Analysis of Variance Reporting

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Ministry of Education | Analysis of Variance Reporting

Analysis reporting

Analysis of Variance Reporting

School Name: Waikato Waldorf School School Number: 00539

Strategic Aim:

WWS will, in accordance with its Special Character, provide all children with the opportunity to participate in learning experiences that are in harmony with the developmental needs of each child

Annual Aim:

Enriching Steiner Educational Philosophy so that: staff have a clear understanding of Steiner pedagogy and methodology; children receive an age appropriate Steiner enriched curriculum; community will gain a deeper understanding of the essentials of Steiner pedagogy and methodology.


Staff: to increase PD opportunities for staff centred around Steiner pedagogy and methodology

Children: Improve consistency in Main Lesson Books and improve structure and progression of Main Lesson to reflect needs of age group

Community: Establish a termly Parent/Community Enrichment Evening

Baseline Data:

Staff: 2017 Staff attended weekly pedagogy meeting Term 1 – 3, 3 staff attended 3 day Child Study Conference, 2 Teachers attended Middle School, Literacy, 3 teachers – 2 day Steiner Numeracy and High School workshop

Children: Content of Main Lesson books not consistent across school, structure of Main Lesson’s needs reviewing to ensure progression and reflect needs of different age groups

Community: Termly Dream Stitch hand craft workshops, Winter Wellness workshop, 2 Plant Morphology workshops, Class meetings twice a year, Parent Eurythmy Classes weekly, Festivals

Ministry of Education | Analysis of Variance Reporting

Analysis reporting

Analysis of Variance Reporting

Actions What did we do?

Outcomes What happened?

Reasons for the variance Why did it happen?

Evaluation Where to next?

All teachers to attend Jamie York’s 3 day Maths Conference Jan 2018

Class teachers to access on line workshops – Jamie York for Classes 4 & 5, 6, 7 and 8.

2 Teachers apply for AUT post grad course in Steiner Education

2 teachers attend Steiner workshops at Taruna College to work towards Steiner Certificate

All teachers attended three day conference and some are using it as the basis of their inquiries this year to further develop the maths practice in their classrooms.

So far Sharon and Janine completed the on- line Jamie York PD Resource.

Charlotte and Jody have completed post grad.

In addition Neil Boland (Senior AUT lecturer) has attended a faculty meeting to discuss cultural awareness and social justice

Kerryn (started end of term1)and Bo(started end of Term 2) are independently attending Seminars

Mel, Nick, Natalie and Rene to attended Seminars end of Term 3

Good attendance from staff leading to rich discussions and foundation for some teacher inquiries for 2018/. Also good networking and team building for teachers.

Would have been good to have got a few more teachers through training but quite a heavy additional commitment. Teachers who took part thought it was well worth the time giving a good overview of the relevant age curriculum and differentiated activities

Participating teachers were enriched by a broad and comprehensive coverage about Steiner curriculum. Teachers empowered to meet the needs of the students and colleagues and give confidence to meet the expanding needs of the school.

In addition to AUT course we wanted to share some of the insights and discussions with the rest of the staff. Very rich and thought provoking discussions ensued. These discussions have lead us to reflect on how we can enhance and enrich main lessons.

Four more colleagues attended one module of the Taruna Course in order to

Look for future opportunities for whole teaching staff residential workshop/conference.

Recommend for all new Steiner teachers and new to age group.

Cultural Enrichment and Diversity will become one of our annual aims for next year.

Staff to complete a further two modules over the next two years.

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Attend weekly Pedagogical Faculty Meeting – readings, discussions, practical activities and progressions around main lesson enrichment

Purchase more Steiner books

TOD on focused item on Main Lesson books

Develop and offer a series of termly parent enrichment evenings. Possible subjects:

Essentials of Waldorf Education

The meaning and significance of

the annual Festivals

Screen time

Will developed intelligence: The

importance of art and

handwork/craft in the


Rhythm in the life of the child

The importance of sleep

Form drawing


Weekly pedagogical meetings to date include – readings from “Foundation of Human Experience”, termly Child Studies and focus areas on “Overview of Child Development”, “The 12 Senses” and “Festivals”

12 books purchased at start of year and added to staff library

TOD completed and staff incorporating ideas in practice

Termly meetings happening with Elizabeth leading and Sue in attendance.

