Analysis of regional magazine front covers

Post on 22-Feb-2017

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The images following the codes and convention of framing the main focus by only being portioned in the bottom banner, so that no attention is taking away from the main image and information. Its paired with text along side it describing the images. The banner enforces classy and professional feel to the magazine as it acts as a guide to keep all content neat and tidy. The sub images are all relevant to the content that the magazine will hold. For example the image of pumpkin again linking to the event taking place in autumn which is Halloween.

The main image used, contains many different warm toned and nature colours, implying the focus of this regional magazine will be on the season of Autumn. It also includes a deer, which links it to the masthead as it is a sophisticated animal, which is commonly found in rural areas such as Suffolk.

The Masthead is white text against deep and dark coloured. These colours help to make the masthead stand out against other features and bring importance to it. This follows the typical codes and conventions by being presented as big, bold and easy to read. Also by it being situated in the top centre third added more significance to the masthead. Its in a serif font, this creates meaning as it shows the magazine to be sophisticated.

The colour scheme of this magazine is mainly focused around warm, natural colours. The main colours are brown, green and yellow/orange. This also implies that this issue of the magazine was published during the season of autumn. This colour scheme was also continued throughout the magazine which shows professional consistency.

The barcode is small and located in the bottom right corner, following the codes and conventions of a typical magazine.

The reader is also supplied with the web address proving links to e-media and alternative ways to view the magazine.

The coverlines show the audience what is featured within the magazine. These will be of importance as knowing what is featured inside this magazine is what will entice readers to buy it.

The screamers stand out from the rest of the articles as the are short and snappy and inform the reader of the content of this magazine, without the reader having to read or do much work.

The masthead is white, with a serif font. This is used in every Kent Life magazine, and allows it to stand out on the page. The reader would recognise the magazine clearly, and by using the word Kent in the name, they are making it clear the topic of the magazine. By using a white colour, they are allowing the text to stand out on the page by contrasting against the background, and the serif font shows sophistication which will appeal to an upper/middle class and older audience.

They make use of white text across the cover to allow the sell lines stand out from the background. By using the colour white they are creating a connotation of purity and innocence, suggesting that the magazine is something appropriate for all, giving an impression of a ‘nice’ magazine.

They have used a mixture of white and orange text. The orange blends in with the mainly orange background of the magazine. The use of this background gives the reader a key idea of the topic of the magazine. In this case the main cover line is regarding ‘The birds and the bees’, creating a clear correlation between the background and this. The background is designed to be eye catching, to attract the readers attention.

The main cover line is coloured white with an orange “&”. By using these colours and a more traditional font they are allowing it to stand out from the background. By using the orange they are tying it in to create a colour scheme on the magazine. They have followed this house style throughout the other sell lines on the page, however they have used a standard serif font to distinguish these from the main cover line.

The use of a second image at the bottom of the page, gives the reader a glimpse into the magazine and it’s topics without having to open it and start reading. Also by pairing the text to the image it shows importance to that article over the other coverlines

The barcode is small and located in the bottom right corner, following the codes and conventions of a typical magazine.

The reader is also supplied with the web address proving links to e-media and alternative ways to view the magazine.

The Masthead is black and red text against the white coloured background creating a strong contrast. These colours help to make the masthead stand out against other features and bring importance to the feature. This follows the typical codes and conventions by being presented as big, bold and easy to read. Also by it being situated in the top centre third added more significance to the masthead.

The house style is black red and white, which are all strong bright colours and they all contrast each other however the image contains more neutral and natural colour which the differs and goes against the house style.

The barcode is provided small located in the bottom right corner, following the codes and conventions of a typical magazine. Also the price of the magazine which an important detail to note so that the reader is aware of how much they will be paying. The issue/date is also paired with the price next to the barcode.

The images following the codes and convention of framing the main focus by only being portioned in the bottom banner, so that no attention is taking away from the main image and information. Followed by text along side it describing the images, throughout providing the reader with essential information on the subject to make them want to read on. Each person is creating direct mode of address in the images and therefore creating a personal relationship with the reader, which will intrigue them.

The banner enforces classy and professional to the magazine as it acts as a guide to keep all content neat and tidy. The sub images are all relevant to the content that the magazine will hold. For example the image food links to the advice giving in the sense of a guide to life in this region.

The main image uses a photograph of a landscape as the main image is a common convention for regional magazines. This allows the reader to be aware of what to gain from the magazine.

