Annual Report 2012 - Amazon S3...• Gascoyne Youth Create Tank • Act-Belong-Commit Gascoyne Youth...

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Transcript of Annual Report 2012 - Amazon S3...• Gascoyne Youth Create Tank • Act-Belong-Commit Gascoyne Youth...

Download a Summary of the Country Arts WA 2012 Annual Report at

Annual Report 2012

Cover: Gascoyne Focus Region Dream Circus Fire Show at the Taste of the Gascoyne. Photo Anton Blume.

Inside cover photo: Theaker von Ziarno preparing for the Gascoyne In May at Shark Bay. Photo by Trish Milburn.


ContentsOur Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Our Priority Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32012 at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Chair’s Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

CEO’s Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Special Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Focus Region Initiative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Out There . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Gascoyne Youth Create Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Act-Belong-Commit Gascoyne Youth Arts Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Gascoyne in May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

HARTZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Sand Tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2014 Regional Arts Australia National Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Aboriginal Arts Centre Hub of Western Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Performing Arts Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Shows on the Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

CircuitWest Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

National Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Regional Schools Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Share the Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Louder Contemporary Music Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Regional Arts Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48Annual Funding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Regional Arts Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Projects and Residencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Project Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Quick Response Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Strategic Regional Partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Arts Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Drug Aware YCulture Regional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Key Performance Indicators and Audited Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68Operational Key Performance Indicators . . . . . . . . . 69

Marketing Key Performance Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Financial Key Performance Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Audited Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Board of Management and Governance . . . 98Board of Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Role of the Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Our Supporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114



Our PurposeTo empower and inspire regional communities with innovative, relevant and accessible artistic and funding programs in order to build strong, healthy creative communities in Western Australia.

Our Role Enabling and empowering regional people to develop and enrich their communities through engagement with culture and the arts.

Our Priority Areas1. Children and Young People

2. Indigenous Arts and Culture

3. Technology

4. Health and Wellbeing

Parliament Leaders Gather for Historic Manifesto Handover. Suzie Haslehurst, Hon John Day MLA, Hon Brendon Grylls, John Hyde MLA, Lynn MacLaren MLC. Photo Matt Reed.


Over the last year Country Arts WA…

Further developed and published the 2020Nine Manifesto that was inspired by delegates at the OPEN YOUR EYES 2011 State Regional Arts Conference. This was then delivered to all political parties on the steps of Parliament in May as a strong start to ongoing advocacy of regional arts for Western Australia.

Presented nine tours which collectively travelled 89,308km - that is more than three times the total circumference of Australia! Delivered 123 performances and 158 workshops to a total of 18,739 people across the country through touring programs.

Received more than 127 applications for funding through its devolved funding programs with a total request of $992,831. Forty Nine percent of projects were able to be funded to a total of $486,774.

Held the annual Muster event providing professional development to 13 annually funded organisations. Twenty one delegates participated in the two day conference consisting of 13 presentations.

2012 at a Glance


Welcomed the new Sand Tracks partnership with the Mental Health Commission and received fantastic results in the program evaluation report compiled by independent consultant Tim Pearn.

The three way HARTZ partnership was launched in conjunction with Hedland Arts Council and BHP Billiton Iron Ore, providing grassroots support to Hedland and surrounding communities.

Gascoyne In May saw the recruitment of an Executive Offi cer and the appointment of an Artistic Directorate to help realise the vision of the fi ve festivals and develop wider skills and networks for the region.

Board of Management collectively volunteered a total of 1075 hours to the organisation, to a value of $32,262.

Detail of work created by Artists Afl oat on Cocos (Keeling) Island. Photo Eva Boogaard.


Chair’s Welcome Welcome to the 2012 Country Arts WA Annual Report. I am delighted to celebrate the organisational successes that have been achieved throughout the year and that no doubt will continue to be built upon in the coming years.

The Touring team this year presented nine tours which collectively travelled 89,308km - that is more than three times the total circumference of Australia! The Regional Arts Development team received more than 127 applications for funding through Country Arts WA’s devolved funding programs with a total request of almost one million dollars. Special projects included the Gascoyne Focus Region, Sand Tracks, the Aboriginal Arts Centre Hub WA and the support of HARTZ which was made possible through the partnership with BHP Billiton Iron Ore and Hedland Arts Council.

Once again this year, every single region of Western Australia was further cultivated by the services that Country Arts WA provides. The organisation continued to position arts and culture as central to life in regional Western Australia. In May, the 2020Nine Manifesto was presented to Parliament, acknowledging the increasing role played by regional arts in transforming towns, attracting workers, retaining residents and enhancing the regional appeal to young people and families.

From this, Country Arts WA developed the Foundations for the Future – Regional Arts Policy Platform which was distributed to all political parties in late 2012 and called for open discussion and commitment to the priorities for regional arts funding in anticipation of the 2013 state and federal elections.

We also saw the organisation reach out nationally with the announcement of Kalgoorlie-Boulder in the Goldfi elds-Esperance region as the host location for the 2014 Regional Arts Australia (RAA) National Conference as well as Ben Fox being successfully engaged as the Artistic Director for the event. I am also pleased to report that in October, Board Director Kate Fielding was elected as the Vice-President of RAA.


Beyond all of this activity, both board and management worked rigorously on the mid and long term strategic planning of the organisation to ensure a solid and rewarding future for arts and culture in regional Western Australia.

The Board of Management continues to be a passionate and relevant voice and has worked cohesively during the year to ensure the interests of regional Western Australians are addressed. In 2012, we welcomed Kate Fielding as Vice Chair, Katherine McLean as Secretary, Pippa Davis as Treasurer and co-opted members Jason Oakley, Brittany Moxham and Kaitlyn Seymour. The Board of Management collectively volunteered a total of 1075 hours to the organisation, to an estimated value of $32,262. I would like to thank our outgoing Directors for their contribution to regional arts and their continued support: Simon Clarke, Albany (Vice Chair - Regional Community Organisation) Kaitlyn Seymour, Albany (Co-Opted).

I will be stepping down as the Chairperson in April 2013 and it has been my greatest pleasure to have served the regional arts sector for the last two years after being involved directly with Country Arts WA for more than 11 years. I take the opportunity to thank everyone who has been involved in the signifi cant progress made for regional arts during that time.

There are exciting times ahead for Country Arts WA and I am confi dent that I leave the organisation satisfi ed that the Board, management and staff will continue to develop the success of an organisation that plays a vital role for all of us who live and work in regional Western Australia.

My sincere thank you to everyone who has helped make 2012 such a successful year for Country Arts WA and for regional arts in communities across the state.

Suzie HaslehurstChair


2012 was a year of review, partnerships and advocacy all with a focus on long term and sustainable arts and cultural outcomes for regional communities in Western Australia.

Country Arts WA received signifi cant support for governance, staffi ng and professional development to be directed into regional communities through both the Aboriginal Arts Centre Hub WA and the Gascoyne In May festivals from the Looking Forward Fund of the Department of Culture and the Arts (DCA). The Gascoyne Youth Create Tank was launched with support from the Department for Communities Social Innovation Fund, which will continue to connect the youth of the Gascoyne through digital media residencies, and mentorship across the region.

We welcomed a new partnership with the Mental Health Commission for the Sand Tracks remote Indigenous contemporary music touring program. We also joined forces once again with BHP Billiton Iron Ore to partner with the Hedland Arts Council in three year collaboration to support HARTZ, providing grassroots support to Hedland and the surrounding areas.

All of this has happened in a time of uncertainty for the arts with national reviews delivering signifi cant changes for the sector including four major funding programs moving from the Offi ce of the Arts (OFTA) to the Australia Council. Successful advocacy by Regional Arts Australia ensured the Regional Arts Fund remained with OFTA and a new four year deed was signed with Country Arts WA continuing to manage the RAF devolved funding across WA.

The National Touring Framework was released recognising the inherent complexities of the touring systems and the incredible work of our national Blue Heeler network of which Country Arts WA is a core member.

DCA launched their Creating Public Value Measurement Framework pilot program of which we are a part. These are all groundbreaking advances and position Australia and Western Australia in recognisable international benchmarking.

CEO’s Welcome

“A journey of a thousand miles

begins with a single step.”

Lao Tzu

Photo provided by © The West Australian.


Through all of this ambiguity, our four priority areas continued to be an organisational focus while we also advocated for regional arts at a state and national level. The presentation of the 2020Nine Manifesto to Parliament enabled the continued discussions with both the political parties and across the industry for an ongoing commitment to regional arts.

Country Arts WA also saw many internal changes by bidding farewell to Nerida Glanfi eld, Carina Lauder, Leah Worthington, Simon O’Leary and Jade Stott.

We welcomed Di Boyd as our Port Hedland HARTZ Executive Offi cer and Alex Harper as our new Gascoyne In May Executive Offi cer, both based in the regions. Jessica Anderson was promoted to Regional Arts Development Manager, Celia Ipsen was promoted to Regional Arts Development Offi cer and Hayley Dart became the Regional Arts Development Assistant.

Carla Steele was recruited as the new Operations Assistant and we were also pleased to welcome the Oakridge Communication Group for their contribution to the advocacy work of Country Arts WA and the 2014 Regional Arts Australia National Conference.

Thank you to our funding partners, especially DCA and Lotterywest for their continued and unwavering support. A special thanks to the Country Arts WA team, both board and staff, whose combined skills are essential in achieving the level of quality programs that we run. The support of all of our partners, and their staff, is integral to the results achieved in each and every community that, along with our incredible members, enables us to continue to enrich the lives of regional communities living across Western Australia.

Jessica MachinChief Executive Offi cer

Special Projects The Special Projects stream established in 2009 encompasses entrepreneurial projects instigated by Country Arts WA and the local community.

Special Projects from 2012 include:

• Gascoyne Focus Region Initiative including Gascoyne in May, Measure Up, Public Art Policy Development

• Out There Youth Arts Leadership Program

• Gascoyne Youth Create Tank

• Act-Belong-Commit Gascoyne Youth Arts Program

• Sand Tracks remote Indigenous contemporary music touring program

• HARTZ – Reinvigorating grassroots regional arts

• 2014 Regional Arts Australia National Conference – Arts on the Edge

• Aboriginal Arts Centre Hub WA

• 2020Nine Manifesto10

The Gascoyne Focus Region (GRF) Initiative is a four year arts and cultural development partnership between Country Arts WA and the Gascoyne Development Commission (GDC). The GRF Initiative and partnership helps drives growth in arts and cultural activity across the region.

The Gascoyne Focus Region Initiative is a partnership between Country Arts WA and the Gascoyne Development Commission.

Gascoyne Focus Region Initiative


Major milestones for the Gascoyne Focus Region Initiative in 2012 include:

* The Gascoyne In May initiative (GIM) ran with great success. This saw six festivals in the Gascoyne come together on consecutive weekends in May utilising a coordinated and collaborative approach and the establishment of the Gascoyne In May Committee as an incorporated association. The addition of 30 artists from 15 acts also performing across the six festivals assisted to attract more than 8,000 people.

* The second stage of the Measure Up project engaged a festival production consultant to develop a Festival How-To Kit specifi cally for the Gascoyne.

* The Be Active Run Wild Carnarvon Civic Centre Circus, funded through Healthway, saw several circus classes run in Carnarvon and Mungullah from August to December.

* Four residencies were run in Burringurrah for the Out There Youth Arts Leadership Program with a combined participation rate of 96 young people. Their work was presented to the majority of the community who attended the end-of-residency community celebrations.

* Country Arts WA received 15 applications from the focus region with a total request of $122,385. Seven applications were successful to the total value of $46,468.

* Country Arts toured four professional performing arts shows through the region. These were presented in Denham, Carnarvon and Shark Bay which saw a combined audience of 283 people.

* Public Arts Program is now partnering with Artsource to assist the GDC and each of the four shires to develop their own Public Art Policies.

* Eight fi eld trips to the region were accomplished and four tours across the region to connect with and present to each of the Shire Councils and relevant community groups.

* The creation of cultural employment opportunities – paid roles have included arts workers, artist, production crew and coordinators.

* Signifi cant formal and informal mentoring of young people in lighting, sound and event management. For a number of these young people, the skills they have gained through volunteering have led to paid employment in the GIM festivals.

“Arts and Culture is defi nitely a part of the

Gascoyne’s regional development agenda”

Tony Beard, Chair, Gascoyne Development



Sebastian Stage Manager for the Carnarvon Main Street Celebration. Photo by Theaker von Ziarno.


Out There is a regional youth arts leadership program designed to increase the opportunities for young people aged 12 to 26. This enables them to be involved in the arts, build their sense of place and identity, develop new skills, increase confi dence and strengthen community relationships. This program also aims to establish structures within communities that support young people and the arts.

These outcomes are achieved through a series of residencies in one regional Western Australian community over a three-year period. The residencies are run in the art form chosen by the young participants, facilitated by the Regional Youth Arts Development Offi cer and led by a Creative Producer.

The current Out There program host is Burringurrah Remote Aboriginal Community (2011-2013), 480km east of Carnarvon, with the Burringurrah Community Aboriginal Corporation as our Program Partner.

Out There

Program Partners

Gascoyne Focus Region Initiative Partners


Local youth working on community sculptures with guest artist. Photo by Jade Stott.

Highlights of the Out There program in 2012:

* Kirsty Riley continued her employment as the Community Liaison Offi cer. Nicholas Cameron was also employed as a Community Media Producer and is continuing to fi lm in the community outside of Out There residencies. Jasmine Bittner continued employment as the Young Leader until she moved to Carnarvon and has now secured work with Gwoonwardu Mia. In addition, four other Young Leaders from the community have been employed on a casual basis for specifi c projects.

* Eight artists engaged over 12 weeks of workshops.

* Ninety six individual group members engaged in workshops.

* The MacLab continued to be open to the community and well-utilised.

* Four community celebrations were held – including the end of year celebration which saw around 60 community members attend.


The Gascoyne Youth Create Tank is a mentorship program designed to support young people of the region to develop new skills in digital media and globalised communication strategies utilising the digital infrastructure of their communities. This program also aims to increase confi dence, strengthen relationships and develop support networks within and between communities.

These outcomes are to be achieved with a series of residencies held in Carnarvon, Burringurrah, Shark Bay, Exmouth and Gascoyne Junction throughout 2012 and 2013. The program will employ one young person from each community as a Youth Leader to assist in the delivery of the program.

Highlights of the Gascoyne Youth Create Tank program in 2012:

* The Carnarvon workshops successfully engaged young people and key service providers from the community and hosted a movie night at the completion of the residency. The workshops developed the young people’s skills in using digital photography, social media, Facebook privacy and setting up an email address.

* The Shark Bay residency was strongly supported by members of the community and was well attended by the young people. These workshops had a strong focus on story telling through digital media and utilised tools such as the internet, social media and smart phones.

* Youth Leaders have been contracted in Carnarvon and Exmouth and will be utilised in the development of the Gascoyne Youth Creative Hub and the summit event to be held in 2013.

* The Gascoyne Youth Creative Hub page was established on Facebook to offer Gascoyne youth a monitored public forum to promote programs, create conversation and share ideas.

Gascoyne Youth Create Tank“I learnt how to set up and

create my own blog”Lucy, Student.

Shark Bay School

“Just talking with someone who uses

digital media and showing us new

things is great”Sally Capewell,

Shark Bay Arts Council


The Act-Belong-Commit Gascoyne Youth Arts Program was a one year partnership with the local Government shires to deliver four workshops across the region promoting the Act-Belong-Commit message on behalf of Healthway.

