Anarchy Pamphlet

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Anarchy Pamphlet

Let’s plant the seeds of freedom in our community by celebrating Anarchy Day on the fourth of July!

Anarchy (rules without rulers) is the complete and exact opposite of the state (rulers) in that it offers a plurality of non-violent and voluntary solutionsto personal and societal problems. Wecan have communities of preferencescoexisting in a city, but there’s no need for political rulers and their monopoly on law, justice, and security. Freedom - real freedom - in our lifetime can only be possible if we start engaging in honest conversations with our friends, family, and community at large.

On Anarchy Day, help end the cycle of violence by spreading awareness. Pass out fliers. Hold up signs. Show your community what a free and voluntary society looks likes.

“No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority” by Lysander Spooner

“Man, Economy, and State” by Murray N. Rothbard

“The Machinery of Freedom” by David Friedman

“Economics In One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt

“The Road to Serfdom” by Friedrich Hayek

“The Market for Liberty” by Linda and Morris Tannehill

“Totally Incorrect: Conversations with Doug Casey” by Louise James and Doug Casey

“A Beautiful Anarchy” by Jeffrey Tucker

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What is


For a free society based on consent

What is Anarchy?Anarchism is the world around you devoid of the onslaught of wars, the centralized planning of human lives, and the kidnapping and caging of innocent people for victimless crimes.

From planting the seeds of freedom through peaceful parenting and engaging in counter-economics through agorism, anarchism is comprised of a community of individual people that value voluntaryism over coercion, rules without rulers, the non-aggression principle against the initiation of force, and freedom over statism. It is from this combination of consistent and moral principles that we find anarchy not as a place or destination, but as a way of life.

To be an anarchist is to have the courage, integrity, and dignity to stand up for ourselves and those we love and care about in our community in the face of government tyranny and social injustice, so that one day, when we finally achieve real freedom, the next generation of humanity will never be forcefully born into the chains of tax slavery and the violent hegemonic culture of politics it creates.

As self-respecting individuals, we never beg for the freedoms that are rightfully ours since birth. We are not afraid to draw a moral line in our communities and say: ‘Enough is enough. Violence ends with me. Can you say the same?’

- Kal Molinet

1. In your day-to-day life, do you use violence to solve personal problems? Violence defined as placing a person in an involuntary position without their consent or choice, i.e., rape, murder, theft, and assault - all violations of personal property rights.

2. If you said “no,” then with the exception of self-defense of yourself and others, would it be wrong and immoral to initiate that violence? Self-defense is the act of self-preservation of your person and property from the initation of violence. You have the right to defend yourself and to protect those you love.

3. If you said “yes,” would you then agree that it is wrong and immoral to violently force your ideas onto other people? Do you share your ideas through peaceful and rational persuasion or do you use force and threats of violence in your interactions with others?

If you replied “no,” and then “yes” to the last two questions, then congratulations! You are already applying and practicing anarchism in your daily life.

It starts as a seed, a conception inspired by something or someone in our lives that causes us to question what we know. And like a seed that cannot live without a source of energy, we discover a hunger within ourselves that can no longer be satiated by the opinions or authority of others. We crave consistency and find ourselves seeking integrity not only within ourselves, but within our loved ones and the individuals that make up our communities. Our journey for truth and understanding begins as our hearts and minds sprout and, like leaves, begin to absorb the vitality of truth.

Resistance is inevitable, and at times the cruelties of love and unacceptance will also find themselves rooted deeply within our hearts. There will come a time to sever ties with those who would hamper our growth and infect the marrow in which we’ve nurtured our new-found prosperity. When facing such obstruction, we must look to the nourishment of others sharing our odyssey. From the ashes of affliction rises new life, and only en masse may we empower each other to flourish from the fragility of a seed to bursting trees of knowledge.

Like a wildfire may you go forth and clear the brambles and briars for the planting of seeds within your own communities!

- Bugatti Veyron

A Message to You: Are You an Anarchist?