Annotated conventions of rock music magazines

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Annotated conventions of rock music magazines



Front coverLarge, bold masthead to catch attention.

Dark colours used. Red and black, used to connote violence and aggression

Eye catching fonts, that stand out to the eye.

Extra Information- on an article, including a pull quote to intrigue the reader

Free poster give away to make the reader want to buy the magazine, because the audience are young and the word free appeals to them

Featured bands in the magazine to attract the audience if they see a band they know.

Barcode, price and issue number

Pull quotes to make the reader want to read on

Coverline used to attract the readers attention and make them want to read the article

Main image includes dark clothing and miserable facial expressions Route of the eye

Cluttered layout

Multiple images to attract attention

Contents pageContrasting colours

Main image- eye catching, catches readers attention and makes them read on

Conventional editors letter

Conventional Subscription offer

Actual contents of the magazine, in the same specific style each week to gain recognisability. Placed in the same place each week to also gain recognisability

Colours- red, black, yellow, white which all relate to the rock genre

Issue number and date

Other images with eye catching page numbers to attract the reader to these certain pages

Double page spread

Varied font styles to attract attention with the young target audience

Large conventional image on one side of the page, to draw attention. (Use of dark clothing and instruments)

Conventional use of a standfirst to give the reader more of an idea about the article

Text broken up by pictures to make it seem easier to read

Use of a kicker to catch the readers’ eye

Boxed out information to interest the reader more

Pull quote to give the pages the conventional full layout, and to appeal because of the language used including a swear word.

Conventional nformal language and slang use