Ancient Egypt...Ancient Egypt Grade 2 History 2.1: The student will explain how the contributions of...

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Transcript of Ancient Egypt...Ancient Egypt Grade 2 History 2.1: The student will explain how the contributions of...

Ancient Egypt

Grade 2

History 2.1: The student will explain how the contributions of ancient China and Egypt have influenced

the present world in terms of architecture, inventions, the calendar, and written language.

Arica Fowler

Amanda Zielsdorf

Stephanie Liggitt

7 day unit

This SOL focuses on both Ancient Egypt and Ancient China. Within this grade level, this SOL

focuses on the contributions made by those ancient societies. More specifically, it also covers language,

inventions, and architecture from both civilizations. Teaching this subject is important because it helps

students to make connections to how the contributions of the past have influenced the present. This

SOL helps students to understand that without these various contributions, our lives would be

drastically different.

The focus of this seven day unit will be on Ancient Egypt. This unit will begin by building basic

background knowledge on the country as a whole. The following lessons will then expand on the

contributions. Lastly this unit will cover various additional customs of Ancient Egypt. This unit will begin

the study of ancient societies discussed in second grade. Therefore, prior knowledge is expected to be

minimal. After this topic is completed, there will be a succeeding unit on Ancient China. After

completing both units, there will be a formal assessment to evaluate overall comprehension of both


History 2.1 Egypt Unit Outline

Arica Fowler, Stephanie Liggitt, Amanda Zielsdorf

Day 1: Terms & background

1. Watch part of video “Kid’s Animated History Egypt” - Mr. Vidal on youtube (Technology 2.1a:

use computer to perform learning tasks)

2. Define/discuss terms (architecture, contributions, ancient)

3. Ball game (questions about Egypt and terms on a ball and take turns throwing it) (Movement

2.1a: demonstrate throwing and catching)

4. Graphic organizer/booklet to summarize definitions and key ideas

Day 2: Egypt (Clock and calendar)

1. Inventions game (have pictures of different items, have a T-chart with yes and no, have students

decide whether it was invented by Egypt or not)

2. Book hunt for important facts

3. Discuss development of clock and calendar

4. Create sundial simulation

5. Fill in Egypt contribution chart in booklet

Day 3: Egypt (Paper)

1. Play game to guess steps of making papyrus

2. Notes on history of papyrus

3. Create papyrus paper

4. Exit ticket

Day 4: Egypt (Language-Hieroglyphics)

1. Journal: “What would life be like without paper, calendars or clocks?” (review)

2. Discuss what hieroglyphics are using notebook page- read together (found on pinterest by Erin

@royal Baloo)

3. Students will write their names on the papyrus using hieroglyphics (Art SOL)

4. Complete the “What are hieroglyphics” handout to be turned in

Day 5: Egypt (Architecture-Pyramids)

1. Fill in important information into graphic organizer

2. Build pyramids (groups of 2-3 students or individual) (Math SOL; measurement)

a. Sugar cubes

b. Styrofoam plates

c. Sand

d. Gold glitter

e. glue

3. Journal: “Based on what you now know about pyramids, what possessions would you want in

your pyramid?”

Day 6: Egypt (Pharaohs)

1. Non-fiction book on pharaohs

2. Discuss Importance of a pharaoh

3. Make pharaoh necklace out of paper plates

4. Write one fact about pharaohs on back of plate

Day 7: Egypt (Mummies)

1. Discuss real mummies and why this was important.

2. Discuss process(steps) of mummification and wrap mummy barbie dolls. Write steps on board

as we go.

3. Interactive notebook page on steps of mummification.

Day 8: Unit Assessment

1. Brochure

Ancient Egypt Unit Plan

Lesson 1


Today is the first day in the unit about Ancient Egypt. Today’s focus will be on key concepts and basic

history of Ancient Egypt. This lesson is important because students need a basic understanding of

Egypt’s history before they can learn what contributions they made to our society.

- History 2.1: The student will explain how the contributions of ancient China and Egypt have

influenced the present world in terms of architecture, inventions, the calendar, and written


- Movement 2.1: The student will continue to demonstrate correct critical elements (small,

isolated parts of the whole skill or movement) of locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative


a) Demonstrate individually and with a partner the manipulative skills of throwing,

catching, kicking, striking, volleying, and dribbling.

b) Demonstrate educational gymnastic sequences, including balance, roll, transfer

of weight, and flight.

c) Demonstrate moving to a rhythm by combining locomotor and non-locomotor

skills to perform basic educational folk and creative dance sequences.


Given a page for an interactive notebook, students will be able to match key terms to definitions about

Egypt with 100% accuracy.


Introduction: (10 min.)

- Introduce that we will be starting a unit on ancient Egypt. Ask students what they think

they already know about ancient Egypt (verbal discussion). (A)

- Hand out a map of Africa to each student.

- Show students where Egypt is on a map. Using Google Earth, point out the Nile and the

Sahara, and ask if they know what continent Egypt is located on. (V)

- Have the students outline Egypt with a colored pencil, label the Nile River, and label the

Sahara Desert. (V, K)

- Ask the students to glue the map on the first page of their interactive notebooks. (V, K)

- Explain to the class that they will be adding notes to their notebooks every day. (A)

Development: (40 mins.)

- Show “Part 1” of a video on the history of Egypt: “Kid’s Animated History Egypt” by Mr.

Vidal on YouTube ( (A, V)

- Have a class discussion about key vocabulary terms (ancient, architecture, and

contribution). The class should also discuss the Nile, the Sahara, pharaohs, and that

Egypt is located in Africa. (A)

- From the video, did you learn what the word ancient means?

