Analysis Complied

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Transcript of Analysis Complied

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Q.1. How has Pret a Manger positioned its brand?

Ans.: In the early 1980s, at London and other British cities the lunchtime eating

is very narrow. Most o the !eo!le used to visit restaurants or traditional lunch

and some to !u"s. As the awareness created among !eo!le, they started

searching good and healthy ood. #owever, o$ce em!loyees have a little timeor lunch, so they used to too% ast&ood rom Mc'onald(s, Burger )ing and )*+

otherwise !i--as. At the same time in 198, /ulian Metcal and inclair Beecham

two !ro!erty law graduates started sho! with a name as 2ret a Manger( which

means to ready to eat( at +entral London.

 3hey did things di4erently, so their "rand !ositioned. 3hey ul5lled the

re6uirement o consumers such as healthy and high 6uality ood with no

!reservative and additives. 2ret a Manger !ositioned as the most esteem "rand

within 7) ood and "everage sector. It has the etreme customer service, relia"le

6uality, strong individual "ac%ground and dedication to moral ideas.

Q.2. Explain how the diferent elements o the services mareting mix

s!pport and contrib!te to the positioning o Pret a Manger.

Ans.: 3he di4erent elements o service mar%eting mi( su!!orted and

contri"uted to 2ret a Manger( as a amous "rand in 7). 3hese 2&elements can

"e descri"ed as "elow:

2roduct: 2roducts o any com!any or "rand should "e consumer essential. 2ret a

Manger( im!lemented the same ater loo%ing the necessity o lunchtime eating in

London and British.

2romotion: 2romoting a "rand is most re6uired as the 6uality o !roduct. 3he

name 2ret a Manger( itsel did advertise among !eo!le, "y saying ready to eat(.

#ere the "rand name 2ret a Manger( unctioned as an element o !romotion.

2rice: 2rice doesn(t matters, 6uality matters. 2ret a Manger( ul5lled the need o

!eo!le as well as the 6uality. 2ret(s o4ering was "ased ust a"out !remium&

6uality sandwiches and other health&oriented lunches, which never com!ared

with !rice "y the consumers.

2lace: 2ret(s sandwiches are the "est in London and now num"er one in 7)(s

ood and "everage sector. 2ret started and mar%eted the !roduct in a right !lace,

where it needed.

2eo!le: 2ret a Manger( conce!t is ust li%e "y the !eo!le, o the !eo!le, and or

the !eo!le(. 3he wor%ers or em!loyees who wor% or 2ret are very cautious a"out

health, reshness and uni6ueness o !roduct.

2hysical evidence: 3he !hysical loo% o every 2ret(s store is distinctive, high&tech

style with dar% red coloured interior. ;ach store !lays music, to create a trendy

and lively im!ression. 3he stores are very weather !ermitting to seat and eat.

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2rocess: 3he !rocess contains various o!erations, such as !eo!le&!lace&!rice

oriented. 3he sel&service !rocess is one o the "est !rocesses to save time o

consumers and sta4s. It also saves time and money o the com!any.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Prêt A Manger organizing itself so that theindividual shops make the sandwiches that they sell?

There are a number of advantages in this type of organization.

• The load on the staff in the shop is equalized throughout the day. The demand from

customers for purchasing the sandwiches occurs mainly in the middle of the day. If the staff only sold sandwiches, they would be busy in the middle part of the day and unoccupied atother times. The way Prêt a Manger organize their processes, the staff can occupythemselves maing sandwiches in the early part of the day, then, as the day progresses, staff will progressively move from maing to selling. !s demand then reduces towards the end of the day, staff will move onto general cleaning and tidying activities as well as maing ready for the same cycle of activities to repeat itself the ne"t day.

• There is clear and direct responsibility for quality, customer service and cost. If there are any

problems with quality and availability of sandwiches, it is the same staff who caused theproblems who receive customer complaints #In fact, Prêt a Manger get very few complaints$.%imilarly, the effectiveness of cost control can be clearly associated with the staff in the shop.

• It is a more interesting &ob that has a number of different activities #maing, selling, cleaning,

etc.$ than one where an individual will specialize in &ust one of these tass.

• It is easier to engender a sense of pride in the high quality and wholesome nature of the

products when they are made on the premises.

• It should be pointed out that there also disadvantages. The main one is that the cost of 

maing sandwiches in a sandwich factory #the way the vast ma&ority of sandwiches are made$is very significantly cheaper because of the higher volume.

How can effective operations management at Prêt A Manger contribute significantly to itssuccess? And what would the conseuences of poor operations management be in this kindof organization?

• 'y developing a culture within each store that taes pride in the products themselves, the way

they are made and the way customers are served.

• 'y listening to customers so that customers( reactions and comments can inform the design

of new products.

• 'y not wasting materials through poor control, which would increase the cost of running the


• 'y developing a sense of fun as well as a sense of commitment in the staff so that customers

sense a friendly and rela"ed atmosphere.

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Situational Analysis:

& Pret A Manger is British sandwich chain known not only for its quality of food but

also for its attentive service.

& It has been popular in Great Britain and is set to expand in .!. " #ong $ong.

& It had %&% shops in Britain' .!. and #ong $ong by %()).

& *he +,- of Pret A Manger feels that that the arket is not saturated and certain

easures need to be taken.

& *hey intend to set up /twin stores0 1 stores that are too sall to include kitchens and

instead received sandwich deliveries by trolley fro parent shops which were one or

% blocks away.

