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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Master of Science


Mechanical Engineering



















































In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Master of Science in

Mechanical Engineering




Approval of Director of Graduate School of

Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Nadire ÇAVUŞ

We certify this thesis is satisfactory for the award of the degree of

Masters of Sciences in Mechanical Engineering

Examine Committee in Charge:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamil DİMİLİLER Automotive Engineering Department,


Dr. Ali ŞEFİK Mechanical Engineering Department,


Assist. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ÇAMUR Supervisor, Mechanical Engineering

Department, NEU

I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and

presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that,

as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material

and results that are not original to this work.

Name, last name: Mohammed Shekh Dib





My sincere and hones appreciation goes to God for keeping me in Wisdom and

Security all through these years of study till this point in my life. The success of this

thesis is due to the immeasurable support of my principal supervisor Assist. Prof. Dr.

Ing Hüseyin, ÇAMUR; whose guidance and instructions has yielded this work.

Not forgetting Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ahsen, SAVAŞ, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali, EVCİL and

Dr. Youssef KASSEM who endlessly and tireless made themselves available to give

me instructions as needed through the period my study and this work.

And most importantly, I want to appreciate my Family for their love, support and

encouraging words that kept me going all through the hard times. I want to say May

God Almighty Bless them all.

This research work and experiment was supported by the Department of Mechanical

Engineering of the Near East University.


To my parents…..



Rapidly growing world population, rapid modernization of technology,

industrialization and thus the energy demand in the world have increased. Reduction

of non-renewableenergy sources such as natural gas and coal has led people to

alternative energy sources. Biodiesel is among one of the most important alternative

energy sources. Fats produced from fatty seed plants, waste frying oils or animal fats

are fuels produced by reaction of short chain alcohol with a transesterification

process in the presence of a catalyst. The biodiesel fuel used in this experiment was

produced using waste frying oil by an oil producer in South Cyprus. The purpose of

this study was to investigate the influence of storage period of biodiesel sample

B20% biodiesel with 80% eurodiesel which stored at 40 ° C constant temperature on

kinematic viscosity and density at different temperatures. In addition to this, pour

point and cloud point was investigated. Biodiesel sample parameters which are

kinematic viscosity, density, cloud point and pour point had been tested in Near East

University Mechanical Engineering laboratory. Acid number and oxidation stability

parameters had been tested at a licensed laboratory in South Cyprus. The

experimental measurements in this study were conducted at temperatures between -

11°C and 90°C, according to ASTM standards. Experimental results showed that

kinematic viscosity and density decrease with increasing temperature. An increase in

kinematic viscosity and density is observed with the increase in storage period.

Keywords: Bio-diesel; cloud point; density; euro-diesel; kinematic viscosity.



Hızla artan dünya nüfusu, teknolojinin hızla modernleşmesi ve sanayileşme olarak

dünyadaki enerji talebini artmıştır. Doğalgaz ve kömür gibi yenilenemez enerji

kaynaklarının azalması, insanları alternatif enerji kaynaklarına yöneltmiştir.

Biyodizel de önemi gün geçtikçe artan alternatif enerji kaynakları arasında en

önemlilerindendir. Yağlı tohum bitkilerinden elde edilen yağların, evsel kızartma

yağlarının veya hayvansal yağların bir katalizör eşliğinde transesterifikasyon süreci

ile kısa zincirli bir alkol ile reaksiyonu sonucunda üretilen bir yakıttır. Bu deneyde

kullanılan biyodizel yakıt Güney Kıbrıs’taki bir yağ üretim firması tarafından atık

kızartma yağı kullanılarak üretilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, 40˚Csabit sıcaklıkta

depolanan biyodizel numunesinin B20% ve D80% depolama süresinin farklı

sıcaklıklardaki kinematik viskozite ve yoğunluğu üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır.

Bunlara ek olarak biyodizel numunesinin Bulutlanma Noktası ve Akma Noktası da

incelenmiştir. Biyodizel numunesine ait kinematik viskozite, yoğunluk, bulutlanma

noktası ve akma noktası parametreleri Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi Makine

Mühendisliği Bölümü Laboratuarı’nda yapılan deneysel çalışmalar sonucu elde

edilmiştir. Asit sayısı ve oksidasyon kararlılığı parametreleri ise Güney Kıbrıs’ta

sertifikalı bir petrokimya laboratuarı tarafından analiz edilmek suretiyle neticeye

ulaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmadaki deneysel ölçümler ASTM standartlarına göre -11˚C ila

90˚C arasındaki sıcaklıklarda yapılmıştır. Elde edilen deneysel sonuçlar neticesinde,

sıcaklığın artmasıyla kinematik viskozite ve yoğunluğun azaldığını gözlenmiştir.

Depolama süresindeki artış ile birlikte kinematik viskozite ve yoğunlukta bir artış


Anahtar Kelimeler: Akma noktası, bulut noktası, euro dizel, kinematik viskozite,

soğuk akış özellikleri, yoğunluk.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................... i

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... iii

ÖZET .......................................................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... v

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................. ix

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... x

LIST OF SYMBOLS USED ..................................................................................... xi

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................ xiii


1.1 General View ......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Thesis Aim ............................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Novelty ................................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Literature Review ................................................................................................... 3

1.5. Thesis Overview ................................................................................................... 6


2.1 Cold Flow properties .............................................................................................. 7

2.1.1 Cloud point .................................................................................................. 8

2.1.2 Pour-point .................................................................................................... 9

2.1.3 Cold filter plugging point .......................................................................... 10

2.2 Flash-Point ......................................................................................................... 10

2.3 Acid Value ......................................................................................................... 11

2.4 Oxidation Stability............................................................................................... 12


2.5 Cetane Number .................................................................................................. 13

2.6 Heat of Combustion ........................................................................................... 15

2.7 Lubricity .............................................................................................................. 17

2.8 Density ............................................................................................................... 17

2.9 Viscosity.............................................................................................................. 18

2.9.1 Importance of viscocity ............................................................................. 21

2.9.2 Fluid flow and viscosity ............................................................................ 21

2.9.3 Viscometers .............................................................................................. 22

2.9.4 Capillary viscometers ............................................................................... 22

2.10 Total Acidic Number ....................................................................................... 23


3.1 Bio-Diesel and Euro-Diesel ................................................................................. 24

3.2 Measurement of Kinematic Viscosity .................................................................. 24

3.2.1 Ubbelohde viscometer ............................................................................... 24

3.3 Cooling Bath System ........................................................................................... 28

3.3.1 Alcohol ...................................................................................................... 30

3.3.2 Temperature regulation ............................................................................. 30

3.3.3 Accessories ............................................................................................... 32

3.3.4 Flow chart on kinematic viscosity ............................................................ 33

3.4 Density measurment by using pycnometer .......................................................... 34

3.4.1 Standards using the pycnometer ............................................................... 34

3.5 Electromagnetic Hot Plates .................................................................................. 35

3.6 Methodology ........................................................................................................ 35

3.6.1 Procedure I (Kinematic Viscosity) ............................................................ 35

3.6.2 Procedure II (density)................................................................................ 37


3.6.3 Flow chart on density ................................................................................ 39

3.6.4 Procedure III (PP, CP and CFPP) ............................................................. 40

3.6.5 ProcedureIV(blendtemperaturestabilityandstorage)……………………...44

3.6.6 Flow chart for measuring cloud point and pour point ............................... 46


4.1 Kinematic viscosity Over a Storage of 90 days at 40 °C ..................................... 47

4.2 Kinematic Viscosity over Testing Temperatures ................................................. 48

4.3 Density over a Storage Period of 90 days at Temperature of 15 °C .................... 51

4.4 Density over Testing Temperatures ..................................................................... 52

4.5 Total Acidic Number and Oxidation Stability ..................................................... 53

4.6 Cloud point, pour point and cold filter plugging point ........................................ 54


5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 55

5.2 Possible Errors ..................................................................................................... 55

5.3 Recommendation ................................................................................................. 56

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 57

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................... 60

Appendix 1: ASTM D2500-09 ......................................................................... 61

Appendix 2: ASTM D97-05 ............................................................................. 66

Appendix 3: ASTM 6371-05 ............................................................................ 77

Appendix 4 ASTM D664-04 ............................................................................ 85

Appendix 5: ASTM D941-88 ........................................................................... 92

Appendix 6: ASTM D445-09 ........................................................................... 97


Appendix 7: Kinematic energy correction ubbelohde viscometer, Standard for

vvvvfame and Eurodiesel...…….……………………………………………………………….….108

Appendix 8: Light bulb………………………………..…………. …………………………112



Figure 1.1: Differentiations of Biofuels 1

Figure 2.1: Cloud Point 9

Figure 2.2: Pour Point 10

Figure 2.3: Brace specific fuel consumption and ignition delays versus cetane number…15

Figure 2.4: Simple shear of a liquid film 20

Figure 3.1: Ubbelohde viscometer 25

Figure 3.2: Cooling bath system 29

Figure 3.3: Thermometer placed in the glass beaker to measure high temperature 31

Figure 3.4: Thermostat connected to the cooling bath to measure low temperature…...31

Figure 3.5: Heiddoph mr hei-tec 35

Figure 3.6: Pictorial representation of using a pycnometer to measure density….............38

Figure 3.7: Equipment used to measure the pour point and Cloud point. 40

Figure 3.8: Data logger and thermocouples……………………………………………….41

Figure 3.9: Thermocouples placed inside the Glass Jar ………………………………..43

Figure 3.10: The blends of Bio-diesel and Euro-Diesel placed inside the oven 45

Figure 4.1: Kinematic viscosity for storage period of 90 days at 40 oC 48

Figure 4.2: Kinematic viscosity for 12 weeks over testing temperatures oC 50

Figure 4.3: Density for storage period of 90 days at 15 oC 51

Figure 4.4: Density for 12 weeks over testing temperatures.............................................. 53



