- and let your LIGHT shine! - Vily...

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™ - and let your LIGHT shine!

- and let your LIGHT shine!

Description Guided by 11 year old, media-savvy Lily, StarUP!‘s leading heroin, the

curriculum features a comprehensive introduction into the world of ancient

teachings of the heart and the science-based world of mindfulness

meditation. Each of its illustrated visualization meditations, or guided

breathing lessons help students prepare them for an emotionally immersive

experience with Source. Session-management tips for teachers or parents

are provided and tips on how to adapt to your individual needs and religious

beliefs help you extend the benefits of a life ‚stared up‘ to your family,

classroom or work-place.

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

™ - and let your LIGHT shine!

Taught with fun and verve, StarUP!™ is a secular, inter-faith framework to help

children experience what it FEELS like to connect with Source.

Vily Bergen

- and let your LIGHT shine!

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

Why StarUP!™ Growing up has never been easy. And growing up in our fast-

paced, technology driven world can be especially challenging

for our children. Loss of concentration, depression or chronic

fatigue are only a few of the side-effects and often interfere

with their inert need to connect and realign with ‘Source’ – the

core principle of all religious concepts.

Yet growing up in our meta-driven media landscape, where

action-driven Blockbuster films and video games explore multi-

dimensional realities or benevolent metaphysical powers is not

necessarily at odds with traditional religious concepts. Rather,

it provides valuable projections for our children’s inert need to

connect and align with the unifying powers of Source, or God.

In short, our media-savvy children don’t seem to question the

existence of a meta-dimensional power. Rather, they simply

seem to lack the ‘software’, or behavioural tools to experience

an immersive experience of connectivity with ‘it’.

StarUP!™ does not replace any religious concept, rather it

provides science-based mindfulness tools to help ‘down-load’

an emotional connectivity with Source on your children’s

‘hardware’, in specific in the neurological pathways in their

brains to shape their behavioural patterns for a self-

empowered future.


From the

INSIDE OUT And let your

LIGHT shine

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

What is StarUP!™

o StarUP!™ is an inter-faith framework to help children of various religious

backgrounds experience what it FEELS like to connect with Source.

o StarUP!™is grounded in three core pillars;

1. the ancient teachings of the heart.

2. the core-beliefs of all three Abrahamic religions – that of an all unifying

Source of most benevolent love.

3. and the science-based findings of modern Neuroscience and


o StarUP!™ provides a fun and savvy curriculum called the ‘Stellar 1.0

program’, comprising of visualization meditations, along with daily

practices such as the guided ‘Heart-bubble’ breathing exercise.

o StarUP!™ provides science-based mindfulness tools to help ‘down-load’ an

emotional connectivity with Source on your children’s ‘hardware’, in

specific in the neurological pathways in their brains to shape their

behavioural patterns for a self-empowered future.

o StarUP!™ fosters inter-faith tolerance, increases emotional stability and

provides evidence-based stress-reducing modalities.

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

The Science of SOURCE Throughout history and almost universally, ancient texts suggest that everything is

connected in ways we only begin to understand. This field of energy has actually been

described by Western scientists as a net or a web that creates what we call the underlying

fabric of all creation. An energetic connectivity between all living systems. This field of

intelligence has been here from the very beginning and has been called God, or Elohim,

Allah or Source.

Whatever we call it, modern science has found the mathematical tools to define it as an

intelligent field, or an intelligence that encompasses not only life on this planet but the

solar system and beyond.

The Science of FEELINGS Modern science could explain that not only do we all live in this field of

energy and that it reflects back to us what we think in our mind, but

especially what we feel deep within our heart. When we put out our deepest

wishes from our heart, like prosperity or joy, it not only reflects it back to us –

but to us as whole.

This means, that any thought of gratitude and appreciation has a direct effect

to everyone on this planet. And this is how we can bring positive change to

the planet as a whole.

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

The Wisdom of the Heart Throughout the ages, mystics, prophets or saints have said that it was through an opened

heart, that God, or the Divine powers can speak to us. Sounds divinely inspiring. But, how

does a heart open? Simple, according to the ancient teachings; drop all seeking! Stop all

thinking. Turn your attention inward and surrender your mind to the wisdom of your heart.

For us spiritual commoners, however, the opening of the heart can be a long and painful

process. Because, we all at one point experienced either a shattering break-up, the loss of a

most beloved person or as common these days got crushed in the explosive waters of

cyber-mobbing. We then decided to keep us ‘save’ and closed our hearts forever, EVER! But

according to the ancient teachings, a closed heart is ground zero for any soul.

Why? Because it is through our heart, where the stream of our life's inner purpose flows. A

stream of love wanting to connect this very heart-felt imprint with the Divine intelligence

there to co-create the future we always knew was ours.

Inter-faith Spirituality The StarUP!™ program provides an inter-faith tool to help us open our heart,

uniting us as spiritual beings, here to have fun as we expand our powers.

Under no circumstances does it intent to replace traditional religious concepts.

