Animal Study Lydia

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Animal Study Lydia


By Lydia

SourcesRuth Berman ,Peacock ,1992

HabitatPeafowls live in small families, most

of the year.

In India ,the peafowls live about

20 years.

DietThey eat

shoots ,roots , insects, worms,

snakes, fallen fruit, seeds, and sand invertebrates.

They spend most of their time on ground looking for food and

nesting places.

AppearanceThey have three parts to their body.

One part is a striped part, a bushy tail and

a blue or green neck.

The peacocks are boys and have more color then a peahen

which is a girl.

Some peafowls are 10 pounds.

Life cyclesA peahen takes

around a week to lay a egg.

There is a breeding season. The

breeding season is in the early summer.

ConservationYou might think that

they are endangered because

they have small families. But they

are not endangered.

Interesting facts

A peacock is a boy and a peahen is a

girl and a peafowls are both.

A peafowl’s fancy feathers

cover up their tails.

Appearances 2 One peacock has 100 to 150 feathers pretty feathers that

cover their tail.

Babies are brown too like the peahens.

Interesting factsThe feathers of the

peafowl’s that cover up their tail are 5 feet (1.5 meters) long / longer than a birds body.