Animal Categorization

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Animal Categorization

 Animal Categorization



Birds Reptiles


What does it mean to be a mammal?

All mammals have some type of hair or fur on their

bodies. Mammals are also warm-blooded animals with

vertebrates. Female mammals supply their young

with milk for nutrients.

What does it mean to be a bird?

Birds share several common characteristics. All birds have

feathers covering their skin, and wings used for

transportation. Birds can reproduce by laying eggs. Bones

found in birds are light weight and often hallow.

What does it mean to be an amphibian?

Amphibians begin their life

under-water eventually migrating to land. They are

cold-blooded animals who have no claws on their toes. The skin

of amphibians is usually smooth; lacking scales, hair,

and feathers.

What does it mean to be a fish?

The skin of fish is usually covered

in scales. Fish also have fins that enable them to swim,

along with gills for breathing. Fish are vertebrates.

What does it mean to be a reptile?

Reptiles skin have scales, but no feathers or hair. They are

cold-blooded and have vertebrates. Most reptiles have claws, and produce

amniotic eggs.