Animal Farm play Lesson 1 PPT

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Powerpoint presentation for lesson one in a Scheme of Work for the play Animal Farm for a mixed ability Year 7.

Transcript of Animal Farm play Lesson 1 PPT

Rearrange the letters to make a word.



Rearrange the letters to make a word


Task Task

In pairs, match up the animal to the In pairs, match up the animal to the word you feel suits their character. word you feel suits their character.


No hands upNo hands up

Create a simile of your own based on an animal


The man was as

cunningcunning as a fox.

• Why do we use animals to describe human characteristics?

• Why might an author do this when writing a book?


Consider the title of the play – Consider the title of the play – Animal FarmAnimal Farm – and read the – and read the ‘blurb’ to try and make predictions about:‘blurb’ to try and make predictions about:

SETTINGSETTINGWhere do you think the action of the play takes place?Where do you think the action of the play takes place?

PLOTPLOTWhat do you think happens in the play? Try and predict three What do you think happens in the play? Try and predict three things.things.

CHARACTERSCHARACTERSWhich characters are going to be important in the play? How Which characters are going to be important in the play? How are they presented and how does this hint at what they are are they presented and how does this hint at what they are going to be like? going to be like?

Animal Farm: Play Summary

In your books create this grid and leave 2 whole pages

Pages What happened Interesting quotes


Using your imagination, write an opening

paragraph to the story. Think about how you would begin the story and why.