Ann’s Pet Service, Ltd. - Kane County, Illinois · Ann’s Pet Service, Ltd. Staff Recommended...

Post on 07-Oct-2020

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Transcript of Ann’s Pet Service, Ltd. - Kane County, Illinois · Ann’s Pet Service, Ltd. Staff Recommended...

Ann’s Pet Service, Ltd. Special Use for a kennel (11.00 acres)

Ann’s Pet Service, Ltd. Staff Recommended Findings of Fact: 1. Kennels are a Special Use in the F-Farming District. 2. This will primarily be an indoor use. When the dogs are outside they will be in an enclosed area under the supervision of staff. 3. Surrounding land uses are primarily agricultural.

Ann’s Pet Service, Ltd. Staff: Approval with the following recommended stipulation: 1. Along the property’s frontage to Thurnau Road, the following right-of-way shall be dedicated to the Rutland Township Road District by warranty deed: 33 feet from the centerline of Thurnau Road. This deed will be prepared by the petitioner for County and Township review and approval.

Ann’s Pet Service, Ltd. … All preparation and recording costs will be borne by the petitioner. The deed shall be recorded by the petitioner within 6 months of the approval of the Special Use. Zoning Board of Appeals: Voted to DENY the Special Use request

Ann’s Pet Service, Ltd.

Regional Plan Commission: N/A

Historic Preservation Commission: Voted 5-0 that the kennel would not have a negative impact on the character of the Rustic Road Corridor


MEMORANDUM To: Kane County Land/Cash Subcommittee & Kane County Development

Committee From: Kenneth N. Anderson, Jr., Manager, KCSSPD Date: January 15, 2014 Re: Land/Cash Annual Review Fiscal Year 2013

According to the Kane County Subdivision Ordinance Section 19-241. Annual Review, the Regional Superintendent of Schools and the staff of the Department are to review the provisions of Article V. “Dedication of School/Park Sites or Payment of Fees in Lieu Thereof” on an annual basis.

The Regional Superintendent of Schools has reviewed the attached land/cash spreadsheet and has indicated that everything is in order. Attached for your review is the land/cash spreadsheet for fiscal year 2013.

Action Requested: Place 2013 Annual Report on file.

Section 12, Campton Township 4 Lots on 7.19 Acres

PUD Zoning


Minor Adjustment Request to Adjust

the Building Setback Lines and Access Easement for Lot 4







FINDINGS & RECOMMENDATION The Technical Staff has reviewed the request and finds the following: 1. The proposed adjustment will not increase the density of the P.U.D. 2. The proposed adjustment will not decrease open space nor will it

affect the physical layout and design of other lots in the neighborhood. It will allow the protection of desirable trees to the south.

3. There will be no impact to the public health, safety and general welfare.

RECOMMENDATION: The Technical Staff recommends the Development Committee approve this request for a minor adjustment of White Oak Woods Subdivision lot 4, which includes: the western building setback line being moved 30 feet to the west, providing a 15 foot setback line; the northern building setback line being moved 30 feet to the north, providing a 70 foot building setback line; and a 20 foot expansion of the “Easement for Private Access, Public Utilities & Drainage” to the south.

Facilities and County Development Department Reorganization Thoughts


Practical Knowledge = Asking the Right Questions

1. What Do We Do Here? 2. How Does It Get Done? -Who takes responsibility? (Give Them Authority) -How much does it cost?


Some K.C. Organizing Principles?

