an Investigation Into the Design and Use of Workplace Cleaning Equipment

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  • 8/11/2019 an Investigation Into the Design and Use of Workplace Cleaning Equipment


    International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 35 (2005) 247266

    An investigation into the design and use of workplacecleaning equipment

    V. Woods, P. Buckle

    Robens Centre for Health Ergonomics, EIHMS, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7TE, UK

    Received 23 April 2004; received in revised form 28 June 2004; accepted 3 September 2004

    Available online 28 October 2004


    This paper presents the findings from a 2 year investigation into the musculoskeletal health of UK cleaners and focuses

    on the potential association of these problems with the design and use of cleaning equipment. The five-stage study

    employed a participative approach using a number of different methodologies to explore the use and design of commonly

    used cleaning equipment. The methodologies included: questionnaire studies, workplace assessments, an ergonomics

    assessment of cleaning equipment, a user trial of this equipment in the laboratory and focus groups with interested parties.

    Based on the findings of the study, previous research work (e.g. Report from Kilpatrick and Associates PTY LTD for

    Miscellaneous Workers Union, 1991) and the use of ergonomic guidelines (e.g. Int. J. Ind. Ergonom. 10 (1992) 7),

    modifications were recommended for the design of buffing machines (e.g. machine height, design of triggers/grips/levers,pressure to activate controls), mopping systems (e.g. mop length, pressure required to squeeze mop, bucket stability) and

    vacuum machines (e.g. attachment length, grip design, provision of safety lights). A checklist was also compiled to aid in

    the purchase of new workplace equipment. This paper concentrates on equipment and postures adopted when in use. It is

    acknowledged that this represents only one aspect of the work system that influences musculoskeletal health. Inadequate

    work organisation, task scheduling and social support are also associated with an increased risk for musculoskeletal

    problems among UK cleaners (Musculoskeletal Health of Cleaners, HSE Books, Suffolk, 1999).

    Relevance to industry

    Cleaning is a basic service occupation conducted by many world-wide. Researchers, manufacturers and designers

    should work with user groups to improve equipment to ensure good musculoskeletal health, working posture and

    technique. Cleaning managers, trainers and purchasers should be aware of ergonomic guidelines for equipment

    selection for safe use at work.r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords:Cleaners; Musculoskeletal ill health; Participative approach; Buffing; Mopping; Vacuuming


    0169-8141/$ - see front matterr 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


    Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1483 686738; fax: +44 1483 689395.

    E-mail address: (V. Woods).
  • 8/11/2019 an Investigation Into the Design and Use of Workplace Cleaning Equipment


  • 8/11/2019 an Investigation Into the Design and Use of Workplace Cleaning Equipment


    the machine handle. The cleaner walks along,

    holding the machine handle with both hands,

    moving the machine from side to side. A bottle is

    sometimes held in one hand to spray chemicals on

    the floor prior to cleaning (some machines have a

    tank and dispensing system to disperse cleaning


    A number of studies have identified musculos-

    keletal problems resulting from buffing machine

    use. In Australia, users have reported high levels

    of pain and discomfort: 57% arm, shoulder andneck pain; 42% lower back pain; and 37%

    numbness in the hands (Kilpatrick et al., 1991).

    In the UK, English et al. (1989) found that the

    dominant hand and arm undertook the majority of

    strain of forceful, repetitive and static actions in

    cleaning tasks (including floor buffing) and that

    there was a strong potential for upper limb

    injuries. Another UK study stated that working

    with floor polishing machines caused problems for

    the hand and back (Liverpool Occupational

    Health Project, 1991). Haslam and Williams

    (1999) found that 56% of buffing machine users

    reported discomfort from machine use; the main

    locations of discomfort were the hand (39%),

    shoulder (19%), wrist (7%), lower back (7%) and

    arm (6%).

    There are a limited number of studies in the

    literature that investigated the design of buffing

    machines. Kilpatrick et al. (1991) found the main

    problems with buffing machine design were: heavy

    weight and lack of manoeuvrability, high initialreaction torque on starting, poor trigger switch

    design, power cable handling and storage, and

    brush/disc replacement. Following a manufac-

    turers initiative an evaluation study was con-

    ducted to assess a single disc floor cleaner (Hide

    et al., 2000). Problems reported and observed

    included: high force required to operate height

    adjustment lever, bulk of handle for gripping, high

    handle height, difficulty manoeuvring

    the machine with the handle in the upright


    Mean weight 34kg (sd3.4)

    Mean height withdisc/pad1197.5mm (sd 59.7) Mean motor height

    with disc/pad

    362.5mm (sd 23.8)

    Mean machine diameter437.6mm (sd 25.9)

    5/6 had safety light to indicate power on4/6 had safe machine use information

    - Mean disc weight 2.2kg (sd 1.2)- 2/6 auditory feedback if discattached correctly- 2/6 discs had sharp spikes/gripsto attach cleaning pad

    Level of noise emitted: 65-70dBA

    5/6 had hook on handle/lever at base to wind flex1/6 had outriggers to prevent flex being too closeto feet2/6 hadcable restraint mechanisms.

    Fig. 1. General characteristics/dimensions of buffing machines: based on the measurement of six commonly used machines during the

    expert assessment study stage.

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    position, controlling the machine during use and

    attachment of the pad to the buffer. In another

    assessment of a single disc floor cleaning machine,

    Haslam and Williams (1999)identified deficiencies

    with the design and configuration of the handle

    and operating switch, manual handling implica-

    tions due to machine weight and size, and

    problems with the trailing power cable.

    1.2. Mopping systems

    There are a number of different mopping

    systems on the market (Fig. 3). The most common

    are round head mops (generally used in conjunc-

    tion with a plastic or metal bucket with a drain),

    long tailed mops and flat mops (often used with

    buckets with wringing systems). Cleaners use

    either one of two mopping techniques: push/pull

    (i.e. move the mop back and forward) or figure of

    eight (i.e. move the mop in an arc).

    A number of studies have looked at the effects

    of different mopping methods and resulting

    postures adopted (Hagner and Hagberg, 1989;

    Huisman, 1992;Louhevaara et al., 2000;Sgaard

    et al., 1996). However, only one study focussed on

    mop redesign. Holshuijsen et al. (1997) examined

    the effects of an adjustment to the handle designs

    of a round and a flat mop on muscle workload.

    The handle diameter was enlarged and a diagonal

    bar was attached to the steel of the mop, like ascythe. The traditional mop imposed less muscle

    load than the flat mop. Changes to the mop handle

    particularly influenced the muscle workload of the

    wrist flexors and extensors.

