ANNAPOLIS...ANNAPOLIS SUMMIT 2015 3TABLE OF CONTENTS T he Marc Steiner Show and The Daily Record are...

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The Marc Steiner Show and The

Daily Record are pleased to join forces as partners for a second year to host the 12th annual Annapolis Summit.

Since 2004 the state’s top three elected leaders have joined veteran radio journalist Marc Steiner to kick off the Maryland Legislative Session at the Annapolis Summit. The Summit has become not only an Annapolis institution but a must-attend event for Maryland’s most connected businesspeople and in-the-know politicos.

This year Gov. Larry Hogan will continue the tradition of his two predecessors just days after his inauguration, joining Sen. President Thomas V. Mike Miller and House Speaker Michael Busch in the “hot seat” during the in-depth discussion of legislative issues.

The Daily Record and The Marc Steiner Show are deeply committed to providing fair and in-depth coverage of state politics and the Maryland General Assembly and are proud to offer this publication as a guide to the 2015 legislative session.

Inside, readers will find news analysis on the major players in Annapolis, as well as handy guides to identifying and contacting lawmakers and lobbyists.

We hope you enjoy it, as well as this year’s Annapolis Summit.

Sincerely, Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, Publisher of The Daily Recordand Marc Steiner, Host of The Marc Steiner Show


4 ..................... FROM THE GOVERNOR

5 ..................... SUMMIT SERIES ROUNDUP

8-9 ................. PRO/CON: LEGALIZING MARIJUANA

10-11 ............... PRO/CON: THE ‘RAIN TAX’

12-13 ............... PRO/CON: POLICE BODY CAMERAS



19 .................... MARYLAND’S 2015 GENERAL ASSEMBLY

21 .................... MARYLAND LOBBYISTS

35 ................... SUMMIT SPONSORS

11 East Saratoga Street

Baltimore, Maryland 21202

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Dear Friends,

Every great experience, every great moment, every great memory I have ever had in my life has happened here in Maryland. This state has given me so much, and I feel fortunate to have been given the opportunity to serve my fellow Marylanders as the 62nd governor of our great state. The secret to our victory in November was meeting voters where they were, listening to their needs, and remaining focused on the issues that unite Marylanders of all walks of life. I am encouraged that many of these issues are being addressed by this year’s Annapolis Summit, and on the “Countdown to the Summit” broadcasts preceding it. Though our election was not a victory of one party or ideology over another, it was a wake-up call that the voters want Annapolis to come up with bipartisan solutions to the serious issues our state faces. Everywhere Lt. Gov. Rutherford and I traveled, we heard frustration from people who feel like nobody is focused on the issues important to them. Regardless of where they live, from the streets of Baltimore to the farms on the Eastern Shore, Marylanders everywhere are suffering. They have seen their earnings drop, their jobs disappear and the cost of everything going up. Worse, the state still faces a $1 billion deficit. Clearly, we need a new approach. I am committed to being a good steward of your hard-earned tax dollars. The days of throwing money at problems without measured results are over. Instead, we will expect performance. Marylanders will judge us by a new standard: results. To achieve these results, Democrats and Republicans will have to work together to get our budget under control, ease the tax and regulatory burden that stands in the way of economic growth and establish new priorities that will allow us to keep our promises year in and year out. While the challenges facing our state are serious, let’s not for a moment believe they are insurmountable; after all, we are Marylanders. I am confident that by working together, we will do more than merely address the challenges that confront us; we will seize this opportunity to accomplish great things

for our beloved state and her people. So on behalf of all of us in our administration, thank you to the hosts and sponsors of this year’s Annapolis Summit. I am looking forward to working with Senate President Mike Miller and House Speaker Mike Busch and all our colleagues in the legislature over the next 90 days and in the years ahead on behalf of our fellow Marylanders.


Lawrence J. Hogan, Jr.Governor


Today’s idea. Tomorrow’s reality.


For Full AnnApolis summit coverAge go to

Full agenda for Hogan, legislatureLeading up to the Annapolis Summit, The Daily Record’s reporters previewed topics

and issues that are likely to be raised during this year’s legislative session. The following summarizes that coverage.

MaxiMilian Franz



Police camera issue heats up Police agencies in Maryland could be required to begin developing and phasing in body camera programs as soon as this year. Del. Samuel I. “Sandy” Rosenberg, D-Baltimore city, and some other members of a state work group looking at the issue say such a mandate to implement body cameras that would be used to record some interactions between police and the public could be on the horizon. The mandate could be part of a bill introduced during the current legislative session. While some local jurisdictions already are implementing body camera programs, some officials say such programs come with challenges. Those include privacy issues, financing concerns and questions about how law enforcement agencies use the video and whether the Maryland Public Information Act should be amended to accommodate requests for the footage.

Hogan takes different approach to environmental issues The fresh crop of legislators — more than a third of the 188 senators and delegates will be new to their positions — will debate environmental issues that preceded many of them, in addition to Republican Gov. Larry Hogan. Hogan, who has made economic links to many popular environmental initiatives, has announced that he differs from the Democratic-controlled legislature and his predecessor, Gov. Martin J. O’Malley on issues such as the so-called rain tax, the regulation of chicken manure on Eastern Shore farms and fracking. During the campaign, Hogan vowed to repeal the controversial stormwater management fee imposed by the legislature two years ago. He used the fee as an example of what he said was a government so revenue thirsty that it had found a way to tax the rain. Hogan said following his election that he favored giving counties local control over how they would enforce the rain tax.

A Maryland commission on pretrial reform last month called on the state to stop requiring people to post bond after arrest as a condition of being released from custody before trial. The Governor’s Commission to Reform Maryland’s Pretrial System called the state’s bail system inherently unfair. Low-income defendants are too often held in

custody pending trial due to their inability to pay, while wealthier defendants are released because they can foot the bill, the commission stated. The call to eliminate bail was the most controversial of the 23-member panel’s recommendations to the General Assembly for improving how Maryland’s justice system treats arrested criminal

suspects prior to trial. In its 77-page report, the panel also recommended dismantling the Judiciary’s attorney-representation program, which started July 1, and instead have the Maryland public defender’s office provide counsel at the 177,000 initial bail hearings annually before district-court commissioners.

Report lays foundation for pretrial reform

MaxiMilian Franz


Future of gubernatorial fund uncertain

Finding a way to replenish the program that funded the gubernatorial campaigns of Democratic Del. Heather R. Mizeur and Republican Gov. Larry Hogan will top the wish list of those who advocate for limiting the effect of special-interest money in state elections. Ironically, the future of the fund could be in jeopardy due to a lack of money. Advocates say now is the time to update the law, which dates back to 1974, and to ultimately expand it to state legislative races. “There is some hope for it,” Jennifer Bevan-Dangel, executive director of Common Cause Maryland, said of the fund. “But, we do need to modernize the law.” Finding a way to replenish the state’s public financing account will be foremost on the minds of watchdog groups and legislators alike.“We can’t have a broken promise out there for candidates,” said Bevan-Dangel. Bevan-Dangel believes that the effort to bolster the fund will have the support of Hogan, who received nearly $3 million from the fund — nearly two-thirds of the $4.3 million spent directly by the Hogan campaign to defeat Democratic Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown, who spent roughly three times as much.

Marijuana bills back again Lawmakers are expected to debate a number of bills related to marijuana policy in Maryland. Those topics are likely to include a possible revision of marijuana decriminalization laws as they relate to paraphernalia; making it illegal

to smoke marijuana in public and the legalization of the drug — commonly referred

to as regulation and taxation — similar

to what has happened in Colorado and Washington state.

However, some top officials in Maryland told

The Daily Record they were not expecting lawmakers to make swift or dramatic changes this year. Gov. Larry Hogan has said he opposed legalization of marijuana.

Businesses have high hopes for improved climate Business leaders in Maryland say they are excited at the prospect of a more business-friendly state under a governor who says he is focused on restoring Maryland as a competitive player when it comes to growing, attracting and retaining businesses. Matthew Palmer, senior vice president of government relations for the Maryland Chamber of Commerce, said that Hogan and the legislature will have their hands full with the budget and that will likely slow the rate at which the new governor can push his agenda. Officials announced last month that Maryland’s budget deficit had grown to $1.2 billion. Before leaving office, Gov. Martin J. O’Malley made more than $400 million in budget cuts, fund transfers and other budget moves he said would offset the deficit in the current budget year. Some of his actions will require legislative approval.

MaxiMilian Franz


Maryland is among a growing number of states that have been steadily moving away from marijuana prohibition and exploring alternative policies. State officials are in the process of implementing Maryland’s new medical marijuana law, and residents with qualifying medical conditions will soon be able to access their medicine from licensed, regulated providers. Lawmakers also voted to replace criminal penalties for possession of up to 10 grams of marijuana with a civil citation similar to a traffic ticket. This simple and commonsense policy shift will save countless individuals from a lifetime of consequences associated with a criminal conviction, including difficulty obtaining a job, education or even housing in some cases. Decriminalization will also allow law enforcement to focus on serious crimes, rather than arresting people for possessing a substance that is objectively safer than alcohol. However, there is still work to be done. While possession of marijuana no longer warrants criminal sanctions, individuals can still be arrested and charged for possessing paraphernalia used to consume it. Addressing this discrepancy should be a legislative priority, as it is irrational to maintain harsher penalties for possession of a pipe or rolling papers than for marijuana itself. Also, merely removing criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana does nothing to address some of the biggest problems caused by marijuana prohibition. Marijuana sales continue to be conducted by illegal dealers, and millions of dollars in potential tax revenue are

being flushed down the drain. These funds prop up a dangerous underground marketplace that causes headaches for law enforcement and increases the likelihood that adults seeking only to use marijuana will be exposed to other, more harmful illicit substances. Marijuana prohibition has done nothing to prevent the use and sale of the product. Billions of dollars have been spent on efforts to eradicate cultivation, stifle distribution and scare people away from purchasing it. Yet usage rates have remained steady and show no signs of declining anytime soon. It’s time to take marijuana sales out of the hands of cartels and gangs and put them behind the counters of legitimate, taxpaying Maryland businesses. It would provide authorities with control over the substance — over which they currently have no control — and deprive criminals of a lucrative revenue source. It would also create good jobs and generate significant new tax revenue that would benefit communities throughout the state. Marijuana prohibition has been an enormous failure, just as alcohol prohibition was in the 1920s and 1930s. It is irrational to continue making the same mistake year after year in hopes of arriving at a different result. State lawmakers have an opportunity to get out in front on this issue and set a good example for the rest of the country. If they take an objective look at the evidence surrounding marijuana, they will inevitably arrive at the conclusion that it’s time to find an alternative to prohibition. That is what voters want, and hopefully that is what they will get in 2015.


Rachelle YeungLegislative Analyst, State Policies Department, Marijuana Policy Project

Decriminalization will allow law enforcement to focus on serious crimes


As a member of the Maryland House of Delegates and a retired Sergeant from the Baltimore County Police Department, I have strong feelings about legalizing marijuana. Last year, The Maryland House of Delegates passed a bill to decriminalize marijuana and make it a civil infraction. In doing so, state legislators forgot to also decriminalize paraphernalia. Why is this important in the realm of this crime? If you are riding in your car and get stopped by law enforcement and you have a rolled marijuana cigarette in plain view, the officer will write a ticket for the marijuana, but can arrest you for the paper it is rolled in. Does this make any sense? Unfortunately, this is the way things are done in Annapolis, in haste and without proper thinking as to consequences. This is a central reason why marijuana legalization is not a good idea: not all the possibilities and or unintended consequences have been thought out. The law enforcement perspective further illustrates this. In committee last year, we heard over and over that without the possibility of search incident to arrest — and this will happen if this is a civil infraction — the police will not have the right to search vehicles for large quantities of drugs, which is allowed now. Many law enforcement professionals

testified that there have been hundreds of large drug seizures from vehicles after a traffic stop that involved an arrest for simple possession. This will no longer happen, allowing large quantities of drugs to go undetected. Another problem for law enforcement is that if a person is stopped for DUI there is not a test to determine how much of the marijuana ingredient THC is in the person’s system like there is with a breathalyzer test. The only test available is a blood examination, and law enforcement needs a search warrant for that. The amount of time to obtain a search warrant would exceed the two hour limit for testing. Way too many violators would walk without being convicted if this occurs. In almost every state that has either decriminalized marijuana or legalized it, the number of fatal accidents have tripled with the use of marijuana. Experts will tell you that with alcohol, most people just use it socially and not to get intoxicated — but with marijuana, they are using it to get high, and the results are catastrophic when they try to drive. Our own Shock Trauma says that over 60 percent of the people they treat now have THC in their system, and this number will climb if we legalize marijuana. In closing, I can only say that we need more time to look at the consequences before moving forward with this drug.


Del. John ClusterRepublican, 8th Legislative District, Baltimore County

Not all the possibilities, unintended consequences have been thought out

For a second year, lawmakers in the Maryland General Assembly are expected to address marijuana policy in the state. On the table are expected to be revisions of the state’s marijuana decriminalization laws regarding paraphernalia, making it illegal to smoke marijuana in public and legalization of the drug entirely. Gov. Larry Hogan has said he opposes legalization of marijuana.


The “rain tax.” A brilliant slogan used against the O’Malley/Brown administration. Better even than the “flush fee” used against the Ehrlich Administration. Political strategy aside, we are all charged with a higher responsibility — protecting the Chesapeake Bay. First, let me say I believe all members of the Maryland legislature, liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican, are strongly committed to the Bay. As the new chairman of the Environment & Transportation Committee, I share that commitment. The Bay isn’t going down on our watch. The truth is Maryland is running the biggest biochemistry experiment in the western hemisphere — the Chesapeake is the world’s largest “wet lab.” The life of the Bay will be determined not by emotion or politics but instead by the harsh, unforgiving laws of science, just as in a laboratory. Under the Clean Water Act, the federal government established the basic structure for regulating pollutant discharges into the waters of the United States. In 2010, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency established a Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for specific pollutants. In response to federal standards, Maryland created our stormwater remediation fees (the so called “rain tax”). Under federal law, nine specific counties and the City of Baltimore are already required to implement programs and projects to meet the stormwater targets under TMDL. What exactly is this runoff? It is rainwater, which flows off of roofs and over parking lots to pick up animal waste, oils and chemicals which then run into streams and rivers that ultimately feed into the Bay. Stormwater runoff is the fastest growing source of pollution to the

Chesapeake Bay. This is not a “one-size fits all” law. Baltimore and our nine most populous counties were given the authority to structure their fees including the amount, exemptions, caps and other details of the fund. One county charged $1 per year for residences; others went as high as $170 for large mansions. The average is around $40 for homes. State law mandates that this revenue stay in the county and not used to subsidize another jurisdiction, while also outlining how the revenue can be applied. Stormwater and sewage together are the primary source of sediments, nutrients and chemicals like nitrogen and phosphorus. As dangerous as these are to the Bay, we know how to control this pollution with simple, proven solutions — planting trees and vegetation near streams, restoring stream beds, and using rain barrels and rain gardens. These projects often beautify and increase the value of property. Finally, scientific monitoring is required to verify the effectiveness of these efforts. Will it hurt our economic competitiveness? As a corporate financial manager, I don’t think so. Businesses tempted to go out of state to avoid these fees better do their research. In all, 18 jurisdictions in Virginia, eight local governments in West Virginia, several in Pennsylvania, and at least two municipalities in Delaware (including Wilmington) already have stormwater fees in place. Nationally, 1,400 jurisdictions, including Houston and Tampa, have similar policies, and the number is growing. Do you hate the “rain tax”? Well, so do I. But what I hate more is doing nothing about pollution (and violating federal law isn’t a good idea either). We’re not letting the Chesapeake Bay go down on our watch.


Del. Kumar P. BarveDemocrat, District 17, Montgomery County

We are all charged with protecting the Chesapeake Bay


Maryland’s “rain tax” is a national embarrassment. Of the 40-plus tax increases pushed through the General Assembly by Governor Martin O’Malley, the “rain tax” is the most destructive, unfair and nonsensical. No wonder no other state — not even California — taxes the rain. Maryland’s rain tax is destructive because it places a significant financial burden on businesses of all shapes and sizes. Major (and often struggling) manufacturing facilities — once the bedrock of Baltimore’s economy — are especially burdened by the new tax simply because they operate on large parcels of land on which the rain falls. As a result, the rain tax disincentives private property ownership, business expansion and job creation, especially high-paying, skilled manufacturing jobs. I find it ironic that Governor O’Malley and state Democrats pass laws to increase gambling in Maryland, but impose a “sin tax” on property ownership and economic development. No wonder the state’s unemployment rate is now greater than the national average. The rain tax is also grossly unfair because only 10 of Maryland’s 24 local jurisdictions are responsible for paying this tax. And, among those 10 jurisdictions, local governments are able to assess the rain tax in different ways, which creates a confusing and disjointed tax structure. In essence, the rain tax is a form of property tax, but one that is localized to just central Maryland. Finally, the rain tax is completely disingenuous because it does nothing to reduce water pollution or change

anyone’s behavior, other than slow economic output and job creation in the 10 counties it impacts. The rain tax is simply a scheme, cloaked under the banner of environmental protection, to generate more tax revenue to fund more government spending. Clearly, Marylanders love the Chesapeake Bay and want to protect this most valuable of our natural resources. However, they reject new taxes, which have been the government’s “solution” to too many problems, including protecting our Bay. A better way to protect the Bay is to develop a comprehensive, statewide program to encourage better land use practices by the private sector through targeted tax and regulatory incentives, as well as empower local jurisdictions to develop tailored programs to meet their jurisdiction’s unique characteristics and needs. We need thoughtful leadership, not more taxes. Fortunately, Gov. Larry Hogan ran on a campaign to repeal the rain tax. His election gives him a strong mandate to repeal this goofy law. Even Senate President Mike Miller agrees to the new governor’s mandate regarding repealing the rain tax. Let’s not waste any time. The General Assembly should have a vote on repealing the rain tax during the 90-day session. Hopefully, the election of Larry Hogan will usher in a new era of fiscal responsibility, less government intrusion in our lives and greater common sense to governing and protecting the Chesapeake Bay.


Sen. Wayne NormanRepublican, District 35, Cecil & Harford counties

This is the most destructive, unfair and nonsensical tax

Gov. Larry Hogan and his predecessor Gov. Martin J. O’Malley differ on the so-called rain tax. While O’Malley supported the stormwater management fee approved by the legislature two years ago, Hogan used an anti-rain tax platform as a large part of his successful campaign for governor. This issue is expected to be addressed during this year’s legislative session.


Audio and video recorded by police officers serves two basic purposes. The first, as an evidentiary piece for the police by recording the facts and circumstances to coincide with a written police report. This allows the officer to enter a court of law with tangible evidence. The second purpose is an unbiased and unchanged account of those same facts and circumstances. This transparency allows for officers, their supervisors, citizens, attorneys and officers of the court to all view the actual event as it occurred. Recent events across the United States have brought the topic of cameras in police work to the forefront of a nationwide discussion. In-car video recording systems have been a staple of many police departments, but have always incurred limitations. In-car video recording typically only captures what occurs in front of a police cruiser. This is only effective when the situation stays in front of a police cruiser, and can often create added uncertainty when only audio from a situation is captured without visual evidence to coincide. That, along with the cost and need for frequent technology upgrades, narrowed the usefulness of in-car video recording units. Technology has obviously improved, and what was not available 10 or 15 years ago is both available and more affordable. On-body cameras are the new “issued duty equipment.” These cameras are not restricted only to a traffic stops. Officers today have a wide range of calls for service and responsibilities. From school resource officers to SWAT operators and everything in between, the need to both capture evidence and factually document police encounters is more important than ever. On-body cameras offer resolution in some areas, and unvaryingly bring more questions in others. The on-body camera system the Laurel Police Department uses, offers a firsthand

view with audio and visual recording of every citizen contact. This allows the recording to capture everything the officers observe. These recordings are unable to be edited or deleted once recorded. The system is very user friendly, and in this day and age, video evidence is becoming more desired in court. Showing a judge or jury an event is not the same as reading a report in court. Some officers view this as calling the integrity of police as a whole into question. Police officers take an oath to protect and serve their communities, and cameras should be looked at as a way to justify and solidify their words and actions, not dispute them. These cameras can also be a great tool in the training of officers, both in initial training and in-service training. Any camera system is not without limitations and questions. All technology and equipment comes with a price tag, and outfitting some departments will be a financial hardship that requires planning. Also, technology hardware and software has a shelf life, and that cost, along with the cost of storage needs to be planned for. Another large issue that will vary depending on jurisdiction or state is privacy. Generally, public streets or public locations have a different expectation of privacy than a residence or private business. Policy and law will evolve, as is needed, to keep pace with what is most appropriate to serve citizens and the public. On-body cameras will never be recording 100 percent of a police officer’s day due to these very same privacy laws. Policy and law training is needed to keep officers up to date on the most current legislation. The facts dictate that this is the direction police agencies are moving. The benefits for police, as well as the clarity this tool can offer in conjunction with community trust, has great potential. Embracing the change, and having a hand in helping shape it will be an immense benefit to all agencies and their policy makers as we move forward.


Richard McLaughlinChief of Police, Laurel Police Department

Need to capture evidence, factually document encounters more important than ever


Beware of what you ask for! With the creation of new technologies, there is a responsibility to ensure that we do not infringe upon our rights or diminish our freedom. The debate about body worn cameras and their implementation and use by law enforcement officers throughout the state of Maryland is ongoing. Concerns ranging from the initial outlay associated with outfitting every officer to the long term cost of data storage and retention pose an unknown fiscal impact on the state and local jurisdictions that are already facing potential budget deficits. All that aside, the primary desire by some to change the behavior of its law enforcement officers by utilizing body worn cameras is interesting. I initially started by stating “beware of what you ask for!” This was not meant as a threat but rather as a warning that without clear guidelines and policies being implemented every intended or unintended interaction with a law enforcement officer places you and those around you at risk of being captured on video. I would argue that changes in behavior will more likely occur for parties on both sides of the lens. Questions such as who may have access to this data and how this data may be later utilized exacerbates the debate even further. In the end, we must realize that more times than not this information that is being collected will be used against citizens in a court of law to aid in the prosecution of cases thereby placing it in the public eye for all to see. As for questions that may arise about an officer’s actions, we must remember that the video retrieved provides its own snapshot in time and still may not clarify

concerns surrounding an incident or interaction with law enforcement. The men and women out there doing the job are making decisions in most instances in a matter of seconds. They are taking what training and life experience they have to make a judgment in hopes of satisfactorily resolving each and every situation they encounter. Checks and balances, such as good supervision, training and trail audits, occur regularly in hopes of catching and correcting any shortcomings. Now with all that being said, I believe that the men and women in law enforcement at large throughout the state of Maryland are amongst the best in the nation. The points I addressed above are but a few topics that clearly requires more conversation and thought. Fiscal implications bleed over and impact other needs for local jurisdictions. Mandating body worn cameras for some locales may affect hiring of new or additional officers or reduction of other services. Incomplete or not thoroughly thought out policies will more than likely negatively impact those that it was initially meant to protect. I believe that we do ourselves a disservice if we do not take the time needed to thoroughly study and vet the issue of body worn cameras and implementation in the state of Maryland. Just because everyone else is doing it is not a reason. And we should avoid the inherent dangers associated with allowing a piecemeal approach to implementation on a city-by-city or county-by-county basis. This is a matter that requires all parties at the table and an open and honest dialogue about how WE as a society want to be policed.


Vince CanalesPresident, Maryland State Fraternal Order of Police

We must not infringe upon rights or diminish our freedom

Grand jury decisions in Missouri and New York City that failed to indict white police officers in the death of two black men set off protests nationwide, including in Maryland. It also raised the issue of whether police should be required to wear body cameras that would provide footage to be used as evidence during arrests. While some support such a move, others have raised concerns over privacy and potential legal conflicts.


By Adam Bednar and Bryan P.

November’s election resulted in Republicans making gains in both houses of Maryland’s General Assembly, but the end result may be a more liberal Democratic majority.

The results of the election set up a dynamic where Republican Gov. Larry Hogan and an incoming legislature, which became more liberal and more Republican at the same time, will have to find a way to navigate potential pressure points. Republicans made their gains largely against rural Democrats and moderates in some blue collar suburban areas

such as Dundalk. As a result 68 percent of Democratic lawmakers are from Baltimore city, Prince George’s and Montgomery counties. Lawmakers from those jurisdictions now also have 12 out of 20 possible committee vice chair or chair positions in the new session. “Maryland Democrats, at least the ones who don’t come from Dundalk, tend to

New legislature more Republican, more liberal

68% of Democratic lawmakers from Baltimore city, Prince George’s and Montgomery counties

MaxiMilian Franz


be pretty liberal,” said Matthew Crenson, political science professor at Johns Hopkins University. Hogan could quickly find himself at odds with legislators from those three jurisdictions, who are looking for the state’s top executive to fund billions of dollars in projects such as the Purple Line and Prince George’s County Hospital in the Washington suburbs and the Red Line and State Center in Baltimore. The new governor also will try to simultaneously tame a budget deficit that is projected to exceed $1 billion over the next eight months and appease other areas of the state that voted overwhelmingly for just the third Republican governor in 45 years. “The victor has a tendency to reward areas that supported him,” said former Del. Jolene Ivey, D-Prince George’s who was Doug Gansler’s gubernatorial running mate. “He’s got to decide if he’s going to do what’s right for the state regardless of the outcome of the election.” Ivey, who conceded that she might be parochial, said that projects such as the Purple Line and improvements for Prince George’s Hospital as well as funding for road improvements as part of a proposed new FBI headquarters would be more immediately beneficial to the state than some Baltimore projects. Todd Eberly, a political science professor at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, said incoming legislators — even the newly elected progressive members — will be faced with the stark reality that Hogan will have to tighten the purse strings. “He’s got no money at all,” Eberly said. “He’s looking for ways to stop spending in some cases. In the past, Eberly said that Baltimore city frequently received more money in the budget for things such as schools and roads while Democrats from the Washington, D.C.-area won on policy issues, such as the death penalty repeal, same-sex marriage and the DREAM Act. “But you have to have money to make that work,” Eberly said, adding that a lack of money could pit the three jurisdictions against each other. “There is a real potential for a divide

and conquer situation,” Eberly said. “It’s a real problem. It could mean that they’ve got to fight for Prince George’s County, and Baltimore city be damned. Then that’s probably going to happen because they have voters to answer to and no one in Baltimore city is going to vote for or against them.” But despite the increased polarization among members of the General Assembly, which mimics what has happened on the national level, it’s not a given that Democrats and Republicans are headed toward an epic partisan showdown. Former Del. Keiffer J. Mitchell Jr., who lost his Democratic primary bid for a state Senate seat in Baltimore this summer, said he thinks voters sent a message to state politicians that they want them to cooperate instead of engaging in partisan squabbling. Hogan named Mitchell as a special adviser earlier this month. He said political savvy Democrats

understand that they need to show voters that they’re willing to co-operate with Hogan on issues like the budget. He said the governor has already shown a willingness to work with the opposition party through some of his cabinet appointments. “Again, Gov. Hogan has come with a mandate not to do business as usual in Annapolis,” Mitchell said. Crenson agreed that despite the General Assembly having less moderates as a result of November’s election it doesn’t mean big partisan fights will roil the State House in the coming session. He said Hogan appears much more willing to work with the legislature than previous Republican Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., who served from 2003 to 2007. “I think Hogan really does want to cooperate a lot more. But the fact is the country is a lot more polarized today than it was even 10 or 12 years ago, and I suspect that’s also true in Maryland,” Crenson said.

There is a real potential for a divide and conquer situation. It’s a real problem. It could mean that they’ve got to fight for Prince George’s County, and Baltimore city be damned. Then that’s probably going to happen because they have voters to answer to and no one in Baltimore city is going to vote for or against them.“ Todd Eberly, political science professor, st. mary’s college of maryland

Baltimore area executives rely on one private-sector membership organization - the Greater Baltimore Committee - to connect them to corporate, civic and political leaders, and to be the voice for a competitive climate for business growth.



Hogan goes for experience in new cabinetThe following is a list of the new cabinet members that Gov. Larry Hogan

had announced as of press time:

Gail BassetteSecretary Department of General Services

David R. CraigSecretary Department of Planning

Sam AbedSecretary Juvenile Services

Joe BartenfelderSecretary Department of Agriculture

Charlie EvansSecretary Department of Natural Resources

Ben GrumblesSecretary Department of the Environment

Jim FielderAppointments Secretary

R. Michael GillSecretary Department of Business and Economic Development

Kenneth C. HoltSecretary Department of Housing and Community Development

Rona E. KramerSecretary Department of Aging

Van MitchellSecretary Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Stephen MoyerSecretary Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services


George W. Owings IIISecretaryDepartment of Veterans Affairs

Pete K. RahnSecretary Department of Transportation

Al Redmer Jr.Commissioner Maryland Insurance

Brig. Gen. Linda SinghAdjutant General Maryland Army National Guard

John C. WobensmithSecretary of State

Jimmy Rhee Special Secretary Governor’s Office of Minority Affairs

Del. Kelly SchultzSecretary Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation

Your lobbyists for life!

L. to r. Row one-Lyle Fowlkes, Cas Taylor, Denise Bowman, Gary Alexander, Robin Shaivitz, Rob GaragiolaRow two-Kerry Watson, Susan Bernard, Murray Levy, Hannah Garagiola, Camille Fesche, Lorenzo Bellamy,

Tyler Bennett, Not Pictured-Moira Moynihan

54 State Circle, AnnapolisFort Washington • La Plata • Cumberland • Rockville • Alexandria


Legal • Lobbying • Business Solutions


1st legislative district – Allegany, garrett & Washington countiesSen. George C. Edwards (R)subdistrict 1A – Allegany & garrett countiesDel. Wendell R. Beitzel (R) subdistrict 1B – Allegany countyDel. Jason C. Buckel (R)subdistrict 1 c – Allegany & Washington countiesDel. Mike McKay (R)

2nd legislative district – Washington countysubdistrict 2A – Washington countyDel. Neil C. Parrott (R)Del. Andrew A. Serafini (R)subdistrict 2B – Washington countyDel. Brett Wilson (R)

3rd legislative district – Frederick countySen. Ronald N. Young (D)subdistrict 3A – Frederick countyCarol L. Krimm (D)Karen Lewis Young (D)subdistrict 3B – Frederick countyWilliam “Bill” Folden (R)

4th legislative district – Frederick countySen. Michael Hough (R)Kathy Afzali (R)David E. Vogt III (R)

5th legislative district – carroll countyDel. Susan Krebs (R)Del. Justin Ready (R)Del. Haven Shoemaker (R)

6th legislative district – Baltimore countySen. Johnny Ray Salling (R)Del. Robin L. Grammer Jr. (R)Del. Bob Long (R)Del. Ric Metzgar (R)

7th legislative district – Baltimore & harford countiesSen. J.B. Jennings (R)Del. Rick Impallaria (R)Del. Pat McDonough (R)Del. Kathy Szeliga (R)

8th legislative district – Baltimore countySen. Katherine Klausmeier (D)Del. John Cluster (R)Del. Eric Bromwell (D)Del. Christian Miele (R)

9th legislative districtSen. Gail Bates (R)subdistrict 9A – howard & carroll countiesDel. Trent Kittleman (R)Del. Warren E. Miller (R)subdistrict 9B – howard countyDel. Bob Flanagan (R)

10th legislative district – Baltimore countySen. Delores G. Kelley (D)Del. Benjamin Brooks (D)Del. Jay Jalisi (D)Del. Adrienne A. Jones (D)

11th legislative district – Baltimore countySen. Bobby A. Zirkin (D)Del. Shelly Hettleman (D)Del. Dan Morhaim (D)Del. Dana M. Stein (D)

12th legislative district – Baltimore & howard countiesSen. Edward J. Kasemeyer (D)Del. Eric EbersoleDel. Terri L. Hill (D)Clarence K. Lam (D)

13th legislative districtSen. Guy J. Guzzone (D)Del. Vanessa Atterbeary (D)Del. Shane Pendergrass (D)Del. Frank S. Turner (D)

14th legislative district – montgomery countySen. Karen S. Montgomery (D)Del. Anne R. Kaiser (D)Del. Eric Luedtke (D)Del. Craig J. Zucker (D)

15th legislative district – montgomery countySen. Brian J. Feldman (D)Del. Kathleen Dumais (D)Del. David Fraser-Hidalgo (D)Del. Aruna Miller (D)

16th legislative district – montgomery countySen. Susan C. Lee (D)Del. Bill Frick (D)Del. Ariana Kelly (D)Del. Marc Korman (D)

17th legislative district – montgomery countySen. Cheryl C. Kagan (D)Del. Kumar P. Barve (D)Del. Jim Gilchrist (D)Del. Andrew Platt (D)

18th legislative district – montgomery countySen. Richard Madaleno (D)Del. Al Carr (D)Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez (D)Del. Jeff Waldstreicher (D)

19th legislative district – montgomery countySen. Roger Manno (D)Del. Bonnie Cullison (D)Del. Ben Kramer (D)Del. Marice I. Morales (D)

20th legislative district – montgomery countySen. Jamie Raskin (D)Del. Sheila E. Hixon (D)Del. David Moon (D)Del. Will Smith (D)

21st legislative district – Anne Arundel & prince george’s countiesSen. Jim Rosapepe (D)Del. Ben Barnes (D)Del. Barbara Frush (D)Del. Joseline Pena-Melnyk (D)

22nd legislative district – prince george’s countySen. Paul G. Pinsky (D)Del. Tawanna P. Gaines (D)Del. Anne Healey (D)Del. Alonzo T. Washington (D)

23rd legislative district – prince george’s countySen. Douglas J.J. Peters (D)subdistrict 23A – prince george’s countyDel. Geraldine Valentino-Smith (D)



subdistrict 23B – prince george’s countyDel. Marvin E. Holmes Jr. (D)Del. Joseph F. Vallrio Jr. (D)

24th legislative district – prince george’s countySen. Joanne C. Benson (D)Del. Erek Barron (D)Del. Carolyn J.B. Howard (D)Del. Michael L. Vaughn (D)

25th legislative district – prince george’s countySen. Ulysses Currie (D)Del. Angela Angel (D)Del. Darryl Barnes (D)Del. Dereck E. Davis (D)

26th legislative district – prince george’s countySen. C. Anthony Muse (D)Del. Tony Knotts (D)Del. Kris Valderrama (D)Del. Jay Walker (D)

27th legislative district – calvert, charles & prince george’s countiesSen. Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D)subdistrict 27A – charles & prince george’s countiesDel. James E. Proctor Jr. (D)subdistrict 27B – calvert countyMichael A. Jackson (D)subdistrict 27c – calvert countyDel. Mark N. Fisher (R)

28th legislative district – charles countySen. Mac Middleton (D)Del. Sally Y. Jameson (D)Del. Edith J. Patterson (D)Del. C.T. Wilson (D)

29th legislative district – st. mary’s & calvert countiesSen. Steve Waugh (R)subdistrict 29A – st. mary’s countyDel. Matt Morgan (R)subdistrict 29B – st. mary’s countyDel. Deb Rey (R)subdistrict 29c – calvert countyDel. Tony O’Donnell (R)

30th legislative district – Anne Arundel countySen. John C. Astle (D)subdistrict 30A – Anne Arundel countyDel. Mike Busch (D)Del. Herb McMillan (R)subdistrict 30B – Anne Arundel countyDel. Seth Howard (R)

31st legislative districtSen. Bryan W. Simonaire (R)

subdistrict 31A – Anne Arundel countyDel. Ned Carey (D)subdistrict 31B – Anne Arundel countyDel. Nicholaus R. Kipke (R)Del. Meagan C. Simonaire (R)

32nd legislative district – Anne Arundel countySen. James Ed DeGrange (D)Del. Pamela Beidle (D)Del. Mark S. Chang (D)Del. Theodore J. Sophocleus (D)

33rd legislative district – Anne Arundel countySen. Edward R. Reilly (R)Del. Tony McConkey (R)Del. Sid Saab (R)Del. Cathy Vitale (R)

34th legislative district – harford countySen. Bob Cassilly (R)subdistrict 34A – harford countyDel. Glen Glass (R)Del. Mary Ann Lisanti (D)subdistrict 34BDel. Susan K. McComas (R)

35th legislative district – cecil & harford countiesSen. Wayne Norman (R)subdistrict 35A – cecil county Del. Kevin Bailey Hornberger (R)subdistrict 35B – cecil & harford countyDel. Andrew Cassilly (R)Del. Teresa Reilly (R)

36th legislative district – Queen Anne’s, Kent, caroline & cecil countiesSen. Stephen S. Hershey Jr. (R)Del. Steve Arentz (R)Del. Jeff Ghrist (R)Del. Jay A. Jacobs (R)

37th legislative district – talbot, dorchester & Wicomico countiesSen. Adelaide “Addie” Eckardt (R)subdistrict 37A – dorchester & Wicomico countiesDel. Sheree Sample-Hughes (D)subdistrict 37B – talbot, dorchester & Wicomico countiesDel. Christopher T. Adams (R)Del. Johnny Mautz (R)

38th legislative district – somerset, Wicomico & Worcester countiesSen. Jim Mathias (D)subdistrict 38A – somerset & Wicomico countiesDel. Charles James Otto (R)subdistrict 38B – Wicomico countyDel. Carl Anderton Jr. (R)subdistrict 38c – Wicomico & Worcester countiesDel. Mary Beth Carozza (R)

39th legislative district – mongomery countySen. Nancy J. King (D)Del. Charles Barkley (D)Del. Kirill Reznik (D)Del. Shane Robinson (D)

40th legislative district – Baltimore citySen. Catherine E. Pugh (D)Del. Frank M. Conaway Jr. (D)Del. Antonio Hayes (D)Del. Barbara A. Robinson (D)

41st legislative district – Baltimore citySen. Lisa Gladden (D)Del. Jill P. Carter (D)Del. Nathaniel T. Oaks (D)Del. Samuel “Sandy” Rosenberg (D)

42nd legislative district – Baltimore countySen. Jim Brochin (D)Sen. Tim Robinson (R)subdistrict 42A – Baltimore cityDel. Stephen Lafferty (D)Del. Michael A. McAllister (R)subdistrict 42B – Baltimore countyDel. Susan L. Aumann (R)Del. Chris West (R)

43rd legislative district – Baltimore citySen. Joan Carter Conway (D)Del. Curt Anderson (D)Del. Maggie McIntosh (D)Del. Mary Washington (D)

44th legislative district – Baltimore city & Baltimore countySen. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam (D)Subdistrict 44A – Baltimore CityDel. Keith Haynes (D)subdistrict 44B – Baltimore countyDel. Charles E. Sydnor III (D)Del. Pat Young (D)

45th legislative district – Baltimore citySen. Nathaniel J. McFadden (D)Del. Talmadge Branch (D)Del. Cheryl D. Glenn (D)Del. Cory V. McCray (D)

46th legislative district – Baltimore citySen. Bill Ferguson (D)Del. Luke Clippinger (D)Del. Peter A. Hammen (D)Del. Brooke Elizabeth Lierman (D)

47th legislative district – prince george’s county Sen. Victor Ramirez (D)subdistrict 47A – prince george’s countyDel. Diama M. Fennell (D)Del. Jimmy Tarlau (D)subdistrict 47B – prince george’s countyDel. Will Campos (D)




KArAlyn AAnensonCommunity Law in Action520 West Fayette Street 140Baltimore, MD 21201

gerAld ABBAnFidelity Brokerage Services LLC 82 Devonshire St. Boston, MA 02109

ricK ABBruZZeseRifkin, Weiner, Livingston, Levitan & Silver LLC225 Duke of Gloucester St.Annapolis, MD 21401410-269-5066

Arthur c. ABrAmsonBaltimore Jewish Council5750 Park Heights Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215 410-542-4850

eArl AdAms, Jr.DLA Piper LLP (US) 6225 Smith Ave. Baltimore, MD 21209-3600 410-580-4188

gAyle J. AdAmsJohns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center4940 Eastern AvenueBaltimore, MD 21224-2780

shAilA r. AeryThe Artemis Group, LLC

59 Franklin St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-295-9550

ABiolA o. AFolAyAnAFT-Maryland5800 Metro DriveBaltimore, MD 21215410-764-3030

thomAs l. AlBertFeld Entertainment, Inc. 8607 Westwood Center DriveVienna, VA 22182

lynn h. AlBiZo, esq.11869 Bright Passage Columbia, MD 21044 410-733-1098

sAlliAnn AlBornMaryland Community Health System 802 Cromwell Park Drive, Suite V Glen Burnie, MD 21061

dAle Aldrich121 Misty Mountain Lane Little Mountain, SC 29075

AleXAnder & cleAver, p.A.54 State Cir.Annapolis, MD 21401 410-974-9000

gAry r. AleXAnderAlexander & Cleaver, P.A. 54 State Circle

Annapolis, MD 21401


shAnnon AlFordNational Rifle Association of


11250 Waples Mill Rd. c/o NRA

General Counsel

Fairfax, VA 22030

John AllenPepco Holdings, Inc.

EP1202 701 Ninth St., N.W

Washington, DC 20068

misty AllenBaltimore Gas & Electric (BGE)

47 State Circle, Suite 403

Annapolis, MD 21401

AlicA v. AltAmirAnoSchwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A.

20 West St.

Annapolis, MD 21401


AmericAn council oF engineering compAnies/mArylAnd312 N. Charles St., Suite 200

Baltimore, MD 21201

AnAcostiA WAtershed societyThe George Washington House

4302 Baltimore Ave.

Bladensburg, MD 20710


chArmAyne AndersonCB Anderson Partners, LLC

8520 Scholars Lane

Laurel, MD 20723

mAhlon g. AndersonAAA Mid-Atlantic

1405 G St., NW

Washington, DC 20005

virginiA (penny) hughes AndersonMaryland Dental Action Coalition

6410 Dobbin Rd. Suite G

Columbia, MD 21045


BenJAmin F. guy AndesG.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc.

29 Francis St.

Annapolis, MD 21401


John A. AndrysZAKPopham & Andryszak, P.A

191 Main St., Suite 200

Annapolis, MD 21401


Joseph Anson10 Applewood Drive

Rexford, NY 12148

erin AppelCapitol Strategies, LLC

1 State Circle

Annapolis, MD 21401


steven ArABiANRG Energy 1866 River Rd. Middletown, CT 06457

michele m. ArnoldIndependent Insurance Agents of Maryland 2408 Peppermill Dr., Unit A Glen Burnie, MD 21061

WAndrA Ashley-WilliAmsWLA Associates, LLCPO Box 1737Ellicott City, MD 21041

Joseph l. AsKeWVerizon12 West St. Annapolis, MD 21401 202-515-2447

Kevin AtticKsMaryland Wineries Association 1940 Greenspring Dr. Suite ETimonium, MD 21093

rAginA cooper AverellAAAA Mid-Atlantic 8600 LaSalle Rd., Oxford Building Suite 639Towson, MD 21286


Ashlie BAgWellHarris Jones & Malone, LLC2423 Maryland Ave., Suite 100Baltimore, MD 21218

This reference includes contact information for every lobbyists registered with the State Ethics Commission as of the November 2014 report. The commission lists both lobbyists for hire and lobbyists who work entirely for their organizations. Our list does not differentiate between them. If a listing is incomplete it is because the lobbyist did not provide the missing information to the commission.

is a proud sponsor of the


410-362-3000 •

Julie MercerVP, Philanthropy

Ackneil M. Muldrow, IIIChair, Board of Directors

Samuel L. Ross, M.D. Richard Jones


thomAs m. BAllentine, Jr.National Association of Industrial

and Office Properties, Maryland

P.O. Box 16280

Baltimore, MD 21210


KAren pAiKin BArAllJewish Community Relations

Council of Greater Washington

6101 Montrose Rd. Suite 205

Rockville, MD 20852


mAttheW BAssettLiberty Partners Group

1050 K Street, NW, Suite 315

Washington, D.C. 20001

J. Kenneth BAttleFunk & Bolton

200 Duke of Gloucester St.

Annapolis, MD 21401

dAvid edWArd BAuerThe Association of Global


1050 K St. NW

Washington, DC 20001


Anthony BAWidAmAnnBristol-Myers Squibb Co.

777 Scudders Mill Road

Plainsboro, N.J. 08536

dAvid BeArdAdvocates for Children and Youth

8 Market Place, Suite 500

Baltimore, MD 21202


roBert p. BehlKeChoptank Electric Cooperative,


P.O. Box 430

Denton, MD 21629


dAvid BelisleTeamsters Joint Council No. 62

1030 S. Dukeland St.

Baltimore, MD 21223

lorenZo m. BellAmyAlexander & Cleaver, P.A.

54 State Cir.

Annapolis, MD 21401


Joseph BellerBaltimore Jewish Council

5750 Park Heights Ave.

Baltimore, MD 21215

dAvid eArle BenedictNCCI Holdings, Inc.

901 Peninsula Corporate Circle

Boca Raton, FL 33487

deriece pAte BennettMaryland Chamber of Commerce

60 West Street, Suite 100

Annapolis, MD 21401


tyler W. BennettAlexander & Cleaver, P.A.

54 State Circle

Annapolis, MD 21401

Bruce c. BereAno191 Duke of Gloucester St.

Annapolis, MD 21401


susAn BernArdAlexander & Cleaver, P.A.

54 State Circle

Annapolis, MD 21401

herBert Berry, Jr.Maryland Correctional

Law Enforcement Union

2519 N. Calvert St.

Baltimore, MD 21218


JenniFer BevAn-dAngelCommon Cause Maryland

121 Cathedral St., Suite 2A-4

Annapolis, MD 21401

tABB J. BishopVerizon

1 E. Pratt St., 8N

Baltimore, MD 21202


tinA m. BJAreKullMaryland Independent College &

University Association

60 West St., Suite 201

Annapolis, MD 21401

Allyson BlAcKBaltimore Gas and Electric Co.

110 W. Fayette St.

Baltimore, MD 21201

FrAZier BlAylocK4812 Drummond Ave.

Chevy Chase, MD 20815

ellen coren BogAgeChesapeake Public Strategies

11426 Rockville Pike, Suite 304

Rockville, MD 20832

henry W. BogdAnMaryland Association of

Nonprofit Organizations

1500 Union Avenue Suite 2500

Baltimore, MD 21211

mAttheW BohleRifkin, Weiner, Livingston,

Levitan & Silver LLC

225 Duke of Gloucester St.

Annapolis, MD 21401

AndreW victor BonicThe Maryland Multi-Housing


1421 Clarkview Road, Suite 100B

Baltimore, MD 21209

FrAnK d. Boston, iii2002 Clipper Park Rd. Suite 108

Baltimore, MD 21211


JAson BotelMarylandCan

1112 16th Street NW, Suite 240

Washington, DC 20036

rAy BourlAndPepco Holdings, Inc.

701 Ninth St., NW

Washington, DC 20068

gerArd BrAnKAPyramis Global Advisors Holding


900 Salem St. OT3N1

Smithfield , RI 02917

KimBerly michelle golden BrAndt1000 Friends of Maryland

1209 North Calvert St.

Baltimore, MD 21202

tAmelA eliZABeth BresnAhAnAARP Maryland

200 St. Paul St. 25th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21202

JenniFer lynn BriemAnnAbbVie

3108 Ashburn Lane

Pasadena, MD 21122


BArBArA m BrocAtoBarbara Marx Brocato &


18 Pinkney St.

Annapolis, MD 21401


Jen BrocK-cAncellieriMaryland League of Conservation


86 Maryland Ave.

Annapolis, MD 21401


melissA chAlmers BroomeJob Opportunities Task Force

111 Water St. Suite 201

Baltimore, MD 21202

JAmes r. BroWn, iiiLaw Offices of Brown & Brown

8501 LaSalle Rd., Suite 212

Towson, MD 21286


tAmerA AnitA BroWnMerck, Sharp & Dohme Corp.

PO Box 6255

Washington, DC 20015

roBert t. BroWn sr.Maryland Waterman’s


1805A Virginia St.

Annapolis, MD 21401

eric l. BryAntRifkin, Weiner, Livingston,

Levitan & Silver, LLC

225 Duke of Gloucester St.

Annapolis, MD 21401


Joseph c. BryceManis Canning & Associates

12 Francis St.

Annapolis, MD 21401

todd BucKnerBricklayers & Alied Craftworkers

Local 1 MD, VA & DC

5879 Allentown Rd.

Camp Springs, MD 20746

stephen m. BunKerThe Nature Conservancy

5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 100

Bethesda, MD 20814

roBert W. BurdonAnnapolis & Anne Arundel

County Chamber of Commerce

49 Old Solomons Island Rd, Suite


Annapolis, MD 21401


gene l. BurnerMPPA, Inc.

19 Fairway Island

Grasonville, MD 21638


chet BurrellCareFirst BlueCross BlueShield

1501 S. Clinton St. Mail Stop:


Baltimore, MD 21224

deBorAh BurrellSmall Biotechnology Business


9710 Traville Gateway Drive

No. 325

Rockville, MD 20850

JAn Burrus, Smith Kline

227 N. Royal St.

Alexandria, VA 22314

timothy ButerALiuna Maroc

11951 Freedom Drive, Room 310

Reston, Va. 20190

russell p. ButlerMaryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center, Inc. 1001 Prince Georges Blvd. Suite 750 Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 301-952-0063


ArdAth m. cAdeThe Cade Mason Group 78 Riverside Dr. Severna Park, MD 21146 410-647-7882

monA cAdenAEqual Justice USA20 Jay St., Suite 808Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

eileen cAhillHoly Cross Health1500 Forest Glen Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-754-7881

oWen cAineConsumer Specialty Products Association1667 K Street, NW Suite 300Washington, D.C. 20006

FrAnK cAlivA iiiStrategic Communications, LLC 3532 James St., Suite 106Syracuse, N.Y. 13214

louis cAmpionMaryland Motor Truck Association 3000 Washington Blvd. Baltimore, MD 21144

michAel F. cAnningManis Canning & Associates 12 Francis St.Annapolis, MD 21401 410-263-7882

pAtriciA cAnnonNovartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.909 Wilson Ave.Tullahoma, TN 37388

eleAnor m. cAreySynergies Consulting Group 15 W. Barre St. Baltimore, MD 21201410-371-5507

lAurA cArrPublic Sector Consulting Group6400 Baltimore National Pike, 102Baltimore, MD 21228410-947-4726

J. dArrell cArringtonCarrington & Associates 6007 Hillmeade Rd. Bowie, MD 20720


dAvid h. cArroll, Jr.Capitol Strategies, LLC 1 State Cir. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-268-3099

dennis cArrollChesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company8722 Loch Raven Blvd.Towson, MD 21286

chArly cArterProgressive Advocates 3 Church Cir. Suite 134 Annapolis, MD 21401 443-333-8235

lindA c. cArterMeyers, Rodbell, and Rosenbaum, P.A.6801 Kenilworth Ave., Suite 400Riverdale Park, MD 20737

W. minor cArterVanScoyoc Associates, Inc. 39 Southgate Ave. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-7954

nicholAs cAsAleReckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals Inc.2347 Holt St.Pittsburgh, PA 15203

heAther cAscone

Express Scripts

100 Parsons Pond Dr., F3-22

Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417


WilliAm A. cAstelli

Maryland Association of Realtors,


200 Harry S Truman Parkway

Suite 200

Annapolis, MD 21401

terrence JAmes


SEIU Maryland / DC State


15 School St., 3rd Floor

Annapolis, MD 21401


mAttheW celentAno

Maryland Citizen’s Health


2600 St. Paul St.

Baltimore, MD 21218


todd r. chAson

Gordon, Feinblatt LLC

233 E. Redwood St.

Baltimore, MD 21202-3332


chesApeAKe BAy FoundAtion, inc6 Herndon Ave. Annapolis, MD 21403

chesApeAKe climAte Action netWorK6930 Carroll Ave. Suite 720 Takoma Park, MD 20912

edWArd m. cheston61 Spa Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401 443-812-0866

Allen cheWDIRECTV, Inc. 901 F St., NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20004

Ann churchAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #450Washington, DC 20003

Ann t. cieKotPublic Policy Partners 48 Maryland Ave., Suite 304 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-268-0990

roBert clAytonGonzalez Saggio & Harlan LLP1200 G St., NW, Suite 800

Washington, D.C. 20005202-661-3537

coAstAl conservAtion AssociAtion mArylAndPO Box 309Annapolis, MD 21401410-280-8770

leigh coBBAdvocates for Children and Youth, Inc. 8 Market Place, Suite 500Baltimore, MD 21202

dreW p. coBBsMaryland Petroleum Council 60 West St., #403 Annapolis, MD 21401

JeFFrey cohenLiberty Partners Group1050 K Street, NW, Suite 315Washington, D.C., 20001

dAvid l. cole Jr.Ober Kaler Grimes & Shriver100 Light St.Baltimore, MD 21202

mArK Anthony colesWashington Building and Construction Trades Council5829 Allentown RoadCamp Springs, MD 20746301-899-8134

cArville B collinsDLA Piper LLP (US)

6225 Smith Ave.

Baltimore, MD 21209


erin collinsNational Association of

Mutual Insurance Companies

3601 Vincennes Road

Indianapolis, IN 46268

vAlerie t. connellyMaryland Farm Bureau, Inc.

8930 Liberty Road

Randallstown, MD 21133


donnA cooperPotomac Electric Power Co.

701 Ninth Street, NW EP1202

Washington, D.C. 20068

JessicA cooperNational Federation of

Independent Business

1783 Forest Drive

Annapolis, MD 21401

terrence Keith cooperAFT-Maryland

5800 Metro Drive

Baltimore, MD 21215


Listen to the Peabody Award-winning MARC STEINER SHOW on Baltimore’s WEAA

88.9FM, the Voice of the Community.


Marc Steiner named “2014 Influential Marylander”

by The Daily Record.

Named “Most Valuable Radio Show” by The Nation Magazine in their Progressive Honor Roll of 2013.


scott corBitt

Anheuser-Busch Companies

700 Schrock Road

Columbus, OH 43229


mArJorie A. corWin

Gordon, Feinblatt LLC

233 E. Redwood St.

Baltimore, MD 21202


christopher costello

Public Sector Consulting Group

6400 Baltimore National Pike


Baltimore, MD 21228


cArmelA coyle

Maryland Hospital Association

6820 Deerpath Rd.

Elkridge, MD 21075


tyler hunt crAddocK

8413 Patterson Ave.

Henrico, VA 23229

WilliAm r. crAigle

Sprint Corp.

11 Century Hill Drive

Latham, NY 12110

herBert s. cromWellCommunity Behavioral Health Association Of Maryland 18 Egges LaneCatonsville, MD 21228

eliZABeth croninADS Ventures Inc.3 Post Office Square, 8th FloorBoston, MA 02110

philip croninHarris Jones & Malone, LLC2423 Maryland Ave., Suite 100Baltimore, MD 21218410-366-1500

John crumBlissCornerstone Government Affairs, LLC 300 Independence Ave., SE Washington, DC 20003

JAmes W. cummingsChesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc. 6 Herndon Ave. Annapolis, MD 21403

otis W. cutlerPublic Sector Consulting Group6400 Baltimore National Pike, 455Baltimore, MD 21228

trAvis Knight cutlerDominion Resources

3072 Centreville RoadHerndon, VA 20171


thomAs c. dAmeGallagher Evelius & Jones LLP218 N. Charles St., Suite 400Baltimore, MD 21201

michAel dAmeron607 14th St. NW, Suite 650Washington, D.C. 20005

susAn gAZAWAy dAntoniMontgomery County Medical Society 15855 Crabbs Branch Way Rockville, MD 20855

mirAndA dArdenMaryland Affordable Housing Coalition273 Capote Court WSeverna Park, MD 21146

dAnA dAvenportMaryland Catholic Conference10 Francis St.Annapolis, MD 21401

richArd dAvisThe Arc MarylandP.O. Box 1747Annapolis, MD 21404410-571-9320

steven delBiAnco


1401 K St. NW Suite 502

Washington, DC 20005-3417


vincent demArco

Maryland Citizens Health Initative

Education Fund, Inc.

2600 St. Paul St.

Baltimore, MD 21218


cynthiA m. demArest

Schaller Anderson of Arizona,


509 Progress Dr.

Linthicum, MD 21090


Joseph demAttos, Jr.

Health Facilities Association of


7135 Minstrel Way Suite 101

Columbia, MD 21045


KAthryn e. dempsey

Maryland Catholic

Conference LLC

10 Francis St.

Annapolis, MD 21401


Amy dempster1919 6th Street NWWashington, DC 20001

thomAs m. dennisonSouthern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. 15035 Burnt Store Rd. Hughesville, MD 20637

JoAnnA leigh diAmondEnvironment Maryland3121 St. Paul St., Suite 26Baltimore, MD 21218

christopher v. dipietroCdi Consulting Services, LLC 4411 Sedgwick RoadBaltimore, MD 21210 410-243-5782

lindsAy doddMaryland Agricultural Associates53 Slama RoadEdgewater, MD 21037

dAniel t. doherty, Jr.The Doherty Group, LLC P.O. Box 668 New Market, MD 21774 301-865-2214

FrAnces p. dohertyThe Doherty Group, LLC P.O. Box 668 New Market, MD 21774 301-865-2214












D Now more than ever, we must invest in the students, educators, and programs that will prepare our children for a competitive global economy.

Protect state and local investments in studentsMSEA supports full funding of Thornton education formulas, the updated geographic cost of education index, and the full actuarial required pension contribution and supplemental payments. MSEA supports expanded school construction funding to ensure safe, modern facilities across Maryland. We oppose efforts to water down the 2012 maintenance of effort improvements that support the local/state partnerships that funds our schools.

Ensure that students have time to learn and educators have time to teach

Students are spending disproportionate amounts of time preparing for and taking costly standardized tests, even though they are not proven to effectively measure student growth or lead to improved teaching and learning. We support efforts to limit the burden of annual state and local testing.


Defend Maryland’s charter school lawMaryland’s charter school law is the strongest in the nation because it strikes the right balance between local control, accountability, and innovative instruction. Our schools depend on keeping standards high and our charter school law strong.

Learn more about the full range of our legislative priorities at




pAtricK donohoMaryland Retailers Association 171 Conduit St. Annapolis, MD 21401

devin J. doolAnFurey, Doolan & Abell, LLP 8401 Connecticut Ave., Suite 1100 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 301-652-6880

Ashley dootThe Artemis Group, LLC 59 Franklin St. Annapolis, MD 21401

pAul dorsey6305 Grafton Farm DriveLaytonsville, MD 20882410-340-8688

Kevin thomAs doughertyNational Multiple Sclerosis Society, National Capital Chapter 1800 M St., N.W. Suite 750 South Washington, DC 20036 202-375-5606

michele douglAsPublic Policy Partners 48 Maryland Ave., Suite 304 Annapolis, MD 21401410-268-0990

roBert c. douglAsDLA Piper LLP (US)

6225 Smith Ave.

Baltimore, MD 21209


JAmes J. doyle, iiiLaw offices of James J. Doyle,


212 Duke of Gloucester Street

Annapolis, MD 21401

loreen K. doyleCBH Community Behavioral

Health Assn.

18 Egges Lane

Catonsville, MD 21228

denis p. dunnAT&T

1133 21 St., NW Suite 900

Washington, DC 20036


lori eAtonReckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals Inc.5 Katie CourtLake Grove, NY 11755

KAtelynn ecKert1155 16th St. NW Washington, DC 20036

Julie eddy


1300 Morris Drive

Chesterbrook, PA 19087

donnA edWArds

Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO

7 School St.

Annapolis, MD 21401

douglAs eArl edWArds

Mission of Love Charities, Inc.

6180 Old Central Ave.

Capitol Heights, MD 20743


sArAh elFreth

National Aquarium in Baltimore

Pier 3/501 East Pratt Street

Baltimore, MD 21202

christy elleBree

Reckitt Benckiser

Pharmaceuticals Inc.

1281 Carl Davis Road

Monroe, GA 30656


roByn s. elliott

Public Policy Partners

48 Maryland Ave., Suite 304

Annapolis, MD 21401


Adrienne ellisMental Health Association of Maryland 711 W. 40th St. #460 Baltimore, MD 21211

d. roBert entenGordon Feinblatt LLC233 E. Redwood St. Baltimore, MD 21202 410-576-4114

Kurt g. ericKsonWashington Regional Alcohol Program 8300 Boone Blvd., Suite 730Vienna, VA 22182703-893-0461

WilliAm e. ersKineOffit Kurman, P.A. 8171 Maple Lawn Boulevard Suite 200 Maple Lawn, MD 20759 301-575-0363

susAn estyAFSCME Maryland 190 W. Ostend St. Baltimore, MD 21230

gerArd evAnsGerard E. Evans, Ltd. 191 Main St. Suite 210 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-990-1521

hAyley evAnsGerard E. Evans, Ltd. 191 Main St., Suite 210 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-990-1521


KAthryn s. FArinholtNAMI Maryland10630 Little Patuxent Pkwy, Ste. 475Columbia, MD 21044410-884-8691

AntoniA Kivelle FAsAnelliHomeless Persons Representation Project, Inc. 201 N. Charles Street Suite 1104Baltimore, MD 21201

erin p. FAvAZZA803 Stonehurst CourtAnnapolis, MD 21409

John F. FAvAZZAManis Canning & Associates 12 Francis St. Annapolis, MD 21401

michAeline r. FedderAmerican Heart Association 217 East Redwood St., Suite 2300Baltimore, MD 21201 � 410.526.9100

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mArK FeinrothMaryland Association of Realtors 200 Harry S. Truman Parkway Suite 200 Annapolis, MD 21401-7348

Jon colBy FergusonMaryland Farm Bureau Inc.8930 Liberty RoadRandallstown, MD 21133410-922-3426

cAmille g. FescheAlexander & Cleaver P.A.54 State Circle Annapolis, MD 21401410-974-9000

Jodi FinKelsteinNARAL Pro-Choice MD 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 301 Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-565-4154

cAitlin FloWersFrank D. Boston, III Attorney at Law2002 Clipper Park Road, Suite 108Baltimore, MD 21211410-323-7090

doriAn FlynnMaryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities P.O. Box 6815 6501 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21285

JeFFrey d. FolKsUnitedHealth Group 6095 Marshalee Dr. Suite 200 Elkridge, MD 21075

susAn FordCouncil, Baradel, Kosmerl & Nolan P.A.125 West St., Fourth FloorAnnapolis, MD 21401

lyle FoWlKesAlexander & Cleaver, P.A. 54 State Cir. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-974-9000

mAttheW FrAlingHarris Jones & Malone, LLC 2423 Maryland Ave. Suite 100 Baltimore, MD 21218 410-366-1500

FrAnn g. FrAncisApartment & Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington1050 17th St., NW, #300 Washington, DC 20036

BriAn FrAZeeMaryland Association of Community Services

8835 Columbia 100 Parkway, Unit P Columbia, MD 21045

hoWArd FreedlAnderThe Artemis Group, LLC 59 Franklin St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-295-9550

AmAndA FreishtAtRifkin, Weiner, Livingston, Levitan & Silver LLC225 Duke of Gloucester St.Annapolis, MD 21401

dAvid d. FreishtAtShulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A 12505 Park Potomac Ave., Sixth FloorPotomac, MD 20854

donAld c. FryGreater Baltimore Committee 111 S. Calvert St., Suite 1700 Baltimore, MD 21202 410-727-2820

neely t. FryeNovartis Pharmaceuticals 939 Parish Place Hummelstown, PA 17036

Kurt h. FuchsMidAtlantic Farm Credit379 Deep Shore RoadDenton, MD 21629

mArgAret A. FunKMaryland Pharmacists Association1800 Washington Blvd., Suite 333Baltimore, MD 21230

dAniel FurmAnsKy1524 Hanby St.Silver Spring, MD 20902301-461-4900


AndreW e. gAlliClean Water Action 711 W. 40th St., Suite 209 Baltimore, MD 21211

eric gAllyGally Public Affairs, Inc. 219-A Duke of Gloucester St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-990-0069

roBert gArAgiolAAlexander & Cleaver54 State CircleAnnapolis, MD 21401

dAvon gArdnerFrank D. Boston, III Attorney at Law2002 Clipper Park Road Suite 108Baltimore, MD 21211

Julie gArnerAstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals1023 Covington St. Baltimore, MD 21230

AndreA gArveyMaryland Catholic Conference10 Francis St.Annapolis, MD 21401410-269-1155

Ann geddesMaryland Coalition of Familes for Children’s Mental Health 10632 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 234 Columbia , MD 21044 410-730-8267

gil gennCapitol Hill Strategic Advocates, LLC 3 Church Cir. Suite 301 Annapolis, MD 21401 301-367-3191

John giBsonLeukemia & Lymphoma Society10 G Street NE, Suite 501Washington, D.C. 20002

crAig A. gillPfizer Inc. c/o 2350 Kerner Blvd., Suite 250 San Rafael, CA 94901

Andre J. ginglesGingles, LLC 11785 Beltsville Dr., Suite 1350 Calverton, MD 20705

michAel u. gisrielMichael Gisriel, LLC29 W. Susquehanna Avenue, Suite 500Towson, MD 21204

FrAnces hughes glendeningMaryland Association of Boards of Education621 Ridgely Avenue Suite 300Annapolis, MD 21401410-841-5414

roBert merritt glideWellWashington Gas 101 Constitution Ave., NW 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20080 202-624-6451

KAthy A. goeller-shAhiniAnEpiscopal Diocese of Maryland4 E. University ParkwayBaltimore, MD 21114

Kevin irA goldBergGoldberg, Finnegan & Mester LLC

8401 Colesville Road, Suite 630Silver Spring, MD 20910301-589-2999

ronAld s. goldBlAttAssociation of Independent Maryland Schools 890 Airport Park Rd. Suite 103 Glen Burnie, MD 21061 410-761-3700

dAvid rAphAel goodFriendEmmer Consulting Inc.7713 Oldchester RoadBethesda, MD 20817

michAel A. grAZiAnoPrince George’s County Association of Realtors Inc.9200 Basil Court, 400Largo, MD 20774301-306-7900

Joseph c. green, Jr.G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc.29 Francis St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-280-5088

AAron J. greenFieldGreenfield & Kress, P.A.150 South St., Suite 103Baltimore, MD 21401

JeFF guidoMaryland State Pipe Trades Association7050 Oakland Mills Road, Suite 180Columbia, MD 21046410-290-3890

JoAnnA guyMaryland PIRG3121 St. Paul St., Suite 26Baltimore, MD 21218410-467-9389


ronAld Joseph hAlBerJCRC of Greater Washington 6101 Montrose Rd. Suite 205 Rockville, MD 20852 (301)770-0881

diAne hAmptonMaryland Independent College & University Association 60 West St., Suite 201 Annapolis, MD 21401

mAttheW hAnsonWorking Families Organization7338 Baltimore Ave., 108ACollege Park, MD 20742

hArFord county chAmBer oF commerce108 S. Bond St. Bel Air, MD 21014

lAtArA hArrisAT&T

1120 20th St., NW, Suite 400

Washington, D.C. 20036

Willie r. hArrisHarris Public interest Consulting


5804 Berkeley Ave.

Baltimore, MD 21215


mArtA hArtingVenable LLP

750 E. Pratt St. Suite 900

Baltimore, MD 21035


JoshuA AndreW hAstingsEastern Shore Land Conservancy

118 Wye Narrows Dr.

Queenstown, MD 21658

teresA mArie heAley-conWAyAFSCME, AFL-CIO

48 Maryland Ave, Suite 201

Annapolis, MD 21401

heAlth insurAnce Buyers & BroKers coAlition oF mArylAndP.O. Box 5372

Timonium, MD 21094

mAndee heinlBaltimore Jewish Council

5750 Park Heights Ave.

Baltimore, MD 21215


scott henderson2648 Berringer Station Lane

Knoxville, TN 37932

Joel d. henricKsGreenwill Consulting Group LLC

121 Cathedral St., Suite 1C

Annapolis, MD 21401

BArBArA henryCommittee for Montgomery

902 Laredo Road

Silver Spring, MD 20901

denise o. hill3914 Jenifer St., NW

Washington, DC 20015

nAncy h. hillNancy H. Hill Consulting Services

P.O. Box 6603

Annapolis, MD 21401


Kevin hillsService Employees International

Union, Local 32BJ

25 W. 18th St., Fifth Floor

New York, NY 10011


lArry e. hintonGEICO One Geico Plaza Washington, DC 20076 301-986-2081

roy A. hoAglAndHOPE Impacts LLC14507 Sailview CourtMidlothian, VA 23112

JenniFer hoehn702 SW 8th St.Bentonville, AR 72716

BArBArA A. hoFFmAnThe Artemis Group, LLC 59 Franklin St.Annapolis, MD 21401 410-295-9550

roBert louis hoFmAnnMaryland Works, Inc. 10270 Old Columbia Road, Suite 100 Columbia, MD 21046

mArK holmAnRidge Policy Group LLC1140 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 510Washington, DC 20036

toni e. holnessACLU of Maryland3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 350Baltimore, MD 21211

JessicA honKeNAMI-MD10630 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 475Columbia, MD 21044

lynne c. hootMaryland Agricultural Associates 53 Slama Rd. Edgewater, MD 21037410-956-5771

ilAyA rome hopKinsMontgomery County Chamber of Commerce51 Monroe St., Suite 1800Rockville, MD 20850301-738-0015

F. peter horrigAnMAPDA 550 M Ritchie Highway PMB 283 Severna Park, MD 21146

dAn hortonExxon Mobil Corporation c/o Nielsen, Merksamer, et al. 2350 Kerner Blvd., Suite 250 San Rafael, CA 94901

michAel houserFidelity Brokerage Services, LLC 245 Summer St. V6A Boston, MA 02210

KAtherine K. hoWArdRegional Management, Inc. 11 E. Fayette St. Baltimore, MD 21202 410-539-2370

FrAnK hoWArd Jr.Howard Consulting Group1990 M Street NW, Suite 310Washington, DC 20036

m. Kim hoWArdMaryland Correctional Law Enforcement Union 2519 N. Calvert St. Baltimore, MD 21218410-235-8540

lAurA hoWellMD Association of Community Services 8835 Columbia 100 Parkway Suite P Columbia, MD 21045

mAriAnn hughesMaryland Catholic Conference LLC 10 Francis St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-1155

diAne hutchinsMaryland Zoo in Baltimore 1876 Mansion House Dr.Baltimore, MD 21217 443-552-5265

JAy hutchinsGreater Baltimore Committee 111 S. Calvert St. Baltimore, MD 21202 410-727-2820

AlAn J. hyAttPPE Casino Resorts Maryland, LLC c/o The Cordish Company601 E. Pratt St., 6th Floor Baltimore , MD 21202


Joseph r. JAcKsonNorthrop Grumman Systems Corporation 1580A W. Nursery Rd. MS A275 Baltimore, MD 21090

donnA l. JAcoBsUniversity of Maryland Medical System250 W. Pratt Stret, 24th FloorBaltimore, MD 21201

JonAs JAcoBsonJacobson & Perry LLCP.O. Box 1144Columbia, MD 21044

JonAs A. JAcoBsonPerry, White, Ross & Jacobson126 Locust Lane

Annapolis, MD 21403410-977-3419

elBridge g. JAmesJames ConsultingP.O. Box 10952Rockville, MD 20849301-213-9657

nicole s. JeFFersonBaker & Hostetler LLP 1050 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20036

Judy JenKinsOtsuka America Pharmaceutical Inc.12305 Harbour CircleFort Washington, MD 20744

michAel v. JohAnsenRifkin, Weiner, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC 225 Duke of Gloucester St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-5066

deron A. Johnson305 Stable View Court Parkton, MD 21120

KAthryn JohnsonChristian Science Committee on Publication for Maryland P.O. Box 1585 Annapolis, MD 21404

roBert g. JohnsonCapitol Strategies, LLC 1 State Cir. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-268-3099

seAn JohnsonMaryland State Education Association140 Main St.Annapolis, MD 21401

eric l. Johnston, iiiStrategic Solutions Center, LLC 8181 Professional Place, Suite 202 Landover, MD 20785

roBert JohnstonAnne Arundel County Association of Realtors 1521 Ritchie Highway Suite 300 Arnold, MD 21012 410-544-4554

Ann holmes JonesPartners for Open Space1209 N. Calvert St.Baltimore, MD 21202

gAry r. JonesBaxter, Baker, Sidle, Conn & Jones P.A .120 E. Baltimore St., Suite 2100 Baltimore, MD 21202 410-385-8004

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Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of subsidiary companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna). ©2015 Aetna Inc. 2014014


lisA hArris Jones

Harris Jones & Malone LLC

2423 Maryland Ave., Suite 100

Baltimore, MD 21218

mitch Jones

Food & Water Watch

1616 P St. NW Suite 300

Washington, DC 20036

lisAe c. JordAn

Law Office of Lisae C. Jordan

638 5th St., NE

Washington, DC 20002


dominic lynde JordAn

United Parcel Service

316 Pennsylvania Ave., SE Suite


Washington, DC 20003

Wilhelm h. Joseph, Jr.

Legal Aid Bureau, Inc.

500 E. Lexington St.

Baltimore, MD 21202


John hoWArd Josselyn

Associated Gun Clubs of

Baltimore Inc.

P.O. Box 20102

Towson, MD 21284-0102


lAuren KAllinsMaryland Disability Law Center 1500 Union Ave. Suite 2000 Baltimore, MD 21211-1982 410-727-6352

Jody l. KAllisMaryland Association of Community Colleges 60 West St., Suite 200 Annapolis, MD 21401

neil KArKhAnisHealth Facilities Association of Maryland601 Global Way, Suite 103Linthicum, MD 21090410-290-5132

lAWrence e. KAsecAmpUnited Transportation Union11505 Caboose Road, SW, Suite 1AFrostburg, MD 21532

pAmelA m. KAsemeyerSchwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A. 20 West St.Annapolis, MD 21401410-244-7000

dAnnA l. KAuFFmAnSchwartz, Metz & Wise P.A.20 West St.

Annapolis, MD 21401410-244-7000

KunAl KhoslAHoward Consulting Group 1990 M St., NW Suite 310Washington, DC 20036

John p. KitZmillerMaryland Automobile Dealers Association 7 State Circle, Suite 301 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-1710

lisA KlingenmAierCatholic Charities228 W. Lexington St., Suite 220Baltimore, MD 21201410-261-6783

mArgery dAvis KnightUnitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of Marylandc/o Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis 333 Dubois Rd. Annapolis, MD 21401

virginiA KnoWltonMaryland Disability Law Center 1500 Union Ave. Suite 2000 Baltimore, MD 21211-1982 410-727-6352

KendrA Kormos

34459 St. Maron Blvd.

Avon, OH 44011

JAnis Anne KrAmer

Janis A. Kramer

684 Santa Maria Lane

Davidsonville, MD 21035


AndreW Joseph KrAus

Howard County Chamber of


5560 Sterrett Place

Columbia, MD 21044


susAn King KrehBiel

Presbytery of Baltimore

5400 Loch Raven Blvd.

Baltimore, MD 21239


WilliAm Allen Kress

Greenfield & Kress PA

150 South St., Suite 103

Annapolis, MD 21401


lArs B. KristiAnsen

Nationwide Insurance

7125 Columbia Gateway Dr.

Suite 350

Columbia, MD 21046


chArles Joseph KruFtFirstEnergy 111 S. Calvert St., Suite 2700Baltimore, MD 21202 410-385-5308

lAurie KuiperKaiser Permanente Health Plan of the Mid-Atlantic States Inc.2101 East Jefferson St.Rockville, MD 20852

russel JAmes KuJAnBaltimore County Medical Association1211 Cathedral St.Baltimore, MD 21201410-296-1232

JoshuA KurtZThe Nature Conservancy5410 Grosvenor Lane Suite 100Bethesda, MD 20814


trAci lA vAlleMaryland Hospital Association 6820 Deerpath RoadElkridge, MD 21075 410-379-6200

A leader in research, education, policy, and advocacy, the Center for a Livable Future serves as a critical resource for advocates, policymakers, educators and students. Its core programs integrate re-search, policy, education and outreach in four areas as they relate specifi cally to public health: food production, food com-munities, food system sustainability, and food system policy. The Center’s work is driven by the certainty that we must un-derstand the connections among all four program areas.

Food System


“How we eat determines, to a considerable extent,how the world is used.” —Wendell Berry, farmer, writer, conservationist


todd lAmBLamb Government Solutions 106 Tucker St. Annapolis, MD 21401

mArtin s. lAmpnerThe Chimes, Inc. 4815 Seton DriveBaltimore, MD 21215

tommy A. lAndersChesapeake Climate Action Network6930 Carroll Ave. STE 720Takoma Park, MD 20912

ivAn v. lAnierGreenwill Consulting Group 320 W. Prospect Bay Drive Grasonville, MD 21638 410-827-5446

Angel lAvinVenable LLP 750 E. Pratt St., Suite 900 Baltimore, MD 21202

Julie lAWsonTrash Free Maryland Alliance24 Underwood Place NWWashington, DC 20012

george lAyFieldChesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company

8722 Loch Raven Blvd.Towson, MD 21286

donnA l. leAmAnUSAA Government Relations PO Box 2941 Reston, VA 20195

miriAm lehmAnMaryland Bankers Association 186 Duke of Gloucester St.Annapolis, MD 21041 410-269-5977

chArles leitgeBBayer Corp.100 Bayer Blvd.P.O. Box 915Whippany, NJ 07981

dorothy J. lennigHouse of Ruth Maryland 2201 Argonne Dr. Baltimore, MD 21218 410-554-8460

BriAn levineTech Council of Maryland 9210 Corporate Blvd., Suite 470Rockville, MD 20850

lAurence levitAnRifkin, Weiner, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC 225 Duke of Gloucester St.

Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-5066

cynthiA m. liFsonLaw Offices of Cynthia M. Lifson 10440 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 300 Columbia, MD 21044

Anne m. lindner10 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, IL 60603

Brett steWArt liningerSemmes, Bowen & Semmes 25 S. Charles St., Suite 1400 Baltimore, MD 21201 410-576-4815

roy e. littleField iiiWMDA Service Station & Automotive Repair Association 1532 Pointer Ridge Place, Suite E Bowie, MD 20716 301-390-0900

roy e. littleField ivWMDA Service Station & Automotive Repair Association 1532 Pointer Ridge Place, Suite E Bowie, MD 20716 301-390-0900

cAiley locKlAirBaltimore Jewish Council 5750 Park Heights Ave.

Baltimore, MD 21215 410-542-4850

seAn m. looneyComcast Cable 27 Francis St. Annapolis, MD 21401 443-949-8134

JohAnn d. lopeZCitigroup Management Corp.1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 1000Washington, DC 20004

KAthleen g. loughrAnAmerigroup Maryland, Inc. 857 Elkridge Landing Rd., Suite 300 Linthicum, MD 21090 410-981-4095

sArA norris loveACLU of Maryland3600 Clipper Mill RoadBaltimore, MD 21211410-889-8550 lori Ann lovgrenNCCI Holdings, Inc.901 Peninsula Corporate CircleBoca Raton, FL 33487 dAn lucAsLIUNA MAROC12355 Sunrise Valley Drive,

Suite 550Reston, VA 20191

leonArd l. lucchiO’Malley, Miles, Nylen & Gilmore, P.A. 11785 Beltsville Drive 10th Floor Calverton, MD 20770

megAn lucyAdvocates for Children and Youth8 Market Place, Suite 500Baltimore, MD 21202

elAine lutZChesapeake Bay Foundation6 Herndon DriveAnnapolis, MD 21403


mArK A. mAcdougAllSouthern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc.P.O. Box 1937 Hughesville, MD 20637

sheilA mAcKertichHealthCare Access of Maryland 201 E. Baltimore St. 10th Floor Baltimore, MD 21202

chArles d. mAcleodFunk & Bolton, PA210 South Cross St., Suite101Chestertown, MD 21620


clinton mAcsherryMaryland Family Network 1001 Eastern Ave. Baltimore, MD 21202

thomAs mAguireVerizon CommunicationsOne Verizon WayBasking Ridge, NJ 07920

seAn r. mAloneHarris Jones & Malone, LLC 2423 Maryland Ave. Suite 100 Baltimore, MD 21218 410-366-1500

Amy ellen mAloneyMaryland State Education Association140 Main St. Annapolis, MD 21401443-433-3646

KAthleen m. mAloneyMaloney and Associates 121 Cathedral St., Suite 2A, Office 2 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-263-0070

george n. mAnisManis Canning & Associates 12 Francis St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-263-7882

nicholAs g. mAnisManis Canning & Associates 12 Francis St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-263-7882

eileen m. mAnnionVerizon Communications 12 West St. Annapolis, MD 21401

AndreW mArtinThe Martin Network 11007 Greenock CourtLouisville, KY 40243

g. dAn mArtinMental Health Association of Maryland 711 W. 40th St., Suite 460 Baltimore, MD 21211 410-235-1178

sArA mArtin5 Cormac CourtReisterstown, MD 21136

trAvis mArtZMaryland Automobile Dealers Association 7 State Circle, Suite 301 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-1710

trAvis John mArtZLaw Office of Travis J. Martz, P.A.

311 Chesapeake Ave. Annapolis, MD 21403 443-837-5181

mArylAnd Agriculture council, inc.12221 Fingerboard Road Monrovia, MD 21770 301-865-1045

mArylAnd government relAtions AssociAtion 11785 Beltsville Drive, 10th FloorCalverton, MD 20705Annapolis, MD 21404

mArylAnd leAgue oF conservAtion voters educAtion Fund 86 Maryland Ave.Annapolis, MD 21401

mArylAnd legislAtive AgendA For Women (mlAW)c/o 305 W. Chesapeake Ave., Suite 201 Towson, MD 21204 443-519-1005

mArylAnd liBrAry AssociAtion1401 Hollins St. Baltimore, MD 21223

cheryl F. mAtricciAniMedical Mutual Liability Insurance Society of Maryland 225 International CircleHunt Valley, MD 21030 410-785-0050

denise m. mAtricciAniMaryland Hospital Association 6820 Deerpath RoadElkridge, MD 21075 410-379-6200

christopher J. mccABe2969 Hearthstone RoadEllicott City, MD 21042 443-285-3434

lisA volpe mccABeSatellite Broadcasting & Communications Association 1100 17th St. NW, Suite 1150 Washington, DC 20036 202-349-3640

sherry mccAmmonAmerican Cancer Society Cancer Action Network8219 Town Center DriveBaltimore, MD 21236 410-933-5146

nicole mccAnnJohns Hopkins Institutions 901 S. Bond St., Suite 540 Baltimore, MD 21231

hArold K. mccAuleyWMDA Service Station & Automotive Repair Association 1532 Pointer Ridge Place, Suite E Bowie, MD 20716 301-390-0900

molly Ann mcclosKeyShare Our Strength2305 N. Charles St.Baltimore, MD 21218

JAmes p. mccomBMcComb Consulting and Government Relations 1832 St Mary’s RoadChester, MD 21619410-598-4440

dennis c. mccoyGovernment Affairs-Maryland, Inc. 438 Severnside DriveSeverna Park, MD 21146

chAmpe c. mccullochMaryland AGC 1301 York Rd., Suite 202 Lutherville, MD 21093-6005

tom mcdonAldBaker & Hostetler LLP 1050 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20036

cAitlin e. mcdonoughHarris Jones & Malone 2423 Maryland Ave., Suite 100 Baltimore, MD 21218 410-366-1500

JAmes stephen mcgArryChesapeake Climate Action Network6930 Carroll Ave., Suite 720Takoma Park, MD 20913240-396-1983

roBin mcKinneyMaryland CASH Campaign/Job Opportunities Task Force 217 E. Redwood Street, Suite 1500Baltimore, MD 21202

JenniFer mclAughlinPerry, White, Ross & Jacobson126 Locust LaneAnnapolis, MD 21202410-271-6939

md Women’s coAlition For heAlth cAre reForm P.O. Box 59202 Potomac, MD 20854

richArd meidlingerJohnson & Johnson Health Care Systems126 Seneca Ridge DriveSterling, VA 20164

JAmie meierMedical Mutual Insurance Society

of Maryland

225 International Circle

Hunt Valley, MD 21030


JeFFrey d. meisterMaryland Right to Life

420 Chinquapin Round Road,

Suite 2-I

Annapolis, MD 21401


michele merKelFood & Water Watch

1616 P Street, N.W, Suite 300

Washington, DC 20036

BryAn merrellBayer Corp.

2232 Fallen Oaks Drive

Knoxville, TN 37932

rAndAl l. micKensMaryland State Education


140 Main St.

Annapolis, MD 21401

AmericAn Joe miedusieWsKiSemmes, Bowen & Semmes

Suite 1400 25 S. Charles St.

Baltimore, MD 21201


rosAnnA milesMaryland Citizen’s Health

Initiative Inc.

2600 St. Paul St.

Baltimore, MD 21218


WilliAm r. milesP.O. Box 251

Huntingtown, MD 20639


Beverly l. millerMaryland Hospital Association

6820 Deerpath Rd.

Elkridge, MD 21075


roBert d. miller200 Westgate Circle, Suite 500

Annapolis, MD 21401


susAn mitchellMaryland Association of Realtors

200 Harry S. Truman

Annapolis, MD 21401

vAn t. mitchellManis Canning & Associates

12 Francis St.

Annapolis, MD 21401


michAel mondo5 LeClair DriveHingham, MA 02043617-526-7676

richArd A. montgomery iiiMaryland State Bar Association, Inc. P.O. Box 49 Annapolis, MD 21404

BryAn moorhousePepco Holdings, Inc. 701 Ninth St., NW Washington, DC 20068

stephen h. morgAnThe Arc of Baltimore 7215 York Rd. Baltimore, MD 21212 410-296-2272

mAry s. morin714 B&A Blvd. Severna Park, MD 21146410-544-0312

cArolyn J. mossDominion Resource Services, Inc. 1800 Old Meadow Rd. No. 417 McLean, VA 22102

lorelei mottese33 Northfield Ave.Edison, NJ 08818732-906-5153

reBeccA h. mulesUnited HealthCare Services Inc.9900 Bren Road EastMinnetonka, MN 55343

KAthleen m. murphyMaryland Bankers Association 186 Duke of Gloucester St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-5977

pAtricK h. murrAyJohns Hopkins 901 S. Bond St. Suite 540 Baltimore, MD 21231

doug myersChesapeake Bay Foundation6 Herndon Ave.Annapolis, MD 21403


mArthA d. nAthAnsonLifebridge Health 2401 W. Belvedere Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215

nAtionAl AssociAtion oF industriAl And oFFice properties - mArylAndPO Box 16280 Baltimore, MD 21210 410-977-2053


nAtionAl riFle AssociAtion oF AmericAc/o General Counsel’s OfficeAttn: Matthew Bower11250 Waples Mill RoadFairfax, VA 22030

John B. neilJack Neil & Associates, LLC One Church Circle, PO 864 Annapolis, MD 21404-0864 410-349-4646

Alice J .neily mutchCapital Consultants of Maryland 212 Duke of Gloucester St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-5018

John nethercutPublic Justice Center 1 N. Charles St., Suite 200 Baltimore, MD 21201

AndreW nicKlAs2002 Clipper Park Rd. Suite 108 Baltimore, MD 21211 301-639-7726

eric A. nielsenAssociation of Maryland Pilots 3720 Dillon St. Baltimore, MD 21224

ruth Ann nortonCoalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning2714 Hudson St.Baltimore, MD 21224410-534-6447

AleXAnder g. nuneZBaltimore Gas and Electric Company110 West Fayette St., Suite #2Baltimore, MD 21201

shAylAh nunnNovo Nordisk Inc.1155 F Street NW, Suite 1150Washington, DC 20004


gArrett J. o’dAyMaryland Catholic Conference LLC10 Francis St.Annapolis, MD 21401410-269-1155

Kevin o’KeeFFeMeringer, Zois & Quigg, LLC 320 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201

michAel B. o’sullivAnCollege Board1233 20th St.Washington, DC 20036

cAthryn oAKleyHuman Rights Campaign1640 Rhode Island Avenue NWWashington, DC 20036

richArd olsonGilead Sciences Inc.333 Lakeside DriveFoster City, CA 94404650-389-8828

clAy c. opArAOpara & Opara 13A W. Biddle St. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-685-0900

BenJAmin orrMaryland Nonprofits 1500 Union Ave., Suite 2500Baltimore, MD 21211

mAry glenn orrSchwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A 20 West St.Annapolis, MD 21401

JeAnette ortiZGreenwill Consutling Group, LLC320 Prospect Bay Drive WestGrasonville, MD 21638 rose m. osBornFunk & Bolton P.A.200 Duke of Gloucester St.Annapolis, MD 21401

Jim otrAdovecAmerican Council of Engineering Companies/Maryland 312 N. Charles St., Suite 200 Baltimore, MD 21201

vAlerie sheArer overtonMaryland Hospital Association 6820 Deerpath Rd. Elkridge, MD 21075 410-379-6200

KimBerly mprengo oWusuKoKoHoly Cross Health1500 Forest Glen RoadSilver Spring, MD 20910301-754-7843


mAtheW J. pAlmerMaryland Chamber of Commerce60 West St., Suite 100Annapolis, MD 21401410-269-0642

emily pAssiniHoward Consulting Group 1990 M St., NW Suite 310 Washington, DC 20036

Jerry pAsternAKPotomac Electric Power Company

701 Ninth St., NW, Suite 9212Washington, DC 20068

lAWrence noel pAtterson, Jr.Allstate Insurance Company15000 Conference Center Drive, Suite 400Chantilly, VA 20151

tyler c. pAttonMaryland Broadband Cooperative 60 West St. Suite 103 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-341-6322

BonitA mAriA penninoAmerican Cancer Society Cancer Action Network801 Roeder Rd. Suite 800 Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-562-3621

pepco holdings, inc.c/o Kenneth Parker 701 Ninth St., NWWashington, DC 20068

lAWrence Anthony pereZL.A. Perez Consulting LLCP.O. Box 331Hyattsville, MD 20781-0331240-281-1718

JAson perKins-cohenJob Opportunities Task Force 217 Redwood St., Suite 1500Baltimore, MD 21202

timothy perryJacobson & Perry LLCP.O. Box 1144Columbia, MD 21044410-271-6939

timothy A. perryPerry, White, Ross & Jacobson126 Locust LaneAnnapolis, MD 21403443-739-9346

christinA peuschMaryland State Child Care Association409 David CourtBel Air, MD 21015410-820-9196

thomAs phelAnChesapeake Employers Insurance Company8722 Loch Raven Blvd.Towson, MD 21286 John picA225 Duke of Gloucester St.Annapolis, MD 21401410-269-5066

John A. picA Jr.Royston, Mueller, McLean & Reid

102 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 600Towson, MD 21204410-823-1800

J. WilliAm pitcherLaw Office of J. William Pitcher 27 Maryland Ave. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-268-0842

susAn J. pitcherLaw Office of J. William Pitcher 27 Maryland Ave. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-268-0842

BriAn poFFenBergerMaryland Chamber of Commerce60 West Street, Suite 100Annapolis, MD 21401

christopher d. pomeroyAquaLaw PLC 6 S. 5th St. Richmond, VA 23219

Bryson F. pophAmPopham & Andryszak, P.A 191 Main St. Suite 200 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-268-6871

eliZABeth poWellG2G Consulting LLC1000 East Capitol St. NE, Suite 4Washington, DC 20003

michAel c. poWellGordon, Feinblatt LLC233 E. Redwood St. Baltimore, MD 21202 410-576-4175

potomAc electric poWer compAny701 Ninth St., NW Washington, DC 20068

hAnnAh J. poWersAlexander & Cleaver, P.A. 54 State Cir. Annapolis, MD 21401410-974-9000

mAry presleyMaryland Motorcoach AssociationP.O. Box 320266Alexandria, VA 22320571-312-7117

gregory s. proctor, Jr.G.S. Proctor & Associates, Inc. 29 Francis St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-280-5088

KimBerley propeAcKCASA de Maryland8151 15th Ave.Langley Park, MD 20783240-491-5729

Alison hooper prostChesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc.

6 Herndon Ave.

Annapolis, MD 21403

i. vAnessA purnellMedStar Health

9 State Circle, Suite 303

Annapolis, MD 21401



sAlly yuAnyuAn QinBaker & Hostetler LLP

1050 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite


Washington, DC 20036

KAthryn QuinlAnCapitol Strategies LLC

1 State Circle

Annapolis, MD 21401


BriAn m. QuinnVenable LLP

750 E. Pratt St., Suite 900

Baltimore, MD 21202


JAcK QuinninVentiv Health

2350 Kerner Blvd., Ste. 250

San Rafael, CA 94901

John QuinnBaltimore Gas and Electric Co.

110 West Fayette St.

Baltimore, MD 21201


eric rAdZOber Kaler Grimes & Shriver

100 Light St.

Baltimore, MD 21202

dorothy J. rAFFMaryland Retired School

Personnel Association

8379 Piney Orchard Parkway

Suite A

Odenton, MD 21113

John s. rAiney, Jr.Altria Client Services Inc., and its

Affiliates – Philip Morris USA

Inc., John Middleton Co., and U.S.

Smokeless Tobacco Co.

6601 W. Broad St.

Richmond, VA 23230

odette t. rAmosCommunity Development

Network of Maryland Inc.

PO Box 22426

Baltimore, MD 21218



odette teresA rAmosStrategic Management Consulting, LLC 34 E 27th St. Baltimore, MD 21218

edWArd m. rAnier411 Ivy Church Rd. Timonium, MD 21093 410-967-1812

roBert rAnKin, sr.Maryland State Education Association 140 Main St. Annapolis, MD 21401

gene m. rAnsom, iiiMedical & Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland (MedChi) 1211 Cathedral St. Baltimore, MD 21201 800-492-1056

dennis F. rAsmussenThe Rasmussen Group, L.L.C. 306 W. Chesapeake Ave. Towson, MD 21204 410-821-4445

dArren reAmAnCustom Electronic Design & Installation Association7150 Winton Drive, Suite 300Indianapolis, IN 46268

dAvid reelMaryland Hotel and Lodging Association 839 Bestgate Road, Suite 400Annapolis, MD 21401410-974-4472

richArd W. reevesUnitedHealth Group 6095 Marshalee Drive, Suite 200 Elkridge, MD 21075

nAncy p. regelinShulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, PA 12505 Park Potomac Ave., Sixth Floor Potomac, MD 20854 301-230-5200

KAtherine Beth reillyBaltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church 11711 E. Market Place Fulton, MD 20759

retirement plAnning coAlition191 Main St., Suite 200Annapolis, MD 21401

todd reynoldsAFT Maryland5800 Metro Drive, Suite 100Baltimore, MD 21215

lAWrence Anthony richArdson, Jr.State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 2107 Laurel Bush Road, Suite BBelair, MD 21015410-569-6823

mAJor F. riddicKStrategic Solutions Center 8181 Professional Place Suite 202 Landover, MD 20785

gAry l. riddleEisai, Inc. 7 Willway Ave. Richmond, VA 23226

riFKin, Weiner, livingston, levitAn & silver, llc 225 Duke of Gloucester St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-5066

BrAd riFKinRifkin, Weiner, Livingston, Levitan & Silver LLC225 Duke of Gloucester St.Annapolis, MD 21401410-269-5066

deBorAh r. rivKinCareFirst BlueCross BlueShield 1501 S. Clinton St., Suite 700Baltimore, MD 21224-5744

miKe roBBinsMaryland Hospital Association 6820 Deerpath Rd. Elkridge, MD 21075 410-379-6200

cArl d. roBertsPublic School Superintendents Association of Maryland 1641 Ingleside Ave. Perryville, MD 21903

KimBerly y. roBinsonFunk & Bolton, P.A 36 S. Charles St., 12th FloorBaltimore, MD 21201 410-659-7700

melissA s. rocKAdvocates for Children and Youth 8 Market Place, Suite 500 Baltimore, MD 21202

pAtricK h. roddyRifkin, Weiner, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC 225 Duke of Gloucester St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-5066

BeAtrice rodgersThe Arc Prince George’s County Inc.1401 McCormick DriveLargo, MD 20774

mArtin guy rohlingAlbers & Company 1655 N. Fort Myer Drive, Suite 700 Arlington, VA 22209 703-358-9100

AdAm crAig rosenBergBaltimore Child Abuse Center2300 North Charles St., Suite 401Baltimore, MD 21218

christopher m. rossMaryland Catholic Conference LLC10 Francis St. Annapolis, MD 21401

Justin rossPerry, White, Ross & Jacobson126 Locust LaneAnnapolis, MD 21403410-271-6939

JAson s. rosvoldSheet Metal Workers International Association Local 100176 Conduit Street, Room 206Annapolis, MD 21401

mArty rouseHuman Rights Campaign1640 Rhode Island Ave., NWWashington, DC 20036

Joel d. roZnerRifkin, Weiner, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC225 Duke of Gloucester St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-5066

JAmes A. russMaryland Transportation Builders and Materials Association (MTBMA)2408 Peppermill Drive, Suite FGlen Burnie , MD 21061410-760-9505

mAry ellen russellMaryland Catholic Conference, LLC 10 Francis St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-1155

lAurence Ann ruthWomen’s Law Center of Maryland Inc. 305 W. Chesapeake Ave., Suite 201 Towson, MD 21204410-321-8761


lAurence Ann ruthWomen’s Law Center of Maryland Inc.

305 W. Chesapeake Ave., Suite


Towson, MD 21204

JonAthAn sAchsAdventist HealthCare

820 W. Diamond Ave., Suite 600

Gaithersburg, MD 20878

BernArd J. sAdusKyMaryland Association of

Community Colleges

60 West St., Suite 200

Annapolis, MD 21401

Ariel dAvid sAdWinAgudath Israel of Maryland

1517 Reisterstown Rd.

Baltimore, MD 21208


ABrAhAm sAFFerAmerican Diabetes Association

1701 N. Beauregard St.

Alexandria, VA 22311

delorA r. sAncheZJohns Hopkins Institutions

901 S. Bond St., Suite 540

Baltimore, MD 21231

rAndee sAndersNational MS Society

2219 York Road, Suite 302

Timonium, MD 21093


tAmArA steWArt sAntelliThe Humane Society of the

United States

700 Professional Drive

Gaithersburg, MD 20879


FredericK m. sAntiAgoFunk & Bolton, P.A

36 S. Charles St., 12th Floor

Baltimore, MD 21201


chris sAntoMaryland Catholic Conference

10 Francis St.

Annapolis, MD 21401

diAnA K. sAQuellAGreenwood Consulting

15 Greenwood Shoals

Grasonville, MD 21638

thomAs s. sAQuellA15 Greenwood Shoals

Grasonville, MD 21638

christine A. sAtterFieldOffice of Bruce Bereano

191 Duke of Gloucester St.

Annapolis, MD 21401


John WilliAm sAtterFieldDelmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. 16686 County Seat Highway Georgetown, DE 19947-4881 302-856-9037

emily scArrMaryland PIRG3121 St. Paul St., Suite 26Baltimore, MD 21218410-467-9389

stephAnie schArpFJai Medical Systems 5010 York Road Baltimore, MD 21212 410-433-2200

pAtriciA schiAvoneThe Artemis Group, LLC 59 Franklin St. Annapolis, MD 21401

suZAne schlAttmAnMaryland Citizens’ Health Initiative Inc.2600 St. Paul St.Baltimore, MD 21218410-235-9000

drusillA schmidt-perKins1000 Friends of Maryland 1209 N. Calvert St. Baltimore, MD 21202

AdAm F. schneiderHealth Care for the Homeless, Inc. 421 Fallsway Baltimore, MD 21202

FrAnZ schneidermAnMaryland Consumer Rights Coalition 1209 N. Calvert St. Baltimore, MD 21202

sAndrA schrAderThe Artemis Group, LLC 59 Franklin St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-295-9550

John A. schrAtWieserMaryland Citizens for the Arts 3600 Clipper Mill Rd., Suite 205 Baltimore, MD 21211

Bret AllAn schreiBerMaryland Independent College and University Association 60 West St., Suite 201 Annapolis, MD 21401

todd schulerKahn, Smith & Collins 201 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 (410)244-1010


Joseph A. schWArtZ, iiiSchwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A. 20 West St. Annapolis, MD 21401

schWArtZ, metZ & Wise p.A. 20 West St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-244-7000

chArles e. scottWashington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority 600 Fifth St., NW Washington, DC 20001

corneilius W. scott iiiFarmers Group Inc. 309 International Circle, Suite 140 Hunt Valley, MD 21030 443-622-2356

eriKA mArlo seAlingMedifast Inc.11445 Cronhill DriveOwings Mills, MD 21117

philip serghini200 East 10th St., Suite 812New York, NY 10003

JAi mitrA seunArineJai Medical Systems 5010 York Road Baltimore, MD 21212 410-433-2200

sFAAmd AssociAtion, inc.844 Sunny Chapel Road Odenton, MD 21113 410-695-0474

roBin F shAivitZAlexander & Cleaver P.A.54 State CircleAnnapolis, MD 21401410-974-9000

Kelley shAnnonJai Medical Systems 5010 York Road Baltimore, MD 21212 410-433-2200

dAniel shAttucKBarbara Marx Brocato & Associates 18 Pinkney St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-1503

BernArd h. shAW1600 Shield Road Fallston, MD 21047 410-653-3885

sirine sheBAyAACLU of Maryland3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 350Baltimore, MD 21211410-889-8555

AleXAnder sheKhdArMagellan Health Services55 Nod RoadAvon, CT 06001

sArAh sheppArdFunk & Bolton, P.A. 200 Duke of Gloucester St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-1554

WilliAm m. shippO’Malley, Miles, Nylen & Gilmore, P.A. 11785 Beltsville Drive, 10th Floor Calverton, MD 20705

Kristen vAlerio shocKChesapeake Regional Tech Council839 Bestgate Road, Suite 400Annapolis, MD 21401

lAWrence A. shulmAnShulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker 12505 Park Potomic Ave., 6th Floor Potomac, MD 20852

sushAnt sidhCapitol Strategies, LLC 1 State CircleAnnapolis, MD 21401 410-268-3099

deBorAh sieBertSiebert Consulting LLC229 Wardour DriveAnnapolis, MD 21401

sierrA cluB, mArylAnd chApter7338 Baltimore Ave. #111 College Park, MD 20740 301-277-7111

dAvid BriAn silBermAnGlaxoSmithKline12312 Tiber Grove RoadOwings Mills, MD 21117

sherri s. simsG.S. Proctor & Associates Inc.29 Francis St.Annapolis, MD 21401410-280-5088

KAren sissonWalgreen Co.104 Wilmot Road MS #1444Deerfield, IL 60015224-723-2633

mArin michAel sKoKAndicG.S. Proctor & Associates47 Southgate Ave.Annapolis, MD 21401

cindy renee smAllsAFSCME International

1410 Bush St.

Baltimore, MD 21401


JeFFrey WilliAm smithHabitat for Humanity of the


3741 Commerce Drive, Suite 309

Baltimore, MD 21227

sArAh JoAn smithPopham & Andryszak P.A.

191 Main St., Suite 200

Annapolis, MD 21401

KAthleen t. snyderMaryland Chamber of Commerce

60 West St., Suite 100

Annapolis, MD 21401


Kristen solisMaryland Chamber of Commerce

60 West St., Suite 100

Annapolis, MD 21401


ronAld l. soudersFunk & Bolton, P.A

210 S. Cross St., Suite 101

Chestertown , MD 21620


southern mArylAnd AssociAtion oF reAltors8440 Old Leonardtown Rd.

Hughesville, MD 20637


delese spriggsMaryland State Education


140 Main St.

Annapolis, MD 21401

nicole stAllingsMaryland Hospital Association

6820 Deerpath Road

Elkridge, MD 21075


BlAise stAnicicCapitol Strategies, LLC

1 State Circle

Annapolis, MD 21401


dAmon steWArtDIRECTV, Inc.

90 State St., Suite 700

Albany, NY 12207

roBert A. steWArtMunicipal & County Government

Employees Organization UFCW


600 S. Frederick Ave., Suite 200

Gaithersburg, MD 20877


John r. stierhoFFVenable, LLP 750 E. Pratt St., Suite 900 Baltimore, MD 21202 410-244-7833

dAWn stoltZFusThe Hatcher Group219A Duke of Gloucester St.Annapolis, MD 21401410-990-0284

JAmes strongUSW District 87939 Honeygo Blvd.Baltimore, MD 21236

KAren t. syryloMaryland Chamber of Commerce 60 West St., Suite 100Annapolis, MD 21401

cArl m. sZABoNetChoice 1401 K St. NW Suite 502 Washington, DC 20005-3417 202-420-7485

JoshuA sZtorcJewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington6101 Montrose Road, Suite 205Rockville, MD 20852


KAthleen Jo pArsons tABorLaw Office of Kathleen JP Tabor LLC7814 Grassy GarthElkridge, MD 21075

AdAm tAliAFerroBristol-Myers Squibb Company208 Dominic’s CourtSwedesboro, NJ 08085

JAson tAsheAAdvocates for Children and Youth8 Market Place, Suite 500Baltimore, MD 21202

cAsper r. tAylor, Jr.Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. 54 State CircleAnnapolis, MD 21401 410-974-9000

mAttheW teFFeAuMaryland Farm Bureau Inc. 8930 Liberty RoadRandallstown, MD 21133

pAmelA lynn tenemAZAPublic Policy Partners 48 Maryland Ave., Suite 304 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-268-0990

JenniFer thAyerPopham & Andryszak, P.A. 191 Main St., Suite 200

Annapolis, MD 21401 410-268-6871

mArtin thomAsService Employees International Union, Local 32BJ 25 West 18th St., 5th Floor New York, NY 10011

melvin r. thompsonRestaurant Association of Maryland 6301 Hillside Court Columbia, MD 21046 410-290-6800

FrAnK edWArds thorntonAFSCME Maryland190 W. Ostend St.Baltimore , MD 21230410-547-1515

pAul A. tiBurZiDLA Piper LLP (US) 6225 Smith Ave. Baltimore, MD 21209 410-580-4273

miKe tidWellChesapeake Climate Action Network6930 Carroll Ave., Suite 720Takoma Park, MD 20912

mAriA tildonCareFirst BlueCross BlueShield1501 S. Clinton St.Baltimore, MD 21224

shelley tinneyMaryland Association of Resource for Families and Youth 7164 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 210 Columbia, MD 21046

toBAcco Free Kids Action Fund1400 I Street, Suite 1200Washington, DC 20005

dAniel pAul tompKinsFirstEnergy 68 State CircleAnnapolis, MD 21401 410-268-0858

John B. toWnsend iiAAA Mid-Atlantic 1405 G St., NW Washington, DC 20005

Keith toWnsendAOBA Alliance, Inc. 1050 17th St., NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036

pegeen A. toWnsendMedStar Health 5565 Sterrett Place, 5th Floor Columbia, MD 21044 410-772-6687


h. WAlter toWnshend iiiBaltimore/Washington Corridor Chamber of Commerce 312 Marshall Ave., Suite 104 Laurel, MD 20707 301-725-4000

JAmes trAnKlePolice Fire Publishing & Crimeline Inc.5419 Deale Churchton Road, Suite 202Churchton, MD 20733

stAnley W. tucKerMeridian Management Group, Inc. 826 E. Baltimore St. Baltimore, MD 21202 410-333-2548

susAn tullyFAIR – Federation for American Immigration Reform25 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 330Washington, DC 20001

ren l. tundermAnnFunk & Bolton, P.A. 12th Floor, 36 S. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-659-7700

ABigAil turnerAmerican Forest & Paper Association1101 K Street, NW, Suite 700Washington, DC 20005


BArry dAvid udoFFMaryland Bail Bond Association214 E. Lexington St.Baltimore, MD 21202410-625-0800

university oF mArylAnd upper chesApeAKe heAlth system, inc.520 Upper Chesapeake Drive, Suite 405 Bel Air, MD 21014


ellen vAlentino-BeniteZVBA, Inc. 30 Pinkney St. Annapolis, MD 21401

regAn K. vAughAnCatholic Charities 228 W. Lexington St., Suite 220 Baltimore, MD 21201-3432 410-261-5874

miKAilA ventrudo191 Duke of Gloucester St.Annapolis, MD 21401410-267-0410

BeBe verderyACLU of Maryland 3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 350 Baltimore, MD 21211

nicolette highsmith vernicKThe Horizon Foundation of Howard County10480 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 900Columbia, MD 21044

mArio villAFrAncAThe College Board1919 M Street NW, Suite 300Washington, DC 20036


reBeccA WAgnerAdvocates for Children and Youth 8 Market Place, Suite 500 Baltimore, MD 21202 410-547-9200

gerArd m. WAitesO’Donoghue & O’Donoghue4748 Wisconsin Ave., NWWashington, DC 20016202-362-0041

KAren d. WAlKerHolland & Knight315 S. Calhoun St., Suite 600Tallahassee, FL 32301

sArAh WArBeloWHuman Rights Campaign 1640 Rhode Island Ave., NW Washington, DC 20036

chArles WAshingtonPepco Holdings, Inc. 701 Ninth St., NW, EP1202 Washington, DC 20068

mArK l. WAssermAnUniversity of Maryland Medical System 250 W. Pratt St., Suite 830 Baltimore, MD 21201

chloe WAtermAnAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals600 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Suite 450Washington, DC 20003

Kerry r. WAtsonAlexander & Cleaver P.A.54 State CircleAnnapolis, MD 21401

KAthleen plAnco WAyBrightProgressive Maryland PO Box 2181Silver Spring, MD 20915

Joy WeBerRifkin, Weiner, Livingston, Levitan & Silver, LLC 225 Duke of Gloucester St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-5066

meredith r. WeiselWeisel Government Relations, LLC 11767 Owens Glen Way North Potomac, MD 20878 301-437-2554

eliZABeth WellerMaryland State Education Association 140 Main St. Annapolis, MD 21401

Josh WhitePerry, White, Ross & Jacobson126 Locust LaneAnnapolis, MD 21403

mArceline WhiteMaryland Consumer Rights Coalition 1209 N. Calvert St. Baltimore, MD 21202 410-624-8980

peter B. White3720 Dillon St. Baltimore, MD 21224

Kelly WhitleyBank of America Corporation 1100 N. King St. DE5-001-02-07 Wilmington, DE 19884

BriAn WilBonBW Consulting LLC12519 Gladys Retreat CircleBowie, MD 20720

Justin WileyInternational Code Council 500 New Jersey Ave. NW Fl 6 Washington, DC 20001-2070

Ann mArie WilliAmsOrexo US Inc. 3208 St. Stephens Way Midlothian, VA 23113

lisA B. WilliAmsBaltimore City Medical Society 1211 Cathedral St. Baltimore, MD 21201

mArgAret e. WilliAmsMaryland Family Network 1001 Eastern Ave., Second Floor Baltimore, MD 21202 410-659-7701

mArK Willis100 SAS Campus DriveCary, NC 27513

douglAs h. WilsonCommunity Foundation of the Eastern Shore Inc.1324 Belmont Ave., Suite 401Salisbury, MD 21804

michAel JAmes WilsonFood Research and Action Center dba Maryland Hunger Solutions2002 Clipper Park Drive, Suite 310Baltimore, MD 21211

ronAld WAyne WineholtApartment & Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington86 State Circle, Second FloorAnnapolis, MD 21401301-261-1460

sAlly Ann WingoCapitol Strategies LLCOne State CircleAnnapolis, MD 21401

J. steven WiseSchwartz, Metz & Wise, P.A. 20 West St.Annapolis, MD 21401

JenniFer m. WittenAmerican Heart Association 415 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-637-4537

Women’s BAr AssociAtion oF mArylAnd inc.PO Box 10453Silver Spring, MD 20914

AndreW l. WoodsLiberty Partners Group 1050 K Street NW, Suite 315Washington, DC 20001

John r. WoolumsMaryland Association of Boards of Education 621 Ridgely Ave., Suite 300 Annapolis, MD 21401 410-841-5414

JuliA p. WorcesterLaw Office of J. William Pitcher 27 Maryland Ave. Annapolis, MD 21401410-268-0842

Keith WrightsonPublic Citizen 215 Pennsylvania Ave SEWashington, DC 20003

KAtie WunderlichMaryland Hospital Association6820 Deerpath RoadElkridge, MD 21075410-379-6200

Joseph r. WyAttJRW Associates 801 Cromwell Park Drive, Suite 100 Glen Burnie, MD 21061 410-684-2101


rAchelle yeungMarijuana Policy ProjectPO Box 77492 Capitol Hill Washington, DC 20013

cAryn c.m. yorKJob Opportunities Task Force 111 Water St., Suite 202 Baltimore, MD 21202

BoAZ young-elUFCW Local 400 4301 Garden City DriveLandover, MD 20785


susAn ZellersMarine Trades Association of Maryland P.O. Box 3148 Annapolis, MD 21403 410-269-0741

JeFFrie ZellmerMaryland Retailers Association 171 Conduit St. Annapolis, MD 21401 410-269-1440

roBert m. ZinsmeisterAssociated Builders & Contractors, Metro Wash. 4061 Powder Mill Rd., #120 Calverton, MD 20705 301-595-9711



For nearly 70 years, Stevenson University has played a critical role in bringing students and employers together. Founded in 1947 as Villa Julie College, Stevenson is the third-largest independent university in Maryland, drawing students from 37 states and 42 countries. The University offers 29 career-focused undergraduate degree programs as well as bachelor’s and master’s degrees tailored for working adults through its School of Graduate and Professional Studies. Stevenson students enjoy a full spectrum of academic, athletic, and social activities as well as a focus on career development that puts them on a path to successful employment after graduation.

President Kevin J. Manning, Ph.D., has served Stevenson since 2000, guiding it through its most rapid period of expansion. Since 2000, Stevenson has grown from nearly 1,700 full-time undergraduates to more than 3,200 today. In 2004, the University opened its second campus in Owings Mills, which now houses 2,000 resident students. In 2009, the Owings Mills campus celebrated the opening of the Howard S. Brown School of Business and Leadership, which houses the University’s state-of-the-art mock trial courtroom. To complement the campus’ academic and residence facilities, a 35,000-square-foot gymnasium followed in fall 2010 and a 3,500-seat stadium opened in fall 2011 for the inaugural season of Stevenson football. Stevenson celebrated the opening of its new Owings Mills North campus in September 2013, which is now the home of the University’s School of Design and the future home to its School of the Sciences.

The University’s educational programs continue to evolve in order to prepare students for career success after graduation. As a national leader in career education, Stevenson is the only university in the United States to offer Career ArchitectureSM, a process that helps students discover their personal core values, align them with their major selection and career goals, and design a strategic plan for their futures. Building on Career Architecture, Stevenson helps its students connect their classroom experience to their career aspirations through opportunities such as study abroad, community service,

leadership experiences, internships, and independent study.

For working adults and professionals, Stevenson’s School of Graduate and Professional Studies offers online and onsite master’s and bachelor’s programs with a distinct career focus. Adult bachelor’s programs include Business Administration, Business Communication, Business and Computer Information Systems, Criminal Justice, Interdisciplinary Studies, Nursing RN to BS, Nursing RN to MS, and Paralegal Studies. Master’s programs include Business and Technology Management, Communication Studies, Cyber Forensics, Forensic Science, Forensic Studies, Healthcare Management, and Nursing with concentrations in leadership/management, nursing education, and population-based care coordination. In addition, Stevenson offers the only STEM-focused secondary education Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program in the State of Maryland.

Outside of the classroom, Stevenson boasts 25 NCAA Division III men’s and women’s sports—including the 2013 national champion men’s lacrosse team—plus a growing number of campus clubs and activities that include visiting artists, musicians, comedians, performers, and authors. As a home for the visual and performing arts, Stevenson boasts three art galleries, theatrical productions, and seasonal concerts by the Greenspring Valley Orchestra. Stevenson’s Baltimore Speakers Series, now in its 8th season, brings diverse political leaders, authors, and opinion-makers—such as President Bill Clinton, Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak, former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, and historian David McCullough—to the broader Maryland community to enrich our perspectives on national issues and world affairs.

After more than six decades, Stevenson University stays true to its tagline—“Imagine your future. Design your career.”—and remains a dynamic institution where students expand their knowledge and discover their paths to personal and professional success.




BGE, headquartered in Baltimore, is Maryland’s largest gas and electric

utility, delivering power to more than 1.2 million electric customers and more than 655,000 natural gas customers in central Maryland. The company’s approximately 3,400 employees are committed to the safe and reliable delivery of gas and electricity, as well as enhanced energy management, conservation, environmental stewardship and community assistance. BGE is a subsidiary of Exelon Corporation (NYSE: EXC), the nation’s leading competitive energy provider, with 2013 revenues of approximately $24.9 billion. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, YouTube and Flickr.

Government Relations to Accomplish Your ObjectivesIf you need help with issues before the 2015 General Assembly,

call us today at 410-974-9000!Achieving your goals set forth on your agenda is not always

a smooth process. You may need the assistance of a skilled government relations professional to draft documents, handle marketing procedures, help you out of potentially critical situations and navigate any other bumps along the road. A lobbyist from the law firm of Alexander & Cleaver will help you successfully achieve your desired outcome.

Areas of FocusYou will benefit from our team’s statewide experience on a vast number of issues.Legislation and Public PolicyOur lobbyists can assist you with:• Drafting legislation or amendments to solve a particular challenge or thwart other legislative action • Budgeting — capital and operating and drafting budget language• Developing bond bills for capital budget• Key subject matter areas include health care, information technology, gaming, education energy, environment, public safety,

tax and non-profits.ProcurementOur legal and government relations teams combine to assist clients throughout all phases of state, county and local procurement

matters. We can provide guidance with:

Our multidisciplinary teams of attorneys and government relations consultants craft and implement strategy together. Whether your matter involves procurement, marketing and corporate image-building or complicated legislative issues and regulations, our lawyers and government relations professionals have the experience and skill to help you succeed.

The law firm of Alexander & Cleaver, P.A. is ready to help you at one of our six offices in Annapolis, Fort Washington, La Plata, Cumberland, Rockville and Alexandria, Virginia. Our firm includes attorneys who are licensed to practice in Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, New York, Florida and New Jersey. We are available 24 hours a day to handle your most urgent needs. Call us today at 410-974-9000 or contact us online. We look forward to speaking with you. See more at:

• RFP/RFQ/RFIs• Contract negotiation and formation• Protests/Appeals• Minority Business Enterprise/Maryland Minority Certification

• Government bond funds• Ethics provisions and regulations compliance• Interface with the Board of Public Works

ANNAPOLIS SUMMIT 2015 37 As the world’s population and consumer demand continue to grow, there is urgent need to improve human health, prevent disease

and meet basic needs for food, water and shelter equitably for all people. The challenge of our time is to meet these goals as population increases while protecting the environment, preserving biodiversity and conserving finite resources.

The mission of the Center for a Livable Future is to promote research and to develop and communicate information about the complex interrelationships among diet, food production, environment and human health, to advance an ecological perspective in reducing threats to the health of the public and to promote policies that protect health, the global environment and the

ability to sustain life for future generations.Building upon available expertise and our comparative advantage as part of Johns Hopkins University, the Center pursues its

mission in the following ways:• Supporting and conducting interdisciplinary research through collaboration with experts in a variety of fields• Educating and training students and professionals through doctoral fellowships, graduate courses and curricula• Communicating projects and activities to a wide range of internal and external CLF constituents• Generating resource materials and providing technical expertise for policy, advocacy, and outreach initiatives• Partnering with organizations which complement the Center’s resources and expertise in order to improve our food system

overall and strengthen local and regional capacity.

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is proud to be at the forefront in implementing housing

policy that promotes and preserves homeownership and creating innovative community development initiatives to meet the challenges of a growing Maryland.

Through the Maryland Mortgage Program, DHCD empowers thousands of Maryland families to realize the American dream of homeownership and helped existing homeowners move up to the home of their dreams or renovate their home to meet their special needs.

DHCD’s rental housing programs expand and preserve the supply of affordable housing and enable hardworking families, senior citizens, and individuals with special needs to enjoy the quality of life they have worked hard to earn.

DHCD’s community development and revitalization programs such as Neighborhood BusinessWorks, Community Legacy, and Main Street Maryland support Smart Growth and help our cities and towns remain rich, vibrant communities.

DHCD remains committed to building on past successes to maintain the agency’s reputation as an innovator in community revitalization and a national leader in housing finance.

Since 1865, the Maryland State Education Association (MSEA), formerly known as the Maryland State Teachers Association, has

been the state’s leading voice for public education. Whether we’re lobbying for school funding in Annapolis, fighting for civil rights, or making sure that every student receives the attention they need, our association has been a successful and powerful force for progress in Maryland.

Our members are teachers, education support professionals, administrators, certificated specialists, higher education faculty, and student and retired members whose mission is to create great public schools for every child in Maryland.

Maryland educators and school employees are on the front line every day doing what they do best—educating, nurturing, and encouraging students in public schools in communities across the state. Their jobs are fulfilling—and demanding—

with ever-changing school and student needs and professional expectations.MSEA helps student educators jump start their careers, advocates for quality schools and professional support for active educators

and school employees, and works to protect pension benefits and maintain career and community connections for retired members.We help educators improve student achievement by advocating for school funding, small class sizes, better working conditions,

quality professional development, fair, transparent evaluations, competitive salaries and benefits, and other keys to school and student success. Learn more at


If it happens inGovernment,


Bryan P. Sears General AssemblyBeat Reporter


Bryan P. Sears covers state government,

from the governor’s office to the legislature

to the Departments of Business and

Economic Development and Labor,

Licensing and Regulation. Wherever

business and government intersect, Bryan

is there to provide exclusive coverage.

Sign up for Daily News Alerts and be sure to read our Eye on Annapolis blog.

When business happens in Maryland, It’s...



Many people wonder “what if?” But at Lockheed Martin, we don’t stop there. We obsess. We study. We ponder. We push the state of the art in fields like quantum computing, nanotechnology, material science and countless others. And, as a result, we create innovations that define eras. We don’t know what’sgoing to change the world next. But we’re probably already working on it.

Learn more at


School of Graduate and Professional Studies

Your personal career plan is complex. It takes hardwork, commitment, and a relevant education. What ifyou could design your own career or even re-invent it?

Be the architect of your future?

At Stevenson University we help to provide themost sought after graduate and undergraduate degreeprograms, along with experienced faculty and personal-ized support for the successful building blocks needed

for today’s in-demand careers. Study online on yourown time-table. And—Stevenson is the only university

in the United States with the Career ArchitectureSM

process. Take the complexity out of your career path—visit

Graduate ProgramsBusiness and TechnologyManagement

Communication StudiesCyber ForensicsForensic ScienceForensic StudiesHealthcare ManagementM.A.T. - Teaching SecondaryBiology, Chemistry, Mathematics

Nursing - Three concentrationsincluding the new Population-BasedCare Coordination

Adult Undergraduate ProgramsBusiness AdministrationBusiness CommunicationBusiness Information SystemsComputer Information SystemsCriminal JusticeInterdisciplinaryStudies

Nursing- RN to BSParalegal Studies

Make the next move.Stevenson University

School of Graduate and Professional Studies

Learn more about Stevenson’s graduateand adult undergraduate programs at the

upcoming Instant Decision Day,February 16, 2015, 11a.m.-2 p.m.

For more information call 443-352-4399or

ComingFall 2015