Problem Analysis:

& In the era of arket saturation' it is becoing difficult for Pret A Manger to find

suitable real estate that can satisfy the copany0s requireents for prie street

visibility and necessary kitchen space.

& Bridgepoint has set a challenging expansion goal of increasing the nuber of shops

 by )2 about )23 each year.

& But for doing so' they need to open ore and ore /twin stores0 where there will be

no kitchen and hence' they will go against what Pet A Manger is known for.

In order to achieve its expansion target of )23' Pret a Manger would necessarily have to

twin. #owever' this could potentially daage the reputation of the brand' whose nique

4alue Proposition is that it sells freshly5ade sandwiches.


In order for Pret to retain its value proposition and successfully ipleent its twin store

concept' the copany should consider taking the following easures6

). A branding exercise to distinguish the twin stores fro the other stores

%. Provision of sufficient physical proof that the sandwiches are fresh' despite the fact that

they are not ade at the twin store.


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*he *win !tores that do not have kitchens should be branded 7slightly8 differently in order to

distinguish the fro the other stores. *his could be on the lines of Pret A Manger Express

or Pret Express.

*he proise of this brand would be that the sandwiches are 9ust as fresh as they would be at a

other store' despite the fact that they are ade outside. *his can be achieved by providing

 physical evidence to this effect.

P#:!I+A; ,4I<,=+,

,very twin store should provide enough physical evidence to convey the proise of

freshness. A few ways to achieve this are as follows6

). *hat the sandwiches are brought in by trolley is proof that the sandwiches are prepared

close enough to the store for an eployee to bring the in without otor transport. *his

could be ephasi>ed through in5store posters.

%. ,ach twin store should proinently display the location of other store fro which it

 brings in its sandwiches.

*his would serve to highlight the proxiity of the source of the food to the twin store. As

ost patrons would know how close the neighborhood of the other store is to the twin

store' this would reinforce the proise of freshness.

?. *he food delivered to the *win stores would be packaged differently in order to do away

with the @reshly Made At *his !tore@ label. *his label could be replaced with a line that

reads @Made at a Pret store inutes away@' with the blank filled with the nuber of

inutes it takes a Pret eployee to walk with the sandwiches fro the other store to the

twin store.

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C. -ther eleents 5 such as a chart displaying the nuber of deliveries that happen in a day'

and a ;,< tier counting down the inutes to the next delivery 5 would also reinforce the

frequency at which fresh food is delivered.


Dhile it is iportant for Pret A Manger to set up new stores' it is iportant that the brand0s

unique value proposition reain. *herefore' a cobination of brand extensions and physical

evidence would help Pret let its custoers know that its sandwiches are always fresh'

irrespective of whether they are purchased at a other store or at a twin store.

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>*or a detailed re!ort, reer to the a"ove lin%?

The memo is about the management system of the company. The firm had appointed a new

)*+ and has been implementing new changes to increase the efficiency in the different


Prêt a manger serves fresh food with careful choice regarding ingredients and additives. In

addition to this, the company maes efforts to use local and organic products. Prêt ! Mangerbelieves that it is important to focus continually on the quality of food they serve. )oncentration

on both small and large aspects of operation is their secret to success. They ensure that all the

products they sell are fresh, safe and free from additives. The firm relies on their worers and its

people because the quality of customer service depends on them.

The company transforms input resources into output products and services. To evidence this, the

company applies different dimensions to maintain organisation efficiency. Included in these

dimensions are volume, variety, and variation in demand.

The volume dimension of the company involves the systematization of wor. To systematize andorganize wor, standard processes are set out in the operation manual. This allows for

consistency and association of the company processes in every branch. %tandard processes

include the provision of the company of lower unit costs because fi"ed overheads are spread

over the large number of products.

The variety dimension of the organisation is the fle"ibility aspect of the company to allow needs

of the customers match up with the trends in the business. The variation dimension is dependent

on the demand pattern and seasonality of sales volume. uring the pea seasons, the staff is

overstretched. uring the low seasons, the opportunity cost is high. To counter the

disadvantages of these events, the firm plans for capacity planning.

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The visibility dimension recognizes the visibility of the company-s operation to the customer. The

policy of the firm is to mae smaller volume of sandwiches that reflect the preferences of the

customers. If a product of the firm gets sold out, management will post a notice on the shelf that

maes the customers aware of the situation. !ctions lie these will allow for portion control on

productions and will help prevent any losses on perishable stocs. The firm had created a

%ustainable evelopment Manager position to wor with the atural %tep. This action is aimed to

build a team that will implement Prêt a Manger-s sustainability practices. %ustainable Prêt is a

service that provides quality nourishment to the customers. /aving services as such will mae

Prêt a Manger more innovative, inspirational and fresh. !fter the establishment of the

%ustainable Prêt service, the company resulted in financial success.

To add to the innovative management systems of the company, Pret ! Manger has been

participating in community services and social wors. To name some are food deliveries to the

homeless in 0ondon, and participation in environmental activities. These activities include

reducing the amount of energy using carbon emissions to reduce carbon footprint.

1ith these pioneering organisational and administration systems, Prêt a Manger had become

one of the most successful food chains in 2nited 3ingdom. Providing quality service and fresh

food to all the customers, and doing community services, the company continues to gain

affection from customers. This may be the reason for its growing success since it was


The success of the company is attributed to proper management and supervision and to the

efficient use of different management systems. Through the T4M, strong continuous

improvement is seen in the company-s progress. Thus, T4M is a strongly suggested

management method to promote continuous growth and development.

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