    1.3. Vacuum machines

    Few studies have been conducted on the design

    and use of floor based vacuum machines and none

    have been conducted with people who use


    Mean grip circumference with trigger depressed 126.7mm (sd 6.9)Mean diameter furthest away from centre 38.1mm (sd 13.5),40.7mm (sd 10.6) at midway point, 52.7mm (sd 6.3) closest to centre

    Mean grip length (for 1hand) 122.5mm (sd17.8mm)

    Mean hand span from handle toheight adjustment lever 108.2mm(sd 7.9)Mean lever travel distance28.3mm (sd 3.7)Mean lever length 84.8 (sd 12.6)Mean lever width 11.2 (sd 1.9)

    All trigger/grip surfaces were hard plastic2/6 textured grips2/6 ridge on underside of grip3/6 triggers had sharp or rough lines3/6 elliptical grip shape, 3/6 rectangularwith round corners

    Trigger- length 66mm (sd 21.3)- width 9.2mm (sd 4.1)- thickness when depressed 17.2(sd 11.8)- travel distance 14mm (sd 8.9)

    4/6 had safety button that waspressed/moved when operatingtrigger2/6 awkward location ofsafety button

    Fig. 2. General characteristics/dimensions of buffing machines handles and controls: based on the measurement of six commonly used

    machines during the expert assessment study stage.

    V. Woods, P. Buckle / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 35 (2005) 247266250

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    vacuums as part of their job (Fig. 4).Schopp et al.

    (1995)found that the customer is often disposed to

    unnecessary stresses and strains while operating

    professional vacuum cleaners at petrol stations,

    e.g. large hose diameter and stiffness of material

    required operators to exert high forces in guiding

    the hose, nozzle shape required considerable force

    to remove dirt.

    Loopik et al. (1994) showed that difficulties

    experienced by subjects using three new types of

    vacuum cleaner were mostly of a cognitive nature.

    Some difficulties could be solved by trial and error,but the majority required subjects to consult

    operating manuals. The main design criticisms

    were: inappropriate grip (too short, too thin),

    unintentional operation of the mechanical suction

    power regulation, difficulty changing the brush

    control and adjusting the power suction.

    1.4. This study

    De Vito et al. (2000) reported an increased

    prevalence of disorders of the elbow, wrist/handand cervical spine among cleaners that were

    associated with work organisation and non-ergo-

    nomic tools. Experimental and epidemiological

    studies support the view that poor design and

    excessive use of hand tools can increase the risk of

    accidents, fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders

    (Mital and Kilbom, 1992). Based on the findings of

    a five-stage study on musculoskeletal ill heath that

    drew heavily on the participation of the UK

    cleaning workforce, the aims of this paper were to:

    assess ergonomics problems for three types ofcleaning equipment;

    provide guidelines for design modifications of

    this equipment where necessary;

    put forward guidelines for purchasing cleaning


    As equipment manufacturers were not involved

    in the sponsorship of this study, there was no bias

    toward any particular equipment brand.

    2. Methods

    A number of methodologies were employed in

    the five stages of this study:

    Questionnaire surveys: Questionnaires were dis-

    tributed to 5000 cleaners throughout the UK to

    ascertain the extent of musculoskeletal disorders

    and discomfort, the type of work activities

    conducted and equipment used during the working

    day. The response rate was 31%. The sample


    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    (e) (f )

    Fig. 3. Commonly used mopping systems. (a) round head mop;

    (b) squeezing round head mop; (c) long tailed mop; (d) hand

    lever squeezing mechanism; (e) flat mop; (f) foot operated

    squeezing mechanism.

    V. Woods, P. Buckle / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 35 (2005) 247266 251

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    comprised 89% female workers with a mean age of

    49 years.

    Workplace assessments: Observation and inter-

    views were conducted with approximately 60

    cleaners carrying out their normal work activities

    at nine UK workplaces (e.g. hospitals, schools,

    retail outlets). Twenty-seven cleaners were ob-

    served while buffing, 25 while mopping and 23

    while vacuuming. Using a checklist, assessments

    were made of manual handling tasks, force

    requirements using dynamometers (e.g. lifting abucket, pushing a machine), the working environ-

    ment (e.g. work floor surface) and work equipment

    characteristics. Back and upper limb posture was

    also observed; joint movement away from a

    neutral position were classified by means of

    picturegrams (Wiktorin et al., 1991). Subjective

    assessments were made of pain and discomfort

    using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire

    (Kourinka et al., 1987) and task requirements

    using the Borg Perceived Exertion Scale. The

    cleaners rated their perceived level of exertion on ascale from 6 to 20, the end points were defined as

    no exertion at all and maximal exertion (Borg,

    1990). The cleaners were also interviewed about

    work organisational issues (e.g. time pressure,

    workload, colleague and managerial social sup-


    Expert assessments: An ergonomics assessment

    was conducted on six buffing machines, three

    mopping systems and four vacuum cleaners. The

    buffing machines varied with respect to their

    adjustability, weight and design of controls. The

    mopping systems differed with regard to mop head

    design (two round mops with different handle

    length, one long tailed mop, one flat mop) andbucket type (plastic bucket with drain, buckets

    with hand and foot operated squeezing systems).

    Three tub vacuum cleaners (i.e. low machines with

    detachable hose) and one upright vacuum cleaner

    (i.e. operated with a handle attached to the main

    machine at approximately waist height) differed in

    terms of height, grip characteristics and pressure

    required to activate settings. Checklists were

    developed based on design guidelines for hand

    tools proposed by Mital and Kilbom (1992). The

    checklists comprised questions about general

    characteristics (e.g. handle design, weight of

    equipment) and critical dimensions (e.g. grip

    circumference, travel distance of height adjustment

    lever). Weighing scales and tape measures were

    used to collect data. Force levels (e.g. to squeeze

    mops, to activate buffer height adjustment me-

    chanisms, to move equipment) were measured

    using a Salter 500 N electronic force gauge and

    attachments. Noise levels from equipment were

    recorded using a digital integrating sound level

    meter (Dawe Instruments). The tasks of raising

    and lowering equipment were assessed using the2D static strength predictor (Andersson et al.,

    1991). A study of the vibration characteristics of

    the buffing machines was undertaken; the results

    of this study are reported elsewhere (Woods et al.,


    User trial: Ten female cleaners (aged between 18

    and 50 years) who used floor buffing machines,

    vacuum cleaners and mops in the course of their

    work participated in a laboratory trial. The

    experimental design was based on a task analysis

    of cleaning work and discussions with cleaners toenable representative cleaning tasks and important

    factors for investigation to be identified (Woods et

    al., 1999). Subjects described the process they were

    undertaking as they conducted the task required,

    e.g. how to switch on machines, how pads/discs

    were attached to machines. Subjective assessments

    of perceived exertion (Borg, 1990) and force

    required to use the machines were recorded. Using

    a similar checklist to the workplace assessment,

    expert assessments of the upper limbs and back


    (a) (b)

    Fig. 4. Commonly used vacuuming systems. (a) upright

    vacuum; (b) tub vacuum.