Table 3.1: Types of Ubbelohde Viscometer for Transparent Fluids 27

Table 3.2: Ubbelohde Technical Specification 28

Table 4.1: Kinematic viscosity for storage period of 90 days at 40 oC 47

Table 4.2: Kinematic viscosity for 12 weeks over testing temperatures 49

Table 4.3: Density for storage period of 90 days at 15 oC 51

Table 4.4: Density for 12 weeks over testing temperatures 52

Table 4.5: Total Acidic Number (mgKOH, gr) and Oxidation Stability (hours) 54

Table 4.6: Experimental results of CP, PP and CFPP………………………… ………………..54



e Strain rate s-1

g Acceleration due to gravity m/s2

H Mass percentage of hydrogen in the gas -

K Viscometer constant mm2/s/s

L Length of viscometer m

Q Volumetric flow rate m3/s

R Capillary radius m

r Radian length m

t Shear time s

V Volume m3

vr Velocity in radial direction rad/s

vZ Velocity in flow direction m3/s

vϴ Velocity in angular direction rad/s

x Elemental length m

y Correlation factor -

z Length in flow direction m



υ Kinematic viscosity mm2/s

σ Shear stress of fluid element Pa

τ Alternative form of shear stress Pa

ε Strain rate -

µ Dynamic Viscosity Pa.s

ρ Flow density kg/m3



ASTM American Society for Test Materials

AV Acid Value

AVE Average

BD Bio-Diesel

CFPP Cold Filter Plugging Point

CGS Centimeter-Gram-Second

CIE Compression Ignition Engine

CN Cetane Number

CP Cloud-Point

ED Euro-Diesel

EN European-Standard

FAME Fatty Acid Methyl Ester

FP Flash-Point

FIE Fuel Injection Equipment

FTIR Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

HEFRR High Frequency Reciprocating Rig

HC The kinetic energy correction factor

HMN Heptamethylnonane

IP International Publishing Standards Methods

ISO International Standard Organization

LTFT Low Temperature Flow Test

NC Number of Carbon Atoms

ND Number of Double Bonds

PCT Patent Cooperation Treaty

PP Pour Point

POM Polyoxymethylene

QN Low Heating Value

SI System Institute

SSU Saybolt Second Universal




1.1 General View

Fast growing population, rapid modernization of technology yields industrialization

has increased the requirement for energy of the world. Reduction in non-renewable

energy resources such as natural gas and coal make the people questing in new type

of energy resources. Even scientists say that, all fossil fuel resources will be depleted

about 2040 (Showstack, 2016). Because of these facts, experts focus on alternative

renewable resources such as solar energy, hydro power, biofuel, biomass, tidal

energy, wind energy, nuclear energy etc.

Figure1: Differentiations of biofuels. (http://www.greencarcongr/2018/02/20180201



Renewable energy sources are useful for electric power but they can’t be properly

used for transportation sector (Figure 1.1). Biofuels are liquid fuels which are the

most suitable renewable energy source type used in transportation so that is why

biofuels differ from others. We can obtain these biofuels from a range of sources,

forming different type of forms. Source Types:





Waste cooking Oil



Plant residues





Biomass Pellets

Synthetic Natural Gas

1.2 Thesis Aim

The aim of this work is to determine influence of storage period on the properties of

B20% biodiesel and D80% euro-disel sample prepared from waste vegetable oils.

Fuel properties that are examined:

Kinematic Viscosity


Cold Flow Properties:

1. Cloud Point

2. Pour Point


3. Cold Filter Plugging Point

Acide Value

Oxidation Stability

1.3 Novelty

The novelty of this thesis is based on its specificity in the investigation of the cold

flow properties of 20% bio-diesel and 80% euro-diesel from North-Cyprus

maintained at 40oC for an extended storage time to observe the change in the

properties of the binary blend. Recordings the effect of temperature on the kinematic

viscosity and density of the binary fuel blend at varying temperatures ranging from -

11 oC to 90

oC at different times was obtained after the binary fuel blend was

subjected to varying temperature. Furthermore, measurements and recordings of the

cloud point and pour point of the fuel blend will be included in the experiment.

1.4 Literature Review

It is understood from literature that some researchers have used different methods in

their work dealing with the study of the properties of varying biodiesel blends. The

demand of liquid fuels is steadily on the rise, as a result of this rise, priority is

shifting towards maintaining a high quality of the fuels under long term storage is a

qualitative criterion. There are various internal and external factors that tends to

affect the chemical and physical properties liquid fuels over a long period of time in

storage, the effect of storage on the properties of the fuel affects the performance

characteristics of the products. The stability of liquid fuels is affected by various

factors which several scientists and researchers have carried out diverse

experimental and theoretical analysis to better understand the reason why liquid fuel

is expected to maintain its stability and high quality even after a long time in storage.

There are vast array of research work in line with this quest, and there are findings

related to the degradation of performance characteristics of traditional fuel as

relating to the oxidation process.


Materials are subjected to corrosion or deterioration due to chemical or

electrochemical interactions between the material and the environment within which

it is placed. Corrosion is more related to environment and surrounding conditions of

the material. Metals are not the only victims of corrosion, and due to the fact that it

involves chemical reaction between the surrounding and the material, this makes

corrosion a common engineering problem which cannot be easily avoided whenever

petroleum products are made to come in contact with metal parts and alloys during

production, storage, distribution, transportation, or operation. There are certain

constituents of the fuel that causes corrosion and these constituents include water

soluble inorganic acids and bases, sulphur compounds and organic compounds.

Atmospheric oxygen and Hydrocarbons readily react with one another during

storage knowing that hydrocarbons are the essential components of petroleum based

fuels and cannot be avoided. This reaction of the atmospheric oxygen and

hydrocarbon causes a chain reaction which will cause contamination of the storage

tanks and further more promote corrosion of the pipelines used for transfer, the

particles of the corroded pipelines will in turn clog the filtration system and cause

more problems in the fuel distribution system.

Experimental data and various models was used by (Geacai et al. 2015) to assess the

degree of correctness of the calculation of the kinematic viscosity of the biodiesel

fuel free from additive and also for bio-diesel mixed with euro-diesel. The viscosity

of the blends was calculated using complementary empirical formulations or the

refractive index of the blends.

An examination of the impact of aging biodiesel forming deposits inside regular Fuel

Injection Equipment (FIE) was carried out by (Saltas et al 2017). In their work, an

analysis was done on the constituents of the FAME, the rate of degradation of the

fuel and its major properties. A proposal of an assessment that will be used as a

reference test of the predisposition of diesel engine fuels to produce deposits was


An investigation of the oxidative degradation of mixtures of biodiesels was carried

out using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and some other equipment

was done by (Zhou et al 2017). In their investigation, they discovered that the


TDDES method proved to give superior forecasting operation for FTIR and TGA in

oxidative degradation evaluation.

Syam et al. (2013) analyzed the properties of biodiesels produced from waste frying

oil. A biodiesel yield of 99% was obtained by them. The properties of the biodiesel

produced were in the acceptable standard specification range and was conform the

operating condition of diesel engines.

Banga and Varshney (2010) did a study on the effect of contaminants that are

produced during the process of transesterification of the fuel blend and furthermore

studied how to eliminate the contaminants. Their work also dealt with the effect of

elongated time in storage on the performance characteristics of the blend.

Ullah (2013) conducted an examination of the effect of aging biodiesel and diesel

gasoline mixture while placed in the proximity of polymer. They used polymers to

simulate the environment of a car. The fuel blends were kept in a polymer material

for 100 hours at 85oC. An observation of the influence of the polymer on the fuel

blend was done by monitoring the polymer and also to observe the fuel and polymer

compatibility. The polyoxymethylene (POM) polymer was used, this is similar

polymer used in vehicles. Various schemes such as the Open and nitrogen scheme,

with and without antioxidants scheme was generated. It was observed that there was

no change discovered in the fuel while aging within the proximity of the polymer.

Furthermore, the polymer was allowed to age for 1600 hours while the fuel was

being changed weekly (100 hours) and after which samples was collected after every

400 hours. An investigation of the alteration of the chemical composition using IR

spectroscope and scanning electron microscope was carried out, also fuel penetration

in the polymer, swellings of the material and residue on the surface of the polymer

was also investigated at each aging interval. There was no substantial change

observed during this period of aging in the inert system. The open system detected

more quantity of residue. It was observed that after 1200 and 1600 hours, the residue

was polymerized on the surface of the polymer. It was also observed that there was a

substantial reduction of the strength of the polymer due to the presence of surface

cracks which was validated using the charpy impact test.


1.5. Thesis Overview

This thesis has 5 chapters as structured below.

Chapter 1 this section of the thesis deals with the introduction of the work. The

definition and aim of the thesis is outlined and a brief literature review of the

work is discussed.

Chapter 2 Deliberate on the theories, general review of several aspects of the bio-

diesel and euro-diesel. Theory behind the capillary viscometer and the properties

of the biodiesel is also discussed. Standards and their brief definition is also

included in this chapter.

Chapter 3 is a more detailed explanation of the samples of the biodiesel and euro-

diesel used. In this chapter, the experimental setup and measurement procedures are


Chapter 4 contains deliberation and interpretation of the results obtained from the

mixture of biodiesel and euro-diesel

Chapter 5 contains the conclusion and recommendations due to the behavior

observed of the fuel blend




In determining the suitability of biodiesel fuel as a potential replacement to diesel

fuels already in use today, it is important to study the properties and the effect of

temperature of the properties of both biodiesel and euro-diesel. An analysis of the

following properties of biodiesel euro-diesel fuel mixture are usually conducted

oxidation stability, flash point, iodine value, acid value, cloud point, pour point,

kinematic viscosity and density are some of the properties of the biodiesel and

biodiesel and euro-diesel fuel mixture.

2.1 Cold Flow Properties

Normally, all fuels for compression ignition engines (CIE) could lead to starting

problems at low temperatures, because of the fuel’s deteriorating properties at low

temperatures. The cause of these issues is the formation of small crystals suspended

within the liquid form, which could clog gas filters in part or completely. Due to the

sedimentation of these crystals at the inner walls of the tubes of the fuel system, the

drift segment through the pipes is reduced, causing poor engine fuelling. In extreme

conditions, when low temperatures persist longer (e.g. overnight), the piping system

may be completely blocked through the solidified gasoline. The cloud drift

performances of the fuels can be qualified through the cloud point (CP), the pour

point (PP), the cold filter plugging point (CFPP) and viscosity (υ). A substitute for

CFPP is the low-temperature flow test. Lately, the US introduced a brand-new

technique for assessing the cold flow attributes of biodiesel, referred to as cold soak

filtration test. The cloud point, pour point, cold filter plugging point is the various

cold flow properties, which will be examined in this work.


