AN INTELLIGENT RESOURCE ALLOCATION DECISION SUPPORT … · an intelligent resource allocation...

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Transcript of AN INTELLIGENT RESOURCE ALLOCATION DECISION SUPPORT … · an intelligent resource allocation...









(B.Eng.(Hons.), NTU)







I would like to express my greatest sincere gratitude to my academic supervisor, Dr.

Poh Kim Leng for his guidance, encouragement, and support throughout my work

towards this thesis. I especially appreciate his patience with a part­time student’s tight

working schedule. Without his help and guidance this work would not be possible. I

especially acknowledge Industrial Engineering and Production Planning departments

in my working company for providing technical data and resources to develop

solutions. Last but not least, I am very thankful for the support and encouragement of

my family.


LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................... I

LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................... II

LIST OF SYMBOLS .............................................................................................. III

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................. IV

SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................V

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................1

1.1 IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING ...........................................................................2 1.2 PROBLEM DOMAIN: RESOURCEMANAGEMENT ..............................................4 1.3 MOTIVATIONS OF THESIS ..............................................................................4 1.4 ORGANIZATION OF THESIS.............................................................................9


2.1 CURSE(S) OFDIMENSIONALITY....................................................................12 2.2 MARKOV DECISION PROCESSES...................................................................14 2.3 STOCHASTIC FRAMEWORK ..........................................................................16 2.4 LEARNING ..................................................................................................19 2.5 BEHAVIOUR­BASED LEARNING ....................................................................22 2.5.1 Subsumption Architecture.......................................................................23 2.5.2 Motor Schemas.......................................................................................24

2.6 LEARNING METHODS ..................................................................................24 2.6.1 Artificial Neural Network .......................................................................25 2.6.2 Decision Classification Tree...................................................................27 2.6.3 Reinforcement Learning .........................................................................28 2.6.4 Evolutionary Learning............................................................................29

2.7 REVIEW ON REINFORCEMENT LEARNING .....................................................31 2.8 CLASSES OF REINFORCEMENT LEARNING METHODS ....................................33 2.8.1 Dynamic Programming ..........................................................................33 2.8.2 Monte Carlo Methods.............................................................................36 2.8.3 Temporal Difference...............................................................................36

2.9 ON­POLICY AND OFF­POLICY LEARNING .....................................................37 2.10 RL Q­LEARNING .........................................................................................41 2.11 SUMMARY ..................................................................................................41


RESOURCE ALLOCATION WITH Q­LEARNING ...........................................43

3.1 THEMANUFACTURING SYSTEM...................................................................44 3.2 THE SOFTWAREARCHITECTURE ..................................................................45 3.3 PROBLEMS INREALWORLD ........................................................................47

3.3.1 Complex Computation ............................................................................47 3.3.2 Real­time Constraints.............................................................................48

3.4 REACTIVE RAP REFORMULATION ...............................................................49 3.4.1 State Space, x .........................................................................................50 3.4.2 Action Space and Constraint Function....................................................51 3.4.3 Features of Reactive RAP Reformulation................................................51

3.5 RESOURCE ALLOCATION TASK ....................................................................52 3.6 Q­LEARNING ALGORITHM ...........................................................................53 3.7 LIMITATIONS OFQ­LEARNING .....................................................................56 3.7.1 Continuous States and Actions................................................................56 3.7.2 Slow to Propagate Values.......................................................................57 3.7.3 Lack of Initial Knowledge.......................................................................57

3.8 FUZZYAPPROACH TO CONTINUOUS STATES AND ACTIONS...........................58 3.9 FUZZY LOGIC ANDQ­LEARNING ..................................................................61 3.9.1 Input Linguistic Variables ......................................................................62 3.9.2 Fuzzy Logic Inference.............................................................................64 3.9.3 Incorporating Q­learning .......................................................................65

3.10 BEHAVIOUR COORDINATION SYSTEM ..........................................................69 3.11 SUMMARY ..................................................................................................70

CHAPTER 4 EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS ...............................................72

4.1 EXPERIMENTS .............................................................................................72 4.1.1 Testing Environment...............................................................................72 4.1.2 Measure of Performance ........................................................................74

4.2 EXPERIMENTA– COMPARING Q­LEARNING PARAMETERS ...........................74 4.2.1 Experiment A1: Reward Function...........................................................75 4.2.2 Experiment A2: State Variables..............................................................76 4.2.3 Experiment A3: Discount Factor ............................................................77 4.2.4 Experiment A4: Exploration Probability.................................................79 4.2.5 Experiment A5: Learning Rate ...............................................................81

4.3 EXPERIMENT B– LEARNING RESULTS .........................................................83 4.3.1 Convergence ..........................................................................................84 4.3.2 Optimal Actions and Optimal Q­values ..................................................84 4.3.3 Slack Ratio .............................................................................................87

4.4 EXPERIMENT C– CHANGINGENVIRONMENTS ..............................................87 4.4.1 Unexpected Events Test ..........................................................................90

4.5 SUMMARY ..................................................................................................91

CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSIONS .............................................................................92

5.1 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (ANOVA) ON LEARNING ......................................92 5.2 PROBLEMS OF IMPLEMENTED SYSTEM .........................................................96 5.3 Q­LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION DIFFICULTIES .............................................97

CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION.............................................................................99


APPENDIX A : SAMPLE DATA (SYSTEM INPUT) .........................................112


List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Capacity trend in semiconductor.................................................................... 6

Figure 2.1: Markov decision processes .......................................................................... 16

Figure 2.2: Examples of randomization in JSP and TSP................................................. 18

Figure 2.3: The concepts of open­loop and closed­loop controllers ................................ 19

Figure 2.4: Subsumption Architecture............................................................................ 23

Figure 2.5: Motor Schemas approach............................................................................. 24

Figure 2.6: Layers of an artificial neural network........................................................... 26

Figure 2.7: A decision tree for credit risk assessment ..................................................... 27

Figure 2.8: Interaction between learning agent and environment .................................... 28

Figure 2.9: Learning classifier system............................................................................ 30

Figure 2.10: A basic architecture for RL ........................................................................ 32

Figure 2.11: Categorization of off­policy and on­policy learning algorithms.................. 39

Figure 3.1: Overall software architecture with incorporation of learning module............ 46

Figure 3.2: Q­table updating Q­value............................................................................. 55

Figure 3.3: Fuzzy logic control system architecture ....................................................... 59

Figure 3.4: Fuzzy logic integrated to Q­learning ............................................................ 61

Figure 3.5: Behavioural Fuzzy Logic Controller ............................................................ 70

Figure 4.1: Example of a Tester ..................................................................................... 73

Figure 4.2: Orders activate different states ..................................................................... 77

Figure 4.3: Different discount factors............................................................................. 79

Figure 4.4: Different exploration probabilities ............................................................... 81

Figure 4.5: Different learning rates ................................................................................ 83

Figure 4.6: Behaviour converging.................................................................................. 84

Figure 4.7: State/action policy learnt.............................................................................. 85

Figure 4.8: Optimal Q­values in given state and action .................................................. 85

Figure 4.10: The impact of slack ratio............................................................................ 87

Figure 4.11: Learning and behaviour testing .................................................................. 89

Figure 4.12: Performance in environment with different number of events inserted ....... 91

Figure 5.1: The Q­learning graphical user interface ....................................................... 97


List of Tables

Table 2.1: Descriptions of learning classifications (Siang Kok and Gerald, 2003) .......... 22

Table 2.2: Summary of four learning methods ............................................................... 31

Table 3.1: Key characteristics of Q­learning algorithm .................................................. 55

Table 3.2: State Variables .............................................................................................. 66

Table 3.3: Reward Function........................................................................................... 67

Table 4.1: Final reward function .................................................................................... 76

Table 4.2: Optimal parameters affecting capacity allocation learning............................. 83

Table 5.1: (event) Two factors­ Agent type and Varying Environment........................... 93

Table 5.2: Raw data from experiments........................................................................... 93

Table 5.3: ANOVA Table (Late orders)......................................................................... 94

Table 5.4: (Steps taken) Two factors­ Agent type and Varying Environments ............... 95

Table 5.5: ANOVA Table (Steps taken)......................................................................... 95


List of Symbols

st environment state at time t

at execution at time t

r reward function

R(s,a) reward of performing action a in state s

π policy

V value function

V π value of state under policy π

π* optimal policy

Q*(s,a) value taking action a in state s and then performing π*

Q(s,a) an estimate of Q*(s,a)

γ discount factor

α learning rate used in Q­learning

λ parameter controls the combination between bootstrapping and measuring

rewards over time

ϕ relaxation coefficient

R set of resources

S set of resource states

O set of operations

T set of tasks

C precedence constraints

N set of completed tasks by time periods

I probability distribution with initial states allocated to resources


List of Abbreviations

Acronym Meaning

ADP approximate dynamic programming

ANN artificial neural network

ANOVA analysis of variance

AI artificial intelligence

BOM bill of materials

EMPtime expected mean processing time

DP dynamic programming

GA genetic algorithm

IMS intelligent manufacturing system

JSP job­shop scheduling problem

MDP markov decision processes

MC monte carlo method

ML machine learning

NDP neuro­dynamic programming

RAP resource allocation problem

RCPSP resource constrained project scheduling problem

RL reinforcement learning

SSP stochastic shortest path

STAP semiconductor testing accelerated processing

SVM support vector machine

TD temporal difference learning

TSP traveling salesman problem



The dissertation aims at studying the learning effect of resource allocation problem (RAP)

in the context of wafer testing industry. Machine learning plays an important role in the

development of system and control application in manufacturing field with uncertain and

changing environments. Dealing with uncertainties at today status on Markov decision

processes (MDP) that lead to the desired task can be difficult and time­consuming for a

programmer. Therefore, it is highly desirable for the systems to be able to learn to control

the policy in order to optimize their task performance, and to adapt to changes in the


Resource management task is defined in the wafer testing application for this dissertation.

This task can be decomposed into individual programmable behaviours which “capacity­

planning” behaviour is selected. Before developing learning onto system, it is essential to

investigate stochastic RAPs with scarce, reusable resources, non­preventive and

interrelated tasks having temporal extensions. A standard resource management problem

is illustrated as reformulated MDP example in the behaviour with reactive solutions,

followed by an example of applying to classical transportation problem. This

reformulation has a main advantage of being aperiodic, hence all policies are proper and

the space of policies can be safely restricted.

Different learning methods are introduced and discussed. Reinforcement learning method,

which enables systems to learn in changing environment, is selected. Under this

reinforcement learning method, Q­learning algorithm is selected for implementing

learning on the problem. It is a technique for solving learning problems when the model

of the environment is unknown. However, current Q­learning algorithm is not suitable for

large­scale RAP: it treats continuous variables. Fuzzy logic tool was proposed to deal

with continuous state and action variables without discretising.

All experiments are conducted on a real manufacturing system in a semiconductor testing

plant. Based on the results, it was found that a learning system performs better than a non­

learning one. In addition, the experiments demonstrated the convergence and stability of

Q­learning algorithm, which is possible to learn in presence of disturbances and changes

are demonstrated.



Chapter 1 Introduction


Allocation of the resources of a manufacturing system has played an important role in

improving productivity in factory automation of capacity planning. Tasks performed by

system in factory environment are often in sequential order to achieve certain basic

production goals. The system can either pre­programmed or plan its own sequence of

actions to perform these tasks. Facing with today’s rapid market changes, a company

must execute manufacturing resource planning through negotiating with customers for

prompt delivery date arrangement. It is very challenging to solve such a complex capacity

allocation problem, particularly in a supply chain system with a seller–buyer relationship.

This is where we mostly have only incomplete and uncertain information on the system

and the environment that we must work with is often not possible to anticipate all the

situations that we may be in. Deliberative planning or pre­programming to achieve tasks

will not be always possible under such situations. Hence, there is a growing research

interest in imbuing manufacturing system not only with the capability of decision making,

planning but also of learning. The goal of learning is to enhance the capability to deal and

adapt with unforeseen situations and circumstances in its environment. It is always very

difficult for a programmer to put himself in the shoes of the system as he must imagine

the views autonomously and also need to understand the interactions with the real

environment. In addition, the hand­coded system will not continue to function as desired

in a new environment. Learning is an approach to these difficulties. It reduces the



required programmer work in the development of system as the programmer needs only

to define the goal.

1.1 Importance of Learning

Despite the progress in recent years, autonomous manufacturing systems have not yet

gained the expected wide­spread use. This is mainly due to two problems: the lack of

knowledge which would enable the deployment of systems in real­world environments

and the lack of adaptive techniques for action planning and error recovery. The

adaptability of today's systems is still constrained in many ways. Most systems are

designed to perform fixed tasks for short limited periods of time. Researchers in Artificial

Intelligence (AI) hope that the necessary degree of adaptability can be obtained through

machine learning techniques.

Learning is often viewed as an essential part of an intelligent system; of which robot

learning field can be applied to manufacturing production control in a holistic manner.

Learning is inspired by the field of machine learning (a sub field of AI), that designs

systems which can adapt their behavior to the current state of the environment,

extrapolate their knowledge to the unknown cases and learn how to optimize the system.

These approaches often use statistical methods and are satisfied with approximate,

suboptimal but tractable solutions concerning both computational demands and storage


The importance of learning was also recognized by the founders of computer science.

John von Neumann (1987) was keen on artificial life and, besides many other things,

designed self­organizing automata. Alan Turing (1950) who in his famous paper, which



can be treated as one of the starting articles of AI research, wrote that instead of designing

extremely complex and large systems, we should design programs that can learn how to

work efficiently by themselves. Today, it still remains to be shown whether a learning

system is better than a non­learning system. Furthermore, it is still debatable as to

whether any learning algorithm has found solutions to tasks from too complex to hand­

code. Nevertheless, the interest in learning approaches remains high.

Learning can also be incorporated into semi­autonomous system, which is a combination

of two main systems: the teleoperation (Sheridan, 1992) and autonomous system concept

(Baldwin, 1989). It gains the possibility that system learns from human or vice versa in

problem solving. For example, human can learn from the system by observing its

performed actions through interface. As this experience is gained, human learns to react

the right way to the similar arising events or problems. If both human and system’s

capabilities are fully optimized in semi­autonomous or teleoperated systems, the work

efficiency will increase. This applies to any manufacturing process in which there exist

better quality machines and hardworking operators; there is an increase in production line


The choice of implementing learning approaches depends on the natures of the situations

that trigger the learning process in a particular environment. For example, supervised

learning approach is not appropriate to be implemented in situations, which learning takes

place through the system’s interaction with the environment. This is because it is

impractical to obtain sufficiently correct and state representative examples of desired goal

in all situations. Therefore it is better to implement continuous and on­line processes in

the dynamic environment, i.e. through unsupervised learning approach. However, it may



have difficulty sensing the actual and true state of the environment due to fast and

dynamic changes in seconds. Hence there is a growing interest in combining both

supervised and unsupervised learning to achieve full learning to manufacturing systems.

1.2 Problem Domain: Resource Management

In this thesis, we consider resource management as an important problem with many

practical applications, which has all the difficulties mentioned in the previous parts.

Resource allocation problems (RAPs) are of high practical importance, since they arise in

many diverse fields, such as manufacturing production control (e.g., capacity planning,

production scheduling), warehousing (e.g., storage allocation), fleet management (e.g.,

freight transportation), personnel management (e.g., in an office), managing a

construction project or controlling a cellular mobile network. RAPs are also related to

management science (Powell and Van Roy, 2004). Optimization problems are considered

that include the assignment of a finite set of reusable resources to non­preemptive,

interconnected tasks that have stochastic durations and effects. Our main objective in the

thesis is to investigate efficient decision­making processes which can deal with the

allocation for any changes due to dynamic demands of the forecast with scarce resources

over time with a goal of optimizing the objectives. For real world applications, it is

important that the solution should be able to deal with both large­scale problems and

environmental changes.

1.3 Motivations of Thesis

One of the main motivations for investigating RAPs is to enhance manufacturing

production control in semiconductor manufacturing. Regarding contemporary



manufacturing systems, difficulties arise from unexpected tasks and events, non­

linearities, and a multitude of interactions while attempting to control various activities in

dynamic shop floors. Complexity and uncertainty seriously limit the effectiveness of

conventional production control approaches (e.g., deterministic scheduling).

This research problem was identified in a semiconductor manufacturing company.

Semiconductors are key components of many electronic products. The worldwide

revenues for semiconductor industry were about US$274 billion in 2007. Year 2008 is

predicting a trend of 2.4% increase in the worldwide market (Pindeo, 1995; S.E. Ante,

2003). Because highly volatile demands and short product life cycles are commonplace in

today’s business environment, capacity investments are important strategic decisions for

manufacturers. Figure 1 shows the installed capacity and demand as wafer starts in global

semiconductor over 3 years (STATS, 2007). It is clearly seen that capacity is not

efficiently utilized. In the semiconductor industry, where the profit margins of products

are steadily decreasing, one of the features of the semiconductor manufacturing process is

intensive capital investment.

TOTAL Semiconductors








4Q 04

1Q 05

2Q 05

3Q 05

4Q 05

1Q 06

2Q 06

3Q 06

4Q 06

1Q 07

Kwafer Start per w










Capacity Utilisation Rate Installed Capacity Actual Wafer Start



Figure 1.1: Capacity trend in semiconductor

Manufacturers may spend more than a billion dollars for a wafer fabrication plant

(Baldwin, 1989; Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996) and the cost has been on the rise

(Benavides, Duley and Johnson, 1999). More than 60% of the total cost is solely

attributed to the cost of tools. In addition, in most existing fabs millions of dollars are

spent on tool procurement each year to accommodate changes in technology. Fordyce and

Sullivan (2003) regard the purchase and allocation of tools based on a demand forecast as

one of the most important issues for managers of wafer fabs. Underestimation or

overestimation of capacity will lead to low utilization of equipment or the loss of sales.

Therefore, capacity planning, making efficient usage of current tools and carefully

planning the purchase of new tools based on the current information of demand and

capacity, are very important for corporate performance. This phenomenon of high cost of

investment is needed for the corporate to close the gap between demand and capacity, is

not limited to semiconductor company but is pervasive in any manufacturing industry.

Therefore, many companies have exhibited the need to pursue better capacity plans and

planning methods. The basic conventional capacity planning is to have enough capacity

which satisfies product demand with a typical goal of maximizing profit.

Hence, resource management is crucial to this kind of high­tech manufacturing industries.

This problem is sophisticated owing to task resource relations and tight tardiness

requirements. Within the industry’s overall revenue­oriented process, the wafers from

semiconductor manufacturing fabs are raw materials, most of which are urgent orders that

customers make and compete with one another for limited resources. This scenario

creates a complex resource allocation problem. In the semiconductor wafer testing

industry, a wafer test requires both a functional test and a package test. Testers are the



most important resource in performing chip­testing operations. Probers, test programs,

loadboards, and toolings are auxiliary resources that facilitate testers’ completion of a

testing task. All the auxiliary resources are connected to testers so that they can conduct a

wafer test. Probers upload and download wafers from testers and do so with an index

device and at a predefined temperature. Loadboards feature interfaces and testing

programs that facilitate the diagnosis of wafers’ required functions. Customers place

orders for their product families that require specific quantities, tester types, and testing­

temperature settings. These simultaneous resources (i.e., testers, probers, and loadboards)

conflict with the capacity planning and the allocation of the wafer testing because

products may create incompatible relations between testers and probers.

Conventional resource management model is not fully applicable to the resolution of such

sophisticated capacity allocation problems. Nevertheless, these problems continue to

plague the semiconductor wafer testing industry. Thus, one should take advantages of

business databases, which consist of huge potentially useful data and attributes implying

certain business rules and know­how regarding resource allocation. Traditionally, people

have used statistics techniques to carry out the classification of such information to induce

useful knowledge. However, some implicit interrelationships of the information are hard

to discover owing to noises coupled with the information.

Some main reasons to the challenging and difficult capacity planning decisions are

addressed below:

• Highly uncertain demand: In the electronics business, product design cycles and life

cycles are rapidly decreasing. Competition is fierce and the pace of product

innovation is high. Because of the bullwhip effect of the supply chain (Geary, Disney



and Towill, 2006), the demand for wafers is very volatile. Consequently, the demand

for new semiconductor products is becoming increasingly difficult to predict.

• Rapid changes in technology and products: Technology in this field changes quickly,

and the state­of­art equipments should be introduced to the fab all the time (Judith,

2005). These and other technological advances require companies to continually

replace many of their tools that are used to manufacture semiconductor products. The

new tools can process most products including old and new products, but the old tools

could not process the new products, and even if they can, the productivity may be low

and quality may be poor. Moreover, the life cycle of products is becoming shorter. In

recent years the semiconductor industry has seen in joint venture by companies in

order to maximize the capacity. Fabs dedicated to 300 millimeter wafers have been

recently announced by most large semiconductor foundries.

• High cost of tools and long procurement lead time: The new tools must be ordered

several months ahead of time, usually ranging from 3 months to a year. As a result,

plans for capacity increment must be made based on 2 years of demand forecasts. An

existing fab may take 9 months to expand capacity and at least a year to equip a

cleanroom. In the rapidly changing environment, forecasts are subject to a very high

degree of uncertainty. As the cost of semiconductor manufacturing tools is high, it

generally occupies 60% of capacity expenses. Thus, a small improvement in the tool

purchase plan could lead to a huge decrease in depreciation factor.

Thus, the primary motivations for studying this wafer test resource allocation problem


• The problem is a complex planning problem at an actual industrial environment that

has not been adequately addressed;



• Semiconductor test process may incur a substantial part of semiconductor

manufacturing cost (Michael, 1996);

• Semiconductor test is important for ensuring quality control, and also provides

important feedback for wafer fabrication improvement;

• Semiconductor test is the last step before the semiconductor devices leave the facility

for packaging and final test; and

• Effective solution of the problem can reduce the cost of the test process by reducing

the need to invest in new test equipment and cleanroom space (each test station may

cost up to US$2 million).

In the thesis, both mathematical programming and machine learning (ML) techniques are

applied to achieve the suboptimal control of a generalized class of stochastic RAPs,

which can be vital to an intelligent manufacturing system (IMS) for strengthening their

productivity and competitiveness. IMSs (Hatvany and Nemes, 1978) were outlined as the

next generation of manufacturing systems that utilize the results of artificial intelligence

research and were expected to solve, within certain limits, unforeseen problems on the

basis of incomplete and imprecise information. Hence, this provides a solution approach

that can be implemented into an industrial application.

1.4 Organization of Thesis

The structure of this thesis is as follows:

Chapter 2 provides a brief literature review to resource allocation is given, followed by a

section on Markov decision processes (MDPs) which constitute the basis of the presented

approach. This will discuss on the selection of a suitable learning method based on the



advantages of the learning method related to dealing with uncertainties concerning

resource allocation strategy with a given an MDP based reformulation; i.e. real­time,

flexibility and model­free. The selected learning method is reinforcement learning. It

describes a number of reinforcement learning algorithms. It focuses on the difficulties in

applying reinforcement learning to continuous state and action problems. Hence it

proposes an approach to the continual learning in this work. The shortcomings of

reinforcement learning and in resolving the above problems are also discussed.

Chapter 3 concerns with the development of the system for learning. This learning is

illustrated with an example of resource management task where a machine capacity learns

to be fully saturated with early delivery reactively. The problems in real implementation

are addressed, and these include complex computation and real­time issues. Suitable

methods are proposed including segmentation and multithreading. To control the system

in a semi­structured environment, fuzzy logic is employed to react to real­time

information of producing varying actions. A hybrid approach is adopted for the

behaviours coordination that will introduce subsumption and motor­schema models.

Chapter 4 presents the experiments conducted by using the system. The purpose of the

experiments is to illustrate the application of learning to a real RAP. An analysis of

variance is performed based on the experimental results for testing how significant is the

influence of learning compared to one without learning.

Chapter 5 discusses on the pros and cons of the proposed learning system. In addition,

the overcoming of the current problems with learning on system is discussed.

Chapter 6 summarizes the contributions and concludes this work as well as recommends

future enhancements.



Chapter 2 Literature Review and Related Work

Literature Review and Related Work

Generally speaking, resource allocation learning is the application of machine learning

techniques to RAP. This chapter will address the aspects of learning. Section 2.1

discusses the curse(s) of dimensionality in RAPs. Section 2.2 discusses the framework of

stochastic resource allocation problem which is formulated with the reactive solution as a

control policy of a suitably defined Markov decision process in Section 2.3 and Section

2.4. Section 2.5 provides background information on learning and Section 2.6 identifies

and discusses different feasible learning strategies. This ends with a discussion in

selecting the appropriate usable learning strategy for this research by considering

necessary criteria. Section 2.7 introduces reinforcement learning. Since the difficulty in

simulating or modeling an agent’s interaction with its environment is present, it is

appropriate to consider a model­free approach to learning. Section 2.8 discusses the

reinforcement learning methods: dynamic programming, Monte Carlo methods and the

Temporal­Difference learning. Section 2.9 classifies off­policy and on­policy learning

algorithms of Temporal­Difference learning method. As in real world, the system must

deal with real large­scale problems, and learning systems that only cope with discrete data

are inappropriate. Hence Section 2.10 discusses Q­learning algorithm as the proposed

algorithm for this thesis.



2.1 Curse(s) of Dimensionality

In current research, there are exact and approximate methods (Pinedo, 2002) which can

solve many different kinds of RAPs. However, these methods primarily deal with the

static and strictly deterministic variants of the various problems. They are unable to

handle uncertainties and changes. Special deterministic RAPs which appear in the field of

combinatorial optimization, e.g., the traveling salesman problem (TSP) (Papadimitriou,

1994) or the job­shop scheduling problem (JSP) (Pinedo, 2002), are strongly NP­hard and

they do not have any good polynomial­time approximation algorithms (Lawler, Lenstra,

Kan and Shmoys, 1993; Lovász and Gács, 1999). In the stochastic case, RAPs are often

formulated as Markov decision processes (MDPs) solved and by applying dynamic

programming (DP) methods. However, these methods suffered from a phenomenon that

was named “curse of dimensionality” by Bellman, and become highly intractable in

practice. The “curse” refers to the growth of the computation complexity as the size of the

problem increases. There are three types of curses concerning the DP algorithms (Powell,

Van Roy, 2004) which motivated many researchers proposing approximate techniques in

the scientific literature to circumvent this.

In the DP’s context, ‘the curse of dimensionality’ (Bellman, 1961) is resolved by

identifying the working regions of the state space through simulations and approximating

the value function in these regions through function approximation. Although it is a

powerful method in discrete systems, the function approximation can mislead decisions

by extrapolating to regions of the state space with limited simulation data. To avoid

excessive extrapolation of the state space, the simulation and the Bellman iteration must

be carried out in a careful manner to extract all necessary features of the original state

space. In discrete systems, the computational load of the Bellman iteration is directly



proportional to the number of states to be evaluated and the number of candidate actions

for each state. The total number of discrete states increases exponentially with the state

dimension. The stochastic, stage­wise optimization problems addressed in this thesis have

the state and action variable dimensions that cannot be handled by the conventional value

iteration. In addition, the DP formulation is highly problem dependent and often requires

careful defining of the core elements (e.g. states, actions, state transition rules, and cost


Unfortunately, it is not trivial to extend classical approaches, such as branch­and­cut or

constraint satisfaction algorithms, to handle stochastic RAPs. Simply replacing the

random variables with their expected values and, then, applying standard deterministic

algorithms, usually, does not lead to efficient solutions. The issue of additional

uncertainties in RAPs makes them even more challenging and calls for advanced


The ADP approach (Powell and Van Roy, 2004) presented a formal framework for RAP

to give general solutions. Later, a parallelized solution was demonstrated by Topaloglu

and Powell (2005). The approach concerns with satisfying many demands arriving

stochastically over time having unit durations but not precedence constraints. Recently,

support vector machines (SVMs) were applied (Gersmann and Hammer, 2005) to

improve local search strategies for resource constrained project scheduling problems

(RCPSPs). A proactive solution (Beck and Wilson, 2007) for job­shop scheduling

problem was demonstrated based on the combination of Monte Carlo simulation and




The proposed approach builds on some ideas in AI robot learning field, especially the

Approximate Dynamic Programming (ADP) method which was originally developed in

the context of robot planning (Dracopoulos, 1999; Nikos, Geoff and Joelle, 2006) and

game playing, and their direct applications to problems in the process industries are

limited due to the differences in the problem formulation and size. In the next section, a

short overview on MDPs will be provided as they constitute the fundamental theory to the

thesis’s approach in stochastic area.

2.2 Markov Decision Processes

In constituting a fundamental tool for computational learning theory, stochastic control

problems are often modeled by MDPs. Over the past, the theory of MDPs has grown

extensively by numerous researchers since Bellman introduced the discrete stochastic

variant of the optimal control problem in 1957. These kinds of stochastic optimization

problems have demonstrated great importance in diverse fields, such as manufacturing,

engineering, medicine, finance or social sciences. This section contains the basic

definitions, the applied notations and some preliminaries. MDPs (Figure 2.1) are of

special interest for us, since they constitute the fundamental theory of our approach. In a

later section, the MDP reformulation of generalized RAPs will be presentedso that

machine learning technique can be applied to solve them. In addition, environmental

changes are investigated within the concept of MDPs.

MDPs can be defined on a discrete or continuous state space, with a discrete action space,

and in discrete time. The goal is to optimize the sum of discounted rewards. Here, by a

(finite state, discrete time, and stationary, fully observable) MDP is defined as finite,

discrete­time, stationary and fully observable where the components are:



X denotes a finite set of discrete states

A denotes a finite set of control actions

A : X → P(A) is the availability function that renders each state a set of actions available

in that state where P denotes the power set.

p : X × A → r(X) is the transition­probability function where r(X) is the space of

probability distributions over X. p(y | x, a) denotes the probability of arrival at state y

after executing action a ∈ A(x) in state x.

g : X × A → R denotes the reward, or cost, function which is the cost of taking action a in

state x.

γ ∈ [0, 1] denotes the discount rate. If γ = 1 then the MDP is called undiscounted

otherwise it is discounted.

Once the problem has all these information available, this is known as a planning

problem, and dynamic programming methods are the distinguished way to solve it. MDP

is interpreted in learning viewpoint where we consider an agent acts in an uncertain

environment. When the agent receives information about the state of the environment, x,

the agent is allowed to choose an action a ∈ A(x) at each state. After the action is

selected, the environment moves to the next state according to the probability distribution

p(x, a) and the decision­maker collects its one­step cost, g(x, a). The aim of the agent is to

find an optimal behavior that minimizes the expected costs over a finite or infinite

horizon. It is possible to extend the theory to more general states (Aberdeen, 2003;

Åström, 1965) and action spaces, but mathematical complexity will increase. Finite state

and action sets are mostly sufficient for implemented action controls. For example, a

stochastic shortest path (SSP) problem is a special MDP (Girgin, Loth, Munos, Preux, and

Ryabko, 2008) in which the aim is to find a control policy such that it reaches a pre­



defined terminal state starting from a given initial state. Moreover, it plans to minimize

the expected total costs of the path. A proper policy is obtained when it reaches the

terminal state with probability of one. MDPs have an extensively studied theory and there

exist a lot of exact and approximate solution methods, e.g., value iteration, policy

iteration, the Gauss­Seidel method, approximate dynamic programming methods.

Temporal progress of the system Interaction of the decision­maker and

the uncertain environment

Figure 2.1: Markov decision processes

2.3 Stochastic Framework

A stochastic problem is characterized by an 8­tuple (R,S,O,T,C,D,E,I). In details the

problem consists of Figure 2.2 shows the stochastic variants of the JSP and travelling

salesman problem (TSP):

R denotes a set of reusable resources.

S denotes a set of possible resource states.

O : T ⊆ O is the target of tasks which is defined as a set of allowed operations O given

with a subset.

C ⊆ T × T denotes a partial ordering by the precedence constraints between the tasks.



Control action S

tate and cost

Current state of the system

Available control actions

Potential arrival states



d : S × O → r(N) is the durations of the tasks depending on the state of the executing

resource, where N is the set of the executing resource with space of probability


e : S × O → r(S) is the uncertain effect which the state of the executing resource affect

every task.

i : R → r(S) is the initial states of the resources that can be stochastic.

Since the ranges of randomizing functions d, e and i contain probability distributions, the

corresponding random variables can be denoted as D, E and I, respectively. Thus, the

notation X ~ ƒ indicates that random variable X has probability distribution ƒ.

R r O o S s r i r I

o s e o s E o s d o s D

∈ ∈ ∈

, ,

) ( ~ ) ( ) , ( ~ ) , ( ) , ( ~ ) , (


The state of a resource can contain any relevant information, for example, its type and

current setup (scheduling problems), its location and loading (transportation problems) or

condition (maintenance and repair problems). Similarly, an operation (task) can affect the

state in many ways, e.g., it can change the setup of the resource, its location or condition.

The system must allocate each task to a resource. However, there may be cases when the

state of a resource must be modified in order to be able to execute a certain task (for

example, a transporter may need to travel to its source point first). In these cases non­task

operations may be applied. They can modify the states of the resources without directly

executing a task. It is possible to apply the non­task operation several times during the

resource allocation process. However, the non­task operations are recommended to be

avoided because of their high cost.




Figure 2.2: Examples of randomization in JSP and TSP

The performance of a solution in stochastic RAP is a random variable. Before introducing

the basic types of resource allocation techniques classification, the concepts of “open­

loop” and “closed­loop” controllers are addressed and illustrated in Figure 2.3. An open­

loop controller, also called a non­feedback controller, computes its input into a system by

using only the current state and its model of the system. Therefore, an open­loop

controller does not use feedback to determine if its input has achieved the desired goal. It

does not observe the output of the processes being controlled. In contrast, a closed­loop

controller uses feedback to control the system (Sontag, 1998). Closed­loop control has a

clear advantage over open­loop solutions in dealing with uncertainties. Hence, it also has

improved reference tracking performance. It can stabilize unstable processes and reduce

sensitivity to parameter variations.

Time (tasks)


m i t jk


? ? ?





Open­loop control Closed­loop control

Figure 2.3: The concepts of open­loop and closed­loop controllers

In stochastic resource allocation there are some data (e.g., the actual durations) that will

be available only during the execution of the plan. Based on the usage of this information,

two basic types of solution techniques are identified. An open­loop solution that can deal

with the uncertainties of the environment is called proactive. A proactive solution

allocates the operations to resources and defines the orders of the operations, but, because

the durations are uncertain, it does not determine precise starting times. This kind of

technique can be applied only when the durations of the operations are stochastic, but, the

states of the resources are known perfectly. Finally, in the stochastic case closed­loop

solutions are called reactive. A reactive solution is allowed to make the decisions on­line,

as the process actually evolves providing more information. Naturally, a reactive solution

is not a simple sequence, but rather a resource allocation policy (to be defined later)

which controls the process. The thesis mainly focuses on reactive solutions only. We will

formulate the reactive solution of a stochastic RAP as a control policy of a suitably

defined Markov decision process.

2.4 Learning

In this section, we aim to provide an effective solution to large­scale RAPs in uncertain

and changing environments with the help of learning approach. The computer, a mere

controller input output controller input output

sensor feedback



computational tool, has developed into today's super complex micro­electronic device

with extensive changes in processing, storage and communication of information. The

main objectives of system theory in the early stages of development concerned the

identification and control of well defined deterministic and stochastic systems. Interest

was then gradually shifted to systems which contained a substantial amount of

uncertainty. Having intelligence in systems is not sufficient; A growing interest in

unstructured environments has encouraged learning design methodologies recently so that

these industrial systems must be able to interact responsively with human and other

systems providing assistance; and service that will increasingly affect everyday life.

Learning is a natural activity of living organisms to cope with uncertainty that deals with

the ability of systems to improve their responses based on past experience (Narendra and

Thathachar, 1989).

Hence researchers looked into how learning can take place in industrial systems. In

general, learning derives its origin from three fundamental fields: machine learning,

human psychological (Rita, Richard and Edward, 1996) and biological learning. Here,

machine learning is the solving of computational problems using algorithms

automatically, while biological learning is carried out using animal training techniques

obtained from operant conditioning (Touretzky and Saksida, 1997) that amounts to

learning that a particular behavior leads to attaining a particular goal. Many

implementations of learning have been done and divided by specific task or behaviour in

the work of the above three fields. Now, among the three fields, machine learning offers

the widest area of both research and applications/implementations to learning in robotics,

IMS, gaming and etc. With that, we shall review on approaches to machine learning. In



the current state of­the­art, learning has few successful examples and is a very active area

of research as learning is particularly difficult to achieve.

There are many learning definitions as posited by research; such as “any change in a

system that allows it to perform better the second time on repetition of the same task or

another task drawn from the same population” by Simon (1983), or “An improvement in

information processing ability that results from information processing activity”

Tanimoto (1994) and etc. Here, we adopt our operational definition by Arkin (1998) in

adaptive behaviour context:

“Learning produces changes within an agent that over time enables it to perform

more effectively within its environment.”

Therefore, it is important to perform online learning using real­time data. This is the

desirable characteristic for any learning method operating in changing and unstructured

environments where the system explores its environment to collect sufficient feedback.

Furthermore, learning process can be classified into different types (Sim, Ong and Seet,

2003) as shown in Table 2.1: unsupervised/supervised, continuous/batch,

numeric/symbolic, and inductive/deductive. The field of machine learning has

contributed to the knowledge of many different learning methods (Mitchell, 1997) which

own its unique combination from a set of disciplines including AI, statistics,

computational complexity, information theory, psychology and philosophy. This will be

identified in a later section.

The roles and responsibilities of the industrial system can be translated into a set of

behaviours or tasks in RAPs. What is a behaviour? A behaviour acquires information



about environment directly from data inputs (state) and is closely tied to the effectors that

decide and carry out decision­made (action). In other words, a behaviour could be viewed

as a function from state input into action output. A combination of behaviours can form a


Table 2.1: Descriptions of learning classifications (Sim, Ong and Seet, 2003)

Learning Description Unsupervised No clear learning goal, learning based on correlations of

input data and/or reward/punishment resulting from own behavior.

Supervised Based on direct comparison of output with known correct answers.

Continuous Takes place during operation in real world. (on­line)

Batch A batch of learning examples is provided before making changes in behaviors. (off­line)

Inductive Produces generalizations from input examples.

Deductive Produces more efficient concept from the initial concept.

Numeric Manipulates numeric quantities.

Symbolic Relates representations with input data.

2.5 Behaviour­based Learning

In order to perform learning effectively, the system must have robust control architecture

so as to cope with the environment complexity. Controlling a system generally involves

complex operations for decision­making, data sourcing, and high­level control. To

manage the controller's complexity, we need to constrain the way the system sources,

reasons, and decides. This is done by choosing control architecture. There are a wide



variety of control approaches in the field of behaviour­based learning. Here, two

fundamental control architecture approaches are described in the next subsections.

2.5.1 Subsumption Architecture

The methodology of the Subsumption approach (Brooks, 1986) is to reduce the control

architecture into a set of behaviours. Each behaviour is represented as separate layers

working on individual goals concurrently and asynchronically, and has direct access to

the input information. As shown in Figure 2.4, layers are organized hierarchically. Higher

layers have the ability to inhibit (I) or suppress (S) signals from the lower layers.

Figure 2.4: Subsumption Architecture

Suppression eliminates the control signal from the lower layer and substitutes it with the

one proceeding from the higher layer. When the output of the higher layer is not active,

the suppression node does not affect the lower layer signal. On the other hand, only

inhibition eliminates the signal from the lower layer without substitution. Through these

mechanisms, higher­level layers can subsume lower­levels.

Layer 1

Layer 2

Layer 3









2.5.2 Motor Schemas

Arkin (1998) developed motor schemas (in Figure 2.5) consisting of a behaviour response

(output) of a schema which is an action vector that defines the way the agent reacts. Only

the instantaneous executions to the environment are produced, allowing a simple and

rapid computation. All the relative strengths of each behaviour determine the agent’s

overall response. Coordination is achieved through cooperative means by vector addition.

Also no predefined hierarchy exist for coordination. The behaviours are configured at

run­time based on the agent’s intentions, capabilities, and environmental constraints.

Figure 2.5: Motor Schemas approach

2.6 Learning Methods

Several solution methods are known and have succeeded in solving many different

problems (Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996; Feinberg and Shwartz, 2003; Sutton and Barto,

1998) such as robotic control (Kalmár, Szepesvári and Lorincz, 1998), channel allocation

(Singh and Bertsekas, 1997), transportation and inventory control (Van Roy, 1996),

logical games and problems from financial mathematics, e.g., from the field of neuro­

dynamic programming (NDP) (Van Roy, 2001) or reinforcement learning (RL)

(Kaelbling, Littman and Moore, 1996), which compute the optimal control policy of an

Behaviour 1

Behaviour 2

Behaviour 3







MDP. In the following, four learning methods from a behaviour engineering perspective

will be described with examples: artificial neural network, decision­tree learning,

reinforcement learning and evolutionary learning. All of them have their strengths and

weaknesses. The four different learning methods and their basic characteristics can be

summarized in Table 2.2. Reinforcement learning approach is selected to give an

effective solution to large­scale RAPs in uncertain and dynamic environments.

Reinforcement learning allows a system to build and improve behaviour through trial and

error on computing a good policy. The system must learn to act in a way that brings

rewards over time. In next the sections, reinforcement learning is introduced in detail.

2.6.1 Artificial Neural Network

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has the ability to learn by example and generalize their

behaviour to new data. It is classified as supervised learning method, which requires large

sets of representative patterns to characterize the environment during training. It is

difficult to obtain the training patterns which contain no contradictory input output pairs.

In this approach it is believed that intelligence arises in systems of simple, interacting

components (biological or artificial neurons) through a process of learning and adaptation

by which the connections between components are adjusted. Problem solving is parallel

as all the neurons within the collection process their inputs simultaneously and

independently (Luger, 2002).

ANN (Neumann, 1987) is compounded of a set of neurons which become activated

depending on some inputs values. Each input, x, of the neuron is associated with a

numeric weight, w. The activation level of a neuron generates an output, o. Neuron

outputs can be used as the inputs of other neurons. By combining a set of neurons, and



using non­linear functions. Basically, there are three layers in an ANN (in Figure 2.6) –

input layer, hidden layer and output layer. The inputs are connected to the first layer of

neurons and the outputs of the second layer of neurons with nonlinearity correspond to

the outputs of the last layer of neurons. The weights are the main ways of long­term

storage, and learning usually takes place by updating the weights.

Input layer

Hidden layer

Output layer











Figure 2.6: Layers of an artificial neural network

In order to develop ANN, it is essential to design the number of neurons needed in each

layer, the appropriate types of neurons and the connection between the neurons. Next, the

weights of the network are initialized and trained by learning for a task. Arkin (1998) has

provided a good overview on the application of learning in neural network. For achieving

good learning results, the number of units needs to be chosen carefully. Too many

neurons in the layers may cause the network to overestimate the training data, while too

few may reduce its ability to generalize. These selections are done through the experience

of the human designer (Luger, 2002). Since an agent in a changing unstructured

environment will encounter new data at all time, complex off­line retraining procedures

would need to work out and considerable data amount would need to be stored for



retraining (Vijayakumar and Schaal, 2000). A detailed theoretical aspect of neural

networks can be found in (Luger, 2002).

2.6.2 Decision Classification Tree

Decision classification tree learning is one of the most widely used and practical methods

for inductive inference. It is a method for approximating discrete valued functions which

is robust to noisy data and capable of learning disjunctive expressions (Mitchell, 1997). A

decision tree takes input as an object or situation that is described by a set of properties

and outputs a yes or no decision. Therefore decision trees also represent Boolean

functions including functions with a larger range of outputs (Russel and Norvig, 1995). A

number of different decision trees can be produced with a given set of training examples.

Using a contemporary version of Ockham’s razor that accepts the simplest answer to

correctly fit the data, a decision tree can be chosen. In this case the smallest decision tree

has correctly classified the data. Figure 2.7 shows an example of a simple decision tree.

Figure 2.7: A decision tree for credit risk assessment



2.6.3 Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning (RL) (Kaelbling, Littman and Moore, 1996) in short, is a form of

unsupervised learning method that learns behaviour through trial­and­error interactions

with a dynamic environment. The learning agent senses the environment, chooses an

action and the environment will give a reinforcement (reward or punishment) to it (as in

Figure 2.8). The agent uses this information to optimize its policy to choose actions.

Figure 2.8: Interaction between learning agent and environment

RL is one of the most commonly used learning methods in control systems because it is

numeric, inductive and continuous (Luger, 2002). This is an amazing method to program

agent by reward and punishment without specifying the specific actions for achieving the

goal; in short – easy and flexible in programming. It also has attracted rapidly increasing

interest for its convergence properties, biological relevance and on­line learning.

Within the area of RL, there are wide ranges of learning techniques. These learning

techniques can be classified into model­free (learn a controller without learning a model)

or model­based (learn a model and use it to derive a controller) methods. Among these

two methods, model­free method is the most commonly used method in behaviour




Zhang and Dietterich (1995) were the first to apply RL technique to solve NASA space

shuttle payload processing problem. They used the TD(λ) method with iterative repair to

this static scheduling problem. From then, researchers have suggested and addressed the

field learning using RL for different RAPs (Csáji, Monostori and Kádár, 2003, 2004,

2006). Schneider (1998) proposed a reactive closed­loop solution using ADP algorithms

to scheduling problems. Multilayer perceptron (MLP) based neural RL approach to learn

local heuristics was briefly described by Riedmiller (1999). Aydin and Öztemel (2000)

applied a modified version of Q­learning to learn dispatching rules for production

scheduling. RL technique was used for solving dynamic scheduling problems in

multiagent­based environment (Csáji and Monostori, 2005a, 2005b, 2006a, 2006b).

2.6.4 Evolutionary Learning

This method includes genetic algorithms (Gen and Cheng, 2000) and genetic

programming (Koza and Bennett, 1999; Langdon, 1998). A key weakness of the

evolutionary learning is that it does not easily allow for online learning. Most of the

training must be done on a simulator, and then tested on a real­time data. However,

designing a good simulator for a real­time problem operating in unstructured

environments is an enormously difficult task.

Genetic algorithms (GA) are generally considered biologically inspired methods. They

are inspired by Darwinian evolutionary mechanisms. The basic concept is that individuals

within a population which are better adapted to their environment can reproduce more

than individuals which are maladapted. A population of agents can thus adapt to its

environment in order to survive and reproduce. The fitness rule (i.e., the reinforcement



function), measuring the adaptation of the agent to its environment (i.e., the desired

behavior), is carefully written by the experimenter.

Learning classifier system principle: (Figure 2.9) an exploration function creates new

classifiers according to a genetic algorithm’s recombination of the most useful. The

synthesis of the desired behaviour involves a population of agents and not a single agent.

The evaluation function implements a behavior as a set of condition­action rules, or

classifiers. Symbols in the condition string belong to 0, 1, #, symbols in the action

string belong to 0, 1. # is the ‘don't care’ identifier, of tremendous importance for

generalization. It allows the agent to generalize a certain action policy over a class of

environmental situations with an important gain in learning speed by data compression.

The update function is responsible for the redistribution of the incoming reinforcements

to the classifiers. Classically, the algorithm used is the Bucket Brigade algorithm

(Holland, 1985). Every classifier maintains a value that is representative of the degree of

utility of classifiers. In this sense, genetic algorithms resemble a computer simulation of

natural selection.

Figure 2.9: Learning classifier system



Table 2.2: Summary of four learning methods

Learning Methods

Learning process types 1

Action decision­ maker 2

Input values determinate 3

Pros Cons

1. Insensitive to inaccurate inputs.

1. Requires large training data before learning starts.

Neural Network

Supervised Batch Numeric Inductive

Back­ propagation to minimize


Function approximator

2. Slow learning in dynamic environment.

1. Able to incorporate with previous example data.

1. Only apply in simulation. Decision Tree Supervised Batch

Teacher Function approximator

2. Only outputs yes or no decision.

1. Unsupervised learning and can perform model­ free techniques.

1. Learning always starts from scratch with random action.

2. Able to perform on­line learning in dynamic environment to deal with numeric quantities.

Reinforcement Learning

Un­ supervised Continuous Numeric Inductive

Q­learning (commonly


Function approximator

3. Is an automatic method and less time­consuming in learning.

1. Useful optimization methods in simulations and can be tested on real­ time data.

1. Requires a model of environment.

Evolutionary Learning

GA Un­ supervised Continuous Numeric Inductive Symbolic

Bucket Brigade

2. Attractive in designing functional and adaptive system.

2. Can be ineffective in real environment and sensor model through simulation is not realistic.

1 The learning processes as described in Table 2.2; 2 The algorithm(s) to define the output actions; 3 The

function(s) to receive the input values from environment

2.7 Review on Reinforcement Learning

This section will introduce the selected learning method, reinforcement learning (RL). In

any learning tasks, RL (Kaelbling, Littman and Moore, 1996; Sutton and Barto, 1998)

system must find out by trial­and­error which actions are most valuable in particular

states. In reinforcement learning system, the state represents the current situation of the



environment. The action is an output from the learning system that can influence its

environment. The learning system’s selection of executable actions in response to

perceived states is called its policy.

In fact, RL lies between supervised learning, where teaching is from a supervisor, and

unsupervised learning, where there is a no feedback. In RL, the feedback is provided in

the form of a scalar reward that may be delayed. The reward is defined in relation to the

task to be achieved; reward is given when the system is successful in achieving the task.

Figure 2.10: A basic architecture for RL

Figure 2.10 shows the interaction between the environment and the learning agent. The

interaction between states and actions is usually regarded as occurring in a discrete time

Markov environment: the probability distribution of the next­state is affected only by the

execution of the action in the current state. The specified task block indicates the

RL system


Action Domain State Domain

Factory / Market Environment

inputs effectors


Learning agent task



calculation of reward for a particular combination of state, action, and next­state. The

designer must design the reward function to suit the task initially. The reward signal can

be made more positive to encourage a behaviour or more negative to discourage the

behaviour. The RL system’s purpose is to find a policy that maximizes the discounted

sum of expected future rewards.

2.8 Classes of Reinforcement Learning Methods

The reinforcement learning methods are classified into three classes: dynamic

programming, Monte Carlo methods and temporal­difference learning. Dynamic

programming methods are well developed mathematically, but require a complete and

accurate model of the environment. Monte Carlo methods are conceptually simple, but

not suited for step­by­step incremental computation. Finally, temporal­difference methods

require no model and are fully incremental.

2.8.1 Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming (DP) is a model­based approach to solving RL problems. One

form of DP stores the expected value of each action in each state. The action­value, Q (or

Q­value), in a state is the sum of the reward for taking that action in that state plus the

expected future reward. The action values are denoted Q* if they satisfy the Bellman

optimality equation:

t a t s t a t S Q t a

t S t a t s t r E t a t s Q , )1 , 1 ( * 1

max ) 1 , , ( ) , ( * ∀

+ +

+ + + = γ (2.2)

The DP approach finds Q* iteratively through a forward dynamic model. There exist two

usual methods to calculate the optimal policy: Policy iteration which consists of starting



from any initial policy and improving it iteratively; and Value iteration which looks for

action of optimal value for every state. However, due to the “curse of dimensionality”,

computing an exact optimal solution by these methods is practically infeasible. In order to

handle the “curse”, we should apply approximate dynamic programming (ADP)

techniques to achieve a good approximation of an optimal policy.

Approximate dynamic programming (ADP) (Powell, 2007) is a well­known dynamic

programming approach to deal with large, discrete, continuous, states. All approaches are

either learning or computing on a value function or directly a policy. To face continuous

or large discrete states, these approaches rely on a function approximator to represent

these functions. Today most works have dealt with parametric function approximators,

though interesting non parametric approaches have also been published. The introductory

discussion of function approximators will be presented in this section.

Control Policy

A control policy is defined such that the behavior of the learning agent at a given time in

stationary. A deterministic policy is a function from states to control actions whereas a

randomized policy is a function from states to probability distributions over actions.

Value Functions

Value functions (cost­to­go functions) are state­action pair functions that estimate how

good a particular action will be in a given state, or what the return for that action is

expected to be. The notation is used: V π (st) is the value of a state s under policy π. The

expected return when s starts and following π thereafter over time. Estimating these value



functions so that they can be used to accurately choose an action will provide the best

total possible reward after being in that given state.

= Ε = ∑



t t

π t t,

t t

π s )|S A g(S α ) (s V 0

0 (2.3)

where π t t A S , are random variables and g function is the cost of taking variable action A

in state S. π t A is chosen according to the control policy π and the distribution of 1 + t S is

) ( , π t t p A S where the horizon of the problem is assumed infinite. Similarly to the

definition of V π , the action­value function of control policy in a learning problem can be

defined below:

= = Ε = ∑




π t

π t t,

t t

π α ,A s )|S A g(S α ,αα) (s Q 0

0 0 (2.4)

where all the notations are the same as in equation (2.3). Action­value functions are

important for model­free approaches, such as Q­learning algorithm (to be discussed in

later section).

Bellman Equations

As the agent aims at finding an optimal policy which minimizes the expected costs, there

is a need to have a concept for comparing policies. The agent receives information at each

state of the environment, x, the agent is allowed to choose an action a∈A(x). A policy π1≤

π2 if and only if ∀x ∈ S : Vπ1 (st) ≤ Vπ2(st). A policy is uniformly optimal if it is better than

or equal to all other control policies. There always exists at least one optimal policy

(Sutton and Barto, 1998). Although there may be many optimal policies, they all share the

same unique optimized value function, V*. This function must satisfy the Hamilton­



Jacobi­Bellman equation (Van Roy, 2001) where T is the Bellman operator (Van Roy,


+ = ∑

∈ + +

∈ X y t t t t

A(x) t s V s s p s g min ) (TV)(s ) ( ) , | ( ) , ( 1 1 α α α

α (2.5)

2.8.2 Monte Carlo Methods

Monte Carlo (MC) methods are different in that they base the state value exclusively on

experience, not on other state value estimates. Although a model is required, the model

only needs to generate sample transitions, not the complete one as required by DP. MC

records all the rewards following a state,

∑ =

+ + − = n

k t k r α )t (s π α)V ( )t (s π V

0 1 (2.6)

where n is the terminal state, before updating the state value. This only makes sense in

episodic tasks; otherwise MC would have to wait for a long time before updating. The

obvious practical disadvantage of MC method is that the agent does not use its experience

right away ­ it is in episode­by­episode sense before getting smarter.

2.8.3 Temporal Difference

A combination of the ideas from DP and MC methods yields Temporal Difference (TD)

learning. Similarly to the MC method, this approach allows learning directly from the on­

line or simulated experience without any prior knowledge of the system’s model. The

feature shared by TD and DP methods is that they both use bootstrapping for estimating

the value functions.



TD algorithms make updates of the estimated values based on each observed state

transition and on the immediate reward received from the environment on this transition.

The simplest algorithm, One­step TD, performs the following update on every time step:

)) 1 ( ( ) ( ) 1 ( ) ( 1 + + + − = + t s V r t s V t s V t π γ α π α π (2.7)

This method uses sample updates instead of full updates as in the case of DP. Only one

successful state, observed during the interaction with the environment, is used to update

V π (st) when receiving rt+1 (part of future reward). For any fixed policy π, the one­step TD

algorithm converges in the limit to V π in the mean for a constant step­size parameter α,

and with probability 1 if the step­size satisfies between 0 and 1.

The one­step TD method can be used for the policy evaluation step of the policy iteration

algorithm. As with MC methods, sufficient exploration in the generated experience must

be ensured in order to find the optimal policy. One can use either on­policy or off­policy

approaches to ensure an adequate exploration. Since we have identified the environment

type to be model­free, we will focus on TD methods.

2.9 On­Policy and Off­Policy Learning

A policy in the definition of behaviour is a mapping from states to actions, while the

estimation policy is to perform the action with the highest estimated action­value (Sutton

and Barto, 1998).

On­Policy TD methods learn the value of the policy that is used to make decisions. The

value functions are updated using results from executing actions determined by some

policy. These policies are usually "soft" and non­deterministic. The meaning of "soft"



here is to ensure there is always an element of exploration to the policy. The policy is not

so strict that it always chooses the action that gives the most reward.

Off­Policy TD methods can learn different policies for behaviour and estimation. Again,

the behaviour policy is usually "soft" so there is sufficient exploration going on. Off­

policy algorithms can update the estimated value functions using hypothetical actions,

those which have not actually been tried. This is in contrast to on­policy methods which

update value functions based strictly on experience; i.e. off­policy algorithms can separate

exploration from control, and on­policy algorithms cannot. In other words, an agent

trained using an off­policy method may end up learning tactics that it did not necessarily

exhibit during the learning phase.

Two dimensions of variation can be examined in off­policy methods identification. The

first variation is whether the policy is known or unknown. Methods capable of learning

when the policy is unknown also can learn when the policy is known. The second

variation is whether the learning system learns from a sequence of states, actions and

rewards through time, or if it learns from non­sequential examples of state, action, next­

state, and reward. By following the non­sequential definition of off­policy learning, to

some researchers ‘off­policy’ implies ‘without following any policy’, or any sequence of


Figure 2.11 classifies various model­free reinforcement learning methods or algorithms.

Algorithms that can only learn on­policy include Actor­Critic, Sarsa and direct gradient

ascent approaches. These systems allow occasional non­estimation policy actions in order



to explore and improve the policy; however, they cannot learn from an extended sequence

of non­estimation policy actions.

One­step Q­learning is a non­sequential learning method. Since each update passes

rewards only one step backwards through time, one­step Q­learning cannot exploit the

information present in sequences of experiences. Rather than learn directly from the

sequence of rewards, one­step Q­learning depends on bootstrapping, relying heavily on

the accuracy of its internally represented estimates of value. Use of bootstrapping

increases learning performance; however, over­reliance on bootstrapping causes

instability (Sutton and Barto, 1998). Sequential learning methods that rely less heavily on

bootstrapping can be expected to be more stable, and learn from experience more

efficiently, than one­step Q­learning.

Figure 2.11: Categorization of off­policy and on­policy learning algorithms


Non­ Sequential

Q(λ) with per­ decision

importance sampling [60]

TD methods

On­ policy

Off­ policy



Sequential One­step Q­ learning

Q(λ) with tree backup [60]




Direct gradient ascent

Q(λ) [25] (Kaelbling, Littman, and Moore, 1996)

(Mitchell, 1997)

(Sutton and Barto, 1998)

(Sutton and Barto, 1998)


Non­ Sequential

Q(λ) with per­ decision

importance sampling [60]

TD methods

On­ policy

Off­ policy



Sequential One­step Q­ learning

Q(λ) with tree backup [60]




Direct gradient ascent

Q(λ) [25] (Kaelbling, Littman, and Moore, 1996)

(Mitchell, 1997)

(Sutton and Barto, 1998)

(Sutton and Barto, 1998)



TD(λ) is a well­known sequential learning algorithm that can be combined well with off­

policy learning. The λ parameter controls the combination between bootstrapping and

measuring rewards over time. Thus, reward is passed back over more than one step when

λ > 0, which is also regarded as n­step TD learning. One­step Q­learning is equivalent to

TD(0). There are several Q(λ) algorithms that combine Q­learning and TD(λ). The degree

of off­policy learning capabilities of the Q(λ) algorithms has been adjusted. Peng and

William’s (1996) method assumes that the number of non­estimation policy actions is

small. Watkins’s (1989) Q(λ) method requires that λ be set to zero for non­estimation

policy actions (Sutton and Barto, 1998). Watkins’s Q(λ) algorithm becomes one­step Q­

learning if all actions are non­estimation policy actions. Accordingly, it is just as capable

of off­policy learning as one­step Q­learning, and has additional sequential learning

capabilities when following the estimation policy. However, the algorithm requires the

detection of non­estimation policy actions. When actions are continuously variable, rather

than discrete, it is questionable which actions follow the estimation policy. Therefore, a

decision needs to be made whether the switch should be made between using actual

rewards or estimated value.

Recently the statistical framework of importance sampling has led to a variation of Q(λ)

that avoids the decision of whether an action has to follow the estimation­policy (Precup,

Sutton and Singh, 2000). The tree backup algorithm multiplies λ by a factor that

represents the probability that the estimation policy would have chosen that action. The

probability replaces the problematic decision of whether an action exactly follows the

estimation policy; as a result, the approach is applicable for continuous action problems.



2.10 RL Q­Learning

Q­learning is a variant of RL which is based on model­free method of learning from

delayed reinforcement proposed by Watkins (1989), and Even­Dar and Mansour (2003)

for solving Markovian decision problems with incomplete information. Some researchers

have compared the RL methods empirically and found that Q­learning is the best. From

then, Q­learning currently is the most widely used method within the family of RL in real

world or simulation. This is due to the following reasons:

• The algorithm is simple.

• Simple programming is required because the system figures out the algorithm itself.

• If the environment changes, it does not need to be reprogrammed (off­policy).

• It is exploration insensitive: that is the Q­values will converge to the optimal values,

independent of how the scenario behaves while the data is being collected.

Hence, we adopt Q­learning algorithm in this thesis.

2.11 Summary

Most of the practical applications in RAPs are difficult to solve, even for deterministic

cases. It is known, for example, that both JSP and TSP are strongly NP­hard. Moreover,

they do not have any good polynomial time approximation algorithm. In “real world”

problems we often have to face uncertainties, for example the processing times of the

tasks or the durations of the trips are unknown exactly in advance, and only estimations

are available to work with. Unfortunately, it is not trivial to explore classical approaches,

such as branch and cut or constraint satisfaction algorithms, to handle stochastic RAPs.

This does not lead to efficient solutions by simply replacing the random variables with

their expected values in the standard deterministic algorithms. For example, the RAP



formulation of TSP can be done as follows in 4­tuple. The set of resources represents one

element, the “salesman”, where R = r. The states of resource r (the salesman) are S =

s1, . . . , sn. If the state is si, it indicates that the salesman is in city i. The allowed

operations are the same as the allowed tasks, O = T = t1, . . . , tn, where the execution of

task ti indicates that the salesman travels to city i from his current location. The

constraints C = ⟨t2, t1⟩ , ⟨t3, t1⟩ . . . , ⟨tn, t1⟩ are used for forcing the system to end the

whole traveling in city 1, which is also the starting city. The performance measure is the

latest arrival time.

On the basis of discussion on efficiently solving RAPs in the presence of uncertainties

and the interest of using an unsupervised learning method to manage changes in dynamic

environment, the decision was to go with the reinforcement learning method. In the

context of resource allocation, reinforcement learning can be performed online in real­

time and model­free environment as compared to the other learning methods. The method

is automatic when the initial setup is done. It is different from evolutionary learning

method as evolutionary learning first performs offline learning under simulation before

testing on real­time data, which can result in ineffective learning. This fact makes

reinforcement learning a better candidate for performing tasks in realistic changing

environment with just feedback signal from the action the IMS performs. The design of

the proposal of applying Q­learning to stochastic RAPs will be presented in Chapter 3.



Chapter 3 System Architecture and Algorithms for Resource Allocation with Q­learning

System Architecture and Algorithms for

Resource Allocation with Q­learning

Resource allocation problems have many practical applications that are difficult to

solve, even in deterministic cases. It is known, for example, that both JSP and TSP are

strongly NP­hard, moreover, they do not have any good polynomial time

approximation algorithm. Additionally, uncertainties are faced in “real world”

problems, e.g., the processing times of the tasks or tardiness of the order are not known

exactly in advance. Stochastic RAP is a challenging area for reinforcement learning

algorithms that only cope with discrete data are inappropriate. In this chapter, Section

3.1 provides the information about the manufacturing system used in this thesis.

Section 3.2 provides the overall software architecture to make learning work on real

manufacturing system. Section 3.3 states the problems faced when incomplete data is

not reliable and difficult to compute in large­scale problem. Hence Section 3.4

discusses the reformulation framework for RAP to generalized MDP. Section 3.5

develops the basic behaviour of capacity allocation in the context of manufacturing

application. Section 3.6 describes the fuzzy logic approach to Q­learning algorithm.

Section 3.7 presents the development of fuzzy logic on a behaviour. Section 3.8

illustrates the integration of fuzzy logic into Q­learning algorithm. Lastly, the

additional development of the hybrid coordination of behaviours is presented in

Section 3.9.



3.1 The Manufacturing System

Semiconductor Testing Accelerated Processing (STAP) is the manufacturing system

software used in a semiconductor wafer testing plant that connects to real­time inputs

and outputs. This software models the plant to make manufacturing decisions and

allows the below activities to be performed:

• Capacity analysis – determining the impact that system changes (such as adding

people, changing processes, and so on) have on the plant. The model determines

how changes affect throughput, cycle time, and other measures of factory


• Capacity planning ­ determining when orders will be completed and when to start

new lots into the plant.

• Shop floor control ­ producing either dispatch designed rules or recommended

next tasks based on the current work in process and status of the plant.

STAP is a generic software library written in C code that facilitates the simulation of

manufacturing system and the real time control strategies. A Pentium process running

on a UNIX operating system platform provides computing power. It employs the

three­phase approach and provides facilities for modeling the physical structure, the

route and the system and machine loading policy. STAP is running with the following

inputs every seconds:

• product list

• machines

• machine efficiency

• limited capacity buffers

• automated material handler



• work in process

• cycle time

• routes

• due date

• start plan or orders

STAP advocates the separate development of the conceptually different views of the

simulated system. This approach facilitates the modular program development,

program readability and maintainability and the evaluation of different strategies

(system­level control policy, dispatching control, etc) on the same system.

3.2 The Software Architecture

Owing to the complexity of the addressed problem, it is hard for optimization­based

tools such as ILOG OPL to find the optimal solution in finite time. Figure 3.1 shows

the overall architecture in the implementation of a single site testing plant. Each block

represents a set of programming codes in order to accomplish its goal. Source data

from factory and customer environments are captured from STAP which several

universe databases are integrated in the practical wafer testing plant. The problem is

reformulated to generate reactive solutions (states) that are applied in the behaviours.

This proposed architecture also has the advantage to incorporate human interference in

learning. A Q­learning with a fuzzy inference module is developed to realize the

capacity allocation. While the Q­learning is responsible for arranging and selecting the

sequence of orders, the fuzzy inference module conveys how resources are allocated to

each order by processing time. This creates the opportunity in enhancing the system by

introducing the coordination of different reactive behaviours. The later sections will

describe the individual blocks in detailed.



Figure 3.1: Overall software architecture with incorporation of learning module

Demand Start


Cycletime /Routes

Wip/ Priorities


Machine Uptime


Factory and Marketing Environment

Fuzzy and Q­Learning

Behaviour coordination

Generalize in reformulation

Reactive Behaviours




Human command Learning Module Learning Module

orders, due dates, resource constraints…



3.3 Problems in Real World

3.3.1 Complex Computation

The idea of divide­and­conquer is widely used in artificial intelligence and recently it

has appeared in the theory of dealing with large­scale MDPs. Hence partitioning a

problem into several smaller sub problems is also often applied to decrease

computational complexity in combinatorial optimization problems, for example, in

scheduling theory. A simple and efficient partitioning method is proposed. In real

world industry, the orders have release dates and due dates, and the performance

measure, which involves total lateness and number of tardy orders. Assuming these

measures are regular, the randomized functions defining the release and due dates are

denoted as A : O → N and B : O → N respectively. In order to cluster the orders, we

need the definition of weighted expected slack time which is given as follows:

[ ] ∑ − − = ) , ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( v s D v A v B s w v S w (3.1)

where D denotes the stochastic duration function with the set of resource states s in

which order v can be processed and w(s) are the corresponding weights.

The aim is to handle the most constrained orders first. In ideal case, the orders Oi are

expected to have smaller slack times than orders in Oj if there are two clusters of i < j.

During learning, orders in Oi are allocated to resources only. After some steps, the

allocation policy relating to orders in Oi is fixed and starts sampling to achieve a good

policy for orders in Oj.



By clustering the orders, it will make too small clusters seriously decrease the

performance of the best achievable policy and make too large clusters considerably

slow down the system. This technique, however, has several advantages as below:

• it effectively decreases the search space,

• it further reduces the number of available actions in the states,

• it speeds up the learning as only a small part of the orders is allocated in a trial and

which the variance of the total costs is decreased as a result.

3.3.2 Real­time Constraints

Since the STAP is required to interact with the real environment, the input data must

be processed in real­time to acquire the suitable system’s actions. Therefore

multithreaded programming is required to process input data so as to avoid the

severely degraded overall performance if the sequential program performs a blocking

call. In a sequential program, the code is executed one instruction after the next in a

monolithic fashion, with no regard to the many possible resources available to the

program. For example, ‘while loops’ or ‘for loops’ and ‘if­else’ statements are used in

the main ( ) function program extensively. Here, all input data will be threaded by

linking the thread program with the pthread library through the header file pthread.h.

The pseudo­codes below illustrate the simultaneous extraction of different sources of

input data.

typedef struct data

double splan, sdd;




void PLAN( ) //get 12 months plan

s= getPLAN( );

S_DATA.splan = s;

void DUEDATE( ) //get due dates requirement from customers

s= getDUEDATE( );

S_DATA.sdd = s;

int main(void)

pthread_t hThread1, hThread2;

pthread_create(&hThread1, NULL, (void *)PLAN, NULL);

pthread_create(&hThread2, NULL, (void *)DUEDATE, NULL);

pthread_join(hThread1, NULL);

pthread_join(hThread2, NULL);



return 0;

3.4 Reactive RAP Reformulation

Before learning is incorporated into a typical RAP to compute an efficient control

policy, it is required to reformulate reactive RAPs as special MDPs. In order to

reformulate the problem in stochastic framework as presented in Section 2.3, the



following terms are defined: the state space (including both initial and terminal states),

the action space, the action constraint function and the effects of actions.

3.4.1 State Space, x

x ∈ X is defined as a 4­tuple (τ,µ,ξ,ϕ), where:

τ ∈ N is the current time.

µ : R → S determines the current states of the resources.

ξ : R × Nτ­1 a O stores the resources and the start times in which a task was begun.

ϕ : R × Nτ­1 a Nτ (where τ τ ,..., 0 N = ) describes the stop times of the completed


The resource allocation process starts from an initial state (0,µ,0,0) which corresponds

to the situation at time zero and no task has been started. The initial probability

distribution of the problem, x0, is calculated as follows:

[ ] ) ( ) ( ),..., ( ) ( ) , 0 ( 1 1 0 n n r I r r I r P x = = = µ µ µ (3.2)

where r is the initial state of resource and n is the number of resources. Hence, x0

provides initial states to resources according to probability distribution, I.

A state x is considered as a terminal state if and only if TF(x) = T and it can be reached

from a state x1, where TF(x1) ≠ T. If the system reaches a terminal state, i.e. all tasks

are finished, and then the control process is treated to be completed. All terminal states

can aggregate all terminal states to a global unique terminal state and introduce a new

unique initial state, x0, that has only one available action which takes randomly to the



real initial states. Then, the problem becomes a stochastic to find a routing having

minimal expected cost from the new initial state to the goal state.

3.4.2 Action Space and Constraint Function

When the system is informed on the finished tasks every time, it can decide on the

tasks to apply by which resources. The action space contains operation­resource

assignments avr ∈ A, where v ∈ O and r ∈ R, and a special await action when the system

does not start a new task at the current time. Action await is available in every state with

an incomplete operation. An action available in states where resource is idle, it needs

to process operation which is not executed earlier and its precedence constraints are

satisfied. The effect of await action is an incomplete operation will start at t on resource

finishes with probability that the duration of the operation is executed by a resource

which has state. This effect is named completion rate in stochastic scheduling theory or

hazard rate in reliability theory.

3.4.3 Features of Reactive RAP Reformulation

From the reformulation, these MDPs have finite actions as |A| ≤ |R||O| + 1 always

holds. It was observed that the MDPs are aperiodic by means of none of the states can

appear more than one time. This is because during the resource allocation process τ,

the quantity τ increases each time as the state changes. Therefore, the system cannot

reach the same state twice. The state space of the reformulated RAP becomes finite

when the allowed number of non­task operations is confined and the random variables

of the duration are finite. In order to achieve the effective computation of a good

control policy, it is important to try to reduce the number of states. This is done by



recognizing the performance measure reward is increasing in completing the order in

time when the states in which no order has been completed can be present, except the

initial states. Therefore, each await action may result to a state where an order has been

completed. By this way, the state space can be reduced and, therefore, a good control

policy can be calculated more effectively.

3.5 Resource Allocation Task

The identified manufacturing production control task in this research is simple

resource allocation. A few basic aspects are considered in production planning

decisions. The first aspect is to allocate the machine capacity efficiently that results in

high manufacturing performance, especially in complicated operations of the

semiconductor wafer test industry. The second aspect is to handle and develop

products in the shortest time to win the market share and compete with the

competitors. The last aspect is to allocate and manage the headcount to machines in a

single factory site and outputs to the quantity and quality from customers. Hence, the

behaviours were: the “capacity­planning” behaviour, the “product development”

behaviour and the “headcount assignment” behaviour. It is much simpler to design and

program each behaviour independently. This style of programming is the essence of

coordinating task­achieving behaviours in behaviour­based learning. The main feature

of the “capacity­planning” behaviour and the development were described in the


“Capacity­Planning” Behaviour

As all the implementations are done in a multi­resource, multi­period, and soft­due­

date problem with high complexity, this program is designed to arrange, select the



sequence of orders and obtain the capacity to be allocated to each order. Assume that a

make­to­order manufacturing firm has customer orders. For each order, there is an

order value (revenue) and the customer’s desired due date. There are m manufacturing

resources in the system. A horizon of periods is used for planning and usage of

machines and independent of manpower without overtime. Here, the lead time for each

testing is fixed and known and independent of the saturation. Thus, given a completion

time for each order, the requirement of resource for the order in a time period can be

calculated from the bill of materials (BOM) and the production standards. Moreover,

given the customer­order due dates, the vector of manufacturer’s preferred due dates

can be calculated. This seeks to minimize the total weighted earliness and tardiness

penalties for all orders, subject to resource constraints.

3.6 Q­learning Algorithm

In one­step Q­learning, real world experience takes the place of the dynamic model ­

the expected values of actions in states are updated as actions are executed and the

responses can be measured. Let Q*(s,a) be the expected value of the discounted

reinforcement of taking action a in state s. The value of this quantity can be estimated

recursively with the following formula:

) ' , ' ( * max ) , , ( ) , ( ) , ( * ' '

' a s Q s a s T a s R a s Q a S s

∑ ∈

+ = γ (3.3)

In equation (3.3), the first term of R(s,a) is the immediate reward of taking action a in

state s and the second term is the future discounted rewards. The transition function

T(s,a,s’) denotes the probability of making the transition from s to s’ by action a. The γ

is the discount factor (0 ≤ γ < 1).



The policy follows directly from Q* by selecting the optimal (or greedy) action in each


) , ( * max arg ) ( * a s Q a

s = π (3.4)

where arg maxa denotes the value of a which maximizes the expression. In other

words, the best policy is, in each state, to take the action with the largest Q­value. As

the Q­function makes the actions explicit, this allows the computation of the Q­values

on­line using the Q­learning update rule in the Q­table:

)) , ( ) ' , ' ( max ( ) , ( ) , ( '

a s Q a s Q r a s Q a s Q a

− + + = γ α (3.5)

In equation (3.5), α is the learning rate (or step size) between 0 and 1 that controls

convergence; and r is the reward value. High values of α will result in drastic updates

of Q­values on each step whereas low values mean more conservative changes. It has

been shown (Watkins, 1989) that if each action is executed in each state an infinite

number of times and α is decreased appropriately, the Q­values will converge to Q*

with probability 1, and the optimal policy now follows from equation (3.4).

True convergence to optimal action­values is rarely achievable. In practical use the

goal is that the action­values will describe an acceptable controller in reasonable time.

Q­Learning represents the values of all actions in all states, rather than only

representing the policy. The knowledge is expensive in terms of the amount of

information that has to be stored; however, it increases the learning system’s flexibility

by supporting off­policy learning.



Figure 3.2: Q­table updating Q­value

Summarizing (in Figure 3.2), Q­learning basically involves constructing a Q­function:

Q(state, action) → utility, that predicts the utility for each state­action pair. Table 3.1

illustrates the key characteristics of Q­learning algorithm. The factors in the table can

also be applied to other RL algorithms for comparison.

Table 3.1: Key characteristics of Q­learning algorithm

Characteristics Q­learning Parameters α and γ Updates per step 1 Model­based No Iteration Similar to value iteration Policy type Off­policy Policy class Unknown, Sequential Model consists of value function Q(s,a) Other data­structures ­

Action, a

State, s

Next state s’, utility U(s’)



3.7 Limitations of Q­Learning

This section discusses some of the difficulties that must be overcome in order to

implement a useful learning system on a real problem. Proposed approaches or

techniques will be introduced and implemented in a later section.

3.7.1 Continuous States and Actions

In the implementation of Q­learning, the Q­values are stored in a look­up table;

continuous variables are discretised to become an index into the table. Discretising the

state of the world is a common approach in artificial intelligence research. However,

many quantities are inherently continuous with a fine resolution that leads to many

discrete states. Even if the state can be discretized meaningfully, it might not be readily

apparent how best to do it for a given task. Incorrect discretizations can limit the final

formation of the learned policy, making it impossible to learn the optimal policy. If the

state is coarsely discretised, there is a risk of having total states that do not belong

together. If the state is finely discretised, an unmanageable huge state or action space

will result. The problem with large numbers of states occurs when we are dealing with

several continuous sensors. For example, consider a product that results in 24 final

yields, each returning a value in the range of 70% to 90%. If we discretize each yield

into two states, low and high, threshold it at some appropriate value (e.g. historical

data 61.1%) that still ends up with 224 states. Even with such a coarse discretization,

this is an unmanageable number of states.

Similarly with the interaction with the real world requires smoothly variable actions as

well as continuous state representations. Learning systems that discretise actions suffer

in similar ways to those that discretise states: high memory use and slow learning due



to inability to generalise. Continuous actions give more accurate and predictable

movement, reduce wear, and improve energy consumption.

The learning method should be able to cope with continuous state and action spaces

without needing to discretize them. Therefore there is a need for an approach to extend

the Q­learning framework to continuous state and action spaces. We will discuss a

Fuzzy approach in the Section 3.8.

3.7.2 Slow to Propagate Values

We are interested in learning on­line, while the system is operating in the real world.

With increase in computing power, the amount of computation that we can apply to

learning is limited. This is especially important when we are using the learned control

policy as controller. We must be able to make action choices at an appropriate rate to

allow us to function at mild risk in the world. Although this time constraint does not

seem to be a great restriction, it prevents the use of learning algorithms that take a long

time to learn. A related issue is the total amount of time that it takes to learn. Therefore

the computing power of the system must be sufficient for the learning algorithm to

speed up the optimization process in large­scale problems. Distributed optimization

techniques to speed up the computation that result in more robust and flexible

solutions will be discussed in the next chapter.

3.7.3 Lack of Initial Knowledge

Many learning systems are trying to learn with no initial knowledge. However it

introduces problems when working with the real world. Initially, if the learning system



knows nothing about the environment, it is forced to act in an arbitrarily way. This is

not a real problem in simulation, where the arbitrary restarts are possible, and many

simulated experiences can be gathered cheaply. However, when controlling a “life”

system it can prove to be false. Since each action is taken in decision, a wrong choice

can cause it to incur losses at a huge expense. This can speed up the low productivity

of the company from poor planning. In order for the learning system to be effective,

there is a need to provide some form of bias, to give it some idea of how to act initially

and how to begin to make progress towards the goal. Adding insufficient or incorrect

bias might cause the learning system to fail. Hence the programmers should have some

sense of judgment and appropriate assumptions about the system and its environment

in supplying bias based on parametric historical data.

3.8 Fuzzy Approach to Continuous States and Actions

Fuzzy controllers map continuous state into membership of discrete classes

(fuzzification), then pass the membership through rules producing actions, and finally

combine the actions based on the strength of their membership (defuzzification). Fuzzy

logic is a tool for creating a continuous state and action (Andrecut and Ali, 2002) to

compute a new good approximation of the estimated value function.

Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy logic is one of the most fundamental and influential computational intelligence

tools (Chung and Lin, 2000) in some aspects of learning. Fuzzy logic allows variables

to take on values determined by how much they belong to a particular fuzzy set

defined by a membership function. A fuzzy logic control system (Figure 3.3) consists

of four major parts:



• Fuzzifier: This module converts the received crisp sensor readings into fuzzy input

sets, in order to be processed by the inference module.

• Fuzzy rule base: This module contains a collection of IF­THEN rules, providing

the necessary connection between input and output fuzzy sets.

• Fuzzy inference engine: This module generates a fuzzy output by evaluating the

fuzzy rules with the fuzzy input membership functions. This is accomplished by

applying fuzzy operators to the fuzzy sets and fuzzy inference methods to the rule


• Defuzzifier: This module converts the generated set of fuzzy output sets into a set

of crisp executor outputs.

Figure 3.3: Fuzzy logic control system architecture

In the real­world, the derivation of rule base is a step of major significance to the

performance of fuzzy logic control. By learning rules, fuzzy logic will not be rigid as

compared to the rules constructed from human. After the learning phase, the created

fuzzy rules will map input set to output command set in the following form:

IF (a set of conditions is fulfilled) THEN (a set of outputs can be determined)

Fuzzifier Defuzzifier Fuzzy

Inference Engine

Fuzzy Rule Base

inputs Executor



Finally, learning in fuzzy logic control system is implemented such that it has the

capability of rule creation, adaptation (parameter modification of THEN part of rule),

and generalization (modification of IF part).

Fuzzy behaviour coordination is a way to select behaviours and decide what the

motion actuators shall receive. The combination of the control actions of the

behaviours allows smooth transitions between behaviours by taking into account the

effector and the relative importance of each behaviour. As there is no information

about the outcome of each action, some internal state of the agent is also considered in

the decision process.

Here defuzzification plays an important process in behaviour coordination. This

process is used in two different ways, as formulated below:

• By Weight



× = N

i i

j i


i i





1 (3.6)

• By Max

i N i I

j i



... 1 max =


= (3.7)

where N is the number of behaviours, M j is the j­th order cluster, Bi is the value of the

i­th behaviour state variable and j i A is the i­th behaviour action for M

j . Equation (3.6)

considers that every behaviour is important and must be considered in the effector final



value. Equation (3.7) gives a total importance to the behaviour showing the maximum


3.9 Fuzzy Logic and Q­learning

Figure 3.4 shows how fuzzy logic facilitates Q­learning by providing continuous states

and actions on “capacity­planning” behaviour, with respect to STAP. This fuzzy

module is to resolve the capacity conflicts that arise when two or more orders require

the same kind of machine in the same time period. In addition, the Q­learning

algorithm as discussed in Section 3.7 only handles discrete variables. However, it is

difficult to implement Q­learning algorithm in real­time environment which works

with continuous states and actions in large­scale RAP. Fuzzy logic is proposed to solve

the problem. The following subsections present the step­by­step development of fuzzy

logic controller for “capacity­planning” behaviour.

Figure 3.4: Fuzzy logic integrated to Q­learning

Fuzzifier Defuzzifier Fuzzy

Inference Engine

Fuzzy Rule Base


STAP Environment




Decision output



3.9.1 Input Linguistic Variables

Once the priority sequence of orders is known, the next step is to assign their

completion dates according to the priority sequence and subject to the availability of

capacity. Assume the known priority sequence are X = [x1,x2, . . . ,xn]. Here, the higher

priority orders is arranged to be completed by their due dates. Due to the limited

capacity availability, the lower priority orders have to be arranged for completion later

or earlier than their due dates. According to the input of fuzzy factors, one can decide

capacity allocation by computing 1 fF , 2 fF , 3 fF , 4 fF , 5 fF , 6 fF of all unallocated orders

as illustrated below.

1 fF : The resource availability just in­time to due date.

1 fF = ,..., 1 , min 1 2 1

1 1

n fF fF fF < is a fuzzy number with membership degree n F f 1

that defined as:

1 if 0.15 set to is where , 1 1 if

1 if

0 1)/ (


n 1 F

f <

+ ≤ ≤ + >

− =

x x

x x ϕ ϕ

ϕ ϕ (3.8)

where x is the factor of availability of machine for order to the machine capacity in

completing the required order’s production cycle time just in time. ϕ is the relaxation

coefficient which 15% of the machine capacity is not loaded with orders based on 6

months historical data.

2 fF : The resource availability later than due date

3 fF : The resource availability earlier than due date



Fuzzy factors 2 and 3 are represented by fuzzy numbers with membership degree n F f 2

and n F f 3 respectively, which is the same membership function as 1 fF but the

replacement of machine availability amount either later or earlier than due date


4 fF : The relative resource availability earlier than to later than due date

Fuzzy factor 4 is the ratio of Fuzzy factors 3 and 2 with membership function n F f 4

that defined as:

ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ

ϕ ϕ ϕ

− <

+ ≤ ≤ + >

+ − =

1 if 0.15 set to is where , 1 ­ 1 if

1 if

0 )/2 1 (

1 f n

4 F x

x x

x (3.9)

where 2

3 fF fF x = .

5 fF : The ratio of minimum possible earliness to minimum possible order tardiness

The membership function for Fuzzy factor 5 is defined as:

ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ

ϕ ϕ ϕ

− <

+ ≤ ≤ + >

+ − =

1 if 0.15 set to is where , 1 ­ 1 if

1 if

0 )/2 1 (


n 5 F f

x x

x x (3.10)



e t t x = ,

1 for (n) (2),... (1), min ) ( lateness, of resource 1 for (n) (2),... (1), min ) ( earliness, of resource

= =

= = i t t t i t i t t t i t

l l l l

e e e e



6 fF : The relative weight of order to the total weight of all previously allocated orders

The membership function for Fuzzy factor 6 is defined as:

ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ

ϕ ϕ ϕ

− <

+ ≤ ≤ + >

+ − =

1 if 0.15 set to is where , 1 ­ 1 if

1 if

0 )/2 1 (

1 f n

6 F x

x x

x (3.11)

where ∑ −


= 11

m i x


i w

w x , w is the weight of order cluster and where m is the length of the

production cycle of order n.

3.9.2 Fuzzy Logic Inference

This study develops three decisions, D1, D2 and D3. D1 refers to the decision of

arranging an order to be completed exactly at its customer due date. The capacity it

requires is allocated backward (from the due date) first and forward if necessary. D2

arranges an order to be completed one day earlier than the due date. The way to

allocate the required capacity is the same as that for D1. D3 arranges an order to be

completed one day later than the due date. The way to allocate the required capacity is

the same as that for D1 as well. Here we define six fuzzy degrees of decisions, 1 fD ,

2 fD , 3 fD .

Although the above six input factors can be evaluated exactly with heavy computation,

the factors with fuzzy numbers can be approximated to choose among decisions. The

traditional rule­based decision method is widely used for problems with only a few

fuzzy factors. However, for this problem, six fuzzy input factors are introduced. Even

if each fuzzy factor assumes only three fuzzy values, e.g., small, medium, and large,

the total number of possible combinations will be 3 6 = 729. Thus, a traditional rule­



based decision approach will be inefficient. Hence, the following fuzzy logic­based

decision method is proposed. Let 1 n fD be the membership degree of fuzzy decision Dn

where n = 1,2,3.


, ,

6 5 4 3 2 1

6 5 4 3 2 1



1 1

F c F

c F

c F

c F

c F

F c F F

c F F

c F

f f f f f f fD

f f f f f f fD fF fD

⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ =

⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ =


where f f c − =1 and “⊗” denotes the product of 1 f and 2 f . The best decision n is

selected if n = ] , , max[ arg 3 2 1 fD fD fD with the given 3 2 1 , , fD fD fD . The above fuzzy

logic operations can be interpreted as follows. The choice of D1 is made only

according to the resource availability at order due date. D2 is chosen if there are not

enough resources at due date, but resources are available earlier than due date where

the minimum earliness is less than the minimum order tardiness.

3.9.3 Incorporating Q­learning

In this section, we will describe in more details, and include actions, state variables and

reward function of Q­learning. The RL agent has to decide between two actions:

entering a product or doing nothing. The decision is based on the output of the fuzzy

decision, which is illustrated in the previous section. The activation function for the 4

output units is a sigmoid function translated by ­1 to fit in the reward region. One of

the most important decisions when designing an RL agent is the representation of the

state. In the system this is one of the major concerns since a complete representation is

not possible due to the complexity of the problem. Therefore we choose to include the

following information in the state representation:

• state of machines. Each machine may be found in one of the four distinct states:

idle, running, blocked for engineering qualification, setup.



• state of input buffers on limited capacity.

• backlogs for each products of order.

The estimated total cumulative lateness and number of orders (O) in the buffer are

adopted as the state determination criterion in the policy table (Table 3.2). This value

was chosen over order tardiness penalty since it is able to distinguish between orders

that are completed earlier. . For a given number of states, the range for each state is

defined as a ratio 5 fF of the expected mean processing time (EMPtime).

As 5 fF decreases, the system is able to distinguish the differences between orders at the

lower end of the lateness spectrum with orders that are very late and being grouped

together in the last interval. 1.8 times is a world­wide standard defined by

semiconductor industry on wafer testing cycle time.

Table 3.2: State Variables

State State criteria 1 O>1 and cumulative lateness < 0 2 O>1 and 0 =< cumulative lateness < 5 fF ⊗ EMPtime 3 O>1 and EMPtime =< cumulative lateness < ⊗ × 5 8 . 1 fF EMPtime 4 O>1 and ⊗ × 5 8 . 1 fF EMPtime =< cumulative lateness 5 O = = 1 6 O = = 0

So there are 3 6 combinations of states the system can identify at 3 different types of

resources. For programming purposes, each state will be encoded with a value: 0 or 1

for order availability. With 729 states and four actions, the Q­table will be very large,

with a grand total of 2916 Q­values. The actual Q­Learning algorithm does not need to

know the details of the state or action; it just needs an identification number that



represents a state or action. For example, if it knows it is in state 4, it might decide to

try action 1 to launch the product and judge how good it was allocated to the resources.

Q­Learning values are built on a reward scheme. There is a need to design a reward

function that will motivate the system to perform the specific behavior in which higher

rewards should correspond to better allocating of resources to orders. The reward

assignment for “capacity­planning” behaviour is stated in the following Table 3.3. The

reward function was developed based on the principle that the later an order is

completed, the larger its negative reward; likewise the earlier a job is completed the

larger its positive reward. As an example, when an order is finished, the lateness of this

order (L) is compared to the maximum lateness (ML) of previously completed orders

in terms of days. If the lateness of the order completed is greater than the maximum

lateness value, the learning agent receives a reward of ­10. Otherwise, the learning

agent receives a reward of +10.

Table 3.3: Reward Function

Reward function Reward L > ML ­10 L is flagged ­10 L >= 7 ­10 L < ­7 10 otherwise 10

In order to implement this Q­learning algorithm, all allocations must be segregated

into steps in each episode. Each step consists of reading the percepts, choosing an

action, and evaluating how well the action performs. All Q­values will presumably be

equal to zero for the first step, but during the next step (when the algorithm is

invoked), it will set a Q­value for Q(s,a) that will be a product of the reward it received

for the last action. So as backlogs come in, the Q­values are calculated repeatedly,



gradually becoming more refined (and more accurate). The pseudo­code for Q­learning

algorithm in programming implementation is given as follows:

Initialise Q(s,a)

Repeat (for each episode):

Initialise s

Repeat (for each step of episode):

s = getInputs ( )

a = chooseAction (s, Q) // using greedy policy

apply (a) // take action

observe r, s’ // observe reward, r, and new state, s’

Q(s,a) = Q(s,a) + α[r + γmaxα’Q(s’,a’) – Q(s,a)]

// update Q­value for the state using the observed reward and // the

maximum reward possible for the next state

s = s’

until s is terminal

The parameters used in the Q­value update process are:

• γ, discount factor, set between 0 and 1. This models the fact that future rewards are

worth less than immediate rewards. As γ approaches zero, the agent is more biased

because it takes immediate reward into account more strongly. When γ approaches

1, the agent will be more intuitive reducing the impact that the recent results have

on the learned policy.

• α, learning rate, set between 0 and 1. Setting it to 0 means that the Q­values are

never updated, hence nothing is learned. Setting a high value such as 0.9 means

that learning can occur quickly.

• maxα’, the maximum reward that is attainable in the state following the current one,

i.e. the reward for taking the optimal action thereafter.



3.10 Behaviour Coordination System

This is an additional work done for this research. In order to facilitate semi­

autonomous control of the system, the human user is given as much control as possible

within a safety stock limit. The command from the user is considered as any other

behaviour in the system and is incorporated with the overall behaviour as shown in

Figure 3.5.

With the incorporation of different behaviours, a key issue is to efficiently coordinate

among these behaviours to achieve a good allocation performance as well as semi­

autonomous control. For behaviours’ coordination, this work adopted a hybrid

approach based on subsumption and motor­schema. In addition, fuzzy logic is used in

conjunction with this hybrid approach to tune the coordination process. In this

approach, individual behaviour is weighted appropriately based on inputs. Then,

according to the response of environmental stimuli, fuzzy rules are applied

appropriately to decide which behaviours to trigger. Finally, the defuzzification

module converts the fuzzy output to generate the decision command based on the

following formula.


= ×

= n

i i



t i i



o bw



1 (3.12)

In equation (3.12), bw is the behaviour weight and n represents the behaviours (see

Figure 3.5) triggered by the fuzzy rules with i­th behaviour state variable. o is the



output decision fused to produce a single vector Rpt so as to be applied to the product

to be launched.

Product development

Human command


Headcount assignment

Capacity planning

Effector Command

Input data

Weight for each behaviour & incomplete data in the immediate environment


One set of fuzzy variables (MF) Fuzzy rules

Fuzzy control set

One Behaviour

Figure 3.5: Behavioural Fuzzy Logic Controller

3.11 Summary

Reinforcement learning involves finding a policy that will maximize rewards over

time. Q­Learning algorithm is a model­free approach to solve reinforcement learning

problems that is capable of learning off­policy. Since Q­learning algorithm is applied

in real environment and is a discrete formulation, fuzzy logic is proposed to provide

continuous states and actions to Q­learning algorithm. This chapter has identified Q­

learning algorithm to be suitable for learning purpose. Implementation of such an



algorithm (Wang and Usher, 2005) for reformulated stochastic RAP will be presented

in the next chapter. Q­learning algorithm requires strict timing for real world

operation. Therefore, synchronization with real­time information must be maintained

and that is done by multithreaded programming. The architecture proposed was

developed incrementally; initially familiarization of each input’s working principles is

necessary for implementation. All implementations are done on real factory

manufacturing system that is ready for testing.



Chapter 4 Experiments and Results

Experiments and Results

This chapter presents the experiments conducted to test the learning of “capacity­

planning” behaviour. Section 4.1 describes the overall experimental setup and the

experiments required to be carried out for the evaluation of learning. Sections 4.2

compares the different parameter settings in Q­learning algorithm and the optimal

parameters were found. Section 4.3 shows the final results of learning behaviour and test

concerning convergence of the algorithm. Section 4.4 provides a simple test on the

feasibility of the adaptation to changing environment.

4.1 Experiments

The experiments are divided into three main aspects and discussed in the next sections:

• Experiment A – to find optimal Q­learning parameters,

• Experiment B – to learning of “capacity­planning” behaviour,

• Experiment C – to test in changing environment.

4.1.1 Testing Environment

All experiments were conducted in a semiconductor wafer testing factory. A

semiconductor wafer testing plant commonly has a variety of testers (example in Figure

4.1). A tester consists of a computer system and at least one test head. The computer



system is loaded with an automatic testing program, and the test head is loaded with the

wafer that needs to be tested. A prober is used to load or unload a wafer on a test head. A

loadboard which composes of probe pins for testing the wafer circuits, is installed in the

test head in order to perform the tests on the wafer. For each wafer product, a different

loadboard and a prober are needed. The setup of test head involves changes in hardware,

temperature testing, or testing recipe.

The experiment contains three testers, T1, T2 and T3, sharing a common buffer of wafers

to be tested, and two types of probers, P1 and P2, each with four sets. There are 2000

active products to be tested. Each order requires one tester and one prober to process in a

certain period of time, measured in seconds. Orders, the processing requirements, and the

tardiness of the products are illustrated in Appendix A (400 examples).

Figure 4.1: Example of a Tester


Computer System

Test Head




4.1.2 Measure of Performance

There are two classes of solutions in analyzing the behaviour – qualitative or quantitative.

In qualitative analysis, the human observer is required to see and judge the manufacturing

system all the time and it can be very subjective. This will be discussed in the later

section. We can also make full use of the data logged when the experiments are running

to perform a quantitative measurement, which is more practical. In reinforcement

learning, the reward is a best tangible measure especially in comparing the effect of

different parameters or learning techniques. It can be used to tell if the learning converged

to a high reward­giving behaviour and show the speed of convergence in time or step

domain. In this context, we will use reward parameter for comparison.

4.2 Experiment A – Comparing Q­learning Parameters

The “capacity­planning” behaviour was learnt using Q­learning algorithm, maintaining

the goal of minimizing the number of late jobs and total cumulative lateness; i.e.

minimizing the processing resources in testers of product­type dependent setup times. The

algorithm determined the manufacturing system to optimal slack ratio using randomly

generated orders (jobs) with random due dates on the tasks and the process­plans of the

jobs that covered real products; as well as, the resources covered real machine types. The

next subsections will describe the state variables, the reward function and the parameters

of the Q­learning algorithm.



4.2.1 Experiment A1: Reward Function

The objective of this experiment is to find a deterministic reward function which relates

the state and action to a reward value.


a) Set the following parameters:

• Learning rate: 0.2

• Discount factor: 0.95

• Exploration probability: 0.8

• Actions: start products, do nothing

• States: All combinations of inputs

b) Define the reward function of rewarding more to the system

c) Ensure that the order is at the original starting time. Compile and run the


d) Repeat step (b) if the present reward function does not achieve the goal of the



After the some trials, it was observed that the STAP indeed avoided lateness by

punishing the machine for order in late process. Without this punishment, the

STAP took several times for it to learn to manage the correct order. A penalty can

be given to the system whenever it chooses the late due date action so that it can

try another insertion. This was the final modification of the reward function in the




Table 4.1: Final reward function

Reward function Reward L(lateness of order) > ML(maximum lateness) ­10 L is flagged ­10 L >= 7 ­10 4 =< L < 7 ­5 0 =< L < 4 ­1 ­4 =< L < 0 1 ­7 =< L < ­4 5 L < ­7 10 Otherwise 10

4.2.2 Experiment A2: State Variables

This experiment defines the state variables to be used in Q­learning by intuition and

observation. From the configuration settings of the inputs as described in Chapter 4, the

test is carried out to identify which states are activated in the testing environment.


a) Set the following parameters:

• Learning rate: 0.2

• Discount factor: 0.95

• Exploration probability: 0.8

• Actions: start products, do nothing

• Reward Function: final reward function in Experiment A1

• States: All combinations of inputs

b) Ensure that the job is at the original starting time. Compile and run the





Figure 4.2 shows the activation of the order when order exists or not. Y1 is the

presence of order. Y2 and Y3 represent the activation of state criteria. Since some

of the orders of presence and non­existence were not experienced in this

environment, the states can become dummy states and the number of states is

reduced from 729 to 81. This implies effective processing time in lesser states.

Figure 4.2: Orders activate different states

4.2.3 Experiment A3: Discount Factor

The objective of this experiment is to determine the discount factor. The effect of

different settings of the discount factor, γ, will also be investigated in this experiment.

Based on the Q­learning update rule, the discount factor describes future reward values.

The discount factor is set to zero only if immediate reward is taken into account. Since the

learning of a behaviour is a continuous task without a final state, a discount factor smaller

than 1 was required. Mathematically in the case of γ=1.0, the algorithm may have



difficulties in converging. In Experiment 1, the discount factor was set to 0.95, a value

commonly used. This value was chosen with exploring another setting (γ=0.5) in this



a) Set the following parameters:

• Learning rate: 0.2

• Discount factor: 0.95, 0.5

• Exploration probability: 0.8

• Actions: start products, do nothing

• Reward Function: final reward function in Experiment A1

• States: final states in Experiment A2

b) Set the step number to 4000 as the learning behaviour was observed to be


c) Set the discount factor to be 0.95.

d) Ensure that the job is at the original starting time. Compile and run the


e) Repeat step (d) for 10 times.

f) Repeat steps (a) to (d) for discount factor of 0.5.


The experimental data is shown in Figure 4.3. As seen from the graph, the

behaviour was learnt equally well in the two cases. Of course, with γ=0.5 the

numerical values in the Q­table were smaller than in the case of γ=0.95. As it was

shown that reformulated RAPs are aperiodic and have ADP property, the discount



factor in this experimental setup is not crucial and both settings worked fine, the

discount factor will be kept at 0.95 in following experiments.











0 1000 2000 3000 4000






Figure 4.3: Different discount factors

4.2.4 Experiment A4: Exploration Probability

The objective of this experiment is to determine optimal exploration probability to speed

up the convergence. The learning was performed with an ε­greedy policy. Most of the

time, the action with the highest estimated reward is chosen; this is called the greediest

action. An action is selected at random with a small probability (ε). This method ensures

that if enough trials are done, each action will be tried an infinite number of times, thus

ensuring optimal actions are discovered.





a) Set the following parameters:

• Learning rate: 0.2

• Discount factor: final discount factor in Experiment A3

• Exploration probability: 0.8, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1

• Actions: start products, do nothing

• Reward Function: final reward function in Experiment A1

• States: final states in Experiment A2

b) Set the step number to 4000 as the learning behaviour was observed to be


c) Set the exploration probability to be 0.8.

d) Ensure that the job is at the original starting time. Compile and run the


e) Repeat step (d) for 10 times.

f) Repeat steps (a) to (d) for the rest of the exploration probability.


Figure 4.4 shows the various settings experimentally of the exploration

probability. As can be seen from the figure, smaller exploration probability

increased the number of steps required to converge (i.e. time increased), and a

higher probability caused the manufacturing system to act too randomly. From

this experiment, 0.3 is the selected setting that resulted in the fastest stable

progress in learning with large reward increment. So in the following Q­learning

experiments, an exploration probability of 0.3 will be used.













0 1000 2000 3000 Steps



exploration %=0.1 exploration %=0.3

exploration %=0.5

exploration %=0.8

Figure 4.4: Different exploration probabilities

4.2.5 Experiment A5: Learning Rate

The objective of this experiment is to determine the learning rate that demonstrates a fast

and stable learning process. The value of this factor can be constant or varied from step to

step. Each test was repeated 10 times. The total test time for one experiment was 10



a) Set the following parameters:

• Three different learning rates: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5

• Discount factor: final discount factor in Experiment A3

• Exploration probability: final percentage in Experiment A4



• Actions: start products, do nothing

• Reward Function: final reward function in Experiment A1

• States: final states in Experiment A2

b) Set the step number to 4000 as the learning behaviour was observed to be


c) Set the learning rate to be 0.1.

d) Ensure that the job is at the original starting time. Compile and run the


e) Repeat step (d) for 3 times.

f) Repeat steps (a) to (d) for the rest of the learning rates.


The observed behaviour in the experiments was that the steps become smaller and

smaller as learning progresses to assure convergence of Q(s, a) values. With a

constant step­size parameter, the Q(s, a) values never completely converge but

continue to vary in response to the most recently received rewards.

The results of the comparison of the different learning rates can be seen in the

graphs in Figure 4.5. Each curve shows an average of the 3 runs and the rewards

depicted are the average value of 100 consecutive steps. A general observation

from these graphs is that gained reward increases throughout the 4000 learning

steps indicating improvements in the behaviour. As can be seen from the curves,

no clear conclusion for the best value of the learning rate can be drawn. It is

difficult to find the “best” learning rate. From this experiment, 0.2 is the setting



that resulted in the fastest stable progress in learning with large reward increment.

So in the following Q­learning experiments, a learning rate of 0.2 will be used.











0 1000 2000 3000 4000







Figure 4.5: Different learning rates

4.3 Experiment B – Learning Results

After the optimal parameters were found (in Table 4.2), the learning of “capacity­

planning” behaviour was carried out.

Table 4.2: Optimal parameters affecting capacity allocation learning

Q­learning Parameters Range Values used State >2 81 states with varying values Action >2 >14 actions with varying values Reward function complex Final reward function in Experiment A1 Learning rate 0 ­ 1 0.2 Discount rate 0 ­ 1 0.95 Exploration probability 0 ­ 1 0.3 Steps varied 4000



4.3.1 Convergence

One way to evaluate Q­learning algorithm is to examine the convergence of the optimal

policy. Figure 4.6 shows the three learning runs of the behaviour and the average of the

three runs. As the averaged reward increased, it demonstrated that the behaviour was

being learnt gradually.












0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Steps



Run 1

Run 2

Run 3

Average of 3 runs

Figure 4.6: Behaviour converging

4.3.2 Optimal Actions and Optimal Q­values

The policy learnt after 4000 steps can be seen in Figure 4.7, which involved the optimal

action and state. For example, for state, s=0 and average cycle time, ave CT=0, which

means that the order is at any start and decision 1 is made, the optimal action is a=0, that

is purely start of any product. Figure 4.8 shows the maximum Q value for each state. It

can be observed that the maximum values are smaller total cumulative lateness where the



reward function was maximum. If the total cumulative lateness is large where the reward

is minimum but the number of tardy orders increases, the value of this state is lower than

the states which the future rewards will also be maximum.










Figure 4.7: State/action policy learnt


Figure 4.8: Optimal Q­values in given state and action

268 CPU seconds are consumed to generate the optimal actions and Q­values. The initial

allocation plan is realized by greedy­searching the requirement of each resource on the

basis of a regular lead time of manufacturing an order. For instance, O1 is allocated in six

periods of time. The resultant resource allocation plan is illustrated in Figure 4.9.












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



city (8

" wafer/te
















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



city (8

" wafer/te

















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


capacity (8" w


ster) O23







10 20 30 40

50 60 70 80

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

day capacity (8" w

















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


capacity (8" wafer/tester)
















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


capacity (8" wafer/tester)






Figure 4.9: Resource allocation of initial and resultant states. (a) Initial resource

allocation of tester 1. (b) Resultant resource allocation of tester 1. (c) Initial resource

allocation of tester 2. (d) Resultant resource allocation of tester 2. (e) Initial resource

allocation of tester 3. (f) Resultant resource allocation of tester 3.



4.3.3 Slack Ratio

The optimal slack ratio of a solution measures the tightness of the solution at the

convergence of the optimal policy. The slack ratio is defined as:

∑ = −

− =


i i i

i i


n d

1 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1


where n is the number of orders, R(O) and D(O) denote the release and due date of order

O respectively; F(O) is the finish time of order O. Figure 4.10 shows that when d > 0, the

orders were on the average finished before their due dates. It was seen that the slack ratio

is closer to zero after 3500 steps till 4000 steps, which means that all the orders meet their

customer due dates at the and there were no spare times.








1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Steps

Slack Ratio

Figure 4.10: The impact of slack ratio

4.4 Experiment C – Changing Environments

This experiment also includes the additional work (behaviour coordinating system) in

Chapter 3 that was tested with one event in one run. The behaviour coordination system



consists of three behaviours: “Capacity­planning” behaviour (learning behaviour),

“Product development” behaviour and “Teleoperation” behaviour. During the testing

phase, the “Teleoperation” behaviour was used to interfere with the “capacity­planning”

behaviour, through human interruption to STAP on priority allocation or human operator

does maintenance or repair of tester.

In order to demonstrate the algorithm learns in changing environments, experiments were

carried out with one tester in one run on the aim of minimizing the makespan. The reward

is the average reward in 100 steps. The adaptive features of the system were tested by

confronting it with unexpected events, such as: resource breakdowns, new resource

availability, new job arrivals or job cancellations. In each case there was an unexpected

event at 4000 steps. Two scenarios were considered: (a) restart the learning process, (b)

continue the learning process. Figure 4.11 shows that approach (b) is much more

efficient. Hence, the rest of the experiments were applying the approach (b). It was also

noticed that even if the problem became “easier” after the change in the environment at

4000 steps, for example, a new resource was available or an order was cancelled, the

performance started to slightly decrease, i.e. rewards started to decrease, after the event.

These experiments illustrated that the system had to “explore” the new configuration by

the unexpected events.



Learn ing p hase T es t in g p has e

T e le o p e ra t io n

­1 0

1 0

3 0

5 0

7 0

0 500 1000 1 500 2000 25 00 300 0 3 500 40 00

S tep s







1 2

1 5

0 500 1000 1 500 2000 25 00 300 0 3 500 40 00

S tep s

State no.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 500 1000 150 0 2000 250 0 3 000 350 0 4 000

S te p s

Action no


15 00 3000 450 0 60 00

1 500 300 0 45 00 6 000

150 0 3 000 4 500 6000

new res ourc e

order c anc e lled

tes ter b reak down

Figure 4.11: Learning and behaviour testing



4.4.1 Unexpected Events Test

The objective of this experiment is to investigate how the numbers of unexpected events

affect learning, while allocating the capacity optimally.


a) Set the parameters in Table 4.2.

b) Program to record the number of late orders, steps taken to make decision and

the total cumulative lateness. Save and compile the program. These data are

for later analysis.

c) Repeat step (b) for 3 times.

d) Repeat steps (b) to (c) for inserting 3 events anytime in the testing



The average reward from the runs for each number of events plotted against steps

was shown in Figure 4.12. The experiment shows that the learning tends to

converge quicker in the environment with 3 events than the one with 1 event. This

can be explained since if there are more unexpected events, there are fewer

choices for the system to choose, and hence, it takes STAP a shorter time to

allocate the capacity with due date completion.











0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Steps



3 events

1 event

Figure 4.12: Performance in environment with different number of events inserted

4.5 Summary

The Q­learning algorithm was capable of learning behaviour for a manufacturing system

in real­time, and facilitated by the continuous states and actions produced by fuzzy logic.

“Capacity­planning” behaviour was learnt and results from the experiments can be

discussed. The state of the world and reward function can never be measured or modeled

exactly. Hence, intuition, experience and experiments are required from the programmer.

Besides the definition of the state variables and reward function, it is also necessary to

find out the optimal values for the Q­learning parameters. Poor settings of parameters

lead to poor learning that does not converge or is slow in converging. The managing of

uncertainties was tested in varying environments. This did not influence the outcome of

the learning behaviour, but was used to test the performance of the system. In addition,

more unexpected events in the environment help to speed up learning as lesser choices are

required to be explored.



Chapter 5 Discussions


After the presentation of the experiments, some issues have arisen and can be discussed in

the following sections. Section 5.1 presents learning on manufacturing system performing

better than without learning. This is done by applying Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

technique, which is a hypothesis testing. Section 5.2 discusses the problems of the overall

implemented system. Lastly, Section 5.3 discusses the difficulties faced when

implementing Q­learning algorithm.

5.1 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on Learning

ANOVA (Montgomery, 1991) is a technique by which variations associated with factors

can be used for testing of significance. A common question will arise after all these

experiments: with respect to task performance, how significant is the influence of learning

on a robot compared to one without learning. To provide the answer, two one­way

ANOVAs are performed in two factors variation of one replicate. Table 5.1 first shows

the two factors of variation, namely: Agent type (A) and varying environment (B) where

the data is related to the number of late orders extracted from Table 5.2. Here, the data

characteristic is “the smaller the better”.



Table 5.1: (event) Two factors­ Agent type and Varying Environment

Agent Type (A) Varying Environment (B) Learning Non­learning

1 event 0 3 3 events 2 7

Table 5.2 shows the effects of learning and non­learning agents under two different

environments, namely an environment with 1 event and an environment with 3 events.

The total number of late orders and the total number of steps taken are the data for

learning agent, which are obtained from Experiment C. By replacing the learning

behaviour to the non­learning behaviour, Experiment C is conducted again.

Table 5.2: Raw data from experiments

Agent Varying Environment

No. of Steps

No. of late orders

1 event 3635 0 Learning 3 events 2743 2 1 event 4972 3 Non­Learning 3 events 5729 7

Two questions arise in this case. Firstly, whether the number of late orders influences the

learning and secondly, whether the learning agent is behaving similarly to the non­

learning one. The ANOVA table is analyzed using SPSS statistic software as shown in

Table 5.3. The sources of variation are also known as factors in the experiment. The

“Sum of Squares” column represents the measurement of variation due to the parameters.

The “df” column is the degree of freedom that is defined as the number of independent

observations for measurement. The “Mean Square” is the estimates of variance in “Sum

of Squares” per “df”. Lastly, the “F” value is the variance ratio of the factors to the error



source of variation. The hypothesis is tested at 5% significant level. The last column

(Sig.) in Table 5.3 represents the significant ratio found in the F­distribution table. For

example, the significant ratio of agent type, F0.05,1,3 is 10.13 in the table where υ1=1 and


The analysis indicates that agent type differs significantly in number of late orders as the

calculated F values are higher than the Sig. values. Based on the data characteristics in

Table 5.3, the learning agent produces lesser late orders than the non­learning one in any

changing environment. On the other hand, under the Varying Environment (B) column,

the calculated F tends to be near to the Sig. value. This might be due to the sensitivity of

data size. Perhaps, it would be better to increase one replication to have more conclusive

results. For example, when increasing one replication and Sig. becomes 5.12, the factor of

varying environment will be significant.

Table 5.3: ANOVA Table (Late orders)

Sources of Variation Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Agent Type (A) 16 1 16 16 10.13

Varying Environment (B) 9 1 9 9 10.13

Error 1 1 1

Total 26 3

Next, Table 5.4 again shows the two factors of variation, namely: Agent type (A) and

varying environment (B) where the data is related to the number of steps taken to make

decision. Similarly, the data is extracted from Table 5.2.



Table 5.4: (Steps taken) Two factors­ Agent type and Varying Environments

Agent Type (A) Varying Environment (B) Learning Non­learning 1 event 3635 4972 3 events 2743 5729

Again, the ANOVA table is analyzed as shown in Table 5.5. The analysis also indicates

that agent type differs significantly in makespan as the calculated F values are higher than

the Sig. values. The learning agent explores in smaller number of steps under the

environment with 3 events than the non­learning one. In this case, the calculated F under

the Varying Environment (B) column has a very small value of less than 0.1. Hence, the

effect of the factor, Varying Environment (B), is negligible.

Table 5.5: ANOVA Table (Steps taken)

Sources of Variation Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Agent Type (A) 4251844 1 4251844 10.3159 10.13

Varying Environment (B) 1024 1 1024 0.002484

Error 412164 1 412164

Total 4665032 3

In conclusion, the learning agent performs better than the non­learning one as it produces

fewer or no late orders even in varying environment. It also takes lesser time to make

decision while minimizing late jobs.



5.2 Problems of Implemented System

An implementation concerning the action used in the learning process is discussed. In the

RL update rule, action at is the action at time t and contributes to the achievement of state

st+1. However, when this original procedure is used, learning had problems in converging.

After analyzing the executed actions and state transitions, a delay in transition was found.

So it was more logical to consider action at­1 for the change from st to st+1.

Fuzzy logic appears to be an ideal tool for creating a continuous state and action in Q­

learning. The advantage of using fuzzy logic is that it models different types of

uncertainty, imprecision and provides continuous actions to learning. Consequently, there

were an enormous number of actions to be looked up and increasing the exploration time

led to inefficient process. The main weakness of fuzzy logic is the dependency of the

well­defined fixed rules. This is a tedious step and does not allow much error tolerance in

operation that affects robustness of the implemented system. Hence, it may be interesting

to explore and test other tools such as Artificial Neural Network in producing continuous

states and actions.

In all the experiments, all the value settings have to be changed in the program. This is

very troublesome and time­consuming as saving, debugging and compiling of the

program have to be done for every changes made. This can be resolved by developing a

user interface to adjust the value of the parameters. An example of the graphical user

interface template is shown in Figure 5.1.



Figure 5.1: The Q­learning graphical user interface template

5.3 Q­learning Implementation Difficulties

It is an important design issue to map the inputs into a set of states to Q­learning

algorithm. This is designed based on programmer intuition and experience. However, the

main focus is trying to minimize the number of states. From experiment A2, it was

observed that some states will never be experienced by the system. Hence the reduced

number of states results in faster convergence to the desired behaviour. This is because

the size of the Q­table is smaller. In addition, the measurement of the state will depend on

the sample time of the algorithm. If the sample time is very small, the state measurement

must have a higher precision. The use of TD(λ) algorithm described in Chapter 3 could

probably minimize this problem as they update the values of a set of past states and cause

less sensitivity to poor accuracy in measurement of input.

The reward function is the only information that the programmer must introduce in order

to achieve the mission of the behaviour. This is designed based on programmer intuition,

capacity planning



experience and observation on the manufacturing system in real­time. A poorly chosen

reward function can cause converging difficulties in learning. Some trials had been tested

in experiment A1 to choose the optimal reward function for the “capacity­planning”


The definitions of the reward function and the states are the most important parameters

for the Q­learning algorithm. Next, different settings of the Q­learning parameters affect

learning as shown from experiment A3 to experiment A5. In general, poor designs of the

reward function and states, and poor settings of parameters can lead to poor learning.

The Q­learning algorithm cannot function with inaccurate or incomplete state data as it

cannot differentiate the false backlog from the true backlog insertions, and will be misled.

This deficiency is solved by improving the sensing and processing as discussed in

Chapter 3, where order grouping management and multithreading concept were

introduced. Despite the above problem, the Q­learning algorithm is able to resolve the

behaviour workout principles by itself – it simplifies the programming of behaviour. As

an off­policy algorithm has the advantage of allowing the interaction of the other

behaviours while learning.



Chapter 6 Conclusion


In the real world domain, it is important to allocate scarce and reusable resources over

time to interconnected tasks efficiently. In the past decades, programmers spent much

effort on designing resource allocation algorithms especially for deterministic and static

problems. However, in practice there is a significant amount of uncertainty concerning

resource allocation, for example, the execution times of the tasks are usually incomplete.

Moreover, there could be disturbances and changes in the environment, as well. These

issues seriously limit the applicability of classical solution methods. Unfortunately, it is

not trivial in extending these algorithms to handle stochastic problems. Instead of this

direction, an investigation of the learning concept in this thesis was carried out in resource

allocation to deal with stochastic problems. This chapter concludes the work presented

throughout this thesis. Section 6.1 summarizes what was achieved and the contributions

of this work. Finally, Section 6.2 suggests some interesting directions for further research.

6.1 Contributions

This research has investigated whether learning performs better than non­learning in the

context of semiconductor wafer testing application. The agent behaviours were identified

and implemented in the resource allocation task. “Capacity­planning” behaviour was

selected for learning so that the agent could learn to improve its performance in the task.



Reinforcement learning was selected to be a suitable learning method for resource

allocation learning. Its unsupervised online applicability and the non­requirement of any

previous information about the environment are the most important advantages. There are

various reinforcement learning algorithms and the Q­learning algorithm, which is capable

of off­policy learning, was selected. This ability is important for allocation problems as it

reduces the experimentation time.

It was demonstrated that the Q­learning algorithm simplifies the program design. The

programmer only needs to specify the environment states and outputs with definition of

reinforcement function; a deep understanding of the system’s behaviour and

environmental interactions is not required. However, it was illustrated in experiments that

defining of the required parameters is crucial as it influences overall learning greatly.

The Q­learning algorithm is based on discrete representations of state and action.

However, large­scale stochastic problems usually include continuous state and action

variables; the discretization of the variables causes an enormous number of states and

long learning time. Fuzzy logic was attempted to solve this problem in facilitating the Q­

learning algorithm as shown in the experiments. However, it does not imply that fuzzy

logic is the ideal tool for creating continuous states and actions in learning.

A framework of RAP is defined with a generalization of some standard resource

allocation problems. This general RAP is then reformulated as a stochastic MDP. It has

been shown that this reformulated problem has favorable properties, such as, it is

aperiodic, its state and action spaces are finite, all policies are proper and the space of

control policies can be safely restricted. The control polices of the reformulated problem



are defined by reactive solutions of stochastic RAPs. As demonstrated by the

experiments, the RAP can be reformulated by the represented framework to model several

resource management problems.

All data were extracted in the programs by sequential steps that caused STAP unable to

sense the environment in real­time and delay the decision­made. It was observed that the

performance improved when multithreading of extraction of data from various databases

was proposed. However, too many threads performing in the program could cause

ineffective performance. The orders were grouped into five different groupings to solve

this problem. A threshold limit function from the real factory’s world­wide standard was

proposed to let STAP know when the maximum lateness can be considered in terms of

times cycle time according based on the different situations faced in the environment.

Apart from developing a learning agent, additional work in developing coordination

architecture was done by fuzzy logic technique. It was simple and reduced the confusion

of behaviour switching as there was no specific tuning parameter involved. Besides pure

reactive behaviours being incorporated into the architecture, human user command was

also involved. Importantly, one should analyze the coordination strategy among

behaviours first and their priorities must be designed. It was observed from the

experiment that using off­policy Q­learning, in which the agent was able to learn

behaviour and interact with other non­learning behaviours while performing learning is


This resource allocation learning research with the presented RAP framework can be used

to modeling several resource management problems that appear in practice, such as



security surveillance and intrusion detecting, sales and marketing, inventory management

or maintenance and repair problems. Moreover, it forms the first step towards more

complex real world learning tasks in those applications.

6.2 Future Work

The development of this research always provokes the discovery of new problems as well

as other new interesting areas. Different aspects are considered to be worthy of

investigation and were discussed as follows.

• Further Q­learning testing on other industries or multiple factories: Building

communication channels between each factory’s situations which are characterized by

supply chain networks allows us to investigate how multiple factories affect learning.

• Improving continuous states and actions: Q­Learning is conventionally applied to

discrete state and action problems. However, large­scale RAPs usually include

continuous state and action variables. There are a number of possible approaches for

extending the Q­learning framework directly to continuous state and action spaces.

For example, ANN can also be used in Q­learning to produce continuity and

smoothness in actions.

• Speeding up of optimization process: The suggested improvements, such as clustering

and distributed sampling, should be further investigated, both theoretically and

experimentally, since they resulted in considerable speedup.

• Investigating of proactive (open­loop) solutions: Explore the ways in extending the

reactive approach to proactive solutions to handle partially observable DP. The

theoretical analysis of the average effects of environmental changes on the value

functions of a policy could result in new approaches to handle disturbances.



• Development of user interface for Q­learning algorithm: This interface needs to be

connected to the system. Users can easily set or find the optimal parameters of the Q­

learning algorithm in the interface. The graphical outputs of selected parameters can

also be viewed in the user­friendly interface.

• Learning of parameters in Q­learning algorithm: There are several machine learning

algorithms as discussed in Chapter 2, such as ANN. A system involving various

learning algorithms can be designed, implemented and tested to investigate the best

learning algorithm. Instead of using expert knowledge in finetuning the Q­learning

algorithm, it can be explored to apply the learning module to search for the optimal

parameter settings with results measured by the speed of processing, i.e. learning

within learning concept.



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Appendix A : Sample data (system input) Item Start Wafer Size Production Area WC Min. Qty Additional Qty Chosen Qty Plan Qty Demand Type Demand Status Wk 17 09 Wk 18 09 Wk 19 09 Wk 20 09 Wk 21 09 Wk 22 09 Wk 23 09 F883OSR6 X883OSR6 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 5 0 0 BKL1 PKE 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 F883OSR6 X883OSR6 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 LATE 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 F883OSR6 X883OSR6 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 0 0 0 BKL2 JIT 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 F883OUK6 X883OUK6 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 JIT 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 F883OUK6 X883OUK6 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 LATE 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 F883OUK6 X883OUK6 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 SAT 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 F883OUK6 X883OUK6 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 0 0 0 BKL2 JIT 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 F883OUKA X883OUKA 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 4 0 0 BKL1 PKE 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 F883OUKA X883OUKA 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 0 0 0 BKL2 JIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F883OUKA X883OUKA 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 0 0 0 BKL2 PKE 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 F883OXB6 X883OXB6 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 16 0 0 BKL1 JIT 0 0 1 0 10 0 0 F883OXB6 X883OXB6 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 PKE 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 F883OXB6 X883OXB6 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 LATE 0 0 3 0 6 0 0 F883OXI6 X883OXI6 8APEE AGHP93K0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 DEL 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 F95641P5 X95641P5 8APEE AGJ75_E0 0 24 0 0 BKL1 PKE 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 F95641P6 X95641P6 8APEE AGJ75_E0 0 25 0 0 BKL1 PKE 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 F95641PM X95641PM 8APEE AGGII_E0 0 98 0 0 BKL1 PKE 98 0 0 0 0 0 48 F95641PM X95641PM 8APEE AGGII_E0 0 0 0 0 BKL2 PKE 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 F95641PU X95641PU 8APEE AGGII_E0 0 50 0 0 BKL1 PKE 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 F962KBJZ X962KBJZ 8APEE AGITSCV0 0 24 0 0 BKL2 PKE 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 C96VA3PP X96VA1SC 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 20 0 0 DES STK DEL 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 C96VA3PP X96VA1TC 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 28 0 0 BKL1 PKE 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 C96VA3PP X96VA1TC 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 0 0 0 DES STK JIT 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 C96VA3PP X96VA1TC 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 0 0 0 DES STK LATE 0 0 2 0 0 0 8 C96VA5OD X96VA6MD 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 22 0 0 BKL1 PKE 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 C96VA5OD X96VA6MD 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 0 0 0 DES STK DEL 0 20 0 0 0 1 0 C96VA5OD X96VA6MD 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 0 0 0 DES STK JIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C96VA3OD X96VA6RD 6APEE AGJ750A1 8 50 0 8 BKL1 PKE 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 C96VA3OD X96VA6RD 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 0 0 0 BKL2 JIT 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 C96VA3OD X96VA6RD 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 0 0 0 BKL2 PKE 12 22 0 0 0 0 0 C96VA3OD X96VA6RD 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 0 0 0 DES STK DEL 0 0 12 26 0 10 0 E984SABQ X984SABQ 12APEE AGSAP__B 0 48 0 0 BKL1 PKE 0 0 48 0 0 215 214 C9HVA3PP X9HVA1TC 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 2 0 0 BKL1 PKE 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 C9HVA5PP X9HVA3MC 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 2 0 0 BKL1 PKE 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L281PB X9L281PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 22 0 0 BKL1 JIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L281PB X9L281PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 PKE 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L281PB X9L281PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 LATE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L281PB X9L281PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 SAT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L281PB X9L281PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL2 PKE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L281PM X9L281PM 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 49 0 0 BKL1 JIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L281PM X9L281PM 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 PKE 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L281PM X9L281PM 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL2 PKE 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L281PN X9L281PN 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 JIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L281PU X9L281PU 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 24 0 0 BKL1 PKE 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L281PU X9L281PU 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL2 PKE 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L321PB X9L321PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 24 0 0 BKL1 JIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L321PB X9L321PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 PKE 7 0 0 0 10 0 0 F9L321PB X9L321PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 SAT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L321PB X9L321PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL2 PKE 17 0 0 0 11 0 0 F9L321PB X9L321PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL2 SAT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L641PB X9L641PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 JIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L641PB X9L641PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL1 PKE 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 F9L641PB X9L641PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL2 JIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F9L641PB X9L641PB 8APEE AGE2ROM0 0 0 0 0 BKL2 PKE 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 CA081DA6 XA081DA6 6APEE AGA530_3 0 0 0 0 SFTY STKDEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA124BB6 XA124BB6 6APEE AGUFLEX3 0 0 0 0 SFTY STKDEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA124BC6 XA124BC6 6APEE AGUFLEX3 0 0 0 0 SFTY STKDEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA130AFH XA130AFH 6APEE AGA565_3 1 47 0 1 BKL1 DEL 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA130AFH XA130AFH 6APEE AGA565_3 0 0 0 0 BKL1 PKE 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 FA148ABP XA148ABP 8APEE AGCATAL4 0 31 0 0 BKL1 PKE 0 0 24 7 0 0 0 CA184AB6 XA184AB6 6APEE AGCATAL3 0 0 0 0 SFTY STKDEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA185BB6 XA185BB6 6APEE AGCATAL3 0 0 0 0 SFTY STKDEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA190ACH XA190ACH 6APEE AGA530_3 0 220 0 0 BKL2 PKE 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA205ADH XA205ADH 6APEE AGA565_3 0 402 0 0 BKL1 PKE 402 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA211EA6 XA211EA6 6APEE AGA565_3 0 27 0 0 SFTY STKDEL 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 CA212BB6 XA212BB6 6APEE AGA565_3 0 0 0 0 SFTY STKDEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA224CD6 XA224CD6 6APEE AGUFLEX3 0 1 0 0 SFTY STKDEL 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 CA344ED6 XA344ED6 6APEE AGA565_3 0 0 0 0 SFTY STKDEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA517AA6 XA517AA6 6APEE AGNOTEST 0 223 0 0 BKL1 PKE 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 CA517AA6 XA517AA6 6APEE AGNOTEST 0 0 0 0 BKL2 PKE 199 0 0 23 323 322 183 CA635AAH XA635AAH 6APEE AGA530_3 0 21 0 0 BKL1 PKE 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA635AAH XA635AAH 6APEE AGA530_3 0 0 0 0 DES STK DEL 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA6AAC80 XA6AAC80 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 74 0 0 BKL1 PKE 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 CA6AAC80 XA6AAC80 6APEE AGJ750A1 0 0 0 0 BKL2 PKE 48 0 0 0 0 0 0