Analyzing ads!!!

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Analyzing ads!!!

Analyzing ads!!!By Stephanie Chalmers

In this PowerPoint I will tell you all about marketing techniques, the basic needs each of these adds apply to and Attention catching pictures.


Diet Pepsi!Marketing techniques:Branding( when the company brands the product as cool, hip or exciting)

Basic needs: Fun, he is blowing bubbles in his drink which is what kids do so this product relates to fun.

Frame: The first thing you notice is that there is a business man holding a coke then you realize he is blowing bubbles in his coke! The meaning behind the ad is that with coke anybody can be younger.

East SportMarketing techniques:Associating the product with a celebrity. The MisShapes is a band

Basic needs: Power “ our bags. your life”

Frame: They use powerful colors than their target audience(teens) can relate to.The picture of the MisShapes shows power so people think that by buying the product they will become like them

RedzoneMarketing Techniques:

Guilt/ Fear/pityThey make you feel that because you did not buy that body spray you did not go out and that you missed out on things.

Basic need: Freedom. They make You feel like f you buy that spray you will be free to party all night without having to worry about personal hygiene.

Frame: big words, bright colors.

ShellMarketing techniques:Values AssociatingThey talk about things being easy and environmentally safe.

Basic Needs: freedom. Being able to get oil without the negative impact on the environment.

Frame: the color, You notice that the straw has words on it and you read it, wonder what it is talking about and read the bottom part too.