2.1.1 Cloud point

The point on the temperature scale where crystals begin to form inside the fuel is

called the cloud point (CP). At sufficiently low temperatures of the biodiesel where

precipitation of wax crystals is obtained means that the cloud point is reached. First,

the formation of solidified wax crystal nuclei is in the range of cooling temperatures.

These wax crystals are submicron in size are not visible to an unaided eye. As the

temperature decreases, the crystals begin to develop. The temperature level with

which the formed crystals become visible (crystal diameter of about 0.5µm) to the

naked eye is known to be the cloud point due to the nature of the dull appearance of

the suspension developed by formation of crystals. At temperature levels lower than

the CP, the formed crystals might settle in the bottom of a reservoir or might end up

plugging filtration line or filters. Thus, the CP is known to be the most used

determinant of low-temperature range within which biodiesel fuel is operable. It is

generally known that the cloud point of petroleum diesel is lower than the cloud

point of biodiesel. The feedstock used in the production of biodiesel fuel is the

determining factor of the characteristics of the cloud point of the biodiesel (Barabás

& Todoruţ, 2010; Barabás & Todoruţ, 2011). The cloud point of biodiesel fuels

ranges between -5 °C and 17 °C. A representation of the cloud point is shown

pictorially in Figure 2.1. The American Standard test method (ASTM D 2500-09)

used for determining cloud point of petroleum products is shown in Appendix 1.


Figure 2.1: Cloud point. (

2.1.2 Pour-point

Many Agglomerated crystals are formed in fuel at a certain temperature, and this

makes the fuel to stop flowing due to the gel nature of these crystals in the fuel. The

measured temperature range where this tends to occur is taken as the pour point.

This situation occurs at temperature below the CP of the biodiesel and the

microcrystals come together to form larger clusters, which furthermore may interfere

with the ease of at which the fuel flows inside the channels of the fuel system of the

engine. Just as the feedstock is the dominating factor in determining the cloud point,

the value of the pour point is also dependent on the feedstock that was used in the

production of the biodiesel. The temperature range of pour point varies between -15

°C to 16 °C. The measurement of CP and the PP is relatively easy, but they are only

used to determine the lower extreme temperature value at which the fuel is usable. In

suitable conditions and situations, the fuel may still prove to be usable at the

indicative cloud point level, however this is not possible at the pour point. The cloud

point is an overestimation of the minimal usable temperature of the fuel. While the

pour point is an underestimate of the minimal working temperature of the fuel.

(Barabás & Todoruţ, 2011). A pictorial representation of the pour point is shown in


Figure 2.2 below. And the ASTM D 97-05 for pour point of petroleum products is

the American Standard Test Method given in Appendix 2.

Figure 2.2: Pour point

2.1.3 Cold filter plugging point

The minimum temperature value where the blends of the fuel can flow through any

of the filter is called the Cold Filter Plugging Point. Clogging of the fuel blends is

generally known to begin after this temperature. The American Standard Test

Method for CFPP of diesel and heating fuel is given in Appendix 3.

2.2 Flash-Point

This is the lowest temperature value correlating to a 101.3kPa barometric pressure (1

atm) at which the ignition supply can be used to ignite the gas within defined

conditions. This is a criterion used to categorize fuels for the purpose of storage,

distribution and delivery as related to the degree of hazard. There is no direct impact

of flash point on the combustion of the fuel; high values of flash point mean that the


fuel is safer in connection to delivery, fuel dealing with and storage requirement.

The volatility of the fuel varies inversely with its flash point. The minimum flash

point for a biodiesel fuel in the US is 93oC, in Europe it is 120

oC while in Brazil it is

100oC. As the quantity of the unused alcohol increases, the flash point of the

biodiesel decreases at a faster rate (Methanol has a flashpoint of 11°C -12°C and

13°C -14°C for ethanol). Knowing the relationship between the flash point of a

biodiesel and the quantity of alcohol; a measurement of the flashpoint of a biodiesel

can be used to help in determining the presence of methanol or ethanol in a

biodiesel. An example on how the flashpoint of a biodiesel can be used to detect the

presence of the quantity of alcohol; a 0.5% of methanol in a biodiesel fuel will

reduce the flashpoint from 170°C to 50°C. The ASTM standard enforces a minimum

value of 130°C flashpoint if the flashpoint is used to determine the content of

methanol in a biodiesel. Due to the fact that the maximum allowable concentration

level of methanol causes a flashpoint reduction below 130°C for 0.2%w/w biodiesel,

therefore the restriction of the ASTM standard may be considered too excessive. The

American Standard Test Method ASTM D 93-10 is used for flash point of petroleum


2.3 Acid Value

This is the neutralization number or the mass in milligrams of potassium

hydroxide (KOH) needed to counterbalance the acidic elements in a sample of

one gram. This value is used to predict the presence of acidic molecules in a

sample of biodiesel. It is a common practice to titrate a finite quantity of sample

liquified in organic solvent with a solution of known concentration of

potassium hydroxide and with phenolphthalein as a colour indicator.

The possibly observed acidic compounds in the biodiesel are the residual

mineral acids due to the process of production or the post-hydrolysis procedure

of the esters and oxidation by-products that are in different natural acid shape

or from the hydrolysis procedure from which residual free fatty acid form

(Berthiaume & Tremblay, 2006). This is a factor that directly measures the

constituents of free fatty acids present in a biodiesel, therefore the corrosiveness


of the fuel, the presence of water content in a biodiesel and the possibility of

filter blockage can be determined. Excess free glycerin content can cause issues

relating to functionality at critical extreme temperature values and the fuel filter

blockage. This factor by relation can be utilized to predict how fresh the

biodiesel may be. Oxidation of fuel caused by an extended period of storage is

likely to be identified by the high acid price (Barabás &Todoruţ, 2011). The

American Standard Test Method ASTM D 664-04 given in Appendix 4 is used for

the acidic value of petroleum products.

2.4 Oxidation Stability

During the period of storage of biodiesel, oxidation of the fuel can interfere with

the quality of the fuel when there is an interaction with air and with water

hydrolytic degradation may occur. The oxidative balance and the hydrolytic

balance of the fuel are the qualifiers for both operations. It is common for the

biodiesel to be oxidized during the course of storage whilst waiting for

transportation or while inside the vehicle fuel tank. The stability of biodiesel can

mean either of the issues: stability related to long period of storage or stability

due to aging at high temperatures and pressures in the fuel system of an engine

when the fuel undergoes cyclic circulation (NREL, 2009).

The stability due to storage is a very significant scenario for biodiesel and it is

the ability of the biodiesel fuel to modifications due to chemical reaction in the

course of a long-term storage. Typically, the modification due to long term

storage consists of oxidation due to the interaction between the fuel molecules

and the atmospheric oxygen (Gerpen, 2005).

The composition of the biodiesel fuel extensively influences its stable nature

when in contact with atmospheric oxygen. Some unsaturated fatty acid possesses

high propensity to oxidation, such fatty acids are mostly the polyunsaturated fatty

acids such as the C18:2 and the C18:3. Hydro peroxides that are usually one atom

of hydrogen and a few amounts of oxygen atoms remain connected to the fatty

acid chain after oxidation. The materials of the storage container can act as a

catalyst for the oxidation reactions. There is a production of hydro peroxides


after the oxidation chemical reactions. This might eventually form a chain fatty

acid, ketones and aldehydes. Massive molecules can be formed by the

polymerization of hydro peroxides. The viscosity of biodiesel is increased by

oxidation. It is also known that the acid value is increased by oxidation in which

there is a change in the yellowish color to a brownish color with a production of

hard deposits in the engine’s fuel system (Pipes and filters), quantities such as the

heating value and lubricity of the biodiesel is decreased by oxidation. In the

presence of water, the esters can hydrolyse to fatty acids of long chain, which

causes a rise in the acid value (Gerpen, 2005). Different reactions of degradation

of trans-esterification and oxidation can be catalyzed by these acids. The water

present may be as a pollutant used for hydrolysis (Engelen, 2009). The European

Standard Test Method EN 15751:2014, given in Appendix 5 is the oxidation

stability for products of petroleum.

2.5 Cetane Number

One of the property of the value of ignition fuels for compression ignition engines

(CIE) is the Cetane Number, this property is a dimensionless index. The cetane

number is used to explain the ease of self-ignition of a fuel. Knowing well that the

Compression ignition engines gain their relevance in the ability of igniting fuels by

compression without spark plugs. Therefore, the cetane number is a key factor to

look out in choosing fuel for compression ignition engines. The theoretical range of

cetane number is between 15 – 100; the boundary condition is described by the two

fuels used as reference fuels during the computational experiment of the cetane

number: hydrocarbons such as linear-chain hydrocarbon, hexadecane (C16H34,

which is known as n-cetane), have a cetane number of 100 and are highly sensitive

to ignition, while other hydrocarbons that are strongly branched-chain 2,2,4,4,6,8,8-

heptemathylnonane (HMN, also commonly known as isocetane) have same chemical

formulation of C16H34 have cetane number of 15 and are highly resistive to

ignition. The volumetric percentage of standard cetane in a standard cetane and

HMN mixture, that has identical detonation features and properties as the fuel used

for test. The formulation of the cetane number is expressed below.


v/v v/v (2.1)

The CN reveals the delay in ignition; this delay is the gap between the time it takes

for the fuel to be injected right into the combustion chamber and when the air-fuel

aggregate is detonated. The lag in ignition timing depicts how low the cetane number

of a fuel is and vice versa. The optimized functioning of the engine is controlled by

the higher and the lower bounds of the cetane value of the fuel. An engine’s ability

to start with less effort is directly linked to the cetane number; i.e a low cetane

number will cause an engine to give a hard start, and at low temperatures the

operation of the engine becomes loud and ragged and the engine becomes devoid of

combustion in its cycles, and this will cause incomplete combustion which in turn

increase the level of hydrocarbon emission which are pollutions that the engine

produces. On the other hand, a high cetane number will cause the engine to

experience early completed ignition before a right air-fuel mixture occurs, such

encounters in the engine causes the engine to produce more exhaust smoke which is

also due to incomplete combustion as a result of the premature ignition of the fuel.

