Annual Meeting of the Region October 28, 2017 12:00 pm Agenda · Rally Round up 2017 •Rally...

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Transcript of Annual Meeting of the Region October 28, 2017 12:00 pm Agenda · Rally Round up 2017 •Rally...

Annual Meeting of the Region

October 28, 2017 12:00 pm


Call to Order

Role call of clubs and officers – quorum in attendance

Approval of minutes from 2016 Annual Meeting

Officer Reports: 2017 Region activities and events

State of the Region/membership


Mounted Instruction/Camp


Horse Management

Election of Officers for 2018

Nominating Committee: Susan Poulton, Sharon Jacobs, Caroline Garrison, Meredith Phillips, and

Laura Davidson

Call for nominations from the floor

Election of 2018 officers

Request for 2019 Nominating Committee members (3-5 members)

Treasurer’s Report

Financing our activities – dues increase

Approval of Budget

Plans for 2018 – Region Calendar

Instruction – clinics, HM, camp



Amendments to Region policy

Volunteer roles – fill chairs, volunteer recognition. (Mather Volunteer Award)

Any other business


State of the Region

October 28, 2017 12:00 pm

The state of the Region is stable

Membership is down slightly

Local instruction is good

Competitions in 2017 were well attended

Financial accounts are sound

Pony Club is competing with other activities and IEA for ‘share of time’

Interscholastic Equestrian Association blossoming, easy access

Kids over programmed – ‘resume building’

Boarding Barns and In-house Lesson Programs gain share, offer IEA opportunity

Fewer backyard ponies, fewer open places to ride

Fewer knowledgeable parents supports growth of boarding lesson programs

USPC horse management education important here and opportunity

USPC Riding Centers and Horsemasters are growing across country.

Pony Club has strategic advantages as family oriented and non-profit

Parents learn with kids and adult members – Horsemasters

Our costs lower as no ‘profit’ in entry fees, clinics break even

Clubs need to proactively recruit and build membership.

Greenville Foothills

Eno Triangle

Yadkin Valley Hounds

Eno Triangle Master

Hidden "K" Stables

River Valley

Rocky River

Brickhouse Equestrian Center


Cardinal II

Pee Dee

Aiken County

Moore County


Sandy Ridge






















Total HMX vs. 2016

49 11 7

26 0 (6)

32 10 (2)

22 22 (10)

31 0 5

40 10 4

10 3 (7) No leader identified

11 0 (4) New Assistant RCA

10 0 (3)

16 2 9

10 0 (3)

17 0 1

13 2 6

7 2 0 Need to grow

4 2 0 Need to grow

14 0 (9)

312 64 (3)

HMX up by 11

Membership Trend by Club

Good – up 1+


Get members

Certification Update 2017

• More than HALF (53%) of region membership is D

certified (37%) or new/unrated youth members

(16%). Region Camp and first rallies are important

experience for this population.

• Percentages of Nationally certified, A-C3 members,

8%, is stable, and C certified members, 18%, down

10% from last year.

• Additional C level certification opportunities and

preparation may be needed. Region held a

certification in conjunction with Camp with 15

candidates for C and D ratings.

• Horsemasters are a significant membership segment

(17%) not participating in certifications. (*C3 and up HMX

are included in Region totals. )

• Carolina Region hosted 2 national certification tests

with 18 candidates from multiple regions.

Congratulations to our new HBs, C3s, and Bs!

• Local instruction and certifications are important in

all clubs. Clubs should offer rating opportunity 2x per year.

Jointly with neighbor club and Region tests are fine.

