Annotated Bibliography

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Transcript of Annotated Bibliography


Primary Sources:

Addams, James “Hull House as a Type of College Settlement,” Annual State Conference of Charities and Corrections (Madison: Democratic Printing Company, 1894); 97-115.

“Hull House as a Type of College Settlement,” was an interesting first hand account by Jane Addams. Addams made education a part of the social settlement that she founded. Addams belief in the importance of education was shown within this source, which has elevated her legacy in my project.

Addams,Jane “Immigration: A Field Neglected by the Scholar,” Commons 10, no. 1 (January, 1905): 9-19.

“Immigration: A Field Neglected by the Scholar,” is a first hand account that Jane Addams wrote herself. The writing includes Addams thoughts on immigration and it gives interesting insight on her perspective toward immigrants. The source was beneficial for my project because it gives instances of Addams compassion with dealing with other individuals of another country.

Addams, Jane. "Jane Addams Takes to the Street: Garbage Inspection in the Nineteenth Ward." Urban Experience in Chicago: Hull- House and Its Neighborhoods, 1889-1963. Web. 18 Dec. 2014.

"Jane Addams Takes to the Street: Garbage Inspection in the Nineteenth Ward,” is a first hand account by Jane Addams. This source is a quote that depicts what Jane Addams observed as a garbage inspector. By reviewing the quote, the reader sees that Jane Addams truly desired to make a difference in her city.

Addams, Jane. "Jane Addams Quotes."Jane Addams Quotes (Author of Twenty Years at Hull House). Web. 20 Dec. 2014.

I loved using the quotes from Jane Addams in this primary source. This source had a lot of Addams words, which I thought were very useful in creating emotion in my website. Addams had wise words to say, and those who received them, benefited.

Addams, Jane “The Objective Value of a Social Settlement,” Philanthropy and Social Progress: Seven Essays, Delivered Before the School of Applied Ethics at Plymouth, Massachusetts During the Session of 1892 (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., 1893): 27-56.

“The Objective Value of Social Settlement,” was a first hand account by Jane Addams. The source detailed Addams philanthropy within society as the society grew. The source depicted the value of social settlements. Addams details the

situation of her community and the change that was needed. This source helped my project because it is a testimony of the good done by Jane Addams. Addams changed a lot of people’s lives.

Addams, Jane “The Subtle Problems of Charity,” Atlantic Monthly 83, no. 496 (February, 1899): 163-178.

“The Subtle Problems of Charity,” is a first hand account created by Jane Addams. The source includes what Jane Addams defined as problems in her society. Addams writing brings insight to my project because it sheds light on the way she dealt with problems in her society as they arose.

Addams, Jane “Trades Unions and Public Duty,” American Journal of Sociology 4, no. 4 (January 1899): 448-462.

“Trade Unions and Public Duty,” is a first hand account that Jane Addams wrote. The source included the trade unions of the past and what they supported. Addman goes on to give her proposition on trade unions and their position in society. This source brings insight to my project because it describes the old duties of trade unions and it brings wonderful light to the way Jane Addams was able to change trade unions for the better.

Addams, Jane. "Trade Unions and Public Duty." American Journal of Sociology. The University of Chicago Press. Web. 18 Dec. 2014.

“Trade Unions and Public Duty,” is a firsthand account written by Jane Addams. The source entails Jane Addams stance on trade unions and their duty to the public. Addams explains the benefits of trade union laws. Addams also discusses the way trade unions help the working class. This source enhanced my project by depicting the way Addams impacted Trade Unions, especially because she was the founder of Women’s Trade Union League.

Addams, Jane. "Twenty Years at Hull-House." Nutley Schools. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990, 18 Sept. 1889. Web. 6 Dec. 2014.

“Twenty Years at Hull - House,” is an interesting first hand source written by Jane Addams. The source details the going ons’ at the Hull House on Halstead street to which Jane Addams committed her time and care to the well being of other individuals. The source helps my project because it speaks of the things that Jane Addams did in an attempt to change the world, bringing light to the lives she changed.

"PHOTOS & ILLUSTRATIONS." Cornell University. Cornell University, 28 Mar. 1911. Web. 18 Dec. 2014.

This primary source was of a newspaper after the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire. The newspaper details the events that took place with the victims of the fire. This source helped me to put an actual retelling of the events to the tragedy that I was discussing.

Forsythe, Amanda. Jane Addams Founds Hull House in Chicago. Film.This primary source is a video that summarizes the life of Jane Addams. The

video tells briefly the accomplishments of Jane Addams, such as her work with the Women’s Trade Union League and the Hull House. The video helped my project by putting Jane Addams life into perspective.

Helain Victoria Press, "The Good Work of Jane Addams." The Good Work of Jane Addams. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress. Web. 10 Dec. 2014.“The Good Work of Jane Addams,” a first hand account of Jane Addams is a photograph. The photograph depicts Jane Addams holding peace sign as well as an American flag. This source brings insight to my project because it evaluates the causes as well as the truth of what Jane Addams stood for in all situations.

Hines, Lewis & Unknown, "PHOTOS & ILLUSTRATIONS." The 1911 Triangle Factory Fire. Cornell University, 1 Aug. 1900. Web. 6 Dec. 2014.