Promote from within, where possible (Opportunity as “Compensation”) Aggressively “recruit” women/minorities but hire on “merit”. “Flatten” Organization (less superstructure) within reasonable span-of-control


Facilities County “Development”

(Broadly Defined) 3. 4. 5. Traditional Environmental Economic County Resource Development Development Management W.I.B. (4th Floor) (1st Floor) “U.S. Jobs Building/Zoning Water Initiative” Planning & Special Electricity Projects Projects Waste (Dr. Michael Administrative Strategies Porter) Programs Collaboration w/Local Econ. Dev “Mr. Wonderful” “Algonquin Tribal Chief”

1. Long-Term “Strategic” (Consultant)

2. Short-Term “Maintain” What We Currently Have” Board



Facilities 1. Long-Term “Strategic” (Consultant) 2. Short-Term “Maintain what we currently have”




“Maintain What We Currently Have”

Facilities Manager

Facilities Manager “Emeritus”

(Staff Functions) Administrative


Building / Functions “Matrix”

Supervisor (Line Functions)

Budgeting Bid Specs Equipment Replacement Plan Payroll Project Engineering Capital Projects Planning Board Resolutions

Building A Building B Building C Building D Judicial Center Jail Juvenile Justice Center Third Street Courthouse Circuit Clerk’s Office Aurora Buildings Branch Court

• Coordination • Learning • Skill Development

HVAC Electric Plumbing Carpentry Janitorial

The “Beehive”


County “Development” (Broadly Defined) 3. Traditional County Development 4th Floor

• Building / Zoning • Planning & Special Projects • Administrative Programs

“Mr. Wonderful” 8

Development & Community Service Department November 2013

SUMMARY: The makeup and organization of the current “Development & Community Services Department has changed frequently over the past 15 years, most recently in late 2010, when it was merged into the current “Facilities, Development & Environmental Resources Department.” The current structure has three divisions, although there are no division managers. All 18.5 staff report directly to the director. • Building & Zoning Division

o Building Permits and Inspections for County and 3 Villages o Property Maintenance o Zoning

• Planning & Special Projects Division o Regional Planning Commission o Historic Preservation Commission o Farmland Protection o Growing for Kane

• Administrative Programs o Administrative Adjudication, Special Event Permits, Vacant Dwelling Registration,

Fireworks Permits, Cable TV Franchise Administration, Rural Address Assignment 9

5 New Programs Since 2004 • Growing in Kane – Local Foods = Kane County Direct • Property Maintenance Program with Health Department • Vacant Dwelling Registration Program • Special Event Permits • Fireworks Permits County Board Committees and Commission Supported • Development, Agriculture, Energy & Environmental • Regional Planning Commission, Farmland Protection, Historic Preservation, ZBA • New “Growing for Kane” Program Head Count • Current head count = 18.5 • Head County reduced by 8.5 (31%)since 2006 through attrition • Positions eliminated / not filled:

o Planning Division Director (2010), Administrative Supervisor (2010) o Building Division Director (2009), Zoning Division Director (2009) o 2 Building Administrative Staff (2009 and 2006) o 1 Building Plan Reviewer (2008), 1 Building Inspector (2008) o .5 Zoning Administrator (2007)

• Several Positions were reorganized and moved to other departments (not included) • Current building staff share enforcement of the Property Maintenance Program

with the Health Department 10

County “Development” (Broadly Defined)

4. Environmental Resource Management

1ST Floor • Water • Electricity • Waste Strategies

“Algonquin Tribal Chief” 11


Water Resources Division (4 Full-Time Employees) Stormwater Management Permitting (Unincorporated) Floodplain Management Subdivision Engineering Review Cost Share Drainage Projects Site Grading Permits Local Drainage Assistance Water Supply Planning NPDES Phase 2 Special Projects Environmental Resources Division (2 Full-Time Employees & 2 Part-Time Employees) Development Committee Administration Vehicle Charging Station Energy & Environmental Committee Administration Recycling & Recycling Education Stormwater Management (Countywide) Waste to Energy Management Subdivision Administration Kane County 2040 Energy Plan Watershed Planning Kane County Operational Sustainability Plan Isolated Wetland Permitting Mill Creek SSA Settler’s Hill Landfill Management Special Projects Electric Aggregation


County “Development” (Broadly Defined) 5. Economic Development

• W.I.B. • “U.S. Jobs Initiative” (Dr. Michael Porter) • Collaboration with Local

Economic Development

County Board