* Forty one residents from Gascoyne Junction enjoyed a residency with guest artist Steven Aiton. The sand animation workshops were a highlight for many, with streams of people trying their hand at this traditional craft with a more modern and longer lasting twist.

* Shark Bay saw guest artist Lewis Horne work with 22 residents to design and create a public artwork for their town. Dougie the dugong was crafted out of recycled materials collected locally such as old craypot bamboo, metal rods and mooring rope. The sculpture now permanently resides outside the Shark Bay Visitor’s Centre.

* Local artist Anton Blume lead 28 young residents in turning the Carnarvon Town Hall into an enormous pinhole camera. The workshop brought the outside world in, projecting it directly onto an interior wall of the Town Hall and culminated in a photo exhibition for the community.

* The Shire of Exmouth organised workshops with artists Bec Massey and Shey Ringham who assisted young people to create a lantern sharing their own story and connection to Exmouth. Exceeding expectations, 110 lanterns were created in the two weeks of workshops.

Act-Belong-Commit Gascoyne Youth Arts Program

“It was fantastic…it provided us with a platform to teach young people about our Lighthouse and instil a level of pride and ownership of our local history” Jaci Cutler, Community Activities Offi cer,Shire of Exmouth

Act-Belong-Commit Gascoyne Youth Arts project held in Exmouth. Photo Shire of Exmouth.


Gascoyne in May (GIM) is an initiative that has established a partnership between the key festivals of the region – these festivals are:

* Barefoot – Black Tie Shark Bay

* Burringurrah Festival of Fire Burringurrah

* Gascoyne River Music Festival Gascoyne Junction

* Shark Bay Fishing Fiesta Shark Bay

* TropiCOOL Festival Carnarvon

* Ningaloo Whaleshark Festival Exmouth

The GIM initiative is dedicated to developing the capacity, resources and policy to provide a dynamic and sustainable festival culture for this unique region. This initiative has an intraregional committee comprised of representatives from local government, each festival, Gascoyne Development Commission and Country Arts WA.

The 2012 Gascoyne In May festival program has created vocational training opportunities for Gascoyne residents as well as becoming a production house for local performing content and an effective means of engaging beyond the region with the entertainment, festival, arts and event industries.

Highlights of the Gascoyne in May Festival in 2012 included:

* Ten major events that were supported over the six festivals.

* Thirty Be Active Circus workshops were held and well attended.

* The initiative brought 30 touring artists to the region and employed 20 local artists.

* Ten new local producers received training in production and event management and 12 new local trainee circus teachers were recruited.

* Eight Indigenous performers were launched during the event.

Gascoyne in May

Setting up for the Taste of the Gascoyne in C

arnarvon. Photos by Anton B



HARTZIn June 2012 Country Arts WA and BHP Billiton Iron Ore signed a three year partnership to support the grassroots arts organisation HARTZ (Hedland Arts Council).

This project will sustainably reinvigorate local community arts in Port Hedland and the Pilbara by supporting the operational capacity of HARTZ to enable them to strengthen governance, increase membership and provide high quality artistic programming to the community.

HARTZ is an incorporated community group that has been in operation since 1996. HARTZ has since then encouraged the development of individual artists through the delivery of workshops, hosted forums for creative development, conceived the Hedland Art Awards, and established the Courthouse Gallery in Port Hedland.

In the six months since this partnership was established, this project has employed a part-time local coordinator, Di Boyd. The committee is fully established with 12 members including one who has been a member of HARTZ since 1996. By the end of 2012, 22 people had signed up for HARTZ membership which is a marked increase on the previous year.

The partnership was launched in November at the new McKay Street premises with approximately 70 community members attending. Since then HARTZ has participated in three local partner events and held a lantern making workshop. The focus for 2013 is ongoing governance training for the committee, program development and the development of a business plan.


Sand TracksSand Tracks is Country Arts WA’s remote Indigenous contemporary music touring initiative. Sand Tracks is designed to profi le and further develop Aboriginal artists, build remote Indigenous and non-Indigenous audiences as well as build community capacity through partnering and delivering a workshop component.

In 2012 the Sand Tracks program presented the well-known and celebrated Tjupi Band, who toured the central desert region with emerging artists Blackstone Band.

Tjupi Band come from Papunya, 250 km NW of Alice Springs. The Tjupi Band play energetic and emotive desert reggae. Singing in both Luritja and English they are the foremost musical inspiration for people across central Australia. Tjupi is the Luritja word for honey ant.

Tjupi Band songs are about nostalgia for country, love lost, listening to Elders, following tradition, social issues, skin pride, tribal unity and, most importantly, pride in their culture. Unearthed by Triple J in 2010, they headlined the John Butler gig at the Alice Springs showground. Mentored by the famous Sammy Butcher, the band take over from where Warumpi Band left off.

The Blackstone Band are developing a strong fan base throughout the Ngaanyatjarra Lands. Their songs have been included on a number of compilation CDs and their skills have been further developed through performances at sports carnivals and concerts across the NG Lands.

Sand Tracks travelled 7,903km across three states and employed 18 people over 26 days. The bands played to some 4,220 people over six performances and provided 18 workshops to 262 participants.

“My auntie Mrs Davies - the oldest

person in the community even

got up and danced - those old people

enjoy dancing too! - Its for young and old

to enjoy” Derek Anderson,


Rocky Porter painting of Tjupi Band Sand Tracks. Photo Alexandra Frith.


Sand Tracks 2012: Tjupi and Blackstone Band toured to:

Town State Locally presented byAlice Springs NT Bush Bands Bash and RedHOT ArtsKiwirrkurra WA Kiwirrkurra CouncilBlackstone WA Papalunkatja Community CouncilWarakurna WA Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku and Desert Dust UpWarburton WA NG Media & Wilurarra CreativeAmata SA Amata Community Council

Sand Tracks touring is made possible through the support from the State of Western Australia through the Department of Culture and the Arts, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet- Offi ce for the Arts, Mental Health Commission of WA, Healthway promoting a SmokeFree WA and producers Artback NT and NG Media.

Sand Tracks performance in rural Australia. Photo Duane Preston.

Government of Western AustraliaMental Health Commission


In a major coup for Western Australia the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder in the Goldfi elds-Esperance region was chosen to host the nation’s most prestigious forum on creativity, culture and regional arts, the 2014 Regional Arts Australia’s national conference and festival.

In the inspiring handover at the 2012 conference in Goolwa, South Australia, Country Arts WA showcased some of the incredible talent directly from the region – award winning actor Trevor Jamieson, and rising country singer star, 15 year old Jennifer Renee.

The Arts on the Edge theme refl ects the exciting crossroads of Australia’s art scene, as well as the on-the-edge characteristics of the thriving host city located on the edge of a desert, the massive KCGM Super Pit and of the Great Western Woodlands. This theme also encapsulates the unique and passionate edge the region has cultivated in arts and cultural practice which was highlighted in the locally produced gift bags.

With strong support from Ron Yuryevich, Mayor of Kalgoorlie-Boulder and Goldfi elds Esperance Development Commission Chairman, Jon Price the ninth national biennial conference and festival will be held 16-19 October 2014. Bringing together hundreds of artists, academics, volunteers, government and community representatives from around Australia to consider and celebrate arts and culture and its impact and contribution to the creativity and identity of regional Australia.

2014 Regional Arts Australia National Conference

“Kalgoorlie-Boulder is a thriving city with

an international reputation for its

leadership in mining and creativity.”

Hon John Day, West Australian Minister for

Culture and the Arts


“The Regional Arts National Conference … had become a benchmark for leadership in the development and application of regional creativity…” Simon Crean, Minister for the Arts and for Regional Australia

Ben Fox was appointed to the role of Artistic Director. Suzie Haslehurst, Chair of Country Arts WA, said Ben is an inspired fi t for the conference which will have a strong focus on the nature of the changing regional landscape and that Ben’s work in cultural innovation - a world-wide movement that joins people from culturally, linguistically and generationally diverse backgrounds to foster understanding through cultural activities – would ensure that the conference had a long-lasting impact.

For more information or to subscribe to the conference mailing list at

Dignitaries promoting 2014 Regional Arts Australia Conference. Photo Kelly Jennings.


The Aboriginal Art Centre Hub of Western Australia (AACWHA) is the peak advocacy and resource agency for seven Aboriginal art centres servicing 32 regional communities and over 450 artists located in the Great Southern, Mid West, Goldfi elds-Esperance and Pilbara regions of WA.

AACHWA’s primary objective is to support and promote Aboriginal art centres located in Western Australia with the aim of encouraging sustainable growth and stability. AACHWA supports the development of arts centres by providing professional development opportunities and coordinating services and resources.

AACWHA is part of the national network of peak bodies that support and advocate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art centres. AACHWA is guided by an Aboriginal advisory group composed of representatives from each of the AACHWA art centre members.

Aboriginal Art Centre Hub of Western Australia


In 2012 AACHWA provided support and services to its members including:

* Three-day Art Centre Manager’s Conference focusing on industry updates and information, developing gallery relationships, and art centres practices in a changing environment

* Artists’ professional development and advocacy trip to Canberra for the opening of Undisclosed: National Indigenous Art Triennial

* Two-day training for art centre managers and arts workers in the use of SAM cataloguing software

* Reference group input and advocacy for the Revealed Emerging Indigenous Artists’ Showcase

* Tailored manager recruitment and induction assistance

* Remote IT support services

* Monthly e-news distributed to subscribers

* Monthly ‘media feed’ (relevant articles published on the visual arts industry) to AACHWA members

Read more about AACHWA at

AACHWA Visit to Baluk Arts during the art centre conference. Photo provided by Baluk Arts.

Government of Western AustraliaDepartment of Culture and the Arts



Performing Arts Touring




Country Arts WA delivered professional performing arts touring programs across the state and nationally in 2012.

This year the Country Arts WA touring programs, including Shows on the Go, CircuitWest, Regional Schools Touring, Sand Tracks and National Touring, presented a total of nine productions and two residency programs. These tours collectively travelled 89,308 km to deliver 123 performances and 158 workshops to a total of 18,739 people in 100 communities.

Across all tours Country Arts WA employed 61 performers, crew and tour managers who were on the road for a total of 242 days.

Country Arts WA continued its involvement in the national RAA Blue Heeler Network. The network coordinates mechanisms that assist producers to pitch and tour their work interstate with support from Playing Australia.

The Sand Tracks remote Indigenous contemporary music touring initiative delivered another successful cross-border across three states, travelling to Alice Springs NT, Kiwirrkurra WA, Blackstone WA, Warakurna WA, Warburton WA and Amata SA.

In line with the organisation’s Indigenous arts and culture priority area, the touring program employed a total of 21 Aboriginal artists and crew across all tours.

The performing arts funding programs Louder Contemporary Music Touring and Share the Risk, a guarantee-against-loss program, were once again offered to regional organisations.

All of these programs aim to provide regionally based people with greater access to professional performing arts and to enhance the cultural life of regional Western Australians.


Designed to ensure that small communities in regional Western Australia have access to high quality performing arts experiences, the Shows on the Go tours are affordable and self-suffi cient. To ensure the productions can be presented in a wide variety of performance spaces they travel with all of the required technical equipment.

Shows on the Go is a community-driven touring model with regional communities voting on shows listed in the annual Touring Menu and online via Shows are then short-listed for selection thus ensuring that the Shows on the Go touring program refl ect the choices of regional audiences.

Country Arts WA undertakes all aspects of tour coordination including itinerary development, contracting with producers and community groups (presenters), accommodation bookings, vehicle hire, on-road tour management and marketing support. Regional community presenters are responsible for local presentation and marketing activities as well as guaranteeing performance fees and royalties. This responsibility creates a strong commitment to each touring production at a local level.

In 2012 the three Shows on the Go tours collectively travelled 29,727 km performed 40 times to a total audience of 4,005 people, delivered 22 workshops to 482 participants and employed 14 performers and crew.

Shows on the Go touring is made possible through support from the State of Western Australia through the Department of Culture and the Arts, Lotterywest, Healthway promoting a SmokeFree WA and media partners WIN Television and ABC Local Radio.

Shows on the Go


The Big HOO-HAA!Travelled 5,120km and performed to a total audience of 2,017 people in 19 communities with an average of 107 people per performance. Twelve workshops were held which attracted 207 participants.In the style of Whose Line Is It Anyway and Thank God You’re Here, The Big HOO-HAA! featured two teams of fearless comedians who battled it out, creating comedy sketches on the spot. Armed with only audience suggestions and a handful of props, they left no song unsung, no joke undelivered and no pun unpunished in their mad dash for the punch line.Directed by renowned Western Australian artist Sam Longley and produced by The Blue Room Theatre Company as the auspice for Cut Snake Comedy, the Big HOO-HAA! employed seven people over 31 days.The Big HOO-HAA! toured to:

Community Presenter Karratha Shire of Roebourne Port Hedland Town of Port HedlandNewman Newman Mainstreet ProjectMount Magnet Shire of Mount MagnetGeraldton Queens Park TheatreMullewa Mullewa District Offi ce (City of Greater Geraldton)Moora Shire of MooraNarrogin Arts Narrogin*Hyden Hyden Community Resource Centre*Narembeen Go Narembeen*Merredin Shire of MerredinTammin Shire of TamminKalgoorlie Stage Left Theatre Troupe Goldfi elds*Esperance Esperance Civic CentreRavensthorpe Ravensthorpe Regional Arts CouncilBoddington Boddington Community Resource CentreDonnybrook Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup*Bunbury Bunbury Regional Entertainment CentreDumbleyung Shire of Dumbleyung*indicates new presenter

“Thanks for the best night out in a long time.” Eve, Port Hedland

“Very sharp and very funny. Thanks for coming out to the bush!”Gina, Narembeen

“Awesome comedy at its best. Good job!” Aiden, Port Hedland

“Excellent. Needed the laugh. Theatre rocks!” Tarryn, Narrogin

The Big HOO HAA! Photo The Big HOO HAA!


Gene Peterson Live Travelled 14,966km through fi ve regions and performed to a total audience of 954 people in ten communities with an average of 95 people per performance. Nine workshops were held which attracted 260 participants.

A phenomenal drummer, composer, pianist and producer Gene Peterson performed with special guests, master percussionist Saia Hanlon and internationally renowned hip hop and tap dancing duo Two Man Crew.

In this exhilarating production the four artists combined astounding drumming with blistering tap-dancing and hilarious novelty acts to present a fun-fi lled show for all ages.

The performers took audiences on a rhythmic journey exploring ‘found sound’ with the music created from kids’ toys, offi ce equipment, kitchen utensils, household items and ‘junk’.

Produced by Onyx Productions, Gene Peterson Live employed seven people over 28 days.

Gene Peterson Live toured to:

Community PresenterMandurah Mandurah Performing Arts CentreWarburton Shire of NgannyatjarrakuIrrunytju Ngaanyatjarra MediaEsperance Esperance Civic CentreMoora Shire of MooraCarnarvon Shire of CarnarvonOnslow Shire of AshburtonParaburdoo Karingal Neighbourhood CentrePort Hedland Town of Port HedlandKarratha Shire of Roebourne

Gene Peterson Live. Photo Chris Donnelly.

“The air of excitement and the audience’s

spontaneous responses of singing,

clapping, laughing and dancing during

the performance was electric.”

Shire of Ashburton, Onslow

“That was so amazing. You are my inspiration

because I love to dance!” Breanna,

Audience Member

“You were so awesome! You guys

are so talented! It takes a lot of work to

do that sort of thing – good on ya!”