- What is the Nile?

- Were Pharaohs men or women?

- What continent is Egypt located on?

- Write key terms on the whiteboard, one by one, and ask students to give definitions,

examples, and importance about each term. Allow students to lead the discussion, and

provide support where needed (ex. If the students cannot come up with a definition for

a term). (A, V) (Example of what will be written on the board):


-Long, long ago





-Main river in Egypt

-Longest river in the world

-Used for travel

-Floods yearly


-Design of buildings



-Giving or doing something for others



-Leader of Egypt

-Male or female

-Seen as gods on earth


-Desert in Egypt

-Hot and dry

-No water

-Protection from invasion

- For struggling students, pass out these notes beforehand for them to follow along and

check off as terms are mentioned.

- After discussing key terms, tell the class that they are going to play a game.

- Have students stand up at their desks and push in their chairs.

- In the game, we will be tossing a beach ball with questions written on it in “hot potato”

style. (K) (Movement 2.1a)

- Historical Egyptian music will be played and students will toss the ball.

( (A, K)

- When the music is paused, the student who catches the ball must answer the question

that their right thumb landed on. (A, V, K)

- Only six questions will be asked and answered.

1. What continent is Egypt found on?

2. What is the main river in Egypt?

3. What is a contribution?

4. Give an example of Egyptian architecture.

5. What does ancient mean?

6. What is the Sahara?

- The music will be played and paused until each student has had a turn to answer.

- For struggling students, allow them to “phone a friend” or have a friend read the

question to them. For advanced students, have them offer up a fact they learned from

the video that is not asked about on the ball.

Summary: (10 min.)

- Have students sit back down, erase the notes from the whiteboard, and pass out the

interactive notebook page.

- Explain that students will be matching the key terms with their corresponding

definitions. (V)

- Once handout is complete, students will paste it in their interactive notebooks and leave

it on their desk to be checked by the teacher. (K)

- For Advanced students, or any student who finishes early, they are to do the “Bonus” at

the bottom of the handout


- Computer with Google Earth and ancient Egypt video and music readily available

- Dry Erase markers

- Beach Ball

- Interactive Notebook Hand-out

- Interactive Notebook

- Africa map

- Notes printed for struggling students

- Scissors

- Glue

- Pencil


Evaluation Part A:

- As an informal assessment during the “Hot Potato” ball game, the teacher will be checking for

overall understanding of content and correct answers being given. The teacher will have a post-

it note to jot the names down of students who did not answer the questions correctly.

- Because the notes will remain on the board during the game, students should answer the

questions on the ball accurately.

- Students will complete the interactive notebook page individually as a formal assessment. (See


- Students will be expected to match all terms and definitions with 100% accuracy.

Evaluation Part B:

- Did the students meet the objective?

- How would you change the lesson for the future?

- What were the strengths of this lesson?

- What were the weaknesses of this lesson?

Notes for Struggling Students


-Long, long ago





-Main river in Egypt

-Longest river in the world

-Used for travel

-Floods yearly


-Design of buildings



-Giving or doing something for others



-Leader of Egypt

-Male or female

-Seen as gods on earth


-Desert in Egypt

-Hot and dry

-No water

-Protection from invasion

Ancient Egypt

Name: ___________________________________________________

Draw lines to connect the key terms with their definitions.














Bonus: Write an interesting fact you learned using a complete sentence.

Ancient Egypt Unit Plan

Lesson 2


Today is the second day in the unit on Ancient Egypt. The focus of today’s lesson is on two of Ancient

Egypt’s major inventions/contributions to modern society: the 365-day calendar and the clock. This

lesson is important because students need to understand that a lot of things that we use in modern

society were originally invented by ancient civilizations.

- History 2.1: The student will explain how the contributions of ancient China and Egypt have

influenced the present world in terms of architecture, inventions, the calendar, and written


- Visual Art 2.10: The student will create three-dimensional works of art, using a variety of

materials to include clay.

- Computer Technology 2.4: Plan and apply strategies for gathering information, using a variety of

tools and sources, and reflect on alternate strategies that might lead to greater successes in

future projects.

a) Identify information in various formats.

- Recognize that information may be presented as printed text, electronic text,

audio, video, or images


Given a hand-out for their interactive notebooks, students will be able to answer the questions about

Ancient Egyptian calendars and clocks with 100% accuracy.


Introduction: (10-15 mins)

- The teacher will begin by explaining that many things we use in our modern society

were invented by ancient civilizations.

- The teacher will tell the class that we are going to play a game to guess what items were

invented by Ancient Egypt. (V, K)

- The teacher will draw a T-chart on the whiteboard with “Yes” written on one side and

“No” written on the other side. (V)

- Cut-out pictures of items will be prepared before-hand. Some items will be ones

invented by the Egyptians and others will not. (V)

- Items invented by the Egyptians: Paper, makeup, calendar, plow, sundial, wigs

- Items not invented by the Egyptians: compass, toboggan, tepee, kayak, bow and

arrow, chewing gum

- To begin the game, the teacher will call on a student to draw a picture from the pile. The

student will put a piece of tape on the back of the picture and stick it on the “Yes” side if

they think the item was invented by the Egyptians or on the “No” side if they do not

think it was invented by the Egyptians. (V, K)

- The teacher will continue this process until all of the pictures have been placed on the


- Once all of the pictures have been put on the T-chart, the teacher will place a check next

to the pictures that were correctly placed and an “X” next to the pictures that were

incorrectly placed.

