Amy's Awesome Adventure By Diana

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Amy's Awesome Adventure By Diana

This is eleven year old Amy. Amy has two younger brothers, Tom and Baby Cole. Her mum Lucile is super strict.



Amy and her family are going on a journey through the gorge in a boat. It is as hot as an oven.

But Lucile forgets to bring the map! They get lost very quickly.

Suddenly, their boat strikes a rock and gets a hole. They swim to shore, but they are stuck!

Then another boat appears. The man in the boat sees them. “I’ll help,” he says.

Mr Gregory

He pulls out some wood and nails. Then he paddles to the boat. He is a crocodile.

He hammers the bits of wood in. Then he helps them in.

“Take this map,” the man says. Then he sails away.