Themes so far Term 1 – “The Essentials of Waldorf Education”, Term 2 “The 12 Senses” and Term 3 with be “The 4 Temperaments”.

We were visited by Sue Simpson (General Secretary of Anthroposophical Movement NZ) who joined our faculty meeting and also meeting our Therapy Group and Reading Group on Monday 27 August

We were visited by Ian Trousdell – Waldorf Teacher, working with biodynamics, hydrological design, flowform business and scientific research to measure energy changes in water. Living between Emerson College UK, Napier NZ and teaching spiritual scientific research methods in China and South Pacific. He gave lectures and workshops about self-transformation and higher worlds. This was held Friday evening and

enrich pedagogical understanding of Stiener Education. All staff completed course work from module including essay on area of pedagogical development within their own practice.

Some good rhythms were established this year and more staff had the capacity to complete readings before meetings. Discussions were healthy and diverse and allowed individuals to question and reflect on their own knowledge and understanding of Steiner Education. Term 4 continues to demand very heavy workload on teachers so pedagogical meetings are put on hold during this period.

Slowly building up good staff library.

Parent enrichment evenings attended on average by about 12 parents. Need to consider how to advertise more effectively and review subjects being chosen for evenings.

This was an opportunistic visit which we were delighted to host. Sue always brings a wealth of pedagogical knowledge and understanding and all the groups were very grateful for her spiritual nourishment.

Continue with readings from “Foundation of Human Experience” in 2019. Plan for three terms of pedagogical PD.

Continue to purchase books in 2019

Remain open to future visits. Open invitation to Sue.

Continue to foster relationship with Ian and encourage future visits to the school.

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Saturday during the day and were attended by around 25 individuals.

Again an opportunistic visit which was actively encouraged when we knew it was a possibility.

Members of our community and other anthroposophical members had an opportunity to network and continue their personal spiritual journeys.

Planning for next year:

Whole teaching staff to attend Michael Park 3 day conference. Staff to continue with further module at Taruna July 2019. Charlotte to gain further qualification to aim for a sabbatical 2020 and her Masters. Continue weekly readings in “Foundations of Human Experience” and pedagogical development around enrich Main Lessons from and cultural perspective.

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Strategic Aim:

WWS will ensure that all students are empowered to extend themselves to reach their full potential

Annual Aim:

2.1Whole School focus on raising achievement with targeted students in each class in the areas of reading, writing and maths.

2.2 Improve the learning outcomes in reading for Maori Students


To move students across the school in :

READING - WB to B = 9 students B to AT = 20 students AT to AB = 2 students

WRITING – WB to B = 8 students B to AT = 14 students AT to AB = 1 student

MATHS – WB to B = 6 students B to AT 19 students

MAORI STUDENTS IN READING - WB to B = 2 B to AT = 5 students

Baseline Data:


(168 students)

Well Below Below At Above

Reading 11% 21% 41% 26%

Writing 12% 24% 49% 15%

Maths 8% 23% 57% 13%

Maori Students (24 students) – 50% At or above in Reading

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Ministry of Education | Analysis of Variance Reporting

Analysis reporting

Analysis of Variance Reporting

Actions What did we do?

Outcomes What happened?

Reasons for the variance Why did it happen?

Evaluation Where to next?

1 Each class teacher identify target

groups of students that can be moved a level by the end of the year in Reading, Writing and Maths 2 Each class teacher to work out strategies and resources to employ with the target group in reading and writing. These strategies should encompass authentic learning in literacy. 3.Each class teacher to work out strategies and resources to employ with the target group in maths. These strategies should encompass Maths skills/Mathematical Thinking and nurture confidence and enthusiasm around maths. 4.Identify Maori students underachieving in reading 5 Class teachers to identify strategies and support to further improve Maori students reading skills and comprehension, motivate them and improve their image as a reader 6 Identify suitable age appropriate resource which also reflect Maori culture and values

All targeted groups identified. Strategies Identified. (See individual planning) Programs run in Term 1 – 4 (See individual planning) Maori students identified Reflecting on lessons and teacher assessments Ongoing purchasing of new resources Staff copies of “Màori Made Easy – for every day learners of the Màori anguage”