    V. Woods, P. Buckle / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 35 (2005) 247266252

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    were made throughout the trial. The subjects were

    asked to indicate where they experienced pain and

    discomfort while working, using the body maps

    from the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire(Kourinka et al., 1987). Three questionnaires were

    developed based on the findings of the expert

    assessment in order to identify the users views of

    various aspects of the equipment. Hand grip

    strength was determined in standard postures

    using the Robens Isometric Dynamometer incor-

    porating a Novetek load cell (F201TC). The Polar

    sports tester measured heart rate to investigate the

    amount of effort required by subjects when

    conducting the three tasks. Subjects wore Penny

    and Giles electrogoniometers on their wrists to

    measure flexion and extension and radial and

    ulnar deviation. The Lumbar Motion Monitor

    (Marras et al., 1992) measured low back move-


    Focus groups: Focus groups were held with two

    groups, supervisors and managers (n=6) and

    trainers, designers, manufacturers and suppliers

    (n=15), in order to start the process of informa-

    tion dissemination and to receive feedback on the

    practicality of findings and recommendations in

    relation to the three tasks investigated. The study

    team introduced the meeting by giving a briefoutline of the study. A summary of the main

    findings and recommendations for each of the

    three tasks was then presented. The attendees

    discussed the findings and the usefulness of the


    The results from the five study stages were

    drawn together and summarised for each cleaning

    system: buffing, mopping, vacuuming. Table 1

    indicates the objective and subjective data that was

    collected at each study stage.

    3. Results

    3.1. Tasks conducted and pain and discomfort

    The results of the questionnaire surveys indi-

    cated that the majority of cleaners considered

    buffing, mopping and vacuuming to be frequently

    conducted tasks. Moving furniture and lifting

    equipment were intrinsic to all three jobs. Respon-

    dents also reported a number of related concerns:

    working in a poor environment (i.e. inadequate

    access to drains, sinks or plug sockets), conducting

    repetitive tasks, using vibrating equipment andworking with the back and arms in awkward or

    fixed positions.

    Seventy-four per cent of the sample had

    experienced muscular aches, pain or discomfort

    during the last 12 months; 53% reported these

    problems in the last 7 days. The main areas of

    concern were the lower back (46%), neck (33%),

    knees (24%), right shoulder (23%) and right wrist/

    hand (22%). Fifty-two per cent had taken medical

    advice for these aches and pains, 23% of

    respondents had been absent from work as a

    result of aches and pains within the last 12 months.

    Fifty-two per cent thought their aches and pains

    were related to activities conducted or equipment

    used at work, 25% attributed pain and discomfort

    to buffing, 10% to mopping and 8% to vacuum-

    ing. The majority of cleaners used cleaning

    machines (e.g. vacuum cleaners, buffers) on a

    daily basis. The main issues of concern for

    machine use were:

    lifting and carrying machines,

    vibration from machines, unsuitable handle shape, size and angle,

    inadequate machine maintenance,

    difficulty with handle adjustment.

    3.2. Buffing

    3.2.1. Equipment design

    The characteristics and dimensions of com-

    monly used buffing machines are illustrated in

    Figs. 1 and 2. A number of ergonomic concernswere evident based on how buffing equipment was

    used by cleaners at the workplace and in the

    laboratory, comments made by the cleaners

    throughout the study, and the dimensions and

    characteristics of machines recorded during the

    workplace and expert assessments:

    Machine height: The upright handle height

    was between standing elbow and shoulder height

    for women and this could be too high for ease of

    use by shorter females (Pheasant, 1996). Many


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    cleaners at the workplace and in the laboratory

    had to abduct their arms to operate the height

    adjustment lever.

    Machine weight: Buffing machines are heavy

    pieces of equipment (approximately 34 kg). Clea-

    ners reported that strenuous pushing and pulling

    was frequently involved in buffing and this was

    particularly evident if a buffing machine was used

    on different floors of a building where no lift was

    available. Force measurements taken when pulling

    machines along or manoeuvring machines through

    doors ranged from 30 to 40 N. It was mentioned

    that machines were sometimes carried althoughthis was not observed.

    In order to set-up machines for use and

    subsequently change the pad/disc, it was necessary

    to up-end machines. Taking into account ma-

    chine weight and reports that machines were heavy

    to lift from/lower to the ground, a number of force

    measurements were taken, e.g. forces between 55

    and 130 N were required to pull different buffing

    machines to the ground. The levels of back

    compression for lowering (males 16737123 N,

    females 765756N) and raising (males 2957216 N, females 9527145 N) the machines were

    within back compression design limits. 95% of the

    population should be exposed to acceptable load


    These concerns focussed on moving and hand-

    ling equipment, however perceived exertion (RPE)

    ratings of the buffing process were considered

    fairly light (11.5RPE) at the workplace and some-

    what hard (12.6RPE) in the laboratory. The

    heartrate (HR) data also indicated that the buffing

    task was classified as light to moderate work

    (average HR below 90 beats/min).

    Motor height: A higher motor height may be

    difficult when using a buffing machine under low

    furniture (e.g. a hospital bed).

    Control: A number of buffing machines were

    difficult to control on start-up. This was men-

    tioned as a problem at workplaces visited and

    during the user trial. In 59% of observed cases at

    the workplace, there was a significant jerk when

    machines were started. In addition, if the buffer hit

    a bump or some obstacle on the floor, it was

    necessary to apply extra force to control, e.g. workfloor surface (rough, dirty floors).

    Vibration: Cleaners reported that some ma-

    chines vibrated during use and that this could be

    due to poor machine maintenance or to incorrect

    fitting of discs/pads; cleaners also reported experi-

    encing vibration from 2 of the 4 machines in the

    user trial. In approximately 60% of observed cases

    at the workplace, evidence of machine vibration

    was documented.

    Discs: Some discs were considered heavy (up to

    3.5 kg). Grips for the pad were not always longenough to allow easy attachment. Cleaners liked

    feedback when they attached the disc to the

    machine i.e. they liked to know the disc was

    locked into position; some machines had an

    audible click when the disc was positioned

    correctly that was considered useful.

