Analysis of existing film trailers

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Analysis of existing film trailers Mise-en-scene

Analysis of existing film trailers


The mise-en-scene is very important to use in horror movies because it helps increase the intense atmosphere that is needed to ensure the horror frightens the audience. I have decided to analysis two paranormal horror film trailers these are:

The Conjuring(2013)

Devils Due(2014)

(The Conjuring)

Horror movies use mise-en-scene to create the setting in which the action of the film takes place. The setting is usually a place that looks ordinary which gives the impression to the audience that horror can happen anywhere and too anyone.

For example, the setting for the conjuring is a large family farm house in Rhode Island. However, this shot shown on the right shows that the farmhouse is very isolated which implies that the people living in it are vulnerable . The shot also is also taken during daylight which makes the house more idyllic to look at. This creates a more pleasant atmosphere for the audience at the start of trailer. The shot underneath is also from the conjuring. It shows that a basement of a house where there are old objects stored. The chair and piano that are focused are dated. Clearly showing that someone has abandoned them for a long period of time. It shows that the house is dated and old but also emphasises that the house has not been occupied for a while. The other image that help to set the scene in the conjuring is the mounted family photo. In the trailer we are introduced to the characters through this family photo. The photo suggest to the audience that they are a normal, happy family which makes everything seem at ease with the family. Therefore, they are unlikely to expect what is going to happen in the film. Also, this shot near the beginning of the trailer suggests the family have a very close relationship and all the siblings get along. It emphasises the fact that the family are living a normal life. Overall, adding to the pleasant atmosphere that is not usually associated with a horror film.

(Devils Due)

We are introduced to the main characters in Devil's due at the start of the trailer through a series of clips showing previous life events. For example, their recent wedding day. (shown as a print screen to the left.) This creates a hopeful, happy atmosphere at the beginning of the trailer.

The setting is set through the shot on the left of their home. It is not a full-shot of the house but from what we can see it is either detached or semi detached. The shot makes the house seem large which means that because there are only two of them it is likely that inside the house it will feel empty and not occupied.

The series of clips shown at the beginning of the film show that the couple are very content with their lives and everything seems normal. The trailer portrays that the couple are ordinary which implies to the audience that horrific/paranormal events can happen to anybody.

The first shot is a shot of the newly-wed couple videoing themselves in a mirror. It clearly shows that they are in a bathroom and that they are alone which suggests that they live together in their own home. They are living independently which makes them an easier victim.

(Devils Due)

During the trailer the lighting changes frequently . Throughout most of the trailer the lighting is made to look very naturalistic. For example, a lot of the shots are done using natural lighting if inside e.g. lamps or daylight shining through the windows . However, shots are outside then sunlight create a natural light. Lighting is used in horror movies to create a mysterious atmosphere, darkness is usually associated with horror because it is more likely for violent/scary events to occur when there is low-level/dark lighting. E.g. at night time. The shot to underneath shows the lighting used in the Devils Due film trailer. The shot shows a figure in the distance but due to the dark lighting we are unable to identify who it is and what they look like. The audience are only able to see an outline of person which makes the person seems more mysterious and dangerous. Furthermore, the lighting is drawing attention to the figure and not the surroundings.

In the trailer, another form of lighting has been created using candles. Candles were used as a source of light in the past. Therefore, suggesting that there is a hidden past to the story. The candles also create minimal lighting which means that it is still very dark which continues to create a tense, mysterious atmosphere for the viewers.

(The Conjuring)

Lighting can have a huge impact in a horror movie. For instance, night-time is usually associated with horror movies whereas daylight is not. This is because darkness is more scary as it creates a sense of mystery and being surrounded in the unknown.

Lighting has the effect to change the way that the audience view a place. For example, the house used in the conjuring is both shown to the audience in daylight and at night-time. The use of both dark and natural lighting show the house to the audience in a different perspective. For example, the first image shows the house at night-time when there is minimal lighting. The gloomy, dark atmosphere represents the house as being creepy which gives the impression that it is haunted. the image underneath shows an shot of the house in the daylight. The use of natural lighting which makes the house more idyllic to look at. The lighting makes the audience view the house as being an ideal family house set in a peaceful environment. Therefore, people are unlikely to expect what is going to happen within the house.

The first shot in the conjuring trailer shows the ghost hunters searching for paranormal evidence in a basement. Dark lighting is used to suggest that they are surrounded by the unknown. This implies that they do not know what is about to happen which makes the audience feel tense and apprehensive.