Extremely high cetane number will cause an early ignition of the fuel near the

injector which will cause the engine to overheat, and this will produce fuel particles

that are not burned to block the nozzle of the injector. The right cetane number will

cause the engine to be more efficient and run properly, thus it is vital to know the

appropriate ranges of the cetane number that will not be problematic to the running

efficiency of the engine. The desirable upper and lower range of CN (Figure 1) is

between 41 and 56, and it should be noted that the CN should not exceed 65 to avoid

premature detonation of the fuel before the desired mixture of air-fuel is obtained

(Băţaga et al., 2003).

A graphical representation of the brake specific consumption and ignition delay vs

cetane number of fuel is given in Figure 2.3 below.


Figure 2.3: Brake specific fuel consumption and ignition delay vs. fuel cetane

number. (National Renewable Energy Laboratory NREL. (2009).

Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide – Fourth Edition.).

The acceptable cetane number of biodiesel varies in different countries and regions,

the cetane number accepted in the European Union is 51, and in the US it is 47,

while in Brazil it is 45. The minimum acceptable cetane number for diesel oil in the

US is 40 (ASTM D 975) and in Europe it is 51 (EN 590). (Bamgboye & Hansen,

2008; Barabás & Todoruţ., 2010).

2.6 Heat Of Combustion

The heat of combustion which is also known as the heating value is defined as the

amount of heat given off per unit combustion of air and fuel mixture in a closed

system of constant volume. Only fuels with constituents of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen,

hydrogen, and Sulphur usually give off end products after combustion in the form of

water and some forms of gases such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen and carbon dioxide,

when the preliminary and ultimate temperature of oxygen – fuel and the products is

25oC. The unit of measurement of the unit quantity of the fuel may be in kilogram or

square meter or in mol. Therefore, heating value has units of kj/kg, kj/kmol. The heat

of combustion per unit volume of the fuel or the volumetric heat combustion can be


determined by multiplying the quantity of the heat of combustion in mass by the

density of the fuel (mass/volume). The diesel engine uses a volume – dosed fueling

system, and such fueling system does not give much credit to the mass heat of

combustion but much attention is given to the volumetric heat of combustion. To

obtain the uncultivated heating value of a fuel, the products of the combustion of the

fuel must be cooled to the initial temperature recorded at the beginning of the

combustion and the water vapour produced due to combustion must be allowed to

condense and then the gross heating value can be gotten. To obtain the net or lower

heating value (Qn), the latent heat that is given off due to the vaporization of the

water which is produced in the process of combustion must be subtracted from the

total heating value.

The relationship between the net heat of combustion and the gross heat of

combustion is expressed by the formulation below in equation 2.2.

– (2.2)

Where H is the mass percentage of hydrogen in the gas.

The exhaust gases in internal combustion engines usually have higher temperature in

comparison to the temperature of a boiling water, (water vapour is discharged), in

the assessment of the heating values of fuels such as biodiesels, the lesser heating

value carries more relevance. Fatty acid esters experience increasing heating values

with increase of the chain length of molecule with the amount of carbon atoms (NC)

and the heating value decreases as the magnitude of unsaturation and the variety of

double bonds (ND). Unsaturated esters have inferior mass heating value than the

saturated esters, but due to the fact that they are denser, unsaturated esters have

greater volume heating value than that of saturated esters. (Barabás & Todoruţ,

2011). The American standard test method for heat of combustion of petroleum

products is the ASTM D240-02.


2.7 Lubricity

Mechanical parts robbing off each other’s surfaces experiences friction. A fuel’s

friction reducing ability is known as its lubricity. It is important for a fuel to possess

this ability in order to prevent premature failure of an engine’s fueling components

such as the pumps and the injectors due to friction. (Schumacher., 2005). In the use

of ultra-low Sulphur fuels (ULSD), lubricity is an important factor to consider. There

are methods to measure the lubricity of fuels and one of the method for measuring

the lubricity of any fuel is done with High Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR) test

methods which is given under ISO 12156-1. Under EN 590 for diesel fuel, the

supreme improved wear scar diameter (WS 1.4) is given as 460 μm. The lubricity of

a reformulated diesel fuel is lesser and additives to boost the lubricity of the fuel

should be introduced to the fuel. This additive should be well-matched with the fuel

and other compounds present in the fuel, This will avoid unwanted excessive wear of

the engine parts due to the fuel. It is understood that biodiesel possesses high level of

lubricity. Thus, biodiesel can be implemented as lubricity improver (Barabás &

Todoruţ, 2011). The standards of lubricity are the ISO 12156-1 for the International

Standard and the EN 590 for the European standard.

2.8 Density

The density ( ) of a fuel is the mass per unit volume of a fuel computed in vacuum.

Density of a fuel is a temperature dependent property so therefore the quality

standard requires that the density of a fuel should be taken at 15 oC. The

performance of any fuel is directly affected by the density of the fuel knowing that

the following properties of the fuel is strongly related and affected by the density of

the fuel, some of these properties include; the heating value, the kinematic viscosity

and the cetane number. The diesel engine’s power is determined by the amount in

volume of air-fuel combusted in the combustion chamber, the density of the fuel

affects the effective volume of the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber

because diesel engine fuel systems measures the amount of fuel by the means of

volume measurement which is a composition of the ratio of the effect of the density

and the mass of the delivered fuel for combustion. A change in density will directly


cause a change in the amount of mass of fuel available for mixture with air and

therefore the power delivered after the combustion process is affected by the density

of the fuel. Knowing that the density of the fuel evidently affects the performance of

the fuel in an engine, it is necessary to take the density into account in the

manufacturing, delivery, distribution and storage of biodiesel. Temperature and time

of storage usually alters the density of fuel thereby increasing the atomization and

adversely affect the lubrication of the components of the injection system. Biodiesel

has higher density when compared to the conventional petrol diesel fuel and this is

determined by the composition of acid and level of purity (Barabás & Todoruţ,

2011). The density of petroleum products is determined using the American

Standard Test Method ASTM D941 – 88 given in Appendix 6.

2.9 Viscosity

The ability of a liquid to resist flow or the ability of a fluid to resist the tendency of

movement because of the molecular interactive forces within the fluid is known as

Viscosity and this is the opposite of fluidity. Viscosity stands to be one of the utmost

vital properties of bio-diesel because it affects the effortlessness of initiating ignition

of an engine as well as the rate of flow of the fuel in the fuel delivery system of the

engine and the quality of the air-fuel mixture (Alptekin and Canakci, 2009). It is

important to find the optimum value of the viscosity of a fuel because a fuel with

high viscosity will tend to gain higher inertia in the fuel system of an engine, it will

also deliver excessive amount of fuel mass in huge drops for combustion which will

evidently lead to improper combustion and more toxic release of exhaust gases after

combustion. And if the viscosity of a fuel is too low, the engine will experience free

spray and little mass of fuel will be delivered for mixture with air which will

adversely affect the performance of the engine in power delivery. This causes

inadequate saturation and the production of dark smoke as exhaust products due to

the absence of oxygen close to the injector during combustion (Băţaga et. al., 2003).

Therefore, there are higher and lower limits of the viscosity of a fuel for optimum



High viscosity will cause the formation of deposits in the combustion chamber to

increase, and this in turn causes a demand in power of the fuel pump to be able to

convey or pump the fuel from the tank into the combustion chamber. An excessive

viscose fuel will cause an increase in tearing and wearing of the parts of the fuel

delivery system due to the high demand of mechanical effort needed to push the fuel

through the system. When a fuel is very viscose, it affects the functionality of the

fuel at low temperatures due to the inverse temperature – viscosity relationship. The

properties of lubrication are depicted by the viscosity due to time of storage and

temperature, this property also have effect on the rate of wear and tear of the fuel

system of the engine. The lubricity of a fuel is influenced by the viscosity of the fuel

which help to lubricate the injectors and pumps. Electronegative oxygen present in

biodiesel makes biodiesel fuels extra polar than diesel gasoline; and due to this,

biodiesel has better viscosity in comparison to that of diesel fuel. From literature we

it is known that pure ethyl esters have higher viscosity than methyl esters (Dabir et

al., 2007). The determination of the viscosity of petroleum products is done using the

American Standard Test Method ASTM D445-06 given in Appendix 7.

There are two distinct forms of Viscosity mentioned below:

a. Absolute or dynamic viscosity

b. Kinematic viscosity

The force applied in tangent per unit of area that is needed to make one layer (A) to

slide over another layer (B) is known as the dynamic viscosity as shown in the figure

2.4. In the figure 2.4 shown below, the force F makes the layer A to slide over layer

B with a velocity of while layer B slides over layer A with a velocity of

Knowing that a fluid’s viscosity is known as the opposing force of a fluid’s flow,

this relationship is described mathematically below as;

Shear stress = τ (Strain or shear rate)

where μ is the dynamic viscosity.

Figure 2.4 gives a simple pictorial explanation of a simple shear of a liquid film


Figure 2.4: Simple shear of a liquid film. (


The mathematical expressions are given below to analyze the viscosity of the fluid

placed between the two layers in figure 2.4. if τ be the shear stress and e become the

strain rate


The strain rate is generally expressed as


With x taken as the length, while t is taken as the time recorded and is the

velocity v. thus, an expression of the dynamic viscosity is shown below


For the computation of the kinematic viscosity, an accurate knowledge of the density

of the fluid is needed at that temperature and pressure, the kinematic viscosity is

given mathematically as;



2.9.1 Importance of viscosity

Viscosity of the biodiesel directly affects the behavior and performance of engines

that is why it is accepted as an important property. Creation of engine sediment

caused by viscosity affecting the atomization of a fuel upon injection into the

combustion chamber (Knothe et al, 2005b). That means, fluids having lower

viscosities flow easier compared that having higher viscosity value ones, even so it

does not mean that we want a fuel with low viscosity or high viscosity. Right

proportion is the real issue for getting the best engine efficiency. Low viscosities

don’t ensure sufficient lubrication for the sensitive fit of fuel injection pumps. In

contrast high viscosities guide to the formation of large droplets on

injection (resulting in poor combustibility, raised exhaust smoke and emissions)

(CennatekBioanalytical Services, 2013).