    Controls/triggers: The awkward positions of the

    safety switch (i.e. behind the T-shaped handle, on

    the front panel) required cleaners to stretch to

    reach the switch with the thumb while depressing


    Table 1

    Data collected on cleaning equipment at each study stage

    Questionnaire Workplace Expert assessment Lab user trial Focus group

    Equipment dimensions x x

    Equipment characteristics x x x x

    Posture x x x

    Forces required x x x

    Perceived force x x x

    Perceived exertion x x

    Pain and discomfort x x x

    Solution finding and recommendations x x

    V. Woods, P. Buckle / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 35 (2005) 247266254

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    the trigger with the fingers. Although, the presence

    of a safety switch was recognised as a good

    feature, the location should not affect control over

    the machine. The trigger could not be locked-on

    on any machine; this allowed the cleaner to let

    go at any time for the machine to stop moving.

    Table 2 shows the force measures recorded to

    operate and hold triggers and the height adjust-

    ment lever of six commonly used buffing machines.

    The majority of measures exceeded the recom-

    mended force levels (o10 N) to operate triggers

    and levers (Mital and Kilbom, 1992).

    In addition, the hand span required to stretch

    from the handle to the height adjustment lever was

    large (i.e. average measurement 105 mm). This was

    greater than the recommended 4555 mm for leverspan (Pheasant, 1996). In the user trial, strength

    measurements and measurements of force required

    to operate the height adjustment lever allowed the

    estimate of the proportion of maximum strength

    the subject had to exert to operate the height

    adjust mechanism. On average, the cleaners in the

    user trial used 36% of their maximum strength in

    the upright buffer position and 26% of their

    maximum strength in the buffer operating position

    to operate the height adjust mechanism. Pheasant

    (1996) recommended that up to 30% of themaximum strength was acceptable for frequent

    exertions, suggesting that for the upright positions,

    the strength required was greater than that

    recommended for the average of the group.

    Clearly, cleaners below this average would need

    to exert a greater proportion of their maximum

    strength in order to operate the height adjustment

    lever. In addition, trigger comfort over time was a

    frequently reported issue. The trigger was always

    depressed while buffing and cleaners reported

    experiencing pain and discomfort in their fingers

    at the end of the day.

    Handle design: A number of issues were

    observed and reported about machine handles

    that could cause unnecessary tissue compression:

    ridges, rough lines, hard plastic grips.

    Other dimensions: A number of dimensions fell

    short of ergonomic guidelines: grip diameter,

    handle grip length, trigger length, width and

    thickness, lever length.

    Safety: All machines did not have safety lights

    and information.

    Noise: Noise levels were less than the 85 dB A

    recommendation for a full day exposure (Mital

    and Kilbom, 1992); however cleaners reported that

    they sometimes collided with people while buffingas they could not hear them approaching due to

    machine noise.

    Flex management: A handle at the bottom of the

    flex management system was found extremely

    helpful in removing the flex from the machine.

    The flex was wound around the machine handle

    and lever at the bottom for storage. The lever was

    twisted and the flex was removed easily from the

    machine for use. A hook at the top of the machine,

    to wrap the flex around and then to store the disc,

    was considered practical.

    3.2.2. Posture

    Differences in postures adopted and techniques

    used while buffing were apparent throughout the

    study but the results have been drawn together to

    produce general observations.

    The neck was always flexed while buffing.

    Buffing machines are designed to be gripped

    with both hands; however many cleaners were


    Table 2

    Force measurements (N) recorded to operate controls of six commonly used buffing machines

    Action Mean Range sd No. machines that required

    o10N (Mital and Kilbom, 1992)

    Operate right trigger 13.5 521.5 6.9 2/6

    Operate left trigger 14.8 726.5 8.3 3/6

    Hold right trigger 9.2 1.913.8 5.4 3/6

    Hold left trigger 11.7 6.916 3.9 2/6

    Adjust height lever 57.8 42108 25.9 0/6

    V. Woods, P. Buckle / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 35 (2005) 247266 255

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    observed to grip machines with one hand while

    holding a spray bottle in the other.

    Much wrist movement was apparent. Cleaners

    were observed to flex and extend the wristand radial deviation and ulnar deviation

    were also observed. Although these postures

    were not always excessive, they were held

    in static positions for considerable periods of

    time. However in the user trial, a substantial

    amount of this movement was greater than 50%

    of the maximum wrist movement possible

    (Table 3).

    Power grips were evident.

    The finger that operated the trigger was held in a

    static pinch grip posture throughout the task.

    The back was generally held in an upright or

    slightly extended posture throughout the task.

    Some lateral side flexion and trunk rotation

    were apparent.

    Trunk flexion greater than 601 was observed

    when pads were changed. Squatting was also

    common when changing pads.

    3.2.3. Pain and discomfort

    Fifty-two per cent of cleaners observed and

    interviewed in the workplace experienced some

    pain and discomfort at the time of observation. Itis acknowledged that this discomfort was not

    necessarily associated with the buffing task in

    particular, as cleaners conducted many different

    work tasks during the day; however it does

    support the high level of pain and discomfort

    identified by the questionnaire survey. The pain

    and discomfort reported in the laboratory follow-

    ing the buffing trial was generally experienced in

    the upper limbs, and the right side of the body was

    highlighted in many cases. The cleaners used each

    buffing machine for a short time, it must be

    recognised that it was not uncommon for cleaners

    to spend between 1 and 4 h buffing at the workplace.

    3.3. Mopping

    3.3.1. Equipment design

    The characteristics and dimensions of the three

    mopping systems (Fig. 3) were assessed during the

    five study stages. A number of ergonomic concerns

    were evident based on how the equipment was

    used by cleaners in the workplace and laboratory,

    comments made by the cleaners throughout the

    study, and the dimensions and characteristics of

    equipment that were recorded during the work-

    place and expert assessments. The task require-

    ments varied according to the mopping system in

    use, these will be highlighted where necessary.

    Weight: All mops weighed less than 3 kg.

    Handle height: The average height of the mops

    was 1378 mm (sd 17.2). The top of the mop was

    between standing eye and shoulder height for

    women and could be too high for ease of use by

    shorter females (Pheasant, 1996). Awkward mop-

    ping postures were observed in the workplace

    assessment. Some cleaners flexed their neck andback while working. Where longer mop handles

    were observed, less trunk flexion was noted when

    cleaning under furniture. Handle length was

    explored further in the laboratory user trial where

    both a long and short handle mop were used. The

    longer handled mop was considered too long for

    the cleaners as they preferred to work with their

    hand over the top of the mop handle. The mean

    height of cleaners in the user trial was 162 cm

    (range 155173 cm, sd 5.5); a longer mop may be

    useful for taller cleaners.Handle diameter: The mean circumference was

    75mm (sd 5) and the average diameter was

    24.3mm (sd 1.2). Mital and Kilbom (1992)

    recommended a grip diameter of 5060 mm for a

    power/force grip.

