Analysis of Reply Brief

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  • 7/29/2019 Analysis of Reply Brief




    The overriding theme of the Defendants defending the current

    enforcement of the Talent Agencies Act is that it has stood almost without

    change for decades, and precedent after precedent reaffirms its validity.

    This is in direct contrast to the Plaintiffs overriding theme; that to

    discern whether the Act has been enforced aligned or misaligned to law, the

    Court must look at whether the precedents should be ignored because they

    follow the CA Labor Commissioners wrongful interpretation of the written


    The Defendants cite four reasons why the suit should be dismissed:

    (1) Violations of the Talent Agency Act (Act or TAA) can have civil

    consequences even if the statute lacks criminal or civil penalties.

    Just the idea of this is contrary to the fundamental need for notice:

    in order for a consequence to be implied from a statute there must

    be greater justification for its inclusion than a consistency or compatibility

    with the act from which it is implied. A necessary implication within the

    meaning of the law is one that is so strong in its probability that the contrary

    thereof cannot reasonably be supposed. Grubb & Ellis Co. v. Bello, 19 Cal.

    App. 4th 231 (1993).

    "Elementary notions of fairness enshrined in this Court's

    constitutional jurisprudence dictate that a person receive fair notice not onlyof the conduct that will subject him to punishment but also of the severity of

    the penalty that a State may impose." (BMW of America v. Gore(1995) 517

    U.S. 559, 574.)

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    "Engrained in our concept of due process is the requirement of notice.

    Notice is sometimes essential so that the citizen has the chance to defend

    charges. Notice is required before property interests are disturbed, before

    assessments are made, before penalties are assessed." (Wolff v. Fox(1977)

    68 Cal. App. 3d 280;Lambert v. CA. (1957) 355. U.S. 225, 228.)

    The Defendants cite 2001 and 2008 precedents to argue that despite

    the Plaintiffs protestations, the TAA is remedial. But they conveniently

    omit that both those cases are founded uponBuchwald v. Katz,8 Cal.3d 493

    (1972), a case decided when the Act had a penalty provision. That provision

    was removed temporarily in 1982 and permanently through codification in

    1986, and theres been no penalty provision in the Act ever since. (See

    Marathon v. Blasi 42 Cal. 4th974, 985(2008); See Complaint, pg. 5, ln. 1

    pg. 10, ln. 1 for legislative history.)

    Without a remedy, the TAA cannot be remedial: California prohibits

    administrative agencies from creating a remedy which the Legislature

    withheld.Dyna-Med, Inc. v. Fair Employment & Housing Comm., 43 Cal.

    3d at 1385-1388 (1987).

    Similarly, as the Plaintiff predicted in their Answer brief, the

    Defendants offer no legislative or material evidence to support the quoted

    dicta, the clear object of the Act is prevent improper persons from

    becoming artists managers Every other state occupational scheme

    demands certification of education, apprenticeship and/or accomplishment.

    While the TAA has several statutes regulating an agents conduct,

    relationship with their client and record keeping, the TAA as written is

    completely silent as to qualifications, certifications or limitations of past

    indiscretions that would forfeit ones right to obtain a talent agency license.

    Likewise, past requiring two affidavits from two people stating they know

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    contract can remain in affect while the illegal ones would be voided. It is the

    very embodiment of unconstitutionally vague: that a reasonable person

    wanting to know that the penalty of a statutory scheme in the Labor Code

    would somehow know, without direction, to look to the Civil Code for the

    notice of penalty. It is such an obscure reach, that it had never been

    mentioned by any court or by the Labor Commission in any of the previous

    four decades of rulings, and only in issue because of a personal manager in

    Marathonquestioning why a finding of a single violation in a long term

    relationship should be enough to void the benefit of years of labor. It is

    patently absurd to accept this labyrinth to meet the constitutional bar of

    clarity of notice. Or to believe that somehow the Legislature was inferring

    the use of Civil Code 1599 as a replacement remedy when they repealed

    the criminal penalty in 1982. California law bars attorneys from forwarding

    defenses they know are subterfuge and without merit (except when they are

    representing someone accused of a criminal act); it is heinous that the

    arguments of an attorney in the Attorney Generals office is making such

    claims to defend indefensible enforcements.

    Another foundational part of the Plaintiffs argument is that the TAA

    should be enforced similarly to the other occupational schemes that do not

    specifically prohibit a non-licensee from engaging in a defined activity of a

    regulated profession. The Defendants make no attempt to skewer this

    inarguable argument, leaving the Court to somehow on its own explain why

    one can lawfully do accounting work or maintain outdoor areas without

    violating the Accountancy or Landscape Architects Acts, but with mirroring

    language one cannot lawfully procure employment for an artist. Relatedly,

    the Defendants do not effort to explain why non-licensees can lawfully

    engage in two of the three defined activities of a talent agent, but not the

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    third, despite no stated distinction anywhere in the statutory scheme.

