Andrew M. Odom ½ of Tiny r(E)volution Author Dreamer Advocate Andrew M. Odom .

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Andrew M. Odom ½ of Tiny r(E)volution Author Dreamer Advocate Andrew M. Odom .

Andrew M. Odom

• ½ of Tiny r(E)volution• Author• Dreamer• Advocate

Andrew M. Odom

Tiny r(E)volution = 240 sq. ft. Tiny House Trailer• Started in 2009 and moved in in 2012• Single level living• First gourmet, full-size kitchen

Andrew M. Odom

Road r(E)volution = 280 sq.ft. Travel Trailer• Moved in full-time in June 2013• Single level living with one slide• Complete overhaul with customized interior

Andrew M. Odom

Andrew M. Odom

Over the last few years I have established a career that is location independent and allows itself to be either corporate in nature or entrepreneurial. The highlights and lowlights:

• Established Tiny r(E)volution as a tiny house brand offering books, building plans, consultation, etc

• Established Andrew M. Odom as a content creator• Traveled to 14 states without ever “missing” a day of work• Increased personal salary entirely online

o Paid off $46k in debto Learned to make residual online incomeo Capitalized on online profit opportunities

• Discovered what it means to be truly happy• Increased time with wife and daughter• Developed a network of talented, funny, kind, and like-minded friends• Made a TON of mistakes

Andrew M. Odom

4 Reasons To Be A Digital Nomad

Andrew M. Odom

• You want to work for yourself either as a freelancer or by running your own business

• You want to be location independent• You aren’t in it to become a millionaire but

rather to enjoy your work and be free• You want to be proud of your work

What Is A Digital Nomad?

Andrew M. Odom

The popular definition is that digital nomads are individuals who leverage telecommunications technologies to perform their work duties, and more generally conduct their lifestyle in a nomadic manner. Such workers typically work remotely—from home, coffee shops, public libraries and even from recreational vehicles to accomplish tasks and goals that used to traditionally take place in a single stationary workplace.

What Does It Have To Do With Tiny Houses?

Andrew M. Odom

Without getting into the conversation of what is a tiny house I submit that being a digital nomad is almost entirely about:

Stuff –vs- Experience

Stuff doesn’t make anyone happy.

Experiences do.

Cutting My Own Throat

Andrew M. Odom

Hardest thing I had to determine

Travelers aren’t digital nomads and bloggers often aren’t inspired. Yet while digital nomads often blog about their travel experiences they do so as a by-product of their life and work.

Digital Nomads Are Location Independent

Andrew M. Odom

Consider this:

Renting an apt. in Thailand costs about US $200/month for one bedroom w/ private bath and living room. Utilities and water add about $65/month for heat/air. Food can be as little as US $200/month.

TOTAL = $465/month

Entrepreneurship On Steroids

• Digital Nomads work hard.• Digital nomads have routines.• Digital nomads are not tied to a location.

Andrew M. Odom

Entrepreneurship On Steroids• Digital Nomads are not just techies or writers.• Digital Nomads are also:

Teachers Psychologists Consultants Artists Sales Distributors

Andrew M. Odom

The Great Escape• If you are a poor worker within a company you

will be a poor worker outside of one.• You are either a LOSER or CLUELESS.• If you feel you need to escape, you need to


Andrew M. Odom

The Great EscapeCOMMON FEARS

• You have debt• work aggressively to clear it• consolidate it

• You have a mortgage• sell, sell, sell• rent it out

• You have kids• take them with you

Andrew M. Odom

The Great EscapeCOMMON FEARS

• You have stuff• You crave routine

• it is probably a good thing to be successful as a digital nomad

• FEAR!• take it slow

• You’re too OLD/YOUNG• Getting started

Andrew M. Odom

Hatching A Plan

Where do you go to find jobs? Do you reach out like a normal entrepreneur?

Andrew M. Odom

Remote OK

Andrew M. Odom

We Work Remotely

Andrew M. Odom

Nomad List

Andrew M. Odom

Tools of the Trade

• Hardware• Apps• Cloud Systems• Communications• Currency and Payment• Calendars

Andrew M. Odom

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