Samantha, Audience Member


Harley Breen in The Kingswood and I Travelled 9,641km through six regions and performed to a total audience of 1034 people in 11 communities with an average of 95 people per performance.

The Kingswood and I is a stand-up comedy story about Harley Breen’s fi rst true love - a clapped out 1971 HQ Holden Kingswood. This hilarious show was created for every person who has ever broken down, run out of fuel, been pulled over or formed a bond with their car that until now they thought no one understood!

In a country where to live is to drive and who you are is what you drive, Harley Breen takes the audience through laps to road trips in the story of a battle with masculinity, sensitivity and, of course, the unrequited love of a car.

Produced by Dirty Work Comedy, Harley Breen in The Kingswood and I employed three people over 24 days.

Harley Breen in The Kingswood and I toured to:

Community PresenterMoora Moora Performing Arts CentrePort Hedland Matt Dann Cultural CentreDenham Shark Bay Arts CouncilGeraldton Queens Park TheatreJurien Bay Jurien Bay Community Resource Centre*Coorow Coorow Community Resource Centre*Tammin Shire of TamminCorrigin Shire of CorriginEsperance Esperance Civic CentreMargaret River Arts Margaret RiverNarrogin ARTS Narrogin Inc*indicates new presenter

Harley Breen signing after the Corrigin show. Photo Andrew Christie.

“I haven’t laughed so much in years!”Narrogin Audience Member

“This was a very successful event. It provided an opportunity for our community to experience live performing arts and enjoy a social gathering with a difference.” Jurien Bay Community Resource Centre


CircuitWest is the network of professionally managed performing arts venues in regional Western Australia. Country Arts WA maintains a strong working relationship with the network, ensuring that regional communities are serviced through both state and national touring strategies.

CircuitWest Audience Development Project

In 2011, Country Arts WA employed an Audience Development Project Offi cer to assist the venues with strategies to encourage new and existing audiences to come to their venue. In 2012 the project had a particular focus on supporting venues to develop audiences who are currently not attending the venue due to social, economic or distance related issues. The project offi cer is working with thirteen CircuitWest venues analysing audience attendance trends. The results will be used by all the venues to support their individual audience development programs.

CircuitWest Tour

In 2012 Country Arts WA coordinated a state tour of What A Man’s Gotta Do by Andrew Horabin on behalf of the CircuitWest network.

CircuitWest touring is made possible through support from the State of Western Australia through the Department of Culture and the Arts, Lotterywest and media partners ABC Local Radio.

CircuitWest Touring


What A Man’s Gotta DoTravelled 3,718km and performed to a total audience of 816 people in nine communities with an average of 91 people per performance.

In his hilarious show, Andrew Horabin utilised comedy, song and storytelling to explore some of the issues of masculinity - sex, work, marriage, mateship, intimacy, fathering, emotions, booze, homophobia and attachments to motor vehicles.

Produced by Beyond the Threshold, What A Man’s Gotta Do employed two people over 21 days.

What A Man’s Gotta Do toured to:

Town Locally presented byTammin Shire of TamminMerredin Shire of MerredinPingelly Shire of PingellyEsperance Shire of EsperanceAlbany Albany Entertainment CentreMandurah Mandurah Performing Arts CentreMoora Shire of MooraGeraldton Queens Park TheatreCarnarvon Shire of Carnarvon

Andrew Horabin. Photos supplied by Beyond The Threshold.

“Best laugh I have had in awhile. Enjoyed the show and plenty to get out of it”Carnarvon Audience Member

“Punters have stopped me in the street today to shake hands and offer pats on the back for such a memorable show. You have provided an unforgettable experience that my crew here are indebted. Theatre now is seen in a new light - my personal thanks to you mate” Andrew Sloan, Carnarvon


The National Touring program offers Western Australian producers opportunities to build a national profi le and tour interstate.

Country Arts WA is the Western Australian representative of the Blue Heeler National Touring Network, an industry alliance for national performing arts touring support, facilitation and coordination across Australia.

The Blue Heelers manage the Cyberpaddock website and coordinate the biannual Long Paddock touring forums, where producers and presenters from around the country meet to refi ne proposals for touring productions within regional Australia. These mechanisms provide an accessible and sophisticated tour development system that forms the basis of funding applications to Playing Australia, the Australian Government’s national performing arts touring program.

Country Arts WA delivered two National tours with The Pinjarra Project’s Bindjareb Pinjarra and Andrew Horibans What A Man’s Gotta Do. Together they travelled more than 25,000km across three states and one territory and performed to a total combined audience of 7,878 people.

One application was also developed for touring in 2014, The Deep by Spare Parts Puppet Theatre. This has been awarded funding to tour to Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania in 2014.

National Touring


Country Arts WA also continued to represent the interests of regional Western Australian presenters through attendance at the APACA conference and participation in the Performing Arts Touring Alliance (PATA).

PATA is Australia’s peak body for the performing arts touring sector. It is a cohesive and objective voice for government and key stakeholders, providing quality and informed strategic advice and policy.

National touring is made possible through support from the Australian Government’s national performing arts touring program, Playing Australia, which gives Australians across the country the opportunity to see some of Australia’s best performing arts. The state representatives of the Blue Heeler Network are members of Regional Arts Australia.


Bindjareb Pinjarra Travelled 14,883km across three states and one territory and performed to a total audience of 4,983 people across 29 performances with an average of 172 people per performance.

A brilliant improvised comedy about Western Australia’s Pinjarra Massacre. Created and performed by Nyoongar and Wadjella (whitefella) actors, Bindjareb Pinjarra demonstrated extraordinary risk taking through its fusion of history, outrageous comedy and physical theatre.

The catalyst for this theatrical history lesson is the mass killing of Nyoongar people at Pinjarra on October 28, 1834 - an event recorded as the Battle of Pinjarra but mourned by local Nyoongar as a massacre. An account of this story was played out in front of a dramatic backdrop painted by prominent Nyoongar artist Tjyllyungoo (AKA Lance Chadd).

Produced by Deckchair Theatre, Bindjareb Pinjarra employed seven people over 44 days.

Bindjareb Pinjarra toured to:Town State Locally presented byLogan QLD Logan Entertainment CentreLismore NSW Northern Rivers Performing ArtsCampbelltown NSW Campbelltown Arts CentreSydney NSW Seymour CentreSale VIC Esso Billiton Wellington Entertainment CentreUpwey VIC Dandenong Ranges Community Cultural CentreMoonee Ponds VIC Clocktower CentrePortland VIC Portland Arts CentreFootscray VIC Ilbijerri TheatreTennant Creek NT Artback NTKatherine NT Artback NTDarwin NT Darwin Festival

“Audience loved the show. Great

performance”Dandenong Ranges

Community Cultural Centre, Upwey, VIC

“If you get the chance - see

Bindjareb Pinjarra - you’ll never be the

same again. NORPA - bring it back for

those unfortunates who missed it this time round - we’ll

certainly go again” Len and Kay Martin

(audience members), Nimbin, Bundjalung


Geoff Kelso & Kelton Pellin Binjareb Pinjarra. Photo Sebastian Craig.


“...I woke up in the middle of the night thinking calling it “great theatre” really didn’t do justice to what I really meant - so here’s the result.”

Len Martin, Audience Member Nimbin, Bundjalung Country

Stage Background painted by Tjyllyungoo (Lance Chadd).

As our journey together fi nished,And the laughter subsided,

At the end,After the savagery of the guns,

After the slaughter,You stood tall above us,

Nyoongar Brothers,

On the edge of the darkened stage,Gathering the earth

To cast into the river,To honour the Elders,

To remember the Dead

Lest we forgetLest we forget

In the silent river below,This old white-fella

Spread his fi ngers to catch the earthHis heart opened to catch your memories

The slights, the wrongs, The dispossessions, the deaths

He will never be the same again,Even as he writes this he weeps.

It must never happen again.

Lest we forgetLest we forget

What greater theatre can there be than this?

Written by Len Martin

Bindjareb Pinjarra


What A Man’s Gotta DoTravelled 6,042km across three states and performed to a total audience of 2,895 people in 23 towns with an average of 140 people per performance.

In his hilarious show, Andrew Horabin uses comedy, song and storytelling to explore some of the issues of masculinity, sex, work, marriage, mateship, intimacy, fathering, emotions, booze, homophobia and attachments to motor vehicles.

This story begins when Adam’s Buck’s Party collided with Lucy’s Hens in the street. Lucy declared that he’ll never grow up. Adam protests. She gave him 24 hours to prove he’s a man - or the wedding’s off! The hour of the wedding was fast approaching, leaving Adam asking “What’s a man gotta do to be a man?”

Produced by Beyond The Threshold, What A Man’s Gotta Do employed three people over 24 days .

What A Man’s Gotta Do toured to:

Town State PresenterNoosa Heads QLD The JCaloundra QLD The Events CentreBrisbane QLD QUT Gardens TheatreLogan QLD Logan Entertainment CentreBoonah QLD Boonah Cultural CentreSurfers Paradise QLD The Arts Centre Gold CoastPort Macquarie NSW Glasshouse Arts Conference & Entertainment CentreLismore NSW Northern Rivers Performing ArtsTamworth NSW Capitol Theatre TamworthArmidale NSW The Michael Hoskins Creative Arts CentreCessnock NSW Cessnock Community Performing Arts CentreDubbo NSW Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention CentreGriffi th NSW Griffi th Regional TheatreQueanbeyan NSW Queanbeyan Performing Arts CentreShepparton VIC RiverlinksBendigo VIC The CapitalPortland VIC Portland Arts CentreWarrnambool VIC Warrnambool Entertainment CentreBallarat VIC Her Majesty’s TheatreWerribee VIC Wyndham Cultural CentreMildura VIC Mildura Arts CentreSale VIC Esso BHP Billiton Wellington Entertainment CentreWarragul VIC West Gippsland Arts Centre





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The Regional Schools Touring program aims to ensure that regional Western Australian schools have access to professional performing arts activities. Country Arts WA works in partnership with Barking Gecko Theatre Company, Spare Parts Puppet Theatre, Yirra Yaakin Theatre and Buzz Dance Theatre to deliver the Regional Schools Touring program.

The Program has focussed on creating opportunities for the companies to develop stronger relationships with the communities to which they tour. Additional funding from Healthway has enabled touring to the high cost regions of the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne.

Country Arts WA plays a strategic role to ensure that the program provides inspiring performing arts experiences for regional schools audiences.

Collectively, the schools touring companies delivered 18 performances to 1820 students and conducted 115 workshops to 1710 participants.

Regional Schools Touring is made possible through support from the State of Western Australia through the Department of Culture and the Arts and Lotterywest and Healthway.

Regional Schools Touring


Improvilicious 2.0 on stage. Photo provided by Barking Gecko Theatre Company.

Improvilicious 2.0Barking Gecko Theatre Company travelled 4,325km to eight communities delivering nine performances to a total audience of 658, averaging 73 people per performance.

Improvilicious 2.0 was a hilariously entertaining show where two actors use student suggestions to create fast, funny, physical theatre on the spot. This year Masters of Improv, Sam Longley and Sean Walsh, brought a new twist to this much loved show by taking audiences through the history of theatre. Greek, Shakespeare, Moliere, Realism, Brecht, Absurdism and Australian theatre – nothing was sacred!

Employing two people over 19 days Improvilicious 2.0 toured to:

School Town RegionSt Mary’s College Broome KimberleySt Luke’s College Karratha PilbaraKarratha SHS Karratha PilbaraHedland SHS Hedland PilbaraTom Price SHS Tom Price PilbaraParaburdoo Primary School Paraburdoo PilbaraShark Bay School Denham GascoyneGascoyne Junction Community Gascoyne Junction GascoyneGeraldton SHS Geraldton Mid West


HachikoSpare Parts Puppet Theatre travelled 1,346 km and delivered nine performances to a total audience of 1,162 people, averaging at 145 people per performance.

Designed specifi cally for touring, this show was based on the true story from Japan about a dog named Hachiko and his master, Professor Ueno. Every morning the pair travelled to Shibuya train station and every evening, Hachiko would wait on the platform to meet his master.

But one day, the Professor did not return from work but that didn’t stop faithful Hachiko! For the next nine years, he returned to the train station at the precise time the train was due. His conviction that he would once again meet his master inspired other commuters, creating neighbours from strangers. Friends rallied around Hachiko during his vigil and celebrated his life and memory when his remarkable journey ended.

Hachiko covered themes of change and renewal, loyalty and resilience and celebrated the remarkable joy an animal can bring, as well as the importance of change and its value in our lives.

The performers talked to students about death in the post-performance question and answer sessions and teachers were offered professional information for the discussion to continue in their classrooms.

Employing two people over 14 days Hachiko toured to:

School Town RegionMargaret River Montessori Margaret River South WestGnowangerup District High School Gnowangerup Great SouthernBalingup Primary School Balingup South WestSt Thomas More Catholic Primary School Margaret River South WestOur Lady of the Cape Primary School Dunsborough South WestBusselton Primary School Busselton South WestAustralind Senior High School Australind South WestJunction Primary School Brunswick Junction South WestAllanson Primary School Allanson South West

Puppetry with the performance Hachiko. Photo Jarrard Seng. Provided by Spare Parts Puppet Theatre.


Big Stretch Travelled 5902 km and delivered 99 workshops to 1,535 participants.

Big Stretch engages with and enriches the lives of Indigenous and non Indigenous children living in remote and often disadvantaged communities, enriching their academic curriculum, igniting their imagination and building capacity for the future. The program provides a holistic multi-art workshop approach and has the capacity to build communities through ongoing professional development.

Produced by Buzz Dance Theatre, Big Stretch employed nine people over 23 days.

Big Stretch delivered dance workshops in:

School Town RegionSouth Hedland Senior High School South Hedland PilbaraCassia Primary South Hedland PilbaraPort Hedland Primary School Port Hedland PilbaraJabat Dance Port Hedland PilbaraYandeyarra Remote Community School Yandeyarra PilbaraMarble Bar Community School Marble Bar PilbaraWarralong School Warralong PilbaraStrelly School Warralong PilbaraNgalapita Remote Community School Ngalapita KimberleyWulungarra Community School Wulungarra KimberleyYakanara Community School Yakanara KimberleyMuludja Remote Community School Muludja KimberleyFitzroy Crossing Community Garnduwa Fitzroy Crossing KimberleyCable Beach Primary Broome KimberleySt. Mary’s College Broome KimberleyBroome Senior High School Broome Kimberley

Buzz Dance delivering Big Stretch. Photo Mary Wolfl a.


Culture 2.0Yirra Yaakin delivered a residency program across the southwest to 160 participants. One week residencies were held in Albany, Collie, Katanning and Narrogin.

The aim was to produce a theatre production that is accessible, relevant and appealing to Aboriginal students in southwest secondary schools by exploring thoughts and feelings of students in these communities.

The residencies were made up of three in-school workshops which followed the school timetable and several after-school focus groups with youth and elders where intergenerational exchange and cultural transmission on the theme of cultural identity happened. Interestingly food became central to the conversation. The explorations of the subject became a fi rst draft script with the working title ‘Kangaroo Stew’.

A workshop presentation to the participating schools of the draft script is planned to happen in early 2013.

The Culture 2.0 residencies were delivered in:

School Town RegionAlbany SHS Albany South WestNorth Albany SHS Albany South WestKatanning SHS Katanning South WestCollie SHS Collie South WestNarrogin SHS Narrogin South West

Director Kyle Morrison with students in Albany. Photo courtesy of Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company. Photo by Ashley de Prazer.


