Angel Stitch Scarf - · Angel Stitch Scarf For this project you will need a...

Post on 10-Feb-2020

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Transcript of Angel Stitch Scarf - · Angel Stitch Scarf For this project you will need a...

Angel Stitch Scarf

For this project you will need a 5mm hook (H hook) and 8ply yarn (US 3ply) and at least 2 skeins of worsted weight acrylic, or softer yarn. This project works best with variegated yarn that doesn't change colors so fast.

To do this stitch you will be making a variation of the puff stitch with single crochets on top.This stitch is worked in sets of 4, so if you wish to make your project larger or smaller, reduce or add by 4's

YO = Yarn oversc = single crochetch = chaindc = double crochetAS = Angel Stitch

To start:

Ch 28

In 4th stitch from hook, YO draw up a loop, do this 3 more times until you have 9

loops on your hook as picture shows below.

Then pull through only 8 of the loops, leaving 2 loops on your hook

Then YO and pull through the 2 loops to complete your single crochet, giving you a small hole at the top of your puff stitch. This is the hole where we will be working next.

Work 4 single crochet's into this hole

Then start the stitch all over again, by doing your puff stitch again

Continue doing this until you reach the last stitch. Do a DC in last stitch.

If you haven't decreased the amount of ch's at the beginning of this pattern you should have 6 AS's even though this picture shows 5.

Row two

Ch 3 and working in the top 4 sts only, (see picture below, my finger marks where you begin your puff stitch) skip the rest, you will be doing your puff stitch as normal.

At the end of the row, dc in last stitch.

Rounds 3 and on

You will continue round 2 until your scarf is as long as desired.

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