Rather, it invites parents and teachers to define name and shape – if any! – of

this intelligence. Whatever you as a teacher or parent want to call ‘it’, either

Divine, Elohim, God, Allah, Spirit, the Divine Matrix or simply Source, keep the focus of the StarUP!™ program on how that connection with ‘its’ power, that of

pure love FEELS like.

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

The FEELING of LOVE It has been said, that thoughts are the language of the mind and

feelings are the language of the heart – and that LOVE is the

language that connects us all with the Divine Field. StarUP! offers

classes in all three languages. Instead of explaining where it comes

from, or who their principal messengers, aka Prophets, Sons of the

Lord, etc. are, our primary focus is to help us all discover the true

meaning of pure LOVE. Love, as we learn is not something we can

gain or earn by being nice and good to others. Nor is it a bank-

account where you can save up for times of sorrow or some cosmic

reward system. For love in the end is a state of allowance.

Love is not a belief system.

Love is not a reward system.


LOVE flows.

LOVE empowers you

LOVE is safe.

It is safe to LOVE.

LOVE has the power to change the way

we look at the world.

LOVE is a state of allowence.

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West


The Stellar 1.0 Meditation Series Hey there, I am Lilly, your 11 year old friend. In the next few pages, I will

introduce you to the Stellar 1.0 operating system, a fun and exciting

software you will need to download the basic tools of Mindfulness

Meditation on your body, soul and mind.

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

Hello Dear Friend!

My name is Lily. Today, I want to tell you a little bit about meditation. It’s a great tool to help us

stay focused and reduce all the mind-fog in our head. Because, let’s be honest, don’t we all

know that feeling, when our mind seems to be at various different places all at the same time?

Or when we start fighting with a friend at school about really silly things and at the time we get

home, we are so wound up that we even start arguing with our parents, or siblings, whom we

actually love much more than we can express.

As a result, our head feels heavy and square. Our body feels dull and sluggish. We can’t

concentrate on home-work, and we feel totally out of sync with ourselves. By the time we go to

bed, we are so mixed up in bad thoughts and feelings about ourselves, that we feel completely

exhausted but can’t seem to find the peace to actually fall asleep.

In case you also experience these moments from time to time, I know some great meditation

techniques, which could help you keep your mind focused and recharge yourself. With the help

of my friend, Golden Boy, or G.B. for short, we will learn to create the Heart-Bubble, where a

great deal of fun and exciting apps and sites will help you feel good about yourself.

Ready to get started? And don’t forget to breath, laugh and love and let the light of your heart


Yours, Lily

Meditation Series

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

What do Super-heroes have in common?

Have you ever wondered, why super heroes all over the world, who are stronger, faster or

smarter than we are, never get tired, or sick and why most of them radiate with some sort of

super golden radiant glow?

I was also curious about this and found a few answers: First, I discovered, super-heroes know

it in their hearts that they are unique and never ever let anyone tell them differently. They also

know it in their hearts that they are connected with a great super power which people like you

and I can’t see with our eyes. But they know it in their hearts that this power exists and

whenever their powers weaken, they recharge their hearts with this super-power, like one fills

up a car with gasoline at the gas-station.

The Heart! Our ‘Power-Centre’

Have you noticed anything here?! Right! Superheroes know something in their HEART– not in

their brain, or what is commonly known as the mind. You probably wonder, why all of a sudden

you should ask your heart if you want to know something and not your ‘brain’ as you learn at

school in order to get good grades?

First off, the heart is not really less or more important than the brain, but it has what we call

intuition, which is a super great ability to know things that we can’t see, touch, see or feel. For

example; the heart knows it on a deeper level, whom we can trust and whom not. Whereas the

brain, or the mind, is a super great tool to remember the things we need in our daily lives, like

knowing that we cross the street on green, and not on red light.

How to communicate with our heart?

The heart speaks a very special language which is also known as ‘inner voice’, or ‘intuition’.

This ‘inner voice’ is best heard when you are quiet and calm.

Meditation Series

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

Meditation Series

The Heart-Bubble Before we go to the Stellar 1.0 download, let us tell you a bit about the Heart-bubble which we will learn to create in

order to surf the Light-web. The best way to imagine it is to visualize a 360 degree bubble, which spans around your

body. On its inside we find a touch-screen interface, featuring a wide range of fun apps, sites and games, (see more

below) . If you don’t really ‘see’ an interface with all these apps don’t fret! I also only see it in my imagination. But

this way, the application of all the other meditation apps and breathing exercises are so much more fun !

The Mind-pit

But the Heart-bubble comes with a catch, and it’s called the Mind-pit. The moment you form a thought while in the

download, such as the need to be better than the person next to you, or even judge yourself while meditating, the

Mind-pit will be activated and any thought is sucked up by the Mind-pit’s powerful force, called Absorber. He loves

nothing more than to feed off thoughts, good or bad to file them in the far inner reaches of the Mind-pit. Rest

assured, that every thought is carefully stored there, and if you ever need them later on, this is where you can

retrieve them. But also be aware of the Mind-pit as it will affect a great deal the result of your meditation.

