An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design …

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Introduction• Cells encounter different situations that require

different proteins.

• The cell continuously monitors its environment and calculates the amount at which each type of protein is needed.

• This information-processing function, which determines the rate of production of each protein, is largely carried out by transcription networks.


Transcription factor

• A transcription factor (TF) is a protein that binds to the promoter region of its target gene and controls the expression (transcription) of the target gene.


The cognitive problem of the cell

• To represent the different environmental states, the cell uses special proteins called transcription factors as symbols.

• Transcription factors are usually designed to transit rapidly between active and inactive molecular states, at a rate that is modulated by a specific environmental signal (input).

• The bacterium E. coli has an internal representation with about 300 degrees of freedom (transcription factors) and these regulate the rates of production of ~4000 proteins.


E. coli – a model organism


The mapping between environmental signals, transcription factors inside the cell, and the genes that they regulate


Elements of transcription networks

Gene transcription regulation, the basic picture


Transcription factors --- activators and repressors




Activators increase gene production


Repressors decrease gene production


Transcription networks

• In the network, nodes are genes and edges represent transcriptional regulation of one gene by the protein product of another gene.

• A directed edge X → Y means that the product of gene X is a transcription factor protein that binds the promoter of gene Y to control the rate at which gene Y is transcribed.


Backtracking to find active sub-network

• Define differentially expressed genes

• Identify TFs that regulate these genes

• Identify further TFs that regulate these TFs

Active regulatory sub-network


A transcription network that represents about 20% of the transcription interactions in the bacterium E. coli

Ref: Shen-Orr SS, Milo R, Mangan S, Alon U. Network motifs in the transcriptional regulation network of Escherichia coli. 2002. Nat Genet.2 31(1):64-8.


Separation of timescales• The input signals usually change transcription factor

activities on a sub-second timescale. Binding of the active transcription factor to its DNA sites often reaches equilibrium in seconds.

• Transcription and translation of the target gene takes minutes, and the accumulation of the protein product can take minutes to hours

• The transcription factor activity levels can be considered to be at steady state within the equations that describe network dynamics on the slow time scale of changes in protein levels.


Timescales for the reactions in the transcription network of bacterium E. coli


Input function• The strength of the effect of a transcription factor on the

transcription rate of its target genes is described by an input function.

• When X regulates Y, represented in the network by X → Y, the number of molecules of protein Y produced per unit time is a function of the concentration of X in its active form X*

rate of production Y = f(X*)

• Typically, the input function is a monotonic, S-shaped function. It is a increasing function when X is an activator and a decreasing function when X is a repressor.


Input function --- Hill functionactivatorfor function Hill )( *





β: maximal expression level of the promoter; K: activation coefficient

n: Hill coefficient n governs the steepness of the input function


Input function --- Hill functionrepressorfor function input Hill

)(1)( *





K: repression coefficient


Logic input function: a simple framework for understanding network dynamics

• For mathematical clarity, it is often useful to use even simpler functions that capture the essential behavior of these input function.

• Logic approximation: in this approximation, the gene is either OFF, f(X*) = 0, or maximally ON, f(X*) = β. The threshold for activation is K.


Logic approximation for activatoractivatorfor ion approximat logic )()( ** KXXf

where θ (step-function) is equal to 0 or 1 according to the logic statement in the parentheses. The logic approximation is equivalent to a very steep Hill function with Hill coefficient n → ∞.


Logic approximation for repressor

repressorfor ion approximat logic )()( ** KXXf


**** ),( YXYXf yx

****** AND ~)()(),( YXKYKXYXf yx

****** OR ~) OR (),( YXKYKXYXf yx

Multi-dimensional input functions govern genes with several inputs


Interim summary

• Input function: the rate of production of gene product Y is a function of the concentration of active transcription factor X*

• The input functions are often rather sharp and can be approximated by Hill functions or logic gates.


Dynamics and response time of simple gene regulation• X → Y : transcription factor X regulates gene Y.

• The cell produces protein Y at a constant rate, which we will denote β (units of concentration per unit time).

• The degradation rate (αdeg , its specific destruction by specialized proteins in the cell) and the dilution (αdil , the reduction in concentration due to the increase of cell volume during growth), giving a total degradation/dilution rate (in units of 1/time) of αα=αdeg+ αdeg

• The change in the concentration of Y is due to the difference between its production and degradation/dilution, as described by a dynamic equation

dY/dt = β-αY (2.4.2)


Response time

• The response time, T1/2 , is generally defined as the time to reach halfway between the initial and final levels in a dynamic process.


Decay of protein concentration following a sudden drop in production rate

• At steady state, Y reaches a constant concentration Yst = β/α

• What happens if we take away the input signal, so that production of Y stops (β=0)? The solution of Equation (2.4.2) with β=0 is an exponential decay of Y concentration: Y(t) = Yst e-αt (2.4.4)


Rise in protein concentration following a sudden increase in production rate

• dY/dt = β-αY and Y(0)=0 Y(t) = Yst (1 - e-αt)

• At early times, Y~βt when αt << 1



• An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits. 2006. Uri Alon.

• Transcription Factors. 2001.J. Locker.