    Handle grip: The mop handles varied in grip

    surface and material: ribbed plastic, smooth wood,

    metal and plastic. Metal handles were considered

    to be slippery and ribbed handles were found to be

    uncomfortable over time. A number had a useful


    Table 3Percentage of time wrist postures were outside 50% of

    maximum angles while working in the laboratory user trial

    Left wrist Right wrist

    F/E U/R F/E U/R

    Buff 16% 29% 20% 31%

    Mop 21% 44% 10% 17%

    Vacuum 11% 37% 13% 19%

    F/Eflexion/extension; U/RUlnar/radial deviation.

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    rubber coating on the top of the handle to place

    the hand and ensure a good grip.

    Effort: Cleaners rated their perceived exertion

    while mopping as somewhat hard (13.8RPE) at theworkplace and fairly light in the laboratory

    (11RPE). In the workplace cleaners worked under

    considerable time pressures which could not be

    simulated in the laboratory. According to a

    classification of the severity of work, mopping

    was considered moderate with an average heart

    rate above 90 beats/min.

    Manual handling: A number of task requirements

    were of concern: carrying buckets of water (ap-

    proximately 10 kg), having to lift, fill and empty

    buckets into basins/sinks at an unsuitable height. A

    number of cleaners reported that lifting bigger

    buckets (hand and foot lever buckets) was extremely

    difficult. It was often necessary to move furniture to

    mop, thereby placing an extra load on the worker.

    Safety: It was essential to work safely with

    chemicals during the mopping task. Gloves were

    generally worn but cleaners mentioned that these

    made their hands very hot and uncomfortable

    while working.

    Bucket design: The standard bucket was carried

    in the hand, the other buckets could be dragged

    along on wheels. The stability of the buckets wasconsidered an important issue: wheels were useful

    for moving the bucket but the bucket was likely to

    move while squeezing. Buckets with wheels were

    not suitable for use on stairs.

    Squeezing mechanism: High levels of force were

    required to squeeze mops, regardless of method

    employed (Table 4). Forces to operate the foot

    pedal mechanism were higher than expected. These

    exceeded the recommendation of 3050 N resis-

    tance to operate pedals (Kroemer and Grandjean,

    1997). It was reported that size of mop head mustsuit the style of bucket, a smaller mop head was

    easier to squeeze. Strength of the drain in the

    standard mopping buckets was important as the

    user must apply considerable force to squeeze

    water from the mop.

    3.3.2. Posture

    Differences in postures adopted and techniques

    used were apparent but the results have been

    drawn together to produce general observations.

    The neck was generally flexed and often rotated.

    The arms were often abducted, working above

    mid chest height.

    The mop was gripped by both hands. One handwas placed lower on the handle to steer the mop;

    the second was placed at the top of the handle to

    apply force; this meant that this arm was

    generally abducted.

    Much wrist movement was apparent. The

    cleaner had to flex and extend the wrist and

    radial and ulnar deviation of the wrist were also

    observed. Although these postures were not

    always excessive, they were held in a static

    position for a considerable amount of time.

    However in the user trial, a substantial amount

    of this movement was greater than 50% of the

    maximum wrist movement possible (Table 3).

    Some repeated turning of the forearm was also


    The main postures of concern were trunk

    rotation and trunk flexion between 201 and

    601. These postures were adopted for the

    majority of the task. The trunk was sometimes

    flexed greater than 601 in order to mop under

    furniture. Different techniques (e.g. figure of 8)

    required less trunk flexion. Cleaners were also

    observed kneeling or in a squatting posture tosqueeze the mop.

    Some forward reaches over 400 mm were

    observed. Restricted access and obstructions

    (e.g. under tables, beds and cleaning very small

    toilet areas) in the workplace were a problem

    while mopping.

    3.3.3. Pain and discomfort

    Thirty-six per cent of cleaners interviewed at

    the workplace experienced some pain and dis-

    comfort at the time of observation; the mainproblem areas were the back, shoulders, hands

    and wrists. Once again, it is acknowledged that

    this discomfort was not necessarily associated

    only with mopping as this was not the cleaners

    sole task; however it does support the high level

    of pain and discomfort identified by the ques-

    tionnaire survey. Low levels of pain and discom-

    fort in the neck, back, and wrists were reported

    in the laboratory following the mopping trial;

    however it must be recognised that it was not


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    uncommon for cleaners to spend between 1 and 4 h

    mopping at the workplace.

    3.4. Vacuum machines

    3.4.1. Equipment design

    The characteristics and dimensions of four

    commonly used vacuum machines are shown in

    Table 5. In general, control on start-up/

    general control of the vacuum, vibration and

    noise levels were found to be acceptable for

    all vacuums by cleaners both at the workplace

    and in the laboratory. However, a number

    of ergonomic concerns were evident based onhow equipment was used by cleaners at the

    workplace and in the laboratory, comments

    made by the cleaners throughout the study,

    and the dimensions and characteristics of

    machines recorded during the workplace and

    expert assessments.

    Grip: Bullinger and Solf (1979) stated that

    machines require a distinct grip area. The handle

    grip length on two commonly used machines was

    less than the recommended minimum of 120 mm

    (Mital and Kilbom, 1992). Cleaners reported thatwhere grips were small, the metal pipe was difficult

    to grip. The mean grip diameter was less than the

    recommended 5060 mm for a power/force grip

    (Mital and Kilbom, 1992). In addition, ridges on

    machine grips caused discomfort.

    Controls: The controls (e.g. on/off switch,

    airflow regulator) on a number of machines were

    poorly located. Cleaners commented that airflow

    regulators were often positioned too close to the


    Attachments: Cleaners were observed to stoop

    and adopt awkward postures to use attachments

    on both tub and upright vacuums.

    Forces: Force measurements were recorded to

    operate the foot controls of three commonly used

    tub vacuums (the controls on the upright machine

    were automatic) (Table 6). The controls on two of

    the three machines met the recommendation of

    3050 N resistance to operate pedals (Kroemer

    and Grandjean, 1997). Force levels required to

    move the machines were acceptable, falling well

    below recommended limits of 100 N for men and

    70 N for women (HSE, 1998). However, it must be

    recognised that it was often necessary to movefurniture (up to 200 N) to conduct the task.

    Effort: Cleaners rated their perceived exertion

    while vacuuming as fairly light (11.9RPE in the

    laboratory and 9.7RPE in the workplace). Indeed

    some users said it was an easy and relaxing task.