Share the RiskShare the Risk is a guarantee-against-loss program designed to assist regional Western Australian communities to present professional performing arts events by underwriting some of the costs. The fund covers losses associated with unexpected events such as bad weather, a change in farming schedules or an unforeseen community occurrence, up to an agreed amount.

In 2012, requests to the Share the Risk fund totalled $36,792. Of the $33,768 committed by the Touring Assistance Panel, $16,493 (or 49%) of this amount was drawn on by applicants.

Share the Risk is supported by Lotterywest and in 2012 supported the following performing arts events:

Nearly a full house at the Cummins Theatre in Merredin for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow. Photo Michelle Gethin.


Ravensthorpe Regional Arts Council Inc

The Big Hoo-Haa! (SOTG) | Goldfi elds-Esperance

An improvised comedy show touring as part of the Shows on the Go program.

Committed: $1,980.00 Required: $ 775.00

Go Narembeen Progress Association

The Big Hoo-Haa! (SOTG) | Wheatbelt

An improvised comedy show touring as part of the Shows on the Go program.

Committed: $1,550.00 Required: nil

Merredin Repertory Club

Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow | Wheatbelt

The Roadshow toured Australia featuring artists from the latest Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

Committed: $6,311.00 Required: nil

Albany Choral Society Inc

Messiah | Great Southern

Performance of Handel’s Messiah by the Albany Choral Society and local Chamber Orchestra.

Committed: $6,055.00 Required: nil

Boddington Community Resource Centre Inc

Bang! Crash! Tap! | Peel

A funky tap, acrobatics, live music, percussion and beat boxing extravaganza all rolled into one.

Committed: $4,311.00 Required: $4,298.00


Arts Narrogin

Australian Chamber Orchestra Quartet | Wheatbelt

Two performances by the Australian Chamber Orchestra Quartet as part of a Western Australian tour.

Committed: $2,786.00 Required: $2,598.00

Denham Seniors Inc

Ladies Night | Gascoyne

A Jally Entertainment production of ‘Ladies Night’ performed in Denham as it made its way from Carnarvon to Geraldton on its Australian tour.

Committed: $2,088.00 Required: nil

Beverley Art Gallery Society

Harvest Festival Concert | Wheatbelt

A concert to precede the annual Harvest Festival at the new Beverley Platform Theatre, completed in late 2010.

Committed: $2,400.00 Required: $446.50

Shark Bay Arts Council Inc

Harley Breen in The Kingswood and I (SOTG) | Gascoyne

A stand-up comedy show touring as part of the Shows on the Go program.

Committed: $1,650.00 Required: $1,650.00

Recorder and Early Music Society of WA Inc

Grief and Joy | Wheatbelt

A unique concert by local, national and international early music specialists performing with historical period instruments.

Committed: $8,627.00 Required: $6,725.00


Louder Contemporary Music Touring

The Louder Contemporary Music Touring Program aims to encourage the development of original contemporary music in regional Western Australia. Country Arts WA works with contemporary music organisations to develop projects that achieve developmental outcomes for regional communities, with a focus on developing musicians, audiences and venues.

Desert Feet Inc $25,000

The Desert Feet Tour

Touring to the Pilbara and Kimberley, this tour delivered ten workshops and eleven performances to over 3,430 people.

The Desert Feet Tour performed concerts and delivered workshops about song writing, hip hop band performing, reading music notation and an introduction to instruments and recorded music by local musicians.

Artists on tour included Damien Thornber and the Orphans, Bryte MC, Olive Knight and The Mong, with additional artists Shane Howard, Kuckles, Seaside Drifters, and Djarindjin Band at a performance in Broome.

The Desert Feet toured to:

Community RegionJigalong PilbaraOne Arm Point KimberleyBroome KimberleyWangkatjungka KimberleyNookanbah KimberleyJarlmadangah Kimberley

Louder is made possible through support from the State of Western Australia through the Department of Culture and the Arts.



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Regional Arts Development




In 2012 Country Arts WA continued to administer several funds including the Regional Arts Fund, Drug Aware YCulture Regional and Annual Funding working closely with all applicants to develop the best possible arts outcomes for their community.

This year the Regional Arts Development team had one-on-one meetings to discuss funding and develop applications with 81 people and held fourteen information sessions. These promoted the funding programs to a total of 324 people during fi eld trips across the Gascoyne, South West, Peel, Goldfi elds-Esperance, Great Southern, Pilbara and Wheatbelt regions as well as Perth metro area.

The team responded to 452 calls across the year regarding funding and spent an average of 157 hours assisting community representatives in developing their applications.

127 applications were received to a total request of almost $992,831 dollars. 90 applications (or 49%) received were successful to a total request of $486,774. At least one organisation from eight of the nine Western Australian regions received funding.

2012 was also the fi nal year of triennial contracts through the Annual Funding program for the previously selected fi ve Peak arts organisations and the four Regional Arts Fund supported organisations; Shire of Halls Creek, Ngaanyatjarra Media, Disability and the Arts Disadvantage and the Arts (DADAA) and West Australian Music Industry Association (WAMI).


The Annual Funding program supports regional organisations and groups to coordinate diverse arts and cultural activities with confi dence.

Annually funded organisations develop programs that are inclusive across a variety of age and cultural groups within the community, have partnerships with local government and community groups and demonstrate innovation. At their core, programs use arts and culture to help defi ne a sense of identity for local communities.

The categories effective from 2012 were:

Peak Regional Arts Organisation Funding – up to $40,000

Funding over a three-year contract period is available for larger arts organisations with a demonstrated track record of strong management and successful arts program delivery.

Key Regional Arts Organisation Funding – up to $15,000

Funding over a three-year contract period is available for one arts organisation with a demonstrated track record of strong management and successful arts program delivery that have been in receipt of $8,000 per year for three or more consecutive years through the Annual Funding program.

Vital Regional Arts Organisation Funding – Up to $10,000

Funding in this category is designed to support arts organisations that are incorporated associations and have established a program of arts activities. Organisations may specialise in one art form as long as they show innovation and diversity within that art form.

The scope of an organisation or group determines which category of Annual Funding it can access and the level of funding can increase as the organisation or group evolves and its programs develop and diversify.

The Annual Funding program is supported by the State of Western Australia through the Department of Culture and the Arts and Lotterywest.

Annual Funding


2012 Annual Funding supported:

Peak Organisations 2010-2013Arts and Culture Christmas Island | Indian Ocean Territories* $35,090 Arts and Cultural Development Council (Geraldton) | Mid West $35,000Denmark Arts | Great Southern $40,000Esperance Community Arts | Goldfi elds-Esperance $40,000Vancouver Arts Centre (Albany) | Great Southern $40,000

Key Organisations 2011-2013Arts Margaret River | South West $15,000

Vital Organisations 2012Community First International (Mandurah) | Peel $10,000Country Music Club of Boyup Brook | South West $10,000Exmouth Cultural Arts Centre | Gascoyne $10,000Ravensthorpe Regional Arts Council | Goldfi elds-Esperance $9,900Theatre Kimberley (Broome) | Kimberley $10,000Warmun Art Aboriginal Corporation | Kimberley $10,000Northampton Old School | Mid West $10,000Moora Fine Arts Society | Wheatbelt $7,148

*The Indian Ocean Territories program is funded by the Territories Offi ce.

Denmark Arts Paddock Dance Solace Yearning. Photo by Michael Hemmings.


The Regional Arts Fund supports sustainable cultural development in communities across regional, remote and isolated Australia.

A key focus of this fund is to encourage the formation of productive partnerships to support home-grown arts activities as well as the creation of networks to reduce isolation, exchange ideas and publicise opportunities. Moreover it also assists the professional development of, and provides employment opportunities for, artists based in regional areas.

Delivery of the Regional Arts Fund in 2012 across Western Australia consisted of a number of Community Grant Programs and a Strategic Initiative Project undertaken by Country Arts WA.

The Community Grants Programs includes the following funds for RAF 5: * Arts Agencies * Strategic Regional Partnerships * Projects and Residencies * Mentorship Program (Emerging and Career) * Quick Response Grants

RAF 5 concluded in June 2012, and Country Arts WA signed a new four-year agreement with Offi ce for the Arts for the delivery of RAF 6. The Community Grants Programs includes the following funds for RAF 6: * Project Fund * Cultural Worker Position * Partnership Fund * Quick Response Grant

The Regional Arts Fund is an Australian Government initiative supporting the arts in regional, rural and very remote/isolated Australia. Country Arts WA manages the program in Western Australia.

Regional Arts Fund


Regional Arts Fund Panel The Regional Arts Fund Panel is made up of members from across the state and provides a diverse coverage of Western Australian arts. Our Panel members have specialist expertise in one or more artforms and possess an informed opinion of community needs, response and interest. This ensures that we achieve a broad, balanced and fair representation of artforms, genders and regions as well as arts management and community interests, including those of multicultural and Indigenous Western Australia.

Lanterns at the Marsh Art Festival in Derby. Photo provided by DADAA.

After 30th June 2012 the Regional Arts Fund Panel consisted of:

Trish Barron PilbaraCharmaine Green Mid WestAlex Mickle South WestSonya Dye South WestRachel McKenzie Mid WestVirginia Jealous Great SouthernGwen Knox KimberleyIndra Geidans Great SouthernBarbie Greenshields Great SouthernCathy Cummins KimberleyBrittany Moxham PilbaraRoss Beckett Goldfi elds-EsperanceJason Oakley PerthUshan Boyd Kimberley

Until 30th June 2012 the Regional Arts Fund Panel consisted of:

Simon Clarke (Chair) Great Southern Trish Barron PilbaraCharmaine Green Mid WestLorrae Coffi n KimberleyAlex Mickle South WestSonya Dye South WestStewart Gartland Great SouthernTaryne Laffar KimberleyRachel McKenzie Mid WestVirginia Jealous Great SouthernMarina Couchman PilbaraGwen Knox KimberleyIndra Geidans Great SouthernBarbie Greenshields Great SouthernTahnee Roberts KimberleyCathy Cummins Kimberley


Projects and Residencies The Projects and Residencies fund is designed to assist regional communities to create activities that develop cultural networks, possess capacity to have long term benefi ts and increase professional development opportunities.

This program encourages Indigenous and isolated communities to partner with professional artists, arts workers and cultural leaders to create high quality arts projects. Projects and Residencies should be accessible and inspiring, as well as rewarding for both the artists and the community.

In March 2012 the fi nal funding round was distributed in the following categories:

First time applicants – up to $10,000 or $15,000 above the 26th parallel or in very remote WA

Available for applicants from regional and remote Western Australia that have not previously applied to Projects and Residencies or have been previously unsuccessful. This is to ensure smaller, more developmental projects can be fairly represented among grant recipients.

Open – up to $20,000 or $25,000 above the 26th parallel or in very remote WA

Available to all applicants from regional and remote Western Australia, including fi rst time applicants and previously unsuccessful applicants. Open category applicants will need to demonstrate that they are pushing the boundaries with arts outcomes, community engagement and sustainable cultural activity.

Both categories were well subscribed to, with a total of 17 applications received in the March round.

2012 Projects and Residencies Funding supported:

Artists Afl oat $24,986

Art Afl oat | Indian Ocean Territories | Auspiced by Cocos (Keeling) Islands Shire Council Artists Sandy McKendrick, Cara Ratajczak and Emma Washer will work with the community of Cocos Island to create a spectacular fl otilla of fl oating artworks. Using fl otsam and jetsam washed up on the atoll shores they will collaboratively create multi-layed works. These artworks will be cast back onto the ocean’s surface, refl ecting their own unique local and oceanic tale.

Theatre Kimberley $25,000

Staircase to the Moon | Kimberley

Theatre Kimberley will develop the delightful story ‘Staircase to the Moon’ (written by Indigenous author Bronwyn Houston and published by Magabala Books) into a musical play for children by running puppetry, dance and voice workshops. The fi nal production will be performed as part of the opening season of the newly refurbished Civic Centre Broome.

Warlayirti Artists Aboriginal Corporation $15,207

Old and New Print Directions | Kimberley

Northern Editions Print Studio will deliver a week long copperplate etching and Japanese woodblock print skills development workshop with senior printmakers and wood carvers from the remote communities of Balgo, Mulan and Billiluna. The workshop will lead to the production of a limited editions boxed print suite.


Bunbury Regional Arts Management Board $16,000

South West Stories | South West

Fifteen visual artists will be invited to interpret historical stories of people and events that have informed the development of the character of the South West region. Site specifi c ephemeral works will feature strongly in this project that will result in public installations, a gallery exhibition and a small publication.

Inspirational Community Arts Network $12,000

Contemporary Old Salts | Wheatbelt | Auspiced by Jurien Bay Community Resource Centre

Inspirational Community Arts Network will utilise the skills of old, local fi shermen to demonstrate, record and document the techniques of making stickies (beehive craypots). This knowledge will be the catalyst for a series of weaving/sculptural workshops, using a variety of materials that explore and represent a contemporary artistic interpretation of the local crayfi shing heritage.

Cervantes Cultural Committee $4,750

Photographic Workshopping in Cervantes | Wheatbelt

Professional regional photographer Dean O’Callaghan will provide professional tutoring for photographic enthusiasts from Cervantes and the surrounding farming communities. He will impart knowledge and experience otherwise unavailable in the region for photography enthusiasts and foster the entry of works in the annual Festival of Arts and in the Photographic Register of Cervantes Residents 2013.

City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder $10,000

Puppet Making: The Kalgoorlie-Boulder Project | Goldfi elds - Esperance

Artist and puppeteer, Theresa O’Connor will be the artist in residence for the Puppet Making project. Theresa will support a group of 12 participants sourced through the YMCA’s Build in Hope program to undertake two weeks of wooden puppet making followed by live performances and an exhibition at the Boulder Town Hall.

Paupiyala Tjarutja Aboriginal Corporation $15,000

Artist in Residency | Goldfi elds – Esperance

The Spinifex Arts Project will collaborate with sculptor Ange Leech for an artist in residency in October 2012 in the remote community Tjuntjuntjara. The aim is to bring together elements of current wood craft practice with introduced design and technique from a practicing Western artist. This is a second and major residency involving elders, youth and school-aged children that aims to build sustainable arts practices.

Mandurah Performing Arts Centre $15,000

Riptide Mandurah Project | Peel

Mandurah Performing Arts Centre will collaborate with local artists and Perth director and choreographer Danielle Micich to develop skills and a performance opportunity for Mandurah’s young people working in dance, drama and fi lm.


Project Fund This program is designed to assist West Australian regional, remote and very remote communities and artists to partner with professional artists and cultural leaders. Funded projects will take the form of high quality arts projects and activities that develop cultural networks and build capacity for long term benefi ts and increase professional development.

Projects should be accessible and inspiring, as well as rewarding for both the artists and the community.

In 2012 Country Arts WA delivered the fi rst round of the Project Fund in September.

Applicants could choose one of the following categories:

Individual – up to $10,000 or up to $15,000 above the 26th parallel or in very remote WA

This is available for individual artists or artsworkers from regional and remote Western Australia who have identifi ed a unique professional development opportunity.

Community – up to $15,000 or up to $20,000 above the 26th parallel or in very remote WA

This is available for not-for-profi t organisations or local Governments from regional and remote Western Australia to employ professional artists in a creative arts project that engages their community.

There were 24 applications received in the September round with total funding request of $381,194. Eight applications were approved to a total of $95,500.