Targeted students identified through assessment and review process

Each class teacher applied their new strategies throughout the year and regularly reviewed progression of students

Each class teacher applied their new strategies throughout the year and regularly reviewed progression of students

Targeted students identified through assessment and review process Each class teacher applied their new strategies throughout the year and regularly reviewed progression of students

Continue to identify students who can be targeted to move levels in literacy and numeracy with focused attention using 2018 data. Continue to develop teacher inquiries to raise achievement of targeted students. Continue to regularly review inquiries during syndicate and faculty meetings. Continue to focus on raising achievement in Maori students writing skills. Staff to individual peruse their own personal journey in Te Rao with support from materials purchased and Charlotte.

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7. Peer mentoring and regular review of targets 8 Attend appropriate PD through external providers and weekly staff meeting slots

2 staff meetings in Term 2

Monitoring continuing in syndicate meetings

Mid-year review completed by whole staff Complete end of year teacher assessments. TARGETTED STUDENTS Moved at least one level: READING from WB- 7, B – 17, AT – 0 WRITING from WB – 6, B – 12 MATHS from WB -5, B – 16 MAORI STUDENTS Moved at least one level: READING from WB-1, B – 5 Whole staff Inquiry PD Term2

COL Inquiry workshops attended by Meredith, Nick and Sue - Term 2

Follow up Inquiry workshop attended by Nick – Term 3

Peer mentoring continued throughout the year and kept a good lense on the initiatives/inquiries of individual teachers. It also gave an opportunity for further development.

Reading – all students made progress but 5 of the 31 targeted students still needed more time to go up a complete level. These students were already identified on the SEN register.

Writing – all the students made progress but 4 of the 23 students did not move up a level. 2 of them left the school during the year and 2 still needed to further develop their literacy skills before moving up a level.

Maths – all the students made progress but 4 of the 25 students did not move up a level. 2 of them left the school during the year and 2 still needed to consolidate basic number concepts before moving up a level.

Te Pae Here providing Collaborative Inquiry training has upskilled key staff to support colleagues develop own and whole school inquiries.

Continue peer mentoring process and syndicate meting time to provide support in 2019 initiatives and inquiries. Looking at the OTJ’s for 2018 there still seems to be a dip in Boys reading and writing and Maori students writing. Therefore these will be the areas we target students in 2019. Nick will continue to lead Inquiry development and practice in the school.

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9 Work closely with COL group/Across School Teachers and Within School Teachers 10 Network with Steiner Schools and attend working groups and Fellowship meetings

Nick appointed as Within School Teacher for Inquiry

Meredith appointed as Within School Teacher for Literacy Across School Steiner Literacy Teacher visited school and liaised with Meredith.

Also visit from AST Steiner Maths teacher.

External PD for Term 2 – Steiner COL Wellington – Sue and Meredith, Inquiry PD – Sharon, Mel, Meredith, Nick.

Within School Teachers appointed but roles still being developed with support from AST’s.

Our school is part of two Kahui’s and so we are finding our way with best fit to maximise outcomes for students.

Meredith to continue her within school teacher role to improve literacy outcomes for our students. Charlotte to start her new within school teacher role for cultural enrichment across our curriculum but with particular focus on main lessons.

Planning for next year:

Continue focus on developing collaborative inquiries, literacy skills particularly in boys reading and writing and Maori students writing. This will be done through individual teacher inquiry and whole school focus on cultural enrichment.

Strategic Aim:

WWS will provide a safe, aesthetically pleasing and environmentally sustainable school

Annual Aim:

Waikato Waldorf School strives to create a learning environment which:

Enhances and supports the physical and academic progress of all students and their emotional well-being.

Provides a good working environment/conditions for staff

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3.1 Achieve Enviro schools Green Gold Status

Outdoor Classroom complete

Reduce our water and power consumption

3.2 KiVa – Eliminate bullying incidents occurring at school

3.3 New student toilet block compete

New office areas and staffroom completed

Baseline Data:

3. 1 Enviro Schools Silver Status

Back area of school overgrown and underutilized

Water consumption/Power consumption

3.2 KiVa student Survey data: Totals of how often the students have been bullied in the past few months Nov 20

Never: 56 (49%) 1-2 times: 33 (29%) 2-3 times per month: 8 (7%) Once a week: 12 (10%) Several times a week: 6 (5%) Total - 115 (100%)

3.3 Student toilets need upgrading

Office areas poorly laid out, undersized very hot and stuffy in the summer

Staff room to small for number of staff and very hot and stuffy in the summer

Old back classroom used for Class 8

Ministry of Education | Analysis of Variance Reporting

Analysis reporting

Analysis of Variance Reporting

Actions What did we do?