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

Meditation Series

The Stellar 1.0 program

As mentioned before, the best access point to enter the Light Web is the heart, and

in order to open it, I for myself discovered the Stellar 1.0. operating system. It’s like

a software program, one has to download to your indigenous hardware, aka. your

body and soul. With a little bit of practice, you will eventually be able to then create

the ‘Heart-Bubble’, we talked about above, which will have great many advantages

we will learn about later on. At first, it seems a bit hard, especially the ‘non-thinking’

part, but with a little bit of practice it works like this:

1. At the beginning of each ‘download’-session, I set aside a minimum of 15 min.

for mindful yoga, like the sun-salutation, the tree or the downward facing dog all

combined with conscious breathing, which is a super-easy way of special

breathing which helps me feel more balanced and at ease.

2. Once I feel calm and at peace, I start with the ‘Heart-bubble’ Meditation. With

each breath I inhale, I imagine to ‘inflate’ my heart until it feels like I have

created a 360 degree interface, spanning around my body.

3. Once centred in my heart, I travel upon imaginary threats of light, connecting

me with the light of the Sun above and the Core of Earth down below and with

conscious breathing, I then bring its light into my heart where – Boom! – I let it

all discharge and let all the light illuminate every pore of my body. Each time I

do this, I feel like I am super staredUP! - and that‘s why I call this the ‘Star-me-

up’ Breathing Exercise.

At last, when I shine bright from the inside out I consciously let the light of my

heart shine onto specific people or situations in my life.

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

The 6 Apps of the Stellar 1.0 program

Upon completion of the ‘Stellar 1.0’ download, we then engage in six different

kind of visualization meditations; 1. The Fun-Me-Up! app / Dolphin Meditation: a visualisation journey inviting

you to swim and play with dolphins, filling you with joy and happiness

2. The Ground-Me-Down- app /Tree Meditation: visualizing yourself as a tree

with powerful roots connecting to the Core of Mother Earth helps you feel

grounded and energized.

3. The Protection app / Guardian Angel Meditation: Visualizing and

communicating with your guardian angel helps us feel understood,

welcome, embraced and safe.

4. The Pain-Killer-app /Green-Brush Meditation: visualizing a green brush

whipping off any pain or sickness from our bodies helps us ease our

discomfort with our bodies when we are sick.

5. The Color-Me-Up app / Rainbow Meditation: visualizing a vacuum cleaner

helps you cleanse yourself from the feeling of being clogged-up by

bothering thoughts or hard-to-shake off traumas, and visualizing yourself as

radiant rainbow promotes self-empowerment and self-esteem.

6. The Fire- app / Fire Meditation: using your imagination, you learn to throw

negative emotions or feelings like anger or helplessness into an imaginary

fire, helping you to transform negative emotions into feelings of wellbeing

and happiness.

“Our vision is to bridge the universal wisdom of the heart with the savvy promise of our

technology-driven world to allow our children to grow into emotionally stable human souls

enjoying the bliss and joy of the digital world we all live in.”

Vily Bergen

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

Meditation Series

Meditation Series

Being ‘StaredUP’ has many advantages:

• you will feel much more relaxed and happy

• it will become really difficult for others to make you feel stupid, or different or less pretty.

• You will make super smart decisions, such as smart food-choices which will make you much

happier about yourself.

• You get to know your best skills and talents and know who you are.

• and before you know it, you have discovered the true meaning of being a STAR: which is to let the

light of your heart illuminate the world you live in!

The Stellar 1.0. download, a QUICK REMINDER:

• Conscious yoga and conscious breathing

• Heart-bubble Breathing Exercise

• Connect with Source and Core and discharge all the light in your heart.

• Consciously shine the light of your heart onto people you love or situations in your life.

• Beware of the ‘Mind-pit’ – don’t think, only trust your heart

• Have fun with the 6 apps

• Enjoy!

And get ready for the Stellar 2.0 operating system, as explained in the next Book-Series! After an

upgrade, you will learn to access the Golden World program, where you can learn to create a world of

your dreams where many things are possible!

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

With StarUP! we created a fun and easy-to-apply framework to a new kind of

spirituality – all less the usual gobbledygook. We kept it simple. And we

encourage you to do the same. Start with a few minutes a day, adapt to your

individual needs and watch your child StarUP! from the inside out!

And before you know it, you have both discovered the true meaning of

becoming a ‘star’; to allow the light of your heart bring love and light to the

world you live in. Vily Bergen

Impressum: © copyright and ™ trademark: Vily Bergen email: info@vilybergen.com With special thanks to and greatly inspired by the wisdom of: Greg Bradden, Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, the HayHouse Team, Gabrielle Bernstein, Marianne Williamson, Gabriel Gonsalves, TMSwitzerland, Doreen Virtue, my parents and all those beautiful souls who help me grow. Images and artwork are either WIP, or for presentational purpose only, no rights reserved, tmhome.com, RH.com

© copyright and ™ Vily Bergen, 2017, all rights reserved, artwork WIP, no rights reserved, registered at the WGA, West

Meditation Series