It reads “NEW THIS ISSUE”, by using the buzz words new, it gives the idea of exclusive information.

“WIN £1000 luxury lakes break” by having the word ‘win’ in capital letters it will grab the reader’s eye, and therefore they will know there is a free opportunity in this magazine. The ‘luxury lakes’ will also appeal to the target audience of this particular magazine, and therefore may persuade the audience to purchase the magazine.

“Cumbria Life People” this may create a personal relationship between the magazine and the reader as they’re both “Cumbria life people”. This relates to the uses and gratifications theory.

The main image is quite unusual and therefore will grab the attention of the audience. This displays to the audience that the magazine breaks boundaries and therefore will intrigue them. The model in the photograph is Lady Gaga, and therefore may attract a larger audience to the magazine due to her popularity as a pop singer. She is also creating direct mode of address with the audience and therefore applying to the Uses and Gratifications theory of creating a personal relationship with the audience.

The masthead is recognisable as it is the same used on each issue, this will create a familiarity for the audience. It uses contrasting colours black, white and red. This makes the text stand out against the rest of the cover, and will therefore grab the attention of the reader. The font of the masthead looks stylish which may establish the house style and texts ideology.

The whole theme of the front cover seems to be hectic which relates to the main image. The cover consists of the colours black, white, pink, blue and red. The hectic placing of these colours creates a certain tone towards the magazine, which may intrigue an audience to buy the magazine. The main image also links to this tone of the magazine.

By using the buzz word ‘PLUS’ in the sell line, it is suggesting to readers that there is a big amount of information included inside the magazine.

By using the buzz words ‘FREE INSIDE’ it can persuade an audience to purchase the magazine, to receive the exclusive items the magazine is offering.

The Barcode is a common convention as it gives a professional look to the magazine.

The artists name which is featured on the magazine has been made as bold as the mast head. This is so it is one of the first things the audience see, as they want to emphasise the feature of a popular celebrity in their magazine. This will attract the loyal fans of the artist. This gives insight to an exclusive interview with Lady Gaga, by showing snippets of the interview it intrigues the audience to buy the magazine so that they can continue to read the interview. The audience will also be aware this is the only magazine they will be able to obtain this information.

The use of alliteration. “Pier Pleasure” will grab the readers attention.

The Masthead is the largest piece of text on the cover, this, as well as the white colour of the text immediately grabs the attention of the reader. This makes the masthead easily identifiable to the audience. The font of the masthead looks particularly modern which may establish the house style and ideology of the text.

The model in the main image is creating direct mode of address in the photograph which relates to the uses and gratification theory as she is creating a personal relationship with the reader. The model in the image may also be regarded as attractive therefore the image of her will establish the ‘male gaze’ , as stated by Mulvey, where the male audience may establish her as an erotic object.

There is a clear theme throughout the cover from the use of a floral pattern on the models dress, flowers in the background and as accessories in the model’s hair. This relates to the month in which the issue was released, as it was a spring issue.

SELL LINE: “Brighton & Hove’s premier lifestyle magazine”. This sell line is used on each issue of the magazine, therefore staying in the audience’s mind. It also gives the magazine a sense of superiority. The word ‘premier’ gives the impression the magazine is of high quality.

The cover lines are all in black san serif font and by using a rhetorical question, it intrigues the reader as it creates a hermeneutic code. The audience may also be able to relate to this and therefore creates a personal relationship with the reader.

The colours scheme used on the cover relate to the fact that it is a spring issue as there is mainly pink, white and green used.

The use of ‘Brighton’ in more than one of the cover lines will relate to the readers and again create a personal relationship between the reader and the magazine, relating to the uses and gratifications theory.

The date allows readers to keep up with the issue of the magazine as well maintaining a professional look.

Conclusion:After researching into regional magazine front covers I found that the codes and conventions include:

Masthead is positioned across the top third of the front cover – this is a high focal point and want their brand to be recognised.

Main Image – more typical regional magazines of counties tend to have their main image of nature or landscape to appeal to older upper class audience, however magazines that are on cities and target the young generations tend to have a model as their main image.

Cover lines using buzz words – this catches the readers attention to buy the magazine so they can read the catchy articles inside.

Barcodes – to give the magazine a professional look and feel.

House Style – having the same font and colour scheme throughout, this shows professional consitancy.