A – C3 *


C1 – C2

➢ Club Instructors and instruction plans available through RICs• Names, contacts for instruction (and certifications)• Annual Instruction plans to cover Standards of Proficiency• Lesson plans• Ideas for unmounted lessons

➢ Upper Level prep clinics with GFPC – Sandy Larson ➢ Peer instruction – UL members visit other clubs to teach➢ Region Camp Summer 2018 planned at FENCE➢ Region clinic – possible winter 2017 at Aiken, perhaps Stableview Farm

Mounted Instruction


• ‘Headliner’ clinicians and NEs at Camp and

Fall Festival

• Region Camp with 8 mounted instructors

• Support of club level instruction through

RICs – Larson/Montani

• Region UL preps/clinics at GFPC and Old

Dominion Region

Rally Round up 2017

• Rally participation in 2017 was down 22% compared to 2016. Dressage rally (conflict with Rolex weekend) and

Championships (KY vs. Tyron location) were the reasons for lower numbers

• 2017 participation was sufficient to run SJ and Eventing rallies comfortably. Dressage rally numbers need to improve

to make this rally sustainable. 50 competitors per rally is about breakeven depending on fixed facility cost and entry

fee budgeted.

• 2017 Rallies were profitable or breakeven. Rally profits go to organizing club up to $500, balance goes to Region for

education and championships.

2017 Championships cost Region $3000 in coaching

and travel to support 35 competitors. Clubs should

note that Carolina Region dues are the lowest in the

country and we do not pass the cost of coaches onto

competitors at championships.

Regional rallies need to be well attended and

managed to a small profit for this to benefit to be


Rally Round up 2017What When Participation Host/organizer

Profit or loss


Quiz Rally Feb 2017

Sumter, SC

41 Palmetto PC



February 24, 2018

Wilson Hall School

Dressage Rally April 2017

Raeford, NC

37 Eno Triangle PC


Eno Triangle April 2018

To Be Determined

Show Jumping /Tet March 2017

Monroe, NC

71+19=90 Yadkin Valley Hounds


Yadkin Valley

March 17-19 2018

Garrison Arena, Clemson, SC

Eventing Rally May 2017

Tryon, NC


65 River Valley,

Greenville Foothills –

Carolina Region $1226

River Valley, Greenville

Foothills May 18-20, 2018


Camp June 2017 48 Region June 23-27, 2018


Championships July 2017

Lexington KY


Cost: $3000


July 25-30, 2018

Polocrosse, Games 1 APA, South Region South Region

Old Dominion Region

Horse Management Update

• Incorporating HM education in clubs and Region events– Camp

– Fall Festival dissection

– HB preps

– Upper Level Members HB+ as Instruction Resource

– National Examiners for Horse Management Instruction

– Unmounted sessions at club lessons/clinics

• Horse Management Organizers in your areaNorth Tori Dronzek

South Julie Jacobs

• Horse Management Chiefs in our RegionNorth Susan Poulton

South Erin Terrell

• Horse Management is the Pony Club ‘Differentiator’

HM is the essence of making a true ‘Horseman’, not just a rider

George Morris, among others, bemoans the lack of horsemanship in today’s participants in horse sport.

• Role of the Horse Management Organizer (HMO) is critical– Regional and Club HM instruction: work with the RIC to provide instructors and materials

– HM Staff for Rallies: Develop group of knowledgeable, trained HM staff (parents and older members)

– Region Competition: work with Rally Organizers on CHMJ, staffing, facilities and HM paperwork

DIFFERENTIATOR: Unique features and/or benefits of a product, or

aspects of a brand, that set it apart from competing products or brands.


2018 Region Calendar

Jan TBD Winter clinic at Aiken – Stableview?

Jan 24-28 USPC Annual Meeting at Louisville, KY

Feb 24 Quiz Rally Palmetto Pony Club, Sumter, SC

Mar 16-18 SJ Rally Yadkin Valley Hounds PC at Garrison Arena, Clemson, SC

Apr TBD Dressage Rally Eno Triangle PC

May 18-20 Eventing Rally RVPC, GFPC at FENCE, Tryon, NC

Jun 23-27 Region Camp and Clinic at FENCE (Champs prep, certifications, fun!)

