 show the

allocations (Non-development and Development) in 2013-14 fiscal-year.

Table-25: Allocation for ACC in 2013-14 fiscal year

(sum in thousands)


Name of Training/Meeting/ Seminar/Workshop

Meeting on “Asset Recovery Pending Issues”

Issue Focused Training Course on Criminal Justice Response to Corruption (J-1404005).

FATF/APG Joint Experts Meeting on Typologies and APG Technical Seminars.

Third Biennial Meeting of the World Bank Group's International Corruption Hunters Alliance (ICHA).

Second Meeting of the Expert Working Group on the Identification, Location and Seizure of Assets.


22-27 September, 2014

5 October-12 November, 2014

24-28 November, 2014

8-10 December, 2014

17-19 December, 2014

Name of the Participant/Trainee

Mr Md. Badiuzzaman, Honourable Chairman

Syed Iqbal Hossain, Deputy Director

Mr. Md. Nur Ahammad, Director

Mr Md. Badiuzzaman, Honourable Chairman

Dr. Nasiruddin Ahmed, Honourable Commissioner

Name of Associate Organisation




World Bank


Name of Country

Washington, USA.


Bangkok, Thailand

Washington, D.C, USA

Headquarters of the United

Nations in New York City, USA

Serial no.






Financial Year Non-Development Development Total Revenue Capital

2013-14 Budget 471481 12000 483481 465881 17600


` ` `y K


mviwY-26: 2013 - 14 A_©eQ‡i ivR¯^ I g~jabx e¨‡qi A_©‰bwZK †kÖwYKiY(AsKmg~n nvRvi UvKvq)

wPÎ-9: 2013-14 A_©eQ‡i cÖK…Z AvbycvwZK e¨‡qi wPÎ

g~jabx e¨q

ivR¯^ e¨q

weeiY A_© eQi 2013-14

A_©‰bwZK †KvW I LvZ eivÏ e¨q

4501-Awdmvi‡`i †eZb 7,10,00 6,98,78

4601- cªwZôvb Kg©Pvix‡`i †eZb 8,75,00 6,94,44

4700-fvZvw` 13,57,15 12,46,33

4800-mieivn I †mev 13,37,66 13,13,95

4900- †givgZ I msi¶Y 66,00 60,50

6300-Aemi fvZv I Avby‡ZvwlK 54,00 1,10,09

†gvU ivR¯^ e¨q 43,99,81 41,24,09

6800- m¤ú` msMÖn /µq 43,00 40,30

7000-wbg©vb I c~Z© 2,00 0

7400-miKvwi Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ FY I AwMÖg 20,00 18,20

6681-†_vK eivÏ 2,50,00 2,49,45

†gvU g~jabx e¨q 3,15,00 3,07,95

`y`‡Ki me©‡gvU e¨q 47,14,81 44,32,04







1%Awdmvi‡`i †eZb

cÖwZôvb Kg©Pvix‡`i †eZb


mieivn I †mev

†givgZ I msiÿY

Aemi fvZv I Avby‡ZvwlK

m¤ú` msMÖn/µq

wbg©vY I c~Z©

miKvwi Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ FY I AwMÖg

†_vK eivÏ

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Table-26: Economic classification of revenue and capital expenditure of 2013-14 fiscal year

(sum in thousands)

Figure-9: Actual proportional expenditure in FY 2013-14


Description Fiscal year 2013-14

Financial Code & Sector Allocation Expenses

4501- Pay of Officers 7,10,00 6,98,78

4601- Pay of Staff 8,75,00 6,94,44

4700-Allowances 13,57,15 12,46,33

4800-Supplies & Services 13,37,66 13,13,95

4900-Repair & Maintenance 66,00 60,50

6300-Retirement Allowances & Gratuities 54,00 1,10,09

Total Revenue Expenditure 43,99,81 41,24,09

6800- Acquisition of Assets 43,00 40,30

7000-Construction & Works 2,00 0

7400-Loan & Advance for Government Employees 20,00 18,20

6681-Aggregate Allocation 2,50,00 2,49,45

Total Capital Expenditure 3,15,00 3,07,95

Total Expenditure of ACC 47,14,81 44,32,04









1%Pay of officers

Pay of Staffs


Supplies & Services

Repair & Maintenance

Retirement Allowances & Gratuities

Acquisition of Assets

Construction & Works

Loan & Advance for GovernmentEmployees

Aggregate Aallocation


` ` `y K

3.3. y`‡Ki Af¨šÍixY ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iv‡a M„nxZ Kvh©µg