2.9.2 Fluid flow and viscosity

For the purpose of quality control, the viscosity values of a liquid is usually

required by process engineers, while the job of setting the optimum conditions

needed for chemical reactions and operations with the use of the parameters is

done by the design engineers. The determination of the power required for the

unit operations which involves storage, injection, design, pump characteristics,

pipeline design and delivery of a liquid shows that the viscosity of the fluid is

very critical.

The viscosity of a fluid usually determines the flow properties of that fluid and

these properties are generally categorized into three (3) classes:

a) Newtonian

b) Time dependent Non-Newtonian

c) Time independent Non-Newtonian

A Newtonian fluid is characterized by the consistency in its viscosity when there

is an existence of an applied shear stress. While the viscosity of the non-

Newtonian liquid is determined by the applied shear stress and time. If the shear


rate of a fluid is altered and the shear stress does not change proportionally, it is

said that the fluid is time independent non-Newtonian fluid. (Dabir et al., 2007).

2.9.3 Viscometers

It is very crucial to measure the viscosity of fluids around us in every aspect of

life. Many industrial systems requires a reasonable knowledge of viscosity.

Experimental data is used to prove various theories that have been developed

over the years for the prediction and computation of viscosity. Instruments used

for the measurement of viscosity have classified extensively:

Some of these viscosity measurement instruments combine the working

characteristics of two or three types of viscometers, example of such viscometers

include Friction tube, Brookfield, Viscosity sensitive rotameter, continuous

consistency viscometers and Norcross. There are also some automated devices

used for the purpose of process control and uninterrupted measurement of

viscosity. So many other instruments used for measuring viscosity are termed

after developers in the field and are factory-made by standard instrument

producers that offered for each of the categories (Dabir et al., 2007).

2.9.4 Capillary viscometers

The viscosity of Newtonian Fluid is commonly measured using the Capillary

viscometers. These viscometers have the advantage of the ease of operation,

little quantity of the fluid is required as sample, the simplicity of controlling the

temperature, and it is not expensive. This viscometer, got its name from the

mode with which it is used to measure the viscosity of a fluid. The fluid is

permitted to drift through the duct of the instrument and the volumetric flow

rate will be measured by calculating the time taken for the fluid to flow through

two marked graduation points in the capillary. The stream of the fluid in the

capillary of the viscometer is affected either by gravity (the gravity type

viscometer) or by an outside force. The liquid is driven across the capillary at


an already fixed rate in the use of an equipment where an external force is

applied, and the reduction of pressure through the capillary tube is measured. A

direct computation of the viscosity of a fluid can be given by the Capillary

viscometer from the drift rate, pressure and diverse dimensions of the devices.

Nevertheless, a lot of the capillary viscometers requires an initial calibration

with one or two other fluids with identified viscosity to acquire “constants” for

the specific viscometer in use (Dabir et al., 2007).

The 5 major modules of a capillary viscometer is given below 1. A liquid reservoir, 2. A capillary of acknowledged dimensions, 3. A provision for measuring and controlling the implemented stress, 4. A means of measuring the glide charge, and 5. A thermostat to hold the desired temperature.

The above components have been used in modified versions to make several

styles and types of the capillary viscometers (Dabir et al., 2007). There are

generally, three (3) groups of commercially produced capillary tubes and this is

based on the designs.

1. Modified Ostwald viscometers, 2. Suspended-level viscometers 3. Reverse-flow viscometers.

2.10 Total Acidic Number

The quantity used to determine the acidity of a substance is called the Total Acidic

Number or the total acidic value. The substance could be any substance such as

euro-diesel or bio-diesel or blends of them both as in this case. This is the amount of

potassium hydroxide in milligrams that is essential to counterbalance the acidic

concentration of 1 gram of a sample of a substance.




3.1 Bio-Diesel and Euro-Diesel

The sample of euro-diesel blend used in this work is certified, quality

controlled with allotted license of worth from oil refineries limited on the 6th


July 2017. The sample was taken before it was loaded at the Haifa oil docks

from stock tank No 453/510. The properties of this euro-diesel are given in

Table 3.2.

A bio-diesel that is FAME based is used in this study. This type of bio-diesel is

commonly produced using the transesterification process. Generally, the

process of transesterification is a chemical reaction between triglyceride and

alcohol in the while alkaline catalyst (NaOH, KOH) is present to produce fatty

acid methyl esters. The standard and properties of the bio-diesel used in this

report is given in Table 3.1 while the standard of the euro-diesel sample is

given in Table 3.2 below.

3.2 Measurement of Kinematic Viscosity

For the purpose of this work to better understand the reaction of the bio-diesel and

euro-diesel fuel blend over a long period of time, the measurement of viscosity is

very crucial. It is worth noting that the kinematic viscosity of a fluid is directly

linked to the temperature and this is a storage time dependent factor. The viscosity is

measured using equipment called viscometers. While a rheometer is used for

measurement of viscosity.

3.2.1 Ubbelohde viscometer

A German Chemist called Leo Ubbelohde invented the Ubbelohde viscometer. This

viscometer uses the working principles of the capillary viscometer to measure

viscosity. The major advantage of the Ubbelohde viscometer is that values gotten are


not dependent on the total volume of the sample, this type of viscometer is

recommended for solutions of higher viscosity cellulose polymer. The temperature

constant used in this viscometer is the same for all temperature; this viscometer

requires little quantity of sample during experimentation and the possibility of errors

is considerably low and it is inexpensive. In the Figure 3.1 below, the details of the

Ubbelohde is shown.

Figure 3.1: Ubbelohde viscometer


Generally, the viscometer consists of the capillary tube (1), the venting tube (2), the

filling tube (3), the reservoir (4) the reference level (5) the top part which is dome-

shaped (6) the capillary (7), the measuring sphere (8), the pre-run sphere (9), M1

upper timing mark and M2 timing mark.

The reservoir (4) is the point in which the samples are being introduced via the

filling tube (3), it is important that the viscometer is completely filled and is bubble

and particulate free. The most important thing to look out for is the desired

temperature of measurement, and once this temperature is reached, a finger is

positioned on the venting tube (2) then drew through the capillary tube (1). When

this is done, the suction is disconnected from the capillary tube (1) and the finger

initially placed over the venting tube (2) is removed. Then the liquid is permitted to

flow back across the measuring bulb then the time taken to travel from point M1 to

M2 is recorded using a stop watch, and that is the measured viscosity. The steps for

measuring viscosity explained are used for the Ubbelohde viscometer.

It is usually recommended to use the Ubbelohde viscometer other than other types of

viscometer to calculate the viscosity of a fluid due to its ease of usage, speed,

satisfactory level of accuracy and the ability to retain the same constant for all

temperature in the course of the experimental exercise. It was effective in the

determination of translucent Newtonian liquids in the ranges of 0.3 to about 100,

000cSt (mm2/s). This device is inexpensive and needs small quantity of sample fluid

for measurement. Some of the shortcomings of the Ubbelohde viscometer is the

possibility of blockage and slight deviation in the temperature of the cooling bath or

the glass beaker will affect the level of accuracy of the Ubbelohde viscometer. The

type of Ubbelohde viscometer used for transparent fluid is the kinematic energy

correction Ubbelohde viscometer in appendix 7 and the Ubbelohde technical

specification is included in appendix 7. The reason why the Ubbelohde viscometer is

highly recommended is because it has broad range of applications and it permits the

measurement of transparent fluids at high temperature. Three kinds of viscometers

are used in this work due to the range of measurement, these are the Ic, Oc and I.

The tables given below displays the Ubbelohde viscometer and their technical



Table 3.1: Types of Ubbelohde Viscometers for Transparent Fluids.


Size no: Approximate

Constant, K



Viscosity Range




of Tube,

R, mm



Bulb C, ml



Diameter of

Tube P, ml


0 0.001 0.3* to 1 0.24 1.0 6.0

Oc 0.003 0.6 to 3 0.36 2.0 6.0

Ob 0.005 1 to 5 0.46 3.0 6.0

I 0.01 2 to 10 0.58 4.0 6.0

Ic 0.03 6 to 30 0.78 4.0 6.0

Ib 0.05 10 to 50 0.88 4.0 6.0

2 0.1 20 to 100 1.03 4.0 6.0

2c 0.3 60 to 300 1.36 4.0 6.0

2b 0.5 100 to 500 1.55 4.0 6.0

3 1.0 200 to 1000 1.83 4.0 6.0

3c 3.0 600 to 3000 2.43 4.0 6.0

3b 5.0 1000 to 5000 2.75 4.0 6.5

4 10 2000 to 10, 000 3.27 4.0 7.0

4c 30 6000 to 30,000 4.32 4.0 8.0

4b 50 10,000 to 50,000 5.20 5.0 8.5

5 100 20,000 to 100,000

6.25 5.0 10.0



Table 3.2: Ubbelohde Technical Specification. (



Type No Capillary No Capillary

Dia I± 0.01(mm)

Constant K



Range (mm²/s)

52503 Oc 0.36 0.002856 0.6-3

52510 I 0.58 0.009820 2-10

52513 Ic 0.78 0.02944 6-30

For example to determine the kinematic viscosity of this blend of fuel (20% BD +

80% ED) at 40oC, the following procedure and calculation is done.

Capillary Constant (K) = 0.009820 (mm2/s) s

Average flow time (t) = 312.333s

The kinetic energy correction factor (HC) y for 312.3333 = 0.1004 by interpolation

υ = K (t-y)

υ = 0.009820 (312.333-0.1004) = 3.0661mm2/s

3.3 Cooling Bath System

This system is shown in Figure 3.2 below. This system was utilized to cool the blend

of fuel from 20oC to -11

oC so as to determine the viscosity of the fuel blend.