This first hand source of pictures from the time era of Jane Addams was very interesting. The pictures depict the Women’s Trade Union League in which Jane Addams was the founder. The source helped my project because it put an image in my mind, not just words. The source brings an insight to the workers and the conditions that they endured.

Matthews, Karen. "The Blaze That Changed the Law." Columbia Daily Tribune. Columbia Daily Tribune. Newspaper. 18 Dec. 2014.

I used this primary sources newspaper in order to obtain an accurate depiction of the moments after the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire. This source spread light on the events that took place after the tragedy.

The New York Times, "Jane Addams A Foe of War and Need." On This Day. The New York Times Company, 22 May 1935. Web. 6 Dec. 2014.

This source is an obituary, a first hand account, about Jane Addams. The obituary includes everything that Adams has done, and it speaks highly of her good works and achievements. This source helps my project because it is yet again another source that testifies to a woman who made a legacy.

Unknown. "Jane Addams Gallery of Selected Photographs." Jane Addams Gallery of Selected Photographs. Web. 18 Dec. 2014.

This website was filled with primary source pictures of Jane Addams throughout the years. The pictures depict Jane Addams as a child, as well as Jane Addams accomplishing tasks in her life. The pictures help me to put a face to the action that one individual was doing.

Unknown. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911. Film.This was a primary source video that actually featured a survivor of the Triangle

Shirtwaist Fire. The video describes the horrific incident and all that bystanders could do, watch as women fell to their deaths. I used this source as a way to better understand the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire.

Unknown. "Women in the Progressive Era." Women in the Progressive Era. The National History Women's Museum. Web. 18 Dec. 2014.

I used this website for its primary source photographs. This website had the many women, the leaders that were involved in the Hull House. The website also had pictures of the HUll House. This source was beneficial in putting an image to the house that helped so many individuals.

Unknown, "Women's Trade Union." Spartacus Educational. Spartacus Educational, 1 Aug. 1907. Web. 6 Dec. 2014.

This first hand account by an unknown author details the Women’s Trade Union League in a picture. The picture depicts the leaders of the Union. The picture helps my project by showing the legacy that Jane Addams left behind. The photo brings more voices to the cause, who heard Jane Addams and joined her movement.

Ward Howe, Julia. "Jane Addams on Suffrage." Miller NAWSA Suffrage Scrapbooks, 1897-1911. Boston, Mass., 20 Mar. 1909. Web. 6 Dec. 2014

This source, which is a newspaper article, and a first hand source about Jane Addams, details her participation in public affairs. There is a passage in the newspaper from one of Jane Addam’s book and it talks about the horrible conditions of city life. An individual named Mr. Root, then makes a statement about women that Julia Ward Howe, the writer of the newspaper, has stated as untrue, especially in comparison to Jane Addams. This source helps to bring point of view as well as mindset to my project.

Secondary Sources:

Brackemyre, Ted. "Immigrants, Cities, and Disease: Immigration and Health Concerns in Late Nineteenth Century America." US History Scene. 13 Aug. 2012. Web. 18 Dec. 2015.

This source by Ted Brackemyre was very helpful. This secondary source outlines the problems that urged Jane Addams to act in her world. Brackemyre writes on industrialization, immigration, and urban disease. This source was very helpful in putting historical context around Jane Addams. I utilized information, and visual aids from this website.

Knight, Louis W. "Spirit in Action." Jane Addams: Spirit in Action. New York: Norton, 2010. 552-555. Print.

“Spirit in Action,” is a secondary source written about Jane Addams by an author named Knight. “Spirit in Action,” includes Jane Addams influences as well as her legacy. The source placed Addams in a place of history, where she stood on top. The source allowed me to understand how historians think of Jane Addams. The source brings light to a different, yet common perspective on Jane Addams.

Knight, Louise. "Jane Addams: Spirit in Action Hardcover – September 6, 2010."Jane Addams: Spirit in Action: Louise W. Knight. Library of Congress. Web. 18 Dec. 2014.

I used the cover of Knight’s book, entitled, “Spirit in Action,” as the picture that would go on the title page of my website. The picture shows a brave women, the face of the one who accomplished much. The source puts a face to the name, Jane Addams.

University Illinois Chicago, "Urban Experience In Chicago:Timeline."Urban Experience In Chicago:Timeline. UIC College of Architecture and Arts. Web. 18 Dec. 2014.

"Urban Experience In Chicago:Timeline," is a secondary source written about Jane Addams. The timeline formats the episodes of Addam’s life. The source allows me to better understand my topic as well as it lays out the accomplishments that Jane Addams achieved.

Unknown, "Jane Addams Funeral." The Angel of Halstead Street. University of Illinois at Chicago. Web. 18 Dec. 2014.

This secondary source by an unknown author depicted the personage of Jane Addams. This source is a picture of Jane Addams funeral at the courtyard in Hull House and it is very symbolic. The picture includes a crowd that looks close to hundreds, maybe thousands of people. The photo speaks of the change that Jane Addams accomplished. Evidence is gives to support the widespread opinion of Jane Addams and her good deeds.