Kwgkb Zvi Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i `yb©xwZ wbqš¿‡Y Zrci i‡q‡Q| `yb©xwZ `gb Kwgkb wewa 2007 Gi 19(1) Gi Aax‡b Kg©KZ©v‡`i wbiew”Qbœfv‡e cwiex¶Y, ZË¡veavb, AbymÜvb, `y`K Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©Pvix‡`i weiæ‡× †h‡Kvb yb©xwZi Awf‡hvM Z`šÍ Kiv Ges yb©xwZMÖ¯Í Kg©xi weiæ‡× AvBwb I wefvMxq c`‡¶c wb‡Z civgk©`v‡bi R‡b¨ Kwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨v‡bi †bZ…‡Z¡ GKwU ¯’vqx Af¨šÍixY `yb©xwZ `gb KwgwU MVb K‡i‡Q| 2014 m‡b Kwgk‡bi 3 Rb Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©Pvix‡K ¸iæ`Ð I 1 Rb Kg©Pvix‡K jNy`Ð cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q| 2014 m‡b `y`K Kg©KZ©v‡`i weiæ‡× wefvMxq gvgjv v‡q‡ii msL¨v Ges gvgjvi djvdj ZvwjKv wb‡Pi mviwY 27-G cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-27: 2014 m‡b y`‡Ki Kg©KZ©v/ Kg©Pvix‡`i weiæ‡× †bIqv wefvMxq c`‡¶cmg~n

* ¸iæ`‡Ûi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q PvKzwi †_‡K Ae¨vnwZ I eva¨Zvg~jK Aemi|

** jNy`‡Ûi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q †eZ‡bi †¯‹j Kwg‡q †`Iqv, †eZb e„w× K‡qK eQ‡ii Rb¨ AvU‡K ivLv Ges œ†eZb UvBg-†¯‹‡ji me©wb¤¯Í‡i wba©viY|

3.4. Kwgk‡bi mvwe©K Kvh©µ‡gi ch©‡eÿY I g~j¨vqb

3.4.1. m¤úvw`Z KvR ch©‡e¶Y

`y`‡Ki cwiexÿY I g~j¨vqb (GgGÛB) kvLv m¤úvw`Z KvR Af¨šÍixYfv‡e cwiexÿY Kiv nq| msw¶ß I we¯ÍvwiZ cwi`k©b `y`‡Ki wefvMxq I mgwš^Z Kvh©vj‡qi KvR ch©‡e¶Y Kivi `yÕwU c×wZ| `y`K cÖavb Kvh©vj‡qi gnvcwiPvjK I cwiPvjKMY GB cwi`k©b KvR K‡i _v‡Kb| cwi`k©b kvLv wbqwgZfv‡e GB cwi`k©b cªwZ‡e`b g~j¨vqb Ges y`K †Pqvig¨v‡bi Kv‡Q cÖvß djvdj †ck K‡i _v‡K| 2014 m‡b m¤úbœK…Z cwi`k©b mviwY 28 -G †`qv n‡q‡Q|

mviwY-28: 2014 mv‡j y`‡Ki wefvMxq I mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vjqmg~‡ni cwiPvwjZ cwi`k©b msL¨v


weeiY msL¨v

c~e©eZx eQ‡ii †Ri 12

2014 mv‡j M„nxZ 5

2014 mv‡j †gvU wefvMxq gvgjvi msL¨v 17

2014 mv‡j wb®úwËK…Z gvgjvi msL¨v 6*¸iæ`Û 3**jNy`Û 1

Ab¨vb¨ fv‡e wb®úwË 2

cwi`k©‡bi aib wefvMxq Kvh©vjq mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vjq

msw¶ß cwi`k©b 02 38

we¯ÍvwiZ cwi`k©b 05 43

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

3.3. ACC's Initiatives to Prevent Internal Corruption

The Commission is active to control illegal practices and corruptions of its officers and staff. Under Rule

19 (1) of the Anti Corruption Commission Rules 2007, the Commission has constituted a permanent

Internal Anti Corruption Committee, headed by its Chairman, to consistently monitor, supervise,

enquire, and investigate into any corruption allegations against the ACC officials and to make

recommendations for taking legal and departmental actions against the corrupt staff. Three

officials/employees received major punishment while one received minor punishment in 2014. Table-

27 shows the number of departmental cases lodged against ACC officials/ employees and their


Table-27: Departmental measures taken against alleged ACC officials/employees in 2014

* Major punishment includes dismissal from service and forced retirement.