    Perhaps most importantly, the Defendants do not explain how the

    forfeiture of ones labor is a constitutional and not criminal penalty. Per the


    Amendment, the only constitutional forfeiture of labor is when has been

    lawfully convicted of a criminal act, and the TAA specifically states (

    1700.44(b)) that no violation can be considered criminal. Yes, BPC 7031

    states that an unlicensed contractor has no right to contract and therefore can

    lose the right to be paid for their labor in a civil dispute; but several

    provisions in BPC 7028 clearly state that engaging in contractors activities

    without a license is a misdemeanor a criminal offense.

    Finally, the Defendants argue that the Plaintiff inaccurately

    characterizes TAA determinations as arbitrary and often contrary, and that

    the Plaintiffs claims must be rejected because no citation or elaboration was


    Again, this is disingenuous. The Defendants know that at this stage, a

    court is to accept such claims as true, and rule only whether if true there

    would be viable rationale for a ruling in the Plaintiffs favor. But for

    edification, consider these contrary findings

    In Gittleman v Karolat, TAC 24-02, the Labor Commissioner ruled

    that, A talent agency license is not required for the procurement of a guest

    appearance on a talk show provided the appearance does not involve the

    rendition of artistic services. (Id., pg. 27.)

    But in Blasi v. Marathon Entertainment, TAC 15-03, a determination

    made the same month, MEI was found to have violated the Act by helping

    Rosa Blasi procure an appearance on Politically Incorrect, where she

    rendered no artistic services. (Id., pg. 21.)

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    In Wesley Snipes v. Delores Robinson (TAC 36-96), the

    determination states that, The requirements of the [Safe Harbor] statute

    cannot be construed to call for a game of Mother May I? every time an

    artist manager takes some action during a long term relationship To find

    otherwise would be to ignore the realities of the day to day life in the

    [entertainment] industry.

    But in Tool v. Lamkin Management (TAC-35-01), the Labor

    Commission determined that the personal manager had violated the

    unlicensed procurement statute and not acted inside the Safe Harbor because

    the manager had called the William Morris Agency about an opportunity,

    the agency had not called the management firm.

    In Parker Posey v. Lila Richardson (TAC 7-02), the Labor

    Commission disgorged the contractual rights of an attorney for procuring

    without a talent agency license.

    But in Jewel v. Inga Vainshtein (TAC 21-00), the Labor Commission

    disgorged the contractual rights of the personal manager but left the

    contractual rights of the attorney untouched because the artist chose only to

    initiate a controversy to avoid paying the personal manager.

    In Macy Gray v. Lori Leve Management (TAC 18-00), the managers

    right to contract was affirmed; the Labor Commission finding that the

    showcase Leve, put together for Gray was to procure a recording contract,

    and indeed Epic Records did sign Gray as a direct result of the showcase

    and Gray did not commission the engagement.

    But in Park v. Deftones (TAC 9-97), the manager was found to have

    violated the Act for organizing 84 similar showcases for his clients until on

    the 84theffort, the band was signed to Maverick Records. There is nowhere

    written in the Act, If at first you dont succeed, dont try again, but this

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    differentiation penalizes the representative for his persistence instead of

    honoring his belief that his clients, who went on to have significant success,

    had that potential and he was hell-bent on showcasing until he could find

    other believers.

    The Defendants do not offer reference to a bright line of what only

    licensees can do, nor do they comment on the cites where even the Labor

    Commissioner rues the lack of such a demarcation between lawful and

    unlawful. They say that procure employment is commonly understood, but

    they do not state whether creating marketing materials that lead to

    procurement is lawful or unlawful; what can and cannot be said to a casting

    director, network executive or producer about a client without being in

    violation, or whether accepting an offer is lawful, and if so, can any terms of

    that offer be changed without it becoming unlawful. And they make no

    claim that helping a client get a party with a third party is in any way a

    public concern.

    In claiming that Interstate Commerce is not interfered with, the

    Defendants ignore Plaintiffs claim that the Act creates an unconstitutional

    barrier for personal managers looking to best represent their clients. In Baker

    v. Bash, TAC 12-96, a contract was voided because the manager negotiated

    an endorsement deal for Anita Baker for a Paris-based concern, and because

    the singers booking agent was Associated Booking Corporation (ABC).

    ABC was the agency for virtually very major performing artist of color since

    Billie Holliday and Louis Armstrong (Armstrong was one of the founding

    partners (, but it was based in

    New York City. Any manager looking out for his clients best interests

    would put Ms. Baker with Associated.

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    In Robi v. Wolf, TAC 29-00, the personal manager sought out

    regional agents to help The Platters get engagements at county and state fairs

    across the country because there were no licensed agents in California doing

    such work. To stay inside TAA enforcement, Wolf would have had to share

    compensation with a licensed agent in California doing nothing but offering

    cover from future TAA controversies. That is in inarguable unconstitutional

    barrier, and the Defendants make no effort to rebut it.


    There is never a guarantee of how a judge or jury will rule. However,

    the bar for the Defendants motion is high: A 12(b)(6) motion should not be

    granted unless it appears beyond doubtthat the plaintiff can prove no set of

    facts in support of his claim which would entitle him to relief.Sutton v.

    Utah StateSchool for Deaf & Blind, 173 F.3d 1226, 1236 (10th Cir. 1999)

    With all of the above, it seems highly unlikely that the Defendants

    motion will be successful.