Analysis of horror film poster

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Analysis of horror film poster

Film Poster from my chosen genre Analysed

Chynia Teixeira

The title, “Dead Silence” reveals to the audience that a death may occur in the film and the word silence links with the main image of the finger in that position that is associated with being quiet. The affect on the title creates a ghostly and eerie effect, also makes the title appear disorientated.

The main image straight away creates fear within an audience because the use of the doll would relate to childhood as would the position of the finger that indicated silence, however the skin would change this relation to childhood and innocence and creates a sinister feel to it, also the eyes on the doll look as though the doll is looking straight at you. The doll is wearing a ref bow and has red lips, this connotates danger and blood which is a common theme within horror films.

Referring to another film that has the same director and film writers, is a common convention within horror film posters as it creates expectation and suspense within the audience.

The tagline “You scream. You die”, reveals that death may occur within the film and it is talking to the audience which would create fear within them. The use of red writing relates to the connotation the red is associated with danger and blood which also reveals something bad is going to happen

The background for this poster is black, this means that the audience is drawn straight to the puppet and the finger. Which allows them that the main focus is going to be the doll and that there may be some kind of demon involved within due to the skin and cuts of the hand.

The simplicity is of the poster is what creates the most fear as it does not reveal too much about the film and also the use of low key lighting also creates the most fear because it reveals to the audience that this is the character is evil.

What have I learnt?From analysing this horror film poster I have developed new ideas for the ways in which my group could create a horror film posters. The main ways would be a black background the use of low-key lighting and the use of the colour red to connotate danger and create fear within our audience. Another way we could create a successful film poster is by keeping it simple and just including the doll this way we don’t reveal too much about the film.