Figure 3.2: Cooling Bath System

This system comprises of the following components

1. Compressor

2. Cooling bath glass

3. Thermostat

4. Radiator

5. Holder

6. Alcohol as a cooling bath

7. Samples

8. Capillary holder

9. Ubbelohde capillary viscometer

10. Coil

The samples of bio-diesel (7) are inserted in the ubbelohde capillary viscometer

(9) that is supported by the capillary holder (8) in a vertical position and allowed

to be immersed into the cooling bath in which the alcohol is used as the cooling

liquid because of its resistance to freezing at extreme low temperatures such as -


114oC. The compressor (1) is connected with a coil (10), which helps in cooling

the liquid bath while the compressor is being ventilated by the radiator (4). The

thermostat (3) is used to control the cooling temperature as it turns on and off to

regulate the temperature as needed in the cooling bath. The cooling bath is

thermally isolated by the use of thick layers of foam to keep the inner chambers

of the cooling bath stabilized while the cooling bath is also insulated from

gaining heat from the surrounding when the cooling bath is operating at low

temperature with the used of fiber materials.

3.3.1 Alcohol

Atmospheric pressure and the composition of alcohol affects the freezing point of

alcohol and a slight change in the atmospheric pressure and the composition of

the alcohol inevitably causes a change in the freezing point. Particulates of water

in an alcohol will cause its freezing point to be higher than usual. Due to this

understanding that pure alcohol freezes at about -114oC and water freezes at 0


alcohol is taken as the best suitable cooling bath liquid for this work. The alcohol

used in this work is purchased from local stores in Northern Cyprus.

3.3.2 Temperature regulation

The processes undergone in this work requires that the temperature of all the

parts of the liquid of the cooling bath be kept homogenously which is why the

thermostat is very important for this purpose of regulating the temperature of the

cooling bath. The method of cooling the cold bath is done by sensing the

presence of hot air and ejecting the hot air from the system rather than

introducing cool air into the system. There is a control knob on the thermostat

which allows the user to control the temperature as desired. The thermostat

maintains the preset temperature by regulating the amount of electricity power

supplied to the compressor. It is commonly said that if the thermostat is

considered as the brain of the cooling system, then the compressor serves its

heart. The water in the glass beaker is manually mixed so as to maintain

temperature homogeneity all through the water. The thermometer used in this


experiment is shown is Figure 3.3 while the thermostat used is shown in Figure

3.4 below.

Figure 3.3: Thermometer placed in the glass beaker to measure high temperature.

Figure 3.4: Thermostat connected to the cooling bath to measure low



3.3.3 Accessories

Additional accessories are used to insure proper, accurate and effective readings

of the experimental data, and these accessories are listed below:

1. Fiber insulator – This is placed round the cooling bath to minimize the

possibility of the interference of environmental relative high temperature

when the cooling bath’s temperature is relatively low.

2. Beaker insulator – this accessory is used for the purpose to prevent the

cooling bath from losing heat to the environment when the system has a

relative higher temperature than that of the environment.

3. Glass pippete – This accessory is used to insert the samples of biodiesel

into the viscometer.

4. Syringe – This is one of the simple hand accessories that is used for the

purpose of suction.

5. Stop watch – This accessory is very important in this work as it is used to

measure time, especially during the calculation of the viscosity of the


6. Viscometer holder – The accessory is used to keep the Ubbelohde

viscometer in the proper position.


3.3.4 Flow chart on kinematic viscosity

Step 1: Clean the viscometer

Step 2: Put required sample into viscometer

Step 3: Place the viscometer in to the temperature

controlled liquid (water/alcohol) bath and wait for

the requried temperature

Step 4: Close the vent tube and apply suction to capillary tube

Step 5: Open venting tube and measure time of flow between M1 and M2

Step 6: Calculate the kinematic viscosity. Repeat these steps 3 or 4 times

and calculate the average kinematic viscosity


3.4 Density Measurment by Using Pycnometer

Pycnometer is has its root from the word puknos, which is a Greek word for

density. The pycnometer is also seen as a specific gravity bottle fitted with a

glass stopper that has a fine hole drilled through it. This device gives an accurate

measurement of the density of a fluid. This procedure for using the pycnometer to

measure density is by filling the pycnometer with a sample of the fluid whose

density is to be measured and then it is placed on a weighing scale. The

difference in weight between the empty pycnometer and the sample loaded

pycnometer is calculated and then divided with specific gravity, this gives the

accurate density of the fluid.

3.4.1 Standards using the pycnometer

The pycnometer is an expensive piece of equipment that is very delicate and must

be handled with care and caution. The following precaution should be taken when

using or handling the pycnometer for density measurement.

1. Pay attention to the parts of the pycnometer so that the bulb and the

stopper are not interchanged with other lab components because the bulb

and the stopper have the same numbers.

2. Prior to the initial measurement of the weight of the empty pycnometer, it

is important to ensure that the pycnometer is clean and dry.

3. Pippets must be used to insert sample of the liquids into the bulb of the

pycnometer until it is halfway to the neck and care must be taken when

inserting the stopper of the capillary.

4. A full glass bulb gives no room for air bubbles in the bulb or in the

capillary device likewise in the top.

5. When the filled pycnometer is to be weighed, caution must be observed to

ensure that the outside of the pycnometer is dry and clean perfectly.

6. Attention must be given to the temperature readings to ensure that the

required temperature is maintained throughout the process.

7. Ensure that the electronic balance is calibrated and set to 0.00 before the

filled pycnometer is placed on it.


3.5 Electromagnetic Hot Plates

The electromagnetic hot plate used in this work is the hiedolph mr hei-tec

electromagnetic heater which is a device whose top is made of aluminum, to

increase the rate of heating up. This apparatus is recommended whenever the

kinematic viscosity and the density of a fluid are to be determined at elevated

temperatures ranging from 30oC to 90

oC. Within this temperature, water may be

used as the liquid in the glass beaker. However, silicon oil is used at temperatures

beyond this range. The electromagnetic Hot plate used in this work is shown in

the diagram of Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5: Heidolph mr hei-tec. (

3.6 Methodology

3.6.1 Procedure I (Kinematic Viscosity)

In this section, the step by step process followed to determine the kinematic

viscosity of the blend sample used in this work.


1. The IC viscometer was cleaned with a mixture that contains 70% of

unpolluted water, 15% of hydrogen peroxide and 15% of tuz ruhu before

usage. Furthermore, the viscometer was rinsed again using acetone and

dried to ensure that it is dust free before commencing the experiment.

2. If particles are observed to be in the viscometer, the suction syringe can

be used to remove them.

3. Samples of the blend are introduced into the lower reservoir of the

viscometer in order to charge it to the upper making line in the lower u-


4. Use the viscometer holder to immerse the viscometer perpendicularly in

the cooling bath or the temperature-controlled glass beaker.

5. Leave the sample for some time in order for both the cooling bath and the

glass beaker to reach temperature homogeneity.

6. Close the venting tube and start suction till the bigger and smaller bulb are

filled with samples, the suction should be stopped when the sample

reaches or passes the upper timing mark and then open the venting tube.

7. Measurement of the efflux time t is done. This is the time interval with

which the blend moves from the M1 mark to the M2 mark.

8. The kinematic viscosity is obtained by multiplication of the efflux time

and “υ” which is gotten from equations.

9. In order to reach higher accuracy of the measurement, step 6 to 8 should

be repeated about 4 times without recharging the viscometer.

10. In this experiment, for measuring ranges between 6-30 the experimental

setup used was Ic while for ranges between 2-10 the I experimental setup

was used and for ranges of 0.6-3 the Oc experimental setup was used.

11. All equipment’s and apparatus used in this procedure was properly

cleaned and stored back in appropriate place.


3.6.2 Procedure II (density)

Step 1: This is the beginning of the experiment in which the weight of the empty

pycnometer is recorded. It’s in this stage that the pycnometer is thoroughly

cleaned with cleaning materials which include cleaning with acetone and there

after it is checked for the presence of any particulate. Before placing the

pycnometer on the electronic balance, It is very important to a make sure that the

balance is positioned in an area that is vibration free and it is calibrated to 0.00.

Step 2: At this point, the sample of the blend is poured into the pycnometer till it

fills it up to the throat level. It is essential that there is no space left in the

pycnometer for air bubbles when filling the pycnometer with the sample blend. It

is important to observe the level of the sample inside the pycnometer because a

slight variation of the sample from the throat level of the pycnometer will affect

the measurement of the density.

Step 3: To ensure that the electronic balance is working efficiently and properly,

it was calibrated to 0.00 and was observed if this point is altered after placing and

removing objects from it. But it was discovered that this level was constant when

nothing was placed on it, therefore it is working properly for this purpose.

Step 4: At this point the sample filled pycnometer is immersed in the cold bath

that contains alcohol. During the cooling process, there is a tendency for the

sample fuel to experience molecular binding or cloting which might reduce the

level of the sample below the throat level of the pycnometer due to contraction at

low temperatures, when this starts happening, it is important to add more sample

to the pycnometer to ensure that the sample remains in the threshold of the throat

level of the pycnometer. The homogeneity of the temperature all through the

sample is also vital before measurements are done.

Step 5: Once it is observed that the temperature all through the sample is at the

desired temperature value, and the sample is at the threshold of the throat level

and the electronic balance is observed to be working properly, at that point the

measurement is ready to be carried out. It is vital for the electronic balance to be

kept close to the pycnometer so as not to have temperature drop or rise when

transferring the pycnometer from the cold bath to the electronic balance because


the properties to be measured are temperature sensitive. And care must be taken

to wipe off excess liquid off the body of the pycnometer prior to placing it on the

electronic balance.

Step 6: After taking readings from the electronic balance, it is important that the

pycnometer and the electronic balance are kept in their proper place in the lab.

1. 2.

3. 4.

Figure 3.6: Pictorial representation of using a pycnometer to measure density.

Pycnometer of 100 mL Pycnometer of 250 mL

Hot Plate Cooling Bath System


3.6.3 Flow chart on density

Step 1: Clean the pycnometer

Step 2: Weigh the empty pycnometer

Step 3: Put the required amount of sample into pcynometer

Step 4: Place the pycnometer in to the temperature controlled liquid

(water/alcohol) bath and wait for the homogenous temperature


Step 5: : Weigh the pcynometer with an electronic balance

Step 6: Calculate the density of the sample at required temperature.