(Devils Due and The Conjuring)

Costume is another aspect of mise-en-scene that can tell the audience lot about the characters. For example, the costumes that the couple wear are just the usual standard clothing that people would wear on a daily basis. Through their costume the couple are made to seem like ordinary people. This suggests to the audience that horrific paranormal events can happen to anyone. Furthermore, the costume helps to show that the film is set in a modern time.

Whereas, the warren couple (ghost hunters) costumes in the conjuring are not as modern which suggests that the film was set in a different time. For example, the costume that the ghost hunters include neutral coloured suit and dress . This gives the impression to the audience that there is more of a past and history to the film.

Facial expressions and Body Language
(The Conjuring)

These two shots from the conjuring trailer show facial expressions from both a victim and the spiritual hunters that are trying to help the family. Their facial expressions are stern. They are both staring. Staring shows that they are focusing on something/someone which makes the audience. Both of the ladies facial expressions show a sense of concern and fear which is then portrayed to the audience. This makes the audience feel concerned for them.

Throughout the trailer we see various facial expressions. The majority of the facial expressions do not give off a happy impression. For example, the image to the right shows one of the children curled up on her bed whilst screaming and crying. The fact that she is sat curled up with her kegs and arms crossed shows that she is being defensive, this shows that she is defending herself from something or someone. Her facial expressions show that she is screaming and crying. It shows that she is feeling scared and afraid. By showing her emotions through her facial expressions the audience are able to relate to her emotions. It creates a tense atmosphere which makes the audience feel scared and frightened of what is about to happen.

Facial expressions and Body Language
(Devils Due)

For example, in Devils Due we are then introduced to the couple's family when they break the news to them that they are expecting a baby. The reaction of the couple suggest that they are overwhelmed by the news which suggests to the audience that they have a supportive family. It also shows that they have a very close relationship with their family. Facial expressions and body language play a big role in horror movies. It is important that an actor/actress shows certain facial expressions and body language throughout the film as it portrays their emption to the audience.

However, we also see the effect that the pregnancy is having on the couple through their facial expressions and body language. For example, the image shows the women crying whilst the husband comforts her. The crying suggests that she is unhappy and also implies that there may be an underlying problem. Consequently, making the audience feel worried for her.As the trailer progresses negative body language and facial expressions are portrayed by the couple which shows that something is not right and the baby may not be normal. For example, the image shows what the baby does when the lady is sleeping which is not known to be normal, ordinary during pregnancy. The women's body language shows that she does not react which implied to the audience that she is unaware of what is happening.

(The Conjuring)

Props are very important to use in horror movies. For example, at the beginning of the conjuring we are introduced to the ghost hunters. Th prop shown is an old-fashioned microphone which is being used to pick up electronic voice phenomena from any paranormal activity that is taking place. This prop suggests that these people know what they are doing and have experience with similar paranormal cases.

Another prop that is focused on in the trailer is an old grandfather clock. Not only does this emphasise the times in which this event is taking pace but it shows that the time stops at 3:07am. This shows that time stops which implies that the family are trapped and that there is no easy way to escape from the paranormal activity in their home.

The film also focuses on old objects. For example, the shot to the left shows the ghosthunter holding an old children music toy and the image to the right shows an old, abandoned piano. The focus on old objects helps to set the time in which the film is taking place but also draws attention to object which children are likely to use which suggests that the children will be involved in paranormal occurrences. Overall, making the audience feel anxious for the children.

(Devils Due)

In the devils due trailer we see weapons being used that give portrays violence. For example, the lady in the image to the right is holding a knife. The knife shows the violent intentions towards the animal. When she turns around we see that that the lady holding the knife is not her normal self. The way she looks around at the camera shows that the lady is acting as if she been demonised and possessed into hurting the animal.

The use of a video camera as a prop creates a more realistic view on their lives as they have reordered these clips themselves. Th beginning of the trailer show moments in their lives that have happened previously and have been recorded by themselves. This gives the impression that all the horror footage has been documented by them. This means that people are likely to view the film as being more realistic which will have a bigger impact on how the audience react because they will think that the film is real.

Other props commonly used in horror movies are religious symbols. In Devils Due trailer a man is seen to be wearing a cross which suggests that the story could have a religious past and history. From showing the religious paintings behind him on the wall and the crucifix necklace around his neck it shows that he is a priest. By including the priest in the trailer it gives a sense of hope for the couple as it is likely that he can try and help them with the evilness that they are dealing with.

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