An Introduction to Visual Studio 2012 (Visual C++) Part Ics2103/AY1415S2/files/An introduction...

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Transcript of An Introduction to Visual Studio 2012 (Visual C++) Part Ics2103/AY1415S2/files/An introduction...


An Introduction to Visual Studio 2012

(Visual C++) – Part I

Author: Huang Da

Contributors: Low Wei Lin, Xie Kai, Zeng Yong

Last edited: 2015 January

This two-part document is a collaboration between former students of

CS2103. You can help us improve this document by reporting typos, or areas that

are erroneous or unclear. Kindly email us at

The first part of the document describes the

development of a simple Windows

application using Visual C++ and Visual

Studio Ultimate 2012 (VS for short). The

application takes in a non-negative integer as

input and outputs all primes less than the

number. The figure on the right illustrates the

desired output.

The second part of the document (to be released later) will deal with the issues of

unit testing, exception handling and product release.

Tip boxes contain information that are not absolutely necessary, but may be

useful at times.

Highlight boxes contain important information. Pay extra attention to them.

Extra info boxes contain additional information that can be safely skipped.

Refer to them if you are interested to learn more.



VISUAL STUDIO (VS) DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL .................................................................... 3

DOWNLOADING VS ........................................................................................................................................... 3

INSTALLING VS ................................................................................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER 1. GETTING STARTED .................................................................................................. 6

CUSTOMIZE ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

VS WINDOWS .................................................................................................................................................... 8

VS MENUS .......................................................................................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER 2. STRUCTURING THE SOLUTION ..........................................................................12

FILE ORGANIZATION IN VS .......................................................................................................................... 12

CREATING NEW PROJECTS ............................................................................................................................ 12

CONFIGURE THE PROJECTS AND SET AN ENTRY POINT ............................................................................ 15

BUILDING AND RUNNING .............................................................................................................................. 20

CHAPTER 3. DESIGNING THE UI .................................................................................................22

OVERVIEW OF THE DESIGNER: TOOLBOX AND PROPERTY ..................................................................... 22

ADD COMPONENTS TO THE UI .................................................................................................................... 23

CONFIGURE THE COMPONENTS ................................................................................................................... 23

BINDING EVENT HANDLERS TO EVENTS .................................................................................................... 27

CHAPTER 4. INTERACTING WITH THE LIBRARY .................................................................29

DEFINING THE LIBRARY INTERFACE ........................................................................................................... 29

INTERACTING WITH A LIBRARY ................................................................................................................... 30

CHAPTER 5. DEBUGGING ..............................................................................................................33

SINGLE STEP TRACE ...................................................................................................................................... 34

SETTING BREAK POINTS ............................................................................................................................... 34

TERMINATING THE DEBUGGING SESSION .................................................................................................. 35


Visual Studio (VS) download and install

This chapter describes the download and installation of Visual Studio 2012

Ultimate from Microsoft DreamSpark.

At the time of revision of this document, Microsoft DreamSpark has updated

the latest version of VS to Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate. The download and

installation procedure is almost similar to that of Visual Studio 2012.

Downloading VS

Download Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate from DreamSpark at this link. On the main

page, you should see this:

Now simply click “Sign in” at top-right corner of the page and sign in using

NUSNET account:


If you are not a registered user or encounter problems logging in, you may

send an email to

Once logged in, enter “visual studio 2012 ultimate” within the search box. You

should see a list of related products:

Backward compatibility allows Visual Studio 2012 (32-bit) to be installed on

a 64bit Windows machine (for more discussion, check here). OSX users are

recommended to install Parallel Desktop (or VirtualPC on Mac) and run

Windows 7 (or higher version) as a virtual machine. Windows 7 is available on


Choose the web or iso (recommended) installer and click Add to Cart. After

checking out, you should see a confirmation page:

Note down the product key shown on this page, and click “Start Download” to

proceed. You should see a guide page as follows.


Follow the steps to download Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate.

Installing VS

With an .iso file downloaded, open/unzip it, and run the installer:

If you encounter any notifications about missing files during the

installation, just choose “download from online”.

If you install VS2012 alongside VS2010, you may get into trouble when

converting a VS2010 solution to VS2012. You can solve the problem according to

Andy Rushton’s suggestion given here.


Chapter 1. Getting started

This chapter provides instructions on customizing Visual Studio 2012 (VS).


VS allows us to choose from a selection of pre-defined environment settings, each

of which is optimized for building different types of applications.

Choose Visual C++ Development Settings.

You can always reset your current setting or use other pre-defined

settings via TOOLS Import and Export Settings.

Additional customization to Visual Studio, such as changing the color theme,

font and size of the code, foreground and background color of the editing area,

etc. can be made via TOOLS Options.


Changing VS color theme

Open the Options dialog box:

In the Environment section, choose General, and you should see a drop-down

list of available color themes with Light as the default. We shall change it to Dark.

Click OK to confirm the changes. The IDE should now look like this:


VS windows

Within VS, identify the tool windows, the menus and toolbars, and the main window

space. Tool windows are docked on the left and right sides of the application

window. The Quick Launch, Menu bar, and the standard toolbar are located at

the top. At the center of the application window is the Start Page. When a file is

loaded, a text editor and/or designer will appear in this space.

VS menus

Visual Studio has docked most of the options that are frequently used at the

standard toolbar, such as Create a new solution, Open an existing solution, Copy

and Paste, Debug type, etc. You may add or remove buttons docked on the

standard toolbar by clicking the dropdown button at the right-most end of the


Generally, if you do not know the location of an option, just type the associated key

words within the Quick Launch box (or press Ctrl + Q). For example, if we want to

create a new project, simply search for “new project” using Quick Launch.

Some of the commonly used menu items are listed below.


Use the FILE menu for file manipulation, such as New or Open project

solution, Save file(s), Recent files, Print options, etc.

Use the EDIT menu for text editing, such as Copy and Paste, Undo and

Redo, Find and Replace, etc.

Use the VIEW menu to enable various Explorer and Windows to help you

manage your project better. We suggest to keep two windows docked on

the application window: Solution Explorer and Class View.

Solution Explorer and Class View

Solution Explorer provides an overview of all projects under the current solution

(these two terms are defined here). Each project may be expanded to display the

individual components:

This explorer is docked at the left side of the application by default. If you close it by

mistake, re-open it by selecting VIEW Solution Explorer.


Unlike the Solution Explorer which shows a hierarchical view of a project in terms

of files, Class View does the same but in terms of classes. You can view all

namespaces and classes created in each of the project, as well as to check its

member functions, variables and their accessibility.

The class view is docked at the left side of the application window by default. If you

close by mistake, re-open it by selecting VIEW Class View.


When developing a solution, other menus will appear:

PROJECT menu provides methods to structure the solution and configure

a project.

BUILD menu provides functionalities to compile the code and build the

executable. In particular, the solution may be configured to be built under

the Debug Mode or Release Mode.

DEBUG menu provides functionalities to debug the whole project, such as

stepping into or stepping over an instruction, or stepping out of a program

fragment. Break points may be also be set.

TEST menu provides options to work with test cases during testing. The

same options can also be found within Test Explorer.

Having gone through all the required menus, it’s time to begin our first project in

Visual Studio. In the next chapter, we will set up a project and structure the solution

step by step.


Chapter 2. Structuring the solution

This chapter is about structuring your solution.

File Organization in VS

Within Visual Studio, a solution is built to solve a problem. This solution comprises

one or more projects, each of which solves a sub problem. We will set a project as

the startup project and set an entry point so that VS knows where to start

executing the code. Each project involves one or more source and header files.

A solution for our product (prime generator) requires two components: a user

interface (UI), which handles the interaction between the user and the program,

and a back-end library, which handles the computations. As such, we require two

projects: UI and Library.

Creating new projects

From the VS main window, select FILE New Project, or press the hot key

combination Ctrl + Shift + N, to bring up the New Project Dialog window:

Since we have chosen Visual C++ Development Settings, Visual C++ is the

default language preference. Note that there are several options listed under

Visual C++. The most general option is General Empty Project, which provides

a project with default settings. However, we will build the (UI) using Windows

Forms which is based on the Common Language Runtime (CLR) environment.

More specifically, we are using C++/CLI to build the windows form

application. You are recommended to read this page and this document to get

necessary knowledge on C++/CLI.


Under the CLR option, select CLR Empty Project as our UI project prototype.

Specify the location you want to store the project and the name you want to give.

All projects will be listed under a Solution, and you should also specify the

solution’s name. Name the current project as “UI” and the solution as

“PrimeGenerator”, and click OK, The current solution and associated projects are

now listed within the Solution Explorer.

For the second project Library, an empty general project will be sufficient.

Right-click on the current solution, select Add New Project:


Choose General and select Empty Project. Name the project “Library”.

There are now two projects under our solution PrimeGenerator:

You may notice that UI is in bold font. This is because UI (our first project) is set as

the Startup Project, which is what we desire.

In the next section, we illustrate how each project is to be configured.


Configure the projects and set an entry point

Let us begin by configuring the Library project.

The Library provides all necessary functional classes and static functions. It is

independent from all other components such as the UI, i.e. it does not require the

functionalities of the UI. In essence, only functions within the UI call the Library’s

functions. As such, we set our Library project as a Static Library project to realize

the independence.

Right click on the Library project in Solution Explorer, and select Properties.

In the General page, you should see an option Configuration Type. By default,

this option is set as Application (.exe). From the dropdown list, choose Static

library (.lib). Click OK.

To configure the UI project as a Windows Form Application, right-click on the UI

project in Solution Explorer, and select Properties. Navigate to the Linker

section, and select System page.


From the dropdown list of SubSystem, select Windows. Click OK.

Now it’s time to connect the two components, bearing in mind that UI depends on


Right click on UI project, and select References. Click Add New Reference.

Within Add Reference, check the Library project. Click OK.


To avoid having to specify functions headers with long relative paths, we need to

set the additional include path.

If the additional include path is not set, you will need to use

#include “../AnotherProjectDirectory/SomeHeader.h”

instead of simply

#include “SomeHeader.h”.

If the include path is set incorrectly, compiling your program produces the

error “Fatal Error C1083: Cannot open include file”.

In UI properties, select Configurable Properties. Under C/C++, select General.

From the dropdown list of Additional Include Directories select <Edit..>. Within

the Additional Include Directories window, click the “folder” icon at the top. Add

new include directories by typing “..\Library” as the path, or navigate to the correct

directory by clicking on “…”.


Click OK to apply the changes.

An entry point refers to the first function (entry function) that the program starts

executing (typically the main function). In our project, the UI should start up when

the project is run. As such, the entry function should be the main function of the UI

project. To achieve this, set the UI project as a Startup Project, and set the main

function of UI as the entry function.

Recall that UI was set as the Startup Project by default. Any project can be set as

the Startup Project by right clicking on the project in the Solution Explorer and

choosing Set as Startup Project.

Now create the main function. Right click on Source Files under UI and select

AddNew Item. In the Add New Item window, navigate to the UI tab, and choose

Windows Form. Name the file PrimeGeneratorGUI.h and click Add.

Notice that a .h file is created, together with a .cpp file. The .h file defines the

properties and event handlers of all the components of the Windows Form, in the

form of a class. This class is instantiated in the .cpp file, and run in an infinite loop.

The .cpp file is the entry point as it is responsible for constructing the GUI.


Double click PrimeGeneratorGUI.cpp file. Insert the following program fragment:

#include "PrimeGeneratorGUI.h"

using namespace System;

using namespace System::Windows::Forms;


void main(array<String^>^ args) {



UI::PrimeGeneratorGUI mainWindow;



To enable line numbering, go to TOOLS Options Text Editor All

Languages General Display and check Line Numbers.

All C++/CLI object should be managed, unlike native C++ objects, which

are ‘unmanaged’. For managed objects, ‘^’ is similar (but not equivalent) to ‘*’ in

native C++, and ‘%’ is similar (but not equivalent) to ‘&’ in native C++. In

addition, to instantiate a managed object in CLR, use gcnew keyword, instead of


[STAThread] Single Thread Application Attribute

STAThread within square brackets is an attribute to indicate that the current

application runs on a thread containing a Single Thread Application. You can

learn more on STAThread attribute on MSDN or this blog.

To set the main function as our entry function, right click on the UI project in the

Solution Explorer, select Properties, navigate to Linker tab, and then select

Advanced. In Entry Point box, enter main and click OK.


Building and running

Set up is now complete. To run the project, right click on the solution in Solution

Explorer and select Build.

The progress of building appears in the output window docked at the bottom of

main application window.

A link error surfaces because the Library project is empty. Fix the problem by

adding a dummy class in Library. Right-click on Source Files under Library

project, select Add Class

Within the Add Class dialog, select the C++ tab, and select C++ Class. Click Add.

Within the Generic C++ Class Wizard, specify the class name as

PrimeGenerator and click Finish.


A PrimeGenerator Class has been added to our Library project, with a

separate .h header file and .cpp implementation file.

Right click on the solution in Solution Explorer, and select Rebuild Solution.

The two projects are now built successfully.

We can now run it. VS provides two modes for running: with Debug mode and

without Debug mode (we will discuss more on this topic in a later chapter). Click

on DEBUG menu, and select Start without Debugging

You should see an empty GUI window. We now have a skeletal solution.


Chapter 3. Designing the UI

The UI passes input from the user to the back-end library, and displays the results

returned from the library. This chapter describes how the native Windows Form

Designer is used to realize the UI.

Overview of the Designer: Toolbox and Property

Double click PrimeGenerator.h under UI project. This produces the Designer

page within the main editing area. Alternatively, right click on PrimeGenerator.h,

and select View Designer.

Note the Toolbox and Property windows. By default, they should appear at the

right side of the main application window.


If you accidentally close Toolbox, you can reopen the window through

VIEW Toolbox. For opening Property window, right click the target object in

the designer view and select Property.

The Toolbox window provides necessary components to build the GUI, such as

Textbox, Label, Button, etc. The Property window allows you to edit the property

of a component object, and bind an event handler function to a certain event.

Add components to the UI

We will demonstrate by creating a very simple GUI comprising two Labels, two

Textboxes, and one Button. Drag and drop the components from the Toolbox

into the designer, and make adjustments to the location of the components.

Configure the components

Change the text content of labels and buttons by configuring the Text property of

the components. Let us change the text of label1 to “Primes less than upper

bound:”. Right click on label1 and select Properties.

You may change the text, as well as the associated text font and size. Notice that


the change is reflected in the designer.

Repeat the same procedure for the other components.

Next we will configure the text boxes. To configure a multiple-line display box, right

click the upper text box and select Properties. Look for the Multiline property

under the Behavior section.

By default, the text box is configured as a single-line box, so change Multiline


property to true. Resize the text box via the handles accordingly.

In addition, enable the textbox as read-only and include a vertical scrollbar. Do

these via the Readonly and Scrollbar properties.

Now build and run the project. The UI looks fine but has a potential layout problem

if you resize or maximize the window. We need to disable the Maximize function of

the window and fix the border. Right click on the form, and select Properties.

Under Appearance, set FormBorderStyle to FixedSingle.

Under Window Style, set MaximizeBox to false.


Now build and run again. The window can no longer be resized nor maximized.

With the configurations completed, right click PrimeGeneratorGUI.h under the UI

project and select View Code.

Notice that the code for initializing components has been created automatically.

For better code quality, we should change the components names. We can do

this directly within the code, or preferably within the designer via the Properties

window. For each component, configure the (Name) property under Design.

For example, component label1 can be renamed as outputBoxInstructionLabel.

Repeat this step until all components are given a proper name. In particular,

rename the button as generateButton and the multiline textbox as outputBox.

Now, view the code again and you will see the changes being applied.


Binding event handlers to events

Clicking a button, getting a textbox into focus, and focus-leaving a textbox are

examples of events. When an event occurs, an event handler is triggered. It

defines the reaction of the program to that event. For example, when the minimize

window button is clicked, a system event handler is called. This event handler is

associated with instructions that hide the window. In general, an event handler

defines a routine that the program should take when a specific event occurs. We

will define an event handler when the Generate button is clicked. Specifically, a list

of primes is displayed upon clicking the button.

To bind an event handler to a Click event, right click on the Generate button and

select Properties. In the properties window, click on the “lightning” icon at the top .

This brings up the Events page.

To bind an event handler to the Click event, under Action section. Double click the

editing area to the right of Click. An event handler generateButton_Click will be

created and bound to the event.

MouseClick event behaves slightly differently as the event will be triggered

only if the button is clicked by a mouse. However, Click event will be triggered

as long as the button is pressed (via the mouse or keyboard).

The prototype of the event handler is now included within PrimeGeneratorGUI.h.

Let us insert a “hello world” output statement to test the functionality.

private: System::Void generateButton_Click(

System::Object^ sender,

System::EventArgs^ e) {

MessageBox::Show("hello world!");


Build and run the project again. When the Generate button is clicked, “hello world!”

is displayed in a message box window.


However, UI itself cannot generate a prime list, it needs support from the backend

library. In the next chapter, we will discuss more on interacting with backend library.


Chapter 4. Interacting with the Library

This chapter describes how the UI interacts with the backend Library.

Defining the library interface

UI and Library should interact through the public functions provided by Library.

The prototypes of these functions should be defined in the PrimeGenerator.h

header file, and the implementation in the PrimeGenerator.cpp source file.

Double click on PrimeGenerator.h to edit the code. Create one public function and

one private vector primeList.

#pragma once

# include <vector>

# include <algorithm>

# include <exception>

class PrimeGenerator {


std::vector<int> primeList;





std::vector<int> GetPrimeLessThan(int);


You may notice the coding standard provided by Visual Studio is slightly

different from the coding standard taught in CS2103. To conform to the standard,

we shall change them manually.

Include all necessary header files in the .h file instead of the .cpp file. It is

usually NOT a good practice to include “using namespaces”, especially “using

namespace std”. This is because omitting namespace in function definitions may

result in ambiguous functions when the two functions in two namespaces share

the same name and parameter list. You can check this page for more



Now define the function implementation within the source file. Double click on

PrimeGenerator.cpp to edit the code. For now, we include some “dummy”

statements for the purpose of testing.

#include "PrimeGenerator.h"

PrimeGenerator::PrimeGenerator(void) {



PrimeGenerator::~PrimeGenerator(void) {


std::vector<int> PrimeGenerator::GetPrimeLessThan(int upperBound) {

return primeList;


Interacting with a library

To use functions from another project, we need to include its header file. With

dependencies and reference path specified, the header can be simply included

without specifying the full path.

Modify PrimeGeneratorGUI.h by including the Library header file. With this

header file included, we can now use all the functions defined in the header file. In

particular, the implementation of the generateButton_Click function that outputs

“hello world” can now include a statement to generate a vector primeList.


#pragma once

# include "PrimeGenerator.h"

# include <vector>

namespace UI {


/// <summary>

/// Summary for PrimeGeneratorGUI

/// </summary>

public ref class PrimeGeneratorGUI : public System::Windows::Forms::Form {


PrimeGenerator* prime;


PrimeGeneratorGUI(void) {


prime = new PrimeGenerator();



/// <summary>

/// Clean up any resources being used.

/// </summary>

~PrimeGeneratorGUI() {

if (components) {

delete components;

delete prime;





System::Void generateButton_Click(System::Object^ sender,

System::EventArgs^ e) {

std::vector<int> primeList = prime->GetPrimeLessThan(2);

MessageBox::Show("hello world!");



Build the project again and ensure that both projects build successfully.


Modify the generateButton_Click function again to test the functionality of the


System::Void generateButton_Click(System::Object^ sender,

System::EventArgs^ e) {

std::vector<int> primeList = prime->GetPrimeLessThan(2);

int totalPrime = primeList.size();

String^ s = “”;

for (int I = 0; I < totalPrime; I ++) {

s = s + primeList[i].ToString();

if (I != totalPrime – 1) {

s = s + “,”;



outputBox->Text = s;


Build and run the solution. Click the Generate button and you will see the

hard-coded value 2 displayed in the output box.

Have a go at modifying the GetPrimeLessThan function to generate a list of

primes less than the input upper bound. In the next chapter, we look into



Chapter 5. Debugging

This chapter describes some useful debugging features provided by VS.

To go into the debugging mode, choose DEBUG Step Into. When you are in

debug mode, you will see two new panels docked at the bottom of main window.

Typically, Autos and Watch are located in the left panel, and the Call Stack

located in the right panel. These are sufficient for debugging.

Autos displays the current value for all active objects and variables. Watch allows

you to define the variables and objects that needs to be traced. Call Stack displays

the function stack information.

You can also view the current value stored in a variable by hovering your mouse on

the variable’s name, as shown below.

A yellow pointer at the program side bar points to the current instruction. Although

you can drag the pointer around from a point to another statement, doing so is not

recommended as it may sometimes mess up the execution order.


Single step trace

The single step trace mode allows you to trace your code line by line. You can

choose to step into, step over or step out a function.

Step into will bring you into the implementation a function. Consider the following

code segment:

double ExampleFunction() {

return 2.13;


int main() {

double a = ExampleFunction();

int b = 213;


If we step into at the red line, we will start tracing the green line.

When using step out, the current function finished execution and returns. In the

example above, if we step out at the green line, we will get back to the red line but

variable a has already been assigned with 2.13.

Step over is step into followed by step out. In the code example above, if we step

over at the red line, we will go to the blue line with variable a set to the result of


All three single step functions ( ) can be found on the toolbar under

Debug mode. Alternatively, you can find them in DEBUG menu.

Setting break points

To jump to a particular statement, set a break point beside that statement and then

use Continue button to continue execution until the break point.

To set a break point, single click on the side bar of editing area beside the line you

are interested in.

A red dot ( ) shows up to indicate a break point. Continue ( )

button can be found on the toolbar under Debug mode, or in DEBUG menu.


Terminating the debugging session

To terminate debugging, click on Stop ( ) button on the toolbar under Debug


Avoid modifying the code in Debug mode. Terminate debugging first.

This concludes the first part of the document. Use the debugging skill introduced in

this chapter to trace your prime generation function.

In part two of this document, we shall continue with unit testing, exception handling

and product release.