    According to a classification of the severity of

    work, vacuuming was considered moderate with

    average heart rates above 90 beats/min.

    Manual handling: Some strenuous pushing and

    pulling was involved in this task: moving furniture,

    lifting and carrying vacuum cleaners. This wasparticularly difficult if cleaners had to work on

    different levels (e.g. tiered lecture theatre) as it was

    necessary to lift the machine frequently and there was

    sometimes little room (on stairs) to place the machine.

    Workplace hazards: Sharp edges and low shel-

    ving were a potential hazard and restricted access

    and obstructions were also of concern to cleaners.

    Flex management: Removing the flex from one

    machine in the expert assessment affected the set-

    up of the machine for use.


    Table 4

    Force measurements recorded to squeeze mops using three commonly used squeezing mechanisms

    Bucket Mop Method Approx. forcea Comment

    Standard Round Squeezed mop head into plastic

    drain of bucket

    200 N Some plastic drains inside

    buckets were not strong enough

    Hand lever Long tailed Pressed hand on wringer lever 200 N Had to place foot in front of

    wheels to stop bucket moving

    Foot pedal Flat Foot placed on lever, activated

    brake and squeezed mop

    64 N Splashing problem when

    drawing mop through wringer

    aApproximate force levels only: the aim was to squeeze as much excess water from the mop as possible and this varied depending on

    strength and effort exerted by cleaners.

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    Safety: The tub vacuums investigated in the

    expert assessment and user trial stages of the studydid not have safety lights.

    3.4.2. Posture

    Differences in postures adopted and techniques

    used while vacuuming were apparent throughout

    the study but the results have been drawn together

    to produce general observations:

    The neck was generally rotated and flexed, and

    the arms often abducted.

    Frequent wrist movement was apparent. Clea-

    ners had to flex, extend and deviate the wrist. Inthe user trial, a substantial amount of this

    movement was greater than 50% of the max-

    imum wrist movement possible (Table 3).

    The right hand was generally used to apply force

    and placed at the top of the handle, the left was

    positioned lower down the handle to steer the

    machine on the tub vacuum; the upright was

    used with one hand.

    Power grips were evident and working above

    mid chest height was common.


    Table 5

    General characteristics and dimensions of four commonly used vacuum machines

    Vacuum characteristic Comment

    Weight All vacuum machines weighed less than 7 kg

    Tub vacuums

    Height Mean 406.7 mm (sd 132.8) Range 330560 mm

    Grip circumference Mean 128.7 m m (sd 18.5) Range 118150 m m

    Grip diameter Mean 42.7 mm (sd 7.02) Range 3650 mm

    Grip length Mean 151.7 mm (sd 63.7) Range 110225 mm

    Upright vacuum

    Height 1180 mm

    Grip circumference 105 mm

    Grip diameter 34 mm

    Grip length 100 mm

    Grip surface 1 of 4 had a ridge between metal of shaft and plastic on grip

    3/4 had a ridged grip

    Changing bags/attachments All bags easy to attachUpright: attachments were stored on machine

    Safety Upright: safety light to indicate power was on

    Tub: none

    Flex management Upright: flex wrapped around handle

    Tub: 1/3 had automatic recoil, 2/3 flex wrapped around top, 1/3 top came off when flex


    Noise level at 3 m Mean level 69 dB A (sd 1.2)

    Activating settings 4/4 easy to switch on

    2/4 position of on/off switch not obvious on side of equipment

    2/4 airflow regulator close to the grip area

    Table 6Force measurements (N) recorded to operate controls on three commonly used tub vacuums and one upright vacuum (where


    Force levels to Mean Range sd No. vacuums that met recommendation

    Push foot control downwards on tub machines (n=3) 48.7 11110 53.6 2/3 (Kroemer and Grandjean, 1997)

    Push foot control upwards on tub machines (n=3) 43.8 1395 44.6 2/3 (Kroemer and Grandjean, 1997)

    Move vacuum machines (n=4) 14.1 920 4.5 4/4 (HSE, 1992)

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    The main trunk postures of concern when using

    the tub vacuums were flexion greater than 601

    and flexion between 201and 601. Trunk rotation

    (up to 451

    ) and left side flexion were apparent(5151). When using the attachments, the back

    was generally in extreme flexion (50601) while

    less trunk rotation and lateral side flexion were


    Less trunk flexion was evident while using the

    upright vacuum (5151). Some trunk rotation

    was apparent (5101). Little side flexion was

    perceptible (o101). When using the attach-

    ments, the trunk was flexed to a greater degree

    (20401). Similar levels of trunk rotation and

    lateral movement were adopted as when using

    the vacuum normally.

    On a less frequent basis, cleaners were observed

    in a kneeling or squatting posture in order to

    vacuum under furniture, to manage the flex or

    to use the power sockets.

    Some forward reaches over 400 mm were


    3.4.3. Pain and discomfort

    At the workplace 52% of cleaners experienced

    some pain and discomfort at the time of observa-

    tion; the main problem areas were the back,shoulders and hands. It is acknowledged that

    this discomfort was not necessarily associated

    with vacuuming in particular as cleaners con-

    ducted many different daily tasks; however it

    does support the high level of pain and discomfort

    identified by the questionnaire survey. Low

    levels of pain and discomfort (low back, right

    arm/wrist, neck) were reported in the laboratory

    following the vacuuming trial; however it must be

    recognised that it was not uncommon for cleaners

    to spend between 1 and 2 h vacuuming at theworkplace.

    4. Discussion

    High prevalence rates of pain and discomfort

    were found amongst the cleaning population

    surveyed and interviewed, and action should be

    taken to reduce these problems as the implications

    for job performance, efficiency and morale are

    serious. The cleaners job comprises many tasks

    that require awkward postures, high levels of force

    and repetitive actions and 52% of the questionnaire

    sample attributed their pain and discomfort toactivities/equipment at work. In order to address

    some of these issues, the ergonomics of three types

    of cleaning equipment have been investigated and

    the following modifications suggested.

    4.1. Guidelines for equipment design modifications

    The suggested design modifications (Tables 79)

    are important for designers, manufacturers and

    suppliers to consider. In addition, cleaning man-

    agers, trainers and procurers of workplace equip-ment should also be aware of what is considered

    good equipment design to ensure their cleaning

    workforce is able to work safely within the

    constraints of their specific work environments.

