Analysis of front magazine cover and contents page

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Analysis of front magazine cover and contents page


What Works (Front Cover) What I Think works is the Masthead. I think the colours go well with the rest of the front cover of the magazine, they do not clash, and stands out, so readers can clearly see the name of the magazine.

What also works is the colour of the fonts for the coverlines. Black goes well with the rest of the background, and stands out to make it clear what they’re about

The main Image and background work as well, they do not clash with any other colours, and emphasises the magazines purpose in what it is about

What doesn’t Work (Front Cover)

I think some of the cover lines towards the bottom of the front cover you can see that well, maybe if I was to do it again, I would make it a bit more brighter so readers can see it.

What work (Contents Page)

The colours for the masthead, features and Regulars I think go well together. The Font colour, and the blue background they are on top of mix well, and readers can clearly read what it means and says.

The numbers for Feature and Regular also work, the colours match the rest of the blue on the contents page, and there is a clear bold text telling you the main story, then below that, information about that main story.

What doesn’t work (Contents Page)

I don’t think that that advert at the bottom goes very well with the rest of the page, it seems out of place.

Also, the white space around the edges also look out of place like the advert, I think I could of maybe covered them up a bit more, or filled up the rest of the page with more Features or Regulars, or a different image.

The image on the right hand side of the contents page does not work, I could of used another image, or made it smaller and keep it on the page.

What was Easy (Front Cover and Contents Page)

.Adding the main image on the front cover was easy

.Creating the Cover Lines for the Front cover was easy as well, it was a simple process.

.The same goes for the Contents page was easy as well, the masthead and the Features and Regulars.

.Adding in the bar code was easy too

.Creating the masthead was easy, and colour splashing for the blue of the ‘A’ was easy too.

What was Difficult (Front Cover and Contents Page)

.Using the magic wand to delete any white space in the font was difficult.

.Getting the ‘Beats’ logo for the headphones prize was difficult as well, I had to change the colour a lot to make it red.

. Getting the numbers for the Features and Regulars was also difficult, it took a long time.

.Trying to find the same font to use for both the Front Cover and The Contents Page was difficult too.

What I Have Learnt

• I have learnt was how to use Photoshop on a more advanced level.

• Colour Splashing and editing

• Using Da Font and Print Screening

What I Would Change

I would change the image on the contents page, of the Front Cover, to another image. Of course relating it to the magazine.

I would also change the font to a more professional looking font and a better quality

Magazines I can Compare It Too

The top magazine can be compared to mine because of the image.The main image stands out, as is in front of the cover lines and masthead

The second magazine can also be compared to mine because of the colour of the font, and the cover lines are in some way similar to mine.