Animation IVF video. Testis Structure HL animation.

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Animation IVF video. Testis Structure HL animation.

Testis Structure HL


Spermatogenesis HL

animation animationPearson overview

Spermatogenesis and hormones HL

Production of semen HL

Epididymis:• testicle fluids are removed and the sperm concentrated • sperm mature here and develop the ability to swim

Seminal vesicles:• adds nutrients that include fructose sugar for respiration • mucus to protect sperm in the cell

Prostate:• adds fluids that neutralise the vaginal acids and minerals ions

Ovary Structure HL

Ovary Structure HL

Oogenesis HL

Oogenesis HL

Spermatogenesis versus Oogenesis HL

Similarities:• Both begin with mitosis• Both make use of LH and FSH• Both include two meiotic reduction division

Differences: HOMEWORK!

Sperm and Egg cell HL

Fertilisation HL

Embryo development HL

HCG:• Secretion of Progesterone and Estrogen by Corpus Luteum• Progesterone and Estrogen inhibit FSH-LH – so no more eggs are released• Progesterone maintain endometrium, where the blastocyst develops into a fetus and the placenta forms



Placental structure: HL

Placental villi

Hormonal Control of Birth HL

Hormonal Control of Birth HL