2012 Project Fund supported:

Warakurna Artists Aboriginal Corporation $20,000

Western Desert Mob - Regional Skills Workshops | Goldfi elds – Esperance

The Regional Skills Workshops project will link the four Ngaanyatjarra Art Centres in a 12-month program of skills development workshops for emerging and established artists. The project will see workshops held in each community, building skills and confi dence as well as boosting the region’s creative and cultural network.

Marrugeku Inc $15,500

Listening to Country | Kimberley

Marrugeku will partner with the Kimberley Law and Culture Centre and Nyamba Buru Yawuru to develop a community-based and professional dance program to stimulate the development of dance in the sector. Funding will support one component of the three-year project.

Southern Edge Arts $12,500

All in Good Time | Great Southern

All in Good Time is an original production, devised and performed by the youth members of Southern Edge Arts. The production will retell personal histories of colourful Albany characters using puppetry, text, circus, video and dance.


Mullewa Arts Development Group $10,000

Hunting for Foxes | Mid WestAuspiced by Mullewa Arts Craft Station/Community Centre

Hunting for Foxes is a contemporary photography project that aims to build photography skills, develop local identity and provide local residents with a unique opportunity to explore and develop an expression of themselves. The resulting images will be curated and exhibited in Mullewa.

Mangkaja Arts Resource Agency Aboriginal Corporation $10,000

Artist in Residence – Scrap Metal Sculpting | Kimberley

Metal-work artist, Brendan Hackett will be engaged to facilitate a three week scrap metal sculpting workshop in Fitzroy Crossing. The project will deliver skills development to the Men’s Shed participants as well as engaging younger artists and provide a new sustainable art practice to the region.

Country Music Club of Boyup Brook $10,000

Country Music Boot Camp | South West

An intensive three day country music boot camp for singers, song writers and instrumentalists will be held in Boyup Brook in September 2013. National iconic country music performers, Carter & Carter will provide an extensive program of activities and fi nish with group performances at Harvey Dickson’s Country Music Show.

Broome Aboriginal Media Association $10,000

Nurlu Jalbigan Music Camp | Kimberley

Nurlu Jalbigan Music Camp is a professional development program for regional and remote Indigenous musicians and arts managers to develop realistic and practical skills to establish successful long-term careers.

INQB8 Mandurah $7,500

Connect Me – Create Me – Promote Me | Peel

Key arts industry professionals as well as Artsource and the Department of Culture and the Arts will be engaged to deliver a series of workshops and presentation opportunities to the region over a twelve month period. The workshops aim to engage, network, create, build, re-energise and reinforce the creative and cultural sectors’ professional capacity.


Quick Response Grant The Quick Response Grant provides support for small-scale arts development initiatives and professional development opportunities for individual artists and arts organisations in regional Western Australia. These grants are intended to assist regional artists, arts organisations and communities who would otherwise be limited by the constraints of other funding programs.

2012 Quick Response Grant Funding supported:

Creative Albany $1,170

Playwright Residency l Great Southern

Playwright, Director and Actor, Phil Thomson will be engaged to run a two week residency in Albany. Phil will deliver two workshops for the young people of Albany and Denmark which will culminate in a play reading of both Phil’s work and that of the workshop participants.

Southern Edge Arts $1,500

Speaking in Tongues YPAA National Symposium l Great Southern

Southern Edge Arts Artistic Director, Simon Clarke has been invited to lead discussions within an Open Spaces session as part of a Young People and the Arts Australia National Symposium, Speaking in Tongues in Western Sydney.

Virginia Jealous $931

Southwords, Northwords - Poems from Opposite Ends of Australia l Great Southern

Virginia Jealous will participate in the combined National Poetry Festival and Wordstorm, the Darwin Writers Festival in May 2012. Virginia has been invited to perform a collaborative/responsive poetry reading with published and prize-winning Northern Territory poet Kaye Aldenhoven.

Sand Sculpture project with the City of Greater Geraldton. Photo Steve Davidson.


Margaret River Community Resource Centre $1,500

Fire Stories l South West

An oral history project involving a number of community organisations working together to collect stories from people affected by the November 2011 Margaret River bush fi res.

Elaine Clocherty $900

Site Specifi c Art at Sculpture by the Sea Bondi l South West

A professional development opportunity for Elaine Clocherty to travel to Sydney and create a site specifi c concept plan for Sculpture by the Sea Bondi 2012.

Lily Richards $1,300

Australia Council for the Arts Marketing Summit l South WestAuspiced by Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre

Lily Richards will attend the Australia Council for the Arts Marketing Summit in Melbourne as a professional development opportunity. Skills gained at the Summit will assist Lily in promoting a diverse range of art forms to her regional community.

Goomburrup Aboriginal Corporation $1,500

Bunbury NAIDOC Week Family Fun Day l South West

Goomburrup Aboriginal Corporation will run workshops as part of the NAIDOC week Family Fun Day celebrating Indigenous culture. The workshops will include a range of cultural activities facilitated by local Indigenous artists, learning the traditional ways of sharing culture with the local community.

Joel McGuinness $1,500

Attend Best Practice Arts Presenting Study Tour l South WestAuspiced by Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre

Joel McGuiness will attend ‘Best Practice’, Arts Presenting Study Tour to the US, with a delegation from The Australian Performing Arts Centre Association. At the same time Joel will attend the Association of Performing Arts Presenters and International Society of Performing Arts Conferences in NYC.

Rosa Moyle $950

NSW Cherry Festival l South WestAuspiced by Manjimup Chamber of Commerce

Arts worker Rosa Moyle to attend Young, NSW Cherry Festival 2012. Skills gained will enable Rosa to provide support and assistance to the Manjimup Cherry Harmony Festival, among others.


Southern Rip $1,300

HyperFest Event Management Training Tour 2012 l South West

Southern Rip will coordinate ten-twelve young people to travel from Busselton to Perth to attend the City of Swan’s HyperFest Concert 2012. The young people will be required to provide volunteer support in the staging of the concert as well as the development and planning of the overall project.

Town of Narrogin $1,500

Junkadelic Instrument Making Workshop l Wheatbelt

A percussion and wind instrument making workshop for young people. The young participants will perform in public at a National Youth Week event with the ‘Funk Junkies’.

Arts & Cultural Development Council of Geraldton $1,500

Make Some Noise l Mid West

Preliminary visit by Linsey Pollack to organise a community music project and associated workshops. The workshops will result in a funky street band using thongaphones, brass and junk percussion to perform as part of the City of Geraldton’s Street Festival activities.

Northampton Old School $1,000

Exhibition Assistance - Northampton Felt Art Works l Mid West

Carmen McFaul will run art workshops as part of the Cannery’s Summer School for a group of artists who attended the ‘Feelings in Felt’ workshop run by Northampton Old School. They will exhibit their work at the Oakajee Port and Rail’s ‘Good Heart’ Exhibition.

Rose Holdaway $1,500

Art of Good Health and Wellbeing Conference l Mid West

A professional development opportunity for Mid West artist, Rose Holdaway to attend the 2012 Art of Good Health and Wellbeing Conference in Fremantle.

City of Greater Geraldton $2,975

Sand Sculpture Project l Mid West

Two artists will be engaged to run a series of sand sculpting workshops as part of a two-part Sand Sculpture Project. Up to 40 local artists will participate in the proposed workshops to elevate their skills and produce a showcase of artwork.


Exmouth Cultural Arts Centre $1,468

The Fence Project l GascoyneAuspiced by Burringurrah Local Drug Action

Through partnerships with Tura New Music’s Sounds Outback to Reef Music Festival, this project will involve two free community workshops in the art form of fence bowing. Violinist and composer, Jon Rose will facilitate the public workshops.

Burringurrah Community $3,000

Boss of My Body l GascoyneAuspiced by Burringurrah Local Drug Action

Young people in Burringurrah Community will work with hip-hop music producers in consultation with health professionals to develop a music track and video clip addressing community health issues and empowering young people.

Bel Skinner $1,500

Attend AWME 2012 l Kimberley

A professional development opportunity for Kimberley arts worker Bel Skinner to attend the Australian Worldwide Music Expo AWME 2012. The opportunity will assist Bel strengthen to promote networks, develop skills and knowledge in supporting remote Indigenous musicians in Western Australia.

Robert Dann $1,200

Attend the Australian Performing Arts Market l Kimberley

Robert will attend the Australian Performing Arts Market in Adelaide. This will enhance his knowledge of the performing arts industry, providing ideas and strategies on how to market his work as a musician.

Pampila Hanson Box $1,500

Short Film l Kimberley

Film-maker Vincent Moon will work with local Indigenous artist, Pampila Hanson Box to create a short fi lm. The fi lm will feature Pampila singing traditional music, making artefacts and art work.


Strategic Regional Partnerships Strategic Regional Partnership funding is designed to assist regional communities to develop programs/positions that have a long-term impact and strategic intent. Organisations funded through the current Regional Arts Fund agreement receive $50,000 per year for three years as part of Country Arts WA’s commitment to funding organisations to succeed.

The following projects commenced in 2010 and entered their third year in 2012:

Shire of Halls Creek $150,000 (over 3 years)

Halls Creek Arts Development Project

The Halls Creek Arts Development Project is building the capacity and confi dence of Aboriginal artists in Halls Creek and re-establishing the artist-owned and governed Yarliyil Art Centre. In partnership with a range of local organisations and with the support of key state/national agencies, parallel programs of artist development and enterprise development are being implemented.

Some of the highlights of 2012 were the ongoing employment of a full time Arts Coordinator, printmaking workshops with Basil Hall and Yarliyil artist Biddy Timbinah winning the $20,000 City of Geraldton Greenough Overall Award for Excellence in the Mid West Art Prize.

Ngaanyatjarra Media Aboriginal Corporation $150,000 (over 3 years)

Ngaanyatjarra Music Development Program

The Ngaanyatjarra Music Development Program was established to support music development in up to 14 communities in the Ngaanyatjarra region. This project aims to establish a three year music development program for Ngaanyatjarra communities and to establish a vibrant music industry in the region. The program will include music skills development, performance and festivals, recording, touring and business development.

Some of the highlights of 2012 were the Blackstone Music Festival which saw eight local bands perform and included a live recording of the performances. This recording was distributed to the band members and public; and the Blackstone Band was then selected as support band for the Sand Tracks tour.

Biddy Timbinah painting in the car workshop. Photo Hannah Quinlivan.


Arts Agencies The Arts Agencies fund is designed to assist Western Australia’s arts and cultural agencies to deliver programs in partnership with regional communities as well as extend networks and strengthen relationships and development of the arts across the regions. Organisations funded through the current Regional Arts Fund agreement will receive $50,000 per year for three years as part of Country Arts WA’s commitment to funding organisations to succeed.

The following projects commenced in 2010 and entered their third year in 2012:

Disability in the Arts, Disadvantage in the Arts, Australia $150,000 (over 3 years)

DADAA Regional Arts and Health Program

Disability in the Arts, Disadvantage in the Arts, Australia (DADAA) will maintain its reputation and status as a key producer of high quality artistic works and cultural development outcomes with long-term meaningful change to individuals and communities. DADAA will achieve this by employing a part-time (three days per week) Regional Arts and Health Project Offi cer in each of the focus regions (two Project Offi cers will be employed at any one time). DADAA continued to broaden and strengthen the arts-based Community Cultural Development programs that it has been delivering in the South West, the West Kimberley and will commence in Goldfi elds-Esperance in 2012.

Some of the highlights in 2012 were the Emergence Project running independently in Esperance, the Marsh Art Festival in Derby increasing audience numbers from previous years as well as increasing client numbers in Esperance who have committed to a regular workshop program.

Western Australian Music Industry Association $150,000 (over 3 years)

WAM Regional Program

Western Australian Music Industry Association’s (WAM) Regional Offi cer is a full time position dedicated to the coordination of WAM’s activities in regional Western Australia, the delivery of targeted projects and building regional contemporary music networks. WAM’s Regional program incorporates regular fi eldtrips to the regions, the annual WAM Regional Round Table as part of the WAMi Festival, the development of a touring and ‘Sounds of’ recording projects.

Some of the highlights of 2012 were the Wheatbelt Contemporary Music Touring Circuit, the Sounds of Tom Price project and the attendance of more than 30 regional music professionals at the Regional Roundtable.





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Drug Aware YCulture Regional is a youth arts funding and development program. The fund helps young people aged 12 to 26 living in regional Western Australian communities to actively create, plan, manage and deliver their own arts projects through support from the Regional Youth Arts Development Offi cer.

Drug Aware YCulture Regional is open to youth arts and culture projects across all art forms such as but not limited to music, theatre, performance, new media, fi lmmaking, visual arts, urban art, writing and dance.

This fund continued to be in great demand in 2012, with 14 applications supported totalling $57,531. Funding was allocated to projects in fi ve of the nine regions in regional Western Australia.

Drug Aware YCulture Regional is delivered through a partnership between Healthway, Country Arts WA, and the Drug and Alcohol Offi ce with the Drug Aware campaign.

Create2Cope street art project. Photo Nathan Hoyle.

Drug Aware YCulture Regional


Drug Aware YCulture Regional Panel Drug Aware YCulture Regional offers the opportunity for young people living in regional Western Australia to become panel members. The Regional Arts Development Offi cer and other panel members mentor new trainees with their assessment and feedback of Drug Aware YCulture Regional applications and acquittals. In 2012 the Drug Aware YCulture Regional panel had representation from the Pilbara, Peel, Great Southern, South West and Goldfi elds–Esperance regions.

Volunteering as a Drug Aware YCulture panel member offers young people a greater understanding of assessment panels and funding processes. Moreover it further develops communication skills and an awareness of artists working in regional Western Australia and the communities actively involved in youth arts. This is often a springboard into a potential career path in the arts.

The 2012 Drug Aware YCulture Regional Panel consisted of the following young people:

Country Arts WA successfully secured additional funding through the Department of Culture and the Arts to provide a professional development opportunity including travel for six panellists. Panellists from the South West, Goldfi elds-Esperance, Mid West, Peel, Gascoyne and Great Southern represented the youth from their regions.

The professional development consisted of a Regional Mentoring and Skills Development Focus Group, held at the Department of Culture and the Arts as well as a two day Project Management Course organised by Country Arts WA.

Brittany Moxham, Pilbara

Alice Fletcher, South West

Kaitlyn Seymour, Great Southern

Abbey Sergant, Great Southern

Terrence Winner, Goldfi elds-Esperance

Caitlyn Edwards, Goldfi elds-Esperance

Curtis Taylor, Pilbara

Hannah Chambers, South West

Kellie Aberg, Peel

Sofi e Lines, Great Southern

Daniel Adams, Goldfi elds- Esperance


2012 Drug Aware YCulture Funding supported:

Drug Aware Boyup Brook Puppet Experience l South West $3,000

The Spare Parts Puppet Theatre facilitated four 90 minute workshops with Boyup Brook Primary, Boyup Brook Secondary and Saint Mary’s Catholic School students on Friday, 17 February. A fi nal performance took place on the following day as part of the street carnival at the Boyup Brook Country Music Festival.

Breakaway Youth Centre l South West $3,000

To obtain a sense of ownership of their centre, the young people created an urban art design on the front of the building including the new name ‘Breakaway Youth Centre’. The project included two art skills workshops with Noel Barns where they learnt new art applications and artistic skills including the use of protective anti-graffi ti paint.

Drug Aware Circus Freak Out! l Peel $3,000

West Coast Circus held two Circus Performance Workshops with the youth of Boddington. The workshops took place over a weekend at the Boddington Community Resource Centre with a fi nal performance on the Sunday afternoon involving both the West Coast Circus and the young participants.