    It must be recognised that professional cleaners

    generally work in facilities planned for other work

    processes and other workers. Buildings and inter-

    ior facilities are not typically designed to accom-

    modate smooth and ergonomic cleaning and to

    provide the optimal workload for cleaners (Kru -

    ger et al., 1997, p. 9). The main ergonomic

    deficiencies identified by the cleaning workforce

    and ergonomic assessments were:

    Buffing machines

    Excessive machine height and weight

    Vibration (Woods et al., 1999)

    Poor grip, trigger and lever design

    High pressure required to activate controls

    Awkward location of controls

    Lack of feedback when attaching discs

    A number of these problems were identified in

    previous studies (Haslam and Williams, 1999;

    Hide et al., 2000; Kilpatrick et al., 1991). A

    summary of modifications for consideration in

    future designs of buffing machines are shown in

    Table 7. These suggestions were discussed and

    modified based on the focus group discussions

    with representatives of the cleaning industry. The

    supervisors and managers supported many of the

    problems identified by the research team and


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    suggested that there was an inherent risk in the

    design of the machine. The designers and manu-

    facturers, on the other hand, believed that the ill

    health problems experienced by cleaners were due

    to lack of training on buffing machines.

    Mopping systems

    Unsuitable mop heights

    Uncomfortable grip design

    High pressure required to squeeze mops

    Difficulty handling heavy buckets

    Bucket instability

    A summary of design modifications for considera-

    tion in future mopping systems are shown inTable 8.

    These suggestions were discussed and modified based

    on the focus group discussions with representatives of

    the cleaning industry. Both supervisors/managers

    and designers/manufacturers/suppliers groups recog-


    Table 7

    Suggested design modifications for buffing machines

    Lighten machines for easy manoeuvre, lowering/raising and control; this may be done by using more plastic rather than metal parts

    Machines with different handle heights should be designed to accommodate all workers Reduce disc weight to 12 kg to make the task of attaching the disc to the machine easier to complete; ensure spikes on disc are not

    too sharp; an audible click when the disc is attached correctly is recommended


    Lower forces for adjusting levers or triggers to less than 10 N (Mital and Kilbom, 1992); alternatively other designs should be

    investigated (e.g. hand operated lever lower on the handle or a foot pedal)

    Reduce span of levers and handles to 4555 mm (Pheasant, 1996)

    Ensure grip length is 120 mm (Mital and Kilbom, 1992) to provide enough space for the hand

    Grip diameter should be 5060mm for a power/force grip (Mital and Kilbom, 1992)

    Triggers should be longer to spread the load over four rather than on one or two fingers.Kilpatrick et al. (1991)recommend 85 mm

    for trigger length on buffing machines

    Trigger width should be 15 mm and 23 mm when depressed (Kilpatrick et al., 1991); changing the trigger thickness would reduce

    the distance the hand is required to span

    Ensure the surface of grips/triggers/switches are smooth to remove the risk of discomfort for the user

    Safety Provide safety lights and safety information on machines

    Ensure location of safety switch/button is suitable to avoid stretching and to increase the users control and grip on the machine

    Flex management

    Outriggers and flex restraints are useful to prevent the flex getting tangled in the users feet

    A hook on the front of the machine for storage of disc/pad is a useful feature

    Systems to allow easy storage and access to the flex are recommended

    Table 8

    Suggested design modifications for mopping systems

    Mops with different length handles should be available for purchase

    Design of adjustable mop handles could be explored Mop handle surface should be smooth

    User trials are required to ascertain if a larger grip diameter would be beneficial

    A rubber coating on the top of the mop shaft improves grip

    As some buckets were heavy when full, it is recommended that manual handling risks are minimised by, for example, installing inner

    containers inside larger buckets

    The pressure required to squeeze the mop should be reduced on all mop systems

    Stronger plastic drains should be made for handheld buckets

    The problem of splashing when dragging the mop through the squeezer system needs more design consideration as chemicals are

    used to clean floors

    A braking system is needed on buckets with wheels while squeezing

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    nised that cheap mops and relatively cheap labour

    combined to inhibit progress on mopping systems

    and agreed that mop handle length should be tailored

    to the individual and the task. Hand lever bucket

    systems were considered better for posture and

    effectiveness than the round mop and bucket.

    However, they also thought there was a number of

    concerns about the weight of these buckets e.g.

    filling/emptying in high level sinks. Another work-

    place issue was reported regarding the increasingly

    frequent installation of non-slip flooring; it was

    generally regarded as very difficult to clean and

    unsuitable for mopping; a machine was regarded asthe appropriate method for cleaning these floors.

    Vacuum machines

    Inadequate attachment length

    Poor grip design

    Lack of safety lights to indicate power is on

    Flex management difficulties

    Poor location of controls

    A number of these problems were identified inthe Loopik et al. (1994) study of customer

    vacuuming systems. A summary of modifications

    for consideration in future vacuum machine

    designs are shown in Table 9. These suggestions

    were discussed and modified based on focus group

    discussions with representatives of the cleaning

    industry. The groups reported that upright ma-

    chines were better for cleaning large carpeted

    areas. Tub vacuums were generally regarded as

    more versatile but took longer to vacuum a large

    area and caused problems on steps (e.g. lecture

    theatres) where backpacks were seen as a possible


    4.2. Equipment purchasing checklist

    On the basis of discussion with cleaners and

    other cleaning industry representatives, and ergo-

    nomic assessments and observation, the purchasing

    checklist was compiled to aid selection of suitable

    cleaning equipment (Appendix A). This checklist

    highlights the importance of the equipment pur-

    chaser taking into account the particular require-ments of the workforce, tasks undertaken and the

    work environment (e.g. location of taps, storage

    facilities, access, and floor surface materials) prior

    to equipment purchase. In addition, the checklist

    emphasises the importance of consultation and

    participation of the cleaning workforce; user trials

    would be vital to answer many of the checklist

    items. Where available, recommended dimensions

    for equipment design have been incorporated into

    the checklist that may be useful when in discussion

    with equipment suppliers/manufacturers; howeverthese are only recommendations and it is important

    to ensure the equipment dimensions suit all

    members of the particular workforce.