Repeat these step 3 or 4 times and calculate average density


Example 1:

Following is given an example to determine the density of the sample (20% BD

and 80% ED) used for this work at 15oC, the following is done


3.6.4 Procedure III (PP, CP and CFPP)

The procedure undergone to determine the pour point and the cloud point is

explained using figure 3.7 and Figure 3.8.

Figure 3.7: Equipment used to measure the pour point and Cloud point.


Points indicated from figure 3.7 above are explained below.

1. Data acquisition and computer

2. Cooling bath

3. Cooling system

Figure 3.8: Data logger and the thermocouples.

An explanation of the points numbered in Figure 3.8 is given below;

1. Data logger – this is a device that links up the glass jar to a computer

using thermocouples where the outputs of the experiment can be read.

Thermocouples are used for the connection because of the need to read

temperature inside the glass jar. Also to determine the cloud point that is

placed inside the glass test jar and for the pour point which is located on

top of the inner part of the glass jar.

2. Block of Insulator (Styrofoam): The purpose of this block of insulator is

to keep the system at a steady temperature range.


3. Glass test jar: The glass jar contains 45ml of the test sample in which

three thermocouples are placed inside as shown in figure 3.9. The three

thermocouple serve their distinctive purpose as explained below

a. The thermocouple sited in the lower portion of the glass jar is used to

obtain readings that measure the cloud point of the sample

b. The thermocouple placed in the middle of the glass jar is used to

determine the temperature curve of the cooling system.

c. The thermocouple sited in the upper portion of the glass jar is for the

pour point measurement.

4. Cooling bath: The purpose of the cooling bath is to keep the sample in a

steady temperature range and this is achieved by using a thick layer of

Styrofoam block with a thickness of 11cm in a wooden box to isolate the

system from the surrounding.

5. Alcohol: This is a choice cooling bath material because of its very low

freezing point of -114 oC.

6. Thermocouple of Cooling system: This system is important as such to

transmit temperature signals to the compressor.

7. Fourth Thermocouple of data logger: This thermocouple is responsible to

determine and transfer the entire readings of the system to the computer’s


8. Coil of the Cooling System: This coil is used to improve the rate of

cooling or the cooling efficiency of the compressor.

In the experimental set up, a glass test jar is retained inside an aluminum cylinder

which is enclosed by the cooling bath which contains alcohol. A cork stopper and

a ring assembly is used to isolate the glass test jar from the aluminum cylinder.

This aluminum cylinder was initially placed in an 8 liter stainless steel cooling

bath that contains alcohol at low temperature and the sample was preheated to

65oC before it was poured into the glass jar. The 11cm thick Styrofoam is used

to isolate the cooling bath from environmental interference and for vibration

damping. The ASTM D445-06 was used to check the determined kinematic

viscosity of the sample used in this setup.


In order to assess the the pour point and cloud point, a fresh sample was used and

tested using the ASTM D97 and ASTM D2500 American Standard Test Method

for pour point and cloud point respectively.

A cloud point test was conducted after the apparatus and the liquid bath was

cooled, this test was carried out by cooling the sample placed in the test jar and a

stepwise inspection was carried out after every 1oC change until the sample

becomes cloudy. At the point where the sample starts being cloudy, the

temperature was recorded as the cloud point for the specified sample from the

thermocouple placed in the inner lower part of the test jar because it is observed

that the temperature value in the lower part of the jar tends to be higher than the

temperature in the upper part of the test jar.

Figure 3.9: Thermocouples placed inside the Glass Jar


In order to determine the pour point, the sample is allowed to achieve

temperatures value that is slightly higher than the expected pour point and then

an observation is given to the sample at this point. The cooling bath is then

allowed to achieve extremely low temperature, then the same sample is immersed

into the cooling bath and an inspection at a 1 oC stepwise is carried out until the

sample loses its fluidity. The temperature reading of the thermometer is recorded

and the temperature reading before the present reading is considered the pour

point of the sample, the thermocouple positioned in the upper part of the sample

also gives off its reading which is also recorded. To maintain low level of

discrepancies of the result, every measurement obtained was done three times for

each sample and then averaged and it is recorded that the standard deviation of

the test results is a ±2 oC.

3.6.5 Procedure IV (blend temperature stability and storage)

The sample used for this work is a blend of BD ED which is stored

for long time so as to analyze the flow properties of this blend under extreme

temperature and over long period of storage. An oven is used to store and keep

the blend at 40 oC for a long period of time using a thermostat to regulate and

keep the temperature steady. The thermostat is used to as a temperature

monitoring device for the inner temperature of the over. A long copper hollow

tube extended from the oven is connected to the thermostat. Heating bulbs are

placed inside the oven and whenever the thermostat senses that the inner

temperature of the oven has reached the preset temperature of 40 oC, the

thermostat cuts off the heat source of the oven and when the temperature drops

below this preset temperature, the thermostat kicks off the heating source of the

oven so as to keep it steadily at 40 oC.


Figure 3.10: The blends of Bio-diesel and Euro-Diesel placed inside the oven.


3.6.6 Flow chart for measuring cloud point and pour point

Step 1: : Alcohol in the cooling bath was cooled down to -20°C

Step 2: Put 45 ml biodiesel sample into glass test jar.

Step 3: Place the glass test jar to aluminium cylinder which was

immersed in the cooling bath

Step 4: Place the thermocouples at the required places of the glass test


Step 5: Record the temperature using thermocouple 1, named as cloud point.

Step 6: : Record the temperature using thermocouple 3, named as pour point.




The aim of this work is to find the relationship between the kinematic viscosity

and the density and measurement of these properties is done while keeping the

blend at a constant temperature of 40 oC over a period of 90 days. The kinematic

viscosity of the blend was under study for a period of 12 weeks in varying

temperatures from -11 oC to 90

oC. The relationship of the density of the blend

was also studied a constant temperature of 15oC for 90 days. Further testing and

experimentation was done to determine the behavior of the density of a mixture

of 20% bio-diesel and 80% of euro-diesel at a varying temperature range of -11

oC to 90

oC for 12 weeks.

4.1 Kinematic Viscosity Over a Storage of 90 Days at 40 °C

This section is used to explain the results shown in Table 4.1 which is the effect

of time on a blend containing 20% Bio-Diesel (BD) and 80% Euro- Diesel (ED)

at a constant temperature of 40 oC, which is a temperature that is considered

average during summer in Northern Cyprus.

Table 4.1: Kinematic Viscosity (mm2/s) for a Storage Period of 90 days at 40


Days 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

B20 3.247 3.273 3.299 3.370 3.397 3.424 3.500 3.507 3.514 3.636


Figure 4.1: Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) for a storage period of 90 days at 40


The graph representation of the relationship between kinematic viscosity and

storage periods shown in Figure 4.1 shows that as time increases, the blend

becomes more viscos, i.e the viscosity of the blend increased with longer storage

period of time. This behavior of the viscosity of the blend is due to the increase

of total acidic number in fuels (oxidation of fuels increases with time). The

increase in the total acidic number causes more impurities like fatty acid chains

and polymers to form in the fuel system.

4.2 Kinematic Viscosity over Testing Temperatures

The behavior of kinematic viscosity of the fuel blend containing 20% of Bio-

Diesel and 80% Euro-Diesel over a temperature range of -11 oC to 90

oC is

studied and tested on weekly intervals. This section discusses the results obtained

from the conducted experiments.












0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100



ic V




m2 /


Storage Period (Days)


Table 4.2: Kinematic Viscosity (mm2/s) for 12 weeks over Testing Temperatures


T(°c) 0 Week 4 Weeks 8 Weeks 12 Weeks

-13 - - - -

-11 22.89 - - -

-10 18.73 18.80263 - -

-8 15.33 15.38677 15.95828 17.65

-7 13.39 13.4394 13.93858 15.55

-5 11.56 11.6057 12.03677 12.21

-3 11.18 11.21908 11.63578 13.17

0 9.48 9.514201 9.867586 10.18

2 8.83 8.861503 9.190645 9.78

5 7.98 8.00818 8.305627 8.18

8 7.91 7.936495 8.231279 9.13

10 6.83 6.853623 7.108186 7.81

15 5.97 5.996163 6.218878 6.88

20 5.18 5.198388 5.391471 6.69

30 3.77 3.787421 3.928097 4.37

40 3.25 3.37 3.5 3.64

50 2.69 2.702696 2.803082 3.31

60 2.25 2.261996 2.346013 2.73

70 1.93 1.936805 2.008743 2.25

80 1.74 1.743124 1.807869 2.02

90 1.56 1.568812 1.627082 1.82


Figure 4.2: Kinematic Viscosity (mm2/s) for 12 weeks over testing temperatures

in oC.

In the curve represented in Figure 4.2, it is seen that the kinematic viscosity

behavior declines as temperature rises. This reduction in viscosity due to high

temperature is because of the effect of high temperature on the cohesive

molecular forces that exist between the bond and molecules of the fuel, ability of

the cohesive force to keep the molecules of the fuel together reduces as the

temperature keeps rising.







-20 0 20 40 60 80 100



ic V




m2 /


Temperature (oC)

0 wks

4 wks

8 wks

12 wks


4.3 Density Over A Storage Period Of 90 Days At Temperature Of 15 °C

In this section, using Table 4.3 an explanation of the effect of keeping the blend

of 20% BD+80%ED at 15 oC for 90 days on density. The values tabulated in

Table 4.3 are obtained experimentally.

Table 4.3: Density (kg/m3) for storage period of 90 days at 15


Figure 4.3: Density (kg/m3) for a storage period of 90 days at 15


Using the graph shown in the Figure 4.3 above, it is evident that the density of

the fuel rises as storage time increases also. The increase in density over a long

period of time is due to the developed impurities formed in the fuel blend due to

oxidation and these impurities therefore make the fuel to be heavier and thicker.











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




/m3 )

Storage period (Days)

Days 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

B20 855.818 856.931 858.045 861.900 863.020 864.142 866.600 867.727 868.855 870.605


4.4 Density Over Testing Temperatures

In this section the relationship of density of the fuel blends of 20%BD+80%ED

and varying temperature ranging from -11 oC to 90

oC will be discussed. The

reading and measurement of the density was carried out on a weekly interval.