Jul 25-29 USPC Championships East, Tryon International, Springs Mill, NC

Aug 3-6* Upper Level Certification Unmounted Tests (HB/H) Riverbend, SC

Aug 9-12* Upper Level Certification Mounted Tests (C3 – A) FENCE, Tryon, NC

Oct TBD Fall Festival Clinic and Annual Meeting

* Exact dates must be approved and scheduled by USPC Lexington

• Nominating Committee:Susan Poulton, Laura Davidson, Sharon Jacobs, Caroline Garrison, Meredith Philipps

• Nominations:Amy Bruno for Regional Supervisor ETPCSarah Deal for Vice Regional Supervisor YVHPCSusan Poulton for Vice Regional Supervisor ETMPCDenise Ritacco for Vice Regional Supervisor GFPCMegan Ledbetter for Secretary HKRCStefanie Faith for Treasurer RVPCJulie Jacobs and Tori Dronzek for HMO GFPC/ETPCJanna Ritacco, Susan Montani, Sandy Larson for RIC GFPC/ETPC

• Call for nominations from the floor• Election of 2018 Regional Board• Thank you for your service to retiring Board members: Juliet Sadd, Jay Ahlstrom• Request for 2018 Nominating Committee members (3-5 members)

Nominating CommitteeElection of Board for 2018

Financial Report

2017 Financials much better than budget– Region rallies ran to small profits

– Championships lower expense and participation due to KY

– Very successful camp, clinics NOT run through Region accounts.

– Clubs paid Region dues

– Fall Festival NOT included in these numbers.

Bank Balances

10/15/2016 $38,144

10/15/2017 $45,902

Change $ 7,758

2016 actual 2017 actual 2017 budget

income expense net Income expense net Income expense net var bud

Rallies 26,549 21,641 4,909 23,435 18,917 4,518 30,000 28,000 2,000 2,518

Champs 26,686 31,330 (4,644) 14,246 16,848 (2,602) 16,000 20,000 (4,000) 1,398

Clinics 8,593 6,950 1,643 - - - 10,000 12,500 (2,500) 2,500

Ratings 4,021 2,746 1,275 5,841 3,793 2,048 5,000 3,500 1,500 548

Camp - - - 16,282 12,072 4,210 14,000 16,000 (2,000) 6,210

Admin 1,483 2,639 (1,156) 35 2,809 (2,774) - 3,500 (3,500) 726

Dues 2,520 - 2,520 4,813 200 4,613 4,500 4,500 113

Other 2,368 - 2,368 0 - 0 * 0

Total 72,221$ 65,306$ 6,915$ 64,652$ 54,639$ 10,013$ 79,500$ 83,500$ (4,000)$ 14,013$

Financial ReportExpenses by Category


FFacility rental is the largest expense item for Region activities. Support and volunteering at key venues such as FENCE and Carolina Horse Park is critical to keeping our costs favorable.

• 47% goes to facility costs of

rallies and camp.

• 30% goes to expert instructors,

coaches, judges and officials for

rallies and camp

• 9% spent on food for rallies and


• 3% on ribbons ☺

• 6% on Upper level certifications

• 5% on administration including

corporate memberships of officers

and USPC annual meeting


How does Region

spend $55k of

entries and dues ?

Financial ReportBudget 2018

Recommend approval of 2018 budget as outlined.

This Budget seeks to manage competitions to small profit and spend

additional money on annual meeting, clinic instruction, championships

and camp.