    4.3. Study limitations

    It is acknowledged that the questionnaire

    response rates were low; in addition, the limita-

    tions of cross-sectional studies are well documen-

    ted (Silman and MacFarlane, 2002). A study by


    Table 9

    Suggested design modifications for vacuum machines

    A distinct grip area is required (Bullinger and Solf, 1979) e.g., the airflow regulator was positioned close to the handgrip on a

    number of machines The grip should be of adequate size in terms of length (120 mm) and diameter (5060 mm)

    The grip texture should be smooth

    The attachments on both tub and upright vacuums should be made longer to prevent the cleaner stooping and adopting awkward


    Ensure on/off switches are prominent

    The resistance of foot controls should not exceed 50 N (Kroemer and Grandjean, 1997)

    Flex management systems should not interfere with other facilities/switches

    Install safety lights/information

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    Hansson et al. (2001) found that questionnaire

    assessment exposure data had low validly among

    cleaners and office workers and that direct

    measures were considered essential. In this five-stage study of the UK cleaning workforce, a

    combination of methodologies was used to explore

    musculoskeletal health. The questionnaire sug-

    gested risk factors worthy of further exploration

    in the workplace and in the laboratory where a

    number of direct measures (i.e. wrist goniometry,

    lumbar motion monitor of the back, heart rate

    data) were recorded in addition to the collection of

    subjective data using qualitative methods (e.g.

    verbal protocols, interviews, focus groups). It is

    considered that this participative approach using a

    triangulation of methods has given good insight

    into the musculoskeletal health of the UK cleaning


    The difference between perceived exertion

    ratings of the buffing task in the workplace

    (11.5RPE) and laboratory (12.6RPE) may

    have resulted from variations in machines in

    the user trial; users may not have been familiar

    with all buffing machines and consequently

    found some more difficult to use. In ad-

    dition, cleaners in the user trial did not use

    buffing machines as frequently as those at theworkplace.

    5. Conclusions

    Taking an ergonomics approach that incorpo-

    rated scientific findings and user feedback from the

    applied work and laboratory setting, this paper

    has highlighted a number of inadequacies in the

    design of commonly used cleaning equipment that

    results in extreme, static or constrained postures,repetitive movements, heavy workload and high

    force requirement. Given the demographics of the

    cleaning workforce (Kru ger et al., 1997), the

    prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (De Vito

    et al., 2000;Woods et al., 1999), and the amount of

    time the equipment was used on a daily basis, it is

    important to ensure the equipment design is safe

    and suitable for all users and that appropriate

    equipment is selected to meet the needs of a

    particular workforce.

    Although previous research has highlighted a

    number of ergonomic deficiencies with buffing

    machine design, this paper has also explored the

    design and use of workplace mopping andvacuuming systems. It has attempted to present a

    practical set of suggested equipment modifications.

    As found in previous research (e.g.Kru ger et al.,

    1997), this study indicated that health problems

    amongst the cleaning population are high and a

    long-term approach to reduce these health in-

    equalities must be considered. It is recommended

    that an effective risk reduction programme must

    tackle the problems on a broad front involving all

    interested parties: equipment manufacturers, de-

    signers and suppliers, employers, managers/super-

    visors, trainers and the cleaners themselves.

    Designers and manufacturers should accept the

    design challenges presented (e.g. more user trials

    are required) and work with researchers to

    improve designs of cleaning equipment to ensure

    good musculoskeletal health, working posture and

    technique. This must be done in consultation with

    representatives of the cleaning workforce. Those in

    charge at the workplace must be aware of good

    ergonomic design principles and the requirements

    of their workforce. The purchasing checklist

    emphasises the importance of good ergonomicequipment design, the vital role of consultation

    and participation with the workforce in the

    purchasing process (e.g. through trialling and

    discussion) and the importance of considering the

    needs of the particular workforce, task and

    environment in the equipment selection process.

    This paper concentrates mainly on equipment

    and postures adopted when in use. It is acknowl-

    edged that this represents only one aspect of the

    work system that influences musculoskeletal

    health. Concentrating only on physical ergonomicfactors (i.e. equipment design, reduction in forces,

    improvement in postures) may not achieve as

    much benefit in terms of reduction in sickness

    rates/musculoskeletal ill health as a more holistic

    approach that also takes account of work organi-

    sational risk factors. The Moray model (2000)

    emphasised the importance of individual, team,

    group and managerial behaviours and the organi-

    sational culture in the work system as well at the

    physical ergonomics issues. This approach was


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    used in a further study that developed case studies

    for the cleaning industry to tackle musculoskeletal

    ill health and focussed on changes to equipment,

    training, workplace, work organisation and occu-pational health management (Woods and Buckle,


    The results of this five-stage study indicated that

    safe use of equipment depends not only on the

    weight and shape of the equipment but also on:

    tasks performed (e.g. moving/lifting furniture

    and equipment were intrinsic to all three

    cleaning tasks),

    intended user groups (e.g. age, strength),

    training and handling instructions; although

    training, however effective, cannot overcomeinherent risks in either equipment design or in

    the work system,

    interaction with other equipment (e.g. gloves),

    work environments (e.g. quality of flooring

    surface, provision of low drains, selection of

    workplace equipment/furniture for easy main-


    scheduling/organisation of work (e.g. length,

    duration, frequency),

    social support systems (e.g. low appreciation of


    The results of this paper could also be used to

    identify areas for application of ergonomics design

    principles to products in the home. Marut and

    Hedge (1999)found that scrubbing, mopping and

    vacuuming were perceived as some of the most

    tiring household tasks; this could be a result of

    poor equipment design.


    The authors wish to acknowledge the support of

    the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and

    UNISON who funded this research.

    Appendix A

    When purchasing any workplace equipment, it

    is important to consider the following:

    1. Have you consulted your workforce about

    machine/equipment requirements?

    2. Is the equipment an acceptable weight for all

    the workforce?3. Is the equipment a suitable height for all the


    4. Is the equipment easy to move (e.g. wheels

    move easily)?

    5. Is the equipment stable and does it

    move smoothly (i.e. no sudden applications

    of force required or shock loading to the


    6. Are all controls/levers easy to reach and use

    (for left and right handed workers)?

    7. Are the controls/levers comfortable to operate

    (e.g. no uncomfortable ridges)?

    8. Is it possible to grip the machine easily:

    acceptable hand span (4555 mm)?

    9. Are the forces required to operate triggers,

    controls and levers acceptable (o10 N)?

    10. Are all parts easily adjustable (including access

    to and use of attachments/accessories)?

    11. Does the equipment provide feedback to the

    user when an action is completed (e.g. click

    when attach disc correctly)?

    12. Is there perceptible vibration from the equip-

    ment?13. Is the noise from the equipment acceptable

    (o85 dB A for full day exposure)?

    14. Are safety lights and information provided on

    the equipment?

    15. Are safety lights/controls in good locations in

    terms of visibility and reach?

    16. Is flex management acceptable (e.g. outriggers

    that hold flex away from handle)?

    17. Is cable length adequate (e.g. think about

    availability of plug sockets, extension leads

    etc)?18. Is the equipment suitable for your work

    environment (e.g. stairs, lifts, ramps, access,

    size of rooms, restricted spaces)?

    19. Have you considered providing a range of

    equipment at the workplace to accommodate

    all potential users?

    20. Have you trialled this equipment at the work-

    place with a representative sample of your

    workforce and taken the feedback from users

    into consideration?


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