Outcomes What happened?

Reasons for the variance Why did it happen?

Evaluation Where to next?

3.1 Enviro Group reflecting on the Enviro Guiding Principles for WWS

Clear existing area for the outdoor classroom

Students review and update plans for outdoor classroom

Raise additional funds for project

Staff completed PD with Adrienne Grant (Enviro Facilitator) on reviewing and reflecting on Enviro Schools guiding principles.

Adrienne Grant also working closely with Charlotte and Enviro Group on unpicking Guiding Principles. In addition to this teachers’ classes and groups also reflected on their individual enviro projects and work ready for Enviro Reflection Day.

Area cleared once, container removed, beehive structure arrived and bridge to garden built. Area now has piles of dirt ready for work on culvert. Cordoned off for health and safety reasons.

Enviro groups working with our architect Bill. Have now had 3 meetings and in final draft stages. Drawings with engineer about to be submitted to council. Outdoor classroom to be built in phases as finances allow.

None needed to date.

Adrienne Grant provided good support and PD for the staff guiding them through the process of reviewing the guiding principles and building up good evidence of our practice.

Whilst we completed all the required moving of containers from the site we are also preparing to infill the ditch adjacent to the area and the dirt and hard care is in readiness for that purpose. There has been a delay in completing the culvert but is still planned to go ahead

Student completed work with Bill and

now awaiting confirmation of funds


When areas of funding need still

need to be identified

Ongoing support form Adrianne as our attached enviro facilitator.

Culvert to be completed by end of March 2019.

Phasing in of work on outdoor classroom to be planned in.

Applications for further funding drawn up as required.

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Front central island in car park re-landscaped by senior students

Classes work with enviro reps to reduce power and water consumption

Class 3 to re-establish worm farm

Host Regional Enviro Schools whole day workshop

3.2 Sign up to be a Kiva school and complete whole school training. Establish whole school Inquiry Run introductory parent meetings Introduce KiVa education programme into Classes 3 – 8 Establish KiVa team to deal with bullying incidents

Designs completed, sculptures nearly finished. $1,000 donation received and planting and landscaping materials purchased and students completing landscaping of island.

All staff and students primed but need further work and focus to improve consumption

Application to Enviro Schools unsuccessful. Now managed to

secure two recycled worm bins.

Work shop hosted and attended by a large number of local schools. Very positive feedback.

GREEN GOLD STATUS ACHIEVED School signed up and training completed Inquiry set up, developed and monitored throughout the year Parent meetings well attended and new KiVa programme introduced. KiVa programme adapted and run in Classes 3 – 8 throughout the year with some supplementary materials added. Four members of staff volunteered to establish KiVa team, attended training

Sculptures nearly complete but

have taken longer than originally


Enviro reps

Unfortunately we did not get the funding required for this project but managed to secure two old warm bins.

Very successful workshop with good networking with other enviro schools

KiVa completed training requirements and staff now staff need to embed new procedures and education programme.

Inquiry process working well and will need to continue into 2019 before process is complete.

Need to plan for how we need to introduce KiVa programme to new parents.

Sculptures will be completed and fixed into place on central island by the end of Term 1 2019.

The new Class 3 to establish new warm farms for 2019.

Continue to offer school as a potential venue for future enviro networking meetings.

Continue with inquiry into 2019

Provide parent information leaflet about KiVa for new parents.

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3.3 Old Resource room cleared

Toilets built

New Office Block

Complete all legal requirements before

moving building

Complete ground work

Relocate building

Renovate Building

and set up system. The number of bullying incidents dropped form 26 in 2017 to 19 in 2019. (27% drop) Resource room cleared but new toilets put on hold.

New office building and staffroom completed and now in use.

Paths laid for new front entrance.

Final plans for new Junior High completed and sent to local council for resource consent and approval. Costing confirmed.

