Analysis of music magazine – front cover

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Analysis of music magazine – front cover


By Dariusz Murray

Man is ahead of all the others;

shows he is the leader/most

important band member.

The ‘UNMISSABLE!’ implies that the audience will not

want to miss what is inside the

magazine, and encourages them to

buy it.

The big red writing stands out very

much to the rest of the things on the

magazine. It is also the biggest title on the page, so this

may imply that the band is the main

feature of the magazine.

The concept to readers of ‘FREE CD

+ POSTERS’ is something that is definitely going to draw them in, as

most people enjoy free things, and it is

an extra to the magazine.

Again, the colour black seems to stand out highly

in most rock magazines.

Information about what is in the

magazine is shown along the left side of the page; colours are

split into red and black, which too

seem to stand out a lot.

Concept of ‘new’ things in the

magazine seems to be appealing to the

current market.

White background to focus on the

colour of black of the two artists.

Overall focus is on them in general.

Again, this concept of saving money is going to definitely draw in readers, as almost everyone

loves free things, or saving money.

The contents is split up into different

sections. This makes life easier

for readers, as they know what and where they are

then looking for, and do no have to spend ages looking

for something.

Name of the magazine stands out clearly to attract the reader, and to also

state which magazine this is, and

its importance.

Photo album – extra thing to

the magazine to make it more

appealing to the reader.

Main picture on the inside of the

page – stands out and invites the reader to read more about the

topic of the picture, especially with a title for it with the page


Name of the magazine stands out clearly at the top of the page. This is to

let the readers know which magazine they

are reading.

Again, main picture is in the middle of the page, followed by other small

pictures around it. Shows the importance

of the story of the picture in the middle, as

it is focused on so much.

Similarly to the other contents page, this one too has the information

about the magazine split up into different

sections on the side. This is to help readers if

they are looking for something, but cannot

find it.

There is even little snippets of information

on the page for the readers to have a look at. Engages the reader, and encourages them to

read on more into the magazine.

Number of the

page of the


Text split into rows

of 3.

White and dull background – focus is on the


Name of band in bold – highlights them as the

main feature of

this double page


Quote from the band

itself ends on ellipsis – encourages the reader to buy the

magazine to find out more.

Small information snippets at

the top of the page.

Very big picture of the band –

wants the reader to focus

on them.

Name of the band clearly stands out. It engages the reader

to find out more about the band, and to possibly read on.

Text row split

into 2 long


Important snippets of information are

highlighted in blue, and have capital