Drug Aware National Youth Week Art Project l South West $2,850

Young people from across the South West created six panels with artistic design to express youth views and emotions as part of National Youth Week. Participants attended three workshops plus two extra days to complete the fi nal piece of artwork under the guidance of professional artist, Noel Barnes. The panels were then unveiled at the National Youth Week Launch in Bunbury.

Drug Aware Timomatic Family Concert & Workshop l Gascoyne $6,000

Timomatic and his back-up dancers will run two, one hour Hip-Hop dance workshops with 150 youth of Carnarvon. There will be a fi nal performance presenter to the wider Carnarvon community involving the youth who participated in the workshops and the Timomatic dance troupe.

Drug Aware Miss Arty Party l South West $3,000

A series of nine, ‘girls only’ art workshops were held at the Augusta-Margaret River Shire’s Zone Room youth space. Art Facilitator, Kate Dunn facilitated the workshops with local youth teaching creative techniques such as aerosol art, painting, jewellery making and textiles.

Drug Aware Brighten Up the Bay l South West $3,000

Artist Samuel Allen facilitated urban art painting workshops for local youth at the Dunsborough Hall. The workshops were held over four days culminating in a fi nal design which was painted on the toilet block at the Dunsborough Playing Fields.

Drug Aware Water Dance – Fire Dance – Air Dance l Gascoyne $6,000

Local youth groups including the Pundara Dancers and the Narvy Crew attended workshops with artists Claudia Alessi, Theaker von Ziarno and David Hymes to learn dance, aerial and circus skills.


Drug Aware Not Another Statistic l Peel $4,000

Professional actor Will O’Mahony and local youth arts worker Elisa Dumitru held workshops with the young people of Mandurah. Will O’Mahony facilitated skills development workshops, teaching vocal and physical training in theatre and Elisa Dumitru mentored the young people to produce a contemporary theatre piece.

Drug Aware Tri Dance l Gascoyne $6,000

Dance choreographers, Bianca Martin and Rhiannon Newton travelled to Exmouth to run dance workshops with the Tri Dance group. The workshops were held over three weeks with the young people learning skills in contemporary dance, hip-hop, ballet and choreography.

Drug Aware Imprints l South West $3,800

Artist Helen Hulme was engaged to run print making workshops with the young people of Manjimup and Bridgetown. The workshops were held over once a week for nine weeks with a fi nal art exhibition at the end to showcase the created works.

Drug Aware Graffi ti Fix l Peel $4,000

Graffi ti artists Abnormal Design were engaged to run graffi ti workshops in the July school holidays with the young people of Boddington. The workshops culminated in a fi nal tennis court graffi ti piece being created which was be presented to the Western Australian Governor at the Boddington Centenary Opening in September.

Drug Aware Write and Illustrate l South West $2,881

Author Sarah Evans and Illustrator Gabriel Evans were engaged to run short story writing and illustration workshops with the young people of Boyup Brook. Following the workshops the young people created their own short stories with illustrations. These were printed by the Boyup Brook Community Resource Centre and made available for purchase at the book launch.

Drug Aware Urban Creative Endeavours l Mid West $4,000

Professional graffi ti artist, Shah Jackey was engaged to run an urban art project with the youth of Geraldton. The young people worked together to create two murals in the alleyways outside the Provincial Cafe and the Saltdish Cafe in Geraldton.

Drug Aware Create2Cope – Street Art Project l Kimberley $6,000

Professional graffi ti artists, Nathan and Frances Hoyle were engaged to run graffi ti art workshops with the young people of Fitzroy Crossing. The workshops culminated in a large mural being developed which was celebrated with a community BBQ.


Key Performance Indicators and Audited Accounts





1. To have positioned and branded Country Arts WA as a leading cultural contributor within the creative industries

New partnerships are established that extend the delivery of culture and arts programs in regional WA.

2 3

HARTZ and BHP Billiton

Gascoyne in May

Edith Cowan University

Number of boards, committees Country Arts WA represented on – state, regional and national

State x 4

Regional x 9

National x 2

State x 8 – FutureMoves, WA Chamber of Culture & Arts Executives Committee, CircuitWest, State Regional Round Table Propel Board, Young People and the Arts Round Table DCA Arts Development Panel, Small to Medium Touring Reference Group

Regional x 3 – Gascoyne Arts Advisory Group, Gascoyne in May, Sand Tracks Advisory Group

National x 6 – Regional Arts Australia, Blue Heelers, National Executive 2012 Conference, Regional Arts Managers, NADA

Number of presentations at key industry events

4 Achieved –Leadership WA, Goolwa x4, Gascoyne Local Govt, Theatre Network WA, APACA

Advocacy and Lobby Campaign implemented

Achieved – Lobbying and Regional Arts Policy Platform

Key Performance Indicators



1. To have positioned and branded Country Arts WA as a leading cultural contributor within the creative industries (cont.)

Marketing and Communications Plan implemented


2. To have engaged the nine regions in an accessible, diverse and innovative range of artistic and funding programs

Fully subscribed funding programs Fully subscribed Achieved

Applicants to funding programs represent all nine regions

9 Achieved

Number of Special Projects e.g.: Remote Indigenous Touring Initiative, BHP Legacy Project, Focus Region initiative

3 Achieved –

Aboriginal Art Centre Hub of WA, Gascoyne Focus Region, Gascoyne in May, Sand Tracks, HARTZ

Establishment of full time RADO in Focus Region

1 Achieved

Number of RAF funded full time Regional Arts Development Offi cers

4 Achieved

Establishment of a network of regionally based cultural and arts development offi cers.

Commitment from Govt to fund regional network

Not achieved

National and State Tours delivered to nine regions

9 Achieved

Annual Regional Forums delivered in partnership with DCA

1 Muster



3. To be an effective organisation – creative, motivated, well-resourced

Staff Retention

Board retention

Max 2 staff loss p/yr

see out full terms (6 yrs)

Not achieved

Not achieved

Number of professional development taken by staff as a team

Number of PD taken individually

2 per year

1 per year each

Not Achieved – 60% at staff PD

Not achieved –only 10 did individual PD

Staff Salaries – annual review and targets

2.9% Achieved in 2011 average increase of salary banding for all positions of 14%

No of inspirational motivational sessions

4 Not achieved – 1 only

IT plan established and implemented

1 Achieved, Lotterywest funded IT Project

4. To have a growing, diverse and proactive member base

See Marketing Plan



1. Increasing membership numbers, diversity of membership and engagement with Membership.

A 5% annual increase to fortnightly e-news (Art-e-facts)

564 Not achieved – distribution is currently 517

Number of hits on website Develop by June (as part of new website)

See below for new website

New website and e-advocacy campaign launched

June Not achieved

Virtual Resource Offi ce created June Not achieved

Increase in membership 216

20% increase

Not achieved – 191 members although new membership strategy completed

Membership Satisfaction 95% Achieved – 97%

Number of members voting at AGM 50

15% increase

Achieved – 50

Marketing KPIs



2. Building and raising the profi le of the Country Arts brand as an industry leader

Research results formally published in professional journals and special publications

4 Not achieved

Produce quarterly newsletters 4 Publication ceased in 2011, awaiting 2013 review

Increased media profi le 448

10% increase

Not achieved -250 although 2011 fi gure included press clippings for the Open Your Eyes conference

Number of Regional Champions 9 Not achieved

Number of fi eld trips and events in all nine regions

A minimum number of events held per year

Events= workshop (e.g.: Measure Up, networking meetings, Shows on the Go, training, master classes, CAT A’s, fi elds)


2 events – 50 attend

Achieved –

Goolwa Networking Breakfast, Muster (21), Culture Panel (7), AACHWA (8),

A minimum number of people per year participating at these events

Participating=workshop/training/ meeting participants, volunteer presenters/workers

250 Achieved

Media partnership 3 Achieved – ABC Radio, WIN TV, The Kalgoorlie Miner

Presentations and representations to Local Government CEO’s and Presidents, business and community leaders per year

15 Not Achieved – RDL, CANWA Measurement, WAAPA, Kojonup Gathering, Gascoyne Local Govt, Manifesto 2029



3. Diversifying the source of income

Donation program Implemented No formal donations program implemented

Sponsorship Packages and an annual high quality publication of success stories from regional WA

2 One only achieved - Three Year Snapshot document

Annual partnership event 1 Scheduled Program Launch and Sundowner for 20 Feb 2013

4. To build audiences, participants and clients in Country Arts WA priority areas.

Number audience in priority areas

Indigenous, Young People, Focus Region

Youth 14%

Indigenous 18%

Gascoyne 1%

Information not available for 2012

Number of participants in priority areas

Indigenous, Young People

Total Workshops 248

Total Participants 3,318

Youth 86%

Indigenous 52%

Information not available for 2012

Number of clients in priority areas

Indigenous, Young People, Health and Well being, Technology, Focus Region

Indigenous 15

Technology 5

Youth 38

Health 21

Gascoyne 7

Information not available for 2012



Maintain reserves above 10% of operating costs

Growth in annual operations surplus

$8,000 Achieved

Growth in partnerships providing in-kind support

8 Achieved

5% annual growth in membership fees

$12,859 $12,247

Diversify income streams (operations)

60% max operations income from government sources

66% Not achieved – 71%

10% min operations income from cash sponsorship

6% Not achieved – 8%

30% min operations income from other sources

28% Not achieved

Diversify income streams (projects)

Growth in donations $10,000 Not achieved

Growth in philanthropy $15,000 Not achieved

Growth in government funding for discrete projects

Achieved – State – Looking Forward Fund

Growth in cash sponsors 2 Achieved

Financial KPIs


Your Board of Directors submits the fi nancial report of Country Arts (WA) Incorporated for the fi nancial year ended 31 December 2012.


The names of Board members throughout the year and at the date of this report are:

Suzie Haslehurst - Chairperson

Kate Fielding - Vice Chairperson

Katherine McLean (Secretary)

Pippa Davis (Treasurer)

Fay O’Brien

Christine Elaine

Ross Beckett

Shane Colquhoun

Peter Rupp

Kira Fong

Jason Oakley

Brittany Moxham

Board of Members Report


The principal activity of the association during the year was to support the development and delivery of the arts and cultural activity in regional Western Australia.


No signifi cant change in the nature of these activities during the year.


The profi t from ordinary activities for the year amounts to $2,441 (2011: $ 6,129 loss).







Earned Income - -

Audience Sales - -

Box Offi ce and Entry Fees 12,500 88,164

Contract Fees (Presenters Fees) 348,538 694,087

Total Audience Sales 361,038 782,251

Fees and Services

Participants Fees (Program Fees) 8,315 6,800

Marketing Materials 295 10,637

National Rural Health Alliance - 30,650

Membership Fees 14,463 14,800

Project Management Fees 120,676 148,281

Project Partners - 25,000

Tour Coordination Fees 9,000 14,250

Total Fees and Services 152,749 250,418

Resources Income

Other Usage Income 8,921 3,500

Total Resources Income 8,921 3,500

TOTAL EARNED INCOME 522,708 1,036,169

Audited Accounts




Sponsorship and Philanthropic


Healthway – Funds b/f 2,134 3,737

Healthway 157,500 162,880

BHP Newman 120,000 200,000

Rio Tinto - Pilbara Iron - 50,000

Crossland Resources - 25,000

Horizon Power 20,000 20,000

Worley Parsons - 5,000

Perth Convention Bureau 20,000 -

Other Sponsorships 5,000 2,200

In Kind Sponsorship 69,243 50,076

Total Sponsorship and Philanthropic 393,877 518,893


The Ian Potter Foundation 20,000 20,000

Other 125 20

Total Donations 20,125 20,020

Other Earned Income

Interest (Received) 45,956 57,671

Reimbursements (Support Fees) 11,671 777

Total Other Earned Income 57,627 58,448

TOTAL NON-GRANT INCOME 994,337 1,633,529






Australia Council Funds

Australia Council- Funds b/f 46,137 98,351

Music Board – Sand Tracks - 20,650

Comm.Partners – Out There 43,306 48,345

Comm.Partners – Gascoyne Partnership 74,675 38,489

Total Australia Council Funds 164,118 205,795

Other Commonwealth

RAF 5 2009 – 2013 Funds b/f 35,931 51,820

Regional Arts Fund 5 2009-2013 464,495 588,842

Regional Arts Fund 6 2013-2015 140,075 -

Playing Australia Funds 148,514 342,153

OFTA – WAAACH – Funds b/f - 7,133

OFTA – SIP b/f 74,000 40,000

OFTA – ICC – AACHWA 238,751 378,540

IOT Funding 8,273 131,435

OFTA – Sandtracks 83,525 84,825

Total Other Commonwealth 1,193,564 1,624,749


DCA – 2010 Brought Forward 115,362 184,162

DCA – 2011 Allocation 1,254,321 1,031,397

DCA – Ignite Project Funds 236,500 481,043

DCA – Other Projects 127,250 20,000

Total DCA WA 1,733,432 1,716,602




Other State Funding

Lotterywest 326,151 192,411

Mid West Dev. Com 5,000 45,000

Department of Communities 38,642 -

Gascoyne Dev. Comm 128,066 123,123

Mental Health Commission 100,000 -

Total Other State Funding 597,859 360,534

Local Government

Local Government - Funds b/f - 2,000

Local Government Funds 21,000 55,281

Total Local Government 21,000 57,281

TOTAL GRANT INCOME 3,709,973 3,964,960

TOTAL INCOME 4,704,310 5,598,489



2012 $

2011 $



Creative Personnel/Consultants 125,182 251,268

Performers/Artists/Artsworkers 106,945 53,633

Production/Technical 31,547 67,830

Management / Administration

Management Salaries 918,527 957,768

Casual Staff 11,535 3,812

Total Management / Administration 930,062 961,580

Total Fees, Allowances and On-costs 306,204 315,359

TOTAL SALARIES, WAGES & FEES 1,499,941 1,649,671


Venue and Exhibition Space 7,570 42,322

Equipment, Lighting & Audio Cost 14,654 21,521

Scenic, Staging and Materials 4,771 6,313

Other Development and Creative - 17,381

Total Travel, Freight, Bump In/Out Cost 565,201 808,983

Total Other Production & Touring Cost 581,742 924,439




2012 $



CAWA Project Management Fee - 71,858

Contract Fees 17,927 -

Bad Debts Written Off 465 -

Conference & Workshops 2,942 45,382

Mentorship/Development Programs 6,000 -

Industry & Community Advocacy 12,295 1,997

Community Projects 1,045,364 1,092,760

Evaluation and Research Costs - 79,593



Advertising (all media) 29,901 39,311

Promotional Materials 44,820 78,284

Website, Publications & Documents 28,155 54,720

Marketing & PR 22,057 56,533

Fundraising & Sponsorship Expenses - 734

Rebranding - 5,130



2012 $



Offi ce Rent and Running Costs 17,978 11,855

Total Offi ce Consumables & Resources 155,423 115,958

Total Communications 53,399 43,877

Total Travel 34 8,437

Total Legal, Finance & Governance 124,046 130,665

Depreciation & Loss on Sale 33,026 7,594

Contingency - 512

Acquittal – Playing Australia - 11,908

Unexpected Grants & Sponsorship 338,928 317,884


TOTAL EXPENSES 4,606,634 5,645,617

NET ORDINARY INCOME 97,675 (47,129)

Other Income

Fixed Asset Reserve (45,831) -

Future Project Funds b/fwd (49,403) 41,000

Total Other Income / (Expense) (95,234) 41,000

NET INCOME / (LOSS) 2,441 (6,129)






