Angularjs Basics

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Angularjs Basics

Anuradha Bandara

How Web Page Creates?

HTML (Structure) Css (Style) Javascript (Behavior)◦ HTML tags create objects.

In other words……Document Object Model(DOM)


Once page found this tag – Start download the javascript.

◦ JavaScript lets you manipulate the DOM.

◦ Css – do the styles.

What is DOM?

The Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming

interface (API) for valid HTML and well-formed XML documents. It

defines the logical structure of documents and the way a document

is accessed and manipulated.

DOM Structure

DOM Structure

What is Angularjs?

A JavaScript framework for creating dynamic web applications

Open Source ◦ GitHub:

◦ MIT License

Uses jQuery◦ jQuery 1.7.1 or above

◦ jQLite

MVC or MVW….

Model◦ The data

View◦ The interface

◦ How the data is presented to the user


(Controller/Services/Directives/Filters)◦ The behavior

◦ Modifying / updating the models

How Angularjs works?

bindJQuery() : Either one of jQuery or jqLite is bound to angular.

angularInit(document, bootstrap) : method which checks for ng-app module

bootstrap(element) : method which is invoked once an ng-app module is found

◦ Invoke createInjector() method which returns dependency injector

◦ The dependency injector invokes the compilation and linking process with some of the following

key parameters:

Scope object – Reference to rootScope

Reference to element with ng-app

Compile service

Reference to dependency injector

How Angularjs works? Cont…

compile(element): bind events to the element

compile(element)(scope): bind element to the scope

◦ At this phase compiler will look for every directive and creates the watchers ($watch) that are


scope.$apply(function{}): Finally, the $apply method is invoked on

the scope object

As a result of execution of $apply method, the view appears……

How Angularjs works? Cont…

Reusable components with

directives…. A directive is an extension of the HTML vocabulary that allows us to

create new behaviours. This technology lets the developers create

reusable components that can be used within the whole application.

The directive can be applied as an

◦ Attribute

◦ Element

◦ Class

◦ Comment

we can use ng-model, ng:model, ng_model,data-ng-model,

and x-ng-model in the HTML markup.

AngularJS built-in directives...

ngApp - defines the root of an AngularJS application

ngController - attach any controller to the view

◦ Nested Controllers

ngBind – act as same as {{expression}}

ngBindHtml – bind plain html

AngularJS built-in directives...

ngRepeat - iterate over arrays and objects.

ngModel - attaches the element to a property in

the scope

ngClick – bind any custom behavior to the click

event of the element

ngDisable – disable elements based on the

Boolean value of an expression.

ngClass – dynamically apply a class to an element

ngOptions – create the options of a select element

ngStyle – apply the dynamic style configuration


AngularJS built-in directives...

ngShow/ngHide – apply visibility of an element

based on its

display property.

ngIf - prevents the rendering of an element in our template

ngClick – bind any custom behavior to the click

event of the element

ngInclude – include other external HTML fragments in to


Create own Directory

Directive properties

Dependency Injection

and Services…


◦ Use to isolating the business logic in the application

Lazily instantiated – Angular only instantiates a service when an application component depends on it.

Singletons – Each component dependent on a service gets a reference to the single instance generated

by the service factory.


Dependency Injection

◦ A software design pattern that deals with how components get hold of

their dependencies.

◦ eg :

Dependency Injection

and Services…

Custom Services◦ We can define our own custom services in different ways in angular js app

and use them wherever required




Dependency Injection

and Services… Creating services with the factory

◦ You give angular a function

◦ Angular create an object

◦ add properties to it

◦ return that same object

Dependency Injection

and Services… Creating services with the Service

◦ You give angular a function

◦ Angular will instantiated with the ‘new’ keyword

◦ add properties to “this”

◦ return “this”

Dependency Injection

and Services… Creating services with the Provider

◦ You give angular a function

◦ angular will call its $get function

◦ return value from the $get function

Data handling…

Expressions Filters Form validations

Data handling…

Expressions◦ An expression is a simple piece of code

that will be evaluated by the framework

and can be written between double curly brackets

eg : {{car.plate}}

Data handling…

Filters◦ perfect solution to easily perform any data manipulation.

Eg :

{{expression | filter}}

{{expression | filter1 | filter2}}

◦ Currency

{{ 10 | currency}} => $10.00 (take locale currency)

{{ 10 | currency:'R$'}} => R$ 10.00

◦ Date

{{ car.entrance | date }} => Dec 10, 2014

{{ car.entrance | date:'MMMM dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss' }} =>

December 10/12/2013 21:42:10.

Data handling…

Filters◦ Filter

◦ Json

{{ car | json }} =>

Data handling…

Filters◦ limitTo – limit size to 10

{{ expression | limitTo:10 }}

◦ Lowercase – convert to lowercase

{{ expression | lowercase }}

◦ Number – limit two decimal places

{{ 10 | number:2 }} => 10.00

◦ Orderby – orderby String/Array

{{ expression | orderBy:predicate:reverse }}

Data handling…

Creating custom filters

Data handling…

Form validations

$pristine =>form is not modified

$dirty => form is modified

Data handling…

Form validations $error => It accumulates the detailed list of

everything that happens with the form

Data Binding – Two way

Data-binding in Angular apps is the automatic synchronization of

data between the model and view components.

The view is a projection of the model at all times. When the model

changes, the view reflects the change, and vice versa.

How Data binding works?

Exactly what happen when you do event on a


browser is waiting for events / user interactions.

click on a button or write into an input.

fire browser event loop.

browser will make the appropriate changes in the DOM

How Data binding works?

How angulerjs reacts?

When you create ui component using directive

Add $watch to watch list call $digest

After fire event loop $digest loop will be fired.

It checks values are updated.

Call $apply()

As a result of execution of $apply method, the view


Scope…. scope is an object that refers to the application model

Scopes are arranged in hierarchical structure which mimic the DOM

structure of the application

Create connection between view & controller

$rootscope / $parent / $scope

You give angular a functionYou give angular a function


Writing own directory…◦ Replace label with dropdown when click

the edit button.

◦ When user change the dropdown automatically update the model.

Thank you….