Annual report 2013

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Annual report 2013







Director’sprefaceProfessor Kari Laine

n Thule Institute’s research is profiled through a research programme and a doctoral pro-gramme connected to it. 2013 was the first full year of activities for the thirteen new research groups and consortiums which were selected to our research programme through interna-tional evaluation. The doctoral programme started its activities as a part of the Univer-sity’s graduate school and seven new doctoral students were recruited into the programme. Altogether, there are 100 registered students in the doctoral programme. The research pro-gramme and the doctoral programme strength-en Thule Institute’s research focus on northern and Arctic issues very well.

We collaborated actively in international net-works like the University of the Arctic, where we co-ordinate the Thematic Networks Strate-gic Area, and in research infrastructure devel-opment projects like INTERACT. We also col-laborated with international organisations such as the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), the European Polar Board and the Arctic Council working groups. This co-operation with international partners is done to benefit the whole University of Oulu in our fields of research. We also have been active-

ly promoting the newly updated Finnish arctic strategy as well as arctic research programmes’ preparation with the Academy of Finland and Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Innova-tions). By carrying out research outlined in the strategy, the Thule Institute and the University of Oulu are supporting and realising the Finnish arctic strategy. Implementation of the strategy also supports the University of Oulu’s profile as an arctic expert well.

The Thule Institute succeeded in applying addi-tional funding well. Three new research projects started with Tekes funding and one with the Academy of Finland funding. Altogether we have over 30 research projects supported by national and international funding going on at the Insti-tute. These projects are led by research profes-sors and researchers at the Institute. Projects are realised with partners at the University faculties, state research institutes and enterprises. Espe-cially the co-operation of the Thule Institute and the University of Oulu with the state research institutes in the Environmental Sciences Building research community at the University’s Linnan-maa campus has proved very fruitful. Increasing co-operation between the state research insti-tutes and the universities is a national objective, and has been fulfilled extremely well in Oulu.

Research Focusing on Northern and Arctic Questions



n The emphasis of the Thule Institute’s re-search is on questions rising from northern and Arctic issues. The research is based on a multi-disciplinary programme which is complemented by a doctoral programme. Together they consti-tute a platform for three main research themes, which are ‘Climate Change Dynamics, Impacts and Adaptation’, ‘Human Health and Com-munity Wellbeing’ and ‘Sustainable Resources Management’.

On the programme period 2012 - 2015, there are 13 research groups and consortiums operating, which have been selected based on independent scientific evaluation. In addition, the research programme includes six recognized research groups led by researchers of the Insti-tute. The groups are funded from the research programme and from external funding sources. The research groups carry out national and in-ternational collaboration with other universities and research institutions, e.g. within the LYNET coalition (the Finnish Partnership for Research on Natural Resources and the Environment).

In total 18 doctoral students were employed in the research programme in 2013. Eight new doctors were qualified and over 100 scientific articles were published by the researchers in the programme. The research groups have been granted so far a total amount of 4.4 Million Euro of additional financial and infrastructural support from the Academy of Finland, Euro-pean Union and other international sources.

The doctoral programme, which is coordinated by the Thule Institute, was awarded an official status as one of the doctoral programmes of the University of Oulu Graduate School in 2013. This status brought with it seven doctoral student positions for the year 2014 – 2017. The programme offers its members excellent pos-sibilities for national and international mobility and multidisciplinary networking. In 2013, the programme organized courses, summer and winter schools, and the annual Thule Seminar.

Thule Research Seminar and Workshop 2013 were organized at the Oulanka Research Sta-tion, Kuusamo in September, under the theme ‘Understanding Change in the North’. It was an open discussion forum for doctoral students as well as their supervisors. The workshop provided essential knowledge for the doctoral students about the best practices in managing scientific publishing and the ways to improve their research plans.

Since 2001, the Thule Institute has been a key player in promoting the University of Oulu’s bi-lateral co-operation with the Hokkaido Univer-sity in Japan. The co-operation has increased, especially in northern environmental research. Joint seminars, research projects and researcher exchange have been organized together. In 2013, a joint research seminar was arranged in Japan as a part of the Sustainability Week hosted by the University of Hokkaido.

Programme Director, Research Professor Kari Strand


sustainabLe resources management

• Potentiality of geodiversity information in biodiversity assessments (GEOBIO) (Jan Hjort)• Research Group on Environmental Catalysis: Sustainable abatement and use of gaseous emissions in process industry (Riitta Keiski)• Waste and energy synergy networks in the context of eco-municipalities–Towards resource efficiency in the North (WE2North) (Eva Pongrácz)• Utilization of chemical non-wood resources in local bioeconomies (Jouko Niinimäki)• Environmental technology (Jaakko Rämö)• Environmental and resource economics (Ilmo Mäenpää)

human heaLth and communityWeLL-being

• Circles of violence – challenges on building a culture on non-violence in family and school (CIRCLE) (Vappu Sunnari)• Structural racism and its impact on Indigenous Health – a comparative study of Canada, Finland and Norway (Arja Rautio)• Prevention of marginalization in Northern Finland (Juha Veijola, Anja Taanila, Irma Moilanen)• Health and well-being (Arja Rautio)

cLimate change dynamics, imPacts and adaPtation

• Unraveling population history, demography and structure for management of northern populations: Molecular ecology meets population biology (Laura Kvist)• Rapid environmental changes in the Eurasian Arctic – lessons from the past to the future (Juha-Pekka Lunkka, Kari Strand)• Consortium: Streams in the landscape: effects of land use on biodiversity and ecosystem processes in boreal streams (Timo Muotka), Human impact on Northern groundwater resources: Impact of land-use and climate change on future management of aquifers and connected ecosystems (Björn Klöve)• Evolutionary approach to trophic interactions under climate change (Markku Orell)• Consortium: Mesospheric monitoring of ozone above the polar vortex during solar maximum 24 (MeMO) (Thomas Ulich), Outer space influence on the low and middle polar atmosphere (Ilya Usoskin)• Consortium: The effect of climate change on Scots pine seed and seedling development (SEED) (Hely Häggman), Biodiversity and people in the land-use (Anne Tolvanen)• Transdisciplinary environmental research (Timo P. Karjalainen)• Climate change and boreal rivers (Heikki Mykrä)• Sedimentary and geochemical research on climate and environmental change (Kari Strand)



n One of the Thule Institute’s strengths is ac-tive networking with national and international partners. In 2013, Thule Institute continued co-operation with other universities, research institutions and business in research, education and research strategy work as well as innova-tion activities.

Thule Institute promotes research co-opera-tion between the University of Oulu and state research institutes within the framework of NorNet (Northern Environmental Research Network). The Thule Institute has four shared professorships with state research institutes. These professors lead large collaborative re-search projects like Professor Ilmo Mäenpää’s research consortium on a subject ‘Sustain-able use of natural resources and the Finnish economy’, funded by the Academy of Finland. The other large research consortium, ‘Quanti-fication and valuation of ecosystem services to optimize sustainable re-use for low-productive drained peatlands - (LIFEPeatLandUse)’, is led by Professor Anne Tolvanen. In 2013, two international conferences were organized in the Environmental Sciences Building at the Uni-versity of Oulu, which forms a good platform for research co-operation and meetings of the NorNet.

National and International Collaboration Networks

The Thule Institute is an important actor at the University of Arctic (UArctic). The Insti-tute coordinates and hosts University of Arctic Thematic Networks and leads two thematic networks: Arctic Health and Well-being and Global Change in the Arctic. These networks have conducted joint educational activities; such as a PhD summer school in association with the NUNA MED 2013 conference in Nuuk under a theme ‘Health, Society and Environment in Relation to Large-Scale Industrial Projects’. The thematic networks finalized the four year Nordic Top Level Research Initiative Network project on People and Ecosystems in Chancing environment. The Thule Institute represented Thematic Networks in the EU funded project ‘The Strategic Environmental Impact Assess-ment of development of the Arctic’, which is a preparatory project towards the EU Arctic Information Centre.

Thule Institute is a partner in INTERACT (International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic). INTERACT’s Transnational Access (TA) work package, managed by the Thule Institute, had an ac-tive year. In summer 2013, 50 research groups used 1880 person-days of access at 20 sites located in the northernmost parts of Europe






and the Russian Federation. Two TA calls were arranged and close to 60 user groups were se-lected for 2000 person-days of access in 2014 from these calls. In addition, a call for grants to visit two Canadian sites was opened, result-ing in the selection of two European projects to visit the stations in summer 2014. Oulanka Research Station is partnering in the INTER-ACT network by offering Transnational Access and attending the Station Managers’ Forum activities. The Research Station hosted seven research group visits in 2013.

Oulanka Research Station is a part of the Northern LTSER Platform – Northern Long-term socio-ecological research platform. This is a LIFE WATCH project, which was further planned in connection to international research infrastructure development.

Thule Institute hosted IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) programme office of Finland in 2013. The office offered information and contacts for Finnish scientists and stu-dents applying for participation in the research expeditions. IODP Expedition 347 for scientific drilling in the Baltic Sea took place in autumn. The Academy of Finland supports Finland’s participation in the IODP programme man-aged in Europe by the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD).

Barents Cross-Border University (BCBU), coordinated by the University of Oulu and the University of Lapland, intensified cooperation with Cross-Border University (CBU), which is coordinated by the University of Helsinki. The three BCBU Master’s degree programmes at the University of Oulu, developed within BCBU cooperation, stabilized their activities within the University. Barents Cross-Border University development project 2011-2013 (BCBU+), funded by Kolarctic ENPI boosted the activities, and as a concrete result, a guide-book to establish virtual cross-border campus for BCBU network was published.

Innovation activities were carried out by the Centre of Environment and Energy (CEE), which is a partner in Oulu Innovation Alliance. CEE organized several research and business matchmaking-meetings and seminars. A large research consortium named ‘Roadmap to a smart Arctic specialization’ (SMARTIC) was launched. This innovative consortium is led by the CEE. The NorTech Oulu conducts a work package on Natural Resources Management and Economics, and the Centre for Arctic Medicine conducts a work package People in the North in the SMARTIC.

In April, a project ‘COST Action ES1203

Enhancing the resilience capacity of sensitive

mountain forest ecosystems under environmental

change’ (SENSFOR) had a meeting in

Environmental Sciences Building with 52

researchers from 17 European countries. The

conference dinner was arranged in a charming

restaurant Sokerijussi in Oulu.

NorTech Oulu, Thule Institute organized a

conference to present water research at the

University of Oulu in August. This conference

provided a forum for researchers to introduce

their research, promote networking among

researchers and boost the profile of water


The Minister of the Environment, Minister of the

Canadian Northern Economic Development

Agency and Minister for the Arctic Council –

and from 15.5.2013 chair of the Arctic Council

Leona Aglukkaq visited University of Oulu in

May. Director Kari Laine presented her the Thule


The Yearin Pictures

Thule Research Seminar and Workshop were organized

at the Oulanka Research Station in September. The

seminar was an open discussion forum for doctoral

students and their supervisors (above).

In November, the ‘Environmental impact assessment of

large-scale industrial projects’ symposium brought 120

researchers, students, authorities and consultants together

in the Environmental Sciences Building to discuss the

development needs of EIA. The symposium was organized

together with EU funded projects IMPERIA LIFE and

CEEPRA ENPI and CEE Innovation Centre (left).

Riku Eskelinen, MSc (Tech) represented the

University of Oulu in the First International

Sustainability Research Poster Contest in

Hokkaido, Japan, with his poster on ‘Effect of

soil frost on snowmelt runoff generation and

water quality: stable isotope study in drained

peatlands’. The poster contest is part of the

events of the Sustainability Weeks hosted by

the University of Hokkaido.


n COST Action ES1203 Enhancing the resilience capacity of sensitive mountain forest ecosystems under environmental change (SENSFOR ES1203 Working group meetings & Management committee meeting. 4th – 5th April. Oulu, Finland.

Greensettle Green ways – seminar about public and light traffic. 13th May. Oulu, Finland.

Minister of the Environment, Minister of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency and Minister for the Arctic Council and chair of the Arctic Council, Leona Aglukkaq visit at the University of Oulu. 17th May. Oulu, Finland.

Water research at the University of Oulu Conference. 15th August. Oulu, Finland.

Participation in the University of Oulu’s Science Day, e.g. the NorTech Oulu’s game “I’m the King of the World”. 10th September. Oulu, Finland.

The 4th Hallym – Oulu International Symposium. 14th – 17th October. Hallym, Republic of Korea.

Hokkaido University – Finnish Universities Joint Symposium. 31st October – 1st November. Hokkaido, Japan.

2nd SkyPro Conference – Clean air research at the University of Oulu. 12th November. Oulu, Finland.

Main Events in 2013

Environmental impact assessment of large-scale industrial projects in Northern areas Symposium. 26th – 27th November. Oulu, Finland.

doctoral training events

ARKTIS doctoral program, closing seminar. Rovaniemi, Finland.

Short Doctoral Course Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Oulu, Finland.

PhD Summer School on “Health, Society and Environment in Relation to Large-Scale Industrial Projects”. Nuuk, Greenland.

Thule research seminar and workshop, Oulanka, Finland.

Course “Introduction to Barents region”. Oulu, Finland.

VALUE Concluding Seminar. Helsinki, Finland.

Advanced course “Integrated and mixed methods”, 3 ECTS. Oulu, Finland.

ThuleDP Student Meeting with a feel of Christmas. Oulu, Finland.


research activities• Articles in scientific journals 100• Doctoral theses in research programmes and PhD programme 8• Arranged scientific conferences and international courses 10• Secretariats and coordination tasks 6• Thule Institute’s staff as representatives in scientific organizations 20 and other co-operative bodies

staff• Staff working at the Thule Institute 60 • Doctoral students in PhD programme 100• Joint research professorships and research positions 5

funding• Core funding 2,4 M€• Supplementary funding 1,5 M€

n The Thule Institute is a research centre of the University of Oulu and was founded in 1995. The focus of the Institute is on research, doctoral training and innovation activities in the fields of environmental, northern and Arctic issues and natural resources.

The research activities are based on a multidis-ciplinary research programme and groups work-ing within the programme. The Institute also educates researchers in its doctoral programme. The multidisciplinary themes of the research and doctoral training are: Climate Change Dynam-ics, Impacts and Adaptation; Human Health

Thule Institute in Brief

Key figures

and Community Well-being; and Sustainable Resources Management.

The Thule Institute has three operational units which are specialized in the research themes of the Institute:• Centre for Arctic Medicine • Centre of Northern Environmental Technology (NorTech Oulu) • Oulanka Research Station in Kuusamo, north-eastern FinlandBesides the units, the Innovation Centre for Environment and Energy (CEE) is situated at the Thule Institute.

Publications in 2013Scientific publications of the research groups



doctoral theses Outi Autti: Valtavirta muutoksessa : vesivoima ja paikalliset asukkaat Kemijoella. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis E Scientiae Rerum Socialium 136.

Kristiina Heinonen: Monikkoperheen elämismaailma varuillaan olosta vanhemmuuden vahvistumiseen. Fenomenologis-her-meneuttinen tutkimus. Publication of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Health Sciences. Eva Kaján: Community perceptions to climate change in Finnish Lapland: Examining vulnerabilities and adaptive responses to the changing characteristics of Arctic tourism. Yhteisönäkökulma ilmastonmuutokseen Lapissa: haavoittuvuus ja sopeutuminen muuttuvaan matkailuun arktisella alueella. Nordia Geographical Publications. Volume 42:1. Klemetti Näkkäläjärvi: Jauristunturin poropaimentolaisuus. Kult-tuurin kehitys ja tietojärjestelmä vuosina 1930–1995. (Reindeer nomadism of Jávrrešduottar. Cultural development and knowl-edge system in 1930–1995).

Kati Oravisjärvi: Industry and traffic related particles and their role in human health. (Teollisuudesta ja liikenteestä peräisin olevat hiukkaset ja niiden vaikutus ihmisen terveyteen). Acta Universitatis Ouluensis C Technica 469. Petteri Piltonen: Prevention of fouling on paper machine surfac-es. (Paperikoneen pintojen likaantumisen ehkäiseminen). Acta Universitatis Ouluensis C Technica 475. Tuomas Saarinen: Temporal and spatial variation in the status of acid rivers and potential prevention methods of AS soil-related leaching in peatland forestry. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis C Technica 448. Simo Tammela: Enhancing migration and reproduction of sal-monid fishes: method development and research using physical and numerical modeling. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. C Tech-nica 464.

refereed articles in scientif ic journals

Abass K (2013). From in vitro hepatic metabolic studies towards human health risk assessment: A case study of diu-ron and carbosulfan. Pesticides Biochemistry and Physiology 107:258–265.

Abass K, Huusko A, Nieminen P, Myllynen P, Pelkonen O, Vähä-kangas K, Rautio A (2013). Estimation of health risk by using toxicokinetic modeling: a case study of polychlorinated biphenyl PCB153. Hazardous Materials 261:1-10.

Abass K, Pelkonen O (2013).The inhibition of major human he-patic cytochrome P450 enzymes by 18 pesticides: Comparison of the N-in-one and single substrate approaches. Toxicology in Vitro 27:1584-1588.

Abass K, Reponen P, Mattila S, Rautio A, Pelkonen O (2013). Comparative metabolism of benfuracarb in in vitro mammalian hepatic microsomal model and its implications for chemical risk assessment. Toxicology letters 224 (2):290-299.

Abass K, Reponen P, Mattila S, Rautio A, Pelkonen O (2013). Human variation and CYP enzyme contribution in benfuracarb metabolism in human in vitro hepatic models. Toxicology let-ters 224 (2):300-309.

Abeli T, Jäkäläniemi A, Wannas L, Mutikainen P, Tuomi J (2013). Pollen limitation and fruiting failure related to canopy closure in Calypso bulbosa (Orchidaceae), a northern food-deceptive orchid with a single flower. Botanical Journal of the Linnean So-ciety 171 (4):744-750.

Autti O, Karjalainen T. P (2013). The point of no return: Losing salmon in two northern rivers. Nordia geographical publica-tions 41, NGP Yearbook 2012 (5):45-57.

Broggi J, Copete J.L, Kvist L and Mariné R (2013). Relict or colonizer? Phylogeography of the Pyrenean population of Teng-malm’s owl (Aegolius funereus). Ardeola, 60:123-132.

Danilova R.I; Golubeva E.Yu, Emelyanova A.S (2012). Demo-graphic aspects of the social safety of the elderly population in the Barents Euro-Arctic region. Advances in gerontology 1 (3):195-202.

Emelyanova A, Rautio A (2013). Perspectives for Population Ageing in the Russian North. Journal of Population Ageing 6 (3), 161-187.

Forsius M, Anttila S, Arvola L, Bergström I, Hakola H, Heikkinen H.I, Helenius J, Hyvärinen M, Jylhä K, Karjalainen J, Keskinen T, Laine K, Nikinmaa E, Peltonen-Sainio P, Rankinen K, Reinikainen M, Setälä H, Vuorenmaa J (2013). Impacts and adaptation op-tions of climate change on ecosystem services in Finland : a model based study. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustain-ability 5 (1):26-40.

Garcia V, Pongracz E, Phillips P.S, Keiski R.L (2013). From waste treatment to resource efficiency in the chemical industry: Re-covery of organic solvents from waters containing electrolytes by pervaporation. Journal of Cleaner Production 39:146-153.

Haapsamo H, Kuusikko-Gauffin S, Ebeling H, Larinen K, Pen-ninkilampi-Kerola V, Soini H, Moilanen I (2013). Communication development and characteristics of influencing factors; a follow-up study from 8 to 36 months. Journal of Early Child Develop-ment and Care 183:2:321-334.

Hagen D, Svavarsdottir K, Nilsson C, Tolvanen A.K, Raulund-Rasmussen K, Aradottir, A.L, Fosaa A.M, Halldorsson G (2013). Ecological and social dimensions of ecosystem restoration in the Nordic countries. Ecology and Society 18 (4):34.

Huttunen K-L, Mykrä H, Huusko A, Mäki-Petäys A, Vehanen T, Muotka T (2013). Testing for temporal coherence across spa-tial extents: the roles of climate and local factors in regulating stream macroinvertebrate community dynamics. Ecography. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2013.00325.x

Huuskonen P, Myllynen P, Storvik M, Pasanen M (2013). The effect of aflatoxin B1 on transporters and steroid metabolising enzymes in JEG-3 cells. Toxicology Letters. 218(3):200-6.

Hyry-Beihammer E.K, Autti O (2013). School as narrated plac-es: Children’s narratives of school enjoyment. Education in the North 20 (Special Issue):7-25.


Häggman H, Raybould A, Borem A, Fox T, Handley L, Hertz-berg M, Lu M-Z, Macdonald P, Oguchi T, Pasquali G, Pearson L, Peter G, Quemada H, Séguin A, Tattersall K, Ulian E, Walter C, McLean M (2013). Genetically engineered trees for plantation forests: key considerations for environmental risk assessment. Plant Biotechnol. J.,11:785-798 ( doi: 10.1111/pbi.12100)

Ilmonen J, Virtanen R, Paasivirta L & Muotka T (2013). Detect-ing restoration impacts in inter-connected habitats: spring in-vertebrate communities in a restored wetland. Ecological Indi-cators 30:165-169.

Immonen N (2013). Surface microtextures of ice-rafted quartz grains revealing glacial ice in the Cenozoic Arctic. Palaeogeogra-phy, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 374:293-302.

Jukuri T, Kiviniemi V, Nikkinen J, Miettunen J, Mäki P, Jääskeläin-en E, Mukkala S, Koivukangas J, Nordström T, Taanila A, Moil-anen I, Heinimaa M, Barnett J.H, Jones P.B, Murray G.K, Veijola J (2013). Default mode network in young people with familial risk for psychosis — The Oulu Brain and Mind Study. Schizophrenia Research 143(2-3):239-45.

Juola P, Miettunen J, Veijola J, Isohanni M, Jääskeläinen E (2013). Predictors of short - and long-term clinical outcome in schizo-phrenic psychosis - the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort study. European Psychiatry 28(5):263-8.

Juutinen A, Mäntymaa E, Ollikainen M (2013). Landowners? conservation motives and the size of information rents in en-vironmental bidding systems. Journal of Forest Economics 19 (2):128-148.

Jäkäläniemi A, Postila H, Tuomi J (2013). Accuracy of Short-Term Demographic Data in Projecting Long-Term Fate of Popu-lations. Conservation biology 27 (3):552-559.

Jäkäläniemi A, Ramula S, Tuomi J (2013). Variability of important vital rates challenges the demographic buffering hypothesis. Evolutionary Ecology 27:533-545.

Jääskeläinen E, Juola P, Hirvonen N, McGrath J.J, Saha S, Isohanni M, Veijola J, Miettunen J (2013). A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Recovery in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 39(6):1296-1306.

Kangas V-M, Laaksonen S, Nygrén T, Aspi J, Kvist L (2013). Present genetic structure revealed by microsatellites reflects recent history of the Finnish moose (Alces alces). European Journal of Wildlife Research 59:613-625.

Karhu M, Kuokkanen T, Rämö J, Mikola M and Tanskanen J (2013). Performance of a commercial industrial-scale UF-based process for treatment of oily wastewaters. Journal of Environ-mental Management, 128:413-420.

Karjalainen T. P, Marttunen M, Sarkki S, Rytkönen A-M (2013). Integrating ecosystem services into environmental impact as-sessment: an analytic-deliberative approach. Environmental im-pact assessment review 40 (SI):54-64.

KarjalainenT.P, Rossi P.M, Ala-aho P, Eskelinen R, Reinikainen K, Klöve B, Pulido-Velazquez M, Yang H (2013). A decision analysis framework for stakeholder involvement and learning in ground-

water management. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (12):5141-5153.

Kinnunen P, McNaughton B.H, Niinimäki J (2013). Note: A port-able magnetic field for powering nanomotors, microswimmers, and sensors. Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (8), 086109.

Kivelä S.M, Välimäki P, Gotthard K (2013). Seasonality maintains alternative life-history phenotypes. Evolution 67:3145-3160.

Kløve B, Ala-Aho P, Bertrand G, Gurdak J.J, Kupfersberger H, Kvœrner J, MuotkaT, Mykrä H, Preda E, Rossi P, Bertacchi U.C, Velasco E, Wachniew P, Pulido-Velázquez M(2013). Climate change impacts on groundwater and dependent ecosystems. Journal of Hydrology.

Kopsakangas-Savolainen M, Juutinen A (2013). Energy consump-tion and savings: a survey based study of Finnish households. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 2 (1):71-92.

Kopsakangas-Savolainen M, Svento R (2013). Economic value approach to intermittent power generation in the nordic power markets. Energy and Environment research 3 (2):140-155.

Kopsakangas-Savolainen M, Svento R (2013). Promotion of mar-ket access for renewable energy in the nordic power markets. Environmental and resource economics 54 (4):549-569.

Koskela A, Kaartinen S, Aspi J, Kojola I, Helle P, Rytkönen S (2013). Does grey wolf presence affect the habitat selection of wolverines? Annales Zoologici Fennici 50:216-224.

Krajňáková J, Bertolini A, Gömöry D, Vianello A, Häggman H (2013). Initiation, long-term cryopreservation and recovery of Abies alba Mill. embyogenic cell lines. In Vitro Cellular and De-velopmental Biology – Plant. 49: 560-571. DOI 10.1007/s11627-013-9512-1

Krajňáková J, Bertolini A, Zoratti L, Gömöry D, Häggman H, Vianello A (2013). Changes of the cellular levels of ATP, glucose-6-phosphate and NAD(P)H during Abies alba somatic embryo development.Tree Physiology. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpt082

Krajňáková J, Häggman H, Petrussa E, Bertolini A, Vianello A, Havel L (2013). Somatic embryogenesis of conifers. Fundamen-tal methods.Mendel Univeristy in Brno. 58p. ISBN 978-80-7375-785-4

Krama T, Suraka V, Hukkanen M, Rytkönen S, Orell M, Cīrule D, Rantala M.J, Krams I (2013). Physiological condition and blood parasites of breeding Great Tits: a comparison of core and northernmost population. Journal of Ornithology 154:1019-1028.

Kuokkanen V, Kuokkanen T, Lassi U, Rämö J (2013). Recent applications of electrocoagulation in treatment of water and wastewater – a review. Green and Sustainable Chemistry 3:89-121.

Kuusikko-Gauffin S, Pollock-Wurman R, Mattila M.L, Jussila K, Ebeling H, Pauls D, Moilanen I (2013). Social anxiety in parents of high-functioning children with Autism or Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 43(3):521-9.

Lankila T, Näyhä S, Rautio A, Koiranen M, Rusanen J, Taanila A (2013). Health and well-being of movers in rural and urban areas: A grid-based analysis of northern Finland birth cohort 1966. Social science & medicine 76:169-178.

Lépy, É(2013). Les conditions glacielles de la Baltique du XVIème au XXIème siècle. Physio-Géo 7:1-18.

Lépy, É(2013). The recent history of Finnish winter navigation in the Baltic Sea. Polar Record 49 (248):33-41.

Liimatainen H, Visanko M, Sirviö J, Hormi O, Niinimäki J (2013). Sulfonated cellulose nanofibrils obtained from wood pulp through regioselective oxidative bisulfite pre-treatment. Cel-lulose 20 (2):41–749.

Louhi P, Mäki-Petäys A, Huusko A, Muotka T (2013). Resource use by juvenile brown trout and Alpine bullhead – influence of interspecific versus intraspecific competition. Ecology of Fresh-water Fishes. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12072.

Mattila T, Koskela S, Seppälä J, Mäenpää I (2013). Sensitivity analysis of environmentally extended input?output models as a tool for building scenarios of sustainable development. Ecologi-cal economics 86:148-155.

Miettunen J, Murray G.K, Jones P.B, Mäki P, Ebeling E, Taanila A, Joukamaa M, Savolainen J, Törmänen S, Järvelin M-R, Veijola J, Moilanen I (2013). Longitudinal associations between childhood and adulthood externalizing and internalizing psychopathology and adolescent substance use. Psychological Medicine.

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Editor : Pirjo TaskinenLayout: Hannele Heikkilä-TuomaalaPhotos: Thule Institute, Kaisa Mustonen,Communications of the University of Oulu,University of HokkaidoPrinting house: Erweko Oy – Oulu 2014ISBN: 978-952-62-0484-0

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