Table 4.4 Density (kg/m3) for 12 weeks over a Testing Temperature range


T (oC) 0 weeks 4 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks

-11 947.83 - - -

-10 939.46 946.0876 - -

-8 931.09 937.6564 942.7413 870.60

-7 922.71 929.2252 934.2644 870.60

-5 914.34 920.7941 925.7875 870.60

-3 905.97 912.3629 917.3106 870.60

0 897.60 903.9317 908.8337 870.60

2 889.23 895.5006 900.3569 870.60

5 880.85 887.0694 891.88 870.60

8 872.48 878.6382 883.4031 870.60

10 864.11 870.2071 874.9262 870.60

15 855.82 861.9 866.6 870.60

20 847.53 853.5065 858.1351 870.60

30 839.23 845.1563 849.7396 870.60

40 829.32 835.1706 839.6997 870.60

50 827.42 833.2562 837.7749 870.60

60 818.30 824.0786 828.5476 870.60

70 811.52 817.2483 821.6802 870.60

80 798.13 803.7609 808.1197 870.60

90 791.88 797.4693 801.794 870.60


Figure 4.4: Density (kg/m3) for 12 weeks over testing temperatures

From the graph shown in figure 4.4, it is clear that the density of the fuel blend

decreases as the temperature rises. This reduction in density is due to the energy

gained by the molecules of the fuel in the form of heat, therefore the molecules

are rising in energy and therefore are becoming freer to move without restriction

of cohesive forces binding them together.

4.5 Total Acidic Number and Oxidation Stability

The total acidic number is used to determine how acidic is the blend of fuel or it

is the quantity of potassium hydroxide in milligrams required to eliminate the

acidic nature of 1 gram of a substance. This section is dedicated to discuss the

test method used in determining the total acidic value of the biodiesel blend and

as well as the result of the test conducted. There were two distinct tests that were

done to determine the total acidic number and these two tests were done within

30 days by the Nortest inspection and certification. The specimen used for these

experiments were given a satisfactory mark.











-20 0 20 40 60 80 100




m3 )

Temperature (oC)

0 wks

4 wks

8 wks


Table 4.5: Total Acidic Number (mg KOH, g) and the Oxidation Stability in


From the test result, it was observed that the total acidic number increased as the

time of storage increases also due to the increase of hydro-peroxide which was

produced by the blend in the process of degradation because of the chemical

reactions going on inside the blend. These reactions cause more formation of

acids by the reason of oxidation and these oxidation causes the acidic number to

increase. As the total acidic number of the fuel increases over the time of storage,

the oxidation stability of the fuel system decreases alongside.

4.6 Cloud Point, Pour Point and Cold Filter Plugging Point.

The tables included in this section is a representative of the result data that will

be used to explain the cloud point, the pour point, the cold filter plugging point.

Table 4.6: Experimental Result of CP, PP and CFPP

Cloud point °C Pour point °C Cold filter plugging point


-1.5 -7.7 -5.5

A blend of 20% BD + 80% ED is observed to have a cloud point of -1.5 ºC,

which is the temperature at which wax begins to precipitate. The pour point is

observed to be -7.7 ºC, which is the temperature at which the fuel becomes a gel

and does not flow anymore. The cfpp is observed to be -5.5 ºC.









Total Acid Number

(mg KOH/g)

D664-04(2017) - 0.20 0.39

Oxidation Stability (hours) EN15751:2014 - 3.00 0.30




5.1 Conclusions

A high concentration of fatty acid methyl ester in euro-diesel may affect the

properties responsible for flow as the fuel gets older in storage. It is already

established that the major properties of flow considered in this work is the

kinematic viscosity and the density of the fuel. The following conclusion

discussed in this section is based on the results gotten from the experimental

work of this study.

1. As long as the temperature of the blend increases, the kinematic viscosity

of the blend will keep decreasing and temperature drop of the blend will

cause a corresponding rise in the viscosity of the blend for all composition

and temperature of bio-diesel and euro-diesel.

2. At extreme temperature below -7.7 oC, the kinematic viscosity could not

be determined because of the effect of crystallization of the blend (20%

BD+80% ED) at extreme temperature.

3. For all samples and composition of biodiesel, at a level which is slightly

higher than the CFPP which is located before the pour point is considered

the cloud point.

4. It is not recommended to use the blend used in this study for application

in automotive engines in regions where temperature drops to -7.7 oC.

5.2 Possible Errors

In this experimental study, there are some considerations of the possibilities of

uncertainties in the results obtained, and these uncertainties can be traced or link

to the following.


1. Knowing that this experiment was conducted over a long period of time, it

is possible for human fatigue to cause careless in the conduction of the


2. In as much as the liquids in the cooling bath were stirred in order to

achieve temperature homogeneity all through the cooling bath, there is

still a high possibility that there was a temperature variation in the cooling

bath which probably wasn’t detected by the thermometer used.

3. It is very difficult to completely isolate or insulate the cooling bath from

the environment, this difficulty may cause some interference from the

environment to the cooling bath in the form of heat loss at elevated

temperature or heat gain at low temperature. This could alter the results

obtained from the experiments

4. At some point, it was observed that the foam used to damping the effect of

vibration on the cooling bath wasn’t efficient enough because in some

certain time interval the cooling bath vibrates, and this vibration might

interfere with the readings on the electronic balance when the density of

the blend was to be recorded.

5. Knowing that this experiment was conducted over a long period of time

and the samples were usually placed inside the oven for a long period of

time, there is a possibility that the oven didn’t work properly for some

time and it wasn’t noticed or the thermostat might have malfunctioned

during the course of the steady temperature storage phase. This can alter

the results obtained.

5.3 Recommendations

This study primarily focused on the ageing flow properties (Density and

Kinematic viscosity) of bio-diesel blend in varying temperature conditions, it is

recommended that a further study should be done to investigate other properties

such as the heating value of the fuel, the cetane number and the iodine value of

the same blend. It is also recommended for a further study to be done that will

investigate the effect of additives on this blend (20%BD+80%ED).



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ASTM D2500-09









ASTM D97-05















ASTM 6371-05












ASTM D664-04











ASTM D941-88

























Table 1: Standards for FAME Biodiesel





FAME content EN 14103 mass % 96



Density at 15°C ISO 12185 kg/m³ 86



900.0 876.4

Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C EN ISO 3104

mm²/s 3.5


5.000 4.483

Flash point (rapid equilibrium) ISO 3679 °C 10



Cetane Number EN 15195 51



Copper Corrosion (3hrs/ 50°C) EN ISO 2160 Class



Oxidation stability (110°C) EN 14112 hours 8.0 >11

Acid number EN 14104 mg


0.50 0.31

Iodine value EN14111 gl2/100


120 74

Linolenic acid methyl ester EN 14103 mass% 12.0 2.6

Polyunsaturated methyl esters

(>=4 double bounds)

EN 15779 mass% 1.0 <0.10

Methanol EN 14110 mass% 0.20 0.02

Glyceride content EN 14105

Mono-glyceride mass% 0.70 0.21

Di-glyceride mass% 0.20 0.02

Tri-glyceride mass% 0.20 <0.03

Free glycerol mass% 0.02 <0.010

Total glycerol mass% 0.25 0.065

Water Karl Fischer EN ISO 12937 mg/kg 300 160

Contamination EN 12662 98 mg/kg 24 <6

Sulphated ash ISO 3987 mass% 0.02 <0.005

Sulphur (S) EN ISO 20846 mg/kg 10.0 9.8

Group i metals (Na+K) EN 14538 mg/kg 5.0 <2.0

Group ii metals (Ca+Mg) EN 14538 mg/kg 5.0 <2.0

Phosphorus content EN 14107 mg/kg 4.0 <4

Kinematic viscosity at 20°C ASTM D445 mm²/s 7.2


Table 2: Standards for Euro Diesel




3 820.0 845.0 827.8 ASTM D 4052

CETANE NUMBER 51.5 55.0 ASTM D 613

CETANE INDEX 47.0 54.8 ASTM D 4737



CST 2.0 4.5 2.8 ASTM D 445



DEG C 4 -6 IP 309





NO. 1 1 ASTM D 130




WT PCT 0.30 0.01 ASTM D 4530




MG/KG 24 2 IP 440

ASH CONTENT WT PCT 0.010 0.000 ASTM D 482




0.2 0.1 ASTM D 664





VOL PCT 85 92 ASTM D 86

95% RECOVERED OC 360 360 ASTM D 86



UM 440 385 ISO 12156/1

APPEARANCE & Bright Clear & Bright ASTM D 4176






An incandescent light bulb, incandescent lamp or incandescent light globe is

an electric light with a wire filament heated to such a high temperature that it glows

with visible light (incandescence). The filament is protected from oxidation with a

glass or fused quartz bulb that is filled with inert gas or a vacuum. In a halogen lamp,

filament evaporation is slowed by a chemical process that redeposits metal vapor

onto the filament, thereby extending its life.

The light bulb is supplied with electric current by feed-through terminals or wires

embedded in the glass. Most bulbs are used in a socket which provides mechanical

support and electrical connections.

Incandescent bulbs are manufactured in a wide range of sizes, light output,

and voltage ratings, from 1.5 volts to about 300 volts. They require no

external regulating equipment, have low manufacturing costs, and work equally well

on either alternating current or direct current. As a result, the incandescent bulb is

widely used in household and commercial lighting, for portable lighting such as table

lamps, car headlamps, and flashlights, and for decorative and advertising lighting.

Incandescent bulbs are much less efficient than other types of electric lighting;

incandescent bulbs convert less than 5% of the energy they use into visible


with standard light bulbs averaging about 2.2%.[2]

The remaining energy is

converted into heat. The luminous efficacy of a typical incandescent bulb is

16 lumens per watt, compared with 60 lm/W for a compact fluorescent bulb or

150 lm/W for some white LED lamps.[3]

Some applications of the incandescent bulb (such as heat lamps) deliberately use the

heat generated by the filament. Such applications include incubators, brooding

boxes for poultry,[4]

heat lights for reptile tanks,[5]

infrared heating for industrial

heating and drying processes, lava lamps, and the Easy-Bake Oven toy. Incandescent

bulbs typically have short lifetimes compared with other types of lighting; around

1,000 hours for home light bulbs versus typically 10,000 hours for compact

fluorescents and 30,000 hours for lighting LEDs.