Culvert and sewer still to be established

All property work funded by PT now being rationalized in the light of recent events with Miro House. .

KiVa team working really well together but takes up a large chunk of time. In meetings

Finances diverted to other priority projects.

New buildings providing good quality office areas, meeting room, staff room and toilet and first aide room freeing up old office area and old staff room to create music room and food tech room

The wrong coloured cement was laid from the second delivery of cement so we have now got some free cement to create a path leading around the side of the office block

The building of the Junior High class rooms are put on hold whilst the financial situation of the PT is reviewed.

Culvert delayed in the light of the financial review but remains a priority as we already have some materials required for its construction.

Recruit a new staff member to join the team and share the workload. Provide more release time for team to meet.

Old resource room to be used as a staff base and for small group as an interim measure before toilets are built.

Establish Music and Food Tech Rooms

Build secondary path.

Building of the junior high classrooms will form part of the new strategic plan

Culvert work to start early Term 1 2019

Planning for next year:

Review priorities for enviro schools work Continue with second year of KiVa Inquiry Establish new Music and food tech rooms. Review of Strategic Plan to be completed and priority work for 2019 agreed

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Strategic Aim:

WWS will, in accordance with its special character, will build the capacity to become a Full Area School Years 1 – 13

Annual Aim:

To increase our class range to Year 10 for 2018


MOE Agreement to establish Class 9 / Year 10

Detailed plans for Class 9 Completed

Resources in place for Class 9

Staff upskilled to teach Class 9 Curriculum

2 new classroom built with unisex toilet for Class 8 & 9 2019

Secure students for Class 8 & 9 2018

Baseline Data:

Currently Operating with Year 1 - 9

Framework for Class 9 Curriculum and Aims drawn up

Ministry of Education | Analysis of Variance Reporting

Actions What did we do?

Outcomes What happened?

Reasons for the variance Why did it happen?

Evaluation Where to next?

Provide any information needed to support submitted application to MOE

Junior High Classrooms

Agree final drawings/plans

Complete Legal requirements

Complete Ground Work

Complete building

Staff visit other Steiner High Schools and liaise with High School Staff

Additional PD for identified Class 8 & 9 teachers, externally and internally provided

Detailed Class 9 Subject Plans / Main Lessons completed

Identify additional resources and rolling plan for purchasing completed

Meetings with Class 7 & 8 students about Junior High

MOE have now granted class range increase so we are now eligible to have Class 9 in 2019

Plans submitted to council for consent but project now on hold and will be rescheduled in the light of new strategic plan to encompass Miro House.

5 members of staff have visited Michael Park High school and liaised with staff over resourcing and curriculum.

Planning ongoing, subject lessons sorted, timetabling complete

Resources purchased or lease agreements signed for 2019 – Additional computers and white board.

Meeting held for students in Classes 7 & 8

Approval granted

The building of the Junior High class rooms are put on hold whilst the financial situation of the PT is reviewed.

These visits were very rich and informative. Provided information and resource ideas for future junior high. Further Develop links with Michael Park Class 7/8 & 9

Planning being monitored and reviewed by Junior High co-ordinator

Best deals secured for purchasing and leasing of IT equipment

Whilst the meeting went well and students were interested and asked questions it only led to 11 students

Continue to establish human and physical resources to support Junior High development

Building of the junior high classrooms will form part of the new strategic plan

Continue with networking with other Steiner Schools at Fellowship, COL and individual school visits.

All teaching staff to attend Conference at Michael Park April 2019.

Main Lesson Planning under review to enrich culturally responsive practises.

Review use of IT equipment by the end of 2019

In 2019 review timing of meetings and who are the target audience.

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Parent Meetings about Junior High

Produce promotional materials for Junior High

Meeting held for parents from Classes 5 – 8

Junior High Prospectus completed and distributed.

remaining for Classes 8 & 9 in 2019. Need to review marketing strategy.

These meetings were well attended by parents but could have been backed up with a further meeting of just Class 7 & 8 parents

Comprehensive document but need to produce a smaller brochure for marketing purposes.

Annex to advice and produce 2019

Planning for next year:

Continue to review resources required for Junior High. Review Strategic building plan for school Continue to build networks with other Steiner High Schools Review timing and content of Junior High Meetings for students and parents Update brochures and marketing tools for Junior High