Animal alphabet powerpoint

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Animal alphabet powerpoint

A is for AntThey are able to left up to 50 times of their own body weight.

B is for ButterflyButterflies have four wings and attach their eggs to leaves with a special glue.

C is for CrabIf a crab looses its claw, the claw will grow back.

D is for DuckDucks have webbed feet which are designed for swimming. Because of the webbed feet that is why they waddle.

E is for ElephantElephants waive their trunks in the air and from side to side to smell better.

F is for FrogMost frogs do not live in the water they live near it.

G is for Guinea PigWhen a guinea pig is happy they will purr like a cat.

H is for HummingbirdsHummingbirds take baths by using a cupped leaf, a bird bath, puddle, or even sprinklers.

I is for IguanaIguana’s can stay under the water for 28 minutes.

J is for JellyfishJellyfish have been on Earth for millions of years, even before dinosaurs.

K is for KoalaKoala’s use their excellent sense of smell to select the best tasting leaves.

L is for LadybugLadybugs come in a variety of different colors.

M is for MonkeySome monkeys live on the ground while others live in the trees.

N is for NewtA newt will stand out of the crowd with its bright colors.

O is for OtterOtters love to sunbath during the day and they are very active at night.

P if for PenguinPenguins can drink sea water. And no penguins live in the North Pole.

Q is for QuailA quail has a heart and a brain just like humans do.

R is for RabbitBunny rabbits are born without any fur.

S is for SeahorseSeahorses change colors to blend in with their surroundings.

T is for TigerThere are more tigers that are considered pets than there are in the wild.

U is for UrialThey eat grasses, lichen, along with other plants.

V is for VicunaVicuna is a wild animal of the camel family.

W is for WolfWolves can hear as far as six miles away in the forest.

X is for XantusThey can flap their wings at over 200 times a second.

Y is for YakThey have long hair that covers their bodies that keep them warm.

Z is for ZebraScientists can identify individual zebras by their stripes.