2017 actual 2018 budget

Income expense net Income expense net

Rallies 23,435 18,917 4,518 25,000 22,000 3,000 Plan rallies to run to small profit to support region instruction/coaching

Champs 14,246 16,848 (2,602) 25,000 30,000 (5,000) Budget for coaching large contingent at champs

Clinics - - - 8,000 8,000 - Run Region clinic to breakeven or small expense for instruction

Ratings 5,841 3,793 2,048 6,000 5,500 500 upper level certifications breakeven or small upside

Camp 16,282 12,072 4,210 15,000 16,000 (1,000) subsidize some camp instruction thru Region

Admin 35 2,809 (2,774) - 3,000 (3,000) supplies, etc and USPC annual meeting travel

Dues 4,813 200 4,613 5,000 300 4,700 small increase in region membership less corporate memberships

Other 0 - 0

Total 64,652 54,639 10,013 84,000 84,800 (800) with good event management no increase in dues needed

Region Policy Update

If no discussion, move on to next item.

No Region policy update or

amendment needed this year.

Floor is open to discussion.

Clubs DO NEED to review

and update club policies to USPC

recommended standards which are

largely SILENT on topics formerly

included. Specific practices, dues

and club practices are moved to a

guidelines document.

Volunteer Recognition

Volunteer Recognition AwardsThis award is intended to be given at the local and regional

level for those volunteers in a club, center, or region who have

“gone above and beyond the call of duty.” These volunteers

can be recognized in the Pony Club News magazine.

12 award recipients 2017

Carolina Region

The Kevin Mather ‘Barn Dad’ Memorial Volunteer Award

This award is given annually to an outstanding Carolina Region volunteer has given their time and talents

to contribute to the success of Pony Club in the Carolina Region.

The award is a memorial to Kevin R. Mather, Vice Regional Supervisor for the Carolina Region, who

exemplified the best in volunteering: Selflessness; Contribution of time, knowledge and skills; Presence in

the barns at rallies and clinics; Camaraderie and friendly banter with youth members; and Pride in the

Region (Winning the inflatable horse race at Championships 2016). Kevin combined a passion for

helping youth members with understanding of the tenets of the USPC, always encouraging the members,

taking time to listen to members and volunteers, treating all members equally, and setting an example for

all. He was a devoted husband and father in the pony club family of Yadkin Valley Hounds Pony Club.

Other Business

• Region Web page o Hosted by USPC for free


o Region documents and forms posted

o ‘Members’ tab has resources for studying and teachingo Password protected (must log in to USPC to access)

o Classified ads are supported (news tab) but need an administrator to

manage for Region

• USPC Annual Fund appealo Supports key programs – youth congress, international exchange, training

o $207K goal for 2016

o Compete online

o Improves grant success

Volunteer Recognition

• Congratulations and Thank you to our Volunteer Recognition Award recipients who are also all nominees

for the Mather Volunteer Award:

Jay Ahlstrom (VRS) – Organizing rallies with clubs, Rally onsite leadership, region equipment, nominating committee, new website

Sarah Deal (Secretary, DC) – SJ Rally organizer, budget, paperwork, Eventing rally secretary, Championships

Helen Firby – Organizer Tet at SJ Rally, led XC at Eventing Rally, accommodations for officials, volunteer coordination

Sandy Larson (DC) – setting up and hosting UL preps for region, led Dressage and SJ phases for Eventing Rally.

Denise Ritacco – Camp organization and instruction, Eventing Rally organization and facilities

Janna Ritacco (NE) – Took complete responsibility for UL Tests in Region – dates, locations, communication, hospitality

barn friendlies, facilities, equipment, weekend host.

Amy Bruno (Jt DC) – Rally organization, instruction, and volunteering – Tet, Eventing, Camp

Paige Jordan – Camp organization and volunteering – Craft mom!

Patricia Palm (DC) – Quiz organization and volunteering

Jackie Quay – Dressage rally organization, secretarial, volunteering

Sarah Rhyne – Show Jumping secretarial and scoring

Ivette Drumgool (DC)– Eventing and camp organization, food, volunteering

Award winner: Sarah Deal

• Additional thanks for your service to Region Board

Juliet Sadd

Jay Ahlstrom

Sarah Deal

Susan Poulton

Julie Jacobs

Tori Dronzek

Sandy Larson

Susan Montani

Janna Ritacco

Stefanie Faith