- The teacher will then tell the students that the three main Egyptian inventions that they

will be focusing on and learning about are the calendar, clock, and paper. The teacher

will explain that today’s lesson in on the calendar and clock.

Development: (45 mins)

- The teacher will explain to students that they are going to do an online “scavenger

hunt” for facts about Ancient Egyptian clocks and calendars. (V, K)

- The teacher will pass laptops out to students.

- The teacher will divide students into four groups. Each group will be given a website to

do their search on.

- The four websites are:






- Differentiation: Struggling students will use the first two websites

(shorter articles) and advanced students will use the last two websites

(longer articles).

- The teacher will explain that the students are to use the website given to search for

facts about Egyptian clocks and calendars. (V, K)

- The teacher will tell the students that they must write down facts that they find

important and/or interesting. (V)

- After about 15 minutes, the teacher will have the students log out of their laptops and

put them away.

- Once students have returned to their desks, the teacher will call on a few students from

each group to share one fact that they wrote down. (A)

- While the students are sharing, the teacher will write the facts that they share on the

whiteboard under the heading “Clock” or under the heading “Calendar.” (V)

- The teacher will tell the students to add new facts that are shared to their papers.

- Once the students are done sharing, the teacher will review the key points that she

wants the students to take away. (A)

- The teacher will cover these main points about each invention: (A) (Facts that were not

already on the board from the students sharing, the teacher will add).

- Clock:

- Egyptians divided the day into 24 hours.

- The sundial was the first clock.

- The sundial was used outdoors and used the shadows casted by the sun.

When the stick’s shadow fell on a number, that’s what time it was.

- Sundials could help with the 12 hours during the day, but not at night.

- Egyptians also used a water clock. They used how long it took for water

to flow out of an instrument to measure hours (including at night).

- Calendar:

- Egyptians invented the 365-day calendar.

- The first calendar was based on the moon cycles. They divided the

calendar up into three seasons based on the flooding of the Nile River.

- The Egyptians realized that the Nile was too unpredictable and then

based their calendar on the reappearance of the star, Sirius, every year.

- The Egyptians used their calendar to determine farming seasons along

the Nile.

- Once the key points have been covered, the teacher will tell the students that they are

going to create their own sundials.

- The teacher will pass out pre-cut circles.

- The teacher will instruct the students to number the circle like a clock. (V, K)

- The teacher will then pass out little pieces of clay and instruct the students to stick the

ball of clay in the center of their circle. (V, K)

- The teacher will then tell the students to stick a pencil in the clay so that it is standing

straight up. (V, K)

- Once everyone has completed their sundials, the teacher will explain that she is going to

cut off half of the lights and pass out flashlights for the students to share. (A)

- The teacher will explain that the students should rotate their flashlight around the top

of the pencil to simulate the sunshine. The teacher will also demonstrate doing this and

tell students to watch how the shadow moves. (A, V)

- Once the directions have been given, the teacher will pass out the flashlights and turn

off half of the lights.

- After about five minutes, once everyone has had a turn (V, K),, the teacher will turn the

lights back on and collect the flashlights.

Summary: (5-10 mins)

- The teacher will pass out the page for the students’ interactive notebooks.

- The teacher will erase the notes from the whiteboard.

- The teacher will tell the class to glue their pages into their notebooks. (K)

- The teacher will tell the class that they have to answer the questions on the interactive

notebook page for a grade.

- The class will be given time to answer the questions, and they will leave their notebooks

open for the teacher to check. (Or the notebooks may be collected).

- Differentiation: For struggling students, allow them to use their notes. For advanced

students, have them write a few sentences about what they would invent for people in

the future.


- Cut-out pictures for the introduction game

- Tape

- Whiteboard

- Dry erase markers

- Laptops

- Websites:






- Paper

- Pencils

- Interactive notebooks

- Interactive notebook handout (see attached)

- Glue

- Scissors

- Pre-cut circles

- Clay

- Flashlights

Evaluation Part A:

- As an informal assessment, the teacher should check during the sharing of the “scavenger hunt”

that correct facts were written down

- The teacher should check the students’ interactive notebook handouts for a grade. The students

should complete the worksheet with 100% accuracy.

- The teacher will note if students with special needs/IEPs used their notes for the assignment.

Evaluation Part B:

- Did the students meet the objective?

- Did the lesson accommodate all learners?

- What were the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson?

- What would you change if you were to teach this lesson again?

Items NOT invented by the Egyptians:

Items Invented by the Egyptians:

Ancient Egyptian


The Clock:

1. What was the original clock invented by the Egyptians?


2. How did the Egyptians use this clock to tell time? How did it work?


3. What was the second type of clock invented by the Egyptians? What extra benefit did it have?


The Calendar:

1. What was the original Egyptian calendar based on?

2. What was the second attempt at the Egyptian calendar based on?


3. What did the Egyptians use their calendar to determine what it was time for?


Ancient Egypt Unit Plan

Lesson 3


Today is the third day in the unit on Ancient Egypt. The focus of today’s lesson is on the third major

invention created by the Egyptians: papyrus. This lesson is important because it builds off of yesterday’s

lesson on inventions and reminds students that something that we use every single day, paper, was

invented long, long ago by an ancient society.

- History 2.1: The student will explain how the contributions of ancient China and Egypt have

influenced the present world in terms of architecture, inventions, the calendar, and written


- Visual Art 2.10: The student will create three-dimensional works of art, using a variety of

materials to include clay.


