Announcements- Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Announcements- Tuesday, March 7, 2017

S.A.I.D says there is no such thing as a vacation from reality. Play it smart next week. Don’t drink and drive, or anything else and drive.

Help Wanted: Announcement CrewIf you are interested in joining the Announcement Crew, come to the office on Wednesday at the start of lunch.


Library GroupMeeting today at 11:10

Come for cookies and great book chat!

Bring a Friend!!

You know who your are- come to room 204 for a picture at the beginning of lunch today.

Dear Philosophers:

Only 29 more sleeps until the trip of a lifetime!

Library Live-Friday at lunchGet your act together!

Contact Tracks Employment705-444-1580

A quick message from Chartwells…

Remember to Tweet your Treat for your chance to win it for FREE. See

cafeteria for details.

Thank you and we appreciate your business!

From your café