Ancient athens and sparta powerpoint

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Ancient athens and sparta powerpoint

Ancient Athens and Ancient Sparta

By: Ailish Bloomer


Phillip O’Neill

the type

of economy

In Ancient

Athens and

Sparta is

They have

The same language

and the same religion

And paganism as their religion

Ancient Sparta

Emerged in

a political entity

around the 10th century BC

When they had their



Ancient Athens

And the

Ancient Spartans

shared The

Same language

and religion.

In ancient

Athens the people

trained in arts

and to prepare

Citizens for

both peace

and war

The purpose of education

In ancient Sparta

Was to produce

A well-drilled

And well disciplined

Marching armies

The ancient Sparta

Did not trade

With anyone due to the

Of outsiders.

The ancient Athens

Italy and traded

Wine, olive oil, wood, metals, and spices.

Ancient Sparta and Ancient Athens

Natural resources are

• iron

• Lead

• And bauxite

one of the main ways their similar


Their form of government

Both of ancient Sparta and Athens

Sparta and Athens

Had an assembly

whose members were

elected by the people.

One way they were

different was that

They both

Did not get along with the Greeks.

The wars they were

both involved in were

Peloponnesian, Ionian and Persian


The food the ate was


And meat

as well

as well!