Given a sheet of paper, students will be able to write three sentences on an exit ticket about what

papyrus is and how it is made.


Introduction: (15 mins)

- Prior to beginning this lesson, I will have the steps of how to make real papyrus printed

on strips of paper (one fact per strip of paper). There will be two sets of strips. The steps

to make papyrus include:

- Diagonally cut the tips off of a papyrus plant

- Peel off the outer layer of the plant

- Cut the remaining part of the plant into thin strips

- Place the strips in a bowl of water for at least six and a half days

- Lay the strips on a hard, flat surface

- Roll the strips to flatten them and squeeze the water out

- Lay the strips on a piece of linen cloth in a perpendicular fashion

- Cover the strips with another piece of linen cloth

- Place another hard, flat surface on top of the linen cloth for the strips to dry for

at least six and a half days

- Roll the papyrus sheet to fully flatten it once it has dried

- I will tell the class that today we are going to talk about the last main invention created

by the Ancient Egyptians: papyrus. (A)

- I will explain that papyrus is a type of paper and show them a picture from Google

images ( (V)

- I will explain to the class that they are going to compete against each other in two teams

in an activity. (K)

- I will explain that I have the steps to creating papyrus printed on strips of paper. (A, V)

- I will split the class into two even teams. (K)

- Each team will receive a Ziplock bag with the strips of paper inside.

- I will explain that they are going to work as a team to try to correctly order the steps of

how papyrus is made. (V, K)

- The team who can correctly order the steps first wins.

- I will ask the students to gather around closer to each other and will tell them when to

start. (K)

- If a team tells me that they are finished but the steps are not ordered correctly, I will ask

them to try again. If on the second try it is still incorrect, I will have them stop and clean

up. (V, K)

- Once each team has ordered the steps correctly or tried twice, I will have them clean up

and I will collect the Ziplock bags.

- I will ask the students to return to their seats.

Development: (45 mins)

- I will pass out a page for their interactive notebooks. (V)

- I will then display a copy of their page and go over a few important facts about papyrus.

I will take notes on the page for them to see as I am speaking. (A, V)

- The students will fill in the blanks and take notes as I am speaking (see attached sheet).

(A, V) The facts include: (Facts found at

- Papyrus is made from the Cyperus papyrus plant which grows well in the Nile's

fresh water.

- Cyperus plants can reach four and sometimes nearly five meters in height.

- The stems of the Cyperus papyrus plant are triangular in shape which helps to

give it the strength to withstand high winds without breaking.

- The modern word "paper" originates from the word "papyrus".

- The Egyptians also used papyrus to make sandals, mats, baskets, fencing, rope,

and also used parts of the plant for food as well as a medicine.

- Once the class has finished taking notes, I will have them glue the page into their

interactive notebooks. (K)

- I will then tell them that we are going to make our own papyrus (activity on making

papyrus found on

- I will pass out sheets of newspaper for the students to cover their desks with. I will also

pass out paper towels for the students to lie on their sheets of newspaper. (K)

- I will call on two volunteers to help me put glue into a bowl with water and mix them

together. (K)

- I will then pass out strips of paper cut from a brown paper bag (these will be pre-cut for

the students). Each student will get twelve strips.

- I will pour a bit of the glue and water mixture into Styrofoam bowls. As I do so, I will call

students up to take a bowl to their desk. (K)

- Once everyone has gotten a bowl, I will have the students dip their strips into the

mixture. I will tell the students that they must dip each strip separately before laying it

on the paper towel. (V, K)

- I will show the students how to lay their strips. Six strips will lay vertically, slightly

overlapping on their edges. The other six strips will lay horizontally, also slightly

overlapping their edges. (V, K)

- For struggling students, I will assist them in creating their papyrus.

- Once everyone has laid their strips on their paper towel, I will call on a few students at a

time to carry their papyrus to another table to dry overnight. (K)

- I will tell the students that tomorrow they are going to use their papyrus in another

activity. (A)

Summary: (5 mins)

- I will pass out index cards to each student and tell them that it is their exit ticket.

- I will tell the students that on their exit ticket they must write at least three sentences

about what papyrus is and how it is made. (V)

- For struggling students, I will just ask them to write one sentence about what

papyrus is.

- I will collect everyone’s exit ticket once they are done.


- Ziplock bags

- Two sets of strips of paper with the steps of how papyrus is made written on them (see steps

written in the introduction)

- Picture of real papyrus from Google images readily available


- Interactive notebook page (see attached)

- Interactive notebooks

- Pencils

- Glue (sticks and liquid)

- Newspaper

- Paper towels

- Bowl with water

- Spoon

- Styrofoam bowls

- Pre-cut strips from brown paper bags (12 per student)

- Index cards (exit ticket)

Evaluation A:

- I will assess the student’s knowledge of the skills taught based on what they write on their exit


- Did they write at least three sentences? Did they correctly state what papyrus is? Did

they include a few facts on how papyrus is made?

- For students that don’t write correct information, I will jot their names down to remember to

follow up with them or provide them with extra review information.

Evaluation B:

- Did your lesson accommodate all learners?

- What were the strengths of the lesson?

- What were the weaknesses of the lesson?

- How would you change the lesson if you could teach it again?

Steps for Making Papyrus (cut into strips)

Diagonally cut the tips off of a papyrus plant

Peel off the outer layer of the plant

Cut the remaining part of the plant into thin strips

Place the strips in a bowl of water for at least six and a half days

Lay the strips on a hard, flat surface

Roll the strips to flatten them and squeeze the water out

Lay the strips on a piece of linen cloth in a perpendicular fashion

Cover the strips with another piece of linen cloth

Place another hard, flat surface on top of the linen cloth for the strips

to dry for at least six and a half days

Roll the papyrus sheet to fully flatten it once it has dried


1. Papyrus is made from the


plant which grows well in the Nile's fresh


2. Cyperus plants can reach __________ and sometimes nearly __________ meters

in height.

3. The stems of the Cyperus papyrus plant are ____________________ in shape

which helps to give it the strength to withstand _______________________

without breaking.

4. The modern word "___________" originates from the word "papyrus".

5. The Egyptians also used papyrus to make:



Ancient Egypt Unit Plan

Lesson 4


The focus of today’s lesson is to discuss the written language of Ancient Egypt; hieroglyphics. This lesson

is part of a larger unit on Ancient Egypt. This lesson is important for the students to understand the

differences between a language based on pictures and our language that uses letters.

- History 2.1: The student will explain how the contributions of ancient China and Egypt have

influenced the present world in terms of architecture, inventions, the calendar, and written


- Visual Art 2.11: The student will identify symbols from various cultures.

- Writing 2.13: The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and


a) Recognize and use complete sentences.

b) Use and punctuate declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences.

c) Capitalize all proper nouns and the word I.

d) Use singular and plural nouns and pronouns.

e) Use apostrophes in contractions and possessives.

f) Use contractions and singular possessives.

g) Use knowledge of simple abbreviations.

h) Use correct spelling for commonly used sight words, including compound words and regular


i) Use commas in the salutation and closing of a letter.

j) Use verbs and adjectives correctly in sentences.


After completing the activity on hieroglyphics, the students will be able to answer three review

questions with 100% accuracy.


Introduction: (10 mins)

- As a quick review of the contributions of Ancient Egypt, students will write to the

following prompt in their writing journals:

- What would life be like without paper, calendars, or clocks?

- Once students have been allowed to write for about 5 minutes, have them share their

thoughts with a shoulder partner.

- When the time is up, tell students to put their journals away.

Development: (40 mins)

- Pull up a picture of hieroglyphics on the overhead projector and ask students if they

know what the hieroglyphics are. (V)

- Pass out the “Ancient Egypt: Hieroglyphs” handout.

- Read the handout to the class and discuss. (V, A)

- Do you think writing in hieroglyphics was hard? Why?

- Could most people during that time read and write like we can today?

- Why was the Rosetta Stone so important?

- Have students glue the page into their interactive notebooks.

- Give students their papyrus paper that they made the day before.

- Pull up the Hieroglyphic alphabet on the overhead projector.

- Instruct students to write their name on their papyrus paper using hieroglyphics. (Visual

Art 2.11) (V, K)

- Explain that students should write in pencil first and then trace over in a black


- Students may decorate their paper once they are finished writing their names.

- They should turn their papers in to be hung up on the wall once completed.

Summary: (10 mins)

- When students complete their hieroglyphic name, they will receive the “Ancient Egypt:

Written Language Review” handout.

- Students are to complete the three questions on the handout independently.

- This will be turned in for a grade.

- Differentiation:

- For strugglers: Allow students to use their “Ancient Egypt: Hieroglyphics”

handout to answer the questions.

- For advanced students: Instruct students to write a sentence about something

else they have learned or found interesting on the back of their handout.


- Writing journal

- Pencil

- Interactive notebook

- “Ancient Egypt: Hieroglyphs” interactive notebook page (found on pinterest by Erin @royal


- Glue

- Student’s papyrus paper

- Black markers

- crayons/markers

- “Ancient Egypt: Written Language Review” handout

Evaluation Part A:

- The “Ancient Egypt: Hieroglyphics Questions” handout will be used as a formal assessment to

make sure students understood the key points of the lesson.

- The students should be able to answer all questions correctly without assistance.

Evaluation Part B:

- Did the students meet the objective? How do you know? - What were the strengths of the lesson? - What would you change for next time?

Name: _____________________________________________

Ancient Egypt: Written Language Review

1. What are the names of the symbols Ancient Egyptians used

to write?


2. Who was taught to read and write?


3. What is the Rosetta Stone and why was it important?






Ancient Egypt Unit Plan

Lesson 5


Today’s lesson is one part of a larger unit on Ancient Egypt. The focus of today’s lesson is on the

architecture of Ancient Egypt; pyramids. This lesson is important because students need to understand

the difference between American architecture and Ancient Egyptian architecture. The lesson will also

connect to a previous math lesson on plane and solid geometric figures.

- History 2.1: The student will explain how the contributions of ancient China and Egypt have

influenced the present world in terms of architecture, inventions, the calendar, and written


- Math SOL 2.16 The student will identify, describe, compare, and contrast plane and solid

geometric figures (circle/sphere, square/cube, and rectangle/rectangular prism)


Students will be able to write a list of three items demonstrating their knowledge of the types of items

Egyptians placed in their pyramids and a second list of three items that they, personally, would place in

a pyramid.


Introduction: (10 mins)

- Tell students that today they will be learning about the Ancient Egyptian pyramids.

- Pass out both of the interactive notebook pages.

- Tell students to think back to the video we watched on the first day of the unit.

- Have students complete the activity at the top of the first page- to draw what they think

is inside a pyramid (V, K)

Development: (40 mins)

- Tell students to put their pencils away and to turn both of their pages face down on

their desk.

- Instruct students to play close attention to the short video that you will play next

because it will lead into their activity for the day.

- Have students watch “How were the Pyramids Built” by Veritasium on YouTube (6min

30sec). (A, V)

- When the video is over, have students turn their interactive notebook pages back over.

- Read the pages to them, making connections to the videos they have seen. (A, V)

- Have students glue their pages into their notebook.

- Next, divide students into groups of 2-3.

- Make sure you pair struggling students in groups with at least one advanced

student, if possible.

- Tell students to think back to their math lesson on plane and solid shapes.

- Call on a student to tell you what shape the stones were used to build the pyramids.

(Math SOL)

- Student should say cubes

- Call on another student to tell you what the plane shape of a pyramid would be, or what

one side of the pyramid is. (Math SOL)

- Student should say triangle

- Call on a student to explain the difference between a cube and a triangle. (Math SOL)

- Student should say number of sides and that a cube is 3D

- Tell students to talk to the people in their group and think about how you can use cubes

to make a pyramid if a pyramid is made up of triangle and a cube is made up of squares.

How would they need to be arranged? Give students 30-45 seconds to think/talk to

group. (A)

- Tell students that today each group will be constructing their own pyramids.

- Using this website, watch the video modeling how to make the pyramid. (V)


- Pass out newspaper to each group to cover their desk.

- Call one student from each group up to collect their plates, sugar cubes and glue.

- Have students write their names on the bottom of their plate.

- Tell students to begin constructing their pyramid layers off of their plates because they

will be coming up separately to glue their sand to their plates over the trashcan. (K)

- Tell them to leave the top cube to the side

- Have students use a paintbrush to spread glue on the surface of the plate. (K)

- Pour sand onto the plate and dump the excess into the trashcan. Have students take

their plate back to their seats and finish their pyramid layers. (K)

- Circulate classroom while students construct layers and assist when needed.

- Tell students to raise their hands once they have constructed their layers and glued

them on top of each other with the top cube remaining.

- Give students a small cube of glitter.

- Tell them to cover that cube in glue and then drop it in the cup to cover it. Take it out

and glue it to the top. (K)

- After they have completed their pyramid, instruct students to take their pyramid to the

designated area to dry and have them clean up their area and go wash their hands.

Summary: (10 mins)

- Once students come back from washing their hands, have them take out their writing


- Write this prompt on the board and instruct students to write two lists with three items

each and include an illustration. One list should include three items that an Egyptian

would put in their pyramid and the other list should include three items the student

would want in their pyramid.

- “Based on what you now know about pyramids, list 3 items the Egyptians would

put in their pyramid and 3 possessions you would want in your pyramid. Think

about things that are important to you.”


- Pyramid video on youtube


- Sugar cube pyramid website/ video

- Interactive notebook pages (found on pinterest by Erin @royal baloo)

- Interactive notebook

- Pencils

- Paintbrush

- Water

- Newspaper

- Sugar cubes (84 per group)

- Styrofoam plates

- Sand

- Gold glitter

- Glue

- Small plastic cups to hold glitter

- Writing journal

Evaluation A:

- Make sure all students have completed the activity at the top of their interactive notebook page

- Circulate the classroom during the sugar cube activity to ensure all students are on task and

completing the project correctly

- Review the entries students write in their writing journal and makes sure they are including

accurate ideas and write both lists.

Evaluation B:

- Did students meet your objective?

- What were the strengths of this lesson?

- What were the weaknesses?

Ancient Egypt Unit Plan

Lesson 6


Today is the sixth day in the unit about Ancient Egypt. Today’s focus will be on the importance of the

Egyptian Pharaoh and understanding their role in Ancient Egyptian society. This lesson is important

because it helps students understand the difference between how Ancient Egypt was governed versus

how the government in America works.

- History 2.1: The student will explain how the contributions of ancient China and Egypt have

influenced the present world in terms of architecture, inventions, the calendar, and written


- Visual Art 2.4: The student will create works of art inspired by a variety of concepts, themes, and

literary sources.


- After discussing the importance of Pharaohs and completing a craft of an Egyptian Pharaoh’s

necklace, students will be able to write two facts about Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs on the back

of the necklace.


Introduction: (15 min.)

- The teacher will begin the lesson by creating a KWL chart on the board. (A,V)

- The teacher will ask the students what they may already know about Egyptian Pharaohs

and place the information stated into the “What I Know” column. (A,V)

- The class will then come up with a list of things they hope to learn about Pharaohs in the

“What I think I will Learn” column. (V)

Development: (45 min)

- The teacher will then read the “Pharaoh” portion of the book “Mummies,

Pyramids, and Pharaohs: A Book About Ancient Egypt” by Gail Gibbons.


- The teacher will remind the class that this is a non-fiction text, meaning

that we are going to gather our information about Pharaohs from this text.

- During the read aloud, the teacher will periodically pause to write on the board when

various questions get asked or facts are stated. (A,V)

- The teacher will write the facts from the book onto the “What I Learned” column of the

KWL chart while reading (after each page approximately). (A,V)

- As a class, we will discuss why Pharaohs were so important by asking and talking about

questions such as (A,V):

- “Who were Pharaohs?”

- “Were Pharaohs men or women?

- “What did Pharaohs wear?

- “Were Pharaohs the same as Gods?”

- “Where were Pharaohs buried? Why? (connect back to pyramids)

- Teacher will then erase the KWL from the board to begin the activity. (V)

- After discussing the importance of Pharaohs and what they wore to distinguish

themselves, students will be introduced to the craft. (A)

- The teacher will then explain that the students will be making their very own Pharaoh-

like necklaces. (A)

- Prior to passing out any supplies, the teacher will tell the students that they must write

at least two facts about Pharaohs on the back of their necklaces once they are

completed. (A)

- The teacher will then explain that they may come to the teacher for string to finish their

necklaces only once they have fully decorated them and have written their facts. (A, K)

- Right before beginning, the teacher will show students a picture of a Pharaoh’s necklace

from the book read earlier. (V)

- Students will be given half of a cut paper plate (in the shape of a necklace) that will

already be hole punched for string. They will be given art supplies (glitter, glue, sequins,

markers, etc.) to decorate their necklaces with. (V)

- Each of the supplies will be portioned out in small styrofoam cups to help with

classroom management and monitor the usage of supplies.

- Allow students to decorate their necklaces however they may like using the items

provided. (V, K)

- As students come to the teacher, the teacher will check to ensure that each student has

facts written about Pharaohs on the back. (A,K)

Summary: (10 min)

- To wrap up, students will “Stand Up, Hands Up, Pair Up” and share one of their written

facts with three different partners.

- Once the three facts have been shared, the teacher will have one student collect

everyone’s necklaces.

- Differentiation:

- Students who are struggling may write only one fact or verbally tell their facts to

the teacher.

- Advanced students must answer the following questions:

- Were Pharaohs men or women?

- Where were the Pharaohs buried?

- Why were they buried there?


- “Mummies, Pyramids, and Pharaohs: A Book About Ancient Egypt” by Gail Gibbons

- Dry erase marker

- Markers

- Glue

- Sequins

- Glitter

- String

- Pencils

- Craft instructions (attached) from

Evaluation A:

- Did the students write at least two facts?

- Did the struggling students state at least one fact?

- Did the advanced students accurately answer the questions provided as well as write their two


- I will be looking to ensure that the facts (from all 3 categories of students) are ones discussed

from KWL chart.

Evaluation B:

- What were the strengths of this lesson?

- What were the weaknesses of this lesson?

- Did the lesson accommodate all learners?

- Did the students meet the objective?

Ancient Egypt Unit Plan

Lesson 7


Today is the final day in the unit about Egypt. The focus of this lesson will be to examine and replicate

the process of mummification. This lesson is important because it provides a demonstration of how

ancient customs differ from modern customs and offers a deeper understanding of Ancient Egyptian


- History 2.1: The student will explain how the contributions of ancient China and Egypt have

influenced the present world in terms of architecture, inventions, the calendar, and written



Given a list of steps for the mummification process, the students will be able to correctly number all five

steps in the correct order.


Introduction: (10 min.)

- To begin, ask students if they have ever heard of mummies and have them share with

their elbow partner what they know about mummies. (A)

- After students have shared, pass out interactive notebook page, “Ancient Egypt:


- Have students answer the question at the top of the page, “What do you think a

mummy is?” (V)

- Allow for various students to share with the class what they have written. (A)

Development: (45 min)

- Once students have shared, re-direct their attention back to their interactive notebook

page and have one student read the sentence below the writing prompt aloud. (A,V)

- Reiterate the point that Ancient Egyptians believed in a life after death and that is why

they went through the process of mummification. (A)

- After the student finishes, explain that today we will be going over the process of

mummification. (A)

- Read each of the steps of the mummification process aloud to the students. (A,V)

- After reading the first step, asks students why the think it was important to leave the

heart. (A)

- Explain that Ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was the very soul of the person,

or what made them who they were. (A)

- After reading the third step, ask the students why it was important to dry out the body.

- Explain that this was done to keep the body from decaying (relate term to rotten fruit)

and maintain is human-like appearance. (A)

- Read the rest of the steps and ask students if they know what architectural structure the

coffins of the mummies were placed into. (Pyramids: discussed on day 5) (A)

- Finish the interactive notebook page by reading the final two sentences aloud. (A)

- Next, explain to the students that they will be splitting into groups and wrapping their

very own mummies. (A)

- Divide students into groups of 3 or 4. (A,K)

- For students who may be struggling, place them into a group that will help them

complete the tasks.

- Explain that we will complete each step, one by one, as a class and various group

members can perform certain steps. (A)

- Pass out one Barbie, one baby wipe, one plastic container, several strips of muslin, a half

a cup of salt, one red permanent marker, and one cup or water/flour mixture to each

group and tell students not to touch the supplies until it is time for that step.

- Review the first step of the mummification process – to remove all organs except for the

heart. (A)

- Explain that since we are using Barbie Dolls, we will be altering some of the steps. For

this step, since Barbie Dolls do not have organs, we will be drawing the heart into the

Barbie to represent leaving only the heart inside the body- have students draw on the

heart. (A,V)

- Review the second step of washing the body- have the students “wash” the body using

the baby wipe. (A,V)

- Review the third step of drying out the body with salt- have the students place the

Barbie in the container and sprinkle some salt onto the Barbie. (A,V)

- Remind students that the Ancient Egyptians did this so preserve the body. (A)

- Read the fourth step of the mummification process- to wrap up the mummy in linen. (A)

- Explain that the students must dip their muslin strips into the flour/water mixture in

order to get them to stick onto the Barbie. Have students wrap the Barbies to the best

of their ability. (A,V)

- Review the final step of the mummification process- to place the mummy into the


- Have students place their Barbies into their containers and close the lid. (V)

- Provide a designated space for the groups to bring their mummies to in order to let

them dry overnight.

- Explain that this process would typically take a lot longer than it would with a Barbie

Doll. (A)

- Have students return to their own seat. (K)

Summary: (5 min.)

- To wrap up, pass out the worksheet with the steps of mummification listed (out of


- Have the students write the correct number of the step listed in the space provided.

- Collect Worksheet/Exit Ticket as an assessment.


- Interactive notebook page, “Ancient Egypt: Mummies” (found on Pinterest by Erin @Royal

Baloo) (attached)

- Mummification Steps Worksheet (attached)

- Pencil

- Barbies

- Red permanent markers

- Baby wipes

- Salt

- Plastic cups

- Water

- Flour

- Muslin strips

- Tupperware containers

Evaluation A:

- Check to ensure students have completed the question at the top of the interactive notebook.

- During the mummification of the Barbie circulate after each step to ensure each group has

completed the task.

- Did students complete the Mummification Steps Worksheet/Exit Ticket?

- Teacher will be checking to ensure all steps are ordered correctly.

Evaluation B:

- Did the students meet the objective? How do you know?

- What were the strengths and weaknesses of this lesson?

- How would you change the lesson if you could teach it again?

Name: ______________________________________

Mummification Steps

Place the steps in order by writing the correct number next to the

step listed. (Remember, there are only 5 Steps!)

_________ Wrap the body in strips of linen.

_________ Place the mummy in its coffin, or multiple coffins.

_________ Wash the body.

_________ Remove all the organs except for the heart.

_________ Dry the body with Natron (a type of salt).

Ancient Egypt Name ______________________

Travel Brochure Due ____________________

Purpose: Congratulations! You are now experts on Ancient Egypt. Because

you have learned so much, you will create a travel brochure to teach others about the country.


Using your notes on Ancient Egypt, create a travel brochure containing

important information about the country and its culture

You will be given a template with numbered pages to create your brochure

Project Requirements: (See checklist/rubric below)

The name and a picture of the country on page one

A paragraph of background

information about Egypt (Day 1

notes) and a picture on page two

A paragraph about inventions and a

picture on page three

A paragraph about architecture and

a picture on page four

A paragraph about pharaohs OR

mummies and a picture on page five

Your name and the date on page six

Correct spelling and grammar usage throughout the brochure

Neat writing and colorful drawings

Checklist and Rubric

A front cover with required information 10


A paragraph on each page inside the brochure

(pages 2-5)



A picture on each page except page six 20


Student’s name and the date on the back 10


Pictures drawn with color 10


Accurate information included 10


Neat handwriting 10


Correct spelling and grammar 10


Brochure Template

Additional Unit Resources (15)


1. Field trip to VMFA- A field trip to the VMFA would be influential to students because there is an

entire exhibit on Ancient Egypt and students would be able to see real artifacts from Egypt,

instead of just pictures provided by the internet and books.

2. Mummify an apple- This would be a good activity to tie into a science lesson. Students would

actually be able to see the effect that mummification has a on a living organism.


3. Make a Sarcophagus- Students would trace their bodies on a large sheet of paper in the shape

of a sarcophagus and then decorate them. This would be another fun art activity that would

help students understand how sacred their burials were.

Books (all would be available in the independent reading center)

4. Magic Tree House Research Guide: Mummies and Pyramids by: Will and Mary Pope Osborne,

Illustrated by: Sal Murdocca- This would be a good book for students to get more information

about what mummies and pyramids where and why they were important to the Ancient

Egyptians. It also might get the students interested in reading the fictional story Mummies in the

Morning by Mary Pope Osborne

5. You Wouldn’t Want to be an Egyptian Mummy! Disgusting Things You’d Rather Not Know by:

David Stewart, created by: David Salariya, illustrated by: David Antram- This book is full of

different facts about mummies in regards to what exactly happens when going through the

mummification process and how decomposition really works.

6. Ms. Frizzle’s Adventures: Ancient Egypt by: Joanna Cole, illustrated by: Bruce Degen- This book is

set up in a fictional story format but includes information and lots of different facts about

Ancient Egypt that students should know.

7. Who was King Tut? by: Roberta Edwards, illustrated by: True Kelley- This book is a biography of

one of the most well known Egyptian Pharoahs. It would be a good resource to have for any

student interested in learning more about the lives of these rulers.


8. Song about the

Egyptian gods from the movie Prince of Egypt - “Playing with the Big Boys” This video lists each

of the Egyptian gods and talks about their abilities. This video would be beneficial for a lesson

taught on the Egyptian gods.

9. “Journals through History Ancient Egypt Constructing Civilization” This video is an animated

short movie about the history of Ancient Egypt. This would be a fun video to show as a summary

after the unit on Ancient Egypt is complete.


10. This is a playlist of one hour’s worth of Ancient Egyptian instrumental songs that could be used

for transitions or played during various activities.


11. This is the website for The British Museum’s Ancient Egypt Exhibit. This could be pulled up on a

laptop during centers. Students would be able to look at information that pertains to all the

elements discussed during the lessons.

12. This is a virtual interactive site where students can make their own mummy and place the

mummy inside the pyramid. This could be used as a whole class activity or as a station within

the classroom.

13. This is a website with several games that pertain to ancient Egypt. These games could be used

within the unit when various activities are completed. These games could also be made available

specifically for strugglers or advanced students.


14. This is a picture showing the varying degrees of socioeconomic status.

This picture is important because it teaches the students that there

were different levels of power in Ancient Egyptian society. This could

be related to varying levels of socioeconomic status in today’s culture.

15. This is a picture of Ancient Egyptian art. This would be useful to use on an expanded lesson on

Egyptian gods and their importance in art and society. Hieroglyphics and art were a significant

way of honoring and worshipping their gods. https://s-media-cache-