Anna marie Harling roundtable-2

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Anna marie Harling roundtable-2


EVPA  and  its  Knowledge  Centre  are  supported  by:  


Developments  in  Impact  Measurement  TBLI  Conference,  Zurich  

 Anna-­‐Marie  Harling,  EVPA  

November  14th,  2013  


EVPA  and  its  Knowledge  Centre  are  supported  by:  


90%  of  European  venture  philanthropy  and  social  investors  measure  impact  at  least  on  an  annual  basis  

ObjecHve  of  impact  measurement  


EVPA  and  its  Knowledge  Centre  are  supported  by:  

EVPA’s  Impact  Measurement  IniHaHve  

§  Provide  guidance  on  how  to  work  with  maze  of  tools,  methodologies,  databases  and  metrics  on  social  impact  measurement  –  recommending  best  pracHce  without  “reinvenJng  the  wheel”.    

§  Expert  group  formed  of  27  representaHves  (14  countries)  from  prominent  organisaJons:  


EVPA  and  its  Knowledge  Centre  are  supported  by:  

The  Impact  Measurement  Process  

The  five  steps  of  social  impact  measurement   §  Step  1  -­‐  Set  Objec,ves:  define  the  problem  

&  proposed  soluJon  (“SMART”  objecJves)  §  Step   2   –   Analyse   Stakeholders:   IdenJfy  

stakeholders   &   engage   to   understand  expectaJons  

§  Step  3  –  Measure  Results:  Define  theory  of  change,   highlighJng   outputs,   outcomes   &  impact  and  set  indicators  

§  Step   4   –   Verify   &   Value   Impact:   verify  through  desk  research,  compeJJve  analysis  &  interviews  

§  Step   5   –  Monitor  &   Report:   data   collected  in   line   with   indicators   set   in   Step   3.  Consider   quarterly   management   &   annual  external  reports  


EVPA  and  its  Knowledge  Centre  are  supported  by:  

Managing  Impact  

Integra,ng  impact  approach  into  investment  process  is  key  to  achieving  social  impact  

 Investment  strategy

Investment  process Deal  screening Due  diligence  

(detailed  screening)

Deal  structuring Investment  management


Decide  on  overarching  social  impact  objecHves  of  Investor

Asking  quesJons  detailed  in  SeHng  objec,ves

SeHng  objec,ves    -­‐  more  detail        Stakeholder  analysis      Verify  and  value  expected  results

Map  outputs,  outcomes  and  impacts  and  set  indicators        Decide  on  monitoring  and  repor,ng

Regularly  assess  impact  results  against  key  indicators      Verify  and  value  reported  results      Revise  indicators  if  necessary

Analyse  impact  results  against  objecJves  –  verify  and  value    


EVPA  and  its  Knowledge  Centre  are  supported  by:  

Key  Takeaways  

§  Any  organisaJon  will  learn  from  going  through  the  impact  measurement  

process  –  aim  is  achieving  greater  social  impact!  

§  SeTng  clear  objecHves  in  terms  of  social  change  you  are  trying  to  achieve  is  

essenJal  to  be  able  to  quanJfy  and  measure  –  you  can  waste  a  lot  of  

resources  by  starJng  to  collect  data  without  knowing  what  you  need  

§  Engage  key  stakeholders  to  make  sure  they  understand  and  support  impact  

objecJves    -­‐  and  verify  that  outcomes  are  valued  by  them!  

§  The  best  indicators  are  the  ones  that  are  co-­‐developed  with  the  social  

enterprise  you  are  supporJng  –  so  that  they  are  meaningful  to  them  and  can  

be  used  as  a  management  tool  


EVPA  and  its  Knowledge  Centre  are  supported  by:  

Next  steps  

Feedback  from  users  of  Prac,cal  Guide  

§  Useful  starJng  point,  need  more  assistance  on  the  pracJcaliJes  of  collecJng  data  (how  much,  how  o]en,  good  techniques  etc.)  

Ø  EVPA  to  develop  supplement  on  data  collecJon  (2014)  

Broader  adop,on  (European  Level)  

§  EVPA  represented  at  European  Commission’s  expert  group  on  impact  measurement  (part  of  GECES)  

Ø  Consensus  that  5-­‐steps  are  the  important  steps  to  follow,  will  be  incorporated  into  the  EC’s  recommendaJons  on  the  process  for  impact  measurement  



EVPA  and  its  Knowledge  Centre  are  supported  by:  

         For  further  quesHons,  please  contact                            EVPA’s  PracJcal  Guide  can  be  downloaded,  free  of  charge,  from:  hbp://­‐centre/publicaJons/evpa-­‐publicaJons/    

Anna-­‐Marie  Harling  Senior  Research  Associate    

Thank  you!  


EVPA  and  its  Knowledge  Centre  are  supported  by:  

Key  DefiniHons  in  Impact  Measurement  

Inputs   AcHviHes   Outputs   Outcomes   Impact  

OrganisaHon’s  Planned  Work   OrganisaHon’s  Intended  Results  

Resources  (capital,  human)  invested  in  the  acHvity  

Concrete  acHons  of  the  organisaHon  

Tangible  products  from  the  acHvity    

Changes,  benefits,  learnings,  effects  resulHng  from  the  acHvity  

A\ribuHons  of  an  organisaHon’s  acHviHes  to  broader  &  longer-­‐term  outcomes  

€,  number  of  people  etc.    

Development  &  implementaJon  of  programs,  building  new  infrastructure  etc.  

Number  of  people  reached,  items  sold,  etc.  

Effects  on  target  populaJon  e.g.  increased  level  of  educaJon  

Take  account  of  acJons  of  others  (alternaJve  programs  e.g.  open  air  classes),  unintended  consequences  etc.  

€50k  invested,  5  people  working  on  project  

Land  bought,  school  designed  &  built:  New  school  built  with  32  places    

Places  occupied  by  students:  8    

New  students  with  access  to  educaJon:  2  

Increased  learning