Current Assets

ANZ General Cheque Account 172,348 170,435

ANZ Term Deposit 506,024 -

Online Saver Account 107,293 382,138

Donation Fund Account 372 5,380

Funds Held Account 20 20

Newman Project Cash Management 2 32

Newman Project Online Saver 90 90

RAF V Cheque A/C 76 5,711

RAF V Online Saver 88,816 414

AACHWA Business Classic Saver 144,070 113,986

AACHWA Online Saver 45,693 93,101

Petty Cash Float 900 300

Total Cheque/Savings 1, 065,705 771,607

Other Current Assets

Inventory and Work in Progress

RAF Grants Prepayments - 25,000

Prepayments 8,104 13,915

Sundry Debtors 1,943 3,436

Total Inventory and Work in Progress 10,047 42,351





Bond - Cab charge 200 200

Accounts Receivable 234,782 144,562

Total Other Current Assets 234,982 144,762

Total Current Assets 1,310,734 958,720

Fixed Assets

Offi ce Furniture & Equipment 16,446 34,608

Less Accumulated Depreciation Furniture / Equipment (5,147) (14,413)

Total Offi ce Furniture & Equipment 11,299 20,195

Lotterywest Computer Equipment 60,155 -

Less Accumulated Depreciation (20,052) -

Total Lotterywest Computer Equipment 40,103 -

Lotterywest Software at Cost 11,456 -

Less Accumulated Depreciation (5,728) -

Total Lotterywest Software 5,728 -

TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 57,130 20,195

TOTAL ASSETS 1,367,864 978,915






Accounts Payable 107,409 125,681

Credit Cards

ANZ Debit Card (37) (56)

Total Credit Cards (37) (56)

Other Current Liabilities

Sundry Creditors 13,908 14,908

RAF 6 Funds Committed 95,500 -

Grants Received in Advance

Australia Council – Gascoyne Focus Region 70,000 117,981

Lotterywest – CW Audience Development 43,288 59,990

Gascoyne Dev. Com – Out There 27,873 -

OFTA – AACHWA VACS 125,000 -

Department of Comms – Create Tank 61,328 -

DCA – Circuit west – Measure Up - 19,918

DCA – Conference Support 4,304 -

RAF V 2009 – 2013 - 17,495

RAF VI 2012 – 2016 84,638 -

OFTA - SIP - 74,000

National Disability Services - 5,000

DCA – AACHWA LFF 31,300 -

DCA – GIM LFF 34,476 -

Total Grants Received in Advance 482,207 291,384


NOTE 2012$


Deferred Liability

Fixed Asset Reserve (4) 45,831 -

Total Deferred Liability 45,831 -

Unexpended Grants / Sponsorship

BHP Newman 64,642 -

DCA – Devolved RAD - 22,773

DCA – Sandtracks 78,445 51,018

DCA – Arts Dev. Peak 34,064 -

DCA – Contemp Music Touring - 1,887

DCA – Schools Touring 24,109 39,684

DCA – AACHWA LFF 6,033 -

Gascoyne Dev. Comm – Measure Up 1,431 2,570


OFTA – AACHWA 2011/12 - 113,751

RAFV 2009 - 2013 - 35,930

Healthways – Y Culture Regional - 2,134

Australia Council – Gascoyne Focus Region 55,067 46,137

Department of Communities - Create 9,000 -

Lotterywest – CW Aud. Development 31,147 -

Mental Health Comm – S T Evaluation 10,377 -

Local Gov App. By Interview 2,000 2,000

Total Unexpected Grants / Sponsorship 342,359 317,884



NOTE 2012$


Tax and Other Withholdings

Staff Social Club Funds 891 661

Provision for Group Tax 16,222 18,179

Provision for Superannuation 8,611 8,599

Tax Payable 9,996 5,555

Total Tax and Other Withholdings 35,721 32,994


Provision for Annual Leave 24,238 27,562

Parental Leave Reserve 7,000 7,000

Total Provisions 31,238 34,562

Total Other Current Liabilities 1,046,764 691,732

Total Current Liabilities 1,154,134 817,358

TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,154,134 817,358

NET ASSETS 213,730 161,567


Future Projects Funds (5) 49,722 -

Retained Earnings 161,567 167,696

Net Income 2,441 (6,129)

TOTAL EQUITY 213,730 161,567



NOTE 2012 $

2011 $


Receipts from members 14,493 14,800

Grant receipts & other funding 5,154,925 5,833,208

Support fees 11,671 777

Interest received 45,956 57,671

Payments to suppliers and employees (4,862,986) (6,361,658)

Net cash provided by / (used) from operating activities 6(ii) 364,059 (455,202)


Fixed assets purchases (69,961) (15,070)

Net cash provided/(used) from investing activities (69,961) (15,070)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash held 294,098 (470,272)

Cash at beginning of year 771,607 1,241,879

CASH AT THE END OF THE YEAR 6(i) 1,065,705 771,607



In the opinion of the Board the fi nancial report:

1. The board has determined that Country Arts (WA) is a non-reporting entity and the attached fi nancial report is a special purpose fi nancial report prepared for the purpose of advising members and funding bodies of the balance sheet and income and expenditure of Country Arts (WA) in accordance with its constitution.

2. Presents a true and fair view of the balance sheet of Country Arts (WA) Incorporated as at 31 December 2012 and its performance for the year ended on that date in accordance with accounting policies described in Note 1 to the Financial Report.

3. At the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that Country Arts (WA) Incorporated will be able to pay its debts as and when they fall due.

This statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board and is signed for and on behalf of the Board by:

____________________ _______________________

Suzie Haslehurst Pippa DavisChairperson Treasurer Dated: Dated: 26/02/13




The fi nancial report is a special purpose fi nancial report that has been specifi cally prepared for distribution to members and funding bodies in accordance with the constitution.

The fi nancial statement have been prepared on an accruals basis and are based on historical costs and does not take into account changing money values or, except where stated, current valuations of non-current assets. Cost is based on the fair values of the consideration given in exchange for assets.

The following is a summary of the material accounting policies adopted by the Association in the preparation of the fi nancial report. The accounting policies have been consistently applied, unless otherwise stated.

(a) Revenue

Interest revenue is recognized upon receipt.

Grant income is recognized when the association gains control of the contribution.

Revenue from services is recognized upon delivery of the service to customers.

All revenue is stated net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST)

(b) Employee Benefi ts

Provision is made for the association’s liability for employee benefi ts arising from services rendered by employees to balance date. Employee benefi ts expected to be settled within one year together with benefi ts arising from wages and salaries and annual leave and sick leave, which will be settled after one year, have been measured at their nominal amount. Other employee benefi ts payable later than one year have been measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outfl ows to be made for those benefi ts.




Contributions are made by the association to an employee superannuation fund and are charged as expenses when incurred.

(c) Cash

For the purpose of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash includes cash on hand, at banks and on deposit.

(d) Property, Plant and Equipment

Each class of property, plant and equipment are carried at cost where applicable, any accumulated depreciation.

Plant and Equipment

Plant and equipment are measured on the cost basis.

The carrying amount of plant and equipment is reviewed annually by the association to ensure it is not in excess of the recoverable amount from those assets. The recoverable amount is assessed on the basis of the expected net cash fl ows which will be received from the assets employment and subsequent disposal. The expected net cash fl ows have not been discounted to present values in determining recoverable amounts.


The depreciable amount of all fi xed assets are depreciated on a straight line basis over the useful lives of the assets to the association commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use.

The depreciation rates used for each class of depreciable asset are:

Class of fi xed asset Depreciation rate

Motor Vehicles 22.5%

Offi ce furniture and equipment 9-40%

Offi ce equipment donated 20%




(e) Goods And Services Tax (GST)

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognized net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST) except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Taxation Offi ce. In these circumstances the GST is recognized as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of an item of expense. Receivables and payables are stated with the amount of GST included.

(f) Income Tax

The association is deemed a non-profi t organization for income tax purposes and has tax exempt status under S. 50-45 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

(g) Comparative Figures

Comparative fi gures have been adjusted to conform to changes in presentation for the current fi nancial year.


There were no material events occurring after the reporting date that had a fi nancial effect on the association.


No related party transactions occurred during the year.


The Board of Country Arts (WA) Incorporated has resolved to adopt an amendment to AASB1004 for the purposes of the 2012 Audit to ensure the 2012 Lotterywest IT Upgrade grant will be recognised in conjunction with the written down value of the Lotterywest equipment purchased.




The Board of Country Arts (WA) Incorporated has resolved to create a provision for Future Projects in the Financial Statements with the intent of identifying and realising these projects and costs in future years.

6. CASH FLOW INFORMATIONi. Reconciliation of Cash

For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash includes cash on hand and at bank and short term deposits on call, net of outstanding bank overdrafts. Cash at the end of the fi nancial year is as follows for the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows:



Cash on hand and at bank 1,065,705 771,607

(ii) Reconciliation of net income/(expenditure) to net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities

Net surplus/(defi cit) 2,441 (6,129)

Add/(less) non-cash income and expense items:

Depreciation 33,026 7,594

Future Projects Funds 49,722 (41,000)

Transfers to/(from) provisions:

Employee entitlements (3,324) (26,828)

Change in assets and liabilities during the fi nancial year

(Increase)/decrease in debtors (90,210) 91,416

Increase/(decrease) in creditors, accruals, unexpended grants, and other liabilities

340,100 (487,086)

(Increase)/decrease in other assets 32,304 6,831

Net cash provided by/(used in) operation activities 364,059 455,202


Report on the Financial Report

We have audited the accompanying fi nancial report, being a special purpose fi nancial report of Country Arts (WA) Incorporated, which comprises the balance sheet as at 31 December 2012, the statement of income and expenditure for the year then ended, statement of cash fl ows, notes comprising a summary of signifi cant accounting policies, other explanatory notes and the statement by members of the committee.

Committee’s Responsibility for the Financial Report

The Committee of Country Arts (WA) Incorporated. is responsible for the preparation of the fi nancial report and has determined that the basis of preparation described in Note 1 is appropriate to meet the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act WA and the needs of the members. The committee’s responsibility also includes internal control as the committee determines is necessary to enable the preparation of a fi nancial report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the fi nancial report based on our audit. We have conducted out audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Those standards require that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the fi nancial report is free from material misstatement.

Independent Audit Report


An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the fi nancial report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the fi nancial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessment, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the association’s preparation of the fi nancial report that gives a true and fair view, in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the association’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the committee, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the fi nancial report.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is suffi cient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Audit Opinion

In our opinion, except for the qualifi cations above, the fi nancial report of presents fairly, in all material respects the fi nancial position of Country Arts (WA) Incorporated as at 31 December 2012 and of its fi nancial performance for the year ended in accordance with the accounting policies described in Note 1 to the fi nancial statements, and the Associations Incorporation Act WA.


Basis of Accounting

Without modifying our opinion, we draw attention to Note 1 to the fi nancial report, which describes the basis of accounting. The fi nancial report has been prepared to assist Country Arts (WA) Incorporated to meet the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act WA. As a result, the fi nancial report may not be suitable for another purpose.


Daniel Paul Papaphotis Registered Company Auditor154 High StreetFremantle WA 6160

Date: 27th February 2013


Board of Management & Governance




Board of Management Chair - Suzie Haslehurst, Broome (Co-Opted)

Suzie is a WAAPA graduate and has worked in the arts for over twenty years. Prior to moving to Broome with her family in 2001, she was the General Manager of Buzz Dance Theatre.

Since then Suzie has been a passionate advocate and spokesperson for the arts in regional and remote areas. She was the elected Chairperson of the Country Arts WA Board from 2004-2009 and the national President of Regional Arts Australia from 2007-2009, appointed by the Federal Minister for Social Inclusion and a member of the Not-For-Profi t Reform Council 2011-2012.

Suzie joined the Shire of Broome as Manager Community Development in 2012 after ten years as CEO of Magabala Books Aboriginal Corporation, a national Indigenous publishing house based in Broome that enables Indigenous creators to tell their stories.

Vice Chair - Kate Fielding, Warburton (Individual)

Kate builds creative platforms for progressive social change. She is a writer, historian, community cultural development worker and occasional hairdresser. Kate has worked in the government, not-for-profi t and private sectors.

Kate is passionate about collaborative and intercultural creative practice that is grounded in rigorous, locally-appropriate frameworks. She has worked throughout Australia, including several years living and working in very remote desert Australia. Kate has an ongoing involvement with the arts and cultural community in Jogjakarta, Indonesia, where she co-directed Meta-Meta, a professional development retreat for intercultural creative practitioners.

Kate is the Vice-President of the Regional Arts Australia Board of Directors, and the Vice-Chair of the Country Arts Western Australia Board of Directors. She was awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2012 and will be visiting social change hairdressing salons around the world in 2013.



Treasurer - Pippa Davis, Perth (Professional Performing Arts Producer)

Pippa is the General Manager of Buzz Dance Theatre, taking working shops and performances to the regions. She is always looking for ways to expand Buzz Dance’s reach and presence. Previously, she was Artistic Administrator at Black Swan State Theatre Company and was responsible for their touring program and managing their youth outreach program, Operation Pilbara. She spent 8 years in the Pilbara, ranging from one-man shows and cabarets to the Australian Ballet.

Pippa was Chairperson of Karratha Youth Theatre and created several festivals as well as opened an outdoor cinema. She was secretary of Circuitwest and the WA representative on APACA for several years. She grew up in the country so she has a good understanding of the problems faced by the regions. She is interested in all aspects of the arts, not just performance.

Secretary - Katherine Mclean, Perth (Individual)

Katherine was until recently the General Manager of Barking Gecko Theatre Company, WA’s leading theatre company for young audiences. Katherine has been involved in the arts since she was very young, working as a performer on stage and television, and over the last decade as a project manager/producer in festivals, arts, place activation and community capacity building.

She was integral in the establishment of the Abbotsford Convent, a major community arts and cultural precinct and was a member of the Community Cultural Development Advisory Panel of the City of Melbourne. Her fi rst introduction to Western Australia was as the Manager of the Million Puppet Project, as part of UNIMA Congress, Conference and International Puppetry Festival (2008) where she was fortunate to experience the passion and beauty of the arts in regional communities. She is passionate about place-making, urban design and engagement and story.



Fay O’Brien, Ravensthorpe (Regional Community Organisation)

Fay is a retired teacher who lives in Hopetoun in the South East Coastal region of Western Australia. She is an active member of the Ravensthorpe Regional Arts Council which delivers an innovative Arts Program to the region. In this capacity she organised highly successful local residencies for Indigenous author Kim Scott and Vietnamese author Carina Hoang.

Through her association with the Ravensthorpe Regional Arts Council, Fay was thrilled to have the opportunity to become a member of the Board in 2010, in the joint capacities of volunteer and senior citizen.

As a Director of the Board she has been engaged with the Touring Assistance Panel which assesses funding applications for arts programs and has recently joined the Regional Arts Development Panel. As a Director she enjoys meeting regional supporters of Country Arts WA throughout the state and learning of the culturally diverse activities that taking place in the regions.

Christine Elaine, Northam (Regional Community Organisation)

Already a strong contributor to regional arts, Christine’s passion and drive is demonstrated with the active role that she takes on a day to day basis within her hometown of Northam and the surrounding districts as far up as Mt Magnet.

Christine is an avid champion of regional arts by serving on a number of committees and panels including the Shire of Northam Cultural Precinct Advisory Committee, the Department of Culture and the Arts Peer Assessment Panel among others.