** Demotion to lower level of salary scale, withholding of salary increment for particular

years, rebuke, and determination of salary at the lowest level of time scale are treated as

minor punishment.

3.4. ACC's Performance in Monitoring and Evaluation

3.4.1. Performance Monitoring

ACC's performance is internally monitored by the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Branch. Short and

detailed inspections are two monitoring tools to notice the performance of ACC's divisional and

integrated district offices. Director Generals and Directors of ACC Headquarters carry out these

inspections. The M&E Branch evaluates regularly these inspection reports and submits the key findings

to the ACC Chairman. Table-28 provides number of inspections carried out in 2014.

Table-28: Number of inspections to ACC's divisional and integrated district offices carried out in 2014


Description Number

Carried over from the previous year 12

Undertaken in 2014 5

Number of total departmental cases in 2014 17

Number of disposed cases 6

*Major punishment 3

**Minor punishment 1

Disposed by other ways 2

Type of Inspection Divisional Offices Integrated District Offices

Short Inspection 02 38

Detailed Inspection 05 43


` ` `y K

msw¶ß cwi`k©b¸‡jv‡Z Kg©KZ©vMY wewfbœ welq †`‡L _v‡Kb, †hgb-Kg©iZ Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix‡`i M„nxZ Kvh©µg,

M…nxZ Awf‡hvM, AbymÜvb, Z`šÍvaxb gvgjv, wePvivaxb gvgjv, bM` wnmve, myi¶v Kvh©µg, ÎæwU/ mgm¨v cÖf…wZ|

Zviv me ai‡bi mgm¨vq gšÍe¨ I civgk© w`‡q _v‡Kb| cieZ©xKv‡j we¯ÍvwiZ cwi`k©‡bi mgq civgk©mg~n

ev¯Íevq‡bi AMªMwZ g~j¨vqb Kiv nq|

GQvov DcwiD³ wel‡q wek` cix¶v-wbix¶v QvovI we¯ÍvwiZ cwi`k©‡bi mgq Kvh©vjq I Kg©x e¨e¯’vcbvi Ici

we‡kl ¸iæZ¡ cª`vb Kiv nq| Gi g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q Kvh©vj‡qi wbivcËv, ¯’vbmsKyjvb, nvwRiv eB msi¶Y, Kg©KZ©v‡`i

Kv‡Ri ZvwjKv, Kg©Pvix‡`i m¤úvw`Z Kv‡Ri g~j¨vqb, wewfbœ †iwR÷vi, m¤úvw`Z Kv‡Ri gvwmK cªwZ‡e`b cÖf…wZ|

m`i ߇ii KvR ch©‡e¶Y Kivi Ask wn‡m‡e cª‡Z¨K mßv‡n Kwgkb cªwZwU kvLvi Kg©KvÐ ch©v‡jvPbv K‡i| wbw`©ó

Zvwi‡L I mg‡q mswkøó Abywefv‡Mi gnvcwiPvjK †Pqvig¨v‡bi ߇i Dcw¯’Z n‡q Abywefv‡Mi Kg©Kv‡Ði nvjbvMv`

Z_¨ Dc¯’vcb K‡ib Ges Kwgk‡bi bvbv cÖ‡kœi DËi †`b|


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

During the short inspections, the Inspectors look into such issues as, availability of officers and

employees, complaints received, enquiries, cases under investigation, cases under trial, cash account,

prevention activities, major lapses/bottlenecks etc. They provide comments and recommendations

against each and every category. Progress towards the implementation of recommendations is

assessed in the subsequent detailed inspections.

In addition to the detailed examination of the above issues, special emphasis is given to office and

personnel management during detailed inspections. This includes office security, office

accommodation, maintenance of attendance book, list of activities of officers, performance

assessment of employees, various registers, and monthly reporting of performance. As part of

monitoring of Headquarters' performance, the Commission reviews the activity of each Wing once a

week. The Director General of the concerned Wing remains present on the specific date and time at the

office of the Chairman to give updates about the Wing's performance and respond to the queries of the




` ` `y K

` ` `y K

Aa¨vq 4

Chapter 4

ACC's Information Management

`y`K I Z_¨ AwaKvi`y`K I MYgva¨g

Kwgk‡bi Z_¨ e¨e¯’vcbv

ACC & Right to InformationACC & Media

4.1. y`K I Z_¨ AwaKvi

Kwgk‡bi MVb, mvsMVwbK KvVv‡gv Ges Kvh©µg wb‡q cªKvwkZ †Kv‡bv ¯§viK, eB, Z_¨-DcvË, jM eB, Av‡`k, weÁwß, wjj, bgybv, wPwV, cªwZ‡e`b, Avw_©K weeiYx, cªKí cª¯Íve, AwWI, wfwWI BZ¨vw`‡K y`K Z_¨ Aegy³KiY bxwZgvjv, 2011-G ÔZ_¨Õ wn‡m‡e msÁvwqZ Kiv n‡q‡Q|

Kwgk‡bi Z_¨‡K GB bxwZgvjvq PviwU †kªwY‡Z fvM Kiv n‡q‡Q:

K) ¯^Ztù‚Z© Z_¨ (Kwgkb ^Ztù~Z©fv‡e Gme Z_¨ cªKvk Ki‡e);

L) Pvwn`v Abyhvqx Z_¨ mieivn;

M) Pvwn`v Abyhvqx AvswkK Z_¨ mieivn; Ges

N) Ab¨vb¨ Z_¨, hv cÖKvk ev cÖ`vb Kiv eva¨Zvg~jK bq|

Z_¨ AwaKvi AvBb Abyhvqx Kwgk‡bi Kvh©vj‡qi Rbms‡hvM Kg©KZ©v, wefvMxq Kvh©vj‡qi cwiPvjK Ges mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vj‡qi DccwiPvjK‡K Z_¨ cÖ`v‡bi R‡b¨ vwqZ¡ cÖ`vb Kiv n‡q‡Q| bvMwiK‡`i Aby‡iv‡ai aiY Abyhvqx Zviv Z_¨ cÖ`v‡bi e¨e¯’v MÖnY K‡i _v‡Kb| †h †Kv‡bv bvMwiK GKwU wbw`©ó dig¨v‡U ev mv`v KvM‡R Kwgk‡bi Kv‡Q Z‡_¨i R‡b¨ Av‡e`b Ki‡Z cv‡ib|

Av‡e`‡bi cwi‡cªw¶‡Z 2014 m‡b Av‡e`bKvix‡`i‡K mieivnK…Z D‡jøL‡hvM¨ Z_¨ wb‡¤œ D‡jøL Kiv n‡jv:

4.2. y`K I MYgva¨g

`ybx©wZ gb Kwgkb MYgva¨‡gi mv‡_ wbweo m¤úK© eRvq iv‡L| Rbms‡hvM kvLvi gva¨‡g `wbK cwÎKvq cÖKvwkZ

`ybx©wZ msµvšÍ cÖwZ‡e`bmg~n wbqwgZ Kwgk‡b Dc¯’vwcZ nq| Kwgkb cÖwZwU cÖwZ‡e`b ch©v‡jvPbv K‡i| †Kv‡bv

†Kv‡bv †ÿ‡Î AbymÜv‡bi wm×všÍ †bq| 2014 m‡b Kwgkb 347 wU cÖwZ‡e`b hvPvB-evQvB K‡i 90 wU cÖwZ‡e`b

AbymÜv‡bi wm×všÍ †bq| GQvov Kwgkb KZ…©K gvgjv v‡qi, PvR©kxU Aby‡gv`bmn Ab¨vb¨ cÖKvk‡hvM¨ Z_¨ wbqwgZ

MYgva¨‡g mieivn Kiv nq|


Kwgk‡bi Z_¨ e¨e¯’vcbv

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

Av‡e`bKvix‡`i Pvwn`vK…Z Z_¨

1 A_© cvPvi ev gvwbjÛvwis msµvšÍ Kv‡R `y`‡Ki mvdj¨ KZUzKz|

2 A_© cvPvi ev gvwbjÛvwis msµvšÍ Kv‡R Kx cwigvY A_© Av`vq Kiv m¤¢e n‡q‡Q|

3 2009 mb †_‡K 2013 mb ch©šÍ K¨vWvi ewnf~©Z KZRb Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvixi weiæ‡× gvgjv v‡qi Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges KZR‡bi weiæ‡× PvR©kxU `vwL‡ji Aby‡gv`b †`qv n‡q‡Q|

`y`K KZ©„K mieivnK…Z Z_¨

2007 mb †_‡K A`¨vewa gvwbjÛvwis msµvšÍ 254 wU gvgjv `v‡hi Kiv n‡q‡Q| Zb¥‡a¨ 76 wU gvgjvq PvR©kxU vwLj Ges 16wU gvgjvq P‚ovšÍ wi‡cvU© vwLj Kiv n‡q‡Q|

23,36,84,601/- UvKv

wewfbœ gš¿Yvjq I `߇ii †gvU 492 Rb Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvixi weiæ‡× gvgjv `v‡qi Ges 459 Rb Kg©KZ©v/Kg©Pvixi weiæ‡× PvR©kxU `vwL‡ji Aby‡gv`b †`qv n‡q‡Q|


4.1. ACC and Right to Information Act

The ACC Information Disclosure Policy, 2011 defines information as memo, books, data/

information, log book, order, notification, document, sample, letter, report, financial statement,

project proposal, audio, video, etc. regarding the formation, structure and official activities of the


The Policy classifies the information that the Commission holds into the following four categories:

a) Spontaneous information (The Commission will disclose these information


b) Information to be provided on demand;

c) Information to be provided partially on demand; and

d) Some other information, disclosure or providing of which is not mandatory.

The Public Relations Officer at the Head Office, Director at the Divisional Office and the Deputy Director

at each Integrated District Office are designated to provide information on citizen's request. Any citizen

can apply for Commission's information in a prescribed format or in a white page.

The mentionable information provided in 2014 on citizen's request is given below.

4.2. ACC and Media

The Commission maintains a close relationship with media. The corruption related reports published in

national dailies are produced before the Commission regularly by the Public Relations Department of

the ACC. The Commission reviews every report. It decides to make enquiries into some cases. The ACC

scrutinized 347 reports out of which 90 reports were chosen and decided to make enquiries into them in

2014. Besides, the ACC regularly supplies the details of the cases lodged by the Commission, the charge-

sheets sanctioned and other publishable information to the media.

ACC's Information Management


` ` `y K

Information demanded by applicants

1. How far ACC is successful in money laundering related initiatives?

2. How much money was collected after disposing of money laundering matters?

3. How many non-cadre officials-employees were charged for corruption from 2009 to 2013?

Information provided by ACC

From 2007, 254 money laundering cases (FIR)

were lodged to date. Among them, 76 Charge

Sheets and 16 Final Reports were submitted.

Taka- 23,36,84,601

A total of 492 officials-employees of various

ministries and offices were charged for

corruption. Among them permission was given to

submit charge sheets against 459.

` ` `y K

Aa¨vq 5

Chapter 5

Looking Ahead

fwel¨r Kg©cwiKíbv

5. Kwgk‡bi Kg©cwiKíbv

`yb©xwZi weiæ‡× jovB‡q yb©xwZ gb Kwgkb wKQz P¨v‡jÄ †gvKv‡ejv Ki‡jI 2014 m‡b Kwgk‡bi D‡jøL‡hvM¨ wKQz

mdjZvI i‡q‡Q| Gme mdjZvB AvMvgx eQi¸‡jv‡Z `y`‡Ki Acwimxg m¤¢vebvi wfwË wn‡m‡e KvR Ki‡e|

Z_vwc, `y`‡Ki wKQz `ye©jZvI wPwýZ Kiv n‡q‡Q, hv Kvh©Kifv‡e `yb©xwZ `g‡b ms¯’vwUi ¶gZv‡K mxwgZ K‡i‡Q|

Kwgkb‡K h_vh_fv‡e Kg©ÿg Ki‡Z wb‡¤œv³ c`‡¶c we‡ePbv Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i:

1. 2014 m‡b `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwU¸‡jv †¯^”QveªZx wkÿK, agx©q †bZv I mv‡eK miKvwi Kg©KZ©vmn

mgv‡Ri me©¯Í‡ii mr, mwµq ivR‰bwZK `‡ji msmªenxb Ges †Kv‡bv ai‡bi †dŠR`vwi Aciv‡ai

†iKW©gy³ e¨w³‡`i mgš^‡q MwVZ I cybM©wVZ nq| Gme KwgwU MVb-cybM©V‡bi ci Zv‡`i‡K yb©xwZi

wewfbœ aib m¤ú‡K© AewnZ K‡i Zzj‡Z Ges mywbw`©ó Kg©Kv‡Ði gva¨‡g `yb©xwZi weiæ‡× RbMY‡K

HK¨e× K‡i †Zvjvi j‡ÿ¨ Zv‡`i `ÿZv Dbœq‡b wefvMxq ch©v‡q eywbqvw` cÖwkÿ‡Yi Av‡qvRb Kiv


2. h_vmg‡q I myôzfv‡e AbymÜvb I Z`šÍ m¤úbœ Kivi g‡a¨B ybx©wZ gb msµvšÍ gvgjvi cÖvYkw³ wbwnZ|

`y`‡K Kg©iZ AbymÜvb I Z`‡šÍ wb‡qvwRZ Kg©KZv©‡`i KvQ †_‡K cvIqv Pvwn`v I mycvwi‡ki Dci wfwˇZ

mgq, SuzwK e¨e¯’vcbvmn m¤ú‡`i cybwe©b¨vm mvab Kiv n‡e|

3. mvgv‡Ri wewfbœ ‡kÖYxi fz³‡fvMx gvby‡li KvQ †_‡K cÖwZw`b Kwgk‡b Avmv kZ kZ Awf‡hvM Ges

Gme Awf‡hv‡Mi wfwˇZ `vwLjK…Z gvgjv `ªæZ wb®úwËi Rb¨ cÖkvmwbK AeKvVv‡gv cÖ‡qvRb| MY

AvKv¶vi Ggb Pvc wb‡q Kwgkb miKvi Aby‡gvw`Z KvVv‡gvi (22wU mgwš^Z †Rjv Kvh©vjq) g‡a¨ Zvi

mv‡a¨i cy‡ivUv w`‡q Gme Awf‡hvM Ges Awf‡hv‡Mi wfwˇZ `vwLjK…Z gvgjv `ªæZ wb®úwËi R‡b¨

†Póv Ki‡Q, wKš‘ Zv wbZvšÍB AcÖZzj| Awf‡hvM Ges Gme Awf‡hv‡Mi wfwˇZ `vwLjK…Z gvgjv

AbymÜvb I Z`‡šÍi Rb¨ Kwgk‡bi Rbej‡K cÖvqkB †`‡ki wewfbœ cÖv‡šÍ †h‡Z nq| ZvB Kwgk‡bi

mswkøó `߇i R‡g DVv Awf‡hvM I gvgjvi cvnvo `ªæZ wb®úwË Ges `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva Kvh©µ‡g

AskMÖn‡Yi Rb¨ †`‡ki 64wU †RjvqB y`‡Ki Kvh©vjq cÖwZôv Kiv cÖ‡qvRb|


fwel¨r Kg©cwiKíbv

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

5. The Action Plans of the Commission

Despite challenges that the Anti Corruption Commission is confronted with combating corruption, it has

some noteworthy success stories in the year 2014. These successes will act as a testimony to the

enormous possibility of the ACC in the years to come. However, some weaknesses of the ACC have

been identified that limited the power of the body to combat corruption effectively. The following

measures may be considered to make the Commission more effective:

1. The Corruption Prevention Committees are formed and reformed by volunteers, teachers,

religious leaders and former government officials as well as those from all walks of society who

are honest, active, having no affiliation with any political party and are free from any criminal

record. After the formation and reformation of committees, an orientation program will be

arranged at the level of Divisional Headquarters to make them aware of different forms of

corruption and to make people united against corruption through certain activities.

2. The vitality of the anti-corruption related offences lies in completing enquiries and

investigations properly and in time. Time, risk management and assets will be rearranged on

the basis of the demands and recommendations received from the officers working in the ACC

and engaged in enquiries and investigations.

3. Administrative infrastructure is needed to dispose of the cases quickly based on the allegations

from hundreds of victims from various strata of the society. Though the Commission is trying

heart and soul for speedy disposal of these allegations and the cases submitted on the basis of

the allegations within the structure approved by the government (22 Integrated District

Offices), it is quite insufficient to meet the purpose. For enquiries into and investigations of the

allegations and the cases submitted on the basis of allegations, the officers of the Commission

often visit different areas of the country. Offices of the ACC need to be set up in all 64 districts of

the country for speedy disposal of the allegations and cases piled up in the concerned offices

and undertaking corruption prevention activities.


Looking Ahead


` ` `y K

` ` `y K

Aa¨vq 6

Chapter 6

Photo Gallery

d‡Uv M¨vjvwi


cÖwZôv evwl©Kxi mvs¯‹…wZK Abyôvb Dc‡fvM Ki‡Qbgvbbxq KwgkbviØqmn Kwgk‡bi DשZb Kg©KZ©vMY|

`yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva mßvn-2014 Gi D‡Øvab Ki‡Qb Kwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨vb†gv: ew`D¾vgvb- Dcw¯’Z i‡q‡Qb Kwgkbvi †gv: mvnveywÏb Pzc&cy I

W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g` Ges Ab¨vb¨ DaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©ve„›`|

d‡Uv M¨vjvwi/Photo Gallery

Kwgk‡bi 10g cÖwZôv evwl©Kx Dcj‡ÿ †KK KvU‡QbKwgk‡bi gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb|

AvšÍR©vwZK `yb©xwZ we‡ivax w`e‡mi Av‡jvPbvmfvq cÖavb AwZw_mv‡eK gvbbxq cÖavb wePvicwZ I AvBb Kwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨vb

GweGg Lvqiæj nK e³e¨ ivL‡Qb|

`y`K cÖwZôv evwl©Kx-2014 Abyôv‡b e³e¨ ivL‡QbcÖavb AwZw_ Aa¨vcK Avwbmy¾vgvb|

Kwgk‡bi Kg©KZ©v‡`i wi‡d«mvm© †Kv‡m© cÖavb AwZw_i e³e¨ ivL‡QbAvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿x Rbve Avwbmyj nK, Gg.wc|

evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


hy³iv‡óª wek¦e¨vsK KZ©„K Av‡qvwRZ “Asset Recovery

Pending Issuses” kxl©K †mwgbv‡i Ab¨vb¨‡`i mv‡_`y`K †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb|

iscy‡i AbywôZ `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iv‡a bvix‡`i f~wgKv kxl©K Av‡jvPbvmfvq e³e¨ ivL‡Qb `y`K †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb|

Awóªqvi wf‡qbvq AbywôZ “Eighth Meeting of the Open-ende

Intergovernmental Working Group on Asset RecoveryÓkxl©K †mwgbv‡i Ab¨vb¨‡`i mv‡_ Kwgkbvi W. bvwmDÏxb Avn‡g`|

iscyi †Rjv `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwU Av‡qvwRZ †eMg †iv‡KqvwgjbvqZ‡b AbywôZ mvs¯‹…wZK mܨvi D‡Øvab K‡ib

`y`K †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb|


` ` `y K

e¨v‡iv‡bm ˆmq`v †nv‡mb Iqvm©x Gi mv‡_ nvDR Ad jW©m G†mŠRb¨ mvÿvr K‡ib AvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿x Avwbmyj nK,`y`K †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb I Kwgkbvi †gv: mvnveyÏxb Pzc&cy|

`yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva mßvn 2014 Gi †mwgbv‡i cÖavb AwZw_†gvnv¤§` Avey †nbv mn Ab¨vb¨ Ab¨vb¨ AwZw_e„›`|

AvšÍ©RvwZK `ybx©wZ we‡ivax w`em Gi AvbyôvwbK D‡Øvab Ki‡QbKwgk‡bi fvicÖvß †Pqvig¨vb I Kwgkbvi †gv: mvnveywÏb Pzc&cy|

Kwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb I Ab¨vb¨ AwZw_e„›`iscy‡i bvix‡`i †mjvB cÖwkÿY †K›`ª cwi`k©b K‡ib|

AvšÍR©vwZK `yb©xwZ we‡ivax w`e‡mi Av‡jvPbvmfvq e³e¨ ivL‡QbKwgk‡bi fvicÖvß †Pqvig¨vb I Kwgkbvi †gv: mvnveywÏb Pzc&cy|

`yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva mßvn-2014 Dcj‡ÿ i¨vwji D‡Øvab Ki‡QbKwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb Dcw¯’Z Av‡Qb

Kwgkbvi †gv: mvnveywÏb Pzc&cy, W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g`mnAb¨vb¨ DaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©ve„›`|

mZZv ms‡Ni mgv‡e‡k e³e¨ ivL‡Qb MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKv‡iigvbbxq wkÿv gš¿x Rbve byiæj Bmjvg bvwn`|

gv`vixcy‡i miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i D‡Ï‡k¨ e³e¨ ivL‡QbKwgkbvi W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g`|


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K

`yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva mßvn-2014 Dcj‡ÿ i¨vwji GKvsk|


iscyi †Rjv `ybx©wZ cÖwZ‡iva KwgwU, KwgDwbwU cywjk †dvm© Gesmykxj mgv‡Ri cÖwZwbwa‡`i mv‡_ gZwewbgq Abyôv‡b Ab¨vb¨‡`i

gv‡S Kwgk‡bi gvbbxq †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb|

MvRxcy‡ii Rq‡`ecyi miKvwi evwjKv D”P we`¨vjq gv‡V QvÎ-QvÎx‡`imgv‡e‡k e³e¨ ivL‡Qb †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb|

`y`K wgwWqv A¨vIqvW©-2014 cÖ`vb Ki‡Qb Kwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨vbRbve †gv: ew`D¾vgvb Dcw¯’Z i‡q‡Qb Kwgkbvi †gv: mvnveywÏb Pzc&cy

W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g` I mwPe †gv: dqRyi ingvb †PŠayix|

MvRxcy‡ii Rq‡`ecyi miKvwi evwjKv D”P we`¨vjq gv‡V e„ÿ‡ivcbKi‡Qb Kwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨vb Rbve †gv: ew`D¾vgvb|

gqgbwms‡ni gy³vMvQvq Z_¨ †gjvq e³e¨ ivL‡QbcÖavb AwZw_ Kwgkbvi W.bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g`|


` ` `y K

gvwb jÛvwis Ges †Uiwi÷ dvBb¨vwÝs wi¯‹ G¨v‡mm‡g›U†mwgbv‡i e³e¨ ivL‡Qb `y`‡Ki gnvcwiPvjK

(Ae:) weª‡MwWqvi †Rbv‡ij Gg GBP mvjvn&DÏxb

26 gvP© gnvb ¯^vaxbZv w`em Dcj‡ÿ mvfvi RvZxq ¯§„wZ †mŠ‡acy¯ú¯ÍeK Ac©Y Ki‡Qb Kwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb,Kwgkbvi †gv: mvnveywÏb Pzc&cy I W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g` Ges

Ab¨vb¨ DaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©ve„›`|

gvwb jÛvwis Ges †Uiwi÷ dvBb¨vwÝs wi¯‹ G¨v‡mm‡g›U Kg©kvjvqe³e¨ ivL‡Qb `y`K †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb|

evsjv‡`k e¨vsK I `y`‡Ki g‡a¨ cvi¯úwiK mnvqZv welqK mg‡SvZv¯§viK ¯^vÿi Ki‡Qb Kwgk‡bi

c‡ÿ (Ae:) weª‡MwWqvi †Rbv‡ij Gg GBP mvjvn&DÏxb (Wv‡b)Ges evsjv‡`k e¨vs‡Ki c‡ÿ †`e cÖmv` †`ebv_ (ev‡g)|

`y`K wgwWqv †m›Uv‡i Av‡jvKwPÎ/†cv÷vi cÖ`k©bx cwi`k©b Ki‡QbKwgk‡bi †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb, Kwgkbvi †gv: mvnveywÏb Pzc&cy,

W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g` mn Ab¨vb¨ DaŸ©Zb Kg©KZ©ve„›`|

mvfv‡i mZZv ms‡Ni mgv‡e‡k kc_ cvV Kiv‡”Qb Kwgk‡bi†Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb|


evwl©K cÖwZ‡e`b 2014` ` `y K


†MvcvjM‡Ä †Rjv ch©v‡q miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i mv‡_ `yb©xwZ cÖwZ‡iva msµvšÍgZwewbgq mfvq e³e¨ ivL‡Qb Kwgkbvi W. bvwmiDÏxb Avn‡g`|

AvšÍR©vwZK `yb©xwZ we‡ivax w`em 2014 Dcj‡ÿ¨mvs¯‹…wZK Abyôvb|

gqgbwms‡ni gy³vMvQvq Av‡qvwRZ Z_¨ †gjvq Dcw¯’Z AwZw_‡`i GKvsk|


` ` `y K

iscyi †Rjv cÖkvmK Gi Kvh©vj‡q miKvwi Kg©KZ©v‡`i mv‡_gZ wewbgq Abyôv‡b `y`K †Pqvig¨vb †gv: ew`D¾vgvb|

AvšÍR©vwZK `ybx©wZ we‡ivax w`em-2014 Gi i¨vwj|


` ` `y K

` ` `y K

Anti Corruption Commission, Bangladesh1 Segunbagicha, Dhaka- 1000, Bangladesh

Telephone: +88 02 9353004-8, Web site: