Animal Farm - Fort Cherry School District / Overvie · What is this like in Animal Farm ? Question....

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Transcript of Animal Farm - Fort Cherry School District / Overvie · What is this like in Animal Farm ? Question....

Animal FarmChapters 6-10 Review

�Under Stalin, what were people not given that they were promised?


�The government now owned and distributed everything.

Land and Food

�What were these large state government farms called?


�The government decided how much food rations each person got, and no one owned any land for themselves.


� Some people rebelled by smashing their farming equipment or slaughtering their own livestock rather than handing them over to the government.

� What is this like in Animal Farm?


�The hens were told to give up their eggs so they could be sold, and then the money could be used to buy “necessary items” for the farm.

The Hens’ Rebellion

�Under Stalin, what would happen to anyone who was caught stealing food?


�10 years of labor �Death

Punishment by…

� Stalin refused to admit there were problems in Russia

� In fact, he tried to make other countries believe that everything was wonderful in the country

� What is this like on Animal Farm?


� Napoleon ordered that the food bins be filled with sand, and for them to be topped off with what remained of the grain and meal, making the appearance that they had a lot of food on the farm.

� In reality the animals on the farm were starving, like the people in Russia were, too.

Mr. Whymper being deceived

�What are the five year plans, plans to increase industry, compared to in Animal Farm?


�Once Napoleon got rid of Snowball, he stole his ideas and wanted the windmill to make the farm more powerful

The Building of the Windmill

� What kind of propaganda is this?

� “Squealer, holding down a long strip of paper with his trotter, would read out to them lists of figures that the production of every class of foodstuff had increased by two hundred percent, as the case might be.”


�Transfers the authority of the figures and numbers; convinces the animals that they are prospering.

Transference or Numbers, Facts, Statistics

�When one five year plan failed in Russia, Stalin created another one in its place.

�What is this like in Animal Farm?


� When the windmill got blown down by the wind (not by Snowball, by the way,) Napoleon made a new plan to rebuild it, making it much stronger than it was the first time; this is like Stalin’s second 5 year plan

When the windmill got blown down

� In Russia, what was it called when many Old Bolsheviks and senior commanders of the Red Army were put on trial for treason, or betraying their own country?


�Stalin knew he wanted to convict them and pronounced sentences for them even before the trials began

Blood Purge Trials

�After the trials, what did the people find out about the confessions?


�People admitted to these acts because of pressure of intense torture and intimidation

They were false

�What is the parallel to the Blood Purge Trials in Animal Farm?


�When the animals confess to “crimes” and have their throats ripped out by the dogs

�Who is Mr. Frederick or Pinchfield and Mr. Pilkington of Foxwood in Russian History?


�Frederick is Hitler of Germany

�Pilkington is Churchill of England

�Hitler and Stalin sign an agreement not to attack each other for 10 years.

�What is this called?


� They agreed to an alliance because Stalin knew an attack was imminent and he needed time to prepare and rebuild his army because many of the commanding officers were either killed or were in prisons from the Blood Purge Trials

Nazi- Soviet pact

�How long did it take for Germany to disregard the non-aggression pact and attack Russia?


�2 years, not 10 as promised

� What kind of propaganda is being used?

� “For the time being, certainly, it had been found necessary to make a readjustment of rations (Squealer always spoke of it as a “readjustment,” never as a ‘reduction’), …”


�“readjustment” sounds better than “reduction.”


�Why did Russia win when they were clearly losing?


� There were freezing temperatures and the Germans were not dressed properly and their tanks fuel lines became frozen, so they retreated

The weather

�The German Invasion of Russia is similar to what event in Animal Farm?


�Frederick attacks and blows up the windmill

�The enemy retreats after the animals attack

The Battle of the Windmill

�Why can neither the Battle of the Windmill nor the Russian win be considered a real victory?


�Their land was destroyed, just like the windmill

�There was tremendous loss of life in both

Everything they had was destroyed

�Stalin renames the city of Leningrad. He now calls it Stalingrad.

�What is this parallel to in Animal Farm?


�Although the timing is a bit different in Animal Farm, Napoleon names the windmill “Napoleon Mill” after himself as well.

Napoleon Mill

� After the attack on Russia by Germany, Stalin decides to put many of his own people in labor camps in Siberia because they were “contaminated,” and no longer necessary.

� What is this similar to in Animal Farm?


� Since Boxer was reaching retirement age and was really no longer useful, Napoleon ordered for Boxer to be taken to the hospital, which was in reality, the knacker or horse slaughterer.

� Why did he do it? He wanted to buy more whiskey.

The death of Boxer

�Stalin becomes increasingly paranoid and suspicious of everyone. He secludes himself from people.

�What is this like in Animal Farm?


�Napoleon rarely makes any appearances any more

�He took his meals alone, and others waited on him

Napoleon secluding himself

� Squealer says that “Comrade Napoleon had learned with the deepest distress and misfortune…and was already making arrangements to send Boxer to be treated in the hospital at Willingdon.”

� What is the type of propaganda that is being used?


� Bad Logic- making it look like that Napoleon was very upset, but in actuality, he was preparing to send him to the knacker.

� Loaded words- “deepest distress” and “misfortune”

Bad Logic or Loaded words

�How is the commandment, “No animal shall sleep in a bed” altered?


�“No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.”

�How is the commandment “No animal shall drink alcohol” altered?


�“No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.”

�How is the commandment “No animal shall kill another animal” altered?


�“No animal shall kill another animal without cause.”

�How is the commandment “No animal shall wear clothes” ignored?


� The pigs wear green ribbons on their tails� Napoleon and the pigs wore Mr. Jones’ clothes

�How is the maxim “Four legs good, two legs bad” changed?


�“Four legs good, two legs better!”

�How is the commandment “Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy” ignored?


�Trade�Meetings�Changing the name of the

farm back to Manor Farm instead of Animal Farm

Engaging in human relations

�All of the commandments are eventually erased.

�What is the new commandment that remains?


�“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

�Mr. Pilkington and other farmers visit Animal Farm.

�What is this parallel in Russian history?


� Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin met to discuss Strategy against Germany

� Although the discussions were different in Animal Farm and Russian history, there are similarities

The Tehran Conference

�There are many allusions to historical events

�What were 2 of them?


� The Revolution of 1905- Bloody Sunday� The February and October Revolutions� The Civil War of 1918� The Nazi- Soviet Pact� The German Invasion of Russia� The Tehran Conference

� These are all allusions in Animal Farm

Answers will vary

�How is Animal Farm an allegory, or a book that can be read on more than one level?


� This book not only tells the story of talking animals that overthrow a farmer, but it is about the Russian Revolution

� Both kids and adults can understand it