A past nominee of the Ros Bower award, Christine is an independent visual artist, the Vice Chair for the Northam Heritage Forum and a volunteer tourism offi cer at the Cultural Precinct. She is constantly driven by her belief that community arts need to provide core aims for every Shire to address, to enable accessibility and empower healthy creative communities across all art forms and cultures.



Ross Beckett, Esperance (Regional Performing Arts Venue)

Ross Beckett has managed the Esperance Civic Centre for four years and has been a Country Arts WA Director for the last two years. Ross came to the performing arts sector from a diverse background that includes six years in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), two years studying at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts and a career in commercial radio working in Northam, Bridgetown, Wollongong (NSW), Esperance, Albany and Launceston (TAS).

Ross is also on the Management Committees for Esperance Community Arts (Vice-Chair) and CircuitWest.

Shane Colquhoun, Perth (Professional Performing Arts Producer)

Shane Colquhoun was a professional dancer for 12 years in the UK, Germany and Australia, having completed his training at The Royal Ballet School in London. Following his retirement from full-time dance in 1984, he studied Arts Management at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts.

Over the last 25 years, his arts management career has included positions within government and the arts sector including General Manager positions with Western Australia’s Deckchair Theatre and West Australian Ballet. In 2000, Shane joined the WA Department of Culture and the Arts in a range of senior roles, including Director Arts Funding and Development. For 16 months in the lead up to the 2005 State General Election, he was seconded to the Minister for Culture and the Arts as Policy Advisor. Shane was the National President of the Australian Dance Council, Ausdance, until 2006, and until the end of 1997 was inaugural Chairperson of the Australia Council for the Arts’ Dance Board.

Shane remains General Manager at the Black Swan State Theatre Company since his inception in 2009.



Peter Rupp, Perth (Co-Opted Director)

Peter Rupp (Bsc FCA FLWA) is a Chartered Accountant and currently practices as an Audit Partner with Deloitte in Perth. Peter was educated and commenced his working life at Deloitte in the UK with several periods of travel in Europe and the USA before settling in Perth with his family in 2003.

As a Fellow of the 2010 Leadership WA Program. Peter has a deep appreciation of the opportunities that exist in Regional Western Australia and believes that the arts provides a means to enhance the development of community across the state.

Peter is a classically trained musician, playing both piano and clarinet, and a passionate supporter of the arts.

Kira Fong, Broome (Co-Opted Director)

Kira joined Goolarri Media Enterprises in 2003 bringing with her eight years of experience in marketing, public relations and event management. Kira ran her own business in Perth from 1997 prior to her returning to her home town of Broome. As the Music, Marketing and Event Project Manager from 2003 to 2009 with Goolarri Media Enterprises, Kira managed and trained the events, marketing and music development teams.

During this time Kira was responsible for the development and project management of a number of high profi le music and event activities including the Kullarri NAIDOC Festival, the Kimberley Indigenous Performing Arts Showcase, Shinju Matsuri, Gimme Fest and the planning and enhancement of Goolarri’s Indigenous Music Strategy working with industry partners around Australia. Kira has also been the driving force in developing a number of new initiatives including the internationally recognised Kimberley Girl.

In 2009, Kira’s hard work, dedication and passion for the industry saw her promoted to the role of Chief Operations Offi cer overseeing 28 staff in television, radio, training, new media, events, music and administration whilst continuing to focus on the organisation’s strategic planning.



Jason Oakley, Perth (Co-Opted Director)

Jason is a Yamitji man born in Western Australia who is very passionate about culture and people. He sees a real need to provide capacity building opportunities in regional Western Australian communities.

For the past 20 years Jason was a resident of the ACT working in both public and private sector agencies within Aboriginal affairs and communications before returning home to Western Australia in 2012.

Jason is currently working with Horizon Power engaging with regional and remote Aboriginal people throughout Western Australia. Through this role he sees many opportunities for Aboriginal communities utilising arts and culture.

Brittany Moxham, Karratha (Co-Opted Director)

Living and working in Rural WA isn’t the easiest place to run and direct a youth theatre organisation, not to mention a youth space. However having worked all around the world in all different capacities, Brittany fi nds rural WA the most interesting by far.

Having performed nationally as a young dancer / performer, her heart lies in the theatre. After being named the Australian Student of the year in 2005, Brittany travelled to the Unites States to undertake the role of a Performing Arts Director at a disabilities organisation. After two years, she came home to work with the Divisional Head Quarters of the Salvation Army implementing positive programs for troubled young people. Love landed her back in Karratha, Western Australia where she has been working for the local council in a community development capacity and more recently managing a Youth and Families Centre.

Brittany is the Chairperson for the Karratha Youth Theatre as well as the Chairperson for LINK and a committee member for the Friends of the Theatre. Brittany was a fi nalist in the WA Youth Awards Create! Category and took out the 2011 Youth Burswood Scholarship. Further success was seen in 2012 with Brittany winning the Educate! Category at the WA Youth Awards and then went on to be named the 2012 WA Young Person of the Year.



Country Arts WA’s Constitution requires that a Board of 10 people is elected from the organisation’s membership by the members. The Board members are representatives of the fi ve membership categories. To ensure that regional representation remains high, the Constitution requires that a minimum 70% of elected Directors must be based in regional Western Australia.

The membership categories ensure that the Board is made up of regional arts peers who refl ect the membership and the key operational structures of the organisation. All decisions about the allocation of the organisation’s funds are recommended by the Finance Sub-Committee, the Touring Assistance Panel and Regional Arts Development Panel and are endorsed by the Board at regular meetings.

The Board is ultimately responsible for the strategic planning, operations, management and performance of the organisation. In discharging this responsibility, the Board delegates authority to senior management whose role it is to manage the organisation in accordance with the directions and policies set by the Board. The Board monitors the activities of senior management in their performance of delegated duties.

Responsibilities of the Board include the following:

* Determining organisational strategies, policies and guidelines for the successful performance of the organisation in the present and the future;

* Monitoring overall performance and fi nancial results and adopting annual budgets;

* Accountability to members;

* Ensuring that risk management procedures and compliance and control are in place and operate effectively;

* Monitoring the performance and conduct of senior management and ensuring adequate succession plans are in place; and

* Ensuring the organisation continually builds an honest and ethical culture.

Role of the Board



Board Structure * In accordance with the Constitution the Board has 10 Directors elected by

the organisation’s membership. These Directors come from fi ve different member categories;

* The Board is able to co-opt Directors with specialist skills and background;

* The Board itself elects offi ce bearers that make up the Executive;

* Directors of the Board are elected for a three-year term and can then stand for re-election. Members must stand down following three consecutive terms; and

* The Board delegates responsibility to a number of sub-committees in order to monitor the complexity of the organisation’s operations. The Board makes appointment to these sub-committees based on Directors area of expertise and interest.

Ethical Standards The organisation established a Code of Conduct that addresses matters of integrity and ethical standards. All Directors and staff are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct at all times that includes behaviour in relation to:

* Organisational values;

* Professional conduct;

* Customer service;

* Confi dentiality and continuous disclosure;

* Anti-discrimination and harassment;

* Standards of workplace behaviour and equal opportunity; and

* Procedural fairness.

All Directors and staff are required to read and sign the Code of Conduct and submit a police clearance when they join the organisation.



Financial Reporting Country Arts WA has a Finance Sub-Committee whose role is to supervise the ongoing fi nancial management of the organisation. Its members are Pippa Davis (Chair), Kate Fielding and Peter Rupp. The organisation’s membership appoints a suitably qualified external auditor at each Annual General Meeting. The auditor for the 2012 period are Francis A Jones.

Risk Management The organisation is committed to identifying and managing areas of signifi cant risk to protect the safety and interests of members, clients and staff. Arrangements currently in place include:

* Regular fi nancial and program reporting;

* Procedures to manage risks as set out in the organisation’s Risk Management Plan;

* Comprehensive insurance; and

* Utilisation of specialist skills when required. The organisation’s co-option policy is an example of this strategy.

Board PerformanceThe performance of the Board is reviewed by the Executive annually. The effi ciency, effectiveness and operations of the Board are continuously subject to informal monitoring by the Chair and the Board as a whole.

RemunerationBoard membership is voluntary and no sitting fees are paid. All costs associated with Board meetings, including travel, accommodation and meals, are paid by the organisation.

Staff remuneration is reviewed annually and increases are based on performance appraisals and the organisation’s ability to fund salary increases.



Chief Executive Offi cer Jessica Machin

General Manager Paul Mac Phail

Operations Coordinator Cathcart Weatherly

Operations Offi cer Gemma Robins

Operations Assistant Carla Steele

Policies Nerida Glanfi eld

Public Relations and Marketing Manager Kelly Jennings

Digital Marketing Assistant Matt McEwen

Finance Offi cer Suzanne Fielding

2014 RAA National Conference Artistic Director Ben Fox

Manager, Performing Arts Touring Philippa Maughan

Performing Arts Touring Offi cer Sarah Vagliviello

Performing Arts Touring Offi cer Monique Boucher

CircuitWest Audience Development Coordinator Dolores Kinsman

Regional Arts Development Manager Jessica Anderson

Regional Arts Development Offi cer Celia Ipsen

Regional Arts Development Assistant / Operations Assistant Hayley Dart

Gascoyne Regional Arts Development Offi cer Theaker von Ziarno

HARTZ Executive Offi cer Diana Boyd

Gascoyne in May Executive Offi cer Alex Harper

Aboriginal Art Centre Hub Western Australia Coordinator Christine Scoggin

Aboriginal Art Centre Hub Western Australia Support Offi cer Clea Tibbs-Johansson




Staff Farewelled in 2012

Regional Arts Development Manager Carina Lauder

Regional Youth Arts Development Officer Jade Stott

Regional Youth Arts Development Officer Wendy Carmichael

Touring Project Officer Simon O’Leary

Operations Assistant Leah Worthington



MembersAt December 2012 Country Arts WA had 179 fi nancial members.

The members in each category were:

Life Members

Rose Murray

Gail Allison

Andy Farrant

Ian Haines

Katie Harford

Suzie Haslehurst

Dale Johnson

Olwyn Williams

Reciprocal Members

Artsource Fremantle

Film and Television Institute WA Inc

Linkwest Inc


Peter Rupp

Rebecca Allen

Richard Apel

Jane Bandurski

Mignon Birch

Joan Campbell

Annette Carmichael

Robin Chapple

Sandra Clarke

Carly Davenport

Monique Douglas

Margaret Dowdell

Wendy Duncan MLC

Kate Fielding

Heather Gee

Nerida Glanfi eld

Verna Harding

Rose Holdaway

Hon. Colin Holt MLC

Louise Howden-Smith

John Hyde MLA

Robin Inkpen

Sari Jacobsen

Julie Luxton

Clarissa Machin

Jenine Mackay

Hon. Lynn MacLaren MLC

Joan Malcolm

Matthew Manahan

Doone McAlary

Robyn McCarron

Colette McEntee

Gary McGrath

Katherine McLean

Mick Murray MLA

Fay O’Brien

Kim Pierson-Jones

Patricia Powell

Nan Rickards

Diana Roberts

Vivienne Robertson

Annette Sellers

Kaitlyn Seymour

Serena Shaddick

Joel Smoker

Erin Stewart

Dr Jan Teagle Kapetas

David Templeman MLA

Mardi Tick

Max Trenorden MLA

Sarah Vallentine

Rachel Whiting

Steve Williams

Renee Young



Albany Art Group

Arts & Culture Christmas Island

Arts and Cultural Development Council

Arts and Culture Goldfi elds Association

Arts Narrogin

Avon Valley Arts

Balingup Progress Association

Beverley Station Arts

Big hART

Boddington Community Resource Inc

Borden Pavilion Committee

Bunbury Musical Comedy Group Inc

Bunbury Regional Arts Galley

Cervantes Cultural Committee

Collaboration WA

Community First International

Country Music Club of Boyup Brook

Dalwallinu Creative Arts Inc

Dandaragan Repertory Club

Dardanup Bull & Barrel Festival

Denmark Arts Council


Esperance Community Arts

Exmouth Cultural Art Centre

Friends of Little Gem Theatre

Friends of Little Gem Theatre

Geraldton Art Society

Geraldton-Greenough Regional Arts Gallery

Gwoonwardu Mia

Harvey Recreation & Cultural Centre

Hopetoun Progress Association

Inspirational Community Arts Network

Jurien Bay Community Resource Centre

Kalbarri Arts & Craft Group

Karingal Neighbourhood Centre

Kellerberrin Community Resource Centre

Kojonup Visitor Centre

Lake Grace Artists Group

Lake Grace Development Association

Magabala Books Aboriginal Corporation

Mandorla Art Award Committee




Mangkaja Arts Resource Centre

Maruku Arts

Moora Fine Arts Society

Museums Australia

Nannup Arts Council

Nannup Music Club

Northam Heritage Forum Inc

Northam Theatre Group

Northampton Old School

Pemberton Visitor Centre

Puranyangu Rangka Kerrem (Aboriginal Radio)

Quairading Creative Arts

Quindanning Community Hall

Ravensthorpe Community Resource Centre

Ravensthorpe Progress Association

Ravensthorpe Regional Arts Council

Roebourne Art Group Aboriginal Corporation

Shark Bay Arts Council

Shinju Matsuri Inc

Southern Edge Arts

Southern Forest Arts

Stage Left Theatre Troupe

The Cannery Arts Centre

The Great Southern Factor

The York Society Inc

Warakurna Artists Aboriginal Corp

Warmun Art Centre

Wongan Arts Society

Wongutha Birni Aboriginal Corp


Arts Margaret River

Kimberley Performing Arts

South West Opera Company Inc

Theatre 8


Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre

Carnarvon Civic Centre

Esperance Civic Centre

Goldfi elds Arts Centre

Mandurah Performing Arts Centre

Matt Dann Cultural Centre

Moora Performing Arts Centre

Queens Park Theatre




City of Albany

City Of Bunbury

City of Mandurah

City of Swan

Hon. Mia Davis MLC

Mid West Development Commission

Pilbara Development Commission

Shire of Broome

Shire of Christmas Island

Shire of Cue

Shire of Dalwallinu

Shire of Dundas

Shire of Exmouth

Shire of Kellerberrin

Shire of Kulin

Shire of Manjimup

Shire of Menzies

Shire of Morawa

Shire of Roebourne

Shire of Shark Bay

Shire of Tammin

Shire of Three Springs

Shire of Upper Gascoyne

Shire of Wagin

Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley

Shire of Yilgarn

Shire of York

Town of Port Hedland



The State of Western Australia

Country Arts WA receives funds from the State of Western Australia through the Department of Culture and the Arts and Lotterywest.

Australian Government

The Regional Arts Fund is an Australian Government initiative supporting the arts in regional, rural and very remote/isolated Australia. Country Arts WA manages the program in Western Australia.

Corporate Partner

Our Supporters



Funding and Program Partners

Government of Western AustraliaMental Health Commission



Media Partners

Country Arts WA Membership Sponsors:

Service Partners

Country Arts WA is a member of:

Regional Arts Australia

The National Compact

WA Chamber of Arts and Culture

Australian Performing Arts Centres Association

Performing Arts Alliance

Blue Heeler Network




PHONE 08 9200 6200 FAX 08 9200 6201 REGIONAL WA FREECALL 1800 811 883


PERTH OFFICEPO Box 7012 Cloisters Square, WA 6850 Level 1 King Street Arts Centre357 Murray StreetPerth WA 6000

GASCOYNE OFFICEPO Box 781 Carnarvon, WA 6701PILBARA